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The scene between alice and Nunnally is super cute.
[ ] Something something amounts to a third research action
[ ] Something Something amounts to a Specialist recruit of some kind
I'll also say acknowledgement of our claims in India or support in taking it shouldn't really be necessary and we shouldn't give up something else for it. We want to do New Heaven the hard way anyways, and same qith Chih shah the Blood of Laionas are the only others that could give us trouble, and I doubt they give us much.
Wow. The fires of war have forged quite the gem. India is nice, but it isn't breathtakingly beautiful, and I prefer a ministerial position anyways.Then she marched in and Nunnally launched herself to her feet without a second thought.
Nunnally reflexively swallowed as the white-haired, red-eyed young woman's gaze pinned her directly, her entire air that of a commanding ruler. There was a power and weight to the way she held herself that spoke of someone who did not expect obedience, but demanded it.
So proud of Nunnally. Thrown into the fire and she rolls like a champ. Shame it comes at the cost of Lihua's dignity, but some sacrifices are necessary for the Vi Britannia total victory.Lihua leans back on her throne and closes her eyes. "Tell me, now that I have insulted my family's savior unfairly and slandered the one who would offer me such aid... I must ask what His Highness Prince Lelouch would like in recompense?"
Nice. Pretty much my go to. Hopefully this India nonsense won't derail it.The ultimate prize on offer is, of course, Lihua's hand in marriage. Nunnally receives final confirmation that the woman does indeed plan to take multiple husbands. It's both a salacious and unorthodox move, but little is traditional for China's first true Empress in over a thousand years. There is a hint of a blush to the young ruler's cheeks as she defers any commitment on this front, but she does state that any spouse she takes would need to demonstrate value to the Chinese Federation as a whole. From what Nunnally can glean, this means that, should her brother vie for Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.
Yeah. This is good, but let's be real, this is as much because the alternative is dispatching someone in her critically low on trustworthy administrators nation to deal with it instead. It's a huge reward, with a lot of problems that they forgot to tack on after the zeros as issues we'd need to deal with. Pass.If Lelouch chooses not to take up a ministerial appointment, one of the 'other' responsibilities Lihua does not outright offer, but vaguely alludes to would be the governorship of the Indian subcontinent. Lelouch would be nominally beholden to Lihua, but largely under his own discretion as the highest military authority of the region. Lihua seems almost... too happy to nudge Nunnally towards this possibility, also offering up the idea that Lelouch could simply seize such a position without any 'material ties' to the political system of the Chinese Federation.
So, Guangzhou is less acceptable than all of India? God damn that's some nationalist bullshit. Well at least it's still there, and we can probably swing it and minister with the marriage. Thank God we won as hard as we have.Nunnally cannot exactly ask to keep Guangzhou, but there are a few oblique questions she manages to pose as to who the Empress has in mind for a governor. The answer is suitably open-ended, strongly implying that Lelouch could push for such a position if he wanted. However, direct rule over one of the Chinese heartland's more profitable provinces as a foreigner, and foreign royalty at that... well, anything else would be far too much favor shown to such an interloper. Lihua even implies that such a position would need substantial smoothing over on her part to make others accept some non-specific foreign individual receiving it.
We are gonna have to be really selective with these, but I'll drop a few suggestions.[ ] (Write-In Reward One)
[ ] (Write-In Reward Two)
[ ] (Write-In Reward Three)
[ ] Something something amounts to a third research action
[ ] Something Something amounts to a Specialist recruit of some kind
I'll also say acknowledgement of our claims in India or support in taking it shouldn't really be necessary and we shouldn't give up something else for it. We want to do New Heaven the hard way anyways, and same qith Chih shah the Blood of Laionas are the only others that could give us trouble, and I doubt they give us much.