"??? (Willx2) 91 + 10 = 101"

GIven the circumstances...
I am pretty sure that it is a psi roll, and given the result one in employ of Anna.
Pretty sure it is not Mirande, she had will of 63 in the old system, but one of her pupils, maybe?
Jinah had 40-tish willpower, if I remember correctly.
At least this is circumstantial evidence of Green Owl not shying away from psykers, a fact I am happy about.

Yep, 46 willpower for Jinah, which would fit.
Whoever that was rolled for has a willpower of five.
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
I can only assume the willpower check had something to do with the intrigue spoiler, since it was included. Maybe one of the artifacts had some kind of residual effect? Maybe it's just a torture check and the guy passed with flying colors, and that's why we didn't get the mayor in the sting?
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads

I think the hidden check was the aid's check against the sting's check of 102.
So it worked by 1 point. :D

That's also why the political hit to the Mayor is less "You're under arrest" and more "Dude, you got something all over your face".

(edit) HOLY CRAP! Those rounds are WHAT?!?!?!?!!!! Um, please don't drop those.....
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[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads

We know what our next project should be now :)
So, a few thoughts. First, we ought to be extremely careful about making assumptions now. First, the Men of Iron equivalent might not be as completely gone in this universe as they were in 40K. Second, it has become significantly more likely that there will actually be several "Emperor" figures now, as different parts of the galaxy recover. Third, we have no idea if the Reavers are ever going to fall or even if they do, what form that fall might take. Fourth, we now have no information on the immaterial predators of the setting-both on what they might be able to do and what might set them off. We need to talk to someone in the know ASAP.
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads

I think the hidden check was the aid's check against the sting's check of 102.
So it worked by 1 point. :D

That's also why the political hit to the Mayor is less "You're under arrest" and more "Dude, you got something all over your face".

(edit) HOLY CRAP! Those rounds are WHAT?!?!?!?!!!! Um, please don't drop those.....
Yes, the local wildlife manufacture that biologically.
So, a few thoughts. First, we ought to be extremely careful about making assumptions now. First, the Men of Iron equivalent might not be as completely gone in this universe as they were in 40K. Second, it has become significantly more likely that there will actually be several "Emperor" figures now, as different parts of the galaxy recover. Third, we have no idea if the Reavers are ever going to fall or even if they do, what form that fall might take. Fourth, we now have no information on the immaterial predators of the setting-both on what they might be able to do and what might set them off. We need to talk to someone in the know ASAP.
Your figuring is pretty good, but there's one simple mistake at the bottom level.

You assume that any of the rules of 40K translate to KoD.

Is there even a Men of Iron equivalent? Are emperors a necessity? Will they even be super-human nigh-divine entities or just regular leaders? Are reavers even civilized, or are they just Q-like entities that fuck around with the material world? Are there even immaterial predators other than reavers?

Desperately grasping for information is just as dangerous as ignoring the table scraps we might get on our own, for mostly the same reasons. Let's take it as we get it. Knowledge is nice, but this setting is at least C'thulu outsider level of danger, so grasping at straws is liable to drive us more insane than being ignorant.
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads

We can repair relations later, this is something that will put us on the map!
Presumably-otherwise in a disaster like this, robotics would have been one of the first thoughts for recovery.

We're humans: at some point, someone is going to get the bright idea of trying to take their neighbor's stuff. And usually, there is some sort of warlord figure driving it. That's what I meant by "Emperors". Someone trying to unite the galaxy under themselves and being at least somewhat successful-or at least successful enough to affect us. Which is actually another worrying point. We have no idea how long it will be until the Leviathan Gates get activated again. Unlike AoS, there is no reason to assume that it is going to be down forever.

Since the broad strokes of the earlier stuff is still in play, and we managed to make some sort of deal with some of them, I would assume so. Though honestly, Eldar were pretty much Q-entities anyway, with their actual civilization mattering very, very little.

Almost certainly given that something managed to hit both Mirande and Dia, forcing them off of the stage. Either that or the Reavers have significantly expanded capabilities than even the Eldar, which is a rather horrifying thought.


I dearly hope that there are other immaterial predators than the Reavers, or we are in a shit-load of trouble. Regardless, something to figure out.

And here, I think, is where our policies differ. In my opinion, you desperately need to know as much truth as you possibly can in a C'thulu setting. After all, what you don't know most decidedly can hurt you, and insane is still better than dead.

Edit: Realized I had gone full Italian there. Also, a scary thought: If the Reavers are even more powerful here, what exactly were they fighting to cause this hellhole?
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what exactly were they fighting to cause this hellhole?
Again, you've made an error. The events of the recent past are basically the same, but the reasons for said events, and the general history of the planet, are not necessarily the same. For all we know the reavers just happen to like this planet because there's a lot of things to kill their projected bodies on it. Your narrow focus on prior knowledge that may or may not even still be correct is clouding your approach to the situation. We know nothing. You can't apply any sort of reasoning based on prior knowledge because we have no prior knowledge.

If we are presented with a means of acquiring some setting knowledge, or are given some setting knowledge for some reason, then huzzah for us. Until we are presented with a means to get the knowledge we want, blindly groping in the dark will only hurt us.
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
I wonder if we could convince the local plant-life to manufacture FOOF and a way of properly containing the stuff.
I'm fairly sure that the will check is whether the aide that we got arrested rolled over on the mayor. Shame he had such good dice.

You know, @Academia Nut if Mirande is out there somewhere learning how to fight like a Reaver and hoping to some day pass those lessons on to our citizens like in the original timeline... I can see how people might take that really, really badly :lol

[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads

We can complete the research in a single turn once we've built up to a Reactor Block, a Hab Block, a Network Center and a Lab. By that point we'll have had enough time pass that I doubt this'll cause much political fallout (and it'd be pretty inefficient to dump 20 points into the research BEFORE we've built up at least that much)

Are you sure that this doesn't already exist?

Wasn't that what the Dragons did? :p
The dragons didn't breathe fire. They were just big, nasty, apex predators with some psychic inclination who used Humans as a power source/host.
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads
Ella's response...
[X] Yes - Obtain 30/50 Science points towards a Refinement for EM Weapons (Chlorine Trifluoride Rounds), potentially damaging relations with Indigo Hammer with yourself and the nomads