Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

The scene between alice and Nunnally is super cute.

Then she marched in and Nunnally launched herself to her feet without a second thought.

Nunnally reflexively swallowed as the white-haired, red-eyed young woman's gaze pinned her directly, her entire air that of a commanding ruler. There was a power and weight to the way she held herself that spoke of someone who did not expect obedience, but demanded it.
Wow. The fires of war have forged quite the gem. India is nice, but it isn't breathtakingly beautiful, and I prefer a ministerial position anyways.
Lihua leans back on her throne and closes her eyes. "Tell me, now that I have insulted my family's savior unfairly and slandered the one who would offer me such aid... I must ask what His Highness Prince Lelouch would like in recompense?"
So proud of Nunnally. Thrown into the fire and she rolls like a champ. Shame it comes at the cost of Lihua's dignity, but some sacrifices are necessary for the Vi Britannia total victory.

The ultimate prize on offer is, of course, Lihua's hand in marriage. Nunnally receives final confirmation that the woman does indeed plan to take multiple husbands. It's both a salacious and unorthodox move, but little is traditional for China's first true Empress in over a thousand years. There is a hint of a blush to the young ruler's cheeks as she defers any commitment on this front, but she does state that any spouse she takes would need to demonstrate value to the Chinese Federation as a whole. From what Nunnally can glean, this means that, should her brother vie for Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.
Nice. Pretty much my go to. Hopefully this India nonsense won't derail it.
If Lelouch chooses not to take up a ministerial appointment, one of the 'other' responsibilities Lihua does not outright offer, but vaguely alludes to would be the governorship of the Indian subcontinent. Lelouch would be nominally beholden to Lihua, but largely under his own discretion as the highest military authority of the region. Lihua seems almost... too happy to nudge Nunnally towards this possibility, also offering up the idea that Lelouch could simply seize such a position without any 'material ties' to the political system of the Chinese Federation.
Yeah. This is good, but let's be real, this is as much because the alternative is dispatching someone in her critically low on trustworthy administrators nation to deal with it instead. It's a huge reward, with a lot of problems that they forgot to tack on after the zeros as issues we'd need to deal with. Pass.
Nunnally cannot exactly ask to keep Guangzhou, but there are a few oblique questions she manages to pose as to who the Empress has in mind for a governor. The answer is suitably open-ended, strongly implying that Lelouch could push for such a position if he wanted. However, direct rule over one of the Chinese heartland's more profitable provinces as a foreigner, and foreign royalty at that... well, anything else would be far too much favor shown to such an interloper. Lihua even implies that such a position would need substantial smoothing over on her part to make others accept some non-specific foreign individual receiving it.
So, Guangzhou is less acceptable than all of India? God damn that's some nationalist bullshit. Well at least it's still there, and we can probably swing it and minister with the marriage. Thank God we won as hard as we have.

[ ] (Write-In Reward One)
[ ] (Write-In Reward Two)
[ ] (Write-In Reward Three)
We are gonna have to be really selective with these, but I'll drop a few suggestions.

[ ] Something something amounts to a third research action

[ ] Something Something amounts to a Specialist recruit of some kind

I'll also say acknowledgement of our claims in India or support in taking it shouldn't really be necessary and we shouldn't give up something else for it. We want to do New Heaven the hard way anyways, and same qith Chih shah the Blood of Laionas are the only others that could give us trouble, and I doubt they give us much.
IIRC wasn't it mentioned that the Empress preffered we not pick marriage because she wants to marry Xingke? Though I think that's the top husband spot. In that case might be better to pick something else but top husband. IIRC we could be put in charge of one of the Provinces. Though as others have said India might be the best option with how much that gives us.
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I see the dice are once again focused on telling a narrative, rather than giving any time to such petty things like probabilities.
Even the dice is invested.

IIRC wasn't it mentioned that the Empress preffered we not pick marriage because she wants to marry Xingke? In that case might be better to pick something else. IIRC we could be put in charge of one of the Provinces. Though as others have said India might be the best option with how much that gives us.
The put in charge of India is part of the marriage option. Plus she is going for a harem herself.
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Well, my immediate suggestions for rewards would be
[] Australia. Official recognition of his claim to its entirety, along with trade favorability, and logistical help in settling there. (they back us on Australia, be open to trade with us, sell us supplies to establish settlement there at favorable costs, and don't block people immigrating to our new settlements.)
[--] A private meeting with Lihua and her closest advisors, to discuss some highly sensitive information not related to the Chinese civil war. With a guarantee not to speak of it should they not believe it is true. (AKA, brief her and her advisors about the TRUTH of the world's history and present what we have found so far about it. With a promise not to tell anyone, should they disbelieve what we are telling them.)
Second option not needed, though might be something to bring up in another reward.

They could likely be worded a lot better, but they are two elements we are likely seeking out the most from this. Getting help with the place we planned to take over. And spreading information about the impending threat in a believable fashion.
EDIT: perhaps some rewording for the second one that makes sure they know we are being serious about the matter, and at the very least they should look into confirming or denying it before they dismiss it out of hand if they disbelieve it?
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[] A private meeting with Lihua and her closest advisors, to discuss some highly sensitive information not related to the Chinese civil war. With a guarantee not to speak of it should they not believe it is true. (AKA, brief her and her advisors about the TRUTH of the world's history and present what we have found so far about it. With a promise not to tell anyone, should they disbelieve what we are telling them.)
This isn't a favor you're asking from Lihua, it's a favor you'd be doing for her.

Theoretically possible, but not the time or place.
Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.

I know that as a royal connected to multiple polities politically, his likely position would likely be something approaching a foreign minister.

Really be something if Lelouch somehow ends up as Intrigue Minister and left with Japanese AND Chinese spies in his overall retinue tho :V
I'm iffy with the india option since it makes Lelouch subordinate to Lihua which I do not want. I think the better options would be assistance with Australia and some goodies of some sort.
Nunnally vi Britannia Intrigue: 98+09= 107
There are moments, few and far between, where Nunnally is reminded that she is Lelouch's sister and her mother's daughter. Truthfully, and very privately, she has always considered herself more of her father's child in temperament and attitude.
Not sure mother and father are in the right places there. I was under the impression that The Flash was a bit of a blunt instrument while the Emperor did intrigue.

Either way Nunnally has certainly proven herself a worthy princess.

her brother's kindness in sparing a single life to adhere to his own moral code.
Lulu's rep as a paragon grows ever higher.
At some point the mask becomes the face.

In light of the various family plans we have OOC knowledge of I'm absolutely in favour of going for Consort. If Lelouch can stabilise the Chinese Federation then Schneizel's plan for a (relatively) bloodless take-over of the world will be all the easier.
And once the world is broadly unified we can get started with the real work. The galaxy isn't going to conquer itself.

[] Lihua's hand in marriage

Must have,

[] Resource monopoly of that special very rare blue material we need for our Alchemist shenanigans

Could be nice,
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My major goal for this quest is space. And taking this part of the Tunguska Conference:
You were somewhat surprised that the Chinese Federation hadn't sent at least one person given the relative nearness to their border, but even their most friendly and open cliques were often terribly isolationist. The various member states, though, had sent participants... no one group, though, was really large or important enough to warrant extra consideration.
I would propose something along the following lines.

[] The Chinese Federation includes space exploration in their goals. Either working together with the Empire or if Lelouch takes a Ministry position that would have some ties with the space program he would be put in charge of managing the program.
[] The Chinese Federation would shift to a more friendly stance in regards to psionics with Lelouch potentially being put in charge of of efforts managing the psionic population.

Since we wanted to sink our teeth in the Federation to get their resources to help us get into space faster and have a larger population for psychic recruitment.
This isn't a favor you're asking from Lihua, it's a favor you'd be doing for her.

Theoretically possible, but not the time or place.
Good to know. Wasn't sure what side of the equation it would fall, and getting it as a reward would have prevented us from needing to use an action to share the information later on.
Would it be possible to words something in another reward request about such a meeting, just to bring it up and not have to spend an action on it at a later date?
While she's obviously trying to fob India off on us, I'll admit that even partial rule over the sub-continent would be ruling over a population that must be around a billion, and put Leluech on functionally equal terms with the Empress in a marriage. Taming India would be no simple task, but the challenge seems worth the payoff to me.
…wtf is with Lelouch's dice rolls?! o_O:jackiechan: How does this keep happening?!

Kaguya. Nunnally knows the woman. They've spent many nights on a tropical island becoming intimately familiar with one another under the influence of alcohol and perhaps a bit of other substances she would deny to both her brother and her mother knowledge of.

Wow little sis is naughty, sampling the fine foreign goods before her big brother even gets too…good on you kid.


Since we have gone this far in following Slayer's advice to get carte blanche in Australia we might as well go all the way. Hence I will remind everyone that to get said free hand we have to marry Lihua but NOT take the primary husband position, we need to let Xingke take that.

As for what else to take... We need that blue rock /element zero and I honestly don't know if we could get that in India. Plus honestly it sounds like the moment we take India Rakshasha's pirate buddies will paint a target on our back. So the administrator position is probably better. My tentative ideas are

[] Lelouch Vi Britannia has been moved by her Heavenly Majesty's compassion for her people, her skill at arms, and accounts of her beauty…yet at the same time has begun to suspect that there may be another to whom her Majesty's heart truly belongs. As a gentleman we would never deign to stand in the way of her highness' happiness, and therefore in light of this and the fact she intends to take multiple husbands, we would ask that we, Lelouch, be given the position of co-consort with ministerial responsibilities and she may pick whoever else she feels fit to be her other consort.

[] Australia. Official recognition of Lelouch's claim to its entirety, military aid in taking it when the time comes, along with trade favorability, and logistical help in settling there. (they back us on Australia, be open to trade with us, sell us supplies to establish settlement there at favorable costs, and don't block people immigrating to our new settlements.)

[] Permission and resources to found and finance an R&D group to study various experimental fields including psionic research, the study and manufacturing of new and exotic materials for usage in a variety of fields, and new means of transportation including space travel.

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While she's obviously trying to fob India off on us, I'll admit that even partial rule over the sub-continent would be ruling over a population that must be around a billion, and put Leluech on functionally equal terms with the Empress in a marriage. Taming India would be no simple task, but the challenge seems worth the payoff to me.
More around half a billion, assuming comparable population growth to the real world, and the Chinese conquest not stunting it.
Would it be possible to words something in another reward request about such a meeting, just to bring it up and not have to spend an action on it at a later date?
You're going to have to spend an action at a later date to meet with her personally to hash out the terms of what she's giving you in a final way.

After that, it depends on what you choose as to how easy it is to arrange a meeting with the Empress. So I can't comment on this too closely as of yet.
[] Lelouch Vi Britannia has been moved by her Heavenly Majesty's compassion for her people, her skill at arms, and accounts of her beauty…yet at the same time has begun to suspect that there may be another to whom her Majesty's heart truly belongs. As a gentleman we would never deign to stand in the way of her highness' happiness, and therefore in light of this and the fact she intends to take multiple husbands, we would ask that we, Lelouch, be given the position of second consort with ministerial responsibilities and her Highness appoint whoever she feels fit to be the first and primary consort.

[] Australia. Official recognition of Lelouch's claim to its entirety, military aid in taking it when the time comes, along with trade favorability, and logistical help in settling there. (they back us on Australia, be open to trade with us, sell us supplies to establish settlement there at favorable costs, and don't block people immigrating to our new settlements.)

[] Permission and resources to found and finance an R&D group to study various experimental fields including psionic research, the study and manufacturing of new and exotic materials for usage in a variety of fields, and new means of transportation including space travel.

I like them, not so sure on the whole 2nd consort wording as it would hurt our PR, think that can be talked privately later and it's not needed in the request, but I can get behind the whole idea
I'm iffy with the india option since it makes Lelouch subordinate to Lihua which I do not want. I think the better options would be assistance with Australia and some goodies of some sort.
Actually it's the option other then Australia and being a diplomat that gives us the most freedom away from her.

Lelouch would be nominally beholden to Lihua, but largely under his own discretion as the highest military authority of the region

Also it feels like people are talking about marriage and India as separate things. Am I reading this incorrectly because it seemed like try for her hand get a bunch of money and if you don't want an advisor position you can get other things which includes India as an option.

From what Nunnally can glean, this means that, should her brother vie for Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.

If Lelouch chooses not to take up a ministerial appointment, one of the 'other' responsibilities Lihua does not outright offer, but vaguely alludes to would be the governorship of the Indian subcontinent.

Also if we choose India does she not help with Austrelia and we have to do it the hardway?hardware?

Edit: She really must not have time for India if she's trying to bribe us to go in thay direction because if she coukd spare the time to clean it up she wouldn't be throwing it at us.
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Huh, Dice strike again i see. Now the big thing going forward is a question on what we gain and what we lose. A lot of the options we could take come with the cost of dropping Lulu's relationship with Britannia purely because politics, even if they are worth less than what we give up overall.
The ultimate prize on offer is, of course, Lihua's hand in marriage. Nunnally receives final confirmation that the woman does indeed plan to take multiple husbands. It's both a salacious and unorthodox move, but little is traditional for China's first true Empress in over a thousand years. There is a hint of a blush to the young ruler's cheeks as she defers any commitment on this front, but she does state that any spouse she takes would need to demonstrate value to the Chinese Federation as a whole.
Translation: Your brother is both very hot and also as high status as could be realistically expected in a First Consort. This is a reward yes.

For me
I like them, not so sure on the whole 2nd consort wording as it would hurt our PR, think that can be talked privately later and it's not needed in the request, but I can get behind the whole idea

How bout instead of second I change the wording to Co-consort?

[] Lelouch Vi Britannia has been moved by her Heavenly Majesty's compassion for her people, her skill at arms, and accounts of her beauty…yet at the same time has begun to suspect that there may be another to whom her Majesty's heart truly belongs. As a gentleman we would never deign to stand in the way of her highness' happiness, and therefore in light of this and the fact she intends to take multiple husbands, we would ask that we, Lelouch, be given the position of co-consort with ministerial responsibilities and she may pick whoever else she feels fit to be her other consort.

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Also it feels like people are talking about marriage and India as separate things. Am I reading this incorrectly because it seemed like try for her hand get a bunch of money and if you don't want an advisor position you can get other things which includes India as an option.
They can be either separate or conjoined. The big thing is that marriage to Lihua requires demonstrating some worth to the Chinese Federation as part of the justification of allowing you that position.

The two ways being offered at the moment would be taking a ministerial position OR taking governorship of India.

If you just want the governorship of India and no marriage, that can work too, though.
Also if we choose India does she not help with Austrelia and we have to do it the hardway?
As is implied by the narrative, being governor of India is probably helping out Lihua quite a bit as well, so you could pretty easily ask for a fleet or two to help you in Australia in conjunction with that.

As a reminder to everyone, this is NOT A FINALIZATION of what you're getting. This is an opportunity to ask for something out of the box that hasn't been discussed yet.

You could ask about a complete exemption from trade tariffs, you could ask for a much more modest amount of territory as a 'trading post' (Hong Kong, I'm referring to Hong Kong), you could see about recruiting CF citizens for your military forces and/or immigrants for your territory, or you could ask for a simple noble title & income.
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So yeah, I want to go for:

Marriage with the India option

Securing Australia

Research and assets for our projects

Edit: Oh we can secure Australia with the Marriage, throw some economic help for us in it's place then :V
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I can't really think of any big ticket items that we would go for against the options provided in the update, so looking at things that could potentially squeeze in around the edges...

[X] Psionic Immigrants
[X] Eezo base component mining sites
[X] Intelligence sharing

This seems like a decent spread of useful things that aren't too onerous to provide.