Palais shakes her head at that. "Nevermind that, Eneresh, get this lift moving. Unless you were lying about our need to hurry?"

There's a brief pause over the vox-engine, and faintly the squad hears whispering and muttering. "Uhm. Yeah, I don't actually know how to get the lift running again."

"You didn't forsee this?" Zayneth asks.

"No," comes Eneresh's clipped response.

Zayneth sighs. "Bloody witches."

Palais snorts. "Who could've foreseen the psyker being unreliable?" She asks. "Squad, figure out a way up. Regardless of whether or not she's lying, turning off the elevator won't stop us."

Maria looked around the boxy space. Damned witches.

"We may be able to force the doors and climb out. The stairs will be slower, but will have to do." She set her bolter down and started tracing the edges of the door, testing the give of the mechanism. "The danger with disabled machinery like this is spontaneous reawakening of the machine spirits. If the witch is playing us, I do not like to think what sudden ascension could do to warplate and flesh. I heard stories in my youth of men attempting to use old lifts in raids or scavenging expeditions who were bisected so perfectly it was as if by the hands of mad chirurgeon."
Her voice suddenly howls over the vox with all the fury and surprise of a storm on a bright summer day. "No, no, no, you're lying! You'll kill her, you'll kill everyone, because that's what you do! So much blood drips from your gun, it's a fething ocean! I can still hear them screaming in my dreams, and you want to tell me about mercy?" She snarls. "Feth you! Feth the priests who told me I was a good person, feth them for saying the Emperor loved me! Feth the guildsmen who sit back and do nothing, feth the PDF for leaving us to die, and feth that Arbitrator for not fething listening to me!"

"Yes." Caelia replies blankly. "But only of those who deserved death. "

She turned away from the Vox. It was clear they weren't getting anywhere.

"I know I can win, I've seen it. I've seen you burn, but-" her voice catches in her throat for a moment. She swallows, wetly. "The few times I do, I wish you'd have killed me instead. I'm not even sure it's me that would win. Or something else with my face. And sometimes, maybe, I think, just maybe it'd be worth it to spite you. But Vennedes...Throne, she doesn't deserve you. None of these people do."

That was certainly concerning. Caelia wasn't willing to believe in the reliability of the Witch's future sight-nor that she was simply bluffing, but still.

She checked she still had her magazine of blessed shells.

"A position of power?" She mutters. "I'm sorry if you want to try and make this more impressive by painting me as some arch-sorcerer looking arrogantly down on the righteous, you're going to be disappointed. I'm screwed. Completely and utterly fething screwed! I admit it! And the 'righteous'? I told them I'm not a Saint, I tried to tell them I'm unholy, not holy, but they don't listen. All they see is fire and the fact they're alive, and they call it a miracle. I didn't dupe anyone!" She shouts, weeping. "I never wanted any of this! I turned myself in, it's not my fault they broke my cell open!"

For a moment, the Sisters of Squad Palais hear the witch snarling and cursing to herself. Then, a sound joins the chorus of her anger. They hear the crackling of flames, hear Eneresh growling in fury in tune with it, and then in pain. For a moment, one could swear they could almost smell something over the vox, the stink of sulfur and charcoal. Then, as soon as the sound arrived, its gone, replaced with Eneresh punching something metallic and cursing under her breath.

"I'll tell them away. Tell them there's another route or something. They don't deserve to die just because I gave them hope. Promise me," she says, breathing deeply. "I suppose there's no point in that. I can't expect you'll keep a promise to me, and you can't expect me to hold to a promise anyway. Just, I ask you, don't hurt Vennedes or the others. Please."

Caelia says nothing-it was not her place to make such a promise. Beside, it depended more on their own behavior. If Vennedes or her followers wanted to go quietly, then perhaps it would make the rest of their mission easier.

If not, well, they shouldn't have raised arms against the Sisters of the Emperor.

Palais shakes her head at that. "Nevermind that, Eneresh, get this lift moving. Unless you were lying about our need to hurry?"

There's a brief pause over the vox-engine, and faintly the squad hears whispering and muttering. "Uhm. Yeah, I don't actually know how to get the lift running again."

"You didn't forsee this?" Zayneth asks.

"No," comes Eneresh's clipped response.

Zayneth sighs. "Bloody witches."

Palais snorts. "Who could've foreseen the psyker being unreliable?" She asks. "Squad, figure out a way up. Regardless of whether or not she's lying, turning off the elevator won't stop us."
Maria looked around the boxy space. Damned witches.

"We may be able to force the doors and climb out. The stairs will be slower, but will have to do." She set her bolter down and started tracing the edges of the door, testing the give of the mechanism. "The danger with disabled machinery like this is spontaneous reawakening of the machine spirits. If the witch is playing us, I do not like to think what sudden ascension could do to warplate and flesh. I heard stories in my youth of men attempting to use old lifts in raids or scavenging expeditions who were bisected so perfectly it was as if by the hands of mad chirurgeon."

Caelia stared at the door, a few meters above, then nods her head at Maria's assessment. "Be that as it may we need to get out of here quickly. A Melta charge perhaps?"

She looked up again, hand on the cylindrical explosive on her belt. She frowned within her warhelm. It'd be so long since Demolition training at the Schola.

"It'd be quick, Sister Superior, but it might be risky in it's own right, beyond what Maria has said." She offered, to Palais.
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There is a moment's pause, racked by Eneresh's sobs. "You have to know it's zero. You have to. I've never faced Sisters of Battle before, of course I haven't. But I never faced down Enforcers before. Or PDF. Or Cultists, or gangers, or church witch-hunters or a bloody Arbite before. It'd be another first, just like killing him," she says, her voice low. "I didn't even mean to. I didn't want to. I just wanted to make him stop, and then-I didn't mean for him to burn. But after that, I guess the rest came easy."

"I know I can win, I've seen it. I've seen you burn, but-" her voice catches in her throat for a moment. She swallows, wetly. "The few times I do, I wish you'd have killed me instead. I'm not even sure it's me that would win. Or something else with my face. And sometimes, maybe, I think, just maybe it'd be worth it to spite you. But Vennedes...Throne, she doesn't deserve you. None of these people do."
"It seems some sense is still left within her. Clearly we did not have to listen to the guilder and ganger's squabbling." Eriko says. "Though your efforts are appreciated, Sir Witch-Hunter."

There was an unconcerned air about her but in truth she had suppressed a sigh of relief. There was no telling how powerful a witch could truly be. Eneresh's visions of possession could have merely been that, a self-delusion or merely inaccurate foretellings. Yet they could have just as easily been real. None of them will find out and they were better off not having too.

Palais shakes her head at that. "Nevermind that, Eneresh, get this lift moving. Unless you were lying about our need to hurry?"

There's a brief pause over the vox-engine, and faintly the squad hears whispering and muttering. "Uhm. Yeah, I don't actually know how to get the lift running again."

"You didn't forsee this?" Zayneth asks.

"No," comes Eneresh's clipped response.

Zayneth sighs. "Bloody witches."

Palais snorts. "Who could've foreseen the psyker being unreliable?" She asks. "Squad, figure out a way up. Regardless of whether or not she's lying, turning off the elevator won't stop us."
Maria looked around the boxy space. Damned witches.

"We may be able to force the doors and climb out. The stairs will be slower, but will have to do." She set her bolter down and started tracing the edges of the door, testing the give of the mechanism. "The danger with disabled machinery like this is spontaneous reawakening of the machine spirits. If the witch is playing us, I do not like to think what sudden ascension could do to warplate and flesh. I heard stories in my youth of men attempting to use old lifts in raids or scavenging expeditions who were bisected so perfectly it was as if by the hands of mad chirurgeon."
Caelia stared at the door, a few meters above, then nods her head at Maria's assessment. "Be that as it may we need to get out of here quickly. A Melta charge perhaps?"

She looked up again, hand on the cylindrical explosive on her belt. She frowned within her warhelm. It'd be so long since Demolition training at the Schola.

"It'd be quick, Sister Superior, but it might be risky in it's own right, beyond what Maria has said." She offered, to Palais.
Eriko looked on as her Sisters formulated a plan. It was sound enough, definitely as good as any she might have come up with considering none of Squad Palais' members had more than the cursory training and experience in dealing with machine-spirits.

When there was a lull in the discussion, she used that to offer her own melta-charge.

"If one will not be enough, Sister Caelia, then take mines. I doubt these walls could withstand a melta-bomb twice."
Squad Palais' vox crackles with the confident voice of Sister-Superior Galena. "Palais, my squad's swept the basement and moved to securing the exits. Basement bunker is cleared, no sign of our targets, unfortunately. Lots of flooding though, and it seems someone else already came through. There's dead bodies everywhere. Looks like there was a whole elaborate ambush set up on the elevator, but they got torn apart," she says.

"Any idea what happened?" Palais asks.

"I saw obvious signs of cracking in the walls and flooring. Probably what caused the flooding, and my guess? Gave our heretics a way in. It looks like some of these gangers were trying to set up security, or patch up the holes, but they're not equipped for all this water."
"So we're racing against a heretic strike team for the honour of bagging the witch." Ilana mused, looking up at the armoured cargo portal above. ""If nothing else the Emperor has blessed us with a head start, depending on how quickly we get get this lift moving again."
Palais shakes her head at that. "Nevermind that, Eneresh, get this lift moving. Unless you were lying about our need to hurry?"

There's a brief pause over the vox-engine, and faintly the squad hears whispering and muttering. "Uhm. Yeah, I don't actually know how to get the lift running again.

"You didn't forsee this?" Zayneth asks.

"No," comes Eneresh's clipped response.

Zayneth sighs. "Bloody witches."

Palais snorts. "Who could've foreseen the psyker being unreliable?" She asks. "Squad, figure out a way up. Regardless of whether or not she's lying, turning off the elevator won't stop us."
Ilana smacked a armoured gauntlet to her forehead, letting loose an explosive sigh of exasperation. "That the machine-spirits would reject the touch of a witch is to be expected, but I have to admit the timing is rather... inconvenient. It is how it is, the Emperor presents this trial so we would be all the stronger for it by the end."
Maria looked around the boxy space. Damned witches.

"We may be able to force the doors and climb out. The stairs will be slower, but will have to do." She set her bolter down and started tracing the edges of the door, testing the give of the mechanism. "The danger with disabled machinery like this is spontaneous reawakening of the machine spirits. If the witch is playing us, I do not like to think what sudden ascension could do to warplate and flesh. I heard stories in my youth of men attempting to use old lifts in raids or scavenging expeditions who were bisected so perfectly it was as if by the hands of mad chirurgeon."
Maria's caution is warranted. The machine-spirit of the elevator is slumbering, but stirs restlessly, ready to awaken once more. Just as importantly, the doors out of the lift were designed to be shut swiftly in case of enemy incursion or fire. Their ability to sever even a torso in twain if shut is a purposeful design decision that has probably spelled the doom of more than one heretic over the years. Perhaps the squad's power armour would render such a situation survivable, but it would undoubtedly be unpleasant nonetheless.

Checking her auspex, Maria mutters prayers to the device's spirit as she carefully undergoes the scanning rites, eyes narrowed as she analyzes the signs and portents displayed by the auspex's runes. Though much of it eludes her, she is able to confirm that the walls are much thicker and more durable than the doors, if still able to be potentially breached with a melta charge. A single weak point looks promising at first but seems unlikely: A maintenance vent access in the other shaft, as well as another nine meters up your shaft. Both would be easily accessed and may grant passage to the other side, but even the mercenaries in their light flak would find it a tight fit. There's no chance anything heavier would fit, particularly not the Sisters' power armour.
Caelia stared at the door, a few meters above, then nods her head at Maria's assessment. "Be that as it may we need to get out of here quickly. A Melta charge perhaps?"

She looked up again, hand on the cylindrical explosive on her belt. She frowned within her warhelm. It'd be so long since Demolition training at the Schola.

"It'd be quick, Sister Superior, but it might be risky in it's own right, beyond what Maria has said." She offered, to Palais.
"No guts, no glory," Palais replied, motioning toward the door. Caelia thinks better of it, however, and clambers up the opposite wall to plant the melta charge against it. The walls tremor softly from the rocket and mortar bombardment as she begins to rouse the machine spirit to fury, before climbing down to safety. The everyone on the elevator ducks down, hiding their eyes as Caelia readies the detonator.

There is no satisfying boom. At first, there is nothing but light, filling the darkness of the room and reflecting off every surface. The squad's photovisors darken to nearly pitch black as the charge goes off, a soft yet horrible hiss filling the air giving way to liquid bubbling. Rockcrete, reinforced metal support beams and thick pipes melt away and flow down the side of the wall in a liquid stream, splashes of the molten material pooling across the other side of the lift. A burst pipe sprays water down onto the burning mess, sending steam billowing into the air. Minor warning runes appear on the Sisters' helmets, warning about the heat, whilst the rest of the group backs away, tugging at collars and gas-helms as sweat pours down their frames. The two prisoners writhe on the floor, half-blinded by the charge and scalded by the steam.

Still, the molten mess begins to cool. Through the new hole blown through the wall, the squad see what looks to be an open hallway, the graffiti-covered walls lit by a flickering lumen. The Sisters go first, trudging through the molten rock and metal without hesitation, and squeezing through. The only delay is Ilana, who gets her foot wedged between two pieces of rebar and almost sprains her ankle pulling herself free (Illana suffers 1 fatigue and 1 wound). The hallway on the other side provides clear lines of fire to engage anyone trying to exit the elevator shaft, but the only life is an elderly woman cowering in the shadow of a shrine of Selverus.

"All clear," Palais calls out. Gunfire and screams echo through the halls, but even to your trained senses, it's impossible to tell which direction. Vox-hailers crackle along the walls, with orders and demands.

"Firefighters to Level 27-B, firefighters to level 27-B! Ricaro, get your men and lock down the Hall of Bones," rings aloud Vennedes voice, directing her people to action. "Any non-fighters are to remain in your rooms until the all clear is given!"

Behind the squad, the mercenaries begin piling on up, easily fitting through the hole punched through the wall, though they move with great trepidation over the cooled molten rock.
"No guts, no glory," Palais replied, motioning toward the door. Caelia thinks better of it, however, and clambers up the opposite wall to plant the melta charge against it. The walls tremor softly from the rocket and mortar bombardment as she begins to rouse the machine spirit to fury, before climbing down to safety. The everyone on the elevator ducks down, hiding their eyes as Caelia readies the detonator.

There is no satisfying boom. At first, there is nothing but light, filling the darkness of the room and reflecting off every surface. The squad's photovisors darken to nearly pitch black as the charge goes off, a soft yet horrible hiss filling the air giving way to liquid bubbling. Rockcrete, reinforced metal support beams and thick pipes melt away and flow down the side of the wall in a liquid stream, splashes of the molten material pooling across the other side of the lift. A burst pipe sprays water down onto the burning mess, sending steam billowing into the air. Minor warning runes appear on the Sisters' helmets, warning about the heat, whilst the rest of the group backs away, tugging at collars and gas-helms as sweat pours down their frames. The two prisoners writhe on the floor, half-blinded by the charge and scalded by the steam.
"Sound off," Eriko calls out in a hard voice, vox speakers carrying above the enclosed area, as the steam begins to cool. "Are there injured?"

She pushes forward, stopping only to look down on the prisoners still writhing on the floor. The two deserved little pity from her.

"Be grateful scalded skin is all that will be inflicted on both of you. You will best be left here but that is only on the behest of the Witch-Hunter though we do not have the time for judgement."

She glances at Zayneth before moving to clamber through the still cooling hole they had created. There was still a Witch to apprehend and anyone else was secondary to that goal.
Still, the molten mess begins to cool. Through the new hole blown through the wall, the squad see what looks to be an open hallway, the graffiti-covered walls lit by a flickering lumen. The Sisters go first, trudging through the molten rock and metal without hesitation, and squeezing through. The only delay is Ilana, who gets her foot wedged between two pieces of rebar and almost sprains her ankle pulling herself free (Illana suffers 1 fatigue and 1 wound). The hallway on the other side provides clear lines of fire to engage anyone trying to exit the elevator shaft, but the only life is an elderly woman cowering in the shadow of a shrine of Selverus.

"All clear," Palais calls out. Gunfire and screams echo through the halls, but even to your trained senses, it's impossible to tell which direction. Vox-hailers crackle along the walls, with orders and demands.

"Firefighters to Level 27-B, firefighters to level 27-B! Ricaro, get your men and lock down the Hall of Bones," rings aloud Vennedes voice, directing her people to action. "Any non-fighters are to remain in your rooms until the all clear is given!"

Behind the squad, the mercenaries begin piling on up, easily fitting through the hole punched through the wall, though they move with great trepidation over the cooled molten rock.
"If Eneresh speaks true then she is directing her men away from where we would need," Eriko says in the squad's private vox channel. "Then that leaves only the question where they are not. And where they are not we shall go the opposite way."

She stomps forward, to elderly woman cowering beneath the shrine of Selverus.

"Woman," Eriko calls. Her voice is calm but assured, as if they were not among a burning tower with heretics and blasphemers killing all around them. It was a chirugeon's voice, meant to extend that calm into those around her.

Eriko kneels down on one leg before sliding her faceplate up so that she may look at the woman with her own two eyes.

"My companions and I are lost and are in need of your directions if you please." Eriko lightly rests an arm on her knee to bend as low as her power armour allows, almost at a level with the elderly woman. "What floor are we on and where is the Hall of Bones? We shall be soon on our way."
"Sound off," Eriko calls out in a hard voice, vox speakers carrying above the enclosed area, as the steam begins to cool. "Are there injured?"

She pushes forward, stopping only to look down on the prisoners still writhing on the floor. The two deserved little pity from her.

"Be grateful scalded skin is all that will be inflicted on both of you. You will best be left here but that is only on the behest of the Witch-Hunter though we do not have the time for judgement."

She glances at Zayneth before moving to clamber through the still cooling hole they had created. There was still a Witch to apprehend and anyone else was secondary to that goal.
A chorus of 'no' and 'I'm fine' rings out, as the mercenaries rise to their feet. The two prisoners blink repeatedly at Eriko as she speaks to them, half-blinded by the charge. The overweight guild master growls at you, his cheek flushed red from the steam.

"You can't treat me like this! Do you have any idea who I am?"
"If Eneresh speaks true then she is directing her men away from where we would need," Eriko says in the squad's private vox channel. "Then that leaves only the question where they are not. And where they are not we shall go the opposite way."

She stomps forward, to elderly woman cowering beneath the shrine of Selverus.

"Woman," Eriko calls. Her voice is calm but assured, as if they were not among a burning tower with heretics and blasphemers killing all around them. It was a chirugeon's voice, meant to extend that calm into those around her.

Eriko kneels down on one leg before sliding her faceplate up so that she may look at the woman with her own two eyes.

"My companions and I are lost and are in need of your directions if you please." Eriko lightly rests an arm on her knee to bend as low as her power armour allows, almost at a level with the elderly woman. "What floor are we on and where is the Hall of Bones? We shall be soon on our way."
Palais slowed down for a moment at Eriko's words, but after a moment nods her head. "Better if we reach the Witch first, rather than chase at their heels. That'll mean they'll have to come to us."

The old woman cringes at the Sororitas' query, babbling in some gutter speak as she clutches at an old and misshapen copper icon of the Ministorum, but after a minute Eriko is able to get the woman talking. Linguistics training allows her to translate the odd dialect. Though clearly terrified, the elderly woman speaks with a surprising amount of depth on the tower's defenses and makeup. Her composure only dips as she mentions the devils, her hands shaking at the very thought of them. She speaks, eyes distant of seeing the 'Old Bitch' Matilde and her gangers torn apart, her own grandson's death at the hands of a Devil she didn't even see crush his skull. That the heretics have been using the back passages and stairways, trying to circumvent the heavier defenses around the main stairways. Designed to allow the Carmine Tower's owners to harass and outflank invaders, there is no rhyme or reason to these back passages, and many are hidden away and only really known to those who live in the tower. That the heretics are making apparently successful use of them is surprising. Even so, it's hardly an optimal route. A quick enough thrust up the main stairways would likely be faster, if one can avoid being bogged down by the defenders.

The Hall of Bones is an old shrine and mortuary for the Carmine Tower's residents, maintained for many years by the differing factions that had claimed it. The old woman speaks of it with absolute reverence and expressed no doubt that the heretics wouldn't be able to take such a holy place. Palais' gauntlet tightens on her chainsword. How holy a shrine maintained by criminals and anarchists really was could be debated, but it still sat poorly to give the heretic even the slightest victory.

"How the criminal flock to the Emperor, even as they wallow in heresy," Vahn scoffs, making his way down the hallway. "Come now, the stairs aren't far and I won't have some damned heretics beating us to our prize."

Palais motions for the sisters to fall in and take the lead, a wall of armoured ceramite through the winding corridors. Eneresh is good to her word, as several barricades and fighting positions that were undoubtedly recently inhabited lie empty, some having even left still warm ration tins and forgotten boxes of ammo behind.

Free of resistance, it isn't long until Maria's auspex reads a great deal of thermal readings, fresh. Palais takes point, bolt pistol raised, the rest of the squad following in behind. After a moment, the squad lowers their weapons. What lies before them may have once been a communal lounge, but now the couches and tables are stacked up into improvised barricades, the pict-casters and florid posters on the walls marred by bulletholes and blood. Bodies, still warm, lie heaped across the tiles surrounded by spent shell casings, most of them wearing colorful leathers and scraps of armor adorned with gang sigils and Vennedes' colors. Some were cut down by lasgun and stubber fire, or cut down by bladework.

Blood droplets splash across the Sisters' helmets, forcing them to look up. Dark stains mark the ceiling, as though some of the gangers were smashed into it by a great force. Judging by some of the bodies, it is easy to believe. Some of the bodies look as though they were literally pulled apart, or set upon by a meat thresher or pack of wild beasts. Others appear to have been slammed hard against the walls, ceiling or one another, or simply crushed where they stood, nearly every bone shattered into pieces and piercing through tattered skin, torsos and skulls caved in a way no mace or hammer blow could hope to inflict. Others have been smashed down by their own barricades, a heavy stubber position smeared against the rear wall by the very desk they had been hiding behind. The gang boss, Matilde, is made evident by her customized flak armour. There is a hole in it, and a hole in her chest where her heart should be.

It takes a moment for anyone to see that the gangers did not die entirely alone. A scarce handful of heretics lie fallen, easily missed due to their chameoline cloaks hiding much of their frames. One appears to have fallen afoul of the gangers' heavy stubber, the others taken down by shots or blades their light armour failed to halt. Still, it is a scant few for how many gangers fell here, or how fortified their position is.

It is not merely the violence that demonstrates the unnaturalness of the violence that has happened here. Even through the squad's helmets, there is a noisome stench, sickly-sweet and cloying like incense somehow gone foul. Armour systems quicker and flex, as though in anticipation of an attack that never comes, hostile runes flashing across the squads' visors for brief instants before disappearing just as quickly. Caelia's psy-crystal shimmers dimly, clearly awakened, though it doesn't seem as bright as it was when in the presence of the psyker captured the day prior.

"Oh Emperor, the statues," a mercenary gasps, gesturing at two gargoyles that line the entryway that leads toward the main stairs. Rivulets of black-red liquid drip from their eyes, as though weeping at the slaughter.

"The pictures too," Palais notes darkly, glancing toward the pictures nailed across the walls. New pictures, perhaps of families or Vennedes, and weathered old picts of what may have been a sports team weep as well, the dark liquid dripping from their eyes.

"Warp spoor, for sure," Zayneth growls, checking his las-lock. The brass-necks mutter prayers under their breath, touching the small relic bones or holy icons they've brought with them. Even the ever-confident bounty hunter grimaces.

Gunfire echoes through the structure, ringing from a sub-stairway that had been hidden in the shadow of an alcove. The bloody trail leading toward it and up the steps reveals it to the Sororitas' dark senses. Above it, amidst the graffiti is the crude image of a winged skull, surrounded by a golden halo. Undoubtedly, a ganger's idea of marking the way to the Hall of Bones. But ahead, past the weeping gargoyles, the main staircase awaits. Faintly, through the squad's augmented hearing, the sound of shouted orders and loading weapons can just barely be heard.

OOC: All player characters will be making checks against fear next turn.
Maria's caution is warranted. The machine-spirit of the elevator is slumbering, but stirs restlessly, ready to awaken once more. Just as importantly, the doors out of the lift were designed to be shut swiftly in case of enemy incursion or fire. Their ability to sever even a torso in twain if shut is a purposeful design decision that has probably spelled the doom of more than one heretic over the years. Perhaps the squad's power armour would render such a situation survivable, but it would undoubtedly be unpleasant nonetheless.

Checking her auspex, Maria mutters prayers to the device's spirit as she carefully undergoes the scanning rites, eyes narrowed as she analyzes the signs and portents displayed by the auspex's runes. Though much of it eludes her, she is able to confirm that the walls are much thicker and more durable than the doors, if still able to be potentially breached with a melta charge. A single weak point looks promising at first but seems unlikely: A maintenance vent access in the other shaft, as well as another nine meters up your shaft. Both would be easily accessed and may grant passage to the other side, but even the mercenaries in their light flak would find it a tight fit. There's no chance anything heavier would fit, particularly not the Sisters' power armour.

"No guts, no glory," Palais replied, motioning toward the door. Caelia thinks better of it, however, and clambers up the opposite wall to plant the melta charge against it. The walls tremor softly from the rocket and mortar bombardment as she begins to rouse the machine spirit to fury, before climbing down to safety. The everyone on the elevator ducks down, hiding their eyes as Caelia readies the detonator.

There is no satisfying boom. At first, there is nothing but light, filling the darkness of the room and reflecting off every surface. The squad's photovisors darken to nearly pitch black as the charge goes off, a soft yet horrible hiss filling the air giving way to liquid bubbling. Rockcrete, reinforced metal support beams and thick pipes melt away and flow down the side of the wall in a liquid stream, splashes of the molten material pooling across the other side of the lift. A burst pipe sprays water down onto the burning mess, sending steam billowing into the air. Minor warning runes appear on the Sisters' helmets, warning about the heat, whilst the rest of the group backs away, tugging at collars and gas-helms as sweat pours down their frames. The two prisoners writhe on the floor, half-blinded by the charge and scalded by the steam.

Still, the molten mess begins to cool. Through the new hole blown through the wall, the squad see what looks to be an open hallway, the graffiti-covered walls lit by a flickering lumen. The Sisters go first, trudging through the molten rock and metal without hesitation, and squeezing through. The only delay is Ilana, who gets her foot wedged between two pieces of rebar and almost sprains her ankle pulling herself free (Illana suffers 1 fatigue and 1 wound). The hallway on the other side provides clear lines of fire to engage anyone trying to exit the elevator shaft, but the only life is an elderly woman cowering in the shadow of a shrine of Selverus.

"All clear," Palais calls out. Gunfire and screams echo through the halls, but even to your trained senses, it's impossible to tell which direction. Vox-hailers crackle along the walls, with orders and demands.

"Firefighters to Level 27-B, firefighters to level 27-B! Ricaro, get your men and lock down the Hall of Bones," rings aloud Vennedes voice, directing her people to action. "Any non-fighters are to remain in your rooms until the all clear is given!"

Behind the squad, the mercenaries begin piling on up, easily fitting through the hole punched through the wall, though they move with great trepidation over the cooled molten rock.

Caelia is almost disappointed at the lack of an explosion, even though intellectually she knew how the charges were supposed to work.

She waits a moment through the heat and steam, then clambers up once again.

Wordlessly, she raises the Slayer and takes up a guard position into the corridor as the rest make their way up.

Palais slowed down for a moment at Eriko's words, but after a moment nods her head. "Better if we reach the Witch first, rather than chase at their heels. That'll mean they'll have to come to us."

The old woman cringes at the Sororitas' query, babbling in some gutter speak as she clutches at an old and misshapen copper icon of the Ministorum, but after a minute Eriko is able to get the woman talking. Linguistics training allows her to translate the odd dialect. Though clearly terrified, the elderly woman speaks with a surprising amount of depth on the tower's defenses and makeup. Her composure only dips as she mentions the devils, her hands shaking at the very thought of them. She speaks, eyes distant of seeing the 'Old Bitch' Matilde and her gangers torn apart, her own grandson's death at the hands of a Devil she didn't even see crush his skull. That the heretics have been using the back passages and stairways, trying to circumvent the heavier defenses around the main stairways. Designed to allow the Carmine Tower's owners to harass and outflank invaders, there is no rhyme or reason to these back passages, and many are hidden away and only really known to those who live in the tower. That the heretics are making apparently successful use of them is surprising. Even so, it's hardly an optimal route. A quick enough thrust up the main stairways would likely be faster, if one can avoid being bogged down by the defenders.

The Hall of Bones is an old shrine and mortuary for the Carmine Tower's residents, maintained for many years by the differing factions that had claimed it. The old woman speaks of it with absolute reverence and expressed no doubt that the heretics wouldn't be able to take such a holy place. Palais' gauntlet tightens on her chainsword. How holy a shrine maintained by criminals and anarchists really was could be debated, but it still sat poorly to give the heretic even the slightest victory.

Caelia waited as patiently as she could as Eriko spoke with the civilian, then related back what she said. She would call this a waste of time yet somehow Eriko had gotten the woman to speak useful facts about their situation-if they were indeed facts.

Perhaps then this would be worth the diversion, even as their precious time ticked away.

"How the criminal flock to the Emperor, even as they wallow in heresy," Vahn scoffs, making his way down the hallway. "Come now, the stairs aren't far and I won't have some damned heretics beating us to our prize."

Palais motions for the sisters to fall in and take the lead, a wall of armoured ceramite through the winding corridors. Eneresh is good to her word, as several barricades and fighting positions that were undoubtedly recently inhabited lie empty, some having even left still warm ration tins and forgotten boxes of ammo behind.

Free of resistance, it isn't long until Maria's auspex reads a great deal of thermal readings, fresh. Palais takes point, bolt pistol raised, the rest of the squad following in behind. After a moment, the squad lowers their weapons. What lies before them may have once been a communal lounge, but now the couches and tables are stacked up into improvised barricades, the pict-casters and florid posters on the walls marred by bulletholes and blood. Bodies, still warm, lie heaped across the tiles surrounded by spent shell casings, most of them wearing colorful leathers and scraps of armor adorned with gang sigils and Vennedes' colors. Some were cut down by lasgun and stubber fire, or cut down by bladework.

Caelia follows just at the heel of her Sister Superior, Bolt Rifle covering the angles Palais's sidearm doesn't.

"Looks like what the civilian described." Caelia says, nodding to Eriko. So far it looked like a standard assault. Men slain by bullet, blade and beam. But some of the bodies didn't match up-smashed as if flung about by inhuman strength. Blood stains the ceiling, drops it descending on her carmine armor.

There were so few of the enemy corpses as well, only in ones and twos. Even a well trained adversary would've taken more casualties assaulting a position like this, especially with the cult's demonstrated war gear.

Something was wrong here.

It is not merely the violence that demonstrates the unnaturalness of the violence that has happened here. Even through the squad's helmets, there is a noisome stench, sickly-sweet and cloying like incense somehow gone foul. Armour systems quicker and flex, as though in anticipation of an attack that never comes, hostile runes flashing across the squads' visors for brief instants before disappearing just as quickly. Caelia's psy-crystal shimmers dimly, clearly awakened, though it doesn't seem as bright as it was when in the presence of the psyker captured the day prior.

"Psy Contact." Caelia voices over squad com, glancing down at the shimmering crystal affixed to her pauldron.

Not a good sign.

Not at all.

A gauntleted hand goes to her hip. The sanctified magazine remains there, though the band of white paint marking it is now marred by a droplet of blood.

"Dim." She noted, as if the entire rest of the squad wouldn't be able to see it. "Might be Enneresh nearby." She tried to keep the tremor of fear out of her voice, leaving the other option to the squad's imagination.

"Oh Emperor, the statues," a mercenary gasps, gesturing at two gargoyles that line the entryway that leads toward the main stairs. Rivulets of black-red liquid drip from their eyes, as though weeping at the slaughter.

"The pictures too," Palais notes darkly, glancing toward the pictures nailed across the walls. New pictures, perhaps of families or Vennedes, and weathered old picts of what may have been a sports team weep as well, the dark liquid dripping from their eyes.

"Warp spoor, for sure," Zayneth growls, checking his las-lock. The brass-necks mutter prayers under their breath, touching the small relic bones or holy icons they've brought with them. Even the ever-confident bounty hunter grimaces.

Caelia fights hard to keep still, weapon covering her sisters as that is realized.

She sucks in breath hard, then breaths out, willing her hands to not shake, for her voice to be calm.

There was no room for weakness, like last time.

She turns away from the pictures, mind shifting gears.

Tactics, terrain, the mission. That she knows

She takes a moment to think.

"Up the main staircase, Sister Superior?" She says, carefully keeping her tone level. "We don't know the side corridors, and the enemy could be opposing just as the main stair."

She glances at the bodies, helmet tracking. Few Gas hoods and rebreathers.

"We can lead with choke gas grenades thrown indirectly to debilitate them, then storm their positions quickly." She offers.
"You can't treat me like this! Do you have any idea who I am?"
"Quite," Eriko says, her lips curling into a smirk. "You've been proclaiming it to the heavens since before we laid a finger on you."

Then without another word she turns away to follow after her Sisters out the elevator.
Palais slowed down for a moment at Eriko's words, but after a moment nods her head. "Better if we reach the Witch first, rather than chase at their heels. That'll mean they'll have to come to us."

The old woman cringes at the Sororitas' query, babbling in some gutter speak as she clutches at an old and misshapen copper icon of the Ministorum, but after a minute Eriko is able to get the woman talking. Linguistics training allows her to translate the odd dialect. Though clearly terrified, the elderly woman speaks with a surprising amount of depth on the tower's defenses and makeup. Her composure only dips as she mentions the devils, her hands shaking at the very thought of them. She speaks, eyes distant of seeing the 'Old Bitch' Matilde and her gangers torn apart, her own grandson's death at the hands of a Devil she didn't even see crush his skull. That the heretics have been using the back passages and stairways, trying to circumvent the heavier defenses around the main stairways. Designed to allow the Carmine Tower's owners to harass and outflank invaders, there is no rhyme or reason to these back passages, and many are hidden away and only really known to those who live in the tower. That the heretics are making apparently successful use of them is surprising. Even so, it's hardly an optimal route. A quick enough thrust up the main stairways would likely be faster, if one can avoid being bogged down by the defenders.

The Hall of Bones is an old shrine and mortuary for the Carmine Tower's residents, maintained for many years by the differing factions that had claimed it. The old woman speaks of it with absolute reverence and expressed no doubt that the heretics wouldn't be able to take such a holy place. Palais' gauntlet tightens on her chainsword. How holy a shrine maintained by criminals and anarchists really was could be debated, but it still sat poorly to give the heretic even the slightest victory.

"How the criminal flock to the Emperor, even as they wallow in heresy," Vahn scoffs, making his way down the hallway. "Come now, the stairs aren't far and I won't have some damned heretics beating us to our prize."
"Agreed. The heretics are making good use of the back-passages but the gangers are buying us time. Convenient for us. Not so for our both our foes."

Eriko stands, setting her visor down once more. She takes one last look at the woman who had supplied them the latest information.

"Thank you, obāchan. Now go back to your quarters and let us handle these devils."
Palais motions for the sisters to fall in and take the lead, a wall of armoured ceramite through the winding corridors. Eneresh is good to her word, as several barricades and fighting positions that were undoubtedly recently inhabited lie empty, some having even left still warm ration tins and forgotten boxes of ammo behind.

Free of resistance, it isn't long until Maria's auspex reads a great deal of thermal readings, fresh. Palais takes point, bolt pistol raised, the rest of the squad following in behind. After a moment, the squad lowers their weapons. What lies before them may have once been a communal lounge, but now the couches and tables are stacked up into improvised barricades, the pict-casters and florid posters on the walls marred by bulletholes and blood. Bodies, still warm, lie heaped across the tiles surrounded by spent shell casings, most of them wearing colorful leathers and scraps of armor adorned with gang sigils and Vennedes' colors. Some were cut down by lasgun and stubber fire, or cut down by bladework.

Blood droplets splash across the Sisters' helmets, forcing them to look up. Dark stains mark the ceiling, as though some of the gangers were smashed into it by a great force. Judging by some of the bodies, it is easy to believe. Some of the bodies look as though they were literally pulled apart, or set upon by a meat thresher or pack of wild beasts. Others appear to have been slammed hard against the walls, ceiling or one another, or simply crushed where they stood, nearly every bone shattered into pieces and piercing through tattered skin, torsos and skulls caved in a way no mace or hammer blow could hope to inflict. Others have been smashed down by their own barricades, a heavy stubber position smeared against the rear wall by the very desk they had been hiding behind. The gang boss, Matilde, is made evident by her customized flak armour. There is a hole in it, and a hole in her chest where her heart should be.

It takes a moment for anyone to see that the gangers did not die entirely alone. A scarce handful of heretics lie fallen, easily missed due to their chameoline cloaks hiding much of their frames. One appears to have fallen afoul of the gangers' heavy stubber, the others taken down by shots or blades their light armour failed to halt. Still, it is a scant few for how many gangers fell here, or how fortified their position is.

It is not merely the violence that demonstrates the unnaturalness of the violence that has happened here. Even through the squad's helmets, there is a noisome stench, sickly-sweet and cloying like incense somehow gone foul. Armour systems quicker and flex, as though in anticipation of an attack that never comes, hostile runes flashing across the squads' visors for brief instants before disappearing just as quickly. Caelia's psy-crystal shimmers dimly, clearly awakened, though it doesn't seem as bright as it was when in the presence of the psyker captured the day prior.

"Oh Emperor, the statues," a mercenary gasps, gesturing at two gargoyles that line the entryway that leads toward the main stairs. Rivulets of black-red liquid drip from their eyes, as though weeping at the slaughter.

"The pictures too," Palais notes darkly, glancing toward the pictures nailed across the walls. New pictures, perhaps of families or Vennedes, and weathered old picts of what may have been a sports team weep as well, the dark liquid dripping from their eyes.

"Warp spoor, for sure," Zayneth growls, checking his las-lock. The brass-necks mutter prayers under their breath, touching the small relic bones or holy icons they've brought with them. Even the ever-confident bounty hunter grimaces.
Caelia follows just at the heel of her Sister Superior, Bolt Rifle covering the angles Palais's sidearm doesn't.

"Looks like what the civilian described." Caelia says, nodding to Eriko. So far it looked like a standard assault. Men slain by bullet, blade and beam. But some of the bodies didn't match up-smashed as if flung about by inhuman strength. Blood stains the ceiling, drops it descending on her carmine armor.

There were so few of the enemy corpses as well, only in ones and twos. Even a well trained adversary would've taken more casualties assaulting a position like this, especially with the cult's demonstrated war gear.

Something was wrong here.
"And freshly killed too from the heat signatures. We aren't far from the heretics then."

Eriko moved forward, the Bolt Carbine in her hands ready to spit death at a pull of the trigger.

A plop drew her attention to a nearby spot where a pool of blood had formed. Another fat droplet of blood fell into the pool, the plop sounding loud and clear through the room. Her eyes were drawn upward to the ceiling and the grisly scene waiting for them.

Her eyes narrowed and she bit back a curse in her native tongue. The woman's superstitions had more weight on them than previously thought.

"Devils indeed."
"Psy Contact." Caelia voices over squad com, glancing down at the shimmering crystal affixed to her pauldron.

Not a good sign.

Not at all.

A gauntleted hand goes to her hip. The sanctified magazine remains there, though the band of white paint marking it is now marred by a droplet of blood.

"Dim." She noted, as if the entire rest of the squad wouldn't be able to see it. "Might be Enneresh nearby." She tried to keep the tremor of fear out of her voice, leaving the other option to the squad's imagination.

Eriko was not the one to voice the alternative. She had to admit that while the alternative broke her into a cold sweat, a chance for a rematch was all too sweet a prospeft for her too ignore. She patted a hand against the greatsword resting across her back, as if to make sure it was still there. Its presence reassured her.

Storm of Summers pushed her legs forward, through the scene of the massacre. There would be no surprise now. Only the release from the most recent shame.
Gunfire echoes through the structure, ringing from a sub-stairway that had been hidden in the shadow of an alcove. The bloody trail leading toward it and up the steps reveals it to the Sororitas' dark senses. Above it, amidst the graffiti is the crude image of a winged skull, surrounded by a golden halo. Undoubtedly, a ganger's idea of marking the way to the Hall of Bones. But ahead, past the weeping gargoyles, the main staircase awaits. Faintly, through the squad's augmented hearing, the sound of shouted orders and loading weapons can just barely be heard.

OOC: All player characters will be making checks against fear next turn.
Caelia fights hard to keep still, weapon covering her sisters as that is realized.

She sucks in breath hard, then breaths out, willing her hands to not shake, for her voice to be calm.

There was no room for weakness, like last time.

She turns away from the pictures, mind shifting gears.

Tactics, terrain, the mission. That she knows

She takes a moment to think.

"Up the main staircase, Sister Superior?" She says, carefully keeping her tone level. "We don't know the side corridors, and the enemy could be opposing just as the main stair."

She glances at the bodies, helmet tracking. Few Gas hoods and rebreathers.

"We can lead with choke gas grenades thrown indirectly to debilitate them, th
"Then we should move quickly," Eriko replies, snapping her bolter towards the main staircase. "While Vennedes' men still prepare and the heretics and their pets are hampered in the Hall of Bones."

She knew what they were to face beyond the mortal women and men of eother faction. The knowledge was stark, fresh on her mind, but it also made her all too aware of the dangers.

A legion of voices that shrieked from a single throat. Chains clattering together, stronger than mere steel had any right to be. Humanity perverted and lessened into nothing but base evil.

They were walking towards corruption and she did not know whether to shout and laugh or weep and pray.

Perhaps she would settle for both in time.
Caelia fights hard to keep still, weapon covering her sisters as that is realized.

She sucks in breath hard, then breaths out, willing her hands to not shake, for her voice to be calm.

There was no room for weakness, like last time.

She turns away from the pictures, mind shifting gears.

Tactics, terrain, the mission. That she knows

She takes a moment to think.

"Up the main staircase, Sister Superior?" She says, carefully keeping her tone level. "We don't know the side corridors, and the enemy could be opposing just as the main stair."

She glances at the bodies, helmet tracking. Few Gas hoods and rebreathers.

"We can lead with choke gas grenades thrown indirectly to debilitate them, then storm their positions quickly." She offers.
Ilana bit her lip hard enough to nearly draw blood, allowing herself to spare a thought for the Hall of Bones. Ganger-made, no doubt adorned with all sorts of queer symbols one would never find in official Ecclesiarchy canon, unlikely to be the domain of any blessed priest. By the standards of most it was no true place of faith, an imitation of those better than them. Were these people not just moments ago willing to take up arms against the holy sisters? And yet...

She curled her fingers, as if gripping at a phantom standard. Just hours before, did she not rush forward to risk her life saving a symbol of faith so similarly ramshackle? The frateris aquila was no more impressive, yet she had been willing to risk her life regardless. Caelia was right, the risk of the enemy capturing Vennedes and unleashing their dark designs was far too great to waste any time, yet the choice burned at her regardless. Places of faith should not be so easily dismissed, high or low, big or small. She hated the choice, hated that she had to compromise between right and necessary.

A groan of horror roused her in the direction of the statues, violet eyes settling on the tears of blood that stream down the Emperor's face. Unsettled, she clamped down on the urge to step back. How He must weep on the Golden Throne, to be all-knowing of the horrors and injustice the galaxy was capable on. She took a deep breath. Sacrifice, if they were to let the Hall of Bones be bathed in blood, the least she could do was ensure that Eneresh no longer posed a threat to His domain.

"Eneresh is our greatest priority." Ilana said stiffly, hating every word. "Caelia is correct, the enemy has already proven themselves capable of binding dybbuks to mortal bodies. If Eneresh is truly meant to be the centerpiece of some fell ritual what would emerge would almost assuredly be far worse. The staircase it must be."
Maria kept her eyes downcast from the perversions the heretics had wrought. She hadn't experienced the dybbuk that her sisters had, but memories of the rabid band hunting their first witch, the arrogance of their leader, and the memory of fleshy spikes at the bridge were all too fresh in her mind. She didn't need to study their works. Her mind would be a fortress, "Let ignorance be my armor and hate my righteous brand."

"Up the main staircase, Sister Superior?" She says, carefully keeping her tone level. "We don't know the side corridors, and the enemy could be opposing just as the main stair."

She glances at the bodies, helmet tracking. Few Gas hoods and rebreathers.

"We can lead with choke gas grenades thrown indirectly to debilitate them, then storm their positions quickly." She offers.

"With choke gas out I can lay down fire. They might have cover but it will not help them much. Bolter fire and steel, ave Imperator."
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Caelia fights hard to keep still, weapon covering her sisters as that is realized.

She sucks in breath hard, then breaths out, willing her hands to not shake, for her voice to be calm.

There was no room for weakness, like last time.

She turns away from the pictures, mind shifting gears.

Tactics, terrain, the mission. That she knows

She takes a moment to think.

"Up the main staircase, Sister Superior?" She says, carefully keeping her tone level. "We don't know the side corridors, and the enemy could be opposing just as the main stair."

She glances at the bodies, helmet tracking. Few Gas hoods and rebreathers.

"We can lead with choke gas grenades thrown indirectly to debilitate them, then storm their positions quickly." She offers.
"Then we should move quickly," Eriko replies, snapping her bolter towards the main staircase. "While Vennedes' men still prepare and the heretics and their pets are hampered in the Hall of Bones."

She knew what they were to face beyond the mortal women and men of eother faction. The knowledge was stark, fresh on her mind, but it also made her all too aware of the dangers.

A legion of voices that shrieked from a single throat. Chains clattering together, stronger than mere steel had any right to be. Humanity perverted and lessened into nothing but base evil.

They were walking towards corruption and she did not know whether to shout and laugh or weep and pray.

Perhaps she would settle for both in time.
Ilana bit her lip hard enough to nearly draw blood, allowing herself to spare a thought for the Hall of Bones. Ganger-made, no doubt adorned with all sorts of queer symbols one would never find in official Ecclesiarchy canon, unlikely to be the domain of any blessed priest. By the standards of most it was no true place of faith, an imitation of those better than them. Were these people not just moments ago willing to take up arms against the holy sisters? And yet...

She curled her fingers, as if gripping at a phantom standard. Just hours before, did she not rush forward to risk her life saving a symbol of faith so similarly ramshackle? The frateris aquila was no more impressive, yet she had been willing to risk her life regardless. Caelia was right, the risk of the enemy capturing Vennedes and unleashing their dark designs was far too great to waste any time, yet the choice burned at her regardless. Places of faith should not be so easily dismissed, high or low, big or small. She hated the choice, hated that she had to compromise between right and necessary.

A groan of horror roused her in the direction of the statues, violet eyes settling on the tears of blood that stream down the Emperor's face. Unsettled, she clamped down on the urge to step back. How He must weep on the Golden Throne, to be all-knowing of the horrors and injustice the galaxy was capable on. She took a deep breath. Sacrifice, if they were to let the Hall of Bones be bathed in blood, the least she could do was ensure that Eneresh no longer posed a threat to His domain.

"Eneresh is our greatest priority." Ilana said stiffly, hating every word. "Caelia is correct, the enemy has already proven themselves capable of binding dybbuks to mortal bodies. If Eneresh is truly meant to be the centerpiece of some fell ritual what would emerge would almost assuredly be far worse. The staircase it must be."
Maria kept her eyes downcast from the perversions the heretics had wrought. She hadn't experienced the dybbuk that her sisters had, but memories of the rabid band hunting their first witch, the arrogance of their leader, and the memory of fleshy spikes at the bridge were all too fresh in her mind. She didn't need to study their works. Her mind would be a fortress, "Let ignorance be my armor and hate my righteous brand."

"With choke gas out I can lay down fire. They might have cover but it will not help them much. Bolter fire and steel, ave Imperator."
Knowing fear is human. It is not merely the death and the gore that sparks fear, not in the Sisters of Battle. But one cannot look at the bodies, unnaturally broken, without realizing things are deeply wrong. Images and statues weep tears of black water, dripping down the walls. The stench, that sickly-sweet stench, the squad can taste it on their tongues. Even as they take solace in their faith and their prayers, hands shake and a chill creeps through their veins. Behind the Sisters, the rest of the troops react with utter terror. Some fall to their knees, praying frantically for the protection of the Emperor as they clutch at the numerous holy icons draped across their armour. Others simply stand shock still in horror, staring at the unnatural tears and broken bodies. The bounty hunter holsters her pistol, placing the now free hand on her other arm as she tries to prevent it from shaking. A grimace crosses her face as her chainsword quivers in her grasp, hand shaking uncontrollably. The mercenary sergeant curses under his breath, rapping his sword against his leg.

Vahn Zayneth, the Witch-Finder, sets his shoulders and checks the charge on his dueling las. He, Caelia and the Sister-Superior Palais are bastions of calm, their pious prayers ringing through the slaughterhouse.

"Up the main staircase, yes," Palais says quickly, nodding at Caelia. She turns to the group. "The Emperor protects! Whatever horrors await us, faith is our shield and our protector! We have a duty, and all the horrors of the warp won't stop us."

"Emperor save me, I got off Velorum for a reason. Just had to fight with the Sisters, didn't I?" The sergeant mutters, jabbing his sword toward his squad. "On your feet, you dogs! We all knew what this job would entail, and by the Emperor, our word is our bond!"

Some of the men straighten up, breathing heavily through their gas helms. One man, however, steps back, his shotgun clattering the floor. "No, no, this is all wrong, we shouldn't be here!"

The sergeant snarls, grabbing the man by the shoulder. "You will not dishonour our company!"

"Feth the Swords, I'm out!" The man replies, shoving his sergeant back and turning to flee. He makes it two steps before the crack of a laspistol splits the air, and the mercenary slams into the ground with a horrible scream, a hole punched clean through his flak armoured torso. The mercenary chokes and groans on the floor, shuddering breaths escaping his lips.

Vahn Zaynth ejects the spent cell from his dueling las. "I thought your company was renowned for their faith and piety. Was I mistaken?"

"No sir," The sergeant growls, turning toward the Sister-Superior. "We'll follow your lead, Sister."

Palais nods. "Caelia, you're on point! Move, sisters! We have a witch to apprehend, and heretics to slay!"

Caelia rushes forward, dragging the choke gas grenades from the satchels across her waist. She prays as she moves, keeping her offs off the witch-signs. In the squad's distraction, they fail to pay much heed to the fallen. The bodies are fresh, still warm. It's easy for a wounded man to hide among these bodies. It's easy for Caelia to miss the corpse of a fallen cultist she's stepping over is still breathing. The Sisters behind see the fallen woman roll over, her armored robes tattered and soaked in the traitor's own blood, but her tattooed face is set in a grimace of determination.

"For the true Dreverarch-!" She gasps, as she pulls the fuse on the improvised demolition charge cradled in her hand. For a moment, everything is light and noise, warning runes flashing through the Sisters' helmets. Caelia staggers, feeling a smarting bruise across the back of her legs as she recovers her footing, as shards of shrapnel whip across Maria and Palais' armour. The blast wave smashes into the front of the mercenaries. With a cry, the bounty hunter pushes her employer out of the way, only to catch the the force of the blast herself and be thrown with a snarl of pain to the ground. The sergeant of the mercenaries, quicker than his men, drops to the ground and covers his head in his hands. The men beside him are thrown back with a cry, slamming hard into their squad mates. One of them twitches, their neck bent at an ugly angle, and the other two groan in pain as they writhe on the ground.

From the stairway, the squad hears a shout. "Did you hear that? Audio contact! Everyone ready!"

"So much for surprise! Ech, it's overrated anyway. Sister, forward!" Palais barks out.

Caelia rushes up to the stairwell entrance and is immediately greeted by a hail of fire, heavy stubber rounds tearing shards of rockcrete from the entranceway and denting the reinforced doors. Spalling splinters off her helmet visor, one piece of shrapnel scratching a line across her left eye-lense. Still, safe in the protection of her warplate, she tosses a choke gas grenade around the corner.

"Gas! Must be enforcers! Joints and visors, brothers and sisters!" Comes a shout. She peers through the stairway, realizing that its well designed to allow for easy barricading of each floor, and for higher floors to pour down fire. Fire she immediately encounters as a las-lock round flashes against her plastron, and heavy stubber rounds rake the doorway. A fortified enemy position has a controlling position over the doorway, held by lightly armored men and women whose coats are covered in symbols of a stylized flame. Glancing around the corner proper, she sees the doorway is heavily barricaded with an assortment of furniture, sandbags, plasteel barriers and chunks of scrap metal, barbed wire thrown over the top. Although crude, it would certainly be effective, even against bolter fire, and the men and women taking cover behind it are making good use of the position. Heavy stubbers adorn it, raining down a hail of continuous fire, and though the position is clouded with gas, they seem little affected. They seem to be wearing rebreathers.

"Those aren't enforcers!" You hear someone call out from above. "Holy Throne! Those are the bloody Sisters of Battle! We need to fall back!"

The gunfire slows, but doesn't stop, even as a commanding voice rings loud over the din. "Adepta Sororitas! This stairway belongs to the Brotherhood of the True Flame! I don't know what those guild snakes might have told you, but the true enemy here are the heretics at our door, and the craven fools allowing the district to fall into chaos whilst they look on from the sidelines! Pull back, or Sisters of Battle or not, you will die upon this stairwell."

OOC: Mina gains 4 insanity, Zeit gains 1, lagg gains 2. You may spend Faith to reroll your check against fear.
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Palais nods. "Caelia, you're on point! Move, sisters! We have a witch to apprehend, and heretics to slay!"

Caelia rushes forward, dragging the choke gas grenades from the satchels across her waist. She prays as she moves, keeping her offs off the witch-signs. In the squad's distraction, they fail to pay much heed to the fallen. The bodies are fresh, still warm. It's easy for a wounded man to hide among these bodies. It's easy for Caelia to miss the corpse of a fallen cultist she's stepping over is still breathing. The Sisters behind see the fallen woman roll over, her armored robes tattered and soaked in the traitor's own blood, but her tattooed face is set in a grimace of determination.

"For the true Dreverarch-!" She gasps, as she pulls the fuse on the improvised demolition charge cradled in her hand. For a moment, everything is light and noise, warning runes flashing through the Sisters' helmets. Caelia staggers, feeling a smarting bruise across the back of her legs as she recovers her footing, as shards of shrapnel whip across Maria and Palais' armour. The blast wave smashes into the front of the mercenaries. With a cry, the bounty hunter pushes her employer out of the way, only to catch the the force of the blast herself and be thrown with a snarl of pain to the ground. The sergeant of the mercenaries, quicker than his men, drops to the ground and covers his head in his hands. The men beside him are thrown back with a cry, slamming hard into their squad mates. One of them twitches, their neck bent at an ugly angle, and the other two groan in pain as they writhe on the ground.

From the stairway, the squad hears a shout. "Did you hear that? Audio contact! Everyone ready!"

"So much for surprise! Ech, it's overrated anyway. Sister, forward!" Palais barks out.

Caelia rushes up to the stairwell entrance and is immediately greeted by a hail of fire, heavy stubber rounds tearing shards of rockcrete from the entranceway and denting the reinforced doors. Spalling splinters off her helmet visor, one piece of shrapnel scratching a line across her left eye-lense. Still, safe in the protection of her warplate, she tosses a choke gas grenade around the corner.

"Gas! Must be enforcers! Joints and visors, brothers and sisters!" Comes a shout. She peers through the stairway, realizing that its well designed to allow for easy barricading of each floor, and for higher floors to pour down fire. Fire she immediately encounters as a las-lock round flashes against her plastron, and heavy stubber rounds rake the doorway. A fortified enemy position has a controlling position over the doorway, held by lightly armored men and women whose coats are covered in symbols of a stylized flame. Glancing around the corner proper, she sees the doorway is heavily barricaded with an assortment of furniture, sandbags, plasteel barriers and chunks of scrap metal, barbed wire thrown over the top. Although crude, it would certainly be effective, even against bolter fire, and the men and women taking cover behind it are making good use of the position. Heavy stubbers adorn it, raining down a hail of continuous fire, and though the position is clouded with gas, they seem little affected. They seem to be wearing rebreathers.

"Those aren't enforcers!" You hear someone call out from above. "Holy Throne! Those are the bloody Sisters of Battle! We need to fall back!"

The gunfire slows, but doesn't stop, even as a commanding voice rings loud over the din. "Adepta Sororitas! This stairway belongs to the Brotherhood of the True Flame! I don't know what those guild snakes might have told you, but the true enemy here are the heretics at our door, and the craven fools allowing the district to fall into chaos whilst they look on from the sidelines! Pull back, or Sisters of Battle or not, you will die upon this stairwell."

OOC: Mina gains 4 insanity, Zeit gains 1, lagg gains 2. You may spend Faith to reroll your check against fear.

"At your Command, Sister Superior!"

Glad for the distraction from what lay behind, Caelia rushed forward, Bolt Rifle tracking.

Right into a hail of fire.

Bullets ricocheted off her armor, blurs of light thundered down upon her, and misses cut notches in the rockcrete all around. A splinter of metal deflects off her eye lense, and it seems like the storm of bullets has a force trying to physically push her back.

And yet she was mostly annoyed that the Choke Gas has failed to have an impact.

Without another thought she pushed forward into the storm of fire. She raised the Slayer of Ten Thousand and fired as she went, aiming for one for one of the stubber gunners.

The voice of an Officer shouted out from above. Claiming they would die here, and exhorting them to pull back. Truthfully, Caelia thought the claim wasn't entirely laughable-these were defensible positions formed by ten thousand years of Velorum Military tradition. No doubt the defenders were brave, in the way of the recidivist fanatic. They must've been confident.

They would die confident, but perhaps they might slow them down.

She bulled forward towards the barricade, aiming for the pile of material blocking the entrance, pushing her shoulder forward like a ram aimed at a fortress's gate. They needed to be through, and quickly.

(OOC: Full move forward, called shot (head) semi autoing at a Stubber gunner. Once I'm at the foot of the barricade, try to athletics to push through and open an entrance)
Palais nods. "Caelia, you're on point! Move, sisters! We have a witch to apprehend, and heretics to slay!"

Caelia rushes forward, dragging the choke gas grenades from the satchels across her waist. She prays as she moves, keeping her offs off the witch-signs. In the squad's distraction, they fail to pay much heed to the fallen. The bodies are fresh, still warm. It's easy for a wounded man to hide among these bodies. It's easy for Caelia to miss the corpse of a fallen cultist she's stepping over is still breathing. The Sisters behind see the fallen woman roll over, her armored robes tattered and soaked in the traitor's own blood, but her tattooed face is set in a grimace of determination.

"For the true Dreverarch-!" She gasps, as she pulls the fuse on the improvised demolition charge cradled in her hand. For a moment, everything is light and noise, warning runes flashing through the Sisters' helmets. Caelia staggers, feeling a smarting bruise across the back of her legs as she recovers her footing, as shards of shrapnel whip across Maria and Palais' armour. The blast wave smashes into the front of the mercenaries. With a cry, the bounty hunter pushes her employer out of the way, only to catch the the force of the blast herself and be thrown with a snarl of pain to the ground. The sergeant of the mercenaries, quicker than his men, drops to the ground and covers his head in his hands. The men beside him are thrown back with a cry, slamming hard into their squad mates. One of them twitches, their neck bent at an ugly angle, and the other two groan in pain as they writhe on the ground.

From the stairway, the squad hears a shout. "Did you hear that? Audio contact! Everyone ready!"

"So much for surprise! Ech, it's overrated anyway. Sister, forward!" Palais barks out.

Caelia rushes up to the stairwell entrance and is immediately greeted by a hail of fire, heavy stubber rounds tearing shards of rockcrete from the entranceway and denting the reinforced doors. Spalling splinters off her helmet visor, one piece of shrapnel scratching a line across her left eye-lense. Still, safe in the protection of her warplate, she tosses a choke gas grenade around the corner.

"Gas! Must be enforcers! Joints and visors, brothers and sisters!" Comes a shout. She peers through the stairway, realizing that its well designed to allow for easy barricading of each floor, and for higher floors to pour down fire. Fire she immediately encounters as a las-lock round flashes against her plastron, and heavy stubber rounds rake the doorway. A fortified enemy position has a controlling position over the doorway, held by lightly armored men and women whose coats are covered in symbols of a stylized flame. Glancing around the corner proper, she sees the doorway is heavily barricaded with an assortment of furniture, sandbags, plasteel barriers and chunks of scrap metal, barbed wire thrown over the top. Although crude, it would certainly be effective, even against bolter fire, and the men and women taking cover behind it are making good use of the position. Heavy stubbers adorn it, raining down a hail of continuous fire, and though the position is clouded with gas, they seem little affected. They seem to be wearing rebreathers.

"Those aren't enforcers!" You hear someone call out from above. "Holy Throne! Those are the bloody Sisters of Battle! We need to fall back!"

The gunfire slows, but doesn't stop, even as a commanding voice rings loud over the din. "Adepta Sororitas! This stairway belongs to the Brotherhood of the True Flame! I don't know what those guild snakes might have told you, but the true enemy here are the heretics at our door, and the craven fools allowing the district to fall into chaos whilst they look on from the sidelines! Pull back, or Sisters of Battle or not, you will die upon this stairwell."

OOC: Mina gains 4 insanity, Zeit gains 1, lagg gains 2. You may spend Faith to reroll your check against fear.
Eriko raced forward. right behind Caelia, leaving all thoughts of the horror behind them.

That they had missed the cultist lying in wait, a demolition charge primed and ready beneath her, only further served to aggravate Eriko's urgency. The blast sent many of them sprawling down, but a quick glance from the former Hospitaller confirmed that no one needed her aid. Not the dead one, not the mercenaries and the bounty hunter already picking themselves to their feet.

She turns and continues her run as Caelia turns towards the stairwell to be peppered with small arms fire. Caelia tosses a choke gas grenade around the corner then rushes into the stairwell. Eriko slams bodily against the doorway a moment later, her Sabbat Pattern Auto-Senses flipping on as she raises her weapon. She sees Caelia through the smoke bulling towards the barricades and the pile of material blocking the entrance.

"Suppressing fire!" Eriko's vox screeches through the sounds of enemy fire. "Cover her approach!"

Her boltgun spits death. To the recidivists who dared bar their way, it might seem nothing short of telepathic witchery, the way they adopted to each other's actions without pause or mistake. But they nothing so heretical was needed, merely a lifetime of training and experience. They were among the Ecclesiarchy's finest after all.

(OOC: Semi-Auto Burst Suppression Fire. Fire at any who fires at Caelia. BS 40 + Close Range 10 + Semi-Auto Burst 10 = TN 60)
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"Those aren't enforcers!" You hear someone call out from above. "Holy Throne! Those are the bloody Sisters of Battle! We need to fall back!"

The gunfire slows, but doesn't stop, even as a commanding voice rings loud over the din. "Adepta Sororitas! This stairway belongs to the Brotherhood of the True Flame! I don't know what those guild snakes might have told you, but the true enemy here are the heretics at our door, and the craven fools allowing the district to fall into chaos whilst they look on from the sidelines! Pull back, or Sisters of Battle or not, you will die upon this stairwell."

Maria shook off the ugly chill from the unholy sights and threw herself entirely in to the charge. It was what she had been trained for, what Indomitable had been made for, and together they brought terror to the foe. The echoing bravado of the rebel commander melted away in to a dull roar. They could parlay and cajole all they liked, but the order was given and now they stood in the way of righteousness.

She picked her line behind Caelia, heavy bolter held up with authority and rock-steady grip. "Let mine enemy be swept away in holy fire. Let the vessel of my love for Him be anointed with myrrh and fed with the fullness of His fury. Covering."

Full Action Move and Fire. Focusing their heavy stubbers or laslock if the shot presents itself and following Caelia up. BS 40 + Close Range 10 + Full Auto Burst 20 - 10 Move and Fire - 10 Unbraced fire
Boltguns howl, the ear-piercing shrieks and detonations sending the recidivists staggering back, nearly overwhelmed by the auditory assault. But the Sisters' fire is ineffective against the heavy barricades erected before them. Thick plasteel plates buckle against the hail, but do not break. Chunks of rockcrete shoot out shards of broken material as round after round chews into them, but none pierce through. Despite their terror at the barrage, the recidivists hold their ground, returning panicked bursts of fire, blind firing over cover, a few raining down improvised firebombs. Explosives and hard rounds slam all around the Sisters as they rush up the stairs, bellowing their war cries. More fire rains from the second line, a direct hit from a crossbow launched grenade bursting against Eriko's thick cuirass and momentarily deafening her before she continues to rain down suppressive fire.

"Hold fast. Let the Sisters clear the way while we tend to the wounded!" The squad hears Vahn Zayneth shout. Against such a hail of fire, it's perhaps for the best. Even heavy infantry may struggle against such a barrage.

"Hold your ground, Brothers! Do not forget our mission is holy, our quest just!" The officer bellows, his voice cutting through the din. "Even the holy Sisters of Battle are not beyond being misled by Merud's snakes! They are only human-Forgive them their sins, and bring them down!"

Maria stomps forward, even the recidivists' heaviest ordinance glancing harmlessly off her armour. 13.8mm rounds at point blank hardly scratch the Adamantium reinforced cuirass of her Macharius plate, whilst further fire from the second line bounces off her side. Servos strain and shudder as she walks the fire of her heavy bolter across the barricades, failing to achieve any casualties but certainly putting the fear of the Emperor in them. As she reaches point blank, she levels the weapon anew, targeting runes flashing across the fearful faces of her foes.

"She's like a tank!" Someone bellows.

"Remember Verkaiz!" Someone else shouts. "Burn 'em!"

A moment later, a firebomb smashes across Maria's face, dousing her visor in burning promethium. She stumbles back a step, more in surprise than damage, and nearly twists her ankle on the treacherous steps. The temperature increase is utterly unthreatening, judging by her helmet's runes, but with her visor covered in burning promethium, even the great perception of her Sabbat-pattern helm is rendered nearly blind. She paws at the burning promethium, whilst Caelia charges forward.

She slams her shoulder into the barricades, grunting as the shock of impacting against the solid fortifications rushes up her shoulder. She strains, pushing against what might have once been a Velorum-Pattern bookcase, solid armour-grade plasteel reinforced with a thick ballistic cladding. Heavy as it is, with other improvised reinforcement leaned against it, it would have been impossible to shift. But Caelia's fearsome armour howls. Gears grind and hiss, servos snarling as they strain against the weight. A sandbag topples away, followed by a mesh curtain and chunks of rockcrete. The weight is felt in her arms, her back and hips, muscles laboring. But bit by bit, the bookcase begins to shift.

"Holy feth! She's trying to topple the barricade! Stop her!" One of the anarchists shout as he throws himself against the bookshelf, followed by one of his 'sisters'. Both are bulky individuals, well-muscled and weighed down by ballistic gambeson, rebreathers and ammo belts, and they use the advantage of the stairway and the other barricades for leverage. But Caelia digs in her heels, grinding her teeth, pushing. "Fire, fire! Stop her!"

The barricades' heavy stubbers swing around, the faces of the anarchists beneath their rebreathers determined. Point blank, the heavy stubbers open fire. The twin-linked to her right rakes across her upper body, rounds slamming into her gorget and the soft seals of her arm pit, even as the other directs fire into the thinner areas of her thighs and belly. Dozens of impacts slam against Caelia at such velocity even through her thick plate she feels the sting of so many rounds. But she ignores the pain, and slams all her weight against the bookcase even as her armour's servos shriek in anger.

And with a final, triumphant *Crash* it falls, crushing the two anarchists against the stairway, their padding only just saving them from being crushed to utter pulp beneath the hard impact. Palais races forward, leaping over the fallen bookshelf. "Much obliged, Sister!"

Her chainsword whips out, carving at the officer. And then, with astounding deftness, his own chainsword flashes out, smoothing redirecting the howling chainsword into the stairway. Shards of rockcrete rebound off Palais' plate as her chainsword bites into the stairs.

"Fall back to the second line," the officer barks out, holding his chainsword in an experienced dueling stance, both hands on his chainsword for the extra strength. Up close the Sisters see his straight shouldered posture and weathered features, the rusting bionic steel of his right hand, the flak cloak across his shoulders. He smiles, thinly. "A student of the Ellenta style, I see."

"If you're aiming to duel me, you're operating at a bit of a handicap," Palais replies. "If you're hoping for first touch wins, you should've tried arranging dueling terms in advance."

Around him the rest of the first line scatters, taking advantage of a momentary lull in the fire. With Maria beating out the last of the promethium across her visor and Eriko reloading her boltgun, the anarchists have a moment to bound up the steps to the second line. Palais' chainsword whips out, catching one of the retreating enemies through the thigh with her blade. The officer stiffens as the gunner slams against the stairway, but holds steady. He glances at the rest of the squad as the rest of the squad prepares to storm in behind Palais, then back at the second line of barricade.

He sucks in a breath. "No such thing as a fair fight, but at least I'll finally satisfy my curiosity. I've always wondered if you Sisters-Militant can actually fight worth a damn, or if its all wargear. Come, show me what the Sisters of Battle are made of! Come, one or all, I'll meet you all! Unless you're scared of matching blades with an old man!"

Palais hisses, stepping forward to cross blades with him again. But Eriko and Illana hear Vahn shouting over the din of the battle.

"He's just buying time!" Vahn shouts, ducking down beneath a gargoyle as heavy stubber rounds rip across the wall. He points overhead, one hand one on his cap. "I saw them rolling down some barrels from upstairs!"

OOC: I wanted to apologize for the delay on this, and for the fight not being over as quickly as I planned initially. Things like the pandemic have been sucking up a lot of my time and energy as of late, and I just haven't been in a position to get this out. I've also had a lot of technical issues with Roll20 recently.

But the update's done, and you're through the first line. After that, well. I'm not going to be making you fight your way through the next four, suffice it to say. The final confrontation's are only a few turns away. But be warned...You're burning up a lot of time.
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They rain down like a hail, fire and sound pattering against Eriko and her sisters like sand on a wall.

No doubt their armoured bulks, storming up the staircase so nakedly, presented an opportunity to unload every last thing their enemies could throw at them. Yet still her sisters continue their onward charge barely inconvenienced. Eriko gives them support from behind, unloading her bolter into the barricade barring their path and forcing the gangers to keep their heads low and fire desperate.

An explosion slams into her, fire momentarily filling her vision, just as a dozen more bullets flatten themselves ineffectually against her cuirass. She continues her suppressing action, controlled, a pace set to her breathing. She counts the bullets under her breath, counting down until only a dozen, half a dozen, then three remain. Half a second before her boltgun clicks dry, a hand is already reaching for the next magazine at her belt, clipping it for another round of fire.

A quick glance confirms their situation for her. Her sisters have taken the first set of barricades but most of the defenders have fled and it would be a trivial matter to pursue and do the same to the second line as they had done the first. Yet a sole enemy figure remains, the enemy officer, shouting insults and challenges that Eriko could hear due to the lull in the fighting.

She needn't Zayneth tell them what the officer wished to accomplish. But another glance at the Witch-Hunter and the mercenaries behind him told her another story. They looked at her expectantly, hearing as well as she the officer and expecting the vaulted Adepta Sororitas to answer the challenge. It was a foolish idea, one that should be pushed aside for tactical expediency but... she couldn't help but grin at the thought.

Palais still traded sword blows with the officer but she was needed in the frontlines, leading her demi-squad into the teeth of the enemy, not acquiescing to the demands of a foolish old man.

Eriko slammed her boltgun into its mag-cell and in one swift motion drew her greatsword from its place against her back.

"Requesting I duel in your place, Sister-Superior. Our sisters need you in the assault more than they do me."

She strode forward, revving the greatsword's engine. A low growl emanated from the machine-spirit, from her armour, and from her throat as one. Then she bounded up the steps, swinging the greatsword in an arc above her head. And as Palais stepped aside, she lept and slammed the weapon down with the force of her charge behind it.

Then began their duel.

1st Turn: Quickdraw: Stow away boltgun. Ready: Unsheate greatsword. Half Aim with the greatsword.
2nd Turn: Charge at the officer (or All-out Attack if he wins initiative). +20 Fate.

WS 40 + Half Aim 20 + Charge 20 + Fate 20 = TN 100

Thine Arm be the Scourge of the Impure: +1 DoS

Done only if the others have not yet broken through the second line when Eriko wins the duel: Pick up the officer's body and throw it over the barricade. Do this to demoralize the defenders.)
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"Hold your ground, Brothers! Do not forget our mission is holy, our quest just!" The officer bellows, his voice cutting through the din. "Even the holy Sisters of Battle are not beyond being misled by Merud's snakes! They are only human-Forgive them their sins, and bring them down!"

Caelia didn't bother to engage them, remaining silent as he stormed up the staircase. Such delusion. Did everything go back to their obsession with some local Guild?

She slams her shoulder into the barricades, grunting as the shock of impacting against the solid fortifications rushes up her shoulder. She strains, pushing against what might have once been a Velorum-Pattern bookcase, solid armour-grade plasteel reinforced with a thick ballistic cladding. Heavy as it is, with other improvised reinforcement leaned against it, it would have been impossible to shift. But Caelia's fearsome armour howls. Gears grind and hiss, servos snarling as they strain against the weight. A sandbag topples away, followed by a mesh curtain and chunks of rockcrete. The weight is felt in her arms, her back and hips, muscles laboring. But bit by bit, the bookcase begins to shift.

"Holy feth! She's trying to topple the barricade! Stop her!" One of the anarchists shout as he throws himself against the bookshelf, followed by one of his 'sisters'. Both are bulky individuals, well-muscled and weighed down by ballistic gambeson, rebreathers and ammo belts, and they use the advantage of the stairway and the other barricades for leverage. But Caelia digs in her heels, grinding her teeth, pushing. "Fire, fire! Stop her!"

The barricades' heavy stubbers swing around, the faces of the anarchists beneath their rebreathers determined. Point blank, the heavy stubbers open fire. The twin-linked to her right rakes across her upper body, rounds slamming into her gorget and the soft seals of her arm pit, even as the other directs fire into the thinner areas of her thighs and belly. Dozens of impacts slam against Caelia at such velocity even through her thick plate she feels the sting of so many rounds. But she ignores the pain, and slams all her weight against the bookcase even as her armour's servos shriek in anger.

And with a final, triumphant *Crash* it falls, crushing the two anarchists against the stairway, their padding only just saving them from being crushed to utter pulp beneath the hard impact. Palais races forward, leaping over the fallen bookshelf. "Much obliged, Sister!"

Her muscles burned, the servomotors whined with pain, and half her body stung from the pain of the point blank fire.

It didn't matter. The way was open.

She leapt over the fallen bookshelf just behind Palais, Boltrifle booming at the occasional target of opportunity.

Her chainsword whips out, carving at the officer. And then, with astounding deftness, his own chainsword flashes out, smoothing redirecting the howling chainsword into the stairway. Shards of rockcrete rebound off Palais' plate as her chainsword bites into the stairs.

"Fall back to the second line," the officer barks out, holding his chainsword in an experienced dueling stance, both hands on his chainsword for the extra strength. Up close the Sisters see his straight shouldered posture and weathered features, the rusting bionic steel of his right hand, the flak cloak across his shoulders. He smiles, thinly. "A student of the Ellenta style, I see."

"If you're aiming to duel me, you're operating at a bit of a handicap," Palais replies. "If you're hoping for first touch wins, you should've tried arranging dueling terms in advance."

Around him the rest of the first line scatters, taking advantage of a momentary lull in the fire. With Maria beating out the last of the promethium across her visor and Eriko reloading her boltgun, the anarchists have a moment to bound up the steps to the second line. Palais' chainsword whips out, catching one of the retreating enemies through the thigh with her blade. The officer stiffens as the gunner slams against the stairway, but holds steady. He glances at the rest of the squad as the rest of the squad prepares to storm in behind Palais, then back at the second line of barricade.

He sucks in a breath. "No such thing as a fair fight, but at least I'll finally satisfy my curiosity. I've always wondered if you Sisters-Militant can actually fight worth a damn, or if its all wargear. Come, show me what the Sisters of Battle are made of! Come, one or all, I'll meet you all! Unless you're scared of matching blades with an old man!"

Palais hisses, stepping forward to cross blades with him again. But Eriko and Illana hear Vahn shouting over the din of the battle.

"He's just buying time!" Vahn shouts, ducking down beneath a gargoyle as heavy stubber rounds rip across the wall. He points overhead, one hand one on his cap. "I saw them rolling down some barrels from upstairs!"

Honor and dignity dictated that the duel be uninterrupted, whether it was the Sister Superior or Eriko who was their champion.

But that didn't prevent them from circumventing the attempted delaying action regardless. Caelia barged past the man, not even bothering to dodge the inevitable riposte of his sword. Her gauntlets went to the frag grenades at her side, triggering the fuses then hurling them up at the next layer of enemy defenses as she charged.

They didn't have time to stop.

(OOC: Full move over the first barricade, Semi Auto shooting at best targets beside the officer (Gunners first, then normal riflemen). Then full move past the officer and up the stair, tossing grenades the whole time. Once at the next step, knock the barricade over again. If I get too injured to continue, keep tossing grenades and support whoever moves on the barricade)
"Hold your ground, Brothers! Do not forget our mission is holy, our quest just!" The officer bellows, his voice cutting through the din. "Even the holy Sisters of Battle are not beyond being misled by Merud's snakes! They are only human-Forgive them their sins, and bring them down!"
Ilana nearly forgot her discipline and snarled in rage in response. The gall, the sheer gall to claim that they were the ones being misled when they served hand and foot at the hand of a tainted witchspawn. The drumbeat of boltshells clawed out sections of the barricade, leaving the heretics flinching back and leaving Ilana the opportunity to assume her advance.

"O Terra, hear my prayer. By the blood of the unworthy I seek thy benediction, and through battle thy forgiveness. Let mine boltgun be a vessel for thy grace, he who defends this galaxy by fire and sword in immortal vigilance. I remain forever an executor of thy will, amen."
Palais hisses, stepping forward to cross blades with him again. But Eriko and Illana hear Vahn shouting over the din of the battle.

"He's just buying time!" Vahn shouts, ducking down beneath a gargoyle as heavy stubber rounds rip across the wall. He points overhead, one hand one on his cap. "I saw them rolling down some barrels from upstairs!"

OOC: I wanted to apologize for the delay on this, and for the fight not being over as quickly as I planned initially. Things like the pandemic have been sucking up a lot of my time and energy as of late, and I just haven't been in a position to get this out. I've also had a lot of technical issues with Roll20 recently.

But the update's done, and you're through the first line. After that, well. I'm not going to be making you fight your way through the next four, suffice it to say. The final confrontation's are only a few turns away. But be warned...You're burning up a lot of time.
"Bravery if nothing else, misguided as it is." Ilana clucked her tongue as she lowered the barrel of her boltgun as she glanced around for targets other than the duel. She would not demean the honour of a duel with outside intervention, even if the enemy treated this challenge as nothing more than an attempt to buy some time it fell on to them to strive to be better than that.

As it happened, honour did not forbid her from dealing with the other troops surrounding this duel. With Vahn's warning echoing in her mind, she spotted Caelia burst forward into motion, resembling nothing so much as a ceramite barreling ram aimed at the stairwell. With a hymn on her lips she charged after her, determined to preempt whatever desperate gamble these witch-worshippers planned before it came to fruition.
Maria stomps forward, even the recidivists' heaviest ordinance glancing harmlessly off her armour. 13.8mm rounds at point blank hardly scratch the Adamantium reinforced cuirass of her Macharius plate, whilst further fire from the second line bounces off her side. Servos strain and shudder as she walks the fire of her heavy bolter across the barricades, failing to achieve any casualties but certainly putting the fear of the Emperor in them. As she reaches point blank, she levels the weapon anew, targeting runes flashing across the fearful faces of her foes.

"She's like a tank!" Someone bellows.

"Remember Verkaiz!" Someone else shouts. "Burn 'em!"

A moment later, a firebomb smashes across Maria's face, dousing her visor in burning promethium. She stumbles back a step, more in surprise than damage, and nearly twists her ankle on the treacherous steps. The temperature increase is utterly unthreatening, judging by her helmet's runes, but with her visor covered in burning promethium, even the great perception of her Sabbat-pattern helm is rendered nearly blind. She paws at the burning promethium, whilst Caelia charges forward.

Maria scraped the burning gel off in great guttering handfuls, flicking firey globs down onto the stair. Cursed blindness, but Indomitable did its duty. Every shot she took, every bullet against her chest was one the Witch Hunter and his retinue were spared. It did slow them though, and in the assault one couldn't bog down. As soon as she could see even a little the retributor was hot on Caelia's heels over the breach and onto the middle ground.

Honor and dignity dictated that the duel be uninterrupted, whether it was the Sister Superior or Eriko who was their champion.

But that didn't prevent them from circumventing the attempted delaying action regardless. Caelia barged past the man, not even bothering to dodge the inevitable riposte of his sword. Her gauntlets went to the frag grenades at her side, triggering the fuses then hurling them up at the next layer of enemy defenses as she charged.

They didn't have time to stop.

"Behind you sister. Holding fire." The defenses were prepared too well, and she wasn't about to spend more blessed shells in vain. Where one Sister could tear down their works with vigor, two could do so with alacrity. Expose them, penetrate the fastness and then let fire rain down. She kept her bolter at the ready, relying upon Caelia and the others to keep up some level of fire before they took the second line.

Ceramite sabatons crunched on spent shells and twisted bits of metal littering the stairs, but nothing could slow her pace. She was like a tank, and they had made the mistake of being placed before her.

Full moving with Caelia, smash down the barricade, open fire on the other side.
Palais almost turns at Eriko's officer, her voice coming out in a snarl. "What? Take my place?" she asks, but then her blade dips. With a reluctant nod, she steps back from her challenger. "Very well Sister, the honour is yours."

The officer's eyes widen as the Sisters move past him, firing at the second barricade. "Come back here!" he cries out, his chainsword lashing out, but the Sisters give him a wide berth and his blade draws only sparks from their armoured hides. He turns as Eriko rushes him down, her greatsword churning with feral intensity. "Well, come on then!"

Chainsword meets chainsword, adamantium teeth grinding off one another. Deftly, the officer turns the incoming blow to the aside, redirecting most of the force into the stairway. He slams his foot down on the top of the blade, driving it deeper into the rockcrete and lashes out, his chainsword sweeping past Eriko's gorget and missing by less than a centimeter. "You face a Brother-Captain of the Brotherhood of the Pure Flame, Sister of the Burning Rose. If you are to be my foe, then I give praise to the God-Emperor of Mankind for the honour. At least I shall die by a loyal hand."

He flourishes his blade, assuming a classic guard position. "For the Emperor!"

Up the stairs, the rest of the squad pushes through a storm of shot and las fire, their boltguns hammering the recidivists' position, leaving their barricade shrouded in a thick, dust haze of pulverized rockcrete and plasteel. Yet, for all the fire directed against their position, the recidivists stand fast, their cover enduring the might of the Adepta Sororitas with temerity. One recidivist rises above the barricades, braving the storm of bolts as she lowers a civilian grade flamer.

"For the Brotherhood!" the woman bellows as she bathes Caelia and Maria in flame. The woman's flamer is designed for mold, insects, and some dangerous wildlife, not military grade power armour, and it has no hope of penetrating the thick ceramite. But the heat begins building up within the suits, as their cooling systems begin to click up to ward off the increasing temperature. Distracted by the promethium splattered across her visor, Caelia halts her advance even as Illana and Maria take up the lead, bellowing their prayers and war cries. It is Illana that triggers the improvised explosive device.

Half buried beneath a pile of debris, the improvised explosive detonations like a sack of frag grenades. The wave of force slams into Maria and Illana, washing over them in a storm of shrapnel and flame. Maria sets in her heels and pushes through the blast, her armour absorbing the blast. Illana, stumbling out of the blast with a pained prayer, brings up her bolt-rifle and fires a burst against the barricade. By the Emperor's grace, a single shell makes it through their fortifications and blasts the head of a gang-tat covered woman to pieces, sending her body toppling from the heavy stubber she'd been manning.

"Feth me! They're still coming!" Someone shouts as Caelia rushes forward to rejoin the advance.

"Let 'em come! Bring up the Dreverarch Cocktail!" Another recidivist replies. Too late the Sisters realize the meaning behind the Witch-Finder's warnings as the anarchists push a large fuel barrel to the top of the barricade, panting and sweating as they tip it over. It falls, bouncing hard as it hits the stairs, tumbling toward the advancing squad. As it rolls, the improvised explosives rigged across its side begin to blink.

"Get down!" Palais shouts, a moment before the barrel detonates and bathes the entire left side of the staircase in flame. Caelia is thrown off her feet down the staircase, sparks flying as her power reactor scraps off the steps. Her vision in a blur of raging flames and billowing smoke, pain washing over her body. Illana, quicker on her fleet, throws herself down. She feels the warmth of the blast wash over her back, avoiding the worst of the explosive blast, but the burning promethium soaks her back and lower legs, her suit systems warning of rising temperatures

On the other side of the barricade, the recidivists haul up a second barrel bomb, but just as it reaches the top of the barricade, one of the criminals loses his grip. The barrel tips back, crashing down as the anarchists curse and shout. Maria and Palais see their opening and rush forward, even as heavy stubber rounds spark off their armour. Together, the two of them crash into the barricade. Armour servos howl and muscles strain as the two women press against the heavy fortifications and the brothers frantically pushing back against them. Maria grits her teeth, agony rushing up through her muscles as an autopistol is emptied harmlessly into her helmet. For a moment, the pain of her burning muscles threatens to overwhelm her, every part of her body screaming. Yet, with each gasped prayer to the God-Emperor, the agony recedes, replaced with purpose. With each pained psalm, the barricade tilts back, farther and farther.

And then, with a great crash, it topples. Anarchists scramble in every direction, abandoning their weapons as they rush for the next set of barricades. The Sororitas, exhausted or aflame, do not pursue. Not when the route to their objective lies on this floor, the yawning doors leading toward Eneresh beckoning just ahead.

Palais places a hand against the barricade, gasping for air. "God-Emperor. Moving furniture on Velorum must be hell," she breathes, absently helping Maria beat out the flames burning along her armour. The Sister-Superior takes in a deep breath and glances back to where Eriko stands.

Eriko steps back from her opponent, glancing at the fresh gash carved into the armoured seal along her right elbow. She feels the sting of the blow. In front of her the Brother-Captain sucks in slow, measured breaths, sweat pouring down what skin is exposed beneath his armour and gas-hood.

"First strike to me," he gasps, even as the cries of his retreating men draw his gaze backward. Seeing the second barricade fallen, his chainsword lowers. "But victory is yours. You nearly had me twice," he says, glancing toward the missing teeth along his chainsword's edge. He lowers his chainsword, eyes closing behind his mask. "It's clear this will avail me nothing. I yield, and throw myself upon Leanna's mercy."

Behind her, the mercenaries move up, eyes wide at the havoc wreaked upon the stairway. "We left the wounded behind. They would only slow us down," Vahn Zayneth says, stepping gingerly past the flames.

"Except for me," The bounty hunter growls, nursing her side. "I'm seeing this through to the end."

The Witch-Finder nods his head, and then strides forward through the passage, weapons at the ready. "Ready yourselves, Sisters," Palais says. "Let's not keep the witch waiting."

There's no further resistance of note as the Sisters make their way toward Eneresh's hideout. It's a blessed relief, given how easily defended these corridors would be, and how byzantine their lay-out is. At least twice the Sororitas and their allies had to double back, and repeatedly they lose their bearings. All the while, gunfire and screams echo through the corridors, and Vennede's intercom messages become increasingly agitated. The comms out of the Hall of Bones become increasingly sporadic and incoherent, descending from utter confidence to disbelief and terror, and yet, one can still hear defiance. Over the screaming, the gunfire, the weeping, the dying, one could still hear the insults and the prayers, the last snarled oaths.

If nothing else, they were making a fight of it. Eneresh was good to her word, it seems.

Rifles, handguns and more improvised weapons snap up as the Sisters stamp toward the barricades around the command center. Wild eyed men and women draped in threadbare robes and religious fetishes, hard-faced gangers covered in scars and tattoos, and pale civilians in filth-ridden rag-castings stare in dawning realization as the Sororitas scarlet armour catches in the light. The sound of dropped guns bouncing off the floor echoes through the room.

"Please, we didn't-" One of the gangers blubbers, taking a step back.

"Not a step closer!" One of the civilians calls out, clutching at his improvised spear as though it were the Sword of Selverus.

Voices ring out, terrified, bewildered, a few defiant, but they cut out as one rings out. "Everyone stand down. It's-it's alright. They're not going to hurt you," Eneresh's voice rings out over the comms. "Just let them through."

Eneresh's followers part before the Sororitas, many falling to their knees and begging forgiveness. Some throw accusations at Eneresh of having tricked them, bewitched them or otherwise forced them into service. Still others beg for them to be merciful to her.

The reinforced doors to the command center yawn open, and the squad ventures forward. Banks of cogitators line the room, leading to secreted barracks and armories. All of them have clearly seen better days. Many of the cogitators have been stripped clean or are missing entirely, and piles of loot and salvage have been crudely piled across the tables. Eneresh sits halfway into the room, resting her arms heavily on a steel table. She raises a cup of recaf to her lips as the squad enters the room, her hands shaking. Compared to the pictures you had, she's a mess. Her pony tail's been replaced by a crude and partial shave, numerous small nicks and cuts visible across her freckled features, and the shadows under her eyes are deeply pronounced. Palais raises a fist for the group to halt.

"Hi," Eneresh says, not looking at the Sisters. "I guess you got me. You got me...You fething..."

There is a spark. A flash, and then Eneresh's hand is ablaze. The recaf mug bursts, molten ceramic running between her fingers like wax. The flames crawl up the edge of her ill-fitting greatcoat like a living thing, curling up her neck. For a moment, it is as though she is crowned by a living flame. Weapons snap up as the witch looks up, her eyes burning like embers. And then, just as suddenly, the flame is gone, nothing but a few errant sparks to mark its passing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's stopped, okay!" Eneresh says, raising her hands as sparks fall from her fingers. "ThroneI didn't mean to do that! Feth, feth, feth! Don't bloody shoot me!"

"Stand down, damn your eyes!" Vahn snaps, slapping down a mercenary's rifle. "I want her alive!"

The witch settles back down in her chair, looking at her hands, and then at the steaming cup of recaf still on the table, as though she'd never picked it up. She stares at it in bemusement for a long moment, before shaking her head. "Just-Don't shoot. Okay, look the Hall of Bones-Feth, they're all bloody bones by now, they should be. They are, I don't...We don't have much time before it shows up, you understand? Tell me you have a good plan, this time," she says, glancing at the steaming mug. Biting her lip, she picks it up gingerly as though expecting it to explode, and then brings it her lips to take a short sip. Then, she puts it down with a frown. "Of course it's still shite, it was shite the first time," she mutters. "What am I even doing? Throne I hate this."

Palais hisses into the vox. "Ware, Sisters. If you think you're at risk, don't hesitate."
Palais almost turns at Eriko's officer, her voice coming out in a snarl. "What? Take my place?" she asks, but then her blade dips. With a reluctant nod, she steps back from her challenger. "Very well Sister, the honour is yours."

The officer's eyes widen as the Sisters move past him, firing at the second barricade. "Come back here!" he cries out, his chainsword lashing out, but the Sisters give him a wide berth and his blade draws only sparks from their armoured hides. He turns as Eriko rushes him down, her greatsword churning with feral intensity. "Well, come on then!"

Chainsword meets chainsword, adamantium teeth grinding off one another. Deftly, the officer turns the incoming blow to the aside, redirecting most of the force into the stairway. He slams his foot down on the top of the blade, driving it deeper into the rockcrete and lashes out, his chainsword sweeping past Eriko's gorget and missing by less than a centimeter. "You face a Brother-Captain of the Brotherhood of the Pure Flame, Sister of the Burning Rose. If you are to be my foe, then I give praise to the God-Emperor of Mankind for the honour. At least I shall die by a loyal hand."

He flourishes his blade, assuming a classic guard position. "For the Emperor!"
"You use His name but know you are using it in vain."

Eriko tears her greatsword from the steps and without missing a beat launches into the offensive. Her foe's strategy was obvious. Stay on the defensive. Keep her busy as long as possible so that one less Sister would assault the barricades. But in taking the place of Palais, she had assured that the Sister-Superior would join the assault. It was not entirely ideal but it was a small victory.

Again and again she batters against her foe's defenses, testing it, chipping away. Old as he was and bereft of her armour, both of them knew all she needed was one slip and she would soon join her Sisters in the assault. Yet still he persisted, and a tiny bit of irritation crept into her face. She was taking too long. From the edges of her vision she could see the stairwell burning as bright and tall as military-grade promethium would allow.

She only needed one mistake.

Eriko steps back from her opponent, glancing at the fresh gash carved into the armoured seal along her right elbow. She feels the sting of the blow. In front of her the Brother-Captain sucks in slow, measured breaths, sweat pouring down what skin is exposed beneath his armour and gas-hood.

"First strike to me," he gasps, even as the cries of his retreating men draw his gaze backward. Seeing the second barricade fallen, his chainsword lowers. "But victory is yours. You nearly had me twice," he says, glancing toward the missing teeth along his chainsword's edge. He lowers his chainsword, eyes closing behind his mask. "It's clear this will avail me nothing. I yield, and throw myself upon Leanna's mercy."

Behind her, the mercenaries move up, eyes wide at the havoc wreaked upon the stairway. "We left the wounded behind. They would only slow us down," Vahn Zayneth says, stepping gingerly past the flames.

"Except for me," The bounty hunter growls, nursing her side. "I'm seeing this through to the end."

The Witch-Finder nods his head, and then strides forward through the passage, weapons at the ready. "Ready yourselves, Sisters," Palais says. "Let's not keep the witch waiting."
Eriko lowered her greatsword, her breathing quickly returning to measured intervals.

Her face was flush with both irritation and adrenaline. She had failed but she would admit the duel was enlightening, the officer had his merits in his handling of the sword. In another time, she would have enjoyed the duel, whether or not she won or lost. But they were in the middle of a mission and she would not let her emotions cloud her judgement.

"I accept your capitulation even if you had proven yourself the superior duelist." She gave a half-bow in acknowledgement of the officer's skills then began to move forward to take the chainsword from his grip. "However, count yourself fortunate that we do not have time to spare. Tell your men to not hound us or--"

Eriko stopped then motioned for Zayneth's attention as he moved past her.

"Witch-Hunter. I would have one of your men keep an eye on this one." She threw a thumb towards her former dueling foe. "He would make a good bargaining chip in our negotiations with Vennedes."

Then she turned towards her captor.

"Move quickly, Brother-Captain of the Pure Flame. You and your men may consider yourselves the righteous defenders of this tower and the Witch but none shall pursue and on my word and family name no undue harm shall come to you. We still have use for you yet."
There's no further resistance of note as the Sisters make their way toward Eneresh's hideout. It's a blessed relief, given how easily defended these corridors would be, and how byzantine their lay-out is. At least twice the Sororitas and their allies had to double back, and repeatedly they lose their bearings. All the while, gunfire and screams echo through the corridors, and Vennede's intercom messages become increasingly agitated. The comms out of the Hall of Bones become increasingly sporadic and incoherent, descending from utter confidence to disbelief and terror, and yet, one can still hear defiance. Over the screaming, the gunfire, the weeping, the dying, one could still hear the insults and the prayers, the last snarled oaths.

If nothing else, they were making a fight of it. Eneresh was good to her word, it seems.
They had time to collect themselves and it was good.

Veteran soldiers of many battles most of them may be, Adepta Sororitas she and her Sisters may be and all the training and conditioning that implies, but they still needed their rest from their ordeals. More barricades like those on the staircase they had left behind may not have killed them but surely as the Emperor lifts up the Sun on countless worlds would one or more of them be rendered combat ineffective from an injury or sheer exhaustion.

With the cultists of the Long Night racing towards Eneresh with their Warp-monsters, such a thing would have been less than ideal. Fortunately for them, it was the Cult who was facing the brunt of the Tower's defenses. Every seconds fought bought, every cut inflicted on their forces was a boon.

Eriko only hoped it would be enough.
Rifles, handguns and more improvised weapons snap up as the Sisters stamp toward the barricades around the command center. Wild eyed men and women draped in threadbare robes and religious fetishes, hard-faced gangers covered in scars and tattoos, and pale civilians in filth-ridden rag-castings stare in dawning realization as the Sororitas scarlet armour catches in the light. The sound of dropped guns bouncing off the floor echoes through the room.

"Please, we didn't-" One of the gangers blubbers, taking a step back.

"Not a step closer!" One of the civilians calls out, clutching at his improvised spear as though it were the Sword of Selverus.

Voices ring out, terrified, bewildered, a few defiant, but they cut out as one rings out. "Everyone stand down. It's-it's alright. They're not going to hurt you," Eneresh's voice rings out over the comms. "Just let them through."

Eneresh's followers part before the Sororitas, many falling to their knees and begging forgiveness. Some throw accusations at Eneresh of having tricked them, bewitched them or otherwise forced them into service. Still others beg for them to be merciful to her.
These folks were done, of no consequence.

And though Eriko was too much the veteran to lower her guard once her objective was in sight, she moved past the defenses quickly, with nary a glance towards any trouble-maker who fancied herself a martyr.

None popped out.
The reinforced doors to the command center yawn open, and the squad ventures forward. Banks of cogitators line the room, leading to secreted barracks and armories. All of them have clearly seen better days. Many of the cogitators have been stripped clean or are missing entirely, and piles of loot and salvage have been crudely piled across the tables. Eneresh sits halfway into the room, resting her arms heavily on a steel table. She raises a cup of recaf to her lips as the squad enters the room, her hands shaking. Compared to the pictures you had, she's a mess. Her pony tail's been replaced by a crude and partial shave, numerous small nicks and cuts visible across her freckled features, and the shadows under her eyes are deeply pronounced. Palais raises a fist for the group to halt.

"Hi," Eneresh says, not looking at the Sisters. "I guess you got me. You got me...You fething..."

There is a spark. A flash, and then Eneresh's hand is ablaze. The recaf mug bursts, molten ceramic running between her fingers like wax. The flames crawl up the edge of her ill-fitting greatcoat like a living thing, curling up her neck. For a moment, it is as though she is crowned by a living flame. Weapons snap up as the witch looks up, her eyes burning like embers. And then, just as suddenly, the flame is gone, nothing but a few errant sparks to mark its passing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's stopped, okay!" Eneresh says, raising her hands as sparks fall from her fingers. "ThroneI didn't mean to do that! Feth, feth, feth! Don't bloody shoot me!"

"Stand down, damn your eyes!" Vahn snaps, slapping down a mercenary's rifle. "I want her alive!"

The witch settles back down in her chair, looking at her hands, and then at the steaming cup of recaf still on the table, as though she'd never picked it up. She stares at it in bemusement for a long moment, before shaking her head. "Just-Don't shoot. Okay, look the Hall of Bones-Feth, they're all bloody bones by now, they should be. They are, I don't...We don't have much time before it shows up, you understand? Tell me you have a good plan, this time," she says, glancing at the steaming mug. Biting her lip, she picks it up gingerly as though expecting it to explode, and then brings it her lips to take a short sip. Then, she puts it down with a frown. "Of course it's still shite, it was shite the first time," she mutters. "What am I even doing? Throne I hate this."

Palais hisses into the vox. "Ware, Sisters. If you think you're at risk, don't hesitate."
"Vennedes." Eriko moved forward. She kept her greatsword low and forward, like a ward against the Witch until her Warp-powers could be nullified.

Temperamental, Eriko noted idly. Most would be in Eneresh's situation but as a psyker, temperamental meant more than heated words as Eneresh so aptly demonstrated. And so she, even seemingly defeated and beaten down, warranted extreme caution in this situation. Not that psykers did not warrant extreme caution in any other situation.

"Vennedes," she repeated. "Where is your partner? We have orders to capture her, same as you, and if you are warning us of the Warp-creatures among the cultists then you must agree that Vennedes would be better in our custody than in the reach of the heretics' pets. So tell us and the both of you will see the Sun rise tomorrow."
On the other side of the barricade, the recidivists haul up a second barrel bomb, but just as it reaches the top of the barricade, one of the criminals loses his grip. The barrel tips back, crashing down as the anarchists curse and shout. Maria and Palais see their opening and rush forward, even as heavy stubber rounds spark off their armour. Together, the two of them crash into the barricade. Armour servos howl and muscles strain as the two women press against the heavy fortifications and the brothers frantically pushing back against them. Maria grits her teeth, agony rushing up through her muscles as an autopistol is emptied harmlessly into her helmet. For a moment, the pain of her burning muscles threatens to overwhelm her, every part of her body screaming. Yet, with each gasped prayer to the God-Emperor, the agony recedes, replaced with purpose. With each pained psalm, the barricade tilts back, farther and farther.

And then, with a great crash, it topples. Anarchists scramble in every direction, abandoning their weapons as they rush for the next set of barricades. The Sororitas, exhausted or aflame, do not pursue. Not when the route to their objective lies on this floor, the yawning doors leading toward Eneresh beckoning just ahead.

Palais places a hand against the barricade, gasping for air. "God-Emperor. Moving furniture on Velorum must be hell," she breathes, absently helping Maria beat out the flames burning along her armour. The Sister-Superior takes in a deep breath and glances back to where Eriko stands.

In that moment it wasn't sparks and flashing sigils she saw. The flames of incendiaries washed out, the clamor of battle stilled. Even the roar of hot blood in her ears, the screams of muscles, the screams, prayers tearing her throat raw, the salty trickling where teeth ground against tight white lips, they all diminished as she saw His light and grace up those stairs. It was His hand that joined theirs against the barricade, his providence that soothed the burn of lactic acid so that they could overcome. She saw God's love in the faces of her enemy and knew...knew in her heart of hearts that their terror might just save them.

What hope did rebellion have in the face of His daughters?

Maria sank back against the wall when the job was done and the benighted resisters had fled, thankfully letting her Sister Superior deal with the flames sticking to the ceramite crags of Indomitable. "You..." her voice was rusty croak, she tried again, "You truly can laugh at anything Sister. It is a miracle."

The witch settles back down in her chair, looking at her hands, and then at the steaming cup of recaf still on the table, as though she'd never picked it up. She stares at it in bemusement for a long moment, before shaking her head. "Just-Don't shoot. Okay, look the Hall of Bones-Feth, they're all bloody bones by now, they should be. They are, I don't...We don't have much time before it shows up, you understand? Tell me you have a good plan, this time," she says, glancing at the steaming mug. Biting her lip, she picks it up gingerly as though expecting it to explode, and then brings it her lips to take a short sip. Then, she puts it down with a frown. "Of course it's still shite, it was shite the first time," she mutters. "What am I even doing? Throne I hate this."

Palais hisses into the vox. "Ware, Sisters. If you think you're at risk, don't hesitate."


Maria adjusted her grip on the heavy bolter and checked her lines of fire. Unlikely she'd get a clear shot if the witch flared up again, too many others milling, and chainswords were proof against some foes that shrugged of shells. A flash of that monstrous mind and heretical force turning her shots aside bubbled up, but she couldn't be distracted. There was something...

"It. You said it. We have fought them and and their creatures...pluralities of wickedness. Nothing worthy of that regard. What hunts you witch. What have they brought here?"
Palais almost turns at Eriko's officer, her voice coming out in a snarl. "What? Take my place?" she asks, but then her blade dips. With a reluctant nod, she steps back from her challenger. "Very well Sister, the honour is yours."

The officer's eyes widen as the Sisters move past him, firing at the second barricade. "Come back here!" he cries out, his chainsword lashing out, but the Sisters give him a wide berth and his blade draws only sparks from their armoured hides. He turns as Eriko rushes him down, her greatsword churning with feral intensity. "Well, come on then!"

Chainsword meets chainsword, adamantium teeth grinding off one another. Deftly, the officer turns the incoming blow to the aside, redirecting most of the force into the stairway. He slams his foot down on the top of the blade, driving it deeper into the rockcrete and lashes out, his chainsword sweeping past Eriko's gorget and missing by less than a centimeter. "You face a Brother-Captain of the Brotherhood of the Pure Flame, Sister of the Burning Rose. If you are to be my foe, then I give praise to the God-Emperor of Mankind for the honour. At least I shall die by a loyal hand."

He flourishes his blade, assuming a classic guard position. "For the Emperor!"

Up the stairs, the rest of the squad pushes through a storm of shot and las fire, their boltguns hammering the recidivists' position, leaving their barricade shrouded in a thick, dust haze of pulverized rockcrete and plasteel. Yet, for all the fire directed against their position, the recidivists stand fast, their cover enduring the might of the Adepta Sororitas with temerity. One recidivist rises above the barricades, braving the storm of bolts as she lowers a civilian grade flamer.

"For the Brotherhood!" the woman bellows as she bathes Caelia and Maria in flame. The woman's flamer is designed for mold, insects, and some dangerous wildlife, not military grade power armour, and it has no hope of penetrating the thick ceramite. But the heat begins building up within the suits, as their cooling systems begin to click up to ward off the increasing temperature. Distracted by the promethium splattered across her visor, Caelia halts her advance even as Illana and Maria take up the lead, bellowing their prayers and war cries. It is Illana that triggers the improvised explosive device.

Half buried beneath a pile of debris, the improvised explosive detonations like a sack of frag grenades. The wave of force slams into Maria and Illana, washing over them in a storm of shrapnel and flame. Maria sets in her heels and pushes through the blast, her armour absorbing the blast. Illana, stumbling out of the blast with a pained prayer, brings up her bolt-rifle and fires a burst against the barricade. By the Emperor's grace, a single shell makes it through their fortifications and blasts the head of a gang-tat covered woman to pieces, sending her body toppling from the heavy stubber she'd been manning.

"Feth me! They're still coming!" Someone shouts as Caelia rushes forward to rejoin the advance.

"Let 'em come! Bring up the Dreverarch Cocktail!" Another recidivist replies. Too late the Sisters realize the meaning behind the Witch-Finder's warnings as the anarchists push a large fuel barrel to the top of the barricade, panting and sweating as they tip it over. It falls, bouncing hard as it hits the stairs, tumbling toward the advancing squad. As it rolls, the improvised explosives rigged across its side begin to blink.

"Get down!" Palais shouts, a moment before the barrel detonates and bathes the entire left side of the staircase in flame. Caelia is thrown off her feet down the staircase, sparks flying as her power reactor scraps off the steps. Her vision in a blur of raging flames and billowing smoke, pain washing over her body. Illana, quicker on her fleet, throws herself down. She feels the warmth of the blast wash over her back, avoiding the worst of the explosive blast, but the burning promethium soaks her back and lower legs, her suit systems warning of rising temperatures

On the other side of the barricade, the recidivists haul up a second barrel bomb, but just as it reaches the top of the barricade, one of the criminals loses his grip. The barrel tips back, crashing down as the anarchists curse and shout. Maria and Palais see their opening and rush forward, even as heavy stubber rounds spark off their armour. Together, the two of them crash into the barricade. Armour servos howl and muscles strain as the two women press against the heavy fortifications and the brothers frantically pushing back against them. Maria grits her teeth, agony rushing up through her muscles as an autopistol is emptied harmlessly into her helmet. For a moment, the pain of her burning muscles threatens to overwhelm her, every part of her body screaming. Yet, with each gasped prayer to the God-Emperor, the agony recedes, replaced with purpose. With each pained psalm, the barricade tilts back, farther and farther.

And then, with a great crash, it topples. Anarchists scramble in every direction, abandoning their weapons as they rush for the next set of barricades. The Sororitas, exhausted or aflame, do not pursue. Not when the route to their objective lies on this floor, the yawning doors leading toward Eneresh beckoning just ahead.

Everything was flames.

Caelia tumbled down the steps, her vision a kaliedoscope of damage warnings and the spinning roof of the staircase. Half her body felt like it'd been through a thorough beating with truncheons. The other felt like it was being cooked in flash heater.

She only barely kept her grip on her precious Boltrifle.

When she finally bounced to a stop, she was tempted to lay there for a moment-catch her breath, beat out the flames that engulfed her armor. She caught herself for that sin-such was weakness they did not have time for.

She pulled herself to her feet, brought up the Slayer, and advanced once more on the barricade. By the time she arrived Maria had already knocked the barricade over-she followed her sisters through, boltrifle covering their backs.

Palais places a hand against the barricade, gasping for air. "God-Emperor. Moving furniture on Velorum must be hell," she breathes, absently helping Maria beat out the flames burning along her armour. The Sister-Superior takes in a deep breath and glances back to where Eriko stands.

Despite the situation, Caelia couldn't stifle a small laugh at that. Partially it was the pain and the exhaustion and the stifling heat, but the other part was because it was true.

Rifles, handguns and more improvised weapons snap up as the Sisters stamp toward the barricades around the command center. Wild eyed men and women draped in threadbare robes and religious fetishes, hard-faced gangers covered in scars and tattoos, and pale civilians in filth-ridden rag-castings stare in dawning realization as the Sororitas scarlet armour catches in the light. The sound of dropped guns bouncing off the floor echoes through the room.

"Please, we didn't-" One of the gangers blubbers, taking a step back.

"Not a step closer!" One of the civilians calls out, clutching at his improvised spear as though it were the Sword of Selverus.

Voices ring out, terrified, bewildered, a few defiant, but they cut out as one rings out. "Everyone stand down. It's-it's alright. They're not going to hurt you," Eneresh's voice rings out over the comms. "Just let them through."

Eneresh's followers part before the Sororitas, many falling to their knees and begging forgiveness. Some throw accusations at Eneresh of having tricked them, bewitched them or otherwise forced them into service. Still others beg for them to be merciful to her.

Caelia only reluctantly lowered the Boltgun as they passed through the crowd. She ignored their pleas as they proceeded forward. Besides the fact that they were on a time limit, it was jumbled mess of accusations, pleas, and begging for mercy. She couldn't make a useful sense of it if she tried, so she didn't.

As they passed into the Command center, Caelia hit the ejection rune on the Slayer. She caught the ejected magazine, gauged how many rounds were left, then attached the half empty container to her hip for later. It's replacement came up-the white band (now stained slightly red) indicating it's purpose quite clearly.

There was a satisfying click as the Machine spirit accepted the blessed ammunition. The audible sound of the chamber loading the first shell told of the Boltgun's eagerness to fire upon a worthy target.

Something hold Caelia the Slayer would get it's wish.

(OOC: Blessed Rounds loaded)

The reinforced doors to the command center yawn open, and the squad ventures forward. Banks of cogitators line the room, leading to secreted barracks and armories. All of them have clearly seen better days. Many of the cogitators have been stripped clean or are missing entirely, and piles of loot and salvage have been crudely piled across the tables. Eneresh sits halfway into the room, resting her arms heavily on a steel table. She raises a cup of recaf to her lips as the squad enters the room, her hands shaking. Compared to the pictures you had, she's a mess. Her pony tail's been replaced by a crude and partial shave, numerous small nicks and cuts visible across her freckled features, and the shadows under her eyes are deeply pronounced. Palais raises a fist for the group to halt.

"Hi," Eneresh says, not looking at the Sisters. "I guess you got me. You got me...You fething..."

There is a spark. A flash, and then Eneresh's hand is ablaze. The recaf mug bursts, molten ceramic running between her fingers like wax. The flames crawl up the edge of her ill-fitting greatcoat like a living thing, curling up her neck. For a moment, it is as though she is crowned by a living flame. Weapons snap up as the witch looks up, her eyes burning like embers. And then, just as suddenly, the flame is gone, nothing but a few errant sparks to mark its passing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's stopped, okay!" Eneresh says, raising her hands as sparks fall from her fingers. "ThroneI didn't mean to do that! Feth, feth, feth! Don't bloody shoot me!"

"Stand down, damn your eyes!" Vahn snaps, slapping down a mercenary's rifle. "I want her alive!"

The witch settles back down in her chair, looking at her hands, and then at the steaming cup of recaf still on the table, as though she'd never picked it up. She stares at it in bemusement for a long moment, before shaking her head. "Just-Don't shoot. Okay, look the Hall of Bones-Feth, they're all bloody bones by now, they should be. They are, I don't...We don't have much time before it shows up, you understand? Tell me you have a good plan, this time," she says, glancing at the steaming mug. Biting her lip, she picks it up gingerly as though expecting it to explode, and then brings it her lips to take a short sip. Then, she puts it down with a frown. "Of course it's still shite, it was shite the first time," she mutters. "What am I even doing? Throne I hate this."

Palais hisses into the vox. "Ware, Sisters. If you think you're at risk, don't hesitate."

It nearly got it's chance a few moment's later.

Her holosight placed a targeting reticule directly overlapping with Eneresh's head. If this was the beginning of the Witch's attack on them, Caelia would make her regret it.

A moment of tension. The Witch Finder barked his command. She kept the rifle up.

Then the Witch profusely apologized for the unnatural event. Caelia resisted the urge to snort. The Emperor may have mercy on Witches, but only if they learned to control their unnatural abilities. Case in point, what had just happened.

She reluctantly lowered the Slayer. The Targeting reticule disappeared, as if the rifle were dejected.

"The plan is to extract you, Witch." Caelia said, curtly. "Whatever is chasing you will have to chase us, and we are equipped to deal with it better than anyone else in this Tower. Especially if we're in a position to force it into combat on our terms. Which we cannot do without willing cooperation." She placed steel in her voice, but there was a kernal of doubt there-both that the Witch would give them that cooperation, or that they could be so confident in defeating....whatever it was that the Witch claimed to come for her.
"Get down!" Palais shouts, a moment before the barrel detonates and bathes the entire left side of the staircase in flame. Caelia is thrown off her feet down the staircase, sparks flying as her power reactor scraps off the steps. Her vision in a blur of raging flames and billowing smoke, pain washing over her body. Illana, quicker on her fleet, throws herself down. She feels the warmth of the blast wash over her back, avoiding the worst of the explosive blast, but the burning promethium soaks her back and lower legs, her suit systems warning of rising temperatures

On the other side of the barricade, the recidivists haul up a second barrel bomb, but just as it reaches the top of the barricade, one of the criminals loses his grip. The barrel tips back, crashing down as the anarchists curse and shout. Maria and Palais see their opening and rush forward, even as heavy stubber rounds spark off their armour. Together, the two of them crash into the barricade. Armour servos howl and muscles strain as the two women press against the heavy fortifications and the brothers frantically pushing back against them. Maria grits her teeth, agony rushing up through her muscles as an autopistol is emptied harmlessly into her helmet. For a moment, the pain of her burning muscles threatens to overwhelm her, every part of her body screaming. Yet, with each gasped prayer to the God-Emperor, the agony recedes, replaced with purpose. With each pained psalm, the barricade tilts back, farther and farther.

And then, with a great crash, it topples. Anarchists scramble in every direction, abandoning their weapons as they rush for the next set of barricades. The Sororitas, exhausted or aflame, do not pursue. Not when the route to their objective lies on this floor, the yawning doors leading toward Eneresh beckoning just ahead.

Palais places a hand against the barricade, gasping for air. "God-Emperor. Moving furniture on Velorum must be hell," she breathes, absently helping Maria beat out the flames burning along her armour. The Sister-Superior takes in a deep breath and glances back to where Eriko stands.
Ilana laughed hoarsely at that, a prayer in thanks for the Emperor's providence in mind as she beat out the burning wads of promethium along greaves. Her plate seemed to quiet at that, the warning hymns dimming from their once-alarmed tone as they saw the enemy finally flee from them, the anarchists finally knowing the futility of their efforts against His righteous daughters. Even exhausted as she was, she forced herself to stay upright as her limbs burned from the diminishing adrenaline. The Emperor watched, that conviction permeated her bone-deep, and she could not let herself fail to let herself display vigour equal to His Love, no matter how meager her efforts were in comparison.

Ilana curled a fist over a surviving piece of masonry as she responded. "Were I a crueler woman I would inform Drill-Abbott Moria in this new and exciting development in Progena development." She shook her head in mock-sorrow. "Fortunately for them the Emperor has saw fit to bless me with a sense of empathy."
The witch settles back down in her chair, looking at her hands, and then at the steaming cup of recaf still on the table, as though she'd never picked it up. She stares at it in bemusement for a long moment, before shaking her head. "Just-Don't shoot. Okay, look the Hall of Bones-Feth, they're all bloody bones by now, they should be. They are, I don't...We don't have much time before it shows up, you understand? Tell me you have a good plan, this time," she says, glancing at the steaming mug. Biting her lip, she picks it up gingerly as though expecting it to explode, and then brings it her lips to take a short sip. Then, she puts it down with a frown. "Of course it's still shite, it was shite the first time," she mutters. "What am I even doing? Throne I hate this."

Palais hisses into the vox. "Ware, Sisters. If you think you're at risk, don't hesitate."
"Understood Sister Superior." Ilana glanced at the witch, clearly nervous and still sparking with unrestrained power, even if they could still go along with the laughable notion that she wouldn't turn on them there was a strong likelihood that her lax grip on her warpfire would turn on them just as easily as ill-intent. "I will see to the safe-keeping of the witch until she is successfully extracted."

Her magazine was fresh, but she ejected it anyway, replacing it shells of blazing, engraved silver. Something awful and tainted made its way up to them, she looked around almost by instinct, but for once the shadow of her nightmares was nowhere to be found. But still there was the nauseating stench of the heretical, the anticipation of holy work and the struggle against the touch of the Empyrean. She didn't add to Maria's query, self-aware enough that she was unlikely to contribute productively, but she still leaned in keenly all the same. If they could learn anything about whatever crept up to them even through a psyker's ravings then it worth the effort of disentangling the cross-hatch webs the fates of the Empyrean loved to spin.