[] Post ALO Clarity
-[]Major Actions (-10 D)
--[] [Visit the SAO Survivors]
--[] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
--[] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
--[] [Work//Augma]
--[] [Work//Titan Movers]
-[]Minor Actions (-5000)
--[] [Augma Fitness!] x 2
--[] [Cram School]
--[] [Serene Garden]

I plan to take Pulling the safety next phase. 2 jobs now to allow us time to do other things next phase as well. I hope we can fill Augma job by the end of May. Maybe we should drop the Sign job really, that roll 1 = Stress point is somewhat of a risk tbh and not worth it when the other ones don't share that risk.

Edit: Okey, I'm convinced

[X] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed

I will hear your words magic man...
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[X] Plan .Hack//Liminality.
-[X]Major Actions (-10 D)
-[X] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
-[X] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
-[X] [Razed NATURE]
-[X] [Higher than SKY Phase]
-[X] [TEMPERATE Literature]
-[X]Minor Actions
-[X] [Work//Titan Movers]
-[X] [Work//Augma]

Trying my hand at a plan again. I think meeting the Survivors can wait a bit. I think it's best to reach out to our current social links and friends and start the SKY link while making money. If I'm right getting Hiroto from Build Divers will be a major win for us if we can recruit him as a party member.
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Sorry my eyes. Yes the plan has 5 actions so it would be 10D.

And regarding Work, it's either one Major or 2 Minors. I'll include that back in the plan.
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This is great, and it's a shame it's not more popular. The mix of SAO and Persona worked perfectly and I could totally see this as a theoretical Persona 6 game.

Select actions for the period of May 22nd through 24th. [4 DAYS]
Uh, 22-24 is 3 days? Do you mean 22-25?

So many good choices, so hard to choose. Good thing we've got all this DETERMINATION to use. I assume Minor -> Job conversion doesn't count towards the 8 major action limit right?

So I kinda... noted that... this should barely lose us money even in the worst roll case, and is more likely to break near event. And we'll still have 25 D + Roll for use in events, I... I'm sorry GM for putting so many actions into this plan, please tell me if this is going too far. But, so much to do, so little time... uh I assume we get our bought D before any major action? Like I'm thinking the Free and Minor are handled so our worst case 21K Yen Cost is covered by our work 16K+work covers it, even if we fail Augma. And then that 0's out the D cost meaning we have 45 - 20 = 25 D for major + all stats gained and what yen we still have. If we finish Augma and roll well we might even break even! 32.5K - 21k = 12.5K + (possibly 20K) = 32.5K~ or we can hopefully finish it with an action next turn. We'd be well on our way towards hitting 40K by mid of next month and working towards more stat gains.

I'm thinking do the visit the SAO survivors action with the Justice SL action(s) for possible synergy next vote block.

[X] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed
-[X]Major Actions (-20 D) (+2 Major Actions, 6/8)
--[X] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
--[X] [G-Man 2.0]
--[X] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
--[X] [Pulling the Safety]
--[X] [Razed NATURE]
--[X] [Pruning PLANTs]
-[X] Minor Actions (-25 D, +5 Minor Actions, 9/? limit)
--[X] [Work//Titan Movers]:
--[X] [Work//Augma]:
--[X] [Work//CatCafe]
--[X] [Work//Sign]
--[X] [High Love]
-[X] Free Actions (-1d6 * 1000 Yen + 15000 Yen, Gain 25D)
--[X] [Nekoya!]
--[X] [Bulk Hair Products]
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Yes, I meant this. This is like the third time this update I got the numbers wrong, so I'm going to sleep...

And plan seems fine. Work counts as either 2 Minor or 1 Major and this applies even for the action limit. Minor Actions are minor because I usually don't write anything more than a blurb for them, whereas Major actions are Major because they advance plot or a SL.
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I like this plan. Spend big, earn big!

[x] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed
- [x] Major Actions (-20 D) (+2 Major Actions, 6/8)
-- [x] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
-- [x] [G-Man 2.0]
-- [x] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
-- [x] [Pulling the Safety]
-- [x] [Razed NATURE]
-- [x] [Pruning PLANTs]
- [x] Minor Actions (-25 D, +5 Minor Actions, 9/? limit)
-- [x] [Work//Titan Movers]:
-- [x] [Work//Augma]:
-- [x] [Work//CatCafe]
-- [x] [.Work//Sign]
-- [x] [High Love]
- [x] Free Actions (-1d6 * 1000 Yen + 15000 Yen, Gain 25D)
-- [x] [Nekoya!]
-- [x] [Bulk Hair Products]
[ ] [Fix your Air Conditioner!]: After you complained to your landlord about the broken Air Conditioner he finally got off his ass and called in a handyman. Turns out, your lease only required that he connect you with a repairperson and not actually pay them...
>Handyman Saitou is requesting ¥40,000 to repair your Air Conditioner!
>Once JULY 20th hits if your Air Conditioner isn't fixed you will accumulate STRESS on a weekly basis!
Pay Satou, then fucking murder our landlord?
Lets do it

[x] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed
- [x] Major Actions (-20 D) (+2 Major Actions, 6/8)
-- [x] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
-- [x] [G-Man 2.0]
-- [x] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
-- [x] [Pulling the Safety]
-- [x] [Razed NATURE]
-- [x] [Pruning PLANTs]
- [x] Minor Actions (-25 D, +5 Minor Actions, 9/? limit)
-- [x] [Work//Titan Movers]:
-- [x] [Work//Augma]:
-- [x] [Work//CatCafe]
-- [x] [.Work//Sign]
-- [x] [High Love]
- [x] Free Actions (-1d6 * 1000 Yen + 15000 Yen, Gain 25D)
-- [x] [Nekoya!]
-- [x] [Bulk Hair Products]
I'm mostly okay with the current plan but I feel obligated to point out that I think all of the proposed plans ignore giving our Shadow actions. She is noted to be satisfied now so maybe one plan phase where she's ignored won't come back to bite us... but I'm thinking the likely result is she either hijacks one or two actions at random or the next plan phase we're going to need to give her half the actions to make up for this which could get... dicey.

I actually started writing up an an alternative plan to address Shadow Tag but it ends up so close to the existing plan that it feels redundant. My suggestion would be to make G-Man 2.0 a Shadow action, personally. It's not listed as an action she's interested in but I could see her having fun trolling Kikuoka so I don't think it'd aggravate her (like hypothetically if we tried to throw apologizing to Mom on her). If you want to stick to options we're explicitly told she's interested in there's only 4 and all Social Links. Two of which (SWORD and JUSTICE) I'd prefer not to use Shadow Tag on leaving just FORTUNE and DEVIL. I'm good with using Shadow Tag on both and my tentative suggestion would be to swap either checking on Shino (but then definitely add it to the must list for next plan along with the SAO Survivors) or one of the existing Social Links for it.

Technically 1/6 actions is 16.6% but I'm hoping that's close enough that everything is good.

[X] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed

Edit: I still think we'd be better served putting a Shadow action here since I really do think it slots it pretty nicely here and may avoid us getting locked into some tougher decisions next plan, but eh.
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PoH's severed head on a spike...

That upcoming family dinner will be super awkward.

Or was it going to be something that couldn't be solved? Poverty, Despair, Depersonalization, a problem with society that can't be stopped until everyone, everywhere, changes. There's not enough strength in the world to tackle something like that.

"Hi, my name is Takuto from the Make a Wish foundation…"

[ ] NEW! [Pulling the Safety]: How's Shino doing? Last time you saw her she seemed... distracted. Something about training for a tournament? And how is Shinkawa Kyouji for that matter, did Shino ever figure out what was going on with him? You haven't seen him around Shino's place in some time. You have some free time now, so why don't knock on her door and see how she's doing? It's not exactly rational, but... something feels wrong. With Shino. With Kyouji and... you're not sure what it is.

This is like the time the Phantom Thieves found out about Haru's true self.
05/22: Wiping All Out
[x] Plan, The Determination To Keep Moving Forward At Full Speed
- [x] Major Actions (-20 D) (+2 Major Actions, 6/8)
-- [x] [Girl's Night Out (and +1)]
-- [x] [G-Man 2.0]
-- [x] [Somewhat Less Ashamed!]
-- [x] [Pulling the Safety]
-- [x] [Razed NATURE]
-- [x] [Pruning PLANTs]
- [x] Minor Actions (-25 D, +5 Minor Actions, 9/? limit)
-- [x] [Work//Titan Movers]:
-- [x] [Work//Augma]:
-- [x] [Work//CatCafe]
-- [x] [.Work//Sign]
-- [x] [High Love]
- [x] Free Actions (-1d6 * 1000 Yen + 15000 Yen, Gain 25D)
-- [x] [Nekoya!]
-- [x] [Bulk Hair Products]

THURSDAY - May 22nd, 2025
Early Morning

"Well, you're in luck!"

The older man smiles as he slides the panel shut and turns back to you. He's got a well-worn jumpsuit with the logo of «Gori Gori Construction» and a friendly, customer-service smile, but the overpacked utility belt and giant toolbox belay the truth of the situation.

That your landlord, in his infinite wisdom, sent not a certified HVAC technician, but... the local handyman. Who only had an opening in the early morning. Which means you had to get up even earlier than the ungodly time school forced you to wake up.

At least he seems like he knows what he's doing... probably.

"The refrigerant and compressor are old, but still perfectly functional! Haha, I'm really not qualified to replace anything like that, you know? I usually just install and uninstall these things!" He laughs at some private joke, but his expression drops at your continued unenthused stare.

"Ah, well, that being said, it's just a problem with the thermostat. Won't cost you much to fix it, I'll just need to rewire it a bit. Won't be more than, say, ¥10000?" He seems nervous the moment he starts talking price.

You breathe a sigh of relief. That was pricey but not unreasonable for Tokyo. "Okay, okay. I can afford that," you say.

He waves you off, "Always happy to help! But, uh, ma'am..."

And.... here's the upsell!

"If I can make a recommendation..."

Try not to sign up for any monthly subscriptions.

"How would you feel about installing a new air conditioner altogether?"

"I thought you said it was only a thermostat issue!" Damn it you knew there was a catch!

"It is! But yours is getting on in the years. The fan's liable to break soon, and that compressor I mentioned earlier... the tubes are cracked. Still working, but, uh, you do not want to get refrigerant leaking into your apartment. Those chemicals are not exactly safe..."

You narrow your eyes at him as he fidgets, trying to focus on him as hard as you can. You were confident in your ability to detect an outright lie, but a businessman exaggerating the problem to sell you something? Gah, there's nothing you can read from his gormless expression. Did you truly need a whole new AC!? That would run you another ¥70-80k, easy.

The handyman senses your hesitation and immediately backpedals, "Well, uh, I'd be happy to do a full tune-up on what you've got here! It's a bit old so I don't have any parts on hand. Now, considering I'll need to order it in advance we're looking at..."

You glare at him.

"¥40000!" He proudly proclaims, holding up four fingers, like he's doing you a favor by charging you an arm and a leg.

"...I'll think about it." You try to resist the urge to kick him out just for doing his job.

"Just don't wait too long, Tokyo summers can get rough!"

He gathers his tools and gives you a bow as he leaves. As he heads down the hall of your one-room apartment, you wonder how the hell you were going to scrounge up that much money on short notice. The heatwave was projected to arrive July 20th, but you're already feeling the humidity. Frankly, you wouldn't say no to better temperature control even right now...

"Oh! Dear Customer!" The handyman calls from your door, unwilling to leave you alone to wallow in your newfound financial insecurity.

"Yes!?" You poke your head out of your room and find the handyman frowning, looking at your door with a furrowed brow.

"Uh... well, I know you called about the AC but... this lock..."

Rather than a traditional key, your apartment has an electronic lock, something that became popular in the years since the SAO incident. The government was insisting that people switch over in preparation for the «Social Security Surveillance Camera» system being constructed around Tokyo. You've never really given it much thought, beyond the novelty of opening your door with your cellphone striking you as super cool the first time you used it.

"Is it broken too?"

The handyman scratches his chin, "No, it's not broken. They're good locks, impossible to pick because there's not even a keyhole to use. But, I see your door only has one lock in it."

You're not following what he's saying. "Yeah, and...?"

"Half my job is getting people locked out of their own homes inside. Boy was I worried when everyone switched to electronic locks, thought it'd run me straight outta business!"

You cross your arms, and as he sees your expression he finally takes a hint. You still have to get ready for school.

"Ah, sorry. How about I show you instead, way faster than explaining it." He pulls out his smartphone, gives you a hearty wave, and exits the threshold of your front door. It shuts behind him, and you can hear the electronic lock engage automatically with a soft click.

You expect nothing but silence and possibly the handyman knocking to be let back in.

But what you get instead is another strange clicking sound... and the squeaking of your poorly oiled hinges as your door swings wide open.


The handyman on the other side waves his phone like it was some magic wand, smiling the whole time. "See? First-generation electronic locks, especially ones retrofitted for old buildings, usually have maintenance codes set to the factory default. You can just, uh, look it up, and download a program that'll let you unlock any door with that model, anywhere! Convenient when you leave your keys at home, haha!"


"Tokyo's a safe place and all, but until all the Social Camera stuff ends up fully installed, you might want to invest in a physical lock. Of course, they can be picked, but electronic just feels less safe than good ol' fashion analog, don't you agree? And I'd be happy to install one for you, maybe ¥20000? You know what, considering the AC, I'll give you a discount on the service fee! How about ¥50000 for the whole package?"

Get this asshole out of here before he sells you a new apartment!

"That won't be necessary! Thank you very much!"

You jump out of your seat and practically shove the handyman out the door, slamming it on his face. You try not to dwell on the fact that there wasn't anything stopping the handyman, or anybody from just waltzing into your room at any moment.

What the hell was wrong with Tokyo!? And why does everything have to cost so much money!?

You slump down against the door as you rub your temples. You'll have to worry about this after school.

THURSDAY - May 22nd, 2025

This is it. The start of your high school life in earnest! School's out, you didn't get accosted by any weirdos on the way over, and you've confirmed once and for all that for once, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the sky!

No giant gaudy tree polluting the Tokyo Skyline!
It looks normal, which means everything's normal! You're normal!

You're rested, refreshed, and ready to tackle the new day! You've spent the last few months sneaking in studying where you can, barely keeping up with your part-time jobs, and spending almost every day neck-deep in VR bullshit. No time to hang out with friends that wasn't also somehow fulfilling some weird eldritch pact.

But that changes now. You won't let some vague apocalypse ruin your chance to live the high school life you were promised!
This is ridiculous.

You have an itinerary planned out, it's going to be a busy few days. You need money, and fast, otherwise, you'll soon be sleeping in a blistering pillbox with an open door.

Why don't you show up early for a work shift? Employers love an employee who shows up early!
You've been holding the phone for hours!


Mom hasn't been texting you lately. Not since... Mother's Day.

You never really paid it any mind. Junior High usually involved some arts and crafts project in celebration of the date, but High School didn't have anything of the sort. Or maybe there was, and you were too sleep-deprived to notice. In your defense, you had a lot on your plate!

You're being stupid. It's just a single day. Not even a real holiday, just some corporate scam to sell flowers. What did you even do last Mother's Day? Uh... you surprised her in the morning with breakfast in bed? She probably doesn't even remember that!


Before your brain can catch up to your fingers you've already hit the button. You just had to have Mom's number on speed dial... the phone doesn't even make it through the first ring.

<Hiyori? Is that you...?>

Your eyes go wide and your mouth hangs open. What can you even say? Why did you even call in the first place!?

"H-hi Mom."

<H-how are you doing? Is... is everything okay!?>

You plop down on your bed, trying to think of a way to dig yourself out of the hole you've already dug. "Yeah, everything's fine! I just wanted to... um... call you."

<Oh! Um... okay. Good! That's good to hear. It's great!>

The voice on the other side of the line is your mom, but it sounds like someone else entirely. Her voice is shaky and uneven like she's trying to remember her lines.

"H-hey, how's dad doing?"

<Just the usual, you know how your father is, always working hard and keeping busy! H-he was planning to come home for Golden Week but something came up... I'm sure you understand... It's fine, I haven't had so much free time for myself since college! Ha. Ha. Ha...>

You wince at the forced laugh. This is a mistake. Why did you do this?

"So... uh... I did pretty well on my midterms..."

<Oh... that's amazing... I suppose you'll be wanting your allowance raised...>

You wince again. She wasn't entirely wrong, but the timing didn't exactly paint your call in a flattering light... "No, I—"

<It's alright, Tokyo is expensive... I'm always happy to hear your voice even if you're just calling about....>

"Wait, I didn't mean—"

<You should keep at it, okay? Mom's always rooting for you!>

She's just repeating platitudes now, not even listening to you. Your chest starts to sink. "I called because..."

<...Just let me know whenever you need anything, alright? Mom will always be here for you...>

"...Thanks, Mom."

This was such a dumb thing. You didn't do anything wrong. You don't even need to bring it up, just pretend it never happened. Easier for Mom, easier for you. Easier for everyone. Your hand moves towards the hang-up button, your finger hovering over the big red button.


The phone drops from your hand as it goes numb. You fall back into your bed, feeling all the strength drain from your body.

<Hiyori? Hiyori! I hear something fall, are you okay!?>

You barely register the words, instead staring at your ceiling blankly. Just say it. Just SAY IT! Just...
...Can you do it for me?


"Hey, Mom," you begin slowly, picking up the phone from under the pillow and bringing it to your mouth.


You take a deep breath, steadying your resolve. It's just you here, like always. Nobody's going to rescue you. So you have to say it yourself...

"I'm sorry."

There's a pause on the other side of the line. Just silence.

You've been too busy to go home. You've had so much on your plate you couldn't remember a holiday. You had too many competing priorities and couldn't come home. You were... too busy to call and apologize. But you don't want to make any more excuses. It's not really about Mother's Day or Golden Week or anything so singular.

It's just... as much as you don't to be babied anymore...
That didn't mean you stopped being her daughter.

<Hiyori... it's alright, Mommy knows you've been very busy...>

You hear the trembling voice on the other side of the line struggling to fight back tears.

<If you can't make it home, that's alright. Mommy understands. You need some distance.>

"I... I just wanted you to know..."

<It's okay. I-I'll try to be more respectful of your time, Hiyori...>

You shake your head, even though you know she can't see you. An apology wasn't what she was looking for. You set down the mask you've been wearing for months, and try, for once to just say what you feel...

"...I miss you, Mom."


"I-I don't mind your calls. I uh, I've been caught up in some new responsibilities, so I really can't go back home easily. But it was... nice to see you again. M-maybe you'd able to come by more often?"


The sheer volume of the sound sends the speakers in your phone crackling in protest, and you pull the device away from your ear with a grimace.

"T-this week's no good! I've got a part-time shift starting soon! And my room's a mess, and now's just not a good time! But later is good! Just give me some warning!" You quickly finish, trying to suppress the feeling deep in your gut that you've just opened Pandora's Box.

<Of course! Mommy understands! I'll be sure to call first!>

The voice is back to its normal volume and tone. You sigh in relief, having dodged a bullet.

"A-and I know I couldn't make it for Mother's Day, but do you, uh, want to celebrate it later? O-oh I know, I'll treat you to something!"

<R-really? Oh! You don't have to trouble yourself, Hiyori. You're already doing so much as it is...>

You feel a headache already. What did you do last time? The Mother's Day breakfast was traditional, sure, but considering she'd have to come to you, it'd be a lunch at best... uh, maybe you can make buy her a gift? Gah, that sounds too impersonal. It was easy when you were in junior high, a crappy cardboard heart was all anyone expected of you at that age! But you can't just cheap out anymore! "Yeah, it'll be a late Mother's Day celebration! We can... uh..."

You... could just buy her some flowers? That's too cliche. Invite her to... play a video game? Nope, they were mind-controlling people with them now. Wait, you'll just do what you did last time! "I can cook something for you again! Like, lunch, maybe?"

<Of course Yori-chan! Mommy will look forward to it!>

You sigh, a weight finally coming off your shoulders. "Well, it was great catching up. I've got to get to work soon."

<Of course! Take care of yourself, okay?>

You close your eyes and take a deep breath.

"You too mom."



That went well. She sounded much more chipper near the end, and as a bonus, you're getting a bigger allowance now! It's hard keeping one lie from her, let alone the dozens you were juggling right now... But it's good to get one off the chest.


Don't you dare even begin that thought...!

You don't know how to cook.

>You've made up with your Mom! PRUDENCE is now available for advancement again!
>Allowance is now ¥7000 per week, to be dispensed on Monday.

"Shino, are you there!?"

Aside from passing each other on the way to school, you haven't had much of a chance to check up on your neighbor since Golden Week. It's only been a handful of days but with everything that's happened, it feels so much longer...

You knock a bit harder on the door, trying to get her attention. Your mind has already gone through the calculations... who did you know that could cook?

Nijika couldn't make an omurice to save her life. Meimi was too rich to cook. Your loud friend just ate her mom's cooking... could Shirogane cook? Eh, he's a college-aged bachelor, not even worth asking.

Hmm... you could ask your friend's mom for advice. But then that would inevitably lead to her mom asking about your mom, and then they'd start talking, and then they'd start some kind of gossip chain...

So that leads you here. Shino could cook! It was mostly healthy, flavorless food... but what little you knew of cooking atrophied in SAO. You needed to serve up something better than boiled noodles and at least Shino probably had a stocked kitchen. You could ask her what she does for home security!

"Shino! Are you home!?"


That's unusual. You're almost certain she's inside, and you can even make out the lights on through the lone window of her apartment. If you recall the user manual on your Amusphere, you could wire it to an electronic lock so that it alerted anyone within a FullDive when the doorbell was rung. You've tried the bell a few times already.

No sense camping her apartment, you could always check back later. You knock once more for good measure.

You hear something from beyond the door. A quiet voice mumbling something.
You frown. Did she just finally hear you?

There's a sharp creak as the door begins to move, and you see your neighbor through the chain in her door.


The girl looks much worse than the last time you met. Her hair's a mess, matted down into the shape of a bowl. She's wearing her pajamas even though it's early afternoon, and her bloodshot eyes are all the more pronounced without her glasses to hide them.

"O-oh. Hiyori? Did the school send you? Sorry, let them know I'm still a bit sick..."

You can't see any mucus or any other evidence of illness. You don't smell anything either, and she doesn't seem to have the flu...

"...Are you alright?"

She stares at you blankly. "...Sorry, just busy..."

"Did I interrupt something? Sorry if all the ringing was annoying..."

"Ringing? I was taking a bathroom break and I heard you knocking... do you need anything...?"
You can sense the dismissal in her voice, whatever it was, you were interrupting. Still, something's... wrong here.

"Hey, Shino, do you want to catch up today? I was hoping to ask you something."

Your neighbor blinks, like she's trying to comprehend an alien. "What? You... you want to hang out?"

"Oh, uh, it's nothing urgent. Can I talk inside—"


The door slams shut. You take a step back in surprise, but not before hearing the chain on her door reattach itself.

"...Shino? Do you want me to... get some help?"

...there's the briefest of pauses and the door cracks open a hair, Shino's lone eye staring out at you, having thought better than slamming the door in you face.

"Would you like to come outside instead? While the weather's still nice?"

She takes that much better than your attempt to enter her apartment.

"...sure. Just let me get dressed."

Shino closes the door, and you wait patiently as she changes. It takes a while for her to come out of her room, but you don't miss the way she rushes out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her like it was radioactive.

It... didn't sound like there was someone in there with her. So what was she trying to hide?

It's an awkward walk to the nearby playground. Shino wasn't exactly a close friend of yours, but as the first person you've gotten to know in Tokyo you weren't strangers either. The two of you were both private people, you by necessity and Shino? You got the sense she preferred to keep things close to heart.

Indirectly, you already knew of her biggest secret. And if you were feeling charitable, you'd like to think the two of you were friends. Which made all this even stranger. She looked fine during Golden Week. Did something happen recently to change that?

The two of you are sitting on some swings, your neighbor looking more alive under the light of the real sun. She's put her fake glasses back on and just threw a jacket over her pajamas. You idly sway in the swing, letting her have her space as the two of you wait for the other to speak up.

"So... what did you want to talk about?"

You perk up, thankful that she broke the silence. You're about to ask her for some cooking tips but you realize that you have bigger problems to deal with. And you confess to a certain degree of curiosity. You've come to understand, or at the very least suspect, something dangerous in the core of the SEED, that strange seemingly harmless program at the root of all modern VRMMOs.

Kayaba Akihiko's final goal; what he set in motion with the release of the SEED, has remained a mystery for so long. The SEED, each one, was potentially a core for... another world? You didn't know all the VRMMOs out there, by now hundreds were popping up all around the world...

But you know of the popular ones. ALO for one. And... «Gun Gale Online», the game Shino and Kyouji were obsessed over.

"How's GGO going? Weren't you training for something...?"

She nods, her posture straightening at the mere mention of GGO. "I've bought a new rifle with the money you gave me, one better suited for an anti-personnel role. The «Bullet of Bullets» isn't a great environment for an anti-material rifle, at least not as a primary weapon. What it loses in overkill it more than makes up for in weight reduction, and thanks to that I've been able to finally fit some armor on my kit."

"That, uh, sounds great. So... how's school?"

She looks at you like you've grown a second head. It takes a second for her to even acknowledge the question. "School? Oh, it's fine. I did alright on the midterms."

"What about Kyouji?" You almost want to ask if he managed to suck less at studying. "How has he been doing? Did you ever find out what was bugging him?"

Your neighbor grips the chains of her swing, the plastic seat squeaking as she comes to a halt. When she turns and looks into your eyes it's like you're talking to a different person.

"I want to thank you, Hiyori, for giving me the push I needed. I was wondering for so long but the answer was so obvious, it was practically staring me in the face."

You try to hide the unease in your voice. "Yeah? What was it?"

Your neighbor smiles. It's a cold, ruthless, thing, lacking any warmth or emotion. "Spiegal was weak."


"I can't believe I never noticed. He has no aim, no skills, and no sense of strategy. He works hard, sure, but all that effort and grinding when applied to someone truly talented would've paid off ages ago. Spiegal brought me into his world so I always thought he was, at the very least, competent. But he wasn't. And all this time he was struggling with his... inadequacy and I never even realized it."

"O-oh. But what about his studies?" You don't care about Kyouji's apparent poor performance in GGO, wasn't he trying to be a doctor?

"Rather than finding a kit that works with his playstyle, Spiegal is a meta slave. He's constantly chasing after the latest builds, and by the time he's caught up, everyone else has already left him in the dust. Do you want to know something truly ridiculous?"

Shino's voice is trembling with anger, her words filled with contempt and loathing.

"He wants to spectate the next «Bullet of Bullets»! To cheer me on! Why!? What's even the point!? How can he expect to become strong if all he's willing to do is stand there and watch!?"

All traces of sleepiness have gone from Shino. You fight back a recoil as your forehead burns. She rises from her swing and begins to pace, a white and teal shadow trailing her every move. The more you look at her, the more coherent the phantom becomes and the hazier Shino gets.

You can smell the gunsmoke hanging off her.

"Spiegal wants to be strong, but he's not like you. He can't just take what he needs. He asks for strength but he has no clue how to seize it! No drive, no hunger!" She's ranting now, screaming into the empty playground in a fit of rage that wouldn't look out of place coming from Kyouji himself.

"Shino," you begin, slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements. This was just like the Pooka on the tower, just like Sugou. "What did you do with Kyouji?"

She turns towards you, and you get a clear look at her eyes. Looking at you, appraising you, almost for the first time. Not as a friend or a neighbor, but as a potential target.

"Isn't it obvious?"

You're suddenly cognizant of some facts that you've never had reason to contemplate. How Shino was older than you. How she was taller than you, and even with her lifestyle much stronger than you. How right now... you were alone with her.

"I killed him."

You don't miss the hint of ecstasy in her voice when she says that.

"I hunted him down, I've put bullets into every inch of his body. Every time he logged in, every time he respawned, I taught him the meaning of strength."

Killed in a game, you want to clarify, but you're wondering if to Shino it made any difference.

"I'm doing him a favor, no... I'm doing my duty. Spiegal helped me in so many ways, so it's only fair that I repay the favor. I will give him what he truly wants. I will make him stronger."

Shino's hands raise from her sides. There's nothing in her arms but her right arm is sharply bent from the weight and her shoulder is cocked back to absorb the kick of a rifle. She raises the phantom gun to her eyes, looking down at the scope only she can see.

"Until he manages to kill me the only time I'll see him is through Hecate's scope."


"Shino, I want you to listen to me very carefully." You raise your hands, making sure to show her you're empty-handed. That you're not holding a gun. "That's just Kyouji's avatar, not his real self. You're here, right now, in the real world. Your name is Shino. Do you understand what I'm saying...?"

"Hey... you know something..."

She's faster than you gave her credit for. You doubt she can run any faster than you, but you can't backpedal fast enough to prevent her hand from seizing your shoulder. She pulls you in close until you can see nothing but her eyes.

You can't see the glasses, and the late Tokyo afternoon is suddenly caked in twilight. Her black hair has gone teal, and a large muffler has sprouted around her neck. You can feel something cold and metallic pressed up against your torso.

"You're strong, aren't you? You even saved me. Which means... you're stronger than me, aren't you?"

"Shino, I don't know what's going on, but you should stop logging in—"

"What was it you told me? What were those words you used..."

The teal-haired warrior was Shino's avatar, and you knew she was a fan of GGO. But she wasn't like this the last time you talked, it's beyond even what you've seen happen with Seven. It's too fast. Unnatural. How could she have changed so much in such a short amount of time?

"You're a survivor. That's the secret to your strength. So if I..."

Look. I know you can see it.

Your black haired neighbor, ostracized, bullied. An acquaintance, maybe even a friend...
This sniper staring down her next victim.
And... something else. The smell of blood. The talk of strength.

Look into her eyes.

"You're not like Spiegal are you? You're strong, Hiyori. Say... why don't you prove it to me? it wasn't a fluke... right? You're a survivor. You won't run away. You won't just spectate."

A cold muzzle that doesn't exist presses harder into your side.

"Why don't you join in? Prove you're the strongest. I'll even tell them to send you the invitation."

Your heart stops.
Red eyes stare back at you. Laughing Coffin's second in command, the man obsessed with death and strength.

Just like our second favorite edgelord.

"So? Are you truly strong? Or are you like Spiegal, just a faker? Can you prove it to me? That you're..."

"The «Real Deal»?"

[ ] Play Along [You have enough MASK for this option]
>Challenge her, insist that you're stronger than her, and that you accept her challenge. Anytime, anywhere.

[ ] Play Possum [You have enough GRIT for this option]
>Wilt. Pretend to be prey, reveal that everything you've done so far has just been dumb luck and blustering. Insist you can't beat her, nor do you even want to.

[ ] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
>What's the easiest, fastest, and most effective to shake someone out of VR Psychosis? The answer is simple. It's to remind them their body is made of meat.

[ ] Appeal to Shino with the truth. [You have enough EMPATHY for this option]
>Tell her about the SEED. Explain that she's in deep, and you want to know why. Appeal to Shino as much as you can.
>Probably won't work fully. But something may reach her... you hope.

[ ] Do you have any goddamn idea who the fuck you're talking to!?
>Flaunt your previous allegiance to Laughing Coffin and show the faker who's the Real Deal.
>Satisfies your Shadow.

[ ] I'll leave you alone, so please don't hurt me! Psyche...
>Make an excuse, run away.
>...then break into Shino's room tomorrow.

>Satisfies your Shadow. Become an IRL Criminal! Well, more than you already are!

[ ] Write-In [Say something to Shino or modify an existing plan!]

>Do something unexpected! Write it in!

Mechanical change incoming regarding Write-Ins. Most of the time a write-in seems to be used just to modify an existing option. Going forward if you want to choose an option but make a small change (change a dialogue, take small portions from each plan, etc) this will be free and can simply be written in.

If you perform a STUNT, as in you do something out of left field, unanticipated from the QM or clearly not in line with an existing option you can still do it, subject to QM Veto if it's impossible, but this will typically cost Determination (likely 5-10D depending on what you're trying to do). I'm not giving a blank check here but DETERMINATION can be spent to do stuff that's out of character as well, though the QM reserves the right to impose penalties. I'm making the option explicitly labeled as STUNT to distinguish it from a regular write in. Use STUNT if you want to do something cool or drastic.

So A) Talking to Shino with a write in is free WRITE-IN!
B) Punching her in the face and then stealing her cell phone is a STUNT!

Also some of the more cursed images have been edited. Mostly for hands. And the prudence SL picture no longer has Hiyori wearing a football helmet.
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Well... shit, Shino has gone too deep, seems GGO is going to be our next scandal brought to light, maybe it would be good to call Kyouji somehow to see if he is alright.

[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
>What's the easiest, fastest, and most effective to shake someone out of VR Psychosis? The answer is simple. It's to remind them their body is made of meat.
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The girl looks much worse than the last time you met. Her hair's a mess, matted down into the shape of a bowl. She's wearing her pajamas even though it's early afternoon, and her bloodshot eyes are all the more pronounced without her glasses to hide them.

Looks like we've gone an addiction on our hands.

You perk up, thankful that she broke the silence. You're about to ask her for some cooking tips but you realize that you have bigger problems to deal with. And you confess to a certain degree of curiosity. You've come to understand, or at the very least suspect, something dangerous in the core of the SEED, that strange seemingly harmless program at the root of all modern VRMMOs.

First through SAO and now through ALO. And Kayaba Akihiko's final goal; what he set in motion with the release of the SEED, has remained a mystery for so long. The SEED, each one, was potentially a core for... another world? You didn't know all the VRMMOs out there, by now hundreds were popping up all around the world...

But you know of the popular ones. ALO for one. And... «Gun Gale Online», the game Shino and Kyouji were obsessed over.

In hindsight, it was really dumb to forget about GGO after meeting Shino and Kyoji.

"I killed him."

You don't miss the hint of ecstasy in her voice when she says that.

"I hunted him down, I've put bullets into every inch of his body. Every time he logged in, every time he respawned, I taught him the meaning of strength."

Killed in a game, you want to clarify, but you're wondering if to Shino it made any difference.

"I'm doing him a favor, no... I'm doing my duty. Spiegal helped me in so many ways, so it's only fair that I repay the favor. I will give him what he truly wants. I will make him stronger."

Shino's hands raise from her sides. There's nothing in her arms but her right arm is sharply bent from the weight and her shoulder is cocked back to absorb the kick of a rifle. She raises the phantom gun to her eyes, looking down at the scope only she can see.

"Until he manages to kill me the only time I'll see him is through Hecate's scope."

This is the most interesting thing to me. Shino's kicked Kyoji out of his fantasy and called him out on his problems in the worst way possible. This will either make him worse and have him go DEATH GUN or his inability to log in and whatever non--creep care he has for Shino could prevail and pull his head out of his ass.

I really can't figure out if Shino or Kyoji is going to become our new Persona party member here. Good job, Pete.

Look into her eyes.

"You're not like Spiegal are you? You're strong, Hiyori. Say... why don't you prove it to me? it wasn't a fluke... right? You're a survivor. You won't run away. You won't just spectate."

A cold muzzle that doesn't exist presses harder into your side.

"Why don't you join in? Prove you're the strongest. I'll even tell them to send you the invitation."

Your heart stops.
Red eyes stare back at you. Laughing Coffin's second in command, the man obsessed with death and strength.

Just like our second favorite edgelord.

And the worst possible scenario is that Shino might be considering joining Laughing Coffin.

[X] Wake her up with force [You lack the FITNESS for this option] 5 DETERMINATION to take
--[X] Write-In "You want to know what made me strong when I beat Endou? It's because I took the most simple, effective solution, just like this!

We have the D and it's the most surefire way. If there's a time where subtle won't cut it, it's here.