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[X] Don't Pull the Trigger
>Maintain Ash Nazg RD trait
>Urvashi: 7 MAG
>Magdalene: 4 MAG
>Ash Nazg: 5 MAG
>Villefort: 8 MAG
>32 MAG and may fortune favor you.

The Black Star tasks you with a simple mission.

To bring forth who you believe you are. Who you choose to be.

And to kill what you used to be. To cast away your regrets.

Killing our shadow and replacing it with something else would not be good for our long term goal of accepting SAO for what is was, and moving past it in a healthy manner. It would quite likely be horrendous for our mental health.
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Word of QM is that running away was possible if we started that turn, I was interpreting our opponents trying to stop us as more of a "we'd get shot at" and that attempts to outright stop us where less certain. It's why I was on board with Dominating M.

I'm not sure that a Shadow Tag increase would be the ONLY penalty, but I'm weary of treating Shadow Hiyori like the enemy and that increases to Shadow Tag are the worst things imaginable. We've made choices before that are inconsistent with the natural growth of Hiyori' character and those should naturally result in this incomplete Ego Shadow Fusion becoming more unstable, this kindof feels like one of them.

I do kindof think that if we're given an option (execpting the take the consiquences of your bad decision that is the [ ] Don't Pull the Trigger option) it's not a route to instant death. While I'm not 100% clear on what QM has planned for this, my expectations are a mix of velvet room shenanagins and potentially Fission?
Word of QM is that running away was possible if we started that turn, I was interpreting our opponents trying to stop us as more of a "we'd get shot at" and that attempts to outright stop us where less certain. It's why I was on board with Dominating M.

I'm not sure that a Shadow Tag increase would be the ONLY penalty, but I'm weary of treating Shadow Hiyori like the enemy and that increases to Shadow Tag are the worst things imaginable. We've made choices before that are inconsistent with the natural growth of Hiyori' character and those should naturally result in this incomplete Ego Shadow Fusion becoming more unstable, this kindof feels like one of them.

I do kindof think that if we're given an option (execpting the take the consiquences of your bad decision that is the [ ] Don't Pull the Trigger option) it's not a route to instant death. While I'm not 100% clear on what QM has planned for this, my expectations are a mix of velvet room shenanagins and potentially Fission?
Cool, missed that I guess. It's a definite mistake then.

I agree that Shadow Hiyori is not an enemy. However, she is more unstable and if we really want to we can always go over the cap. It is simply restricting.

Ok but I still don't understand how it bails us out. I fully expect the consequences to be more then simply increasing shadow tag (by the way Hiyori being fractured mentally is the real issue there)
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I am unclear on what pulling the trigger does with regards to Hiyori's relationship with Rossa. Is it rejecting her given that she died and our Ideal is Survival? Are we accepting her given that she's pushing us to pull the trigger and she's one of the things defining our Ideal?

Rossa's Entire deal is an intentional mystery and the core of the third arc so I can't be more clear.

Your Survivor Ideal currently does not refer to self survival, if that makes sense.

Ok but I still don't understand how it bails us out. I fully expect the consequences to be more then simply increasing shadow tag (by the way Hiyori being fractured mentally is the real issue there)

Your Shadow Tag ratio is your reflection of mental fracture, that and whether Hiyori perceives her Shadow's thoughts as her own or as a yellow text voice in her head.

As for how you'll stop the laser there will be another chapter since you'll bounce into the Velvet Room to figure out of. Your Shadow will essentially ask you to be selfish.
With 32 dice, the probability of success by itself is roughly 66% if the calculator I used is to be trusted.
Assuming we're rolling against 5 (aka normal conditions,) that is correct. 66.25% chance of success.

[X] Don't Pull the Trigger

Was against invoking Real Deal last vote and feel even more strongly about it with this update. None of our options are great IMO but this is the situation we've put ourselves in here.
Well, I said I'd support it if other options came out ahead.

[X] Ask for Darkness.

This is flat out the best of our remaining bad options. Close to guaranteed survival and potential furthering of our useful relationship with Nyarly, although we don't exactly come out in the best light here. I'm sure he's seen worse.

66% chance chance of not losing the fight on the spot aren't odds we should be betting on. If you're taking this bet because you're suspicious or otherwise distrustful of Nyarlathotep, losing the game and having Nyarly rewind for us increases his power over reality. He's significantly easier to deal with and more on our side the less we rewind time.
Like, guys, I get it as much as the next guy. Relying on ETTEILLA is a crappy thing, but we are trying to get in a beam struggle where we lose 1/3 of the time. It may not sound much but it fucking is. Like, our rolls can be shit when we really need it, and do we really want to bet against the dice? We probably will survive the impact, but everyone else will fucking not. Game over man, that's it, better slot up and give a reboot! And guess what? This can give Nyarly more control depending on how it works! Good job guys, really good job!

So, let's for fucking once play it safe!
[X] Ask for Darkness.

I feel like we're somehow gonna end up screwed no matter which way we go.
[X] Pull the Trigger

The truth we don't want to admit it's that the worlds, the heavens, that the seed creates are also True. Else they would not be a threat.

But I like the idea of killing the past so that everyone [Survives].
Like, guys, I get it as much as the next guy. Relying on ETTEILLA is a crappy thing, but we are trying to get in a beam struggle where we lose 1/3 of the time. It may not sound much but it fucking is. Like, our rolls can be shit when we really need it, and do we really want to bet against the dice? We probably will survive the impact, but everyone else will fucking not. Game over man, that's it, better slot up and give a reboot! And guess what? This can give Nyarly more control depending on how it works! Good job guys, really good job!

So, let's for fucking once play it safe!
Given that I'm generally Pro-ETTEILLA I don't consider 'Ask For Darkness' as having much of a downside aside from the Determination and Stress tbh. I likely become less Pro-ETTEILLA as retry tokens get used though.

That said, the numbers on 'Don't Pull the Trigger' kept bugging me since they came up as different than mine so I went to double check. Turns out I was missing the Gun modifiers which explains how we get to 32 total MAG. But there is one line of that option that people haven't paid attention too:
[ ] Don't Pull the Trigger
>Maintain Ash Nazg RD trait
>Urvashi: 7 MAG
>Magdalene: 4 MAG
>Ash Nazg: 5 MAG
>Villefort: 8 MAG
>32 MAG and may fortune favor you.
Specifically: >Maintain Ash Nazg RD trait
Depending on how this is calculated this is either 2 or 8 additional dice. This is probably an intentional misdirect/safety valve by Pete in case we pick this given that he probably doesn't want us to lose. Odds on 34 dice is roughly 74%, and odds on 40 dice is roughly 90%. 34 dice seems significantly more likely to me, so it is still not a safe option.

Calling ETTEILLA for help is significantly safer while being more narratively satisfying imo.
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[X] Pull the Trigger

The truth we don't want to admit it's that the worlds, the heavens, that the seed creates are also True. Else they would not be a threat.

But I like the idea of killing the past so that everyone [Survives].

Thing is I think we've completely misunderstood what Hiyori's original Real Deal trait is and it's worse than we thought. Pete said this.

Rossa's Entire deal is an intentional mystery and the core of the third arc so I can't be more clear.

Your Survivor Ideal currently does not refer to self survival, if that makes sense.

I have a new theory, I don't think Hiyori's Real Deal is 'survive at any costs' it's 'Rossa survives'. We'd effectively be brainwashing and lobotomizing ourselves into deluding we're another person because as Hiyori's has realized this update Death Gun Persona are built around self-perception.

I'd consider risking everything on the beam clash and failing preferable to pulling the trigger now.
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I have a new theory, I don't think Hiyori's Real Deal is 'survive at any costs' it's 'Rossa survives'. We'd effectively be brainwashing and lobotomizing ourselves into deluding we're another person because as Hiroyi's has realized this update Death Gun Persona are built around self-perception.

Oh, fuck me, we already had Kasumi/Sumire, we don't need a repeat of THAT
But...there's something that feels conflicting with this theory, at least. That Hiyori even considered sacrificing Rossa an option.

Remember, in the Sinon DG fight we called upon it unconsciously to protect ourselves against Mudoon. Probably because the power of that memory allowed us to manifest it as a powerful defense - and Incarnation is pretty much about that, anyways.

Here, it feels more like Kuro is calling upon this facet consciously, if that makes sense. Maybe it's because we're not high on Real Deal, but it still feels contradictory?
[X] Don't Pull the Trigger

[X] Ask for Darkness

what's with the two votes in a post thing by the way? i'm assuming we have to pick one, so why are there two?
Specifically: >Maintain Ash Nazg RD trait
Depending on how this is calculated this is either 2 or 8 additional dice. This is probably an intentional misdirect/safety valve by Pete in case we pick this given that he probably doesn't want us to lose. Odds on 34 dice is roughly 74%, and odds on 40 dice is roughly 90%. 34 dice seems significantly more likely to me, so it is still not a safe option.

Uh looking through.. technically you're right. There should be another 8 Dice in there based on my own rules.

There's no big conspiracy I just apparently suck at math.

So it would be 40 dice

What is math
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40 dice under what I assume are normal conditions means...a 90% chance of success, according to the calculator.

We're really going to have to apologize to Shino after this, but...

Epic beam clash, go!
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