Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

It isn't black and white, there's a continuum of perception around us. More pureblooded Britannians given high profile positions of influence around us moves it one way even if it doesn't solve the problem totally.
You cannot placate extremists and fundamentalists with symbolic actions. They do not care for such gestures. We are through our simple existence as a half commoner prince in opposition to such forces. Trying to get them to like us or just dislike less will just alienate our natural allies. Sometimes it is better to accept reality than try to change it. We will never be their prince or get their support. The intro for this character already states that we are on the bad side of a segment of the nobles.
A favorite of the people, but hated by the nobility and other royals, especially for the favor the emperor shows your mother.
Trying to counteract this is not going to work out nicely, because it is trying to court our worst opponents. We are far better of, going for the ones more inclined in our direction. The Moderates and more Liberal Britannians, who don´t give a fuck about this pureblooded Britannian business.
[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

Strictly speaking Lelouch was always going to be seen as a bit of an outsider/foreign interest magnet ever since hiring Kallen. Jeanne was perhaps understandable as a one-off though was likely going to get some flak. Lelouch has already brought in 1 Euro-Britannian, 1 insane Italian/German and her subordinates, 1 Japanese madman that countries are expending huge amounts of capital to capture/kill and his loyal subordinate, an entire clan of ninjas! Not to mention Duke Stadfeld who was basically the biggest contact point with Japan and his half Japanese daughter. If we try to backpedal on our connections with Asia I don't see it making us any friends. We absolutely need to showcase that we are not their puppet, but we could very much be a voice of change from conquest to some alternative. We are a personal friend of the Empress, but Kaguya is closer to her. If we piss off Japan needlessly, Sayoko could kill Lelouch and everyone he loves. I don't think that is something they want, but we really need to cultivate SL's with Sayoko, Kaguya, and to a lesser extent Kallen. (I realize this might come off a bit as fearmongering I'm just super excited at this chance!)
This is purely wishful thinking. There is literally no basis for it.

They aren't going to suddenly go easy on us because we pay lip service (heh) to the purist ideals.
We don't need them to like us, we need their arguments to not work. If we don't start adding more Britanians to our retinue, our enemies in court are going to have an open season on us having foreign loyalties. That's what I mean when I say we need to limit their avenues of attack. We can never stop them entirely, but we can make the obvious means of attacking us non-viable.
You cannot placate extremists and fundamentalists with symbolic actions. They do not care for such gestures. We are through our simple existence as a half commoner prince in opposition to such forces. Trying to get them to like us or just dislike less will just alienate our natural allies. Sometimes it is better to accept reality than try to change it. We will never be their prince or get their support. The intro for this character already states that we are on the bad side of a segment of the nobles.

You talk about winning over moderates but the fact is that's a hell of a lot easier if they can feel like you're one of them and can emphasize with them, and these moderates are also all mostly pureblooded Brits as well. The fact is they do give a fuck about the pureblooded business, it's not just a fringe position.
I believe our council consists of a Chinese criminal, a half Italian sadist and someone from EU Brittania and a crazy person. I would suggest that we have at least a few people who are Brittanian residents rather than foreigners. Especially considering that we are thinking of making Kaguya a diplo or steward advisor. Hypothetically that is four foreigners in the council with one being accepted by greater society for being part of EU Britannia.

Edit: Correction. The half Italian sadist is our admiral though she would be part of our council.
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I believe our council consists of a Chinese criminal, a half Italian sadist and someone from EU Brittania and a crazy person. I would suggest that we have at least a few people who are Brittanian residents rather than foreigners. Especially considering that we are thinking of making Kaguya a diplo or steward advisor. Hypothetically that is four foreigners in the council with one being accepted by greater society for being part of EU Britannia.

Who's the one from CF?
We don't need them to like us, we need their arguments to not work. If we don't start adding more Britanians to our retinue, our enemies in court are going to have an open season on us having foreign loyalties. That's what I mean when I say we need to limit their avenues of attack. We can never stop them entirely, but we can make the obvious means of attacking us non-viable.

That's not going to happen.

They already have an argument and a means of attack from what we already have. Fuck, Lelouch has explicitly been ostracized from birth because who he was born to.

This entire line of argument is ridiculous. We're not going to win them over with this paper thin lipservice, nor are we closing avenues of attack.
You talk about winning over moderates but the fact is that's a hell of a lot easier if they can feel like you're one of them and can emphasize with them, and these moderates are also all mostly pureblooded Brits as well. The fact is they do give a fuck about the pureblooded business, it's not just a fringe position.
Says who? In canon we have the Purists as a faction inside the military, but we have not seen an overwhelming noble cast that only cares about Blood Purity. There is new blood among nobles and this Britannia is clearly not only made out of people with the mindset of nazis. Schneizel himself is clamouring for and has the support of the common people and the Labour party. So this is a clear possible avneue for us to achieve a solid power base, regardless what you may think.
All hail Brittanian forgein party. It's main members? Bunch of foreign nobles and vassal countries like Euro/China/Japan Brittania subjected to Brittania.
I am of the opinion that making Kaguya the diplomatic arm of our rule is going to cause problems. We would be putting a foreigner in charge of diplomatic relations both internally and externally. That is going to look bad to any one. Now maybe Moderates could care less. But in all honestly they would probably like it more if their negotiator was a Britannian rather than some foreigner who won't often get seen in a positive light. As for international diplomacy...if they were negotiating with Brittanian prince and expected a foreigner to lead the charge then they weren't thinking straight.
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Says who? In canon we have the Purists as a faction inside the military, but we have not seen an overwhelming noble cast that only cares about Blood Purity. There is new blood among nobles and this Britannia is clearly not only made out of people with the mindset of nazis. Schneizel himself is clamouring for and has the support of the common people and the Labour party. So this is a clear possible avneue for us to achieve a solid power base, regardless what you may think.

No they aren't all Nazi's but this has been a pretty clear part of the quest. It was mentioned everyone prefers to have territory on the mainland, why because then they're ruling over pureblooded Britannians which is more prestigious. There's a persistent cultural bias against non-britannians as being less capable and they can become proper Britannian by rising beyond their inferior past. Lelouch who doesn't even consciously buy in to the social darwinism philosophy still takes it for granted that Britannia is obviously justified in it's campaign to rule the world because they're the best suited for running it.

Schneizel has the support of the common people sure but numbers I don't think even get a voice in who's PM, so those common people would be mainly mainlander pureblood Britannians, who many of would also believe all this.
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Well, first and foremost, brittania uses locals to manage things, Slayer said as much. So saying that only pure blooded brittainians have a say is actually, objectively false.
And that's before you get into the fact that the Stadfields weren't torn apart for having a half Japanese heir.

Admittedly, numbers have less rights than brittainian citizen. Seems like, you only need a bit of brittainian blood to be counted as a citizen though.

And frankly, the people who have ostracized us from birth aren't going to stop messing with us just because we're fucking a brittanian man. Nor are they going to run out of the excuses they've always used up until this point.
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And frankly, the people who's ostracized us from birth aren't going to stop messing with us just because we're fucking a brittanian man.

But for the most part they started cooling off on that.

You were, after all, a half-commoner 'near-bastard' in the eyes of many. Those murmurs had quieted in the wake of the arrest, detainment, and consignment of more than half of the prominent members of the Stadtfeld family to the Anchorage Oubliette Noble Detention Center.

That's why this attitude of throwing our hands in the air and saying we can never win any of them over so don't even try doesn't make sense to me.
To provide my thoughts without directly addressing the arguments, because they're starting to get dangerously circular.

I think I'm in the majority here, but I honestly do not know, so I'm tossing this out there anyways to see what sort of traction it gets.

I can fully support getting either Gino or Nunnally as our Knight of Honor in order to help calm notions of Britannian purity among people. I am specifically willing to do this for two reasons. One, I recognize the very real spectrum with which we can be viewed and how that can be leveraged against us. Britannia has no small amount of xenophobia, and if we want a position of any amount of power we're going to have to at the very least play lip service towards them. Considering the importance that Britannian society places on the Knight of Honor, paying lip service in this would be a major boon, or at least a lack of creating yet more scandals. And while it's fun to create scandals, we really need to be aware of the various costs of doing so.

The second reason I support such an action is that both Gino and Nunnally are capable and able to be SL'd up to be made into trustworthy Knights of Honor. This price is basically nothing for what we're getting anyways. Either one of them would be top contenders even without this consideration. This merely puts them a head above Kallen. Currently I favor Gino because of the narrative of getting Lelouch to relax and the extra personal action. That said, we need to try and figure out what Nunnally would offer us as a Knight of Honor too. How would she interact with Lelouch in such a position?

However, I do not hold any particular desire to go out of our way to recruit a Diplo adviser from the inside.

Kaguya has connections to high ranking officials in China and Japan. She is a ruthless diplomancer that gets what she wants and has you thanking her for giving her what she wants, as seen in this very update. I am willing to grab a 'Britannian' Knight of Honor because we have incredibly good alternatives readily available to us, while acknowledging it appeases the masses enough to let us get away with some of the other crap we've been getting away with. This does not hold true for diplomacy, and given that Slayer is showcasing Kaguya in at least a similar matter to her incredibly potent political savvy that I remember her having, I would be immensely surprised we actually could recruit such a person.
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[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

The first step towards Nippon-Britannia(Nippo-Britannia? How do you Japanese?)has come!

If the EU focused on range and the CF focuses on sheer numbers I wonder what Japanese will focus their designs around? Close range like Britannia or something else?

SL 5 is the lowest it'll take for them to consider the option, I think. Though I may be mixing that up with advisers. Though if Kaguya does become our Diplo adviser then having a pure-blooded Britannian as our Knight may alleviate some...'concerns'.

While the fact the KoH is a man when we have so many female subordinates raises so many others.:drevil:

I believe Gino was never stated to require SL 5 for KoH. Nunnally was the one who needed to be that close, and Euphie needed it to be an adviser.
Why are some people obsessed with making Gino are KOH, I think Kallen would be a better choice.

Obsessed is a strong word to use after I had just brought it up again. The particular mechanical benefits he offers are more useful than Kallen's at the rate things are going in my option

That was canon Lelouch and even then he was like that at the end. Remember he pretty much planned to free Japan and prop it up to fight Brittania, such thing probably involved governing it through the war as well , not to mention that he was able to destroy Chinese Federation and replace it with Federation of Nations which probably took quite a bit of diplomatic negotiations because Black Knights pretty much didn't have capacity to hold it together through sheer force. So if he was able to create a nation he probably is able to govern it as well.

You're using a very bad example. I said he's the man to conquer the world, and not the one to rule it after. I thought it was clear, but I'm referring to specifically Lelouch's suitability to be Emperor after the world has been conquered.

He isn't suited for rule after the war when there are no more external enemies. He can't really keep everything from imploding.

It's why I think we would be better served looking outwards to conquest to grow our reputation. The Government is already basically locked down, and the only way to get a foothold there would be to submit ourselves to one of the two factions controlling it.

OSI supposedly isn't controlled by any of our siblings. We could pick that up.

For these kind of people, the blood purists, we will never be good enough. Regardless what people we will surround ourselves with. They have their own standard they can rally around with Guinevere, Odysseus or any other prince or princess from pure noble stock. They will always see us as enemies and trying to placate them will just close of avenues that are only open to us, because we are this outsider. Our power base is far better of if we go for the moderates, who don´t care about such things, the progressives, who like this and the outsiders/foreigners, who are happy to be along for the ride instead of being treated as non entities.

You're conflating the Britannians that look down on commoners and the Britannians that look down on foreigners. There's definitely a lot of overlap, but they aren't the same thing.

It's an important distinction to make when placating moderates, which is something we definitely will need to do.
But for the most part they started cooling off on that.

That's why this attitude of throwing our hands in the air and saying we can never win any of them over so don't even try doesn't make sense to me.

That's like comparing apples to oranges.

Your saying paying lip service to an ideal that disagrees with your existence is somehow the same as succesfully rooting out treason.

The way forward for us is, winning. The empire is still, ostensibly, a meritocracy. You win people over by being sucessful.
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Why are we against making Kaguya a Steward? She would still be in a high position in our court, she would be able to use her connections to help us out and she would also fill up the empty slot that we have no candidates for.
Why are we against making Kaguya a Steward? She would still be in a high position in our court, she would be able to use her connections to help us out and she would also fill up the empty slot that we have no candidates for.

How about we look over her stats before we assign her?

Besides, it seems like most people are against her being in diplo, although I'm not sure how much of a problem that would actually be.
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@Slayer Anderson when would we be able to pick Gino as our Knight of Honor?

And are there other ways than him to get additional personal actions?
I'll probably be adding a Personal action for KoH either this turn or next. It will enter a mini-turn.

Gino doesn't require a high SL, but it would be beneficial to raise that SL if you were to choose him.

Edit: Personal Actions will likely cap at 3.
Given that Indonesia Confederation is a vassal/tributary state to Chinese Federation, does this mean we can resupply most material from them cheaply?

Would that lower the cost of development in New Caledonia even further?

Or does Tianzi's favor only grant passage to mainland China?
You can, but the deal you get from the Stadtfelds is slightly better and they have their own suppliers.

The deal technically extends to the Indonesian Confederation, yes, though they'll grumble about it given the piracy issue and current politics.
Strictly speaking Lelouch was always going to be seen as a bit of an outsider/foreign interest magnet ever since hiring Kallen. Jeanne was perhaps understandable as a one-off though was likely going to get some flak. Lelouch has already brought in 1 Euro-Britannian, 1 insane Italian/German and her subordinates, 1 Japanese madman that countries are expending huge amounts of capital to capture/kill and his loyal subordinate, an entire clan of ninjas! Not to mention Duke Stadfeld who was basically the biggest contact point with Japan and his half Japanese daughter. If we try to backpedal on our connections with Asia I don't see it making us any friends. We absolutely need to showcase that we are not their puppet, but we could very much be a voice of change from conquest to some alternative. We are a personal friend of the Empress, but Kaguya is closer to her. If we piss off Japan needlessly, Sayoko could kill Lelouch and everyone he loves. I don't think that is something they want, but we really need to cultivate SL's with Sayoko, Kaguya, and to a lesser extent Kallen. (I realize this might come off a bit as fearmongering I'm just super excited at this chance!)
Lelouch becoming the best hope for a 'foreign interest party' is nicely ironic considering his flubbing of diplomacy until recently.

On the other hand, him being a low-ranking prince with access to more important royals means that it makes perfect sense.
But for the most part they started cooling off on that.

That's why this attitude of throwing our hands in the air and saying we can never win any of them over so don't even try doesn't make sense to me.
They're not so much 'cooling off' as admitting that you're both effective and potentially useful. Those traits breed a certain amount of caution towards you, if only because the various nobles don't want to ostracize useful pieces on the board. It's not that they've forgotten your origins and they'll still slander you behind closed doors, but they'll be keeping a civil tongue when rumors might get back to you.
Adhoc vote count started by ubioct on Aug 13, 2019 at 10:27 AM, finished with 96 posts and 45 votes.
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I think it's fair to argue having Kaguya take up dipo post will bring some criticism from nobilities, but in my view the action economy of SL and dipo buff makes this a good enough trade.