Even if you have to take off the whole week, we'll understand.

Probably be back up and running soon since I'm only really affected second hand, but basically a good friend is watching from the other side of the continent as Grande Prairie burns down. It's almost certain at this point that his childhood home has been destroyed.

I do feel a bit odd at the fact that this story is set on a world that suffers from frequent wildfires as a setting detail :confused:
Probably be back up and running soon since I'm only really affected second hand, but basically a good friend is watching from the other side of the continent as Grande Prairie burns down. It's almost certain at this point that his childhood home has been destroyed.
While its sad that he'll loose something with so many memories, at least he is safe.
Situation update: Fort Mac remains an apocalyptic nightmare (like, in some of the videos its literally raining fire in the form of burning embers falling from a black sky during the middle of the day), but civilians are more or less out and all that is left to do is to see what the final tally of damage is. So I'm less consumed with talking with people. I am however going busy with some other personal things that are likely to take over a chunk of the weekend. Hopefully I can get an update Sunday.

As a heads up I also wanted to say that I may be getting significantly more busy in the next few weeks. I am going to be preparing for an interview/presentation that may lead to me doing a PhD. Fingers crossed here. Some of the projects sound like they are right up my alley. Others are a bit more outside by area of specialization, but are pure nerd grin material such as the fact that at one point the professor got to use a railgun for materials testing purposes.
I am going to be preparing for an interview/presentation that may lead to me doing a PhD. Fingers crossed here. Some of the projects sound like they are right up my alley. Others are a bit more outside by area of specialization, but are pure nerd grin material such as the fact that at one point the professor got to use a railgun for materials testing purposes.
My uncle ran into some issues with his PHD and failed to get it, I don't know if any of these may apply, but here is how to avoid his mistakes: Make sure you have only one advisor; keep in constant contact with him because the school won't tell you if he retires or dies; avoid anything interdisciplinary.
My uncle ran into some issues with his PHD and failed to get it, I don't know if any of these may apply, but here is how to avoid his mistakes: Make sure you have only one advisor; keep in constant contact with him because the school won't tell you if he retires or dies; avoid anything interdisciplinary.

So for my masters thesis I had two supervisors who were from different parts of the faculty of engineering (mechanical and chemical), the one in whose department I started in went off to another university half way through my degree to start a new engineering program at another university.

It added six months to a year to my degree, but I got three journal papers and a conference presentation out of my masters!
[X] Risk damage to her mech and pressed forward to take out key targets

Ella grunted as she willed her war machine to stand once more. If she got her machine damaged fighting raiders then that was another mark against her ability to keep her machine intact... but if she didn't follow through on her objectives then that was a mark against her ability to do a job. Better she be considered rough on machines than incompetent as a soldier and officer. She she rose up and got to work.

Enemy 96 + 20 = 116
Ella 42 + 38 = 80

These people were good. Surprisingly good, actually. Ella tried to move using trees as cover, but they had more bombs planted there, and the fire being directed at her was remarkably tightly grouped for such a poorly equipped group. While she was gritting her teeth at the damage being inflicted to her mech, she was also glad that she had not tried to advance with her infantry. There would have been casualties from either the mines or from the fire being thrown their way while dealing with the mines. This was a supremely well prepared killing field, indicating that the people here had been expecting an attack. That they had not surrendered to inspection was... curious. The discipline and expertise on display was counter-indicative of being desperate raiders, and yet they had made no move to distance themselves from those who had attacked Green Owl. Green Owl had made it policy to treat raiders as a matter of civilian law rather than war so long as any community suspected of harbouring such pirates submitted to peaceful inspection. Any group controlled organized enough to object to such an agreement to the point of fighting in an organized manner was taken to be organized enough to be able to control whether their own people attacked outsiders.

Sending some of her observations and thoughts in a disorganized update packet back to the infantry to bounce back to the nearest fire base and from there to the main camp for analysts to pick over later, Ella assessed the damage. Her mech had taken some damage to the sensors, which of course was coming out of her budget, but for the most part they simply hadn't had the firepower to punch through her armour. She wasn't sure if she had managed to meaningfully degrade the combat abilities of the enemy even if her fire had suppressed them on more than one occasion. At least she had forced them to expend ammunition and mines on her rather than on the infantry forces moving in behind her. Keeping an eye on her actual objective, Ella decided to change tactics slightly by cranking her speakers up to maximum so that she could be heard over the cacophony of battle.

"So, just so you know, all you've really managed to do is crack my glasses and thus piss me off. You all have to know that you will be run over by our forces, and the only question is what the butcher's bill will be for both sides, and I can assure you that yours will be at least as bad as ours, especially since we have artillery and air support to call on if you make this too difficult," Ella broadcast while keeping a stable position, even if a few rounds were able to hit her position from the sides.

Enemy Will 60 + 20 = 80
Ella's Pitch (Cha+Comb) 61 + 34 = 95

There was nothing for a long moment before the fire towards her position slacked off and someone called out over a megaphone, "We're willing to reopen negotiations if you halt your advance."

Broadcasting both over her radio and her speakers, Ella stated, "All forces in theatre, a temporary ceasefire has been called along the eastern forest front of the Woodbanks Pond theatre. Please halt all operations and stand by."

There was a pause before Ella got a series of affirmatives. The forces in the train line preparing for their flank assault alongside the forest infantry would also be ceasing operations for the moment, although given what Ella had encountered in the forest that was probably tactically advantageous as her experiences would be able to be properly filtered back to the frontline troops before they ran into any surprises there. Ella made sure to broadcast the ceasefire acceptances from the other commanders in the theatre that didn't include any sensitive data. After a moment someone called out, "Exit your mech and we'll talk more."

"No deal, too much risk to me and the machine. Send out a lone negotiator, or someone with a data cable, and we'll talk like that," Ella replied.

There was a long, quiet moment before whoever she was talking to announced, "We're sending out a negotiator."

Remaining in partial cover - enough to keep the majority of her guns hidden while still being a bit exposed to the opposing forces as a show of trust - Ella waited as a man in forestry gear exited from the settlement and then past the outer perimeter of fire points to march up to her. Making sure her guns were pointed well away from the individual in question, Ella activated her interaction screen and replied, "Greetings. I am Knight-Captain Ella Stone, Military Governor of Razorleaf Meadows."

"Uhhh... Group Leader Septimus Maxos," the man replied, earning him a raised eyebrow from Ella at the peculiarity of his name, which was considerably outside usual practices.

"Pleased to meet you," Ella replied all the same. "Now, your leadership rejected initial attempts to negotiate an inspection to determine your involvement or innocence with the attack on our people, leading us here now. Do they have anything new to say."

"We still don't want you poking in our stuff, and I'm not sure what exactly the higher ups are thinking, but they've recognized that we can't really stop you if you really want to get in here. I think they were hoping you would take a lot longer to beat up on the actual raiders and would be tired or bored by the time you got to us," Septimus explained.

"Maybe if we were interested in holding the territory..." Ella stated, shrugging her digital avatar.

"Right, right," Septimus said in reply. "So, okay, I'm authorized to tell you that while we refused to confirm or deny association with any of the groups that might have hit you, we do actually have ties to some of those groups, including military ties at times, but we had nothing to do with the attack on your territory. I've been told that the leadership is willing to pay an indemnity for both the fighting here and the raid, despite not being involved, in order to avoid being trampled on, one way or another."

Hmmmm (Int+Ac(soc)) 65 + 20 = 85
Question (Cha+Intr) 80 + 27 = 107

Thinking all of this over, Ella asked, "So, is there anything you want to remain hidden from us that might be discovered during the course of an invasion of any of your neighbours? Anything that might cause us to come back?"

Septimus was quiet for a moment but his body language definitely said that he had neither expected nor wanted that question, before he said, "I need to go radio the people watching us."

Tilting her digital head to indicate assent, Ella spent the time while the group leader talked furiously to his superiors to conference with her superiors. While no new information as to what was going on with any of the other settlements affected in the sweep had come up yet, it was agreed that the locals definitely had something to hide, and that it was probably related to the mess that the Diamond Dome region was in. After a few minutes Septimus came running back and said, "Okay, okay, we, uh... we're willing to admit that we didn't think this through fully. We really don't want you getting a look at what we've got in our facilities, but this was probably a mistake to fight like this. Okay, so I'm cleared for everything, but this is about drugs."

"Drugs," Ella half asked, half flatly stated. "Unless you're running illicit drugs into our territory..."

"No! No, it's... these drugs cause dependency and that was sort of how Diamond Dome controlled their population before some groups managed to figure out how to produce it themselves. I don't know what the specifics are, just that no one who knows wants to talk about it or let anyone know about it, and that we're not sure how to safely wean everyone off them all. The raiders are those who are cut off from a native supply of the stuff, and so they're desperate to buy it from the other factions," Septimus explained.

"Okay, so this is making things a bit more clear," Ella stated. "So everyone figured that if we did an inspection it would come to light that you have been selling to the people who attacked us the thing they are attacking us over, and possibly that the production facilities themselves would trigger a response, so your leadership figured that if they took a stance to go down swinging maybe we would consider you not worth fighting and leave you alone?"

Septimus nodded at the summary of events, but added on, "As far as I know, yeah."

"I will obviously have to consult my superiors, but this explanation will probably result in some degree of understanding once further negotiation starts up," Ella stated. "I think we can maintain this ceasefire while the rest of the leaders hash this out themselves."

With just a bit more discussion with the military leaders on scene, Ella pulled her mech back away from the settlement. Things took a turn as the day ended and Anna informed people of her findings in her own sector. The settlement she had overrun was also a drug manufacturing one, and while the leadership had torched it in an attempt to hide whatever it was they were doing, from an initial inspection of the remains the process almost certainly had to involve some form of grossly unethical biotech usage. From assessing what samples of the drugs that could be found, they were some form of grossly addictive stimulant, although once dependency set in the drug only provided at best moderate benefits, with the withdrawal process causing a state of sleeplessness, followed by severe aggression, and finally violently paranoid psychosis. There was a fifty-fifty chance of recovery with severe cognitive impairment or death, discounting death from Anna wanted full disclosure from Woodbanks Pond or she was going to kick in the door and figure it out herself, and they remained leery despite this pressure.

This was also going to change her response to the wider situation. At the moment this was just a retaliation for a raider problem, but now it seemed that there were deeper social problems in Diamond Dome that would in all probability continue to spill out into Green Owl territory - especially if anyone started shipping in these drugs, doubly so to the nearby tourist destination known for its decadent ways. As it was, from discussion, Anna wasn't particularly interested in the effort required to subdue the various parties, and was leaning towards forcibly annexing the settlements around the loop connection zone to have full control over the access points between the areas, set it up as a safe zone welcoming refugees, and then let the situation burn itself out before proceeding. She had no interest in trying to keep a lid on several thousand drug addicts hooked on some drug so horrible to produce that its manufacturers would rather blow up their own facilities than let outsiders figure out exactly what they were doing.

For her part, Ella could just nod along like a good soldier and accept that there was nothing she could do, shooting up the defenders of Woodbanks. While it would be personally embarrassing to have to essentially redo a bunch of things, it was actually a mark in her favour that she had obtained a ceasefire, and she had obtained enough intelligence on the capacities of the defenders that the next push would not run into any further problems. Or, if she had read the attitude right, if she could get Anna to agree to promise the population to figure out a cure for their drug problem - which it sounded like it was rooted in Diamond Dome policy rather than personal choice - then she was fairly confident they would at least surrender, if not potentially become allies. They fought hard, and Ella respected them for that and felt it would be a shame for such discipline to go to waste. The problem was that Anna had already stated that she had other priorities at the moment and had little interest in doing that right away. She would probably look into it eventually as a preventative measure, but that wasn't likely to be enough for the locals.

So Ella figured that if she wanted to save the Woodbanks people and make this a major victory in her cap instead of a minor footnote, she would have to bribe Anna. She didn't have the facilities to do the medical research on her own, but she knew that giving Anna project discretion on the high energy research being done in Razorleaf Meadows and 'loaning' the expertise of some of the scientists and engineers there, she could essentially have Anna do the project for her, at the cost of doing Anna's projects for her (or at least parts of them) for several years after. Alternatively, Ella could more or less pay for the project economically rather than socially via agreeing to increased federal taxes, trade agreements favouring Anna's interests, and other things that would get her to agree but cripple the Razorleaf economy for years to come.

Ella would...
[] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[] Promise to find a cure to the addiction (-20 Science)
[] Bribe Anna into finding a cure (-30 Economy)

She would make her opinion known that Anna's plan should be (in ascending order of convincing her)...
[] Agree with the containment idea
[] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly
[] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome

Note: The difficulties of convincing Anna are influenced by your decision on what to do with Woodbanks Pond
Ahah. Here's a situation a Lab would be really useful for; I'll note we're going to be at most one point short of being able to build one next turn.

And hey, maybe it'd give us research into drugs that aren't horrible!
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly

It'd be a future pain, but we can't afford aid.
Well, okay, we COULD promise drug research. Hmm. But we won't be getting much done.
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond

Too many problems to go for the gold. I want to save the actions we might have to spend and save the enormous quantities of influence too. I suppose this is a potential vector for Baroness by 30 but I just think it's too difficult from our current footing.

Are you telling us how unlikely they are or asking us to rank them like veekie did? I thought it was the former.
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond

I don't think it is worth it, when Razorleaf is bare of essential buildings like the Lab or a Barracks or a damn Foundry. That influence is needed elsewhere.

We got what we wanted, it's a minor victory but a victory all the same. Lets not try to grasp beyond our reach, yes?
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[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[3] Agree with the containment idea
[4] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[2] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly

At least we get land and 'public servants' to help fix things up.
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly

Yeah, no.
This would go on a tangent I do not want us to follow, since we simply do not have the resources to do so.
Besides, whatever they do is clearly atrocious. We would be up to ur neck in political trouble with the rebels, our population, the addicts...
[X] Promise to find a cure to the addiction (-20 Science)
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly
[X] Go along with things, finishing the invasion of Woodbanks Pond
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly

It'd be a future pain, but we can't afford aid.
Well, okay, we COULD promise drug research. Hmm. But we won't be getting much done.
It's worth it. We can afford to delay the reactors a bit and just put the econ that would've gone into them towards Trading Posts instead. We need one for the Enclave and two more would let us build up to 6 trains- keep our economy really strong without having to worry about building slots. Especially since we have strong ties with South Woods now and we're building them with Xychro.

This honestly wouldn't slow us down all that much, because it doesn't keep us from substituting in similar, productive action (Trading Posts are honestly almost as good as Reactors at this point) and we're not going to be doing anything but more construction with our Science points for a long time. This seems worth it to me.

Back me up on the numbers here @redzonejoe
[X] Promise to find a cure to the addiction (-20 Science)
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly
[X] Promise to find a cure to the addiction (-20 Science)
[1] Conquer and annex Diamond Dome
[2] Agree with the containment idea
[3] Contact the rebel groups, look into supporting them
[4] Smash up the warring parties, let the situation burn itself out quickly