In that moment it wasn't sparks and flashing sigils she saw. The flames of incendiaries washed out, the clamor of battle stilled. Even the roar of hot blood in her ears, the screams of muscles, the screams, prayers tearing her throat raw, the salty trickling where teeth ground against tight white lips, they all diminished as she saw His light and grace up those stairs. It was His hand that joined theirs against the barricade, his providence that soothed the burn of lactic acid so that they could overcome. She saw God's love in the faces of her enemy and knew...knew in her heart of hearts that their terror might just save them.

What hope did rebellion have in the face of His daughters?

Maria sank back against the wall when the job was done and the benighted resisters had fled, thankfully letting her Sister Superior deal with the flames sticking to the ceramite crags of Indomitable. "You..." her voice was rusty croak, she tried again, "You truly can laugh at anything Sister. It is a miracle."
Palais laughs at that, hoarsely, her laughter descending into a fit of hacking coughs. "What can I say," she gasps. "The night is dark and full of terrors. And I, I like laughing in their face."
Eriko lowered her greatsword, her breathing quickly returning to measured intervals.

Her face was flush with both irritation and adrenaline. She had failed but she would admit the duel was enlightening, the officer had his merits in his handling of the sword. In another time, she would have enjoyed the duel, whether or not she won or lost. But they were in the middle of a mission and she would not let her emotions cloud her judgement.

"I accept your capitulation even if you had proven yourself the superior duelist." She gave a half-bow in acknowledgement of the officer's skills then began to move forward to take the chainsword from his grip. "However, count yourself fortunate that we do not have time to spare. Tell your men to not hound us or--"

Eriko stopped then motioned for Zayneth's attention as he moved past her.

"Witch-Hunter. I would have one of your men keep an eye on this one." She threw a thumb towards her former dueling foe. "He would make a good bargaining chip in our negotiations with Vennedes."

Then she turned towards her captor.

"Move quickly, Brother-Captain of the Pure Flame. You and your men may consider yourselves the righteous defenders of this tower and the Witch but none shall pursue and on my word and family name no undue harm shall come to you. We still have use for you yet."
"Very well. I will order my men to cease engaging you," the Brother-Captain replies. "But I can make no promises if you attempt to take them prisoner."

He stiffens as you give your oath, eyes wide with shock. "You...Have my thanks, Sister. I did not expect to survive-I suppose what I heard of Leanna's Mercy was true after all. You have my thanks, and my apologies."

Vahn peers out from under his wide-brimmed hat at the man. "I'll leave him with my wounded. They are still capable of gunning him down if he makes trouble."
"Vennedes." Eriko moved forward. She kept her greatsword low and forward, like a ward against the Witch until her Warp-powers could be nullified.

Temperamental, Eriko noted idly. Most would be in Eneresh's situation but as a psyker, temperamental meant more than heated words as Eneresh so aptly demonstrated. And so she, even seemingly defeated and beaten down, warranted extreme caution in this situation. Not that psykers did not warrant extreme caution in any other situation.

"Vennedes," she repeated. "Where is your partner? We have orders to capture her, same as you, and if you are warning us of the Warp-creatures among the cultists then you must agree that Vennedes would be better in our custody than in the reach of the heretics' pets. So tell us and the both of you will see the Sun rise tomorrow."
Before the question has even finished leaving her tongue, Eriko sees the Eneresh's hands curl up, sparks beading off her fingers. "Vennedes goes free!" Eneresh hisses, but at the tightening of weapons on fingers on triggers, she takes in a breath, forcing her hands to relax. "She's in the shelter in the basement, which-"

"Is flooded, full of corpses, and definitely not where Vennedes is?" Palais interjects.

Eneresh shrinks before Eriko's gaze and Palais' words. "She doesn't deserve to suffer for my sins. Please, you have to understand. If you go for Vennedes, you aren't able to escape in time. People will die. Including Vennedes. A lot. Please, don't go after her. The observation deck-It isn't safe!"

Well, that gives you a location. Top floor.

Maria adjusted her grip on the heavy bolter and checked her lines of fire. Unlikely she'd get a clear shot if the witch flared up again, too many others milling, and chainswords were proof against some foes that shrugged of shells. A flash of that monstrous mind and heretical force turning her shots aside bubbled up, but she couldn't be distracted. There was something...

"It. You said it. We have fought them and and their creatures...pluralities of wickedness. Nothing worthy of that regard. What hunts you witch. What have they brought here?"
"How well can you decipher nightmares?" Eneresh asks, fingers twitching. "I don't have the words. I barely understand it myself. I think I want to call it like a scarecrow, but's more of a knight. Or a prince? But it's also like a beast. An animal, but still...A king of animals? It had two faces too, and I thought one of them had to be a mask at first, but neither was. Feth," she says. She holds her head in her hands, rubbing her head. "Give me a second. And please, for the love of the Throne, don't shoot me. It-It, throne. It looked like you, sort of. I'm not saying it was an evil Sister of Battle or anything! It wasn't!" She says, defensively. "But it had a similar...Tone? All that faith, the crowns, all the-Throne, all the blood and screaming-and the fire. It burned, like you did. But it was wrong. Like the chains-"

Vahn leans forward, a curious expression on his face. "Chains? You're losing me, witch. Be clearer."

"You all wear chains. The cultists, the other things they've brought along, the Brassnecks, Vennedes, the Sisters. Well, everyone except you," she said, nodding her head at Vahn. "The Sisters' are all silver and iron. They kinda looked like the beads you wear," Eneresh added. She moved a hand at the penance beads the squad bears. "It wore chains of gold, but as a crown? A cape? Regalia, not a binding. Which sounds incredibly Throne-damned stupid now that I'm saying it out loud."

Eneresh stretches her fingers out on the table, sucking in a breath. "It was big, bloody, dark, burning and scary as shite, and it killed you lot, a lot. I don't know how to put it into words! I'm not some bloody seer!"

"You are, quite literally, a seer," Palais says, bluntly. Eneresh turns about, her eyes gleaming as though reflecting a candle's light.

"Feth off-Erm...I mean, fething right, I guess," Eneresh swallows, seeing the Sister-Superior's handflamer aimed at her. "I probably shouldn't be cussing around you, should I? Sorry. I'm-I'm scared. Feth, but I'm scared."
It nearly got it's chance a few moment's later.

Her holosight placed a targeting reticule directly overlapping with Eneresh's head. If this was the beginning of the Witch's attack on them, Caelia would make her regret it.

A moment of tension. The Witch Finder barked his command. She kept the rifle up.

Then the Witch profusely apologized for the unnatural event. Caelia resisted the urge to snort. The Emperor may have mercy on Witches, but only if they learned to control their unnatural abilities. Case in point, what had just happened.

She reluctantly lowered the Slayer. The Targeting reticule disappeared, as if the rifle were dejected.

"The plan is to extract you, Witch." Caelia said, curtly. "Whatever is chasing you will have to chase us, and we are equipped to deal with it better than anyone else in this Tower. Especially if we're in a position to force it into combat on our terms. Which we cannot do without willing cooperation." She placed steel in her voice, but there was a kernal of doubt there-both that the Witch would give them that cooperation, or that they could be so confident in defeating....whatever it was that the Witch claimed to come for her.
"How are you extracting me? Maybe I can help?" She asks.

Vahn gives a nasal snort. "You can help by being a good little witch, and follow instructions. Hands out," he says, placing a set of iron and silver-lined manacles on the table. Reluctably, Eneresh gives up her hands, the restraints slamming shut around her hands. She grimaces, in clear discomfort.

"Bit tight," she says. "But that's on purpose?" She's right, of course. Every bit of distraction counts, when working against psykers and their foul magics.

"Smarter than you sound," Vahn says, producing a collar. Eneresh's eyes widen.

"Is that a bomb collar?" She asks.

Vahn shakes his head. "Hardly. Shock and chem-injector. Much cheaper, and less messy. Hold still."

Eneresh doesn't hold still. But in the end, it hardly matters, as Vahn snaps the collar shut around her neck.
"Understood Sister Superior." Ilana glanced at the witch, clearly nervous and still sparking with unrestrained power, even if they could still go along with the laughable notion that she wouldn't turn on them there was a strong likelihood that her lax grip on her warpfire would turn on them just as easily as ill-intent. "I will see to the safe-keeping of the witch until she is successfully extracted."

Her magazine was fresh, but she ejected it anyway, replacing it shells of blazing, engraved silver. Something awful and tainted made its way up to them, she looked around almost by instinct, but for once the shadow of her nightmares was nowhere to be found. But still there was the nauseating stench of the heretical, the anticipation of holy work and the struggle against the touch of the Empyrean. She didn't add to Maria's query, self-aware enough that she was unlikely to contribute productively, but she still leaned in keenly all the same. If they could learn anything about whatever crept up to them even through a psyker's ravings then it worth the effort of disentangling the cross-hatch webs the fates of the Empyrean loved to spin.
"Sister, when we move, I want you guarding her at all times. Am I understood?" the Sister-Superior asks, even as she activates her comm-system.

"This is Sister-Superior Palais. Eneresh is secured. I need options on extraction. Is that thunderhawk still available?" She asks.

A few moments pass, then the Legatine's voice rings out in reply. "Affirmative Sister-Superior, thunderhawk is still on stand-by. There's a few balconies and gantries you could try boarding from, but nowhere it can fully land."

Ophania's clipped voice follows suit a few moments later. "Palais, main stairwells are secure up to your level. If you can regroup, we can escort you." A brief pause. "We have also secured the wounded mercenaries and the prisoner."
"Very well. I will order my men to cease engaging you," the Brother-Captain replies. "But I can make no promises if you attempt to take them prisoner."

He stiffens as you give your oath, eyes wide with shock. "You...Have my thanks, Sister. I did not expect to survive-I suppose what I heard of Leanna's Mercy was true after all. You have my thanks, and my apologies."

Vahn peers out from under his wide-brimmed hat at the man. "I'll leave him with my wounded. They are still capable of gunning him down if he makes trouble."
"Thank you, Witch-Hunter," Eriko says before turning towards the Brother-Captain.

"It is not me who you need to apologise to." Eriko shakes her head as he is escorted to the temporary shelter for Zayneth's wounded men. "Imperial justice shall be sated, Brother-Captain, perhaps the brunt of which shall be borne by Eneresh and Vennedes."

Before the question has even finished leaving her tongue, Eriko sees the Eneresh's hands curl up, sparks beading off her fingers. "Vennedes goes free!" Eneresh hisses, but at the tightening of weapons on fingers on triggers, she takes in a breath, forcing her hands to relax. "She's in the shelter in the basement, which-"

"Is flooded, full of corpses, and definitely not where Vennedes is?" Palais interjects.

Eneresh shrinks before Eriko's gaze and Palais' words. "She doesn't deserve to suffer for my sins. Please, you have to understand. If you go for Vennedes, you aren't able to escape in time. People will die. Including Vennedes. A lot. Please, don't go after her. The observation deck-It isn't safe!"

Well, that gives you a location. Top floor.
"Do not be so quick to believe your own Warp-touched powers, Eneresh." Eriko says, her grip on her greatsword still strong, yet her voice was measured and calm, if a bit hard. "Instead, have faith. Vennedes shall live, but only if all of us cooperate."

They had their final target within their grasp, but a monster draws near them. They had their mission and Eriko would not falter now just because death stood in her way.

Have faith indeed but they shall temper it with prudent action.

"Do you have a line to Vennedes? Let us talk to her."

"How well can you decipher nightmares?" Eneresh asks, fingers twitching. "I don't have the words. I barely understand it myself. I think I want to call it like a scarecrow, but's more of a knight. Or a prince? But it's also like a beast. An animal, but still...A king of animals? It had two faces too, and I thought one of them had to be a mask at first, but neither was. Feth," she says. She holds her head in her hands, rubbing her head. "Give me a second. And please, for the love of the Throne, don't shoot me. It-It, throne. It looked like you, sort of. I'm not saying it was an evil Sister of Battle or anything! It wasn't!" She says, defensively. "But it had a similar...Tone? All that faith, the crowns, all the-Throne, all the blood and screaming-and the fire. It burned, like you did. But it was wrong. Like the chains-"

Vahn leans forward, a curious expression on his face. "Chains? You're losing me, witch. Be clearer."

"You all wear chains. The cultists, the other things they've brought along, the Brassnecks, Vennedes, the Sisters. Well, everyone except you," she said, nodding her head at Vahn. "The Sisters' are all silver and iron. They kinda looked like the beads you wear," Eneresh added. She moved a hand at the penance beads the squad bears. "It wore chains of gold, but as a crown? A cape? Regalia, not a binding. Which sounds incredibly Throne-damned stupid now that I'm saying it out loud."

Eneresh stretches her fingers out on the table, sucking in a breath. "It was big, bloody, dark, burning and scary as shite, and it killed you lot, a lot. I don't know how to put it into words! I'm not some bloody seer!"

"You are, quite literally, a seer," Palais says, bluntly. Eneresh turns about, her eyes gleaming as though reflecting a candle's light.

"Feth off-Erm...I mean, fething right, I guess," Eneresh swallows, seeing the Sister-Superior's handflamer aimed at her. "I probably shouldn't be cussing around you, should I? Sorry. I'm-I'm scared. Feth, but I'm scared."
"I very much doubt we shall be getting much more out of her, Sister-Superior," Eriko says as Eneresh trails off. "She might as well speak in another language for how untrained she is in her dealings with the Warp."

Eriko did not know what to make of Eneresh's visions. Something powerful and something evil and with malicious intent, that much she could gather but beyond that it was all shrouded in metaphor. Beastly, faith and fire and chains of gold, could mean anything but she had seen and fought the daemons the Cult had called. They were capable of dark summons and so Eneresh's visions could make sense in the context of their enemies.

"This monster seems a far thing from the pitiful wretches we had broken in the courtyard, Sister Maria." Eriko shifts her gaze by a fraction towards Maria. "If so then the more it must be put down. And no doubt it is the source of the unnatural fires we had spied before arriving here."
"How are you extracting me? Maybe I can help?" She asks.

Vahn gives a nasal snort. "You can help by being a good little witch, and follow instructions. Hands out," he says, placing a set of iron and silver-lined manacles on the table. Reluctably, Eneresh gives up her hands, the restraints slamming shut around her hands. She grimaces, in clear discomfort.

"Bit tight," she says. "But that's on purpose?" She's right, of course. Every bit of distraction counts, when working against psykers and their foul magics.

"Smarter than you sound," Vahn says, producing a collar. Eneresh's eyes widen.

"Is that a bomb collar?" She asks.

Vahn shakes his head. "Hardly. Shock and chem-injector. Much cheaper, and less messy. Hold still."

Eneresh doesn't hold still. But in the end, it hardly matters, as Vahn snaps the collar shut around her neck.
"Praise be to the Emperor. We have our Witch."

Eriko slackens her grip on the greatsword and steps back, letting Zayneth handle Eneresh's arrest. Still, their mission was not yet complete and Eriko turned to Palais as the Sister-Superior activated her comm-system.

"Sister, when we move, I want you guarding her at all times. Am I understood?" the Sister-Superior asks, even as she activates her comm-system.

"This is Sister-Superior Palais. Eneresh is secured. I need options on extraction. Is that thunderhawk still available?" She asks.

A few moments pass, then the Legatine's voice rings out in reply. "Affirmative Sister-Superior, thunderhawk is still on stand-by. There's a few balconies and gantries you could try boarding from, but nowhere it can fully land."

Ophania's clipped voice follows suit a few moments later. "Palais, main stairwells are secure up to your level. If you can regroup, we can escort you." A brief pause. "We have also secured the wounded mercenaries and the prisoner."
"What shall we do next, Sister-Superior?"

They still needed Vennedes and Eriko would gladly charge headlong towards the Cult should it prove a necessary sacrifice. But such dramatic gestures were still far-off possibilities. They had Ophania's squad to rendezvous with and Vennedes waiting for them on the observation deck. Eneresh was a different matter entirely. They could not leave her here and neither could they bring her along. She will have to leave and so too shall Zayneth with his ward in custody.


With the course of action soon to be decided, Eriko turns on her own comm-link.

"This is Sister Eriko of Palais Squad. Eneresh is secured. Requesting surveillance on the Carmine Tower. We need to know the status of the defenders. Over."

1. If they Eneresh has a comm-link to Vennedes, they should talk to her and try to convince her to come peacefully. Otherwise, they should rendezvous with Ophania squad and continue up. Eneresh should leave in the Thunderhawk, along with whatever contingent Zayneth deems necessary to guard her. The Brother-Captain should get in the Thunderhawk too.

2. Request for a new Thunderhawk if we have the available Requisition points.

3. Request for orbital surveillance to see if we can see what is happening around the Carmine Tower. Maybe we can spy something inside as well.
"How well can you decipher nightmares?" Eneresh asks, fingers twitching. "I don't have the words. I barely understand it myself. I think I want to call it like a scarecrow, but's more of a knight. Or a prince? But it's also like a beast. An animal, but still...A king of animals? It had two faces too, and I thought one of them had to be a mask at first, but neither was. Feth," she says. She holds her head in her hands, rubbing her head. "Give me a second. And please, for the love of the Throne, don't shoot me. It-It, throne. It looked like you, sort of. I'm not saying it was an evil Sister of Battle or anything! It wasn't!" She says, defensively. "But it had a similar...Tone? All that faith, the crowns, all the-Throne, all the blood and screaming-and the fire. It burned, like you did. But it was wrong. Like the chains-"

Vahn leans forward, a curious expression on his face. "Chains? You're losing me, witch. Be clearer."

"You all wear chains. The cultists, the other things they've brought along, the Brassnecks, Vennedes, the Sisters. Well, everyone except you," she said, nodding her head at Vahn. "The Sisters' are all silver and iron. They kinda looked like the beads you wear," Eneresh added. She moved a hand at the penance beads the squad bears. "It wore chains of gold, but as a crown? A cape? Regalia, not a binding. Which sounds incredibly Throne-damned stupid now that I'm saying it out loud."

Eneresh stretches her fingers out on the table, sucking in a breath. "It was big, bloody, dark, burning and scary as shite, and it killed you lot, a lot. I don't know how to put it into words! I'm not some bloody seer!"

"You are, quite literally, a seer," Palais says, bluntly. Eneresh turns about, her eyes gleaming as though reflecting a candle's light.

"Feth off-Erm...I mean, fething right, I guess," Eneresh swallows, seeing the Sister-Superior's handflamer aimed at her. "I probably shouldn't be cussing around you, should I? Sorry. I'm-I'm scared. Feth, but I'm scared."

Caelia kept silent.

On the inside, she was cursing Enneresh for her future sight once more. This unreliable seer's warning was worse than useless. Muddled symbolism and imagery of something that had been chasing her. a chained animal with faith and a crown? And yet somehow she also knew that it will kill them many times?

Useless. Contradictory.

It was clearly to unreliable to be of use, and believing what it said was dangerous. Best to act as if she had said nothing.

"How are you extracting me? Maybe I can help?" She asks.

Vahn gives a nasal snort. "You can help by being a good little witch, and follow instructions. Hands out," he says, placing a set of iron and silver-lined manacles on the table. Reluctably, Eneresh gives up her hands, the restraints slamming shut around her hands. She grimaces, in clear discomfort.

"Bit tight," she says. "But that's on purpose?" She's right, of course. Every bit of distraction counts, when working against psykers and their foul magics.

"Smarter than you sound," Vahn says, producing a collar. Eneresh's eyes widen.

"Is that a bomb collar?" She asks.

Vahn shakes his head. "Hardly. Shock and chem-injector. Much cheaper, and less messy. Hold still."

Eneresh doesn't hold still. But in the end, it hardly matters, as Vahn snaps the collar shut around her neck.

"Thank you, Witchhunter." Caelia said, nodding at Vahn.

"As he said, follow our instructions, and stay out of our way." Caelia adds. "We don't need you distracting us at a crucial moment."

She stamped down on a thought about the future sight and how useful it could be.

"Sister, when we move, I want you guarding her at all times. Am I understood?" the Sister-Superior asks, even as she activates her comm-system.

"This is Sister-Superior Palais. Eneresh is secured. I need options on extraction. Is that thunderhawk still available?" She asks.

A few moments pass, then the Legatine's voice rings out in reply. "Affirmative Sister-Superior, thunderhawk is still on stand-by. There's a few balconies and gantries you could try boarding from, but nowhere it can fully land."

Ophania's clipped voice follows suit a few moments later. "Palais, main stairwells are secure up to your level. If you can regroup, we can escort you." A brief pause. "We have also secured the wounded mercenaries and the prisoner."

"Perhaps if we can contact Vennedes and convince her to come peacefully..." She gave a meaningful look to the Witch. "We can convince her to meet us halfway, then extract with both objectives through a Balcony. Save a lot of time and potential contact with the enemy."

Caelia tried to keep the doubt at such a prospect out of her voice, but she felt it was the best idea for achieving their objectives.

She switched to helmet coms.

"If she will not agree to go quietly, we can attempt to extract the Witch, then assault the Observation deck after she is securely aboard a Thunderhawk, then find our own extraction."
"How well can you decipher nightmares?" Eneresh asks, fingers twitching. "I don't have the words. I barely understand it myself. I think I want to call it like a scarecrow, but's more of a knight. Or a prince? But it's also like a beast. An animal, but still...A king of animals? It had two faces too, and I thought one of them had to be a mask at first, but neither was. Feth," she says. She holds her head in her hands, rubbing her head. "Give me a second. And please, for the love of the Throne, don't shoot me. It-It, throne. It looked like you, sort of. I'm not saying it was an evil Sister of Battle or anything! It wasn't!" She says, defensively. "But it had a similar...Tone? All that faith, the crowns, all the-Throne, all the blood and screaming-and the fire. It burned, like you did. But it was wrong. Like the chains-"

Vahn leans forward, a curious expression on his face. "Chains? You're losing me, witch. Be clearer."

"You all wear chains. The cultists, the other things they've brought along, the Brassnecks, Vennedes, the Sisters. Well, everyone except you," she said, nodding her head at Vahn. "The Sisters' are all silver and iron. They kinda looked like the beads you wear," Eneresh added. She moved a hand at the penance beads the squad bears. "It wore chains of gold, but as a crown? A cape? Regalia, not a binding. Which sounds incredibly Throne-damned stupid now that I'm saying it out loud."

Eneresh stretches her fingers out on the table, sucking in a breath. "It was big, bloody, dark, burning and scary as shite, and it killed you lot, a lot. I don't know how to put it into words! I'm not some bloody seer!"

"You are, quite literally, a seer," Palais says, bluntly. Eneresh turns about, her eyes gleaming as though reflecting a candle's light.

"Feth off-Erm...I mean, fething right, I guess," Eneresh swallows, seeing the Sister-Superior's handflamer aimed at her. "I probably shouldn't be cussing around you, should I? Sorry. I'm-I'm scared. Feth, but I'm scared."
Ilana shook her head, unsurprised that the witch's mad ravings on warpsight was so thoroughly corrupted and... well, warped to be essentially useless for the pursuit of holy tasks. This was the assertion of the universe after all, to gaze upon the eddies without the blessed sanction of the Emperor was to fall prey to the games of dark powers. The chains were irrelevant, the nightmares irrelevant (no matter some small long-repressed part of Ilana sympathised with the latter aspect), all that truly mattered was that some obstacle stood between them and yet another step of the Emperor's plan, and it was her duty to see it through.
"Sister, when we move, I want you guarding her at all times. Am I understood?" the Sister-Superior asks, even as she activates her comm-system.

"This is Sister-Superior Palais. Eneresh is secured. I need options on extraction. Is that thunderhawk still available?" She asks.

A few moments pass, then the Legatine's voice rings out in reply. "Affirmative Sister-Superior, thunderhawk is still on stand-by. There's a few balconies and gantries you could try boarding from, but nowhere it can fully land."

Ophania's clipped voice follows suit a few moments later. "Palais, main stairwells are secure up to your level. If you can regroup, we can escort you." A brief pause. "We have also secured the wounded mercenaries and the prisoner."
"Crystal, Sister-Superior." Ilana finished slamming the fresh magazine into her bolter, a prayer for the plate that would see her through against the treacheries of the witch in her mind. "You shall not see me stray from the presence of the witch."

In the arms of the Emperor I march forth to war, through His Grace I am shielded and shall shield, through His Wrath I am armed and shall be the sword, and through His Love my faith burns everlasting, and I shall bear that torch proudly against the faithless.
"You all wear chains. The cultists, the other things they've brought along, the Brassnecks, Vennedes, the Sisters. Well, everyone except you," she said, nodding her head at Vahn. "The Sisters' are all silver and iron. They kinda looked like the beads you wear," Eneresh added. She moved a hand at the penance beads the squad bears. "It wore chains of gold, but as a crown? A cape? Regalia, not a binding. Which sounds incredibly Throne-damned stupid now that I'm saying it out loud."

Eneresh stretches her fingers out on the table, sucking in a breath. "It was big, bloody, dark, burning and scary as shite, and it killed you lot, a lot. I don't know how to put it into words! I'm not some bloody seer!"

"We will all pass into His arms when He calls us." She checked the heft of her backpack, the joys of carrying enough individual rounds to bury another sister in spent casings and every last one blessed. After their first contact with Vahn she was taking no chances. "But His foes will be mantled in promethium and decked with a rosary of holy shells before that doom falls."

"This monster seems a far thing from the pitiful wretches we had broken in the courtyard, Sister Maria." Eriko shifts her gaze by a fraction towards Maria. "If so then the more it must be put down. And no doubt it is the source of the unnatural fires we had spied before arriving here."
"If she will not agree to go quietly, we can attempt to extract the Witch, then assault the Observation deck after she is securely aboard a Thunderhawk, then find our own extraction."

"I'm in agreement. Our priorities are set." Her gauntlet clanked against her heavy bolter as she patted it, the uncharacteristic smile audible and dripping feral delight into her voice. "The wicked have disdained my fire once on this world--we will burn twice as bright for them today sisters."
"Do not be so quick to believe your own Warp-touched powers, Eneresh." Eriko says, her grip on her greatsword still strong, yet her voice was measured and calm, if a bit hard. "Instead, have faith. Vennedes shall live, but only if all of us cooperate."

They had their final target within their grasp, but a monster draws near them. They had their mission and Eriko would not falter now just because death stood in her way.

Have faith indeed but they shall temper it with prudent action.

"Do you have a line to Vennedes? Let us talk to her."
A bitter smile flitted across Eneresh's face, fragile as glass. "I had faith, Sister. Even when I first heard the whispers, even when I realized I was a wyrd, I had faith. Now?" Her smile cracks. "I'm not so sure. All I can feel is afraid."

Eneresh shrugs her shoulders, scraping against her new shock collar. "Intercom," is all that she says as panicked chatter and Vennedes' orders ring loud over the intercom buzzer.

"My arm! Oh throne, oh Emperor, no, no! My fething-"
"Let go of him, you warp spawned feth! Die and be damned! Die, die, die-"
"-Overseer of-of all things r-right, Whose powers...Whose powers...n-none can resist-"
"-Hell, this is hell! Send help, send explosives! Send something, please!"

Vennedes voice amid the tumult is almost admirably level. "Angelica, what is going on there? What's the enemy's strength? I need a report!"

All she received is garbled gunfire, shouting, and dying.

"-Save and deliver us, we beseech-"
"Keep shooting, keep shooting!"
"No, no, wait! Please! You don't have to-"

With the course of action soon to be decided, Eriko turns on her own comm-link.

"This is Sister Eriko of Palais Squad. Eneresh is secured. Requesting surveillance on the Carmine Tower. We need to know the status of the defenders. Over."
Your vox crackles to life. "Acknowledged Sister Eriko, Heaven's Gaze station reporting. Scry-sensors are appeased and vigorous. One moment."

The man speaks up again a moment later. "Sister, the cultist assault seems to be breaking. I'm seeing substantially less ordinance and diminished troop numbers against the outskirts of the tower. I'm also seeing friendly units beginning to engage the hostiles. Inside the perimeter, I'm seeing occasional gunfire, but not much. I am seeing a team of unknowns, probable heretics, attempting to climb the side of the tower with grapnels...Nevermind, disregard that last report. They did not last long."

"Recidivist hostiles on the rooftop gantries and balconies seem to have depleted, but there are still multiple heavy weapons and sniper emplacements. Be advised, occasional rocket or mortar fire is still striking the tower. Ineffective, but may make extraction messy."

The intercom hisses again, distracting you from the scry-scan.

"Vennedes, this is Sister Fierda. We're at the Hall of Bones, flamers ready and able. We will cleanse this holy place in sacred flame, by the Saint's will!"

"Fierda? You were supposed to Eneresh, what-"
Vennedes' voice rings out, disconcerted.

"The Saint hath commanded it, and so we obey! For the Emperor! For the Humble Saint!"

Eneresh grimaces. "I always told them I wasn't a Saint. Thought that just made me more Saintly," she hisses, hands tensing in their magnacles.

Palais rounds on her, "Purposeful or not, you led them astray. Their sins are as much on your hands, as theirs."

"I'm in agreement. Our priorities are set." Her gauntlet clanked against her heavy bolter as she patted it, the uncharacteristic smile audible and dripping feral delight into her voice. "The wicked have disdained my fire once on this world--we will burn twice as bright for them today sisters."
"Let there be an inferno in our souls as we face the enemies of mankind. Every sin will be corrected, and the unrighteous cast down in blood and fire," Palais says. "We'll make the Carmine Tower worthy of its name."

Outside, the crowd is dispersing, the militiamen and civilians alike slowly making their way down disparate corridors and apartments, shutting doors behind them. Perhaps it is seeing their would be saint imprisoned that makes them disperse. Perhaps it is fear of the passion in the voices of the Sisters' of Battle. Or perhaps it is the screams and gunfire that echo down the corridors, lingering in the darkest corners of each room.

Some of those who remain seem frozen to their spots, staring at the scene unfolding before them. Others have sat and lay down, as though exhausted. Of those that remain, one strides forward. He is little more than a shirtless youth, certainly no more than fourteen Terran years, religious tattoos adorning his pale skin and copper bells dangling from the Rosesworn lever-action rifle he holds in his shaking hands. The mercenaries raise their rifles, eyes on his gun, but the boy smiles apologetically and places the weapon on the ground. He rises, hands outstretched in appeasement.

"Peace bi upon to, ere da name fo da God-Emperor fo Mankind," the boy says in some bizarre low gothic, reverently making the sign of the aquila, but his eyes are locked in a glare at Eneresh. "Na kowl fo milowda were dumb enough fo follow im orders. Da wupo fooled mi erefo thinking im was wa saint. Sili mi kang find redemption, mi've lived xiya mi whole liviting. Mi keng xidawang building ere unte kuku. Mi ta kang guide to."

Vahn stares at the boy for a long moment, then glances at the bounty hunter. Nursing her side, she shrugs. "He's offering to guide us to wherever we need to go, in search of redemption. Says he's lived in the building his whole life. I'd take him up on the offer." Someone screams in the distance. It is a long and anguished wail, falling and rising, like the waves of the sea before it suddenly ends. It is not a good death. "Especially given that."

Given the hidden stairwells, doorways, and false paths throughout the tower, it would certainly be beneficial.
"Thank you, Witchhunter." Caelia said, nodding at Vahn.

"As he said, follow our instructions, and stay out of our way." Caelia adds. "We don't need you distracting us at a crucial moment."

She stamped down on a thought about the future sight and how useful it could be.
"Don't get in your way, but don't stay away. Got it," Eneresh replies.

Gunfire echoes in the distance, chased by screams. Eneresh swallows, hard.

"And don't get killed," Vahn says idly, as his mercenaries shift uneasily, sweat beading down their features.

"Perhaps if we can contact Vennedes and convince her to come peacefully..." She gave a meaningful look to the Witch. "We can convince her to meet us halfway, then extract with both objectives through a Balcony. Save a lot of time and potential contact with the enemy."

Caelia tried to keep the doubt at such a prospect out of her voice, but she felt it was the best idea for achieving their objectives.

She switched to helmet coms.

"If she will not agree to go quietly, we can attempt to extract the Witch, then assault the Observation deck after she is securely aboard a Thunderhawk, then find our own extraction."
Eneresh returns Caelia a piercing look. "I can't stop you from using the intercom. But I'm not going to help you convince her to turn herself in."

Palais raises a hand. "Balcony's too risky. Rooftop's safer, especially in this weather," she says, before activating her comm-link again. "Squad Ophania, we are proceeding to the rooftop for extraction. Can you attempt to rendevous with us?"

"Affirmative. Will detach a Sister to escort wounded and prisoners,
" Ophania reports over the vox.

Sister-Superior Galena chimes in. "Palais, we'll maintain security on the bottom floor and basement. The Emperor protects."

"The Emperor protects," Palais echoes the words, before motioning her squad toward the intercom. She hesitates a moment, as an uncomfortable chill runs up the Sisters' spines. "Something's wrong...Just, get our anarchist friend on for a quick chat, please."

The moments drag on as the intercom crackles to life, that feeling of wrongness never leaving the Sisters. It is Vennedes that speaks first. Her voice is crisp, cool. Almost admirable, given the circumstances. "You aren't Eneresh. Which means that either she's dead and you can go jump down a blackwater well, or she's a hostage trying to negotiate. I'm guessing you're the big Sisters of Battle in their red armour I'm hearing so much panic about? The Brotherhood of the Pure Flame thinks the Merud Guild's tricked you and angry about it, as though that's important right now. What do you want? If it's my head on a pike, you can get in line."

It's barely a whisper that rings from Zayneth's lips. "It's quiet..."

It's then the discomfort is realized. No more screams, no more gunfire. No panicked squeals over the intercom from the Hall of Bones.

Nothing but a dreadful, hollow silence.
Eneresh returns Caelia a piercing look. "I can't stop you from using the intercom. But I'm not going to help you convince her to turn herself in."

Palais raises a hand. "Balcony's too risky. Rooftop's safer, especially in this weather," she says, before activating her comm-link again. "Squad Ophania, we are proceeding to the rooftop for extraction. Can you attempt to rendevous with us?"

"Affirmative. Will detach a Sister to escort wounded and prisoners,
" Ophania reports over the vox.

Sister-Superior Galena chimes in. "Palais, we'll maintain security on the bottom floor and basement. The Emperor protects."

"The Emperor protects," Palais echoes the words, before motioning her squad toward the intercom. She hesitates a moment, as an uncomfortable chill runs up the Sisters' spines. "Something's wrong...Just, get our anarchist friend on for a quick chat, please."

The moments drag on as the intercom crackles to life, that feeling of wrongness never leaving the Sisters. It is Vennedes that speaks first. Her voice is crisp, cool. Almost admirable, given the circumstances. "You aren't Eneresh. Which means that either she's dead and you can go jump down a blackwater well, or she's a hostage trying to negotiate. I'm guessing you're the big Sisters of Battle in their red armour I'm hearing so much panic about? The Brotherhood of the Pure Flame thinks the Merud Guild's tricked you and angry about it, as though that's important right now. What do you want? If it's my head on a pike, you can get in line."

It's barely a whisper that rings from Zayneth's lips. "It's quiet..."

It's then the discomfort is realized. No more screams, no more gunfire. No panicked squeals over the intercom from the Hall of Bones.

Nothing but a dreadful, hollow silence.
Eriko, the chill lingering on her spine, steps forward. Her hand hovers over the intercom.

With the Cult and its pet monster now unopposed, those in the command center had no time to engage in negotiations. Every moment they stayed in that room meant a step closer for the Cult, and if they lingered too long then they would need ready a last stand instead of fleeing.

Whatever they would say to Vennedes needed to be decisive. Then they needed to move.

She mutters a short prayer then stabs at the speaker button.

"Not your head, Vennedes, no." Eriko forces calm into her voice, too aware of the seconds ticking. "We merely want your capitulation. Surely you must understand this Tower has all but fallen? If not by our hand then the Cult of the Old Night and their Daemon. I hope your subordinates could hear this because they should know their lives can still be spared. Disperse your defenders but you? You will give yourself to us."

Eriko glances at Eneresh. Now was the part most sensitive and should the Witch wish to ruin it, she need only cry out and, instead of surrender, Vennedes would attempt to flee from the many exit routes Ilana had reminded them about.

"The Cult searches for Eneresh and you, the Witch and her handler, and they will tear this place apart to get their prizes. This whole siege and assault is all done to get their hands on the both of you. And do not think they will stop once they do not find you or Eneresh. They have dark magic and truck with the Enemy. They will hound you to the ends of this world and do you think anywhere you will hide is safe from them? You will just waste the lives of your followers as you do now. Only the Imperium is strong enough to stop the Cult. Make no mistake, they will continue to plot for Eneresh and you but it is us who shall meet their attempts and prevail."

Eriko looks to her Sisters for anything else they might add. Then when all is done, she speaks one last time to Vennedes.

"Think on this, Vennedes. We shall be there shortly and the Cult not too far behind."

+20 Faith. Then Faith to reroll if the initial roll failed.

Chosen From Among Billions: An Imperial World character reduces insanity gain by 1 to a minimum of 1 and gain the Peer (Administratum, Aristocracy, Military or Ecclesiarchy) talent. You may reroll failed fellowship tests with common Imperial citizens and anyone you have a Peer talent of.
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It's barely a whisper that rings from Zayneth's lips. "It's quiet..."

It's then the discomfort is realized. No more screams, no more gunfire. No panicked squeals over the intercom from the Hall of Bones.

Nothing but a dreadful, hollow silence.

Caelia forced herself to breath slowly, calmly. She stamped down on the urge to ask Eriko to hurry. Best to focus on things that would actually help.

She half glanced the Psy-Crystal on ingrained reflex, then brought her bolter up and scanned the room for cover with a good sight picture of the exit.

She walked over to the position, then the Slayer came up to cover the door. Her targeting spirit began to trill out ballistic data across her holovisor.

"Covering." She reported, into her helmet comm, fighting to keep her voice iron steady. She kept her self still, but still ready to spring into motion at any second.

Nothing to do but be ready.

(OOC: Overwatch the entrance we just came from, firing Semi Auto on any contacts that don't match Sisters, Mercenaries, or the various tower defenders/civilians. Be ready to move the second Eriko is done talking.)
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Silence. A moment passes as Vennedes considered Eriko's words, but it feels so much longer. That lone stolen second feeds the hollow silence behind the squad, growing it deeper. Caelia nervously checks her psy-crystal as she lines her weapon up. It glows brightly in the presence of Eneresh. And perhaps, whatever waits beyond.

"I know what's waiting for me in the courts, Sister. At best I'm looking at a stint in the Penal Legion, and poor Eneresh even worse," she says, trying and mostly succeeding at keeping her voice level. "But I'm no heretic. And whatever's coming just mulched my men. If it's coming for me and Eneresh too...Well. I suppose you're the only chance we have. I-" she hesitates, a hiss in her voice. "I'll cooperate. I'm-sorry, Eneresh."

Eneresh smiles weakly, wincing as Vahn motions her to stand. "I am too, Vennedes. This is all my fault..."

Palais butts in. "We're heading up to the roof. You will surrender yourself to our authority, or you will face the consequences, Vennedes."

"Crystal, Sister," Vennedes voice rings out. "Try not to die, Eneresh."

The crowd outside is rapidly dispersing, terrified by the same looming silence that has set Zahn Vayneth's men shivering and clutching at holy tokens donned across their bodies. The bounty hunter breathes a quiet prayer, as Vahn checks his hand laslocks. A handful of the militiamen have taken up positions, praying over their autoguns and laslocks and chainblades as the silence deepens.

Palais turns toward the group. "Sisters! Take up positions. Ilana, you guard Eneresh. Maria, I want you at the front as a shield. I'll be beside you. Caelia, Eriko, rear guard. Everyone else, you are to use us as cover," she says, turning her gaze across the handful of individuals readying their weapons. "You should go. This isn't your fight."

Most that remain take the Sister-Superior's word as their blessing, scurrying down whatever corridor is nearest.
"I've sinned," a hard worn man covered in gang and religious tattoos mutters as he loads his autogun. "I'll fight what comes. Give you time, maybe."

"Xidawang im mi xom. Feth whatever's coming, mi'm na scared," an older woman with blackened teeth and peeling skin says, gazing down the corridor with the sights of her rusted las-lock.

Palais pauses a moment, then raises a hand. "Emperor bless you," she says, and then turns away. "For the blood is martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. You." She stabs a finger at the young man, as he checks his Rosesworn rifle with shaking hands. "Lead the way."

The lad swallows. "Right to are, sésata, mi'll tenye to fo da roof ere wa moment," he says, tapping the Aquila tattoo across his chest. "Da emperor protects, ya."

The boy turns, and the group rushes toward the stairs. Behind them, the silence lengthens.

"To any of my people who are still alive, you have endured so much. Murder, plague, heresy."

Gunfire echoes up the stairways and corridors, a rapid staccato of las and stub fire. Then the brief screams. And then, silence.

"I am proud of each and every one of you. Amidst the turmoil, we have come together as a community, regardless of our origin. From breadmakers to gangers to guilded merchants, we have fought and survived against the evils that have sought to bring us low. Even now, I've heard that the cultists at our door have been sent to flight. But in their defeat, they have sent something terrible to try and finish what they couldn't. But the God-Emperor of Mankind, who watches over us all, has sent us aid."

Vennedes voice rings out through the darksome corridors and stairways as the squad and their allies trudge toward the roof. Maria and Palais lead the way, an armoured bulwark for the child guide. The building is a maze of interconnected rooms, misleading staircases, and doors that seemingly go nowhere. Side corridors and hidden ambush routes exist at many turns, but the boy leads the group well, stopping here and there to consider graffiti and peeling signs, or to mutter to himself in his bizarre low-gothic as he considers the path.

"The Daughters of the Emperor are here. They have come to slay the beast in our house. Do not fight them, for they are our deliverance. Scatter, retreat. If you see a cultist, kill it. But leave the beast to the Sisters of Battle."

At every turn there is a new fortification, a new ambush position. Gangers and militia and terrified civilians given guns or spears or whatever killing implement was on hand or could be improvised, watch as the scarlet armour of the Sisters of the Burning Rose loom out of the dim corridors, and they stand aside. They scatter down the corridors, or give directions, or fall on their knees and weep for forgiveness. Sometimes shots are fired, ringing harmlessly off power-armour, and usually these poor souls quail in terror upon realizing the figures falling upon them were no monsters. A scarce few try to fight-perhaps they are tainted, perhaps confused. They die. All others, Palais warns to make way, and leave before your pursuer finds them, blessing them for their obedience. Most listen. Some do not. Sometimes shots echo up the halls. Sometimes screams trail after the Sisters. In the maze, it can be a question if it even came from behind or elsewhere in the building.

"Thank you all, for all that you have done for me, and for one another. But our fight is over."

A light dies, down the stairs. Then another. It doesn't shatter or produce a spray of sparks. One moment it is alight, the next, it flickers and dies. Another, and another. The mercenaries are all breathless in their prayers, stumbling over the words as they beg the Saints and Emperor for intervention. And then, from the darkness, one can just hear it. It is not so terrible a sound. It is even, in a way, familiar. The fall of a heavy boot, disciplined, paced, onto hard rockcrete. Another boot fall, the sound ringing off the walls. Another, each step taking up a measured, military cadence. There is no rush to the steps, no haste. It is slow, steady, constant. Wholly, and inhumanly, constant.

"I will make my own way out. Have no fear for me, or the Sisters, my friends. The Emperor protects."

And even as the group rushes ever upward, it only seems to grow ever closer. Muscles strain, lungs ache for air. Hardened warriors, hateful witch, and civilian guide alike gasp for breath. And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.

The guide does not accept this easily. The group doubles back, hurries through secreted side corridors, and hurrying past false paths and rooms certain, he assures Palais at every point, to mislead the beast at the group's back. And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.

"Oh Emperor, oh Saint Selverus, what is it? Why can't we lose it?" A mercenary hisses, clutching his autogun tight.

"The feth is this?" The injured bounty hunter breathes, wincing in pain with every step as struggles to keep up with you. She turns into the yawning darkness, eyes wide. "Throne, how much farther?"

"Na much farther, na much farther," the boy hurries, glancing back over his shoulder. "Feth, feth, xidawang im almost lik da red koyo."

"The beast was strong, and the beast was fast, and its teeth were long, and its hunger vast," Eneresh mumbles under her breath, tears trailing down her cheeks. "Have you heard the tale of the Red Koyo, o child of Dreverarch?"

"Shut up!" One of the mercenaries barks, shoving Eneresh forward. She staggers, nearly falling before Vahn catches her, pulling her to her feet. He hisses it at the mercenary.

"Now is not the time!" He snarls.

"I've heard the tale of the Red Koyo, witch," the bounty hunter breathes, pushing off a pipe running along the wall. "Doesn' The King of Sky and Fire gave us steel, and the children of Dreverarch came upon it when it was resting, and set it to flight, but every time it would lie its head, we would be there,. It ran far and wide...And in the end..."

Eneresh smiles, sadly. "It could never escape, and the children of Dreverarch did make sacrifices of it to the heavens."

And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.

The boy slows to a sudden halt as the group rounds a random corner, a wide smile suddenly flashing across his face as he gestures toward a looming statue of some robed angelic figure. "Hah, through xiya, sésatas," he says as he presses his hand down on a high gothic rune inscribed along the statues base. With a hiss, a secreted door hidden in the shadow of utility pipes slides open. Even to someone with preysense, it is as though the doorway simply appears from thin air.

The boy bows, and with some trepidation, Maria ducks through, the pipes scraping along her power reactor as she ventures into the hall behind, followed swiftly by the rest of the group. A desecrated library, long ago crudely renovated into sleeping quarters, lies on the other side. leading to a staircase leading up. The boy takes in a series of deep breaths as he walks past rows of bunk beds leaning against cleared off book cases and tents lining the alcoves. Behind the group, the door seals shut in an instant, leaving no apparent trace of your exit.

"Na finding any fo milowda ere xiya, sésata, unte its straight fo da command center xox xidawang staircase. Sort fo wa secret evacuation route?" he says, nodding at the Palais.

"No...Finding us here, Sisters. It's straight to up the the command center. Secret...evacuation...route," The bounty hunter translates, trudging past the dilapidated book shelves.

"Good," Palais mutters. "I've had enough of the local..." she trails off, as beyond the wall, heavy footsteps fall. A dreadful, hollow silence falls.

And then with a terrible, piercing shriek, the secreted door comes away, a storm of dust and sparks filling the air. Lights across the back of the library dim and die in an instant, leaving the hall in shadow. With an acknowledging snarl, photovisors flicker on, and through the darkness-Oh, but there is fire. It is an inferno, a terrible flame, that smolders in the cracks between the gems and the plates. The crown laid across its back and draped across its back are broken in a thousand places, each chain-link shattered and reknit and blazing with the light of a soul aflame. Blood drips from regal fangs and royal claws, a single smile spread across both its faces.

Caelia and Eriko stagger back against the stairs, photovisors overloading for a brief moment. Gunshots flash into the dust and darkness, striking-What? Nothing?

A hollow silence descends.

"Up the stairs, up the stairs!" Palais hisses, half turning. "Regroup at the command center."

A voice rings out. It is smooth, svelte, but commanding. Regal, in every sense of the word, but there is something wrong about it. "Come now, Palais, O little fire. It is not in your nature to run, Sisters of Battle." The footsteps ring out, louder and louder, each measured and disciplined. Flickering stab-lights pierce the gloom, and the gleam is almost blinding. "Are we truly so fearsome, cousins? We have not come to sup of your souls, O Children of the Burning Saint."

In the light, richly engraved armour-plate shines in the light. It gleams like wet skin, and the engraving move as though swimming just beneath the surface. Well crafted sabatons slap in a disciplined, military rhythm against the rockcrete. Each footstep leaves the flooring cracked, and smoking. A long, elegant blade reaches out from the darkness, terminating in something between a hand and a hilt, metal plating and flesh flowing together. In the other, bone ivory gauntlets clench an engraved bolt pistol. A helmet, thick and richly engraved with the maw of a dragon, smiles at you with white, glistening, fangs, and beneath the visor is nothing but the light of flame. A cloak of shattered chains adorn its scalp fall from its back, each smoldering and cracked.

"We have no quarrel with she who cast down the false god of the Despertillo, O Slayers of Nightmare," it says. "We have come for our own, and no other. But ah, it is not in your nature to negotiate, even if you have been made to. You will fight. We wish it were not, for We have tasted of you, Caelia, O Daughter of Betrayals, and I weep for the blades at your back. As we have of you, Ilana, O Maiden of Angels, who defied the heresy of the Word of Oblivion, that made dear Maria, O Rock of Faith, be born into suffering and anguish. Even you, Eriko, despite your sins against the Pantheon, we cannot help but pity you, O Failed Saviour. Yours are tales of woe, that does our heart ill to consider ending. And yet, on our honour, we are obliged: Give Eneresh unto us, or we shall have quarrel with you."

"You will not have her!" Palais barks, even as she brings up her bolt pistol. "No matter what manner of beast you are!"

It raises its blade arm in salute, light-catching across its wet hide. With a sound of scraping metal, its cloak of chains rises up like a living thing, smoke billowing from it in the shape of blackened wings.

"We are Beholden," It says, as behind it more shapes unfold from the darkness, clad in the flickering camo-cloaks and fetishes of the cult. At their head are two towering warriors, augmetics visible beneath their thick robes and intricately decorated masks, shock clubs flaring in their grips.

And for a moment, there is nothing more than that brief, dreadful, hollow silence.
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Silence. A moment passes as Vennedes considered Eriko's words, but it feels so much longer. That lone stolen second feeds the hollow silence behind the squad, growing it deeper. Caelia nervously checks her psy-crystal as she lines her weapon up. It glows brightly in the presence of Eneresh. And perhaps, whatever waits beyond.

"I know what's waiting for me in the courts, Sister. At best I'm looking at a stint in the Penal Legion, and poor Eneresh even worse," she says, trying and mostly succeeding at keeping her voice level. "But I'm no heretic. And whatever's coming just mulched my men. If it's coming for me and Eneresh too...Well. I suppose you're the only chance we have. I-" she hesitates, a hiss in her voice. "I'll cooperate. I'm-sorry, Eneresh."

Eneresh smiles weakly, wincing as Vahn motions her to stand. "I am too, Vennedes. This is all my fault..."

Palais butts in. "We're heading up to the roof. You will surrender yourself to our authority, or you will face the consequences, Vennedes."

"Crystal, Sister," Vennedes voice rings out. "Try not to die, Eneresh."
Eriko breathes out a sigh of relief as she shuts the intercom off. Vennedes was honest in her surrender as far as Eriko could tell with an intercom as their medium, but even if Vennedes aimed to deceive them or proved openly uncooperative, there was nothing more they could do.

They had to move and run. Her Sisters and companions had the same thoughts, and even now were shuffling out of the Command Center.

In a smooth motion, Eriko entered into step behind Zayneth.

The crowd outside is rapidly dispersing, terrified by the same looming silence that has set Zahn Vayneth's men shivering and clutching at holy tokens donned across their bodies. The bounty hunter breathes a quiet prayer, as Vahn checks his hand laslocks. A handful of the militiamen have taken up positions, praying over their autoguns and laslocks and chainblades as the silence deepens.

Palais turns toward the group. "Sisters! Take up positions. Ilana, you guard Eneresh. Maria, I want you at the front as a shield. I'll be beside you. Caelia, Eriko, rear guard. Everyone else, you are to use us as cover," she says, turning her gaze across the handful of individuals readying their weapons. "You should go. This isn't your fight."

Most that remain take the Sister-Superior's word as their blessing, scurrying down whatever corridor is nearest.
"I've sinned," a hard worn man covered in gang and religious tattoos mutters as he loads his autogun. "I'll fight what comes. Give you time, maybe."

"Xidawang im mi xom. Feth whatever's coming, mi'm na scared," an older woman with blackened teeth and peeling skin says, gazing down the corridor with the sights of her rusted las-lock.

Palais pauses a moment, then raises a hand. "Emperor bless you," she says, and then turns away. "For the blood is martyrs is the seed of the Imperium. You." She stabs a finger at the young man, as he checks his Rosesworn rifle with shaking hands. "Lead the way."

The lad swallows. "Right to are, sésata, mi'll tenye to fo da roof ere wa moment," he says, tapping the Aquila tattoo across his chest. "Da emperor protects, ya."

The boy turns, and the group rushes toward the stairs. Behind them, the silence lengthens.
Her position assigned, she waits at the rear as the group readies to leave.

"You are quite young yet, Sister." Eriko says, standing tall and patient, as Caelia steps towards her."I can feel the Saint Leanna calling to us even now. Us two, of the rear, called to guard against what comes for us so that those before us may live."

The chill continues, snaking up her spine, colder and more invasive now. Her voice threatens to crack but she slowly, her breathing turns deep and measured. Her hands steady as she contemplates the mysteries of ritual suicide. There were many kinds and done for many reasons, to give many a differing message. One for a superior's injustice, another as a form of capital punishment, yet none where quite as fascinating as one done to wipe away one's own shame.


"How long has it been since your induction into the order as a Adepta Sororita? You are quite young but very lucky. " Her visor turns to the younger Battle-Sister. It is a hateful mien but Eriko is anything but at the moment. "Are you ready to die, Sister?"

"To any of my people who are still alive, you have endured so much. Murder, plague, heresy."

Gunfire echoes up the stairways and corridors, a rapid staccato of las and stub fire. Then the brief screams. And then, silence.

"I am proud of each and every one of you. Amidst the turmoil, we have come together as a community, regardless of our origin. From breadmakers to gangers to guilded merchants, we have fought and survived against the evils that have sought to bring us low. Even now, I've heard that the cultists at our door have been sent to flight. But in their defeat, they have sent something terrible to try and finish what they couldn't. But the God-Emperor of Mankind, who watches over us all, has sent us aid."

Vennedes voice rings out through the darksome corridors and stairways as the squad and their allies trudge toward the roof. Maria and Palais lead the way, an armoured bulwark for the child guide. The building is a maze of interconnected rooms, misleading staircases, and doors that seemingly go nowhere. Side corridors and hidden ambush routes exist at many turns, but the boy leads the group well, stopping here and there to consider graffiti and peeling signs, or to mutter to himself in his bizarre low-gothic as he considers the path.

"The Daughters of the Emperor are here. They have come to slay the beast in our house. Do not fight them, for they are our deliverance. Scatter, retreat. If you see a cultist, kill it. But leave the beast to the Sisters of Battle."

At every turn there is a new fortification, a new ambush position. Gangers and militia and terrified civilians given guns or spears or whatever killing implement was on hand or could be improvised, watch as the scarlet armour of the Sisters of the Burning Rose loom out of the dim corridors, and they stand aside. They scatter down the corridors, or give directions, or fall on their knees and weep for forgiveness. Sometimes shots are fired, ringing harmlessly off power-armour, and usually these poor souls quail in terror upon realizing the figures falling upon them were no monsters. A scarce few try to fight-perhaps they are tainted, perhaps confused. They die. All others, Palais warns to make way, and leave before your pursuer finds them, blessing them for their obedience. Most listen. Some do not. Sometimes shots echo up the halls. Sometimes screams trail after the Sisters. In the maze, it can be a question if it even came from behind or elsewhere in the building.

"Thank you all, for all that you have done for me, and for one another. But our fight is over."

A light dies, down the stairs. Then another. It doesn't shatter or produce a spray of sparks. One moment it is alight, the next, it flickers and dies. Another, and another. The mercenaries are all breathless in their prayers, stumbling over the words as they beg the Saints and Emperor for intervention. And then, from the darkness, one can just hear it. It is not so terrible a sound. It is even, in a way, familiar. The fall of a heavy boot, disciplined, paced, onto hard rockcrete. Another boot fall, the sound ringing off the walls. Another, each step taking up a measured, military cadence. There is no rush to the steps, no haste. It is slow, steady, constant. Wholly, and inhumanly, constant.

"I will make my own way out. Have no fear for me, or the Sisters, my friends. The Emperor protects."

And even as the group rushes ever upward, it only seems to grow ever closer. Muscles strain, lungs ache for air. Hardened warriors, hateful witch, and civilian guide alike gasp for breath. And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.

The guide does not accept this easily. The group doubles back, hurries through secreted side corridors, and hurrying past false paths and rooms certain, he assures Palais at every point, to mislead the beast at the group's back. And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.
They were much too slow.

One prisoner and a handful of mercenaries, Zayneth and their child guide all together did not make for a quick pace. Were they alone, Squad Palais could have easily loped away at twice their current speed, up and up until they found their destination. The Storm of Summer protested the tortuously slow pace, creaking and bucking with every footfall, and Eriko spent half her time calming her armour like it was some particularly testy equine.

Even as the locals began speaking of their myths, Eriko was too busy rearing her armour to do anything but listen with one ear. It was not her legend. She did not grow up with that boogeyman. But it had a name now and she took note.

And the footsteps grow closer, and the darkness looms nearer, and there is nothing but a hollow silence beyond.

The boy slows to a sudden halt as the group rounds a random corner, a wide smile suddenly flashing across his face as he gestures toward a looming statue of some robed angelic figure. "Hah, through xiya, sésatas," he says as he presses his hand down on a high gothic rune inscribed along the statues base. With a hiss, a secreted door hidden in the shadow of utility pipes slides open. Even to someone with preysense, it is as though the doorway simply appears from thin air.

The boy bows, and with some trepidation, Maria ducks through, the pipes scraping along her power reactor as she ventures into the hall behind, followed swiftly by the rest of the group. A desecrated library, long ago crudely renovated into sleeping quarters, lies on the other side. leading to a staircase leading up. The boy takes in a series of deep breaths as he walks past rows of bunk beds leaning against cleared off book cases and tents lining the alcoves. Behind the group, the door seals shut in an instant, leaving no apparent trace of your exit.

"Na finding any fo milowda ere xiya, sésata, unte its straight fo da command center xox xidawang staircase. Sort fo wa secret evacuation route?" he says, nodding at the Palais.

"No...Finding us here, Sisters. It's straight to up the the command center. Secret...evacuation...route," The bounty hunter translates, trudging past the dilapidated book shelves.

"Good," Palais mutters. "I've had enough of the local..." she trails off, as beyond the wall, heavy footsteps fall. A dreadful, hollow silence falls.
They were so very close to their destination. She could imagine the rain at the end of it all, battering on their faceplate and armour as the thunderhawk roared overhead. Today was not the day of their deaths, it seemed. And if the Emperor sought to use their lives for a little while longer, than Eriko would calmly accept His wisdom.

Eriko opened her vox-com and keyed into Ophania squad as the group entered the library.

"This Sister Eriko of Palais Squad." She began to climb the stairs, raising her eyes to seek the exit above their heads. "We and the VIP are T-minus five minutes looks like from the Observation Deck. Hostiles are hot on our tail. Advice status of Ophania Squad. Ove--."

Then everything went wrong.

And then with a terrible, piercing shriek, the secreted door comes away, a storm of dust and sparks filling the air. Lights across the back of the library dim and die in an instant, leaving the hall in shadow. With an acknowledging snarl, photovisors flicker on, and through the darkness-Oh, but there is fire. It is an inferno, a terrible flame, that smolders in the cracks between the gems and the plates. The crown laid across its back and draped across its back are broken in a thousand places, each chain-link shattered and reknit and blazing with the light of a soul aflame. Blood drips from regal fangs and royal claws, a single smile spread across both its faces.

Caelia and Eriko stagger back against the stairs, photovisors overloading for a brief moment. Gunshots flash into the dust and darkness, striking-What? Nothing?

A hollow silence descends.

"Up the stairs, up the stairs!" Palais hisses, half turning. "Regroup at the command center."

A voice rings out. It is smooth, svelte, but commanding. Regal, in every sense of the word, but there is something wrong about it. "Come now, Palais, O little fire. It is not in your nature to run, Sisters of Battle." The footsteps ring out, louder and louder, each measured and disciplined. Flickering stab-lights pierce the gloom, and the gleam is almost blinding. "Are we truly so fearsome, cousins? We have not come to sup of your souls, O Children of the Burning Saint."

In the light, richly engraved armour-plate shines in the light. It gleams like wet skin, and the engraving move as though swimming just beneath the surface. Well crafted sabatons slap in a disciplined, military rhythm against the rockcrete. Each footstep leaves the flooring cracked, and smoking. A long, elegant blade reaches out from the darkness, terminating in something between a hand and a hilt, metal plating and flesh flowing together. In the other, bone ivory gauntlets clench an engraved bolt pistol. A helmet, thick and richly engraved with the maw of a dragon, smiles at you with white, glistening, fangs, and beneath the visor is nothing but the light of flame. A cloak of shattered chains adorn its scalp fall from its back, each smoldering and cracked.

"We have no quarrel with she who cast down the false god of the Despertillo, O Slayers of Nightmare," it says. "We have come for our own, and no other. But ah, it is not in your nature to negotiate, even if you have been made to. You will fight. We wish it were not, for We have tasted of you, Caelia, O Daughter of Betrayals, and I weep for the blades at your back. As we have of you, Ilana, O Maiden of Angels, who defied the heresy of the Word of Oblivion, that made dear Maria, O Rock of Faith, be born into suffering and anguish. Even you, Eriko, despite your sins against the Pantheon, we cannot help but pity you, O Failed Saviour. Yours are tales of woe, that does our heart ill to consider ending. And yet, on our honour, we are obliged: Give Eneresh unto us, or we shall have quarrel with you."

"You will not have her!" Palais barks, even as she brings up her bolt pistol. "No matter what manner of beast you are!"

It raises its blade arm in salute, light-catching across its wet hide. With a sound of scraping metal, its cloak of chains rises up like a living thing, smoke billowing from it in the shape of blackened wings.

"We are Beholden," It says, as behind it more shapes unfold from the darkness, clad in the flickering camo-cloaks and fetishes of the cult. At their head are two towering warriors, augmetics visible beneath their thick robes and intricately decorated masks, shock clubs flaring in their grips.

And for a moment, there is nothing more than that brief, dreadful, hollow silence.
"It is a good day." A long sigh escapes Eriko's lips as, beside Caelia, she brings her greatsword forward and settles in a readied stance in one smooth motion.

Her eyes narrow slightly as she saw more of the thing's adornments. Corruption and warp-trickery. There was no denying the wrongness she felt in the air or the dizzying engravings. And it knew things about them that it should not have known. A psyker would have been the mundane answer but Eriko suspected that the powers demonstrated were bequeathed straight from the chalice of the Enemy.

It spoke of their lives, perhaps even their greatest trial, in an attempt to provoke them. Then when it uttered her title, Eriko took one step down. She was the rear guard and that implied only one thing now.

"Aim for the helmet's maw. Let us see what blessed shells could inflict upon it," Eriko told Caelia quietly. "I shall draw its attention."

Then the pause as each side considered the other.

"Then come and take your quarry!" Eriko called out, breaking the silence. "And let us your bladework matches your oration by half. I would be sorely disappointed otherwise."
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Silence. A moment passes as Vennedes considered Eriko's words, but it feels so much longer. That lone stolen second feeds the hollow silence behind the squad, growing it deeper. Caelia nervously checks her psy-crystal as she lines her weapon up. It glows brightly in the presence of Eneresh. And perhaps, whatever waits beyond.

"I know what's waiting for me in the courts, Sister. At best I'm looking at a stint in the Penal Legion, and poor Eneresh even worse," she says, trying and mostly succeeding at keeping her voice level. "But I'm no heretic. And whatever's coming just mulched my men. If it's coming for me and Eneresh too...Well. I suppose you're the only chance we have. I-" she hesitates, a hiss in her voice. "I'll cooperate. I'm-sorry, Eneresh."

Eneresh smiles weakly, wincing as Vahn motions her to stand. "I am too, Vennedes. This is all my fault..."

Palais butts in. "We're heading up to the roof. You will surrender yourself to our authority, or you will face the consequences, Vennedes."

"Crystal, Sister," Vennedes voice rings out. "Try not to die, Eneresh."

Caelia tried not to let her surprise show. To be entirely honest with herself, she had not expected that to work. She put it out of mind, and returned to focusing on her overwatch.

The crowd outside is rapidly dispersing, terrified by the same looming silence that has set Zahn Vayneth's men shivering and clutching at holy tokens donned across their bodies. The bounty hunter breathes a quiet prayer, as Vahn checks his hand laslocks. A handful of the militiamen have taken up positions, praying over their autoguns and laslocks and chainblades as the silence deepens.

Palais turns toward the group. "Sisters! Take up positions. Ilana, you guard Eneresh. Maria, I want you at the front as a shield. I'll be beside you. Caelia, Eriko, rear guard. Everyone else, you are to use us as cover," she says, turning her gaze across the handful of individuals readying their weapons. "You should go. This isn't your fight."

Most that remain take the Sister-Superior's word as their blessing, scurrying down whatever corridor is nearest.
"I've sinned," a hard worn man covered in gang and religious tattoos mutters as he loads his autogun. "I'll fight what comes. Give you time, maybe."

"Xidawang im mi xom. Feth whatever's coming, mi'm na scared," an older woman with blackened teeth and peeling skin says, gazing down the corridor with the sights of her rusted las-lock.

"At once Sister Superior." Caelia says, fighting to keep her voice steady and level. She fell into the rear of the quickly developing formation, collapsing towards them while keeping her Boltrifle covering the entrances behind them.

She arrived in position just as the two civilians offered to stay behind. She spared just the smallest glance at them. Common citizens of the Imperium. The people who might've been shooting at them a few minutes ago, had things gone differently. And yet they offered themselves anyway.

She didn't offer them a salute, couldn't, and still cover the rear of the formation, but she did nod at them, with genuine respect. Her helmet boomed "The blood of Martyrs is the Seed of the Imperium." in chorus with the Sister Superior.

She steadied herself by their example. It didn't quell the slowly building dread, but it did steel her nerves and reinforce the rampart of discipline she had built around the fear growing in the back of her mind.

Her position assigned, she waits at the rear as the group readies to leave.

"You are quite young yet, Sister." Eriko says, standing tall and patient, as Caelia steps towards her."I can feel the Saint Leanna calling to us even now. Us two, of the rear, called to guard against what comes for us so that those before us may live."

The chill continues, snaking up her spine, colder and more invasive now. Her voice threatens to crack but she slowly, her breathing turns deep and measured. Her hands steady as she contemplates the mysteries of ritual suicide. There were many kinds and done for many reasons, to give many a differing message. One for a superior's injustice, another as a form of capital punishment, yet none where quite as fascinating as one done to wipe away one's own shame.


"How long has it been since your induction into the order as a Adepta Sororita? You are quite young but very lucky. " Her visor turns to the younger Battle-Sister. It is a hateful mien but Eriko is anything but at the moment. "Are you ready to die, Sister?"

It was a presumptuous question to ask, just like Eriko, especially a time like this. Caelia knew exactly how she should answer, how the Order's training and her family's lineage, and her own self image taught her that she must say in response to such a question.

"Yes." She answered, properly, ignoring the question about her age and time in the order.

And despite those pressures, despite the fear and doubt that ate away at the rampart of discipline and faith, she meant it sincerely.

And yet...

"I..there is so much more to be done, glory to be won, ranks to acquire, centuries to serve.." She says, the words spilling out. She almost spoke of the doubt creeping past the Rampart, but she could not.

"But if Leanna and the Emperor calls, and this is the place and time...then I am ready." She finished. So it was sworn, and so she would hold herself to such an oath.

And then with a terrible, piercing shriek, the secreted door comes away, a storm of dust and sparks filling the air. Lights across the back of the library dim and die in an instant, leaving the hall in shadow. With an acknowledging snarl, photovisors flicker on, and through the darkness-Oh, but there is fire. It is an inferno, a terrible flame, that smolders in the cracks between the gems and the plates. The crown laid across its back and draped across its back are broken in a thousand places, each chain-link shattered and reknit and blazing with the light of a soul aflame. Blood drips from regal fangs and royal claws, a single smile spread across both its faces.

Caelia and Eriko stagger back against the stairs, photovisors overloading for a brief moment. Gunshots flash into the dust and darkness, striking-What? Nothing?

A hollow silence descends.

"Up the stairs, up the stairs!" Palais hisses, half turning. "Regroup at the command center."

A voice rings out. It is smooth, svelte, but commanding. Regal, in every sense of the word, but there is something wrong about it. "Come now, Palais, O little fire. It is not in your nature to run, Sisters of Battle." The footsteps ring out, louder and louder, each measured and disciplined. Flickering stab-lights pierce the gloom, and the gleam is almost blinding. "Are we truly so fearsome, cousins? We have not come to sup of your souls, O Children of the Burning Saint."

Their doom came for them short of the Command Center.

The contact approached from the dark, and Caelia felt the fear and doubt swelling triumphant. She pushed back, steadying herself and raising her boltgun. She did not fire, for the sake of her precious ammunition, trying the track the thing through the darkness and that terrible, hollow, silence.

She lost track quickly.

Sweat ran down her face as her helmet glanced down for a final time at the Slayer of Ten Thousand. All was in order on the faithful bolter-the hammer was locked back, the ejection port was open, Sarrissa fixed, and it's sights were properly aligned with her Holovisor, even if the ballistic data it's spirits could provide was garbled and unhelpful.

The Magazine was still properly loaded, the white band marking it's significance standing stark against the darkness.

Everything was ready with the weapon. Now it was only up to the Warrior.

She steadied herself as the Sister Superior commanded a retreat. She was still covering the rear when the thing began to speak. It's voice was eloquent, regal, smooth even, and it chilled her down to her soul. She thought to ignore those words, and their implications, to focus on what she could effect, even as it called out to her by her own name and her own past. As it presumed to speak to them like it was a person.

She was raising her bolter at the thing came into view properly. She took in the armor, the weapons, the chains. She saw into the Visor, and the flames that burned beneath. She took it all in, and she knew in her heart that it was not kin of her, nor of anything that still called itself a living human being. It was the kin of Daemons, of the Dybukks who had come out of the smoke to wreak terror on her and her sisters.

The Dybukks that she had slain, at such effort, even as they nearly broken her resolve.

Beneath the fear and discipline, rage and hate began to boil up. Hatred for it being an abomination against the Emperor and for daring to speak as if they were compatriots, cousins. Hatred of this situation, where she felt so useless. Hatred of herself, for weakness that even now coiled around her guts like a serpent.

And the rage. The rage that burned with the command to fight back, to defy the abomination with Faith and Fire. That burnt away at her exhaustion and doubt.

She clutched onto those emotions. Hatred was a weapon. Rage was a shield.

Both would carry her forward towards whatever came next.

"It is a good day." A long sigh escapes Eriko's lips as, beside Caelia, she brings her greatsword forward and settles in a readied stance in one smooth motion.

Her eyes narrow slightly as she saw more of the thing's adornments. Corruption and warp-trickery. There was no denying the wrongness she felt in the air or the dizzying engravings. And it knew things about them that it should not have known. A psyker would have been the mundane answer but Eriko suspected that the powers demonstrated were bequeathed straight from the chalice of the Enemy.

It spoke of their lives, perhaps even their greatest trial, in an attempt to provoke them. Then when it uttered her title, Eriko took one step down. She was the rear guard and that implied only one thing now.

"Aim for the helmet's maw. Let us see what blessed shells could inflict upon it," Eriko told Caelia quietly. "I shall draw its attention."

Then the pause as each side considered the other.

Caelia's bolter, the Slayer of Ten Thousand, was already raised by the time Eriko begun to speak.

Normally, she would take offense to such commands, but this was not the time, and the only thing she could feel was the fire of her rage, and the coiling fear that it burned away at. She did not nod, nor speak her agreement.

She voiced her assent in the roar of the Boltgun. She had faith Eriko would get the message.

"For the Emperor!" She shouted, and plunged herself into righteous battle.

(OOC: Aim and Semi Auto burst Beholden, called shot to the Visor. 40 Bs+10 Semi Auto +10 holosight +10 Close Range+20 Aim-20 Called Shot. TN 70, reroll if I fail, and +1 DoS for amount of hits. +10 and +1 DoS on attacks for allies if I hit. Use my free inspire effect on Eriko.

Spend a Faith to clear my Fatigue. If there is a Fear test, spend a Faith for +20 (I already have a reroll from Nerves of Steel)).
It was a presumptuous question to ask, just like Eriko, especially a time like this. Caelia knew exactly how she should answer, how the Order's training and her family's lineage, and her own self image taught her that she must say in response to such a question.

"Yes." She answered, properly, ignoring the question about her age and time in the order.

And despite those pressures, despite the fear and doubt that ate away at the rampart of discipline and faith, she meant it sincerely.

And yet...

"I..there is so much more to be done, glory to be won, ranks to acquire, centuries to serve.." She says, the words spilling out. She almost spoke of the doubt creeping past the Rampart, but she could not.

"But if Leanna and the Emperor calls, and this is the place and time...then I am ready." She finished. So it was sworn, and so she would hold herself to such an oath.
"I envy you then." Eriko nods her agreement of Caelia's words. "Dying with the Emperor's name on your lips absolves your soul, or so they say. In death is summed the fullest potential of your life, and I'd rather that absolution be sooner rather than later."

Eriko looks behind them, towards the now silent halls. "If the Eneresh's prophecy proves to be even a fraction accurate then we may have that chance very soon. I hope to stand by a Sister in that moment of dying, if you will have my sword, Sister Caelia."

Caelia's bolter, the Slayer of Ten Thousand, was already raised by the time Eriko begun to speak.

Normally, she would take offense to such commands, but this was not the time, and the only thing she could feel was the fire of her rage, and the coiling fear that it burned away at. She did not nod, nor speak her agreement.

She voiced her assent in the roar of the Boltgun. She had faith Eriko would get the message.

"For the Emperor!" She shouted, and plunged herself into righteous battle.

(OOC: Aim and Semi Auto burst Beholden, called shot to the Visor. 40 Bs+10 Semi Auto +10 holosight +10 Close Range+20 Aim-20 Called Shot. TN 70, reroll if I fail, and +1 DoS for amount of hits. +10 and +1 DoS on attacks for allies if I hit. Use my free inspire effect on Eriko.

Spend a Faith to clear my Fatigue. If there is a Fear test, spend a Faith for +20 (I already have a reroll from Nerves of Steel)).
As Caelia's boltgun spits its blessed rounds, Eriko moved forward to cover Caelia partly. She planted her boots firmly on the ground.

She was Earth. Unmoving as the mountain and strong as a boulder. She stands before her allies and she will shatter rather than give one step back.

The cultists must come to them or else be slowly eaten by the superior fire the Sisters bring to bear. And in the narrow confines of the stairway, the cultists' numbers would matter little. This was Eriko's hope at least.

Move up in front of Eriko's allies.

Defensive Stance. +30 to parry. +10 to dodge.

WS 40 + Hatred 10 = TN 50.

Thine Arm Be the Scourge of the Impure. +1 DoS. -1 DoF.)
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Ice seemed to prick along Ilana's spine as she advanced, no fled, along the Carmine Tower's myriad corridors, forced to trust the boy at his word as they led them through the labyrinth that was the Tower. She disliked that she had to question the faith of their guide, who was otherwise risked death to keep them ahead of their mysterious pursuers, but instinct forced the question into her mind regardless. Ilana swallowed down the instinctive suspicion, it was irrelevant either way, and returned her attention to the psyker whose leash she held. Ignored the haunting silence that crept behind. Ignored the choking grip that vile darkness held at her throat. Ignored. Ignored. Ignored. IgNOred.

Ignored how the silence itself seems so cloying and thick, that even her screams wouldn't last past its miasmic presence.
And then with a terrible, piercing shriek, the secreted door comes away, a storm of dust and sparks filling the air. Lights across the back of the library dim and die in an instant, leaving the hall in shadow. With an acknowledging snarl, photovisors flicker on, and through the darkness-Oh, but there is fire. It is an inferno, a terrible flame, that smolders in the cracks between the gems and the plates. The crown laid across its back and draped across its back are broken in a thousand places, each chain-link shattered and reknit and blazing with the light of a soul aflame. Blood drips from regal fangs and royal claws, a single smile spread across both its faces.

Caelia and Eriko stagger back against the stairs, photovisors overloading for a brief moment. Gunshots flash into the dust and darkness, striking-What? Nothing?

A hollow silence descends.

"Up the stairs, up the stairs!" Palais hisses, half turning. "Regroup at the command center."

A voice rings out. It is smooth, svelte, but commanding. Regal, in every sense of the word, but there is something wrong about it. "Come now, Palais, O little fire. It is not in your nature to run, Sisters of Battle." The footsteps ring out, louder and louder, each measured and disciplined. Flickering stab-lights pierce the gloom, and the gleam is almost blinding. "Are we truly so fearsome, cousins? We have not come to sup of your souls, O Children of the Burning Saint."

In the light, richly engraved armour-plate shines in the light. It gleams like wet skin, and the engraving move as though swimming just beneath the surface. Well crafted sabatons slap in a disciplined, military rhythm against the rockcrete. Each footstep leaves the flooring cracked, and smoking. A long, elegant blade reaches out from the darkness, terminating in something between a hand and a hilt, metal plating and flesh flowing together. In the other, bone ivory gauntlets clench an engraved bolt pistol. A helmet, thick and richly engraved with the maw of a dragon, smiles at you with white, glistening, fangs, and beneath the visor is nothing but the light of flame. A cloak of shattered chains adorn its scalp fall from its back, each smoldering and cracked.
Ilana flinched at the awful, shrieking return of sound to her world, only the tireless efforts of the Drill-Abbots snapping her bolter in the direction of their incoming doom. The figure that strode into the room was alien to reality and faith alike. Eneresh spoke true, Ilana thought acidly, though not in the way that would ever accredit the warp-whispering of a witch. Warp-twisted armour clad it head to toe, fitting more like skin than plate on the figure that bore it. Its voice and words bled self-assured smugness, its noble affect an insult to her bloodline and those of her squad. Even the flames that danced behind visor insulted the true calling of holy flame to purify the enemies of the Emperor.

But above all that, its very presence gnawed at Ilana's mind, and even without its grotesque half-melded appearance and earlier display of strength she could feel the tainted aura of the daemonic about it. A daemonhost? No, no, something about its attitude and garment, so clearly the remains of carapace bothered her about that conclusion. Memories of herself floated before her, pouring through the archives of the Cathedral-Fortress at Leanna's Rest in a desperate attempt to put a name to each and every abomination that took everything from her. In her mind's eye her younger self paused, searching gaze stuck on a specific passage.


"Feth." Ilana exhaled tiredly in the present, soul deep resignation at the circumstances that had forced this confrontation distilled into a single word. Somehow of all things, the absurd thought of how her father would send her fasting for her language struck her. It made her miss him all over again.

And more importantly, fanned those embers of hate into an inferno.

She tightened her grip on her bolter, finding solace in the blessed silver loaded up in her mag. "Sister-Superior, do you wish for me to continue escorting the objective up to the extraction site?"
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At every turn there is a new fortification, a new ambush position. Gangers and militia and terrified civilians given guns or spears or whatever killing implement was on hand or could be improvised, watch as the scarlet armour of the Sisters of the Burning Rose loom out of the dim corridors, and they stand aside. They scatter down the corridors, or give directions, or fall on their knees and weep for forgiveness. Sometimes shots are fired, ringing harmlessly off power-armour, and usually these poor souls quail in terror upon realizing the figures falling upon them were no monsters. A scarce few try to fight-perhaps they are tainted, perhaps confused. They die. All others, Palais warns to make way, and leave before your pursuer finds them, blessing them for their obedience. Most listen. Some do not. Sometimes shots echo up the halls. Sometimes screams trail after the Sisters. In the maze, it can be a question if it even came from behind or elsewhere in the building.

It was good work. Every murderous little nook, every spot that would have drained them of strength and ammunition as they advanced, though the souls behind the barricades were misled and unruly Maria saw care for brother and sister in those defenses. The particular politics of the world didn't interest her, they had consorted with a witch and needed to atone, but in those dark halls she saw little pieces of home. It was a reminder, cutting through all the tactical considerations running constantly through her mind as they advanced that this was a place where people lived. Where, Emperor willing, they would live again.

"Up the stairs, up the stairs!" Palais hisses, half turning. "Regroup at the command center."

A voice rings out. It is smooth, svelte, but commanding. Regal, in every sense of the word, but there is something wrong about it. "Come now, Palais, O little fire. It is not in your nature to run, Sisters of Battle." The footsteps ring out, louder and louder, each measured and disciplined. Flickering stab-lights pierce the gloom, and the gleam is almost blinding. "Are we truly so fearsome, cousins? We have not come to sup of your souls, O Children of the Burning Saint."

Maria clanked to a halt and sidestepped the bottom of the stairs. Palais had ordered her to the fore, but the enemy was behind. The fire would be behind. She felt the eager quiver pass through her own aching muscles, into blessed servomuscle and actuators and then back. This was redemption. This was His will. This was revenge.

"I'm sorry Sister-Superior, but I cannot turn my back. I would die from the shame as surely as the wounds."

"We are Beholden," It says, as behind it more shapes unfold from the darkness, clad in the flickering camo-cloaks and fetishes of the cult. At their head are two towering warriors, augmetics visible beneath their thick robes and intricately decorated masks, shock clubs flaring in their grips.

And for a moment, there is nothing more than that brief, dreadful, hollow silence.

Her bolter boomed.

There just wasn't a question. Their foul creature of muck and muscle had befouled her. Their false prophet had turned her fire aside. Now this infernal beast dared to play at familiarity. She didn't even give her own sisters such an avenue of approach.

It would die. They would not be broken today, or anytime, so long as she still drew breath.

((Brace, Full Auto on the Beholden))
Were this a propaganda flick on the vidscreen, the Sororitas would deny the horror that stands before them without a hint of hesitation. There would be no fear, no doubt, not even a hint that such a thing was possible.

But Leanna was afraid when she went before the Nightmare Given Form. Sabbat was afraid when she was given the nine holy wounds. Fear was mortal, and above all else was the fear of the other, of the unknown. Of the twisted, and inhuman. As Squad Palais looks upon the horror in all its hideous nobility, their hearts pound in their chests, and ice water pours through their veins. Clammy hands clutch at bolter and blades, and private doubts run through their minds.

But what is fury but fear tempered in blood? What is hate, but fear lashing out? What is courage? It is not the absence of fear, surely, but the mastery of it.

And so it is with fury, and hate, and yes, courage, that the moldering bookshelves and abandoned beds are lit bright by the flash of boltguns, and the battle-hymns of the Adepta Sororitas rise up, drowning out the screams of terror and fright from the mercenaries, and the chants of the heretic. In a single instant, all silence is banished from the hall: Now, only the noise of battle remains.

"Sisters, fellow Imperials, we face a mighty test! Strengthen your resolve, and purge the unclean!" Palais bellows, her chainsword howling as she raises it to the heavens. The mercenaries rally at Palais' example, if only just, firing as they stagger toward cover. "Ilana, you stand with us! Get Eneresh to cover, and guard unto the last breath!" She cries, as the Squad opens fire. Rounds scream past the beast and detonate about it, spraying shards of shrapnel against its clawed boots. But on it comes, its nightmarish wings reflecting the light as it comes closer. Behind it, heretics scramble through the dark, trading fire with the lesser warriors supporting the Sisters, at least one darkling form dropping with a cry amidst a spray of panicked fire from a sellsword's rifle. But all this is but distraction.

Caelia is the first to strike it, a bolt shearing across its left pauldron and detonating with an echoing thunderclap behind it. Following their Sister's example, Ilana and Maria hammering it with fire. None of it is a solid hit, glancing strikes. But still sparks fly, a sound at once like metal and flesh-tearing fills the air, and brilliant flares of light and heat illuminate the dark for a brief moment. And in that moment of illumination-Something shines, almost golden? For a moment, it misses a single step in its impeccable cadence, stretching out its arms as a flicker of fire, fire so bright it appears golden, trails across its hide, and its armour gives a shrill shriek, and the plating blackens like roasting flesh. And for that brief moment, the heat and the light of the fires that burn beneath its flesh seem to disappear.

"Ah! Pain like a Flame Forgotten-" It cries aloud. And then, it surges forward, the pounding of its boots echoing amidst the halls. But behind it, the darkness alights with the crackle of unholy energy as the two towering robed figures are shrouded in arcs of electricity twining between their augmetics. And then with a gesture, the air screams its lament, and Caelia and Maria are buffeted by waves of force. Warning flare as armour cracks and servos shriek, the two warriors pressing forward against the unnatural maelstrom, prayers on their lips. The witches stare on silently in their impassive tribalistic masks, as the air twists and uncoils against the two Sisters, but the are unmoved.

Even as gravity seems to propel Maria backward, she howls her prayers and strides forward, feeling the weight of her plates pressing against her frame. But still, she prays into the storm, the psyker focusing on her staggering as electricity arcs across their hands. They step forward, bringing up both hands, eyes burning with witch light. There is a rush of motion and air, tearing rockcrete from the floor and ripping away chunks of flakboard from the nearby shelves. For a moment, she feels weightless, the vast bulk of her armour lifted up into the air like a children's toy. A defiant prayer rings out in her throat as she begins to hurtle back, racing toward the wall-

And then she simply drops like a stone, landing on her back even as the shockwave continues on and leaves a crater in the wall behind. The witch stares at her with its carved mask, the ritualistic fetishes across its robes shaking in some unseen wind as Maria levels her heavy bolter at it. It steps aside as the rounds scream past it, ripping away rows of book cases behind it and tearing a wounded heretic in twain, its azure gaze locked on the sister. Its attention is taken a moment later as the boom of a frag grenade thrown by Caelia splits the air, its twin thrown to the ground as shrapnel tears at the fronts of its armoured robes. Another cultist is thrown aside by the blast with a cry, slamming hard against a bookshelf.

Gunshots ring all along the flanks, heretic and faithful trading fire. The bounty hunter's hand cannon booms as it ends the life of a hulking heretic, chem-rich muscles falling slack as the manstopper rounds carve the man effectively in twain. A bolt from Ilana's boltgun puts the frag stunned heretic out of her misery, even as a mercenary on the left staggers back under a burst of lasgun fire, his brass collar smoking from a hit that nearly took his head off. "Shite! We're flanked!" he shouts, blindly returning fire.

A cry splits from Vahn's lips as lasfire slashes across him, one bolt scorching a hole into the leggings of his coat and sending him tumbling to one knee as smoke rises from the wound. "Savine bless this ravaged body!" he snarls, drawing a dueling las into his grip without hesitation, and his vengeful shot splits the distance and flashes as its glances across his attacker's face. The heretic staggers back with a wail as their armoured mask and skin are burned away by the shot, leaving nothing but exposed muscle and blackened meat. He claws madly at their face as unseeing eyes dart wildly.

Amidst the carnage, the horror-The thing that called itself Beholden nears, and Eriko charges forth to meet it. Her chainsword howls as it falls, and the things bladed arm alights with crackling energy, like unto a power field. The blades meet, the hissing field ripping away shards of reinforced plating from the flank of Eriko's chainsword before her greatsword smashes across the horror's helmet. Teeth fly through the air-both the ivory fangs of its draconic maw and monomolecular blades from the Sister's chainsword. Landing the blow is like nothing she has ever experienced before. The helm resists like the toughest metal, the teeth struggling to bite in. But she knows the sound of ripping flesh she sees it. The sight of meat being torn asunder, and blood weeping from the shallow wounds-burning blood that dances like living flame as it splashes against the floor, but blood nonetheless. But even as she's forced back by a strike from its shrieking blade, its helmet (its face? Something in between) shudders and smolders, smoke like the sweetest incense trailing from wounds that continue to deepen and blacken.

"We shall admit, you wound us, O Failed Saviour. Such sting, such righteousness! It is too painful to call pleasurable, even to us. Truly, you honour us," it says, as the two of them circle one another. "You are a worthy foe, though a lamentable one. We taste the brittleness of your pride, the shame of your failure. A healer who could not save their patients is truly a terrible thing." Its gaze flickers, its weeping helm smiling as it turns to meet Palais' falling chainsword.

"Die, and be damned!" she bellows, but its bladed arm meets her chainsword and knocks it aside. Plating melts, teeth rip from the blade, a purity seal catches alight. But the chainsword holds. And as its blade carves out, ripping a blackened gash across Palais' cuirass, from left shoulder to right thigh, so too does her armour hold. "The Emperor protects!"

"As we are blessed, so are you. This is just. If we must have strife, cousins, let it be fought with equal might, and nobler intent, to prove our righteousness before the gods who regard us with their wandering gaze," it says, even as its blade lashes out, meeting Eriko's blow. She pulls her blade back, steam billowing from the purity seals along her blade. Before she can bring her greatsword back into position, the creature's blade lashes out through her guard, crashing against her helmet. The Sister's head whips back, starts flashing through her eyes as her vox momentarily overloads, the blast of feedback drowning out everything else.

And when it clears, she can hear nothing more. Nothing, that is, but a hollow silence.
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Were this a propaganda flick on the vidscreen, the Sororitas would deny the horror that stands before them without a hint of hesitation. There would be no fear, no doubt, not even a hint that such a thing was possible.

But Leanna was afraid when she went before the Nightmare Given Form. Sabbat was afraid when she was given the nine holy wounds. Fear was mortal, and above all else was the fear of the other, of the unknown. Of the twisted, and inhuman. As Squad Palais looks upon the horror in all its hideous nobility, their hearts pound in their chests, and ice water pours through their veins. Clammy hands clutch at bolter and blades, and private doubts run through their minds.

But what is fury but fear tempered in blood? What is hate, but fear lashing out? What is courage? It is not the absence of fear, surely, but the mastery of it.

And so it is with fury, and hate, and yes, courage, that the moldering bookshelves and abandoned beds are lit bright by the flash of boltguns, and the battle-hymns of the Adepta Sororitas rise up, drowning out the screams of terror and fright from the mercenaries, and the chants of the heretic. In a single instant, all silence is banished from the hall: Now, only the noise of battle remains.

"Sisters, fellow Imperials, we face a mighty test! Strengthen your resolve, and purge the unclean!" Palais bellows, her chainsword howling as she raises it to the heavens. The mercenaries rally at Palais' example, if only just, firing as they stagger toward cover. "Ilana, you stand with us! Get Eneresh to cover, and guard unto the last breath!" She cries, as the Squad opens fire. Rounds scream past the beast and detonate about it, spraying shards of shrapnel against its clawed boots. But on it comes, its nightmarish wings reflecting the light as it comes closer. Behind it, heretics scramble through the dark, trading fire with the lesser warriors supporting the Sisters, at least one darkling form dropping with a cry amidst a spray of panicked fire from a sellsword's rifle. But all this is but distraction.
"A spiritu dominatus,
Domine, libra nos,
From the lighting and the tempest,"

Even as Palais' speech heartens all, the mercenaries giving a ragged cheer as they ready to fight, the first verses of the Fede Imperialis issues forth from Eriko's lips. She stands tall, her greatsword drawn at her side, and the holy words echo in the library's halls. She song carries above the screams of hate, the gunfire staccato, and the rapid beating of her heart.

The library around her is torn apart by the enemy's fire. The tiles turned into shards, wood breaking, paper fluttering into the air. Dust is kicked up and her mercenary allies scramble for cover.

Then she strides forward, to her doom perhaps, but with her Sisters' singing in her ears.
Caelia is the first to strike it, a bolt shearing across its left pauldron and detonating with an echoing thunderclap behind it. Following their Sister's example, Ilana and Maria hammering it with fire. None of it is a solid hit, glancing strikes. But still sparks fly, a sound at once like metal and flesh-tearing fills the air, and brilliant flares of light and heat illuminate the dark for a brief moment. And in that moment of illumination-Something shines, almost golden? For a moment, it misses a single step in its impeccable cadence, stretching out its arms as a flicker of fire, fire so bright it appears golden, trails across its hide, and its armour gives a shrill shriek, and the plating blackens like roasting flesh. And for that brief moment, the heat and the light of the fires that burn beneath its flesh seem to disappear.

"Ah! Pain like a Flame Forgotten-" It cries aloud. And then, it surges forward, the pounding of its boots echoing amidst the halls. But behind it, the darkness alights with the crackle of unholy energy as the two towering robed figures are shrouded in arcs of electricity twining between their augmetics. And then with a gesture, the air screams its lament, and Caelia and Maria are buffeted by waves of force. Warning flare as armour cracks and servos shriek, the two warriors pressing forward against the unnatural maelstrom, prayers on their lips. The witches stare on silently in their impassive tribalistic masks, as the air twists and uncoils against the two Sisters, but the are unmoved.
The thing breaks into a sprint, dirt and dust kicked up in its wake as the towering robed figures by its flanks push with their Warp powers. It is a blot of blackness and heavy metal even in the dim light of the library, and Eriko dashes forward to meet it, her greatsword trailing her form. Her sabatons slam against the ground with every footfall, propelling her ever nearer towards her foe.

She stood on the razor's edge and her vision narrowed, everything around falling away like so many pieces of glass into nothing. Gone was the firefight between her Sisters and the psykers, and the mercenaries and the heretics. There was only the Beholden and her, and the battle-hymns ringing in her head.

There is a mighty crash as their blades meet and hers slides past, smashing the Beholden's faceplate with the full force of her steel and armour. The strike threatens to tear the greatsword from her grip and throw her back but she digs her heels in, servo-muscles whining from arms to legs, and she drives the teeth in, carving a scar of steel and flesh and blood down.

First blood. In their duel at least.

The Beholden pushes her off and they begin to circle one another, watching and waiting for an opening.
Amidst the carnage, the horror-The thing that called itself Beholden nears, and Eriko charges forth to meet it. Her chainsword howls as it falls, and the things bladed arm alights with crackling energy, like unto a power field. The blades meet, the hissing field ripping away shards of reinforced plating from the flank of Eriko's chainsword before her greatsword smashes across the horror's helmet. Teeth fly through the air-both the ivory fangs of its draconic maw and monomolecular blades from the Sister's chainsword. Landing the blow is like nothing she has ever experienced before. The helm resists like the toughest metal, the teeth struggling to bite in. But she knows the sound of ripping flesh she sees it. The sight of meat being torn asunder, and blood weeping from the shallow wounds-burning blood that dances like living flame as it splashes against the floor, but blood nonetheless. But even as she's forced back by a strike from its shrieking blade, its helmet (its face? Something in between) shudders and smolders, smoke like the sweetest incense trailing from wounds that continue to deepen and blacken.

"We shall admit, you wound us, O Failed Saviour. Such sting, such righteousness! It is too painful to call pleasurable, even to us. Truly, you honour us," it says, as the two of them circle one another. "You are a worthy foe, though a lamentable one. We taste the brittleness of your pride, the shame of your failure. A healer who could not save their patients is truly a terrible thing." Its gaze flickers, its weeping helm smiling as it turns to meet Palais' falling chainsword.
"Begone, Daemon! You hold no sway over me."

Eriko sweeps the Beholden's blood from the side of her greatsword with a screech of steel on steel. Blood splatters on the floor, sizzling as if it were on a stove. She shifts her stance, pulling her greatsword tight against her torso. Her feet make minute adjustments.

"My failure is erased, soon enough. Do not mistake your parlor tricks for understanding." Her eyes narrow as she shifts her stance again, trying to understand its form.

Then she hears the heavy clatter of one of her Sisters charging to her side. She could tell Palais had come from the cadence of the steps and the weight of the armour. Underneath her helmet, she gives the Possessed a slash of a smile.

"Instead, speak of how it feels knowing you shall fail your masters."
"Die, and be damned!" she bellows, but its bladed arm meets her chainsword and knocks it aside. Plating melts, teeth rip from the blade, a purity seal catches alight. But the chainsword holds. And as its blade carves out, ripping a blackened gash across Palais' cuirass, from left shoulder to right thigh, so too does her armour hold. "The Emperor protects!"

"As we are blessed, so are you. This is just. If we must have strife, cousins, let it be fought with equal might, and nobler intent, to prove our righteousness before the gods who regard us with their wandering gaze," it says, even as its blade lashes out, meeting Eriko's blow. She pulls her blade back, steam billowing from the purity seals along her blade. Before she can bring her greatsword back into position, the creature's blade lashes out through her guard, crashing against her helmet. The Sister's head whips back, starts flashing through her eyes as her vox momentarily overloads, the blast of feedback drowning out everything else.

And when it clears, she can hear nothing more. Nothing, that is, but a hollow silence.
Eriko renews her assault at the moment Palais charges past her, the Sister-Superior's blade twirling. The duo attacks as one, pressing their number advantage against the Beholden. Yet the two Battle-Sisters little good as time and again the Beholden dodges and parries such that it only needed to contend with one of them at a time, as long as a split second at most but it was enough.

Then its sword dashes against Eriko's helmet, a glancing blow that still leaves her reeling in shock. When she comes too, the world is bleary and slightly swaying, but she could still see Palais fighting the Beholden. They were silent, and Eriko knew her ears were damaged. It was not enough to keep her out of the fight and, as Palais is forced back, she steps forward, her guard wide and steady. Pain suppressant flooded her bloodstream and her vision cleared, as her pain sharper.

She could still yet force the Beholden to split its efforts between the both of them.

And even deaf she knew where her Sisters were in the battle-hymn. She fought along the beats.

"Our Emperor, deliver us.
From plague, temptation and war,
Our Emperor, deliver us,

Initiative: 1d10 + AB 3 - Slow 3 = 1d10

1st Round:
Apply Auto-Injectors.
Half Aim, Standard Attack

2nd Round
Disengage with Palais to allow the others a clear shot at the Beholden. Move 2 meters to the side so she can immediately use her Reach (2m) weapon. If not possible then go back 4 meters to be able to Charge.

Auto-Injectors and Bio Monitor: +10 against Toxin and poison. 6 doses of pain suppressant which allow the user to ignore critical effects lesser than the loss of a limb for 1d10 rounds. Stuns last a maximum of one turn.

WS 40 + Faith 20 + Good-Quality 5 + Half Aim 20 + Inspire 10 = TN 95
Thine Arm be the Scourge of the Impure
+1 DoS, -1 DoF when making a melee attack
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The Beholden blurred forward, and battle was joined.

Rage poured through her body, burning away at the panic that locked her muscles in place and froze her thoughts.

She snapped up the Slayer of Ten Thousand, tried to track the Daemon-thing. Her visor's targeting Spirit was confused and useless, by now spitting out nonsense numbers and error djins, so she fired by eye. One shot, two, then three, and the third struck. Armor shrieked and blackened, and flames retreated. The blessed rounds were having some effect on target, but limited.

"Our Emperor Deliver us!" She sang out, tracking the target for it's next burst, and steeling herself against it's inevitable charge.

Before she could fire, Eriko and Palais stormed in to intercept it. She did not allow herself relief, only turning her rage to the heretics that thought to attack them. A hand went back, grabbed a fragmentation grenade, then hurled it at the rear of the library. She was already shifting to her next target when she heard the grunt of pain as Zayneth went down, lasbolts tearing through his armor.

"From the Begetting of Daemons!" She sung, half howled. The Slayer covered the Daemon-Thing, and she wished dearly she could fire on it. To a lesser degree, she cursed the limited supply of blessed munitions-at the very least she could be clearing out the chaff, if not for that.

No, her duty compelled her towards other ends. She grit her teeth, tampering down on a combination of panic, rage, and frustration, and backed up, Bolt-Rifle still covering the Beholden, hands still grabbing and hurling frag grenades with mechanical repetition.

She didn't even look down at the Witchhunter before grabbing the hem of his jacket, and began dragging him to the closest cover. She did spare a look at the young guide."Get to cover!" She shouted.

As soon as they were in cover, she returned her attention to the Beholden, and her two sisters engaging it, and waited...

"Our Emperor Deliver us!"

(OOC: Grab Zayneth, drag him to cover. Throw grenades at Nightcallers and Nightbringers until the Beholden is no longer in Melee. Once he's no longer in melee, attempt an aimed Visor Called shot with Single Shot. Give my Inspires to Eriko).
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Her fingers itched.

As the fae light of the blade wielded by the creature that named itself 'Beholden' burnt arcs of witchfire at her Sisters, Ilana's instincts screamed at her to do her part, to close and prove her mettle against the horror named daemon. A small, traitorous part of her found itself spellbound by the horrendous, maliciously beautiful form of the Archenemy. The girl that watched in horror as their works heralded doom of Savine's Hope had never died, merely fled to the farthest recesses of her mind to wait as her worst nightmares returned to haunt her once more. And she raged so in the confines of mind and spirit. Raged at her own fear. Raged at the very existence of the abomination before them. Raged at the presence of the witch at her side, without whom she would take her bolter into battle against the Beholden.

"I tread the path of Righteousness." With that hymn, first heard from the Great Confessor himself, Ilana finally tore her gaze from the desperate sounds of battle where her Sisters fought to survive. Fear still hammered at her heart, knowing that daemon blade threatened to breach even thick ceramite that clad her sisters, but trust alongside faith was the very foundation of sisterhood, and she would have to trust them to endure this trial until suitable opportunity was provided. "Though it be paved with broken glass, I will walk it barefoot; though it cross rivers of fire, I will pass over them; though it wanders wide, the light of the Emperor guides my step. "

She turned to see the others. Eneresh cowered at her side, sobbing as she laid her head on the thick ironwood of the bookcase, but for once Ilana could not find it in her heart to find fault. Fear in the face of the inhuman was an emotion that Ilana could all too bitterly sympathise with. And she should see that the sentiment with mirrored with all the mercenaries of Zayneth's retinue, all without exception seemed near frozen in fear at the monster that advanced seemingly untouched by even holy bolt.

They were only mortal after all, they all were.

But even if fear were only their lot, with perfection reserved for the Emperor alone, they would not be human without raging against the dying of the light. Spying Caelia unlatching her grenades to her side, Ilana found her hands reaching for the same. Not only would it preserve the precious holy bolts, but the thought of explosive defiance carried its own special charm.

OOC: Throw grenades at Nightcallers and Nightbringers until the Beholden is no longer in Melee. Once he's no longer in melee, attempt an aimed Visor Called shot with Single Shot with fate +20.
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Broken chunks of rockcrete crunched as Maria rose from the ragged crater the witches carved beneath her. She would not be felled so easily. No plaything for dark powers was she, but so long as their fury was spent uselessly against her carapace it was not visited upon her sisters and brothers.

"You will need to bring this tower down upon my head before I am moved. Where I place my feet the battle lines are drawn. There is no retreat. No surrender. No end but your deaths."

She growled, bringing her bolter back up to bear on the pinpricks of witch-light at the other end of the room. It was the retributor's lot to be the wall, a storm in being, the rolling conflagration. Inexorable, implacable, indomitable. Maria's eyes darted to the side just long enough to note the position of Palais and Eriko in the Beholden's shadow before her muzzle blazed with a torrent of blessed shells. Just a little distance, a little room, and one fewer witch, and they could pound this abomination into meat and bad dreams.

Stand and hip fire on the Nightcaller
When the Beholden is no longer in melee full auto w/ fate to either jump initiative or add +20 to the shot depending if it'll move or not
Be the Wall
Tracers and crimson lasbolts and the fiery trails of bolter rounds criss-cross in the dark of the library. Centuries-old bookshelves shudder and quake beneath those brief moments of violence. Moldering books, flickering dataslates and old tomes are torn apart by the disparate hails of weapon fire, here and there a fire catching before automatic gas suppressant systems come to life. All those works of knowledge and entertainment, however base, snuffed out in an instance, just as the lives of the men and women fighting among them are.

"We're flanked on the left! We're fethed! Fethed!" One of the mercenaries screams as they scramble from cover from a hail of las fire. One stumbles with a cry as a lasround flashes against her pauldron, throwing the weapon from her hands and leaving her half blind as she scampers for cover.

On the right side the bounty hunter ducks behind the bookcase as lasfire flashes past, fiddling the book case and sending showers of white-hot droplets flying through the air. "Shite! Heretics pushing the right! I could-" Her voice cuts off, eyes widening beneath her half-helm as a fragmentation grenade rolls to her feet. Sister Illana barely registers the hunter's frantic shout of "Grenade!" before warning runes flash across her visor a pieces of shrapnel slash against the back of her power-pack. She half-turns just in time to see the bounty-hunter bounce hard off the book-case, nearly bowling over the cowering Eneresh before she manages to catch herself on the bookshelf. The bounty-hunter shakes her head, her half-plate blackened and pitted.

A second explosion rings out at the other end of the hall almost simultaneously, shrapnel slashing across a pair of heretics. One still clawing at the scorched remains of its face, hollers in even deeper pain as they're thrown hard against the bookcase by the blast. Yet, Illana can barely tear her gaze away from the still-standing psyker. The grenade had flown true, only for its twin to halt the detonation in midair as it returned to its feet. Denied, she looks down as Eneresh grasps her leg for support. Rising to her feet, she curses her hands struggle against her magnacles. "Feth off! I'm not going with you!" She calls out at the encroaching foes. A harsh bark of laughter is her answer as a cultist slides into cover at the end of the bookshelf. She hisses, glancing at Ilana. "Do your bloody job!"

Still standing from the psychic barrage, Maria begins to rise to her feet, sore muscles feeling every kilogram of the heavy bolter, her vision wavering as she brings it to bear on her psychic foes. A heavy stubber round glancing from her arm is barely felt beneath the pain she endures, but still, she stands. Before she can fire, however, the weapon dips in her grip. And then, as though from some invisible pressure, begins to turn inexorably toward the heedless Caelia. Maria strains with what reserves of strength she has left, giving breathless prayers as her muscles spasm, her finger tightening uncontrollably at the trigger as her weapon sights fall across Caelia's head.

At the last moment Maria jerks the weapon aside, heavy bolter rounds screaming through the air. Shards of rockcrete falls from above as rounds punch through the ceiling, book shelves are torn apart as heavy rounds burst apart the flak-board and throw their contents to the nine winds. One mercenary falls on his arse as a bolt almost takes his head off, staring in wide eyed horror as the air around Maria warps and shudders.

The other psyker steps forward, its eyes blazing with obsidian fire, their hands gnarled into claws as they focus on Maria. The air around them distorts, and for a moment all who behold the witch see themselves reflected, double images fading in and out of sight as they see...Something. Something they can no longer recall, even as they see in their vision. A passing acquaintance, what they had for breakfast this morning, a bit of planetary trivia, whatever it was. Taken in that momentary reflection, and leaving nothing but a hole of memory in its wake.

And Indomitable is screaming. The warning runes flashing across Maria's visor are pointless when she feels the unholy pressure against her armour, feels the ceramite and plasteel wail as it begins to give inward. Hairline cracks begin to grow across her visor, and then with a horrific, deafening crack the left eye-piece shatters. Sensors quiver, struggling to adjust as the pressure begins to build-And then Vahn's voice rings out.

"By this shot, I abjure thee!" He cries, pain racking his voice as he brings up a fresh dueling las from his coat. The shot splits the darkness of the library, slashing through barriers of force the psyker throws up, and flies straight at the towering witch's heart. Only, to find another in its path. There is a flash of light, a terrible, choked cry, and a heavy stubber gunner tumbles to the ground dead at the psyker's feet, her torso all but excavated by the high powered lasround. The psyker turns, its concentration broken as Maria falls to her knees.

A wave of nausea runs through the sister, her head pounding in her helmet, and there are spots in her vision. Yet, she does not fall. Uttering a prayer to the Emperor, she forces back the blackness tugging at her senses, and begins to rise again. At the same time, Caelia presses forward on the flank, her bolt pistol roaring its hate as it spells the death of a foeman. In these examples, the lesser warriors find courage, laying down hails of gunfire against the pressing heretics.

"Stand firm, Swords of Virtue! The Emperor is with us! His Daughters stand with us! Follow the Sisters!" Their sergeant called out, swiftly echoed by his comrades. "Follow the Sisters!"

From the heart of it all, Palais gives a mighty shout. "Hold fast! Hold until our Sisters arrive!" Palais shouts, from the heart of it all.

At the center of the room, the dance of blades continues on. Eriko stands tall even as her cuirass smolders and blackens beneath the daemon-things unholy touch, combat drugs singing through her system. Her weapon jars in her grip as it glances from the living flesh-metal of the horror's cuirass, seemingly metallic plate pressing inward like tender skin from a lover's caress at the lash of the howling monoteeth. But the thing is strained. Molten blood pours from its wound, and the fire burning beneath its flesh has dimmed ever so slightly.

Its gaze, beautiful and terrible to behold, meets Eriko's visor. It shudders for a moment, as though in pain. But it is from her words, not her blow. "To fail our masters is as impossible as it is terrible to consider. We have already completed what they have asked of us. We have done as they bid. But to fail, yes, we can picture that...We wonder how you would handle the contradiction, cousin. To hold two equally impossible positions at once, and understand how they can both be true. Perhaps as well as your fall from grace? Perhaps you would embrace it, as you embrace arrogance, even as you wallow in the blood of those you failed. We are not logical creatures, cousin. Our souls are born of the Chaos of contradictions."

"Nowhere is this more evident than when you act above the very Order you seek redemption from," The Daemon-thing mocks, only to jerk back as a blade.

"To walk the path of righteousness is no easy thing," Palais cries out, proving the monster's guard with strike after strike, only to whip her blade back from its hungry blade-arm. "No woman was made perfect, and the glass bites at our feet. But no matter what you say, abomination, Eriko has chosen to walk it. And for that, I am proud to call her Sister. Together, we will cast you down!"

Palais snarls. "For the Emperor, and for the Order of the Burning Rose!"

OOC: I intended to do another turn, but technical issues meant I decided to cut it short.
At the center of the room, the dance of blades continues on. Eriko stands tall even as her cuirass smolders and blackens beneath the daemon-things unholy touch, combat drugs singing through her system. Her weapon jars in her grip as it glances from the living flesh-metal of the horror's cuirass, seemingly metallic plate pressing inward like tender skin from a lover's caress at the lash of the howling monoteeth. But the thing is strained. Molten blood pours from its wound, and the fire burning beneath its flesh has dimmed ever so slightly.

Its gaze, beautiful and terrible to behold, meets Eriko's visor. It shudders for a moment, as though in pain. But it is from her words, not her blow. "To fail our masters is as impossible as it is terrible to consider. We have already completed what they have asked of us. We have done as they bid. But to fail, yes, we can picture that...We wonder how you would handle the contradiction, cousin. To hold two equally impossible positions at once, and understand how they can both be true. Perhaps as well as your fall from grace? Perhaps you would embrace it, as you embrace arrogance, even as you wallow in the blood of those you failed. We are not logical creatures, cousin. Our souls are born of the Chaos of contradictions."

"Nowhere is this more evident than when you act above the very Order you seek redemption from," The Daemon-thing mocks, only to jerk back as a blade.
"From the curse of the mutant,
Our Emperor, deliver us,

The song came to her in labored breaths now, even as pain suppressant drugs flow through her bloodstream, and as her lungs burn as if from fire that could make her do anything. There was no more time to think, to analyse her slashes and footwork. The Way of the Warrior was one of immediacy, and in that moment she flung herself headlong into danger, deciding then to kill or be killed.

Her vision tinged in red, she bore the Beholden's strikes, in steel and in words, with the passionless chill of a machine whose only remit in living was to fight. Thus did she honour the virtue of Self-Control.

She and Palais flow one after the other, a flurry of blows and strikes that slowly push back the Beholden. Eriko felt its weakness grow in her bones, the tempo of the fight change slowly but surely, grasping from the jaws of despair into their victory.

Then Palais spoke and the dam broke.

"A morte perpetua,
Domine, libra nos."

"To walk the path of righteousness is no easy thing," Palais cries out, proving the monster's guard with strike after strike, only to whip her blade back from its hungry blade-arm. "No woman was made perfect, and the glass bites at our feet. But no matter what you say, abomination, Eriko has chosen to walk it. And for that, I am proud to call her Sister. Together, we will cast you down!"

Palais snarls. "For the Emperor, and for the Order of the Burning Rose!"
"There is one thing you have left out, Daemonkin. It is of paramount importance." Eriko broke her silence, teeth grit in concentration. "My Duty is to the Order. My Obligation is to my Sister-Superior. And my Burden and Devotion I owe to to my Sisters."

Each point she punctured with a slash of her sword, or spat out as Palais shifted forward instead. She slashed her sword sidewards, and her feet shifted with the momentum.

"My shame shall be my own struggle." Then she steps away from the fight, just as Palais does, revealing Maria and Ilana. Her Sisters guns were raised an pointed at the Beholden. "But my Duty shall always be returned."

"Together," she repeated. "We shall."

1st Turn: Eriko and Palais Disengage. Eriko disengages to 2 meters away.

2nd Turn
If Ilana and Maria have shot: Aim+Standard Melee Attack. Use Reach (2m) to attack from 2 meters away.
WS 40 + Good-Quality 5 + Aim 20 = TN 65

If one of Ilana and Maria have not shot yet: Defensive Stance.
WS 40 + 5 Good-Quality - 5 Slow + Defensive Stance 30 = TN 70 to parry

If the Beholden goes for another character: Charge
Eriko: WS 40 + Good-Quality 5 + Charge 20 = TN 65.
Beholden: Charge -10 to WS
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A wave of nausea runs through the sister, her head pounding in her helmet, and there are spots in her vision. Yet, she does not fall. Uttering a prayer to the Emperor, she forces back the blackness tugging at her senses, and begins to rise again. At the same time, Caelia presses forward on the flank, her bolt pistol roaring its hate as it spells the death of a foeman. In these examples, the lesser warriors find courage, laying down hails of gunfire against the pressing heretics.

"From the Begetting of Daemons!" Caelia bellowed, firing her Boltpistol from the hip into the tightly clustered Heretics.

She glanced back, reluctantly, at the Beholden. Still locked in melee. The confrontation still delayed.

She kept firing, conserving her precious blessed bolts.

"Our Emperor, Deliver us!" She sang. She felt the tension in her bones. The desire to avoid the confrontation to come. The contradictory, but just as strong desire to come to grips with the enemy that so vexed and chilled her.

She clamped down on it. Eriko and the Sister Superior would do as they saw best, and she would act as the circumstances to demanded.

(OOC: Continue clearing out the flank. If the opportunity presents itself, move to called shot the Beholden)
Still standing from the psychic barrage, Maria begins to rise to her feet, sore muscles feeling every kilogram of the heavy bolter, her vision wavering as she brings it to bear on her psychic foes. A heavy stubber round glancing from her arm is barely felt beneath the pain she endures, but still, she stands. Before she can fire, however, the weapon dips in her grip. And then, as though from some invisible pressure, begins to turn inexorably toward the heedless Caelia. Maria strains with what reserves of strength she has left, giving breathless prayers as her muscles spasm, her finger tightening uncontrollably at the trigger as her weapon sights fall across Caelia's head.

At the last moment Maria jerks the weapon aside, heavy bolter rounds screaming through the air. Shards of rockcrete falls from above as rounds punch through the ceiling, book shelves are torn apart as heavy rounds burst apart the flak-board and throw their contents to the nine winds. One mercenary falls on his arse as a bolt almost takes his head off, staring in wide eyed horror as the air around Maria warps and shudders.

Maria was screaming but she made no sound. Discipline silenced her. Desperation, rage, and pain clawed at her throat, but sound could mean death. They'd hear you down the tunnels. So you were silent. So you were still. You suffered without a word. Her jaw gritted and she felt hot blood in her mouth. She would not scream. She would not kill her sisters. They were of the Blood, of the Ash, anointed before His Throne. She was bulwark and sword, she was flame and steel. They would not make her. They could not make her. He would not allow it in his love and everlasting mercy upon the faithful, his dire levying of punishment upon the wicked.

She would be that punishment.

The other psyker steps forward, its eyes blazing with obsidian fire, their hands gnarled into claws as they focus on Maria. The air around them distorts, and for a moment all who behold the witch see themselves reflected, double images fading in and out of sight as they see...Something. Something they can no longer recall, even as they see in their vision. A passing acquaintance, what they had for breakfast this morning, a bit of planetary trivia, whatever it was. Taken in that momentary reflection, and leaving nothing but a hole of memory in its wake.

And Indomitable is screaming. The warning runes flashing across Maria's visor are pointless when she feels the unholy pressure against her armour, feels the ceramite and plasteel wail as it begins to give inward. Hairline cracks begin to grow across her visor, and then with a horrific, deafening crack the left eye-piece shatters. Sensors quiver, struggling to adjust as the pressure begins to build-And then Vahn's voice rings out.

Maria didn't bother standing. Calm flooded her as she blew out a bloody breath and glared downrange at the witch. One eye still full of runes and distractions she could feel in her bones, the other just a small, pink, fleshy thing peering out with all the human hatred she could muster. She scraped her bolter forward and lined up, her ears ringing with the endless chime of bells.

Faith to clear fatigue.

1. Full auto from prone at the witch (Nightcaller 1)
2. Stand, hip fire at Nightcaller 2
3. If Beholden is up and out of melee shoot it.
On the right side the bounty hunter ducks behind the bookcase as lasfire flashes past, fiddling the book case and sending showers of white-hot droplets flying through the air. "Shite! Heretics pushing the right! I could-" Her voice cuts off, eyes widening beneath her half-helm as a fragmentation grenade rolls to her feet. Sister Illana barely registers the hunter's frantic shout of "Grenade!" before warning runes flash across her visor a pieces of shrapnel slash against the back of her power-pack. She half-turns just in time to see the bounty-hunter bounce hard off the book-case, nearly bowling over the cowering Eneresh before she manages to catch herself on the bookshelf. The bounty-hunter shakes her head, her half-plate blackened and pitted.

A second explosion rings out at the other end of the hall almost simultaneously, shrapnel slashing across a pair of heretics. One still clawing at the scorched remains of its face, hollers in even deeper pain as they're thrown hard against the bookcase by the blast. Yet, Illana can barely tear her gaze away from the still-standing psyker. The grenade had flown true, only for its twin to halt the detonation in midair as it returned to its feet. Denied, she looks down as Eneresh grasps her leg for support. Rising to her feet, she curses her hands struggle against her magnacles. "Feth off! I'm not going with you!" She calls out at the encroaching foes. A harsh bark of laughter is her answer as a cultist slides into cover at the end of the bookshelf. She hisses, glancing at Ilana. "Do your bloody job!"
"Tsk!" Ilana clicked her tongue in disappointment as the other psyker covered for its twin. She shot a concerned look at Maria, her stalwart Sister bowed but as of yet unbroken, unholy forces battering at her reliable Macharius plate and the flesh beneath, but then she could spare her attention to her embattled Sister no longer, as she registered the banging of manacles on her plate.

For a moment Ilana indulged herself the effort to glare back at Eneresh, her Sisters were battling for their lives against the encroachment of the daemon, and she had the gall to question their commitment to duty? Her umbrage was shackled only by the cool presence of duty, orders were orders, no matter how distasteful she found the task. Their mandate was that of divine providence, empowered to be the bulwark of the enemies of the Faith of the Eternal Throne.

And more than that, Ilana found herself realising with resignation, the Emperor had gifted them all with the grace of his everlasting love, even one tainted by the touch of the Immaterium as Eneresh.

"Stay down!" Ilana barked as she caught the figure of a heretic disappearing behind the bookshelf to her right, the gleaming form of her bolter in hand. "If you truly believe yourself innocent of nothing but circumstance then have faith. Providence will not be delivered because you demand it."

Single shot at the heretic in full cover to the right, making a called shot at whatever body part he exposes. Once he's dead see if I can keep squeezing single shots at the psykers.
Blazing cuts scythe across Eriko's armour, tearing away chunks of ceramite, cracking bone, shattering a rib. She staggers back, only the dull bliss of combat stimulants coursing through her veins allowing her to grit her teeth against the pain and stand her ground. Palais is shouting something, but her ears are still ringing, but she cries aloud her plan over the vox. Clear the line of fire for Maria.

"Quitting our duel so early, cousin? How droll," the Daemonkin mocks, pressing its assault. Its words slither through her, each word clear despite how little she can hear. "Are you not the fire? Are you not the pyre?" With each word the fires within burn brighter, scalding the vision of any who look upon it, photovisors flickering and shrieking in agony. A mighty blow throws Eriko to the ground, sparks flying as her reactor scrapes against the rockcrete floor. It raises its edged arm high for a decapitating blow, the unholy energies flickering along them seeming almost to smile down upon the Sister. "Come, Cousin. Burn with us."

Faintly, Eriko thinks she hears Palais crying something out, but over the ringing in her ears, she can hear it not.

Along the flanks boltguns boom, and the wails of the dying echo aloud. Caelia's bolt pistol fires at such close range the explosive charge doesn't fuse, but the sheer strength of the round is still enough to tear a heretic in twain as she raises her lasgun. Another heretic rolls with military precision into cover, the bolt shell missing her by inches. She rises to her feet with a cry in their pagan tongue, but Caelia knows well the sound of lasguns being beseeched to unleash their maximum charge. High powered lasgun fire flashes against her carmine armour, one shot striking against her elbow with such force that her arm spasms and empties a round into the ground by her feet, showering her sabatons with splinters of rockcrete. Such a blow could have been more serious, but as the Sisters straightens out her armour, internal hydraulics whine in what almost sounds like laughter to her ears, daring the foe to strike again.

Just three rounds left in the magazine, the spirits of her helmet warn, failing to even acknowledge the blow struck.

Maria is battered. Her armour is cracked, her muscles aching, her flesh bruised and scratched in a hundred different places. Even her vision is skewed, as the damaged systems of her left visor whirl and click, trying to readjust after their protective covering was shattered. Yet, she stands. She raises her heavy bolter as she sees Eriko fall. She sees the far side of the room alight with arcs of unnatural energy, one of the two psykers surrounded by a halo of coruscating blue that seems to bleed from the strange sigils across its metal mask. Its compatriot brandishes its shockmaul at a craven sharpshooter hiding in its shadow and then stomps forward, energy coursing across its implants as it raises its hands. Its eyes are ablaze with Witch-Fire as tt stretches outs its fingers. She starts to raise her heavy bolter, clawing against the weight of it as her damaged armour hisses in strain. Then the air distorts, and another wave of unholy force rushes down the library toward her, candles flaring wildly and books flying from their shelves as the wave closes in. But it isn't aimed at her.

Palais barely manages to turn before the witch-strike smashes into her. "Leanna!" she cries, as a wave of psychic force slams into her. There is a pulse of unconstrained energy that nearly bowls over surrounding mercenaries, and yet Palais stands tall, purity seals flickering as though in a gentle breeze. "The...Emperor...Protects!" She snarls, as the sorcerer raises its hands to the heavens, electricity arcing across its implants. She turns aside as Eriko hits the ground in a spray of sparks "Eriko!" she cries as the psyker prepares to strike her down before she can intervene.

"Savine, bless this shot!" Vahn Zayneth's voice rings aloud, and suddenly the crack of a dueling las splits the air. There is a flash of scarlet light, and then the psyker staggers back, as silent as ever. But it is no stoic demeanor that stills its tongue this time, but rather the blackened hole where its lungs and indeed, most of its upper chest, used to be. And yet the heretic's body remains standing, transfixed as psychic energy flickers up and down its body and smoke rises from its damaged augmetics. Something within the witch's augmetics gives way with a shriek of tearing metal. Energy arcs across the psyker's form as the witch-light in its eyes grows brighter and brighter and brighter. Flesh and bone bends and twists like dough in the hands of a Pretzelmaker, the blazing carcass shuddering with every fresh snap of bones and augmeticimplants slough away like wax.

And yet that strange metal mask stares on with a terrible calm, untouched by the uncontrolled warp energy that ravages its owner. Then there is nothing but light, a storm of warp energy-consuming the broken body of the heretic. And the mask still stares on from the maelstrom, its uncaring gaze judging all upon the battlefield. With a final flash, the storm ends, leaving nothing but ash, bits of molten metal and charred flesh, and an untouched mask

Yet, the prayers of the Sisters ring loud over the horror, even as the heretics standing before them stare on in horror. The mercenary sergeant hesitates a moment then gives a hasty bark, "Such is the fate of all witches!" Behind the youth yelps, and with his eyes closed and stumbling prayers on his lips, he raises his rifle in trembling hands as Palais and Eriko leaps out of melee with the monstrous leader of the heretics, and Maria raises her heavy bolter to slay it.

The death of the Sorcerer draws not even a moment's pause or glance from the Daemonkin as its slayer-limb falls, coursing with power. At the last moment Eriko jerks her head aside, the howling blade gouging a deep gash along the side of her helmet and punching a hole into the floor. Kicking out, Eriko's sabatons slams into the beast's chest and throw it back for a moment. She rolls to her feet, ignoring the brief flames that dance across her greaves, raising her greatsword in a ready stance. Palais, seeing her safe leaps back, clearing the line of fire. The effort does not go unnoticed.

"Hit that thing with everything we got!" The Mercenary Sergeant bellows even as one of his men staggers against him, smoke rising from the las-burn in his helmet. "Blow it back to the warp from whence it came!" the sergeant bellows as he rips a frag grenade clean from his belt.

Grenades slam all around the Daemonkin. Stub and lasrounds scream out, and Maria's heavy bolter gives a throaty roar as it opens up. And then the beast disappears in a storm of the waves of detonations, disappearing in a cloud of heat and shrapnel. Shrapnel slashes off bookshelves and overlooking gargoyles, careening madly off Eriko's pauldron.

And then the smoke clears, and the horror takes a single, disciplined, step forward. Fire, almost golden, flickers along the side of its bestial helm, armour charring like burned flesh. But it stands tall, undiminished. "A good attempt. Very close," it compliments, and then it rushes forward in a blur of movement. Eriko's greatsword lashes out, rushing over the monster's head. Palais' chainsword sings as it kisses its cuirass, leaving a trail of almost golden flame. But still it comes on, with each measured step.

Straight at Ilana's back.

"A gift from your city guard!" The heretic lurking behind the bookcase bellows around the corner. Ilana raises her bolt pistol as she hears the distinctive sound of a pin being pulled. Then, the hunter spirit of her armour nudges her aim, and without hesitation she shifts her bolt pistol and pulls the trigger just as the briefest instant a clawed hand appears around the bookshelf, a grenade stamped with the sigil of Port Baptismus' Enforcers clutched in its grip. The bolt flies true, punches through the back of the heretic's hand, and then straight into the grenade casing. Stun grenade and bolt round detonate simultaneously in the heretic's grip, a wave of concussive force and shrapnel ricocheting up and down through the inside of his armoured sleeves and reducing the limb to finely minced meat and reducing much of the shoulder and chest into something out of a corpse starch grinder. He does not die well, or quickly.

But even as he dies, another heretic leaps over his body. Baying a warcry she charges forward before Ilana can adjust her aim. Her boltgun booms in time with the bounty hunter's own, nearly as meaty hand cannon, but the shots only serve to tear chunks out of the reinforced book covers on the wall behind. The heretic lashes out with a keen-edged sword, the blade ringing loudly off the bounty hunter's carapace gauntlet. She yelps and curses, kicking out at the heretic even as the madwoman tries to shove the tip of her mono-edged blade through a chink in the hunter's armour. Eneresh jerks back as the other two women wrestle, staring as eyes as yellow as the midday sun fall upon her.

"Scum of Dreverarch, slave to the False-Emperor! You will feed the Chaos Maw!" The heretic snarls.

"Feth off, my soul's my own and I'm keeping it!" Eneresh barks back, earning nothing but manic laughter in response.

Detonations ring out from behind Ilana, the thunder of heavy bolter rounds and the howl of chainswords. "Illana, ware!" Palais cries aloud, and then the Battle-Sister hears it. The measured, perfectly paced foot steps ringing off the rockcrete behind her. She half turns just in time to see the slick gleam of its fine armour, the grin of its helm.

"Very good, Cousin," it says, and its slayer-limb falls and then Ilana feels pain. It takes a moment for her to register the blade buried through her plackart. "A wound to the back is a poorly thing indeed, unworthy of inflicting to a true scion of Araxes. Thank you, cousin, and our apologies for the gift you are about to receive," it hisses into her ear and for a moment, Ilana swears she can feel something writhe in her gut.

And then a snarl of pain escapes the Daemonskin and its rips its blade free in a burst of blood. It whips its bolt pistol against Ilana's cuirass hard enough to throw her to the floor right beside the bounty hunter. Blood spurts from the open wound in her gut, the armour blackened and compromised, but the hexagrammic wards flare with life. [Tainted trait Negated]

"Your Ecclesiarchy's sorcery. I suppose you should be gladdened, cousin. It seems that the Gift of the Gods not for you this day," it says. It leans forward, towering over both her and the wounded bounty hunter, whose eyes widen beneath her helm in obvious horror. "Yield, Sister of the Burning Rose, you are bested and we would not sup of your mortal soul if given chance. We are not the nightmares that haunt your dreams. We are not the infidels that ravaged your world, and brought the blasphemy of Oblivion upon your people. Yield, cousin. We have no quarrel with the disciples of the Martyr of the Burning Rose, who stood against the false King of the Infidel people of Despertillio. It would be a wound indeed to slay you over something as trivial as a feckless peasant blessed beyond her ken."

It turns its daemonic gaze upon Eneresh, her expression white as a ghost. "Hello, Eneresh."

A hiss over the vox scratches at Leanna's ear. "This is Squad Ophania. About thirty seconds from your level," it crackles.
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