[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take

Let's keep things simple, and try not to complicate things for ourselves later.
[X] "To think you'd be proud of that fragile strength enough to challenge me after enjoying your urges, how embarrassing. There's a difference between ending someone, and ending a world after all. Don't pick a fight you'll regret Shino."

Thought up a fun write in. Hint at ALO and poke at her, and her favorite world.
...honestly, the Shadow versions of the options she has versions of seem outright superior to the stat-locked ones, though mostly because she's willing to be more ruthless about it than the core self is ready to fully integrate.

However, viscerally reminding her of the world of flesh seems like the only way to possibly save her before it's time to nuke GGO or however the fuck we're going to shut that down.

[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
Haha, I'm really not qualified to replace anything like that, you know?
I'll just need to rewire it a bit.
...this totally screams to me that he doesn't actually know how to fix this and is only going to take our money and make the situation worse so we have to spend even more money on it.
"See? First-generation electronic locks, especially ones retrofitted for old buildings, usually have maintenance codes set to the factory default.
This is legitimately good info though, and likely foreshadows one of if not the method Death Gun uses to break into people's houses.
It's ok, we've already got friends willing to help us hide a bod- I mean find a new repairman. The power of friendship guys!
This is legitimately good info though, and likely foreshadows one of if not the method Death Gun uses to break into people's houses.
The power of friendship continues to work. Not logging in from our apartment by crashing at a friends... cafe instead.
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[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
>What's the easiest, fastest, and most effective to shake someone out of VR Psychosis? The answer is simple. It's to remind them their body is made of meat.
Ooo, shit's going down. Shino's going full crazy, and Kyouji's probably not much better off screen.

Also, just a suggestion, what do you guys think about turning this around on her, asking if she's the real deal. Poke at her RL insecurities in hopes of snapping her out of it. I think that could work, but it might do nothing or hurt our relationship with her.
[X] Do you have any goddamn idea who the fuck you're talking to!?
>Flaut your previous allegiance to Laughing Coffin and show the faker who's the Real Deal.
>Satisfies your Shadow.
[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
[X] Appeal to Shino with the truth. [You have enough EMPATHY for this option]
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Hmm... Definitely curious what exactly happened with Shino since Golden Week.

Last we left her and Kyouji we told her that she should pester Kyouji until he told her what was wrong, and not to give up. ...This actually tracks with her actions, albeit severely twisted by VR Psychosis. It's entirely possible the Psychosis has caused her to forget why she started, but I'd guess this means that Kyouji never came clean with her. ...I'm actually interested in his account but I can't think of a not-a-bad-idea way to get in contact with him short of GGO (and that might not even work if Shino is camping him.)

I think we're probably too far into the vote to get an entire new thing going but I'm actually curious about Shino's room now. If not for the fact she seems to have an actual physical lock I think we have enough info to work with to basically have gotten in with zero suspicion/damning evidence to pin on us (Shino has clearly been skipping if her first reaction is the school sent us. We could have gone to her homeroom and volunteered to bring her work home because we're such a good kouhai~! and then try Saitou's lock trick and act like Shino simply forget to lock it and we were just bringing her schoolwork and let ourselves in whoops~.)

So absent that... hmm, I don't know if I really trust the Determination option to actually snap her out of it - this seems pretty advanced. If it is certain to then I might prefer it, but absent that I actually think I'm leaning towards Shadow Hiyori tearing her down here in a "tough love" sense. She would be able to "remind" her that she's really Shino pretty effectively: afraid to show us her room, that this challenge thing is poser shit because a "survivor" wouldn't be picking such a dumbass fight, etc. I'm only worried because of the LC thing and not because I think she'll use it against us but because she might take it the wrong way and want to be like that.

But also I'm a sucker for a Shadow Hiyori v "Shadow" Shino thing so...

[X] Do you have any goddamn idea who the fuck you're talking to!?
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"I personally met Kabaya Akihiko the other day after I crashed ALO. We talked about some interesting things. And I honestly was bit scared of him; he is the man who ruined my life along with thousands of others. Killed them. But do you want to know the scariest thing about him?"

*leans in closer*

"…It was how ordinary he looked."
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Alright, had a idea and wanna see what everyone thinks.

[X] Write-In [Say something to Shino or modify an existing plan!]
-[X] "...you don't want to be that person, Shino -no, I'm not talking with you anymore, am I? You are the girl inside the machine, fighting with the big rifle. So, hear me well whoever you are...because I/WE are only saying this once."
-{X] "You asked me if I was the real deal? You call me a survivor? Maybe I am both...but you don't want to know. I heard you killed someone when you were younger? Well, while I can't say I have many direct kills, I led many to their death. My words were honey and they fell for it."
-[X] "Yet, I refuse to be lumped with your kind. Wanna know why? I did what I have to do to live. Simple as that. You, as of right now? Are fighting for the sake of fighting. Not to live. Not for a greater purpose. Not even for the joy of fighting, of killing. You fight because of the fight, and nothing else. Or maybe you want to run. Escape from this weak self of yours, that was idiotic enough to put herself against the two closest people she could call friends."
-[X] Your eyes return to normal. "I don't know if I am your kind of <<Real Deal>> Shino. But hear me out. I will let this slide once. If you attempt a stunt like that again...well, things are going to get VERY ugly."
Alright, had a idea and wanna see what everyone thinks.

[X] Write-In [Say something to Shino or modify an existing plan!]
-[X] "...you don't want to be that person, Shino -no, I'm not talking with you anymore, am I? You are the girl inside the machine, fighting with the big rifle. So, hear me well whoever you are...because I/WE are only saying this once."
-{X] "You asked me if I was the real deal? You call me a survivor? Maybe I am both...but you don't want to know. I heard you killed someone when you were younger? Well, while I can't say I have many direct kills, I led many to their death. My words were honey and they fell for it."
-[X] "Yet, I refuse to be lumped with your kind. Wanna know why? I did what I have to do to live. Simple as that. You, as of right now? Are fighting for the sake of fighting. Not to live. Not for a greater purpose. Not even for the joy of fighting, of killing. You fight because of the fight, and nothing else. Or maybe you want to run. Escape from this weak self of yours, that was idiotic enough to put herself against the two closest people she could call friends."
-[X] Your eyes return to normal. "I don't know if I am your kind of <<Real Deal>> Shino. But hear me out. I will let this slide once. If you attempt a stunt like that again...well, things are going to get VERY ugly."

This doesn't resolve anything. All this write-in does is have us just throwing down the gauntlet and will just motivate her more to want to fight us or validate her delusions of us being a worthy foe.

This is one of the reasons why I want to cast fist. In Shino's current mindset matching her boast just validates her opinion and gives her what she wants.