Year 7 (Phase I) Results
Fleet Expansion: 15+24=39(+10 Omake Bonus)=49
This year begins with a number of fires to put out... all metaphorical rather than literal, thankfully. Still, it's annoying to have to deal with so many paperwork errors and misplace requisition forms as an opener to one of your biggest projects to date. All that aside, though, you and Jeanne manage to draw up the necessary documents over the course of the first month, looking at the costs you'll have to endure depending on how you go about this endeavor. Overall, it's quite the enlightening look at the logistics of large-scale naval contracting.
"To summarize, sire..." Jeanne opens, snapping the small device in her hand as a series of digitally-displayed images pop up on the far wall of your office. "The first matter we had to consider when building our options was what, specifically, we needed our fleets to do. As it is, the vessels we have at sea currently are not purpose-built for our services, nor are they formed up for any logistic or strategic intent."
"That is generally what happens when you steal a largely random assortment of ships from an attacking pirate force and recommission them." You comment blithely.
Jeanne nods. "Entirely understandable given the situation. However, there is the decision your highness needs to make regarding the primary purpose of the forces at your disposal. Primarily, I would describe three possible avenues for you to explore. The first is, simply, mirroring the composition and structure of a Imperial Britannian Main Battle Fleet, such as the 7th fleet stationed out of Manilla. As you know, the primary strength of such a force is pitched sea battles. While each fleet varies in its specific composition, they are predominantly used for fighting dedicated naval engagements against other sea-faring powers. While they are not
tactically flexible, and lack the specific vessels needed to pursue a coastal invasion, you can allocate such a fleet to trade route patrols, guarding ports, offensive and defensive engagements, or even blockading."
Mentally, you logged that option as a 'Jack of All Trades' choice.
Jeanne clicks the device in her hand.
"The next choice is centered around a dedicated invasion doctrine. This schema would forego the largest classes of ships almost in their entirety, with the possible addition of a heavier class later to act as a dedicated bombardment vehicle for hardened installations. Primarily, this style of fleet would consist of a larger number of transports, vessels which can close into shallow water, and finally a larger focus on minesweepers than the normal Britannian fleet doctrine."
Jeanne's explanation glosses over the finer points of ship management, but you can remember from previous talks that the composition emphasizes heavy cruisers. Dedicated battleships or 'dreadnoughts' are almost entirely absent from the list of ships, though. It is, as your advisor stated, an addition to be made in the event you're attacking a major installation which needs ship-borne 'artillery' to pin down.
"This methodology has an obvious advantage in being well-equipped to bring the fight directly to the pirates' bases." Jeanne states firmly. "There's also the fact that without the largest classes of ships, it is somewhat cheaper to procure all of the vessels... although that cost is offset by the raising of a larger ground-based military force to invade locations."
You nod, understanding the aims of the formation easily. "The counterpoint being that such a fleet would be ill-equipped to fight a pitched battle at sea and, if caught mid-transit or confronted before an invasion could properly be mounted, would have few alternatives open to it."
"Quite." Jeanne replies, her lips firming. "That brings us to our final option..."
"Harassment." You read dryly, raising a single eyebrow at the documentation in your hand.
Jeanne has the good grace to blush. "Yes, we... that is to say, Adm. Romano and I, along with a few of her new officer corps began batting around ideas for out-of-context solutions. While the first two options are, to a greater and lesser degree respectively, endorsed by the Empire, this fleet schema is something of our personal brain-child."
"Heavy use of both submarines and air support, lack of capitol ships outside of aircraft carriers, dedicated destroyers as screening vessels." You summarize, skimming the document before looking up to Jeanne with a certain amount of deadpan curiosity. "The tactics and strategy inherent in this type of fleet construction would predominantly lend themselves to punishing raids, destructive attacks from angles which would be difficult to defend against, and the capturing of disabled vessels using the trained marine contingent onboard."
Silence rests between the two of you for a long moment.
"Correct me if I'm misinterpreting things, Dame Rowe, but this plan is essentially 'pirates, but better equipped.'" You state, allowing the ream of papers to fall to the table with a hushed thud.
"That is... succinctly put, your highness." Jeanne replies, clearing her throat awkwardly before snapping to a new image. "In defense of the plan, I will note that the pirates
have been very successful in their stated goals of procuring resources and damaging shipping in the region for their own gain."
You leaned back, lacing your fingers together as you tent your hands. "I can admit I see the reasoning. Only a very few of the pirate groups possess submarines, that we know of, in any form or fashion... and they are all last generation models converted for smuggling, no longer weapons of war. Combined with the aerial dominance of wielding aircraft carriers... yes, I could see how such tactics could easily force a party into financial submission. The problem is that..."
You trail off and gesture to Jeanne.
The woman nods. "Yes, the problem is that a fleet such as this would be very vulnerable to being overwhelmed by numerical superiority. Of which we sadly face a great deal. The other limitation, of course, is the fact that such a fleet is also not able to truly press an advantage in battle, either on land or at sea. Hitting an enemy quickly, moving at speed, these
are strong points, but in a lengthy battle, the munitions and fuel supplies a high-maneuverability and high-intensity combat fleet will run dry sooner than the others. Also, the lack of larger reserves of infantry and marines mean that only the smallest enemy settlements will be available for seizure, and even those will tax resources."
You purse your lips thoughtfully. "No, the thrust of such a strategy would be to press the pirates into a corner, to force them to negotiate and bend knee
without a massive invasion. Either that, I suppose, or supplement our sea-going forces with long-range bombers in order to virtually level the entire area, regardless of civilian casualties."
Jeanne nodded gravely. "Such is, sometimes, the cost of war sire."
You leaned back in your chair and considered the matter more deeply.
Beyond what
you could field, there was also the question of exactly how much aide you could request from the proper Britannian navy. Doubtless, you could gather
some to your banner, at least temporarily, though for an official excursion by a full fleet... or even a large flotilla you'd likely need permission from the Governor of one of the neighboring Areas.
Ultimately, you decided...
[ ][DOC] Main Battle Fleet
[ ][DOC] Land Invasion
[ ][DOC] Harassment
Results: Doctrine to be decided. Vessels will be purchased once decided. Extra infrastructure may be needed depending on plan chosen. -600 RBN, +300 Upkeep as ships begin to be purchased and put under steam to your island.
Staffing: 75+17=92(+15 Omake Bonus)=107
Zala Acheampong arrives partway through the year with a small retinue of bodyguards and attendants. Thankfully, Euphie had remembered to
warn you about exactly what she'd managed to arrange. As the young woman steps out onto the rough gravel of the, her dark skin shines in the bright light of the midday tropical sun.
"Your Highness, Prince Lelouch, it is my great honor to meet a child of the most powerful empire in the world. Your much-blessed father truly possesses the favor of God and I offer the greetings of my dear cousin in the hope that through our arrangements with Her Highness Princess Euphemia, we may share those blessings with as many of the helpless and impoverished as possible." Her short speech is punctuated by a deep bow at the waist."
Despite her near-perfect English, only slightly accented, you return her courtesy with a shallower bow and reply in equally-perfect Amharic, her eyes widening as her own native tongue comes from your mouth.
"It is my pleasure to host such a distinguished figure as yourself, Lady Acheampong. My dear sister Euphemia will, of course, be yet several months finishing her schooling, but until then I will offer you the finest in meager accommodations I can manage here in these distant islands." You state with a confident smile.
The young woman, only slightly older than you yourself, grins widely. "You honor me, your lordship, with how well you speak our language. Perhaps we might better exchange pleasantries indoors, though, this weather is much more humid than my homeland."
"Right this way, Your Highness." You state holding out your hand to direct her.
"Please, Lady Acheampong is as much as I will accept. I am only the Empress' third cousin and very distantly in line for the throne at that. I would greatly prefer Zala outside of formal functions." She demures gently.
"Then I insist you call me Lelouch while in private." You reply with a smile.
Results: Zala Acheampong, third cousin to the current Ethiopian Empress, joins Euphemia's Diplomatic Retinue to work on your behalf, diplomatic options increase in Africa. All further staff will arrive by end of turn. -300 RBN, +100 Upkeep.
Unit Leasing: 95+24=119 // Crit: 57+19=76 // Completes
The various units you'd leased the year prior return in full this year, over the course of several months. Many have been periodically resupplied and repaired by vessels making port under your flag, but a few units suffer extensive damage and must be rebuilt by dedicated machine shops in New Caledonia.
You are
deeply impressed with the work your teams managed to do, as are many of the ports you'd had them guarding. You feel sure that your name has risen in esteem amongst many officials within the Indonesian Confederation as a result.
Results: +3000 Income
Administrative Structures: 45+26=71
If nothing else, Jeanne trusts in your judgement.
When you state, unequivocally, that this project needs priority, she ensures that it has your stamp of approval amongst the many contractors and construction teams which are shipped in year after year. It's a time-consuming and costly affair, building these structures further inland from the settlement around the port, but you don't want any possibility for it to be damaged should the port come under siege.
The buildings slowly come together as the year progresses, but they will need more time.
Men and women, too, begin to be finely combed through by analysts under your employ, finding individuals who are deeply loyal to Britannia as a whole and ready to overlook anything irregular within a prince's personal retinue.
Results: -300 RBN, +200 Upkeep. Construction and Hiring begins, will complete next turn.
Enlarge Docks: 14+26=40(+15 Omake Bonus)=55
Enlarging docks for deep-water vessels is no laughing matter.
It also isn't cheap, either.
The dredging teams you are forced to call in, alone, would bankrupt some corporations. Not many Britannian ones, of course, but it is still an impressive expenditure that almost gets lost in the shuffle. Jeanne apologizes on your behalf when the payments
very nearly miss the deadline, but at the last moment you manage to expedite a courier service to hand-deliver the bank transfers. Such is, sadly, the dangers of living and working on such a small and distant island.
The entire affair is a complicated and lengthy process, complicated further by the events which occur near the end of the year and the unfortunate panics which ensue after the fact.
Results: -600 RBN, +300 Upkeep. Dredging of harbor successful, materials for docks and expert labor gathered to begin construction.