Counterpoint: Charms, which are not part of a general pool, and which have to be acquired for each Exalt.
Charms are not artifacts, which is something the books keep telling you. Exalt A cannot use Exalt B's charms. If they
could, do you really think that wouldn't be what happens? I also suspect that this is primarily a game balance thing. The first and earliest look at Alchemicals, in the Exalted 1e campaign hooks thread of the Locust Crusade, had Alchemicals only buying Charm
slots and being able to put any charms they qualified for in those slots. This would, however, make Alchemicals omnicompetent super-Exalts capable of filling any niche at an adequate level.
Because that would kind of defeat the point of playing anything else in a mixed game and make niche protection hard in a single-splat game, this was probably nixed.
And I think you do exaggerate the extent of which things are communal, at least in the wealthier nations.
Private pet rats are a thing in Kamak, after all.
And Claslat invented the glot, and currently has an entirely unregulated(and legal) glot exchange/trade for things from small luxuries all the way up to shifts.
So some of the most elite have access to personal property like pet rats (which don't take up many resources) in one nation, and another nation has an economy which is similar to the Soviet Union (which also had the Ruble). That doesn't exactly seem like 'strong property rights' to me.
Meanwhile, in strongly capitalist nations which heavily value freedom and personal expression, like America or Europe, try to personally own a nuclear missile or a F-22, even as a captain of industry or a high-ranking government official.
And that's the cost-equivalent. I vaguely recall Artifacts if they're ever sold sell for Resources equivalents of 2-3 dots above what their rating is, so that 3 dot Grand Daiklaive is the literal equivalent of a multimillion dollar war machine like a modern main battle tank or attack helicopter in wealth. That they're permanently assigning to you because of PR even when it could be on the frontlines. Seems to me that getting more use out of it would be far more valuable than any vague PR benefits from you having the same Daiklaive.
The more I think of it, the more I think that Alchemicals should have the Solar artifact background (without any double cost penalties for 3+ maybe if we're being super generous) to represent how they
can get their Own Personal Property that will never be taken away, and then a Requisitions background which is much more efficient for mass-produced artifacts when they need it.
So you can have a
trademark thing, which they reluctantly give you and let you keep forever because you're the six million talent (wo)man, but it's reluctant and otherwise you're going to have to go to the armory and gear up, which means you need to convince the state
why you need that Thousand-Forged Dragon for a pop concert. You can have your toys, but you're expected to primarily be drawing from a large communal
toybox which doesn't and won't have your personal favoritest toys in it but will have lots of cool ones which are kind of neat.