The EU PC: Oh god, I think I realised Lelouch's true plan; Marry The Tianzi, Kaguya, Euphemia and Cornelia, place them on the thrones of China, Japan, Britannia and Russia, find some Australian Pirate Queen to seduce and marry to help him conquer Australia and then marry the Ethiopian Empress (or a member of that royal family before taking out the rest). Thus Lelouch will control most of the world via Harem Shenanigans
Have you ever submitted a silly and/or joke plan but then you stop and think about it and realise it could work really well?
Because if we kill Odysseus & Schneizel and either kill or marry Guinevere, then Britannian and Russian parts of the control the world via Harem & Reverse Harem Shenanigans plan could work.
Edit: "If someone says you plan is stupid, grandiose & elaborate but it works; it obviously was not stupid, grandiose or elaborate enough" - Lelouch Vi Britannia
Have you submitted a stupid/joke plan but then you stop and think about it and realise it could work really well?
Because if we kill Odysseus & Schneizel and either kill or marry Guinevere, then Britannian and Russian parts of the control the world via Harem & Reverse Harem Shenanigans plan could work.
Yup it's viable, but Kinslaying is too much of a Guin move. Lelouch needs to maintain the high ground by allying with Ody to drive Schneizel to Europe(like he wants) and help Guin find God by consigning her to a nunnery, in return for Ody pushing Britannian reforms. Much cheaper and less likely to piss off VV or CC. Also like, it's just so much work to be husbando to so many empresses spread across such a large area of the planet.
Honestly if Lelouch married the Chinese Empress AND Managed to get himself to become the Emperor of Britannia, now that would be cause for Europe to shit itself and beg for mercy. Cause that isn't just an alliance, thats an almost Merge of Polities.
Lelouch has so ferociously shattered all pre conceptions that I don't even know how Britannia is reacting...though I imagine they have other issues right now(With the assassination attempt)
That was schneizel's pre invasion of china plan. As wealthy post china consort lelouch we'll be able to snatch most of Guin's eastern trade favoring nobility out from under her and back Oddy in her place in return for HBE reform. It's lot simpler and less dependent on Guin never quite managing to assassinate Ody to stay stable.
That was Schneizel's plan/Ody&Guin' plan but that doesn't mean it our plan.
Which is why I think my plan, Putting Euphie on the throne could work (given sufficient dice roles). As it means Lelouch will marry both the Empress of China and the Empress of Britannia.
Honestly I think we should focus more on the current situation and not the long term, especially because if we really succeed as much as some hope (and honestly we just might) than our whole situation might be different than some people expect right now, especially with Schneizel.
And even if we don't count China, the attack on Pendragon could still have done something unexpected. I mean it is entirely possible that one or more important characters like Guinevere or Oddyseus died in the attack or that Schneizel helped the Praetorians do it.
It could work, it just takes a lot longer and requires more focused effort than simply ganking Guins support with all our influence in Asia and using it to back Ody in her place, and there is the question if Euphy wants to be empress.
It could work, it just takes a lot longer and requires more focused effort than simply ganking Guins support with all our influence in Asia and using it to back Ody in her place, and there is the question if Euphy wants to be empress.
Making Euph Empress would make our position much better, its not quite as directly powerful as making Lelouch the actual Emperor, but being dual married to the Rulers of Two major nations would be quite a key position, plus the methods which we'd need to do to get Euphy to the position would give us significant leverage over her even if we avoid actual debts.
Honestly I think we should focus more on the current situation and not the long term, especially because if we really succeed as much as some hope (and honestly we just might) than our whole situation might be different than some people expect right now, especially with Schneizel.
And even if we don't count China, the attack on Pendragon could still have done something unexpected. I mean it is entirely possible that one or more important characters like Guinevere or Oddyseus died in the attack or that Schneizel helped the Praetorians do it.
Guin was touring the country to show off her baby in competition with lelouch so it's unlikely she was in pendragon. Ody is less certain, but I get the feeling schneizel has some competent bodyguard in Ody's retinue who's there as insurance against Guin fucking up the plan by assassinating Ody.
The fact that Pendragon is going last in the list of interludes could mean there is a dramatic twist. Exile, forgiveness with conditions, elevation to a post Lelouch really doesn't want, duties within pendragon to prove his commitment to the empire. there all on the table, and until the interlude drops we won't know what's ahead of us.
War and politics, Nunnally reflected, could change even the flow of time and space.
After all, it was usually considered impossible to make a journey of a few hundred kilometers last several thousand, but the current situation seemed to have accomplished just that. As it was taking your life in your own hands to attempt to fly over enemy-occupied territory on the best of days in a stealth military aircraft, it was outright tempting fate to do so in a massive luxury airliner, no matter how well armored and studded with point-defense systems it was.
Which meant that in order to get to northern China, Nunnally, Kaguya, their security teams, and a pair of escort fighters first needed to fly to Tibet's Heaven's Gateway International Airport in Lhasa. While this was, in theory, crossing land the Eunuch's still controlled, it was sparsely populated by military personnel and had little in the way of weaponry that could shoot down something like Henge Air Model 766. If, by some unexpected stroke of ill luck it turned out they did, though... that was what the fighter escort was for.
Personally, Nunnally believed that anyone who would want to shoot them down would have more urgent concerns with Li Xingke on the warpath.
After the stopover at Lhasa and refueling, though, they had to fly north to Euro-Britannian territory to stop and refuel again before actually making their way to the Chinese Federation capital city of Luoyang and the Vermilion Forbidden City where the Empress held court.
Empress, not princess. Lihua had officially stepped up and assumed the title for herself, even if there hadn't been an official coronation ceremony.
Alice reached down and discreetly squeezed Nunnally's hand with a reassuring smile. "Nervous?"
Nunnally swallowed as they continued their drive through the Chinese Capital in the armored motorcade flanked by last-generation Britannian KMFs of a make and model that implied certain things about trade between the reformed Federation and Euro-Britannia's trade relations. "You aren't, love? It isn't every day that you meet a foreign head of state while acting as a proxy for someone holding one of their city's under military occupation."
Alice giggled, tucking a long strand of her blonde hair over her ear as she did so. "Well, at least Kaguya went ahead to smooth things over, huh?"
Nunnally took a shuddering breath. "That's one of the things I'm worried about, actually. Kaguya really wanted the body double's head on a platter, and... I can't really blame her for it."
Alice sighed and leaned against the Britannian princess. "Sometimes your brother's a little too nice, Nunna."
"It's worked out for him so far," Nunnally argued half-heartedly, even as she tried to crush the feeling that some day Lelouch's tendency to do the right thing over the politically-expedient thing would come back to bite him. She just hoped that 'some day' wasn't today. More importantly, she hoped it wasn't because of her bungling that this entire ploy collapsed. "I really hadn't thought this would be my first official diplomatic duty for Big Brother. Something to cut my teeth on would have been appreciated."
"You prefer jumping into the deep end anyway," Alice stated, poking her in jest before jerking as the motorcade slowed to a stop. "Oh shit! We're here, let me see your collar! You never have it on straight!"
Nunnally straightened her spine to a perfect edge as she took a deep calming breath.
As they were let out into the expansive outer courtyard of the Vermilion Forbidden Palace, the cars behind them opening to allow a series of aides and bodyguards to take their places in the entourage around the Britannian royal, Nunnally scanned her surroundings.
The entire palace had been built, it was said, after the first emperor, Lihua's father, had heard tales of the 'Floating City' of Tenochtitlan on Lake Texcoco in Area 1. Although she'd also heard the story citing the city of Venice as the inspiration from a few Europan ambassadors. In any case, far from the stark walls encompassing hard-packed earth most assumed when one heard of the walled city, the area was actually a series of islands connected by bridges and causeways between the various political districts of the working palace.
It was a breathtaking display of wealth and power in a country where the average citizen saw less income than even the lowest residents of the empire's homeland.
Still, Nunnally could not deny the overall effect was stunningly beautiful as their party was ushered onto a well-appointed barge adorned with the imperial sigil on silk flags.
The fact that the small ship took far too long to take them to their destination was not lost on Nunnally. Nor, she was gratified to see, was it lost on Alice. As bright as the girl could be, she was still new to the courtly power-plays. The only solace in the extended wait was the way none of the other vessels she could see had powered engines attached to them, nor did any other ship fail to give right-of-way.
Still, Nunnally would have vastly preferred a simple helicopter ride to the inner palace, even as she sipped at a fine wine poured into a delicate saucer for her and picked at a few of the snacks being offered from dishes that possibly predated the modern Britannian dynastic system.
Eventually, though, they were permitted entry into the palace's inner courtyard and the great promenade of polished marble that lead to the Empress' residence, a statue of Qin Shi Huang rendered in shining gold over the building itself.
Save for the cultural flavor, Nunnally was momentarily worried by how comforting it felt to be among the ostentatious displays of wealth from her childhood again.
Strangely, it felt like coming home.
Further ritual was exchanged at the residence's front gate before they were finally allowed to enter the building and placed in one of the largest meeting rooms even Nunnally had ever seen. Divested of their security details, Nunnally and Alice seated themselves at the luxuriously-appointed table with their aides.
Then she marched in and Nunnally launched herself to her feet without a second thought.
Nunnally reflexively swallowed as the white-haired, red-eyed young woman's gaze pinned her directly, her entire air that of a commanding ruler. There was a power and weight to the way she held herself that spoke of someone who did not expect obedience, but demanded it.
So great was the attention that the Empress consumed, it was barely an afterthought that Nunnally noted Kaguya and another woman following in her wake as the doors were shut by a lone set of guards. A pair of servants standing at the opposite wall busied themselves with pouring tea and laying out a small banquet of traditional Chinese delicacies.
For a moment, there was silence beyond the minute noises of dishes being delicately placed and cups being filled.
"I am, as you have no doubt been informed, Empress of the Chinese Federation. This is Zhou Xianglin, my trusted companion, advisor, and general," Lihua stated. "Kaguya has given me all of your names, chief among you Princess Nunnally vi Britannia."
There was a pause, and Nunnally realized she was being allowed to respond. "You honor us with this personal audience, Your Heavenly Majesty. We thank you for allowing us to conduct these proceedings in Britannian English as well. Unlike my brother, I have not mastered your native tongue as of yet."
The former Tianzi's lips twitched slightly upwards before settling back into her pleasant mask of cool indifference. "Owing to the fact that I am needed at the front lines with the Eunuch's faction both for strategic and logistical concerns as well as matters of morale and am only within the capital to facilitate formal diplomatic proceedings for a short while... let us 'get down to it,' as I believe you Britannians say."
This time, the sovereign did not leave an extended pause and, instead, simply took a breath to continue. "Lelouch vi Britannia, your brother, is reported to have interceded in this civil conflict between myself and the tyrannical High Eunuch whose pretentions towards governance have done so much damage to my people and my nation. Your brother has given one of my most faithful subordinates succor when he needed it most, rallied an army, invaded enemy territory and taken a city of some three million people with total bloodshed in the hundreds of lives. From Kaguya's reports, even those are almost to a man enemies of my state who have allied themselves with the false rulers of China."
It was not a question, so Nunnally did little more than nod imperceptibly to show she disagreed with none of the facts so far.
"Further, he has suborned an army and a fleet from my enemies and turned them to my side. He has handed over control of the land forces to my most loyal general and allowed him to continue the process of severing any supply lines which still exist between the High Eunuch's holdings and the rest of the Federation." The Empress frowned slightly as she paused here. "A process which Lelouch, himself, began when he took the city of Guangzhou and which has proven of much greater import than I anticipated with what my dear friend has told me of the Japanese government's perfidy."
There was silence for a moment, and Nunnally realized that the Empress was not going to elaborate on the Japanese plot further and had yielded the floor to her. "All of which is as you have said, Your Celestial Majesty. In your wisdom, you have obviously disregarded mentioning the political prisoners we also hold as unworthy to pass your lips, but we look forward to repatriating them as quickly as possible so that they might face the full course of your justice."
Nunnally would be loath to say the Empress snorted at the offer, but there was a definite exhalation of air through her nose in concert with another twitching of her lips. The very slight air of approval from Kaguya, to her side, gave Nunnally hope that she hadn't misstepped.
"This is true." The Empress stated after a moment's thought. "However, your brother's actions can be seen in one of two manners. He has either offered me great help in an hour of truly dire need or he aims at holding one of my greatest cities hostage for his own gain. Tell me now, will Lelouch vi Britannia relinquish control of Guangzhou should I call for it?"
Empress Lihua Diplomacy: 5022 37+23= 60
Nunnally vi Britannia Diplomacy: 63+14= 77
"My esteemed brother holds such lands and peoples in trust for eventual return to your holdings at a point where they can be secured both from your enemies and from civil unrest once your forces are in a position to assume responsibility for them," Nunnally replied in as straightforward a manner as the situation allowed. "To even think otherwise on his part would be the height of arrogance. Even as our reputation precedes us as conquering nobility, we do not have so much hubris as to hope to match your armies on the field of battle and cleave off territory which is rightfully yours."
In truth, it was not a 'yes' so much as it was a 'should you win.' In the unlikely (by both Lelouch and Kaguya's own judgements) event that the war stalemate in the coming year and resulted in some manner of armistice dividing the proper state of China, Lelouch would naturally claim that he had little recourse but to maintain control over the city and surrounding province. The fact that there was precedent for such a shattering of China's central authority was the only reason Lelouch had even floated the idea to her privately (pointedly excluding Kaguya) in the briefing they'd held before going their separate ways.
"I see." The Empress stated neutrally, though the slight relaxation of her shoulders made Nunnally want to sigh in relief. Those red eyes narrowed consideringly, however, brought the tension back up. "Then, as your brother comes to my aid in truth, and not using such to hide the guise of a usurper, we will speak of rewards. Before such things, though, we must settle the matter of the puppet the High Eunuchs used to facilitate their treachery. Tell me, where is she?"
Empress Lihua Intrigue: 2951 75+12= 87
Nunnally vi Britannia Intrigue: 98+09= 107
There are moments, few and far between, where Nunnally is reminded that she is Lelouch's sister and her mother's daughter. Truthfully, and very privately, she has always considered herself more of her father's child in temperament and attitude. Neither he nor she has ever had time for anything but a straight-forward assault. That is why Nunnally enjoys the field of battle. There are underhanded tactics, yes, but... the objectives themselves are simple. 'Take that hill,' or 'annihilate the enemy.' They lack the distasteful quality of courtly intrigue, of knives in the dark and stabs in the back.
Still, the fact that the Empress has even brought up her body double is the first red flag. Yes, such a revelation is unquestionably important, but it is not urgent. It is not something that should come before the settling of international affairs; not with her safely in custody at least, which is something Kaguya would have-
The moment's flash of guilt on her green-eyed friend's face is what makes her certain of it. She had been ready to dismiss the question as the stumble of a monarch unsure of her position and new to her throne, but...
Kaguya. Nunnally knows the woman. They've spent many nights on a tropical island becoming intimately familiar with one another under the influence of alcohol and perhaps a bit of other substances she would deny to both her brother and her mother knowledge of. The point being, though...
It makes Nunnally sure enough of her wild epiphany to speak her guess aloud.
"My brother removed her to his base on New Caledonia, Your Celestial Majesty. In light of her potential value as either a kidnapping, hostage, or assassination target-'' There, Nunnally is certain of it now, as Kaguya tries and fails to hide a wince. "-he judged she would be more secure far from enemy elements. You may rest assured your cousin is safe and well."
She can see it in the way Kaguya and Zhou Xianglin stiffen, the way the guards and servants, even as well-trained as they are, can't hide their reactions.
"That is good-" The Empress speaks before her eyes widen and the words catch in her throat.
There is a long stretch of silence as Kaguya drops her head in her hands mutely.
Nunnally holds back the urge to comfort the woman and reaffirms her hatred of these political games. There is no reason for Kaguya to suffer here, not because of advice given with the best of intentions. She has already likely been taken to task by Lihua herself and will only see Nunnally's private leap of logic and luck as confirmation that Lelouch knew better than her all along, but failed to explain the matter to her for whatever reason. Likely that she, herself, would believe it to be a lie given the state she was in upon discovering her homeland's treachery.
Empress Lihua Diplomacy: 07+23= 30
Nunnally vi Britannia Diplomacy: 34 68+14= 82
The worst part, though, is what will come next.
Lihua takes a steadying breath, her face a broken mask of worry and anger. "Is that why he is not here? Because he cannot look upon my face as he tells me he holds my last remaining family's life in his hands?"
Nunnally shakes her head. "My brother is attending the birth of his firstborn child, Your Celestial Majesty. He did not take your cousin with him because of her value as a member of the Chinese Federation's royal family. In truth, he does not know her lineage. I had formed an educated guess in the last several hours and was waiting for you to offer me a chance to confirm it. He holds her by his side in the name of her safety, because she is a scared young girl in a very dangerous world."
It is a horrible thing to watch the severe and proud form of the mighty Empress bow even slightly in defeat as those words sink in.
Because, the worst thing here is that she must tell a woman who has sacrificed so much for her people and fought against so great an abusive tyranny of people who wished to sell out their own nation... Nunnally must look that woman in the eyes and insult her by holding up her brother's kindness in sparing a single life to adhere to his own moral code.
Victory, here and now, tastes of ash in her mouth.
She is still proud of her brother and his choice, make no mistake, but it is a deep unfairness that she must do this to this woman for political gain.
Lihua leans back on her throne and closes her eyes. "Tell me, now that I have insulted my family's savior unfairly and slandered the one who would offer me such aid... I must ask what His Highness Prince Lelouch would like in recompense?"
Before you can reply, a bit of life comes back into the Empress as she takes a deep breath and regains much of her posture and stature of authority. Nunnally is glad of it, even if it means the offers being made won't be the unreasonable ones of a person pushed back to the brink.
Much of the remainder of the meeting is filled with questions and details to each potential reward, but Nunnally's aides have collated all of the relevant information and composed a briefing for Lelouch once he returns to Guangzhou and they can properly meet up again.
The ultimate prize on offer is, of course, Lihua's hand in marriage. Nunnally receives final confirmation that the woman does indeed plan to take multiple husbands. It's both a salacious and unorthodox move, but little is traditional for China's first true Empress in over a thousand years. There is a hint of a blush to the young ruler's cheeks as she defers any commitment on this front, but she does state that any spouse she takes would need to demonstrate value to the Chinese Federation as a whole. From what Nunnally can glean, this means that, should her brother vie for Lihua's hand he can expect either some sort of top-level ministerial position or other responsibilities.
If Lelouch chooses not to take up a ministerial appointment, one of the 'other' responsibilities Lihua does not outright offer, but vaguely alludes to would be the governorship of the Indian subcontinent. Lelouch would be nominally beholden to Lihua, but largely under his own discretion as the highest military authority of the region. Lihua seems almost... too happy to nudge Nunnally towards this possibility, also offering up the idea that Lelouch could simply seize such a position without any 'material ties' to the political system of the Chinese Federation.
Very pointedly after the meeting is over, Kaguya also casually mentions a very large number with seven zeros on it as a personal income for the governor of India. It would be roughly analogous to an Area Governor of the Britannian Empire.
Working directly under the Empress in a ministerial position would actually have a less impressive income and more oversight given the arcane structure of the Federation's political system.
Nunnally cannot exactly ask to keep Guangzhou, but there are a few oblique questions she manages to pose as to who the Empress has in mind for a governor. The answer is suitably open-ended, strongly implying that Lelouch could push for such a position if he wanted. However, direct rule over one of the Chinese heartland's more profitable provinces as a foreigner, and foreign royalty at that... well, anything else would be far too much favor shown to such an interloper. Lihua even implies that such a position would need substantial smoothing over on her part to make others accept some non-specific foreign individual receiving it.
Nunnally is able to directly ask about aid in conquering Australia and the Empress is quick to affirm that, once this crisis is over a fleet, or even two, will be made available for Lelouch to force the pirates to bend the knee. This is a relatively modest favor to ask and one easily granted. On that note, it is also brought up that receiving a direct appointment and land to rule from a foreign sovereign would likely result in a conflict of interests with the Britannian throne. As such, the Empress could simply ask that Charles zi Britannia appoint his son as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Federation. Such an appointment would consume some of his time, but would also come with a healthy personal income that Lihua would be happy to supplement.
For the remainder of Lelouch's life.
There are, of course, other options, but those take up by far the most time of what the Empress can spare.
Nunnally manages to ask about these other potential rewards as well:
Here are examples of things you can ask about, ala @Blonddude42 - with help from myself:
Her cousin's hand in marriage
Right to all the eezo in the federation
Right to do all the excavation of ancient sites
A kickass monument to immortalize their victory
Deterioration of relations with the EU
Deepening of relations with Britannia (through us)
Fuck taxes (for us)
Britannian English taught in all schools
Banning French
A small island (such as IRL Hong Kong) to serve as a duty-free port.
A large island (such as Sri Lanka) territory to be given to you outright.
A noble title & income.
*QM's Note: These are essentially open-ended, "I want this" votes that I will detail the potential ramification with. This is not Lelouch deciding on something now. That will come later when Lelouch has his personal meeting with Lihua. This is a crowd-sourced, "What could Lelouch ask about as a reward?" Question.
I want to see a LihuaXLelouch marriage, even better if Xingke has to swallow bitter tears while congratulating them, even better should he get invited to the bed.
Of course, when the Empress is ready for it.
More seriously, I never saw a Code Geass fanfic that had such a possibility, so I want to see it.
Now I really want to read a version in which we had chosen Kallen instead of Nunnally as our knight of honor. And Kallen would have to try with her diplomacy skill of... 7. And funnily enough still win every matchup shown here if the normal rolls would be the same.
Man those dice, I feel like they simp for Nunally(I don't remember her last bad roll)
I kind of want to get India, the population, and money are 2 things we don't have enough of. We might even get the third stewardship action.
OTH, marriage would be interesting and the minister position would give us a lot of leverage and probably let us spread our ninjas even deeper into the country
You know, once someone NOT taking part of the event, or a Reader spells out all the shit that Lulu managed to do so far during this turn... well, it makes one wonder where the guy screaming 'Are you fucking kidding me!? Is this a joke!? Are you making fun of me with this ridiculous report? I have read more realistic things in my son's shitty fanfiction!' because it really is just THAT FUCKING RIDICULOUS. Like... is Lulu secretly a god? Does he have access to the Console Command Menu? Does his psionic powers lend to reality warping? On such a large scale?
It was beautiful to read it said so flatly like that, and I absolutely LOVE what you did with Tianzi. She is so much grander than her Canon counterpart, and I love the evolution of her character.
Lihua takes a steadying breath, her face a broken mask of worry and anger. "Is that why he is not here? Because he cannot look upon my face as he tells me he holds my last remaining family's life in his hands?"
India might get us rakhasa's favor, she is with one of ththe pirates and might open interesting possibilities. Also the Guren.
Marriage is also an option and well its probably a good one. I dont have a head for politics but i presume that if we marry both her and kaguya getting australia would create a naval empire that makes the British one look puny.
But i dont know i bow to those who truly understand the mess that is geopolitics
I say we put aside Australia for R&D. I don't think we're going to be that secure in India. Maybe the main land mass can be used to deal with Indians over population.
India might get us rakhasa's favor, she is with one of ththe pirates and might open interesting possibilities. Also the Guren.
Marriage is also an option and well its probably a good one. I dont have a head for politics but i presume that if we marry both her and kaguya getting australia would create a naval empire that makes the British one look puny.
But i dont know i bow to those who truly understand the mess that is geopolitics
What are the rebels goals again? Also the man on top could have been giving lip service just to rule and decide to continue things while painting Lelouchs as another stooge. Atleast until visible change happens.
Edit: The only reason they probably believe the report is due to Kaguya delivering it. Even then there's probably someone screaming WTF! In whatever meeting Kaguya had before Nunnally got there.
It really feels like the empress and Kaguya are waving the shinies about India too hard. After Indonesia and now China it really feels like their going 'Lelouch solved two of the biggest crises China has faced in decades surely he can miraculously get India back in line and if he can't it's not our fault.'
I'm way more interested in fat stacks of cash, support for Australia, and maybe some population to help get it settled.