Voting is open
To clarify for write-ins, I'll pretty much accept any write-in that wins.

'This current world is my ideal world' is just as valid as an answer as any other. This is intended to be as open ended as possible. I will say if a write in is just yelling at Kayaba without actually answering the question about what Hiyori thinks an ideal world is, he's gonna treat it like a refusal. He's asking Cardinal to show him what Hiyori's ideal world is, so you're basically hooked up straight into the world creation juice right now.

I'll also say this is an important vote as Kayaba will remember this conversation for the final arc.
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[x] I Will Face Myself
-[x] "You just had to ask such a complicated thing. If I answer that I want things as they were it means ignoring this darker part of me, something that may have existed before you put me into this mess. If I try to please you, I'm not sure I could trick you, because you're a god or something. If I answer that I want to see you die in a fucking ditch...well, I want it anyways because of the shit you pulled, but that wouldn't still be the whole truth."
-[x] "In the end, you keep preaching about Heavens, about reaching our dreams, but in the end, this is just an attempt at escaping who we are at our core, going into worlds where we can give the blind eye for the worst parts of our beings. So, if you ask me about an ideal world, is one where people face those failings of themselves and can accept them and get better from it. None of that bullcrap with Oberon or Spiegel, actual growth instead of dwelling like fucking worms in the dirt."

[x] "Tell me what makes Kyouji Shinkawa - and Spiegel, for that matter, let's cover our basis - tick. If he believes the world is full of shit, then why does he care for what others think of him?"
[x] "The NerveGears. BLANK was orchestrating a sale of fake NerveGears for other people by using that Kazuma guy as their extension...yet, I can't feel there's something that does not fit. Tell there someone distributing actual NerveGears?"
[x] "And finally...tell me. After today, if we defeat Spiegel. What will be the next move of Death Gun?"
[X] Morningstar
- [X] What's my HEAVEN, huh...? There are a lot of things I want: to apologize to Rossa, to put a stop to people like you or the Death Guns who act like whatever goes on in your fucked up brain gives you the right to play god with everyone's lives, and to know that the people I care about are doing alright. And above all else, I want to face myself and move forward with my life instead of hiding from all the things I don't like. To know from the bottom of my heart that I've become a better person not because you or some other bastard messed with my head, but because I dragged myself there.
-[X] You say that you want to make a world where I'm happy, where everyone is, but all I've seen you do is enable addicts. Sugou wasn't happier after you stepped in because you'd made him a better person, he was happy because you gave him a chance to keep ignoring the consequences of being a piece of shit rapist. Just like how every goddamn junkie on the streets is happy whenever they shoot up their next fix and forget, no matter how much they fuck things up. If I was fine with that sort of happiness, I'd never have accepted myself. The things I love, the things I hate, they're all me. Maybe some hypothetical Hiyori would be happy in one of those super-special prison cells you keep offering people, but she wouldn't be me. And I refuse to give up even the tiniest piece of who I am because you couldn't handle living in a world that didn't revolve around you!

[X] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[X] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."

Decided to take a shot at my own write in.

EDIT: Adjusted questions to accommodate revisions.
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[X] Morningstar
- [X] What's my HEAVEN, huh...? There are a lot of things I want: to apologize to Rossa, to put a stop to people like you or the Death Guns who act like whatever goes on in your fucked up brain gives you the right to play god with everyone's lives, and to know that the people I care about are doing alright. And above all else, I want to face myself and move forward with my life instead of hiding from all the things I don't like. To know from the bottom of my heart that I've become a better person not because you or some other bastard messed with my head, but because I dragged myself there.
-[X] You say that you want to make a world where I'm happy, where everyone is, but all I've seen you do is enable addicts. Sugou wasn't happier after you stepped in because you'd made him a better person, he was happy because you gave him a chance to keep ignoring the consequences of being a piece of shit rapist. Just like how every goddamn junkie on the streets is happy whenever they shoot up their next fix and forget, no matter how much they fuck things up. If I was fine with that sort of happiness, I'd never have accepted myself. The things I love, the things I hate, they're all me. Maybe some hypothetical Hiyori would be happy in one of those super-special prison cells you keep offering people, but she wouldn't be me. And I refuse to give up even the tiniest piece of who I am because you couldn't handle living in a world that didn't revolve around you!

This is good, I'm going to throw in a vote for this alongside my own write in.

Still think we should ask about how to deal with Pito though, like I said, I will die on this hill in regards to that.
I'm torn between two answers here: refusing to play his game entirely or answering to the tune of something like this, which I think also happens to be fairly honest:

[X] A World of Lies
"I don't know. Nobody really knows. That man you talked about, if he's even real, thought he knew but to hear you tell it he didn't. You seem to think you know, but I doubt you do either. Do I want a world where I never entered SAO? Maybe, but then I would never have met Gwen... or Rossa. Do I want a world where Rossa lived? Maybe, but then am I simply denying her choice, her sacrifice? Is that even Rossa anymore? Oh, some silly fluke saved her despite making the same choices? Like for some reason her HP stopped dropping in the red? What even would that be? A world without consequences? But we would need to believe there were consequences for there to be that meaning, wouldn't we? So, a world of lies. Heh, I guess that would suit me, wouldn't it? But I already decided I would move forward. So, yeah, guess I don't know what my Heaven is and I can live with that. Better than having you and your magic VR bullshit decide what it is for me."

Not 100% sure on that conclusion/last three sentences there but something in that vein - not knowing, following his concept into its self-delusion/contradiction end with the SAO/Rossa thought experiment, throwing the Maruki example back at him.

As for questions:

[X] "How can I save Pitohui?"

Pito for sure. Not yet sure how I'd like the Spiegel question to be worded or where to go after those two.
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Maybe we're approaching this the wrong way.

Kayaba Akihiko will answer general questions with generalities, and specific questions with specifics.
Kayaba Akihiko effectively knows, or is able to look up, answers to most questions regarding events that occur in the SEED infrastructure.

In short, Kayaba likely knows everything that happens inside the domain of the SEED plus what he's aware off in the real world. Therefore, asking questions about the real world may lead to him answering with something akin to 'I don't know.'

I could use some of my questions as an example of this, but I think one that caught my eye is about Pitohui. Kayaba likely can get a grasp on who she is from what he can observe inside the Seed, but can't distinguish details like, say, what M is planning to do with the Nervegears. And, from my questions, I can say he can only predict Death Gun's next maneuver from watching talks they had inside a Seed environment.


Maybe I need to rethink my questions. I still stand by my original write-in though.

[x] I Will Face Myself
-[x] "You just had to ask such a complicated thing. If I answer that I want things as they were it means ignoring this darker part of me, something that may have existed before you put me into this mess. If I try to please you, I'm not sure I could trick you, because you're a god or something. If I answer that I want to see you die in a fucking ditch...well, I want it anyways because of the shit you pulled, but that wouldn't still be the whole truth."
-[x] "In the end, you keep preaching about Heavens, about reaching our dreams, but in the end, this is just an attempt at escaping who we are at our core, going into worlds where we can give the blind eye for the worst parts of our beings. So, if you ask me about an ideal world, is one where people face those failings of themselves and can accept them and get better from it. None of that bullcrap with Oberon or Spiegel, actual growth instead of dwelling like fucking worms in the dirt."

[x] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[x] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[x] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."
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[x] A godless HEAVEN
-[x] "You want to know what my ideal world is? It's one where I haven't been reduced to a cosmic plaything! One where some asshole god didn't try to break my mind in two to get me to do his bidding; an eldritch horror that is apparently eating the HEAVEN of anyone I get close to and then whispering in my ear how their hopes and dreams taste! In my perfect world, I'm not being forced to fight you at the behest of some capital G God who doesn't like what you're doing! But that ship has long since sailed and here we are! So unless you can fucking turn back time and stop yourself from doing all this in the first place, I'll just be dragged right back into this mess and never get to truly enjoy my own HEAVEN!
[x] "Pitohui, Elsa Kanzaki. She wishes to put her life at stake for whatever reason, to feel the thrill of adventure. Show me how I can stop her before it's too late."

Pretty sure we don't know IC that Pito is Elsa. We only know that Goushi is a manager at Elsa's agency, but at no point has the connection been explicitly made for Hiyori IC. Remember that even LLEN/Karen doesn't know who Pito really is, and Goushi didn't really tell us who she is IRL either.
Pretty sure we don't know IC that Pito is Elsa. We only know that Goushi is a manager at Elsa's agency, but at no point has the connection been explicitly made for Hiyori IC. Remember that even LLEN/Karen doesn't know who Pito really is, and Goushi didn't really tell us who she is IRL either.

Oh right, let me correct it then. Thoughts about the new questions, though?
[X] Morningstar
- [X] What's my HEAVEN, huh...? There are a lot of things I want: to apologize to Rossa, to put a stop to people like you or the Death Guns who act like whatever goes on in your fucked up brain gives you the right to play god with everyone's lives, and to know that the people I care about are doing alright. And above all else, I want to face myself and move forward with my life instead of hiding from all the things I don't like. To know from the bottom of my heart that I've become a better person not because you or some other bastard messed with my head, but because I dragged myself there.
-[X] You say that you want to make a world where I'm happy, where everyone is, but all I've seen you do is enable addicts. Sugou wasn't happier after you stepped in because you'd made him a better person, he was happy because you gave him a chance to keep ignoring the consequences of being a piece of shit rapist. Just like how every goddamn junkie on the streets is happy whenever they shoot up their next fix and forget, no matter how much they fuck things up. If I was fine with that sort of happiness, I'd never have accepted myself. The things I love, the things I hate, they're all me. Maybe some hypothetical Hiyori would be happy in one of those super-special prison cells you keep offering people, but she wouldn't be me. And I refuse to give up even the tiniest piece of who I am because you couldn't handle living in a world that didn't revolve around you!
[x] A godless HEAVEN
-[x] "You want to know what my ideal world is? It's one where I haven't been reduced to a cosmic plaything! One where some asshole god didn't try to break my mind in two to get me to do his bidding; an eldritch horror that is apparently eating the HEAVEN of anyone I get close to and then whispering in my ear how their hopes and dreams taste! In my perfect world, I'm not being forced to fight you at the behest of some capital G God who doesn't like what you're doing! But that ship has long since sailed and here we are! So unless you can fucking turn back time and stop yourself from doing all this in the first place, I'll just be dragged right back into this mess and never get to truly enjoy my own HEAVEN!

This is so utterly missing the point of Hiyori's character. She willingly signed up to join Nyarly's crusade, she was the only one who had the will to accept because we voted for her, she signed the contract saying she would take responsibility for her actions, she wanted revenge on Kayaba, the reason why she's split in two was her own fault because she was so wrapped up in denial and self-pity and it was the only way to give her the power to accomplish what she wanted.
Oh right, let me correct it then. Thoughts about the new questions, though?
[x] "Tell me what makes Kyouji Shinkawa - and Spiegel, for that matter, let's cover our basis - tick. If he believes the world is full of shit, then why does he care for what others think of him?"
This one makes sense, both in how it might help us resolve the current issue as well as what Kayaba's answer can tell us about how he views Kyouji and people in general. However, I think any advice from him should be taken with a metric ton of salt since we already know he has a very different idea of what people want than we do. I think this question would provide useful info, it's just how much is unclear.
[x] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
No objections here. This is information that we really could use and have no way of acquiring ourselves. While I doubt he'll be able to do much of anything given his past performances and the extremely sketchy nature of the source, Kikuoka might be able to use this to actually help for once.
[x] "Pitohui. She wishes to put her life at stake for whatever reason, to feel the thrill of adventure. Show me how I can stop her before it's too late."
This feels like the weakest of the three. It's heavily reliant on Kayaba's own perspective, which we already know is extremely biased, and how much information he has on Pitohui beyond her in-game actions is unclear. Like I said with the first question, asking Kayaba for a plan seems unwise without a lot of double-checking and revision.

Maybe reword it to something more objective?
[x] "Tell me what makes Kyouji Shinkawa - and Spiegel, for that matter, let's cover our basis - tick. If he believes the world is full of shit, then why does he care for what others think of him?"

For Kyoji I don't want to leave any weasel room for him and we're ultimately trying to get through to Kyoji for LAPLACE's sake. I think a more specific question like 'What can I do to get Kyoji to listen to me?' or 'How do I get through to Kyoji'?

The biggest thing is that I'm afraid that he's at the point where he doesn't care about what others think of him right now. We need a way to pull him back up as he is right now.
For Kyoji I don't want to leave any weasel room for him and we're ultimately trying to get through to Kyoji for LAPLACE's sake. I think a more specific question like 'What can I do to get Kyoji to listen to me?' or 'How do I get through to Kyoji'?

The biggest thing is that I'm afraid that he's at the point where he doesn't care about what others think of him right now. We need a way to pull him back up as he is right now.

Noted, now it is:

[ ] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[X] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."

Okay I'm satisfied with and will back these questions.
[X] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[X] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."

Okay I'm satisfied with and will back these questions.
I agree. These seem good.
Honestly, I'm worried this feels like too much of a refusal.
I outlined what the sort of things Hiyori would want in a hypothetical HEAVEN. She wants to apologize to Rossa, to not have to worry about people like Kayaba or the Death Guns playing god, for the people she cares about to live decent lives, and for her to be able to say she's become a better person through her own efforts.

Yeah, she's antagonistic about it and transitions into explaining why the idea of HEAVEN is terrible and an affront to her on a deeply personal level, but she answers the question.
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The thing is, and maybe Hiyori hasn't thought this through, is that I feel like she isn't actually rejecting the idea of HEAVEN there necessarily.

I think there's been a conflation of HEAVENs with "isekai power fantasy as portrayed by modern anime" which makes some sense because the only one we've fully explored is ALO and Sugou more or less perfectly encapsulated that mindset. But we've seen repeatedly throughout GGO that Hiyori has to stop and reassess that it's different here. Certainly there's still something of a power fantasy argument to be made here in "being the strongest" but it's a very different flavor.

I actually think SAO is somewhat instructive here especially given how in-quest Kayaba handed the reins over to Kirito there. Now, being both a prototype HEAVEN and having to work within the constraints that it was initially built up with Kayaba as Chosen I don't think it's unreasonable to think that later-SAO was more geared towards Kirito's desire and became, at least to his perspective (and divorcing it from the rest of the franchise for a moment) something more akin to a shonen anime - challenging boss fights, nakama, a love interest in Asuna all with a Big Bad at the top to take down in Kayaba. But it still had tragedy and loss for him - the presence of those things doesn't disqualify a world from being a HEAVEN if the Chosen values those things.

I guess what I'm getting at here is that I don't think Hiyori asserting she wants to confront and accept herself is necessarily at odds with HEAVENs as Kayaba sees/intends them. It isn't too hard for me to imagine a Hiyori who says this to Kayaba to be presented with a HEAVEN where she is occasionally presented with challenges/obstructions to overcome/become introspective. It probably looks similar to real life - albeit distorted, in a protagonist-centered way. To put it in less serious/more comedic terms it would almost be like a slice-of-life/drama anime with Hiyori cast as the protagonist who things just happen to at a weirdly high rate.

Not that there's anything wrong with that - I think it'd be interesting for Hiyori to state her vehement opposition to HEAVENs only for Kayaba to analyze her statement and either realize or optionally point out "yeah, I can work with that. you're not really stating an opposition to the concept, you just loathe some of the more cartoonish/grotesque fantasies held by others. but that's why everyone will receive their own HEAVEN so there need be no zero-sum contest between all these desires."

Or maybe I've just lost the plot entirely. :V
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[X] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[X] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."

With the better phrasing, I'm backing these questions.
[X] Morningstar
[X] "I want to know, how to make Kyouji Shinkawa listen. No philosophic bullshit, how do I get through that thick skull of his and make him listen?"
[X] "Death Gun...they are more than one man. I know Kyouji, Johnny Black is involved, maybe XaXa...Give me them. Tell me the names of every single person connected to the Death Gun conspiracy - real names and identities."
[X] "Pitohui. I want to understand who she is. Show me why she wishes to put her life on the line."
Voting is open