Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I suppose I could just default any knight of honor to give you guys a third Personal action instead
I, for one, quite like the different effects.

This quest has been much heavier on politics, economy and actual CKII stuff than on waifu and fluff; it's almost refreshing. It's hard to maintain a nuanced personal story when your character interactions happen once in a year. A year is a scale meant for polities, not people; it necessitates abstraction when character relationships are concerned.

And if we are doing abstractions, I like my options to have a unique feel to them.
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I'd rather they not have different effects.

Right now, the only Action type we have that doesn't have a clear way to increase it is personal actions.

This means a KoH with a personal action bonus is in the running even if there is literally no other reason for them to be. And stands a good chance of winning on just that.
...We also don't have a clear way to increase, say, Martial actions. Since we can only have a single advisor.

There is such a thing as specialization, and I can imagine a scenario where taking three Intrigue actions per turn would be preferable to having three Personals.

A reroll in a certain area would be an immensely powerful bonus too, considering what the dice have brought us on crits so far.
...We also don't have a clear way to increase, say, Martial actions. Since we can only have a single advisor.

There is such a thing as specialization, and I can imagine a scenario where taking three Intrigue actions per turn would be preferable to having three Personals.

A reroll in a certain area would be an immensely powerful bonus too, considering what the dice have brought us on crits so far.

The difference is the we'll only have one personal action, and two of everything else. What would you even call a personal action advisor?

Where SLing is actually rather important, lending stats and abilities.
The difference is the we'll only have one personal action, and two of everything else. What would you even call a personal action advisor?
Here are the quotes from the last 3 turns:
Personal (Choose TWO)
Personal (Choose TWO)
Personal (Choose TWO)
We have a max of 2 actions for every type of action. I don't see why we would automatically prioritize personal over any other.
I think it's fair to argue having Kaguya take up dipo post will bring some criticism from nobilities, but in my view the action economy of SL and dipo buff makes this a good enough trade.
I'd paint it as a 'better the spy you know than the spy you don't' behind closed doors. And she absolutely is a spy. She may be a nice person, but she isn't really on our side and is still a member of nobility for a foreign power.

That doesn't mean you don't maintain an amiable personal and professional relationship.
Some might, if smuggling and/or piracy are basically normal jobs for people there. Then they might have a problem with the waters getting cleaned up.

That, or if it'll allow the Federation and/or Britannia to invade them.
It won't be normal jobs. There are over 250 million people in that seething clusterfuck of islands. The people will, however, know which side their bread is buttered on. It will be a major source of trickle-down income for the region and many of their political class will be retired pirates or descended from such. And that is ignoring the fact that they are effectively private militaries for rent. Pirates are good for their friends and a mountain of bad times for everyone else.

Some of the pirates would turn coat if it became obvious that we were going to steamroll them. That was more or less traditional. China more than once dealt with a pirate king by making them a high admiral... just, bam. 'Here, son. You wanted to rule the oceans. Have fun.'

They wouldn't do it lightly because the current state of affairs is so damn good. This is their golden age. But if fleets started burning and the offer was good enough...

If we go world government and start edging into a cannibalization crisis, it might open things up for internal piracy as different regions and claimants start acting like nations unto themselves. But until then, yeah, their golden age would be dead.
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This is probably wrong seeing as as we count time from a few decades earlier, so numbers from today are not accurate.
211 million in 2000, 181 million in 1990 or 147 million in 1980. Regardless of year they tend to have a fuckhuge population, particularly in comparison to the amount of notice they get on the world stage.
211 million in 2000, 181 million in 1990 or 147 million in 1980. Regardless of year they tend to have a fuckhuge population, particularly in comparison to the amount of notice they get on the world stage.

Code Geass takes place around the 1950s comparatively right? The Indonesian population should be around 70 million.

The first year of this quest was 1957.
Okay, so, this is the timeline page from the wiki: World History

It's not going to be exact, but it's a good reference guide for canon.

Dating System:

The Holy Britannian Empire uses the A.T.B. (Ascension Throne Britannia) dating system, which starts (year one) in 55 B.C. with the rise of Alwin 1st as the Celtic Super-King of all tribes in Britain as he successfully repulses the Romans from the British isles.

The Chinese Federation uses a system based on the Emperor/Empress currently on the throne as part of the larger dynasty. The Federation has had, more or less, an unbroken line of dynastic succession from 127 B.C.

The Europa United uses the French Republic Calendar, which yes, was an actual thing. Year one for that calendar is the storming of the Bastille. It uses ten-day weeks and twelve months to a year. There were only ten hours to a day, and... you know what? I'm not talking about this thing. It's proof that the Enlightenment actually could go too far.

All this means that the dates are as follows, according to Year 1 of this quest:

Europa United: Year 223 of the Revolutionary Calendar
Holy Britannian Calendar: Year 2012
Chinese Federation: Year 2084, Tianzi 7

OTL Year: 1957 A.D.

So, the World of CG makes a big deal about Charles being the 98th Emperor, which is pretty obviously bullshit unless they've had a different Emperor/Empress every two/three years. So why do they say this?

Well, after Queen Elizabeth III (Elizabeth I had a son in this timeline) nominates her lover Ricardo von Britannia as her successor upon her death, Ricardo kind of... rewrites history a little bit for some extra glory. He basically amalgamated all of the various English dynasties into a single line of inheritance and numbered them, with Alwin I the Celtic Super-King of all tribes as the origin of the throne itself, which explains the new dating system as well.

The Great War:

CC has a series of flashbacks in late S2 that reveal her running through a battlefield:
...which is essentially all we know. Given the other pics show soldiers in traditionally European uniforms common to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, we can surmise that this is likely an analogue for WW1, however... the conflict documented in canon with Lelough forming the U.F.N. and everything? That's supposed to be WW2. Hence why I've been referring to the singular (as of yet) World War as the Great War up until now.

AU to this Quest, not Code Geass Canon:

Basically, after Napoleon bit it, his empire reorganized itself into a proto-EU along republican ideologies. Spain, having had a really bad time under Napoleon's conquests (this war gave us the phrase 'Guerrilla Fighter' seriously), decided that it was going to politically rebound (bloodily) as per the OTL mostly back to a monarchy. The rest of Europe, tired of fighting massive wars and trying to stabilize from Napoleon's death and the subsequent power vacuum, didn't want to argue. Spain remained a mostly stable monarchy, though with a constitution to make the budding EU powers less nervous, until the Great War of the CG timeline.

Monarchist that it was (if a constitutional one), Spain allied itself with Portugal and Russia in an attempt to counterbalance the EU. Britannia, the elder brother of all monarchists, backed all three of them to the hilt and had this crazy plan (which, in my notes I refer to as the 'World Vice') to force the EU to fight a war on two fronts by supporting Portugal/Spain attacking across the pyrenees mountains while Russia attacked from the East.

It went... badly. More on that later, if you get involved with the Euro-Britannians.

Long story short, Spain got invaded after a very long and bloody conflict. Cities were burned, atrocities were committed, the EU doesn't like to talk about the war crimes they committed here, but Spain was subjugated. Portugal took one look at that and surrendered with a few conditions... one of which was that they could declare more or less permanent neutrality and not be forced to join the EU, but in exchange disband most of their standing army and get rid of a lot of their weapons.

Spain, to this day, still hates the EU, but doesn't have anywhere near the kind of military it would need to throw them out, given the large EU military bases still in the country today.

Portugal is as neutral as you can possibly be... while still standing firmly with the Britannians.

Now, there are reasons for all of this, and they relate to the fact that Britannia reconquered a lot of Spanish possessions in South America and the Portuguese royal family married into the Britannian one as part of the treaty to semi-peacefully absorb Brazil. ('Or else we'll just take it' was strongly implied by the Britannian Emperor at the time.) The Britannian empire, seeing the value in having European allies, refunded some wealth and land to the nobility and royalty of the two countries and their subsequently intertwined economies necessitated close political ties.
It also might've increased or decreased because of any number of factors compared to real life at the time.
The first year of this quest was 1957.

It also might've increased or decreased because of any number of factors compared to real life at the time.
This setting's timeline is weird as hell, considering how far back things like Napoleon seems to be. Just... weird. Its a freakish hybrid timeline.

About 87 million then. America, for comparison, was 172 million and China 635 million. Though, for China, you would need to tack on at least 420 million just due to India, not counting the Koreas. So they are more powerful (in raw population) in this game now than they are here in 2019 in our world.

China would beat us like a drum if they actually got their shit together. Thankfully, they didn't.
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[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.

Not sure if the vote is still open, but just in case (even if the vote is totally on the win).

As for the Indonesia free real estate stuff, the thing is, even if the population is so much lower than the ones we have now in reality (Even then, their population is probably still pretty big at the time of CG), that country is still an archipelago, invading it in any serious capacity is going to be a nightmare logistically. Not to mention that they're currently in the rise recently thanks to the newly found Sakuradite, it's probably safe to say that, without them or the external factor cucking them up, they're very well on their way to become the next japan in that world. So, even if we're to assume that we can somehow grab a clean and complete victory in the war, the post war integration is probably going to be worse than Japan in canon CG due to those factors + their united malayan culture.
Where is the vein located at though?

If it's in Java or Sumatra, then yeah they'd stand the chance to be the next Japan

If it's in might actually be far enough from sphere of influence that outside power legitimately have chance to fuck around with it, and hell even the Confederation run a risk of mismanagement and making it borderline colonial exploitation like OTL Irian's natural resource management
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[X] Accept – Kaguya Sumeragi joins the retinue of Lelouch vi Britannia as political insurance against an Anglo-Japanese KMF development deal. Kaguya starts at SL (2) and may be upgraded to either a Diplomacy or Stewardship adviser with further actions.
Where is the vein located at though?

If it's in Java or Sumatra, then yeah they'd stand the chance to be the next Japan

If it's in might actually be far enough from sphere of influence that outside power legitimately have chance to fuck around with it, and hell even the Confederation run a risk of mismanagement and making it borderline colonial exploitation like OTL Irian's natural resource management

I'm not sure just how different the AU is compared to real life, but, unless something really fucked either Java or Sumatra, then the veins are totally in those two.

EDIT: Oh wait, you probably meant the sakuradite vein and not the population vein, yeah? Then in that case, I'm not sure myself haha
Its also possible that the sakuradite vein doesn't actually exist. Or, if it exists, it might be smaller than export volumes suggest.

If you want to fence a mountain of pirate-looted ore, wouldn't a new mine be perfectly convenient? Such great timing.
The Third Action
The first year of this quest was 1957.
Indeed, it is currently 1962 AD by the Gregorian calendar, which is Year 5 of the quest, 2017 ATB.
...We also don't have a clear way to increase, say, Martial actions. Since we can only have a single advisor.

-oh, wait, I'm the QM. That's right, I'm supposed to answer people politely and civilly to set a good example of behavior. Oops. Right, let's start this again!

To get a third Martial action, without cheating the system with a Knight of Honor, you need a General Staff. That means you need a sizeable Army, Navy, and Air Force. You're close, if not already fulfilling the Navy aspect. You've got a while to go on the Army and Air Force... barring a crazy crit.

To get a third Diplomacy action, you need to found a foreign relations department. This means you need to be able to put an amount of political weight on other people equivalent to the most powerful dukes and/or viceroys of the empire.

To get a third Stewardship action, you need to found a personal reserve bank. Your financial abilities, at this stage, are so powerful that lesser institutions like multi-national companies, consider you a safe bet to house their own money.

To get a third Intrigue action, you need your own three-letter agency. Like the OSI, or the real-world CIA/FBI, your intrigue concerns are so wide-ranging and extensive that you have to see to their needs with thousands of people.

To get a third Learning action, you need to found a national research institute. Consisting of a series of colleges, libraries, and other massive bodies dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge... yeah, you get the point.

To get a third Piety action, you need to... well, I don't want to use the world 'religion' or 'cult,' but... Let's just say you need a similarly large organization to the others, alright?

Now, you may have noticed that all of these are scaled on the same par as nations and empires. That's important, because once you get to a three-action pool, you're playing with the big boys. To give a comparison that most people would understand, Duke Isacc Stadtfeld's infrastructure is on the same level as one of the 50 American states. His personal holdings are larger, both financially and physically, than a few European nations. News at eleven, the empire is fuck-off huge. He's giving you a second stewardship action simply by loaning you the use of staff from one of his lesser estates.

Also, to get a third Personal Action, you need to fill up your advisor pool. Once you get a second action on everything, you'll get your third Personal Action. This is to represent the fact that your workload has been dispersed to the point where each advisor shouldering a portion of it gives you a lot more free time. (Edit: You don't technically need a Piety Advisor since you had that early-game super-crit, the requirement will be fulfilled by crewing the piety workshop.)

The way that Knight of Honor was supposed to work as I had originally envisioned it, by the way, was to give an early third action and/or a fourth action in one specific category as a matter of specialization.

I hope this helps people look forward to getting bigger and better. Semper ad Meliora and all that.
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There was an oblique reference that the world population was six billion during our meeting with the Emperor, but that could have just been an error.

The population of the planet is probably around 3.2 billion in fact (assuming population numbers match 1962), probably a bit lower as without the colonization scramble, but disease still spread after all.
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Indeed, it is currently 1962 AD by the Gregorian calendar, which is Year 5 of the quest, 2017 ATB.


-oh, wait, I'm the QM. That's right, I'm supposed to answer people politely and civilly to set a good example of behavior. Oops. Right, let's start this again!

To get a third Martial action, without cheating the system with a Knight of Honor, you need a General Staff. That means you need a sizeable Army, Navy, and Air Force. You're close, if not already fulfilling the Navy aspect. You've got a while to go on the Army and Air Force... barring a crazy crit.

To get a third Diplomacy action, you need to found a foreign relations department. This means you need to be able to put an amount of political weight on other people equivalent to the most powerful dukes and/or viceroys of the empire.

To get a third Stewardship action, you need to found a personal reserve bank. Your financial abilities, at this stage, are so powerful that lesser institutions like multi-national companies, consider you a safe bet to house their own money.

To get a third Intrigue action, you need your own three-letter agency. Like the OSI, or the real-world CIA/FBI, your intrigue concerns are so wide-ranging and extensive that you have to see to their needs with thousands of people.

To get a third Learning action, you need to found a national research institute. Consisting of a series of colleges, libraries, and other massive bodies dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge... yeah, you get the point.

To get a third Piety action, you need to... well, I don't want to use the world 'religion' or 'cult,' but... Let's just say you need a similarly large organization to the others, alright?

Now, you may have noticed that all of these are scaled on the same par as nations and empires. That's important, because once you get to a three-action pool, you're playing with the big boys. To give a comparison that most people would understand, Duke Isacc Stadtfeld's infrastructure is on the same level as one of the 50 American states. His personal holdings are larger, both financially and physically, than a few European nations. News at eleven, the empire is fuck-off huge. He's giving you a second stewardship action simply by loaning you the use of staff from one of his lesser estates.

Also, to get a third Personal Action, you need to fill up your advisor pool. Once you get a second action on everything, you'll get your third Personal Action. This is to represent the fact that your workload has been dispersed to the point where each advisor shouldering a portion of it gives you a lot more free time.

The way that Knight of Honor was supposed to work as I had originally envisioned it, by the way, was to give an early third action and/or a fourth action in one specific category as a matter of specialization.

I hope this helps people look forward to getting bigger and better. Semper ad Meliora and all that.
So my take away from this is that after/while dealing with the pirates our goal should be to fill our advisor pool stat both for the intrinsic benefits of doing so but also for the third personal action.

After that we should probably have a lengthy thread wide discourse about our next strategic action (either taking over Australia or making inroads into China), with the goal being to acquire the wealth and prestige needed to bulk up in our chosen field and then leverage that to accrue additional advantages to enable us to snowball.
All i'm hearing is we have to capture Australia, improve fresh water access, import immigrants, and become our own principality . :V
I kinda feel like you made a mistake handling the Knight Of Honor thing Slayer Anderson. This is starting to remind me of the early stages of There Is No Gates Waifu War. Since I don't know if you ever....experienced that little clusterfuck allow me to explain. The QM gave us an option of four girls to choose from who to be our wife. He gave backstorys on all of them, had us interact when it was reasonably possible IC, but most damningly in this situation, he gave explicit details on what each wife would bring to the table in turns of resources, benefits, ect and had the actual vote months later.

It was the worst waifu war I've ever seen in my entire time reading and participating in quests.

A vote that was supposed to last a week, lasted only 2 days, and in those to days there was 200 pages of 'discussion', alittle over 400 votes, several mod interventions, and the salt from said event tainted the entire quest for the entire time it was active, and caused several players to drop it entirely.

Now, nothing I've seen so far indicates that the vote for the Knight Of Honor will be close to as bad as that, I DO think your making the same mistake the QM did, and your allowing a critical vote about something so important, to be overtly influenced by mechanical benefits, rather then who would be best IC choice for the MC. You may disagree with me, and thats fine, but I kinda felt the need to warn you about something very...unpleasant I see potentially happening down the line.

A big part of the issue for that waifu vote leaving long lasting salt is that it came out that certain combinations allowed for multiple waifus but not others, and that the vote was made way, way too early in the quest.

We never even got to the point of getting those benefits whereas we're pretty close to getting them here.


@Slayer Anderson would we get the benefits of a potential KoH if we married them? Say if down the road we married Kallen, would that give us something for our martial actions? Or even just a watered down version.

Or do you want the KoH bonus to be special since we can only have 1?
@Slayer Anderson would we get the benefits of a potential KoH if we married them? Say if down the road we married Kallen, would that give us something for our martial actions? Or even just a watered down version.

Or do you want the KoH bonus to be special since we can only have 1?
I hadn't envisioned marriage giving any real benefits beyond the strategic. Marriage is something that will open up further options and actions which would have otherwise been locked out, not provide explicit mechanical benefits.

Edit: If Kallen is the example, then you'd be in line to inherit the Duchy of Westhaven and have access to a lot more resources and pull on what the Duchy has been providing for you already.
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