Blazing cuts scythe across Eriko's armour, tearing away chunks of ceramite, cracking bone, shattering a rib. She staggers back, only the dull bliss of combat stimulants coursing through her veins allowing her to grit her teeth against the pain and stand her ground. Palais is shouting something, but her ears are still ringing, but she cries aloud her plan over the vox. Clear the line of fire for Maria.

"Quitting our duel so early, cousin? How droll," the Daemonkin mocks, pressing its assault. Its words slither through her, each word clear despite how little she can hear. "Are you not the fire? Are you not the pyre?" With each word the fires within burn brighter, scalding the vision of any who look upon it, photovisors flickering and shrieking in agony. A mighty blow throws Eriko to the ground, sparks flying as her reactor scrapes against the rockcrete floor. It raises its edged arm high for a decapitating blow, the unholy energies flickering along them seeming almost to smile down upon the Sister. "Come, Cousin. Burn with us."

Faintly, Eriko thinks she hears Palais crying something out, but over the ringing in her ears, she can hear it not.
Eriko lurches back like a drunkard. The chain-greatsword is held loose in her hand as she parries and shuffles for all that she is worth. It is barely enough to keep the Possessed from decapitating her with its power sword. The wretched thing cries for her soul but she would not let it have it.

She is losing or has lost, and all she is trying to accomplish is Palais' last orders to her. She could not hear anything after that but the ringing in her ears and the slithering of the Beholden's words. It was as if it were just the two of them. Yet this was no duel after all, just her trapped alone with a monster. Its voice incessant, the only thing in her world now.

Then her boot catches on a table leg. Solid and unyielding. Velorum-pattern. She tries to twist out of the way but she is too late, her footing too unstable, and one mighty blow from the Beholden send her crashing into the floor.
"Savine, bless this shot!" Vahn Zayneth's voice rings aloud, and suddenly the crack of a dueling las splits the air. There is a flash of scarlet light, and then the psyker staggers back, as silent as ever. But it is no stoic demeanor that stills its tongue this time, but rather the blackened hole where its lungs and indeed, most of its upper chest, used to be. And yet the heretic's body remains standing, transfixed as psychic energy flickers up and down its body and smoke rises from its damaged augmetics. Something within the witch's augmetics gives way with a shriek of tearing metal. Energy arcs across the psyker's form as the witch-light in its eyes grows brighter and brighter and brighter. Flesh and bone bends and twists like dough in the hands of a Pretzelmaker, the blazing carcass shuddering with every fresh snap of bones and augmeticimplants slough away like wax.

And yet that strange metal mask stares on with a terrible calm, untouched by the uncontrolled warp energy that ravages its owner. Then there is nothing but light, a storm of warp energy-consuming the broken body of the heretic. And the mask still stares on from the maelstrom, its uncaring gaze judging all upon the battlefield. With a final flash, the storm ends, leaving nothing but ash, bits of molten metal and charred flesh, and an untouched mask

Yet, the prayers of the Sisters ring loud over the horror, even as the heretics standing before them stare on in horror. The mercenary sergeant hesitates a moment then gives a hasty bark, "Such is the fate of all witches!" Behind the youth yelps, and with his eyes closed and stumbling prayers on his lips, he raises his rifle in trembling hands as Palais and Eriko leaps out of melee with the monstrous leader of the heretics, and Maria raises her heavy bolter to slay it.
"That thou wouldst bring them only death,
That thou shouldst spare none,

She and her sisters sing, voices held above the ravages of the Warp. Even though she could only hear the ringing in her ears, she continued to sing, knowing the psalms by heart. Such was the fate of all witches, and with the loss of one of their vaunted own, she could see the heretics shake in their booths. With Zayneth's shot, the tables have shifted and it was only a matter of tipping it further into their favor.

On the floor, she looked up at the Beholden looming over her. She did not know if she would live to see their victory.

The death of the Sorcerer draws not even a moment's pause or glance from the Daemonkin as its slayer-limb falls, coursing with power. At the last moment Eriko jerks her head aside, the howling blade gouging a deep gash along the side of her helmet and punching a hole into the floor. Kicking out, Eriko's sabatons slams into the beast's chest and throw it back for a moment. She rolls to her feet, ignoring the brief flames that dance across her greaves, raising her greatsword in a ready stance. Palais, seeing her safe leaps back, clearing the line of fire. The effort does not go unnoticed.
The Beholden's sword flashed, a downward strike to decapitate her but lunges away at the last second and its power sword scratches only the crimson paint from her helm. She had managed to create room between them, half of a table serving as a barrier between Adepta Sororitas and Daemon-Possessed.

Luck. Saint Leanna smiles on her.

She grinds out the words through the Beholden's taunts.

"I. Concede."

Eriko lifted her sword in the Beholden's direction. It was a salute, of sorts, not for the Possessed Daemonkind, but to her Sisters and allies.

"Hit that thing with everything we got!" The Mercenary Sergeant bellows even as one of his men staggers against him, smoke rising from the las-burn in his helmet. "Blow it back to the warp from whence it came!" the sergeant bellows as he rips a frag grenade clean from his belt.

Grenades slam all around the Daemonkin. Stub and lasrounds scream out, and Maria's heavy bolter gives a throaty roar as it opens up. And then the beast disappears in a storm of the waves of detonations, disappearing in a cloud of heat and shrapnel. Shrapnel slashes off bookshelves and overlooking gargoyles, careening madly off Eriko's pauldron.

And then the smoke clears, and the horror takes a single, disciplined, step forward. Fire, almost golden, flickers along the side of its bestial helm, armour charring like burned flesh. But it stands tall, undiminished. "A good attempt. Very close," it compliments, and then it rushes forward in a blur of movement. Eriko's greatsword lashes out, rushing over the monster's head. Palais' chainsword sings as it kisses its cuirass, leaving a trail of almost golden flame. But still it comes on, with each measured step.

Straight at Ilana's back.
The library shakes with the force of the detonations and focused fire, ancient vellum and dust blowing up into the air. For a moment, red laslight and smoke obscures the Beholden. The Storm of Summers adjusts her sight, and in that triumph of coordination and cunning, Eriko smiles. She may have conceeded the duel but in so doing she upheld her obligation to her allies. The Beholden was gone, pummeled and would only need the finishing blow to rid this world of its existence.

She stepped forward and stopped as the smoke clears a bit more. Steel plate flashes here and there, burning golden fire. It moves, a single disciplined step, not at all like the lurch of a monster on its last legs. Eriko's hands grip her greatsword tighter, a cold calm falling over her yet again. Again, the fight. No duel anymore. She had no chance of winning. She only needed to stall until Squad Ophania arrives.

"Then come. Taste my steel." Her grinds, an effort to say even the two phrases.

But the Beholden does not go for her. Her eyes widen as she sees it step, unnaturally fast, towards her Sisters. Palais' cry to Ilana cuts through the ringing of her ears. Eriko stabs forward, desperate to stop the Beholden from claiming one victim, but it slips away and her greatsword thrusts into the wood paneling of a bookcase. She slams a sabaton against the bookcase as she gives a heaves her sword out, twisting to see what the Beholden had done.

Detonations ring out from behind Ilana, the thunder of heavy bolter rounds and the howl of chainswords. "Illana, ware!" Palais cries aloud, and then the Battle-Sister hears it. The measured, perfectly paced foot steps ringing off the rockcrete behind her. She half turns just in time to see the slick gleam of its fine armour, the grin of its helm.

"Very good, Cousin," it says, and its slayer-limb falls and then Ilana feels pain. It takes a moment for her to register the blade buried through her plackart. "A wound to the back is a poorly thing indeed, unworthy of inflicting to a true scion of Araxes. Thank you, cousin, and our apologies for the gift you are about to receive," it hisses into her ear and for a moment, Ilana swears she can feel something writhe in her gut.

And then a snarl of pain escapes the Daemonskin and its rips its blade free in a burst of blood. It whips its bolt pistol against Ilana's cuirass hard enough to throw her to the floor right beside the bounty hunter. Blood spurts from the open wound in her gut, the armour blackened and compromised, but the hexagrammic wards flare with life. [Tainted trait Negated]

"Your Ecclesiarchy's sorcery. I suppose you should be gladdened, cousin. It seems that the Gift of the Gods not for you this day," it says. It leans forward, towering over both her and the wounded bounty hunter, whose eyes widen beneath her helm in obvious horror. "Yield, Sister of the Burning Rose, you are bested and we would not sup of your mortal soul if given chance. We are not the nightmares that haunt your dreams. We are not the infidels that ravaged your world, and brought the blasphemy of Oblivion upon your people. Yield, cousin. We have no quarrel with the disciples of the Martyr of the Burning Rose, who stood against the false King of the Infidel people of Despertillio. It would be a wound indeed to slay you over something as trivial as a feckless peasant blessed beyond her ken."

It turns its daemonic gaze upon Eneresh, her expression white as a ghost. "Hello, Eneresh."

A hiss over the vox scratches at Leanna's ear. "This is Squad Ophania. About thirty seconds from your level," it crackles.
In that moment, she knew four things.

First: Ilana was on the floor, blood pooling too quickly underneath her. Her armor is ruptured, a stab wound by the Beholden's sword. Most likely a clean one, though she does not know what warpery it had inflicted on her Sister. Two: the Beholden still stood unbowed, but their plan had some effect on it. Its back was turned, not that it mattered. She needed to reach it and kill it quickly, even if she could barely fight it on even terms for the whole of their duel. Palais would help her. Three: Squad Ophania was coming soon. Perhaps too late.

And four: she had failed.

1st Turn: Eriko does a Charge on the Beholden.
Eriko: WS 40 + Good-Quality 5 + Charge 20 = TN 65.
Beholden: Charge -10 to WS to rest of the Turn

2nd Turn: All-Out Attack + Called Shot (Exposed Part on Head) on the Beholden. Caelia gives Eriko an Inspire. +20 Faith. Delay to after Caelia if Eriko goes before Caelia.
Eriko: WS 40 + All-Out Attack 20 + Faith 20 + Good-Quality 5 + Grappled 20 + Inspire 10 - Called Shot 20 = TN 95

Chain Greatsword Stats with All-Out Attack
2h Melee, 1d10+4+1+SB, 3 + 1 = 4 Pen, Tearing, Slow, Impact (Melee), Proven (4 + 2 = 6)

Thine Arm be the Scourge of the Impure
Such a suit grants the wearer +1 DoS when making melee attacks and reduces DoF by 1.
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Along the flanks boltguns boom, and the wails of the dying echo aloud. Caelia's bolt pistol fires at such close range the explosive charge doesn't fuse, but the sheer strength of the round is still enough to tear a heretic in twain as she raises her lasgun. Another heretic rolls with military precision into cover, the bolt shell missing her by inches. She rises to her feet with a cry in their pagan tongue, but Caelia knows well the sound of lasguns being beseeched to unleash their maximum charge. High powered lasgun fire flashes against her carmine armour, one shot striking against her elbow with such force that her arm spasms and empties a round into the ground by her feet, showering her sabatons with splinters of rockcrete. Such a blow could have been more serious, but as the Sisters straightens out her armour, internal hydraulics whine in what almost sounds like laughter to her ears, daring the foe to strike again.

Just three rounds left in the magazine, the spirits of her helmet warn, failing to even acknowledge the blow struck.

Three more kills to make. First, the one who just shot me, then...

Her considerations on targeting were interrupted as she heard Ilanna cry out and Palais' warning. She stifled a gasp of surprise and fear and turned to glance in the opposite direction, past the bookshelves and towards Ilanna's position.

The Beholden, stood triumphant over her sister, it's weapon limb raised. Blood, dark and murky in the low lighting, pooled on the floor at it's feet. And no doubt, just behind it was wounded Ilanna and Enneresh.

It had to be stopped, no matter what.

She felt the rage build again, filling her body with a warmth that burnt away the deadness of fatigue, numbed pain, and melted away the vestigial fear. Now there was only tactics to consider. Shooting was right out-she couldn't risk hitting Enneresh, and from the condition she was likely in, Ilanna either. Melee was the only option, but she lacked a blessed blade....

She saw Eriko, climbing to her feet, bringing her massive sword to arms, and staring at the daemonic abomination. Palais too, no doubt, would soon be charging. Both of them had weapons that could hurt it...the best she could do would be to serve as a distraction.

This was going to be....difficult.

Caelia nodded to Eriko, then without so much as a word or an acknowledgement, she immediately sprinted away from the two heretics down the side of the library. Her armor's hydraulics and servos whined in a sound that almost sounded like laughing.

At what she didn't know, but at least she knew the Machine Spirit was still with her.

Halfway to the Beholden, the Abomination, her Microbead alerted her reinforcements were incoming. Useful to know, because at least she would not have to worry about the rest of the rabble that Ophania's squad and the Mercenaries would deal with.

She drew and raised her Gladius in the last seconds of the charge. Not because it'd be any use, but perhaps the thing would react to a bladed weapon. Perhaps because having a weapon in hand steeled her nerves.

Then a beat of her heart later, she was behind the thing, Sword raised, and shouting "Step away from her, Abomination!"

Now it was in the Emperor's hands.

Turn 1: Run into melee with Beholden. Be Distracting as possible, try to get it to attack me.
Turn 2: Aim+Grapple, and hold it down for Eriko and Palais
Turn 3: Continue Grapple, Attempt Grapple Again if failed first time, or if focusing on me Full Defensive Stance and Draw Gladius
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The battlefield was a thrumming mass outside of her, a world beyond her armor and herself. Maria's world had grown very small. Her vision struggled with the disruptions to her helmet, her ears bled and buzzed, her limbs were still heavy. Still, the soft wash of suppressors gave her a strength of sorts. They granted her the strength to rise from the floor, look downrange at the remaining witch, and hate.

The retributor staggered to her feet. There was motion all around her as her sisters scrambled to converge. There were forces beyond, forces that would seek to interfere. Just a little longer. Just a few more rounds love, keep her upright. Keep the gun steady. No witch, no heretic, no beast or greenskin would take them. Trust in Him, for He was in her as He was in all. His fires would burn out the sin of the world and make it clean and right for the good and kind.

She couldn't tell if she said the prayers or just remembered them, but the witch would die.

Round 1: Stand, brace
Round 2: Full auto on Nightcaller 2
Round 3: Move and shoot the nearest out of melee concentration of enemies
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Detonations ring out from behind Ilana, the thunder of heavy bolter rounds and the howl of chainswords. "Illana, ware!" Palais cries aloud, and then the Battle-Sister hears it. The measured, perfectly paced foot steps ringing off the rockcrete behind her. She half turns just in time to see the slick gleam of its fine armour, the grin of its helm.

"Very good, Cousin," it says, and its slayer-limb falls and then Ilana feels pain. It takes a moment for her to register the blade buried through her plackart. "A wound to the back is a poorly thing indeed, unworthy of inflicting to a true scion of Araxes. Thank you, cousin, and our apologies for the gift you are about to receive," it hisses into her ear and for a moment, Ilana swears she can feel something writhe in her gut.

And then a snarl of pain escapes the Daemonskin and its rips its blade free in a burst of blood. It whips its bolt pistol against Ilana's cuirass hard enough to throw her to the floor right beside the bounty hunter. Blood spurts from the open wound in her gut, the armour blackened and compromised, but the hexagrammic wards flare with life. [Tainted trait Negated]

"Your Ecclesiarchy's sorcery. I suppose you should be gladdened, cousin. It seems that the Gift of the Gods not for you this day," it says. It leans forward, towering over both her and the wounded bounty hunter, whose eyes widen beneath her helm in obvious horror. "Yield, Sister of the Burning Rose, you are bested and we would not sup of your mortal soul if given chance. We are not the nightmares that haunt your dreams. We are not the infidels that ravaged your world, and brought the blasphemy of Oblivion upon your people. Yield, cousin. We have no quarrel with the disciples of the Martyr of the Burning Rose, who stood against the false King of the Infidel people of Despertillio. It would be a wound indeed to slay you over something as trivial as a feckless peasant blessed beyond her ken."

It turns its daemonic gaze upon Eneresh, her expression white as a ghost. "Hello, Eneresh."

A hiss over the vox scratches at Leanna's ear. "This is Squad Ophania. About thirty seconds from your level," it crackles.
The daemonblade slid out of Ilana's guts with a slick hiss, followed by a strike of thunder that threw her senselessly to the ground.

The initial blaze of agony tore rational thought from her mind, and what little had survived the initial blaze of agony left her clutching desperately at the wound, spurts of black-red beading down the hydrophobic paint that mirrored it. it was pain as she had never experienced before, the indoctrination drills, the punishments of the Drill-Abbots, it had all been a pale shadow of the reality of death itself brushing against her. Armour was no proof against the daemon's cruelties. Was the evidence not before her eyes? Dripping with her very own lifeblood as it spoke, hissing as it rose as crimson steam.

Only once had she received greater injury than this, the memory of blackened sky and her father being consumed flashed before her mind's eye. Had he been afraid? Were his last moments punctuated with the fear and loss she felt so keenly now? What did he think as he watched from the side of the throne? Disappointed? Sad? Perhaps even proud? Her guttered breaths grew harsh to her ear. What would father think?

Throne it hurt so much. Was that weakness fleeing her body and soul as the scriptures proclaimed? Or proof of the craven core at her heart? The last fears of that little girl she never successfully buried. The thought of failure hurt so much. Eneresh may be a witch, but Ilana would never wish the daemon upon her soul. Some things were worth sacrifice to fight.

Ilana was scared. Ilana was desperate. Ilana did not want to die.

"...His flock is ours to shepherd fro-from the daemon." Ilana gasped, gagging on the blood and bile that rose even now from her throat. She could feel herself growing weak even as the pain suppressants returned her control over her body. Yet still, her gauntlet closed tightly over her bolter. "Were it an easy path," she whispered, "the destination would be worthless."

But above all, Ilana had faith.

Fate to go first, or if by some miracle I go first without needing it then I boost my roll by +20 while I single shot the sod in the weak point. Pain suppressant and Ancient Arts which I can use because I have Agile thanks to Extra Grip.

Go big or go home.
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The Possessed Set to Flight
"Ever the Saint's Daughters," the Daemon-Thing says. "And for a wretch of Dreverarch. You despise this world, O Cousin, and you despise her. And yet you would die for her? The Hero of the Burning Rose must smile upon you."

Its blade-limb cuts upward, haloed by a nimbus of coursing energy. Strength flows through Ilana's veins even as she prepares to meet her death. The Blood of Martyrs is the Seed of the Imperium. At that moment, she feels the hand of the Saint upon her. And for a brief second, her foe trembles, burning eye-lights darting away from her.

Then the throaty rev of chainblades splits the air and Ilana's sisters rush to her rescue. Eriko, Caelia and Palais appear, the glint of the candlelights leaving their warplate as though aflame. The Daemon-thing turns smoothly, as though at drill, bringing up its limb. "Come cousins of the pyre. The Fire Ne'er dieth, and from its warmth we again were born."

And with terrible noise, power armour crashes against the weight of daemon-flesh. Motors gutter and chainswords shriek as they bite into flesh-like metal, shattered teeth cannoning off armour plate. Ceramite and adamantium run like wax before the terrible strikes of its umbral blade. Ilana's boltgun thunders its hate with each fresh round chambered into its magazine, each boom as another bolt fires and mournful wail as each turns off the odd angles of the creature's flesh-armour, and each is answered in turn by the monster's own, ceramite buckling as bolts slam against hardened plate. Molten metal pours across Palais' gauntlets and smoke swirls from damaged chainteeth and smoldering purity seals, but again and again she delivers blows across the daemon's hide. Caelia bites back a grunt as her gladius narrowly turns aside a telling blow, steam rising from the red hot edge where the metal has disintegrated, even the shallow blow from the horror's blade carving a deep channel into her plastron. But still she stands, hacking out with her blade.

Eriko's blade falls, and the Daemon-thing's blade carves through the air to meet it. Energy flares, and with a terrifying shriek of disintegrating adamantium and buckling ceramite, her greatsword comes apart at the mid-point. She jerks back as the umbral haloed edge flickers past her visor, close enough it leaves afterimages in her vision. Her weapon gives a final pained shriek as its engine dies and lengths of chainteeth bounce off the floor like mislaid pennies. The disruption field has shattered her blade in twain, the jagged edges smoldering red-hot from the waste heat of molecular destruction caused by its accursed disruption field. And yet, still, she pushes herself into the fight, ready to strike down the monstrosity with her broken blade or even her fists if necessary.

Behind the Sisters, Eneresh cries out. "Feth off!" she curses as a heretic falls upon her. The heretic laughs through stubby teeth, swirling tattoos and bizarre fetishes visible beneath his ever-shifting camo-cloak seeming to dance as he grab Eneresh in his calloused grip. To her side the other heretic falls upon the cursing bounty hunter, their blade cracking violently off her greaves again and again. The Bounty hunter echoes Eneresh's word as he chainsword cuts out and bites into her opponent right beneath the ribs before dragging it through the foeman's spine. She kicks the tumbling corpse back, snarling in pain from her wounded leg. She tries and fails to rise to Eneresh's aid, but her leg gives out from under her.

Fresh wounds carved into the daemon-thing plate, it raises its sword in seemingly earnest salute. But even as its flourishing blade cuts a path through the air, the sound of bolter fire and screams echoes across the hall.

Maria rises upward. Servo muscles and real ones alike strain and protest, but neither Maria or Indomitable are ready to surrender yet. A grenade goes off near her, shrapnel whizzing off her plate. Somewhere behind her she hears the young lad screaming in pain, and mercenaries coughing and sputtering they duck and cover, but her attention is focused on the glowing figure across the hall.The remaining psyker, augments flickering with feedback from its twin's death, glares hatred at Maria even as it stumbles back under a flurry of laspistol shots from the mercenary sergeant. A trembling hand alight in witch fire punches out, but the wave of force that washes over Maria is no stronger than a strong gust of wind. She levels her heavy bolter, even as a high powered las-round drills a crater into her right sabaton. Even as a bolt round punches into her gorget and sends shrapnel scraping across her faceplate and visor or into the armour-seals around her throat. Indomitable's warnings are noted and ignored, and she depresses the trigger on her weapon.

The thunder of her weapon is like the God-Emperor's fury made manifest, filling the air with shells that scream for joy as they race toward their target. The psyker raises up both his hands, smashing aside bolts, halting others in mid-air as their fuses cook-off, and raising an aurora of coruscating energy about himself as some sort of force field. It matters not: The pious spirits of each bolt will not be denied by his witchery. Rounds smash through his barriers and tricks, crash against the force field he has exacted about himself and explode with thunderous aplomb. He is thrown back, blood gushing from the crater torn in his flak coat, revealing blackened veins and pulsating machinery beneath his coat. He staggers, his unholy aura dissipating and dying. His underlings drag him into the cover of one of the bookshelves just as she levels her heavy bolter again, certain that it will save him not.

But then, she lowers her weapon, for there is no further need for its service.

From the mouth of the crater torn in the wall, scarlet armour glints in the candle light. At their head is Ophania, draped in long lengths of penitent beads, her eviscerator laid at ease across her right shoulder. The screams and cries of heretics reach out to the heavens, and it is with but a wordless gesture that Ophania banishes them forever more. Led by the ever-eager Gwynais, flamers bathe the witch and his allies in fire, even as boltguns boom out and finish off groaning wounded. A heretic hidden beneath a table leaps to his feet and tries to flee, only to catch a bolt from Katia through the back of the head. Striding casually past the burning carcasses. Ophania motions her Sisters' forward. She slows for a moment, seeing Palais bitterly embattled. Suddenly she is galloping ahead, eviscerator howling as she readies it.

All this the Beholden sees as its burning gaze falls upon the field. Its unnatural blade lowers, and with a courteous bow, it leaps back from the blades that fall upon it.

"We are not so proud as to refuse to admit when we are bested. Victory is yours, O Children of the Burning Rose, and with it likely all of this world of shadows and muck," It hisses. "My congratulations. When we meet again, may it be for a nobler cause, and make for equally noble ends. Fare thee well."

"Coward!" Palais bellows even as her sword turns from its side. Blows rain upon it as it gives flight, tearing away chunks of bleeding armour, molten blood pooling down the stairs. Ophania's chainsword takes the creature full in the back, biting deeply enough any mortal man would not have survived. But the daemon-thing pulls free of the rending blades and moves on, each step measured and controlled. Even as bolters howl and rounds crack off its back and explode against its hide, each footstep is as exact and measured as the last.

And then, the beast is gone.

Eneresh shoves off her attacker. "Rot in the warp!" The psyker bellows, raising her manacled hands. For a moment there is a spark, flashes of heat's along the psykers hands, but then it dies away as suddenly as it began, leaving only a faint glow in her cold iron manacles. "No, no, no!" She cries as the the heretic laughs in her face and raises her rifle to club her down.
Then a sellsword's bayonet hins the heretic's shoulder. Stagger back, blood welling from the wound, the heretic pauses to see his master gone. With dreadful certainty pulls a serrated dagger from his belt. "Night will come again," the heretic breathes even as he drives her knife straight through the carotid artery and drags its cruel edge across her throat. The other remaining cultist howls and casts aside her autogun as she charges at the Imperials. Her cries end in a burst of autogun rounds, her broken body thudding against the bookshelf.

It is a false silence that falls upon the library. Fires burn, bits of broken rockcrete fall from ceilings and walls as shredded data-slates spark. The wounded groan and curse, and power armour hisses and snarls in barely constrained fury. Palais, gulping air, smashes a fist weakly against the stairway.

"We must pursue," she gasps. "Before that warpspawned thing can get-" Her words die in her throat as Illana stumbles, blood pooling from the previous wound torn in her chestplate. "Emperor preserve us. Eriko, tend to Illana's wounds, now!" Her helm turns across the groaning friendly wounded, falling on the youth writhing on the stairway. "All the wounded. Ophania-"

"We can't catch the beast," The other Sister-Superior says. "But honour demands we try."

Palais gives a single firm nod in agreement. Eneresh, breathing heavily, speaks up. "Oh, Throne no! That's toward the observation deck. Fething shite! Vennedes could be up there! Please, for the love of the Golden Throne! You have to hurry! Please!"

"Don't think we're forgetting about you, witch," Vahn grunts as he limps along, favoring his blackened leg. "Our first priority must be on extracting the witch. Don't think I didn't see you attempting to cast your magicks, psyker," he says, eyes narrowed into slits.

The Blood of Martyrs is the Seed of the Imperium, and even the greatest of the Sisters of the Burning Rose must be ready to lay their blood down in protection of those their lesser.
Even a commoner.
Even a Witch.
For none are below the God-Emperor's protection.
The God-Emperor of Mankind sees all.
The God-Emperor of Mankind judges all.
And in Illana, He sees the spirit of Saint Leanna.
And He Judges it Good.
Squad Palais receives a Miracle Point. Sister Ilana restores all spent Faith points.
So it shall be.
Then the throaty rev of chainblades splits the air and Ilana's sisters rush to her rescue. Eriko, Caelia and Palais appear, the glint of the candlelights leaving their warplate as though aflame. The Daemon-thing turns smoothly, as though at drill, bringing up its limb. "Come cousins of the pyre. The Fire Ne'er dieth, and from its warmth we again were born."

And with terrible noise, power armour crashes against the weight of daemon-flesh. Motors gutter and chainswords shriek as they bite into flesh-like metal, shattered teeth cannoning off armour plate. Ceramite and adamantium run like wax before the terrible strikes of its umbral blade. Ilana's boltgun thunders its hate with each fresh round chambered into its magazine, each boom as another bolt fires and mournful wail as each turns off the odd angles of the creature's flesh-armour, and each is answered in turn by the monster's own, ceramite buckling as bolts slam against hardened plate. Molten metal pours across Palais' gauntlets and smoke swirls from damaged chainteeth and smoldering purity seals, but again and again she delivers blows across the daemon's hide. Caelia bites back a grunt as her gladius narrowly turns aside a telling blow, steam rising from the red hot edge where the metal has disintegrated, even the shallow blow from the horror's blade carving a deep channel into her plastron. But still she stands, hacking out with her blade.
Eriko leads the charge to Ilana's aid, chain-greatsword crashing against the monster with the full weight of her power armour thrown into it. Palais and Caelia are not only a few seconds behind her.

The fight has turned into a four-to-one battle and even with the numbers in their favor, the Beholden would not fall. It stands in the middle of a maelstrom of steel, tall and unbent as it beats back their advances again and again. Eriko counts the seconds for she knows it is only a matter of time before her pain suppressants run out and she would face her injuries all at once. It would debilitate her. And Ilana's condition was even more grievous than hers. She could tell by the healing runes that marked her sister's status within the Storm of Summer's helmet.

With these thoughts weighing on her mind, she throws herself at the Beholden once more with abandon. She throws the shackles of self-preservation away, knowing that in the twilight between a patient's life and a practitioner's death, it is only Righteous that she choose what Duty demands.

Eriko's blade falls, and the Daemon-thing's blade carves through the air to meet it. Energy flares, and with a terrifying shriek of disintegrating adamantium and buckling ceramite, her greatsword comes apart at the mid-point. She jerks back as the umbral haloed edge flickers past her visor, close enough it leaves afterimages in her vision. Her weapon gives a final pained shriek as its engine dies and lengths of chainteeth bounce off the floor like mislaid pennies. The disruption field has shattered her blade in twain, the jagged edges smoldering red-hot from the waste heat of molecular destruction caused by its accursed disruption field. And yet, still, she pushes herself into the fight, ready to strike down the monstrosity with her broken blade or even her fists if necessary.

Behind the Sisters, Eneresh cries out. "Feth off!" she curses as a heretic falls upon her. The heretic laughs through stubby teeth, swirling tattoos and bizarre fetishes visible beneath his ever-shifting camo-cloak seeming to dance as he grab Eneresh in his calloused grip. To her side the other heretic falls upon the cursing bounty hunter, their blade cracking violently off her greaves again and again. The Bounty hunter echoes Eneresh's word as he chainsword cuts out and bites into her opponent right beneath the ribs before dragging it through the foeman's spine. She kicks the tumbling corpse back, snarling in pain from her wounded leg. She tries and fails to rise to Eneresh's aid, but her leg gives out from under her.

Fresh wounds carved into the daemon-thing plate, it raises its sword in seemingly earnest salute. But even as its flourishing blade cuts a path through the air, the sound of bolter fire and screams echoes across the hall.
The blessed machine-spirit dies in agony, sputtering black smoke and broken in twain.

She does not have the time to stare dumbly at its shattered remains, for to do so at this critical juncture would be the end of her. Instead, she slips away as Palais steps in and gives her a moment of respite. She grasps at her gladius, mag-locked on her hip, but before she could turn it against the Beholden, the sound of Bolter and flamer fire echoes from across the hall.

From the mouth of the crater torn in the wall, scarlet armour glints in the candle light. At their head is Ophania, draped in long lengths of penitent beads, her eviscerator laid at ease across her right shoulder. The screams and cries of heretics reach out to the heavens, and it is with but a wordless gesture that Ophania banishes them forever more. Led by the ever-eager Gwynais, flamers bathe the witch and his allies in fire, even as boltguns boom out and finish off groaning wounded. A heretic hidden beneath a table leaps to his feet and tries to flee, only to catch a bolt from Katia through the back of the head. Striding casually past the burning carcasses. Ophania motions her Sisters' forward. She slows for a moment, seeing Palais bitterly embattled. Suddenly she is galloping ahead, eviscerator howling as she readies it.

All this the Beholden sees as its burning gaze falls upon the field. Its unnatural blade lowers, and with a courteous bow, it leaps back from the blades that fall upon it.

"We are not so proud as to refuse to admit when we are bested. Victory is yours, O Children of the Burning Rose, and with it likely all of this world of shadows and muck," It hisses. "My congratulations. When we meet again, may it be for a nobler cause, and make for equally noble ends. Fare thee well."

"Coward!" Palais bellows even as her sword turns from its side. Blows rain upon it as it gives flight, tearing away chunks of bleeding armour, molten blood pooling down the stairs. Ophania's chainsword takes the creature full in the back, biting deeply enough any mortal man would not have survived. But the daemon-thing pulls free of the rending blades and moves on, each step measured and controlled. Even as bolters howl and rounds crack off its back and explode against its hide, each footstep is as exact and measured as the last.

And then, the beast is gone.
Eriko snarls as she swipes with her broken greatsword, but the shattered blade falls short as the Beholden turns tail. None of the Sororitas manage to stop its flight and Eriko watches it disappear as a mixture of emotion plays in her breast.

Elation, that Ophania and her squad had finally arrived and delivered them. Frustration, that the Beholden had escaped even through all of the Sisters present. Relief, that they their struggle was past and that no one had died. And quickly dawning on her, the cold efficiency of her art as she turns to Ilana and sees the blood seeping from the Sister's armour, now compromised.

Carnifex Penitent's crimson plate and the dust from the fighting hides the blood well, but Ilana's vitals are shown clear as the Sun for Eriko to see.

It is a false silence that falls upon the library. Fires burn, bits of broken rockcrete fall from ceilings and walls as shredded data-slates spark. The wounded groan and curse, and power armour hisses and snarls in barely constrained fury. Palais, gulping air, smashes a fist weakly against the stairway.

"We must pursue," she gasps. "Before that warpspawned thing can get-" Her words die in her throat as Illana stumbles, blood pooling from the previous wound torn in her chestplate. "Emperor preserve us. Eriko, tend to Illana's wounds, now!" Her helm turns across the groaning friendly wounded, falling on the youth writhing on the stairway. "All the wounded. Ophania-"

"We can't catch the beast," The other Sister-Superior says. "But honour demands we try."
Ilana stumbles but Eriko is there to catch her, a hand on Ilana's arm. Eriko half-carries her to the bookshelf then gently but firmly pushes her to a sitting position.

"Sit," she commands, very much used to the role of medicae, as she takes out her medicae tools. One look at Ilana's status shows that the pain suppressants are fading. Soon, she would be wracked by pain and though all Sororitas are trained to operate through it, that does not mean they do not feel the wounds inflicted on them. She takes out her morphia and begins the work of taking apart Carnifex Penitent to get to the woman underneath.

"I must commend you on your Heroic Courage," Eriko says, making small talk to distract Ilana from the grisly work on her body. Ilana's skin was pale, paler than usual even. Ghost white and her blood bled in dark contrast. "You shall carry trophies forward and our Sisters shall speak of this day."

Grimly, she inspects the wound and surrounding flesh for signs of taint and gladly notes that there is no indication, at least physically. A more thorough spiritual inspection will have to be conducted once they return back to base but that is not for Ilana to hear now.

"Tell me, Sister Ilana, what do you look forward to when we return? I imagine today has proved particularly taxing on both body and mind. What does a Laetifica, daughter of a Great House, do? You are related to the Lord Mattias of Savine's Hope. Am I accurate in my assumption?"

Palais gives a single firm nod in agreement. Eneresh, breathing heavily, speaks up. "Oh, Throne no! That's toward the observation deck. Fething shite! Vennedes could be up there! Please, for the love of the Golden Throne! You have to hurry! Please!"

"Don't think we're forgetting about you, witch," Vahn grunts as he limps along, favoring his blackened leg. "Our first priority must be on extracting the witch. Don't think I didn't see you attempting to cast your magicks, psyker," he says, eyes narrowed into slits.
She was too busy tending to Ilana to hear Eneresh's pleas, but were Eriko to hear, she would agree with the Witch-Hunter. Eneresh's delivery into Imperial hands was their first priority. Vennedes, as much as Eriko wished to see the recalcitrant see Imperial justice, was merely a token objective, someone to take if the opportunity was there.

Conduct First Aid on Ilana. Swift Suture talent halts one level of blood-loss per degree of success.
Int 40 + Hospitaller Medicae Tools 20 + Master Chirugeon 10 + Medicae 10 = TN 80

If Ilana's Blood Loss is not yet dealt with, do Staunch Bloodloss
Int 40 + Hospitaller Medicae Tools 20 + Hospitaller Medicae Tools Blood Loss 20 + Master Chirugeon 10 + Medicae 10 = TN 100

Enhanced First Aid
You may restore an additional 1d5 wounds with any successful Medicae test for First Aid special use.

Master Chirugeon
You are trained in the most advanced medical techniques known to man. You gain a +10 bonus on all Medicae Tests. If you are treating a Heavily or Critically Wounded patient, a successful Test twice the normal amount of Wounds.

Medicae Imperialis
The medic counts the state of damage a character is considered as one degree more or less severe (Critically Damaged count as Heavily Damaged, Heavily Damaged count as Lightly Damaged, etc.). If the character is already lightly wounded, heal one additional wound.

Swift Suture
Whenever this character succeeds on a Test to use the First Aid Special Use of the Medicae Skill, he also halts one level of blood-loss per degree of success.
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Caelia bites back a grunt as her gladius narrowly turns aside a telling blow, steam rising from the red hot edge where the metal has disintegrated, even the shallow blow from the horror's blade carving a deep channel into her plastron. But still she stands, hacking out with her blade.

Caelia was surprised to be alive.

She ducked back, eyes widening at the molten edge of her Gladius, then shifted back into a defensive stance, only half by deliberate thought.


It hadn't been conscious action that'd brought the sword to intercept that Daemonic blade. Conscious Thought had been occupied with the realization that the blade would come down and slay or mortally wound her, as surely as it gutted Ilanna. With the thoughts upon mortality and defeat, that the rage within her howled and rallied against.

In the end it had been sheer reflex and instinct that had intercepted the Beholden's sword and attempted to turn it aside with a classic parry. It shouldn't have worked, against a sword that could pierce Sanctified Warplate, against the sheer ageless skill of this abomination.

But somehow it had.

She laughed darkly, half a howl, and in the cracking and shifting of servos and artificial muscle her armor answered her. This time consciously she shifted the blade to a Half sword grip, ignoring the molten metal, and pressed back onto the offensive. She doubted the blade could hurt it at all, even though a joint, but then she'd doubted she could parry it.

It hardly mattered anyway-it considered her enough of a threat to turn aside from Eriko and the Sister Superior and most importantly Ilanna.

That was enough for now.

She just had to keep it up.

From the mouth of the crater torn in the wall, scarlet armour glints in the candle light. At their head is Ophania, draped in long lengths of penitent beads, her eviscerator laid at ease across her right shoulder. The screams and cries of heretics reach out to the heavens, and it is with but a wordless gesture that Ophania banishes them forever more. Led by the ever-eager Gwynais, flamers bathe the witch and his allies in fire, even as boltguns boom out and finish off groaning wounded. A heretic hidden beneath a table leaps to his feet and tries to flee, only to catch a bolt from Katia through the back of the head. Striding casually past the burning carcasses. Ophania motions her Sisters' forward. She slows for a moment, seeing Palais bitterly embattled. Suddenly she is galloping ahead, eviscerator howling as she readies it.

All this the Beholden sees as its burning gaze falls upon the field. Its unnatural blade lowers, and with a courteous bow, it leaps back from the blades that fall upon it.

"We are not so proud as to refuse to admit when we are bested. Victory is yours, O Children of the Burning Rose, and with it likely all of this world of shadows and muck," It hisses. "My congratulations. When we meet again, may it be for a nobler cause, and make for equally noble ends. Fare thee well."

"Coward!" Palais bellows even as her sword turns from its side. Blows rain upon it as it gives flight, tearing away chunks of bleeding armour, molten blood pooling down the stairs. Ophania's chainsword takes the creature full in the back, biting deeply enough any mortal man would not have survived. But the daemon-thing pulls free of the rending blades and moves on, each step measured and controlled. Even as bolters howl and rounds crack off its back and explode against its hide, each footstep is as exact and measured as the last.

Caelia grunted in frustration as her blade rang like a bell, a blow that would've decapitated an Ork achieving little but sparks and noise.

She dropped the damaged blade, only momentarily feeling a pang of remorse for the loyal Sword, before dropping to a knee and sweeping up the Slayer of 10,000.

She sucked in breath, steadying her aim beyond even how much the recoil bafflers and titanic strength of the armor could manage, then waited.


The Beholden reached the top of the Stairs.


The darkness at the top of the stairs was starting to swallow it, and bolt rounds were flying past and detonating on the surface of it's armor in a lattice of fire.


Wings of Chain and Smoke billowed out from it's form, lending it speed, and it was almost out of sight.


She released her breath and squeezed the trigger.

The shell pierced the darkness like a newborn star, and as if seeking the Beholden by some guidance of fate, intercepted the Beholden just before it could reach the safety of cover.

For the smallest possible portion of a second she dared hope.

As if in reminder of the frailty of such emotions, the round struck the Beholden directly between the shoulder blades, barely an inch from the joint she had aimed for, and detonated uselessly in a spray of fire and molten armor.

And then it was gone.

"We must pursue," she gasps. "Before that warpspawned thing can get-" Her words die in her throat as Illana stumbles, blood pooling from the previous wound torn in her chestplate. "Emperor preserve us. Eriko, tend to Illana's wounds, now!" Her helm turns across the groaning friendly wounded, falling on the youth writhing on the stairway. "All the wounded. Ophania-"

"We can't catch the beast," The other Sister-Superior says. "But honour demands we try."

Palais gives a single firm nod in agreement. Eneresh, breathing heavily, speaks up. "Oh, Throne no! That's toward the observation deck. Fething shite! Vennedes could be up there! Please, for the love of the Golden Throne! You have to hurry! Please!"

"Don't think we're forgetting about you, witch," Vahn grunts as he limps along, favoring his blackened leg. "Our first priority must be on extracting the witch. Don't think I didn't see you attempting to cast your magicks, psyker," he says, eyes narrowed into slits.

Caelia was tired, she had superficial wounds in a dozen places, and her armor was a mess of burns, scrapes, and a single large cut near the Plastron.

And if she was being entirely honest, she was still scared of that thing.

Still, she stepped forward wordlessly to her Sister Superior's side, briefly checked ammo and Holosight alignment, then nodded at Ophania's assessment.

"We must try." She agreed, tirely. "I still have half a mag of Blessed rounds left."

She left the implication up to the Sister Superiors. If she wanted her to guard Ilanna and the Psyker, she would accept without complaint.

If the alternative, well, so be it. Their work was yet to be done.
Ilana stumbles but Eriko is there to catch her, a hand on Ilana's arm. Eriko half-carries her to the bookshelf then gently but firmly pushes her to a sitting position.

"Sit," she commands, very much used to the role of medicae, as she takes out her medicae tools. One look at Ilana's status shows that the pain suppressants are fading. Soon, she would be wracked by pain and though all Sororitas are trained to operate through it, that does not mean they do not feel the wounds inflicted on them. She takes out her morphia and begins the work of taking apart Carnifex Penitent to get to the woman underneath.

"I must commend you on your Heroic Courage," Eriko says, making small talk to distract Ilana from the grisly work on her body. Ilana's skin was pale, paler than usual even. Ghost white and her blood bled in dark contrast. "You shall carry trophies forward and our Sisters shall speak of this day."

Grimly, she inspects the wound and surrounding flesh for signs of taint and gladly notes that there is no indication, at least physically. A more thorough spiritual inspection will have to be conducted once they return back to base but that is not for Ilana to hear now.

"Tell me, Sister Ilana, what do you look forward to when we return? I imagine today has proved particularly taxing on both body and mind. What does a Laetifica, daughter of a Great House, do? You are related to the Lord Mattias of Savine's Hope. Am I accurate in my assumption?"
"Courage?" Ilana moaned as a bloody gorge rose in her throat, her body drained of strength now that the immediate threat had passed by. There had been a light, the touch of the Saint. Had that vision been true or merely her delirious and exhausted mind dreaming?

"No," She coughed out, blood finally welling over her lips. "J-Just duty. Eneresh, she was not for the daemon to take. The Emperor alone has that right. Our lot is to sacrifice for Him, as the Emperor did, as the Great Angel did, as f-father did." A shudder ran through her labouring body, her coughing growing increasingly weak. "Does Eneresh remain unmolested? Think I heard her, but can't see."

A sharp breath, sharp enough to be painful at Eriko's last question. "U-Uncle? You're right, though I wonder sometimes if I am worthy of the honour. Haven't seen him in years." Ilana wavered, words starting to tumble freely from her lips as the morphia took hold. It just felt easy like this. "Want...what I want... Sleep would be nice I think."
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Chapter 2: Mission 02 Witch Hunt End
"Caelia, Maria, with me!" Palais shouts as she bounds up the stairs, taking them two at a time or even three such is her haste. Ophania motions silently at her squad, and they follow suit, advancing up the staircase with all due haste.

For a moment Ilana sways, her blood draining through the gash in her armour between her armoured fingers, nearly invisible against the scarlet of her armour. Then, like a grox with its legs cut out from under her, she topples. Ceramite rings as it crashes against the stairway.

Eriko hurries over, drawing out her ancient medical kit, the stamp of the Orders Hospitaller still visible upon it. Hurriedly she prepares the tools of her work. Thrice-blessed liquid sutures, synth-flesh bandages, and sanctified plasma rinsed with nano-sprites. Ilana is still conscious, her eyes wide and focused from the gleam of the combat drugs pumping through her system. That they are the only thing keeping her awake is evident to both Sisters, the amount of blood poured down her plastron and the readings of her bio-monitor saying as such. But it is, as things go, a clean wound. The destructive energies of the daemon-thing's blade left no ceramite or broken bone buried in the wound, and no major organs have been ruptured. One of her ribs is broken outright, possibly from the concussive shockwave created when the disruption field penetrated the ceramite, possibly from being struck, but ultimately that is stable. Ilana is bleeding heavily, undoubtedly dead within minutes from the blood loss, but it is far from the worst that Eriko has seen.

Eriko's hands work in time with the prayers on her lips. After hooking Ilana up to an IV rinsed in holy waters, Eriko pries open the gap in the warplate, the wounded armour creaking in pain even as it draws psalms of apology from both Sisters. Then she sets to work cleaning and sealing the wound. Soon, Ilana's wound is sealed and packed full of synth-flesh bandages. Unless one were looking closely, there is hardly even any evidence of a wound at all. But even through the painkillers pumping through Ilana's system, she can feel the wound and the sealant packed into it. Treatment at a proper facility will be required, but at least Ilana isn't apt to go to the Golden Throne any time soon.

Eriko rises to her feet, rinsing her bloodied gauntlets off, as the groans of the other wounded ring out.
"No," She coughed out, blood finally welling over her lips. "J-Just duty. Eneresh, she was not for the daemon to take. The Emperor alone has that right. Our lot is to sacrifice for Him, as the Emperor did, as the Great Angel did, as f-father did." A shudder ran through her labouring body, her coughing growing increasingly weak. "Does Eneresh remain unmolested? Think I heard her, but can't see."
"Feth you, feth you, and feth you to the deepest darkest bloody corners of the warp, you grox fondling bastard!" Rings aloud Eneresh's voice, interspersed by the sounds of a hardy work boot impacting the fallen body of the cultist. Eneresh, breathing deeply staggers back from the corpse, her face red with fury and eyes wet with tears. "Emperor...What in the warp was that?"

It is a feeling returned by the handful of weary mercenaries that remain standing, fidgeting as they move and clutching at their holy symbols.

Eneresh sags against the bookcase, breathing raggedly. "Unmolested? Oh, I'm fine. Nearly killed by some Prince of the Outer Hells from my nightmares, and then. Sod. Saved by a Brassneck of all people." A maddened laugh escaped her lips. The mercenary who aided her raises an exhausted hand as though to speak, then just slumps against the bookcase, weeping. "And you," she continues, mania suddenly draining from her voice. Eriko watches as Eneresh peers at Ilana's back, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. "You stood between that...Thing and...?"

Eneresh pauses a moment, voice fading to silence. She looks around the library, at the exhausted and wounded mercenaries, at Eriko as she treats the wounded Ilana, at the darkness of the stairway where the rest of the Sororitas have gone in pursuit. The hard crack of adamantium soled boots against the rockcrete rings above the moaning of the wounded.

"Don't even think about it, Witch," Vahn Zayneth says as he limps forward. One hand is on his las-blackened leg and in the other dangles the rune-slate controlling Eneresh's new found shock collar.

Eneresh raises her manacled hands in front of her, mouth drawing tight. "Hey, cool it! All I'm thinking about is that I'm glad to not be bloody dead. What are you even talking about?"

Vahn scoffs under his gasmask, waving a hand toward the emptied room with a barely disguised wince. "Running now that all the Sororitas are off hunting Daemons," he says.

Eneresh pauses a moment, then barks a despairing laugh. "Shite. I could've ran."

"Well, you coulda tried," The bounty hunter behind her grouses as she cocks the hammer on her handcannon. "If I didn't get you, I'm sure somebody else would've. But for now, you're going to sit in the corner nice and quiet like. Right, Vahn?"

Vahn can only nod as he slumps against the stairway besides Ilana. He glances at the Sister, the rasp of his gasmask echoing in her ear. "Not exactly what I expected for today," he grunts as he stretches out his wounded leg. "Agh, the righteous feel no pain," he assures himself.

@greendoor @Mina

The remnants of Palais' squad and Ophania's reinforcements power up the stairs, sabatons crashing against the stairway like hammers. Here and there you have a glimpse of the abominable thing, its ghostly wings stretching out in the dark only to disappear before a flight of bolt shells can find it. Palais shouts into her comm-system. "Legatine, I need that Thunderhawk ready for an attack run, now!" she calls out. "High priority target heading toward command deck!" she calls out.

"Sister-Superior, what-Understood. Transferring command to your system, now," Legatine Lethicia replies, forcing the confusion from her voice.

Ahead weapons fire rings out and screams of terror and pain. Shotguns howl and the distinctive double-boom of boltguns howl down the stairway. "Hurry!" Palais gasps, waving her chainsword forward. The flash of gunfire lights up the walls of the stairwell, reflecting off the walls.

Another boltgun booms, a man's voice crying out. "Ave Imperator! Ave Imper-" And then, silence.

The Adepta Sororitas arrive at the top of the stairwell, crashing through the barricade of sandbags in the way. Two bodies lie on the other edge of the doorway, both clad in light armaplas plate favoured by many enforcers. The first is fallen against a table, her shotgun laid across her legs, her torso blown open by a bolt round her armour plate mostly contained to the inside. Surrounded by spent bolt shells the other body shudders, spasming wildly as he reaches for the fallen sub-bolter thrown from his grip.

"He's still aive!" Sister Katia calls out, rolling the fallen man over. A badge reading "Sergeant Titus Thulman" gleams wetly just above the clean-cut shorn through the man's torso. He gasps, hand reaching up against the Sister's helm.

" for-forgive..." he gasps, before his hand falls away and thuds against the deck. Katia makes the symbol of the aquila and rises to her feet.

Rain hammers against the armour-glass windows in the observation room beyond, flickering candles and photo-lumens illuminating the tables and chairs laden with maps and dataslates strewn across the large room. Sisters press forward, weapons scanning across the row of pillars lining the exterior of the circular chamber. Lightning flashes, casting the room in electric blue for a brief moment.

"What is...?" Gwynais begins, gesturing at a splatter of red-hot liquid smoldering against the rockcrete. Palais, Caelia and Maria recognize it instantly: The beast's blood.

And then there is a sound of shattering glass, a blazing disruption field shining in the dark, and the storm howls unchecked. Gusts of water and wind wash across the observation deck, splashing over the advancing Sororitas as they raise their weapons.

"Contact! By the window!" Someone shouts, a boltgun howling its fury. Caelia and Maria see it at the last moment, a glint of magnificent armour that glistens like wet skin in the light, rain sizzling as it falls across it. Its dragon-like helm peers at the two of them, smiling with white fangs, as it sweeps its cloak of smoldering chains over its shoulder. And then, it leaps into the storm.

Lightning flashes. A shape emerges from the clouds, sharp and hungry.

"Sword of Purity beginning attack run," The Thunderhawk's pilot states over the vox. "Judgement comes."

The howl of six heavy bolters and the snap-crack of its twin-linked lascannons rings louder than even the storm outside. Burning fuses and sudden bursts of scarlet light cut through the dark sky, silhouetting the horror as it glides from the heavens. There is a flash, the secondary boom of round bursting into armour and a sudden spray of red heat against the dark, and the Beholden's smoldering figure tumbles down. The Thunderhawk screams past, its scarlet plating and gilded fleur-de-lys catching in the light of the Carmine Tower before disappearing once more into the black stormclouds. Palais' gaze falls, tracking the tumbling Daemon-thing.

And then, the next moment, its wings of smoldering chains and mist twist about and it straightens, gliding toward the city behond.

"Sword of Purity, repeat that last! I need another run!" Palais bellows. It takes mere moments for the Thunderhawk to come about, scything directly overhead past the Tower.

But by then, the beast is gone, disappeared into the rain-swept slums below. Palais watches for a long moment as the Thunderhawk goes to and forth, scanning for the monstrosity. But it is gone.

And in its wake, it leaves nothing but a dreadful, hollow silence.

There is no sign of Vennedes to be found. Two more enforcers are found cowering in a corner of the room, having fled at the sight of the horror and left their comrades to die. After some questioning the two reveal they had decided to wait for the Sororitas and fight whatever was coming, while the other half of the team had gone with Vennedes and fled. Vennedes' people flee the Carmine Tower like salvation pods from a brewing up ship, swamping Retributor Squad Galena in too many bodies for them to easily apprehend, particularly as several cultists among their ranks draw the Retributors' foremost attention. The men and women fighting on the exterior walls can only look up in confusion from the fleeing, broken cultists at the tower behind them, undoubtedly confused as to how the Tower got attacked when the cultists themselves failed to breach the walls surrounding. They take their reprieve, staring on at the commotion below.

Retributor Julia Cadex caught wind of the anarchist fleeing the tower and gave pursuit, but lost her amidst the crowd. She did, however, manage to capture the fleeing enforcers, as well as one of Vennedes' officers carrying a case of dataslates of safehouse and hideaways, perhaps enough to cripple the movement, especially with what else is recovered from the tower and interrogations. The anarchist herself may be gone, but her movement is certainly in dire straits.

As you regroup, it is evident the psyker is yours, your objectives complete, and the Beholden-some terrible fusion of man and daemon-driven back into the dark. Palais drops heavily near one of the battle-ravaged bookshelves, removing her helmet with a weary sight. Idly, she glances at one of the dataslates.

"Our Friend Promethium," she mutters, a smile flickering across her flame-kissed face. "Now there's a classic I haven't seen in a while. Good ol' Pyrus," she laughs to herself, wearily. She glances at Eriko, running a hand through her hair. "Eriko, give the word when you're done with medical. Then we'll extract."

She sighs, looking over the squad. She nods her head, solemnly. "The Emperor protects," she says, making the sign of the Aquila. All of you have survived the day, despite all its horrors.

Witch Hunt Complete

Primary Objective: Prevent the Cult of Old Night from capturing Eneresh.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 500 Experience

Secondary Objective 1: Take Eneresh alive.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 300 Experience

Secondary Objective 2: Eliminate the threat offered by Vennedes and her supporters.
Status: Complete
Reward: 220 Experience

Secondary Objective 3: Resupply forward operating chapel 'Vigilance'.
Status: Complete
Reward: 200 Experience

Tertiary Objective 1: Preserve the Witch-Finder Vahn Zayneth
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 120 Experience

Tertiary Objective 2: Investigate Enforcer Post
Status: Complete
Reward: 100 Experience

Tertiary Objective 3: Investigate Hospitaller Post
Status: Complete
Reward: 100 Experience

All Objectives Completed
Reward: 1 Renown
Ilana receives 1 Renown.
"Caelia, Maria, with me!" Palais shouts as she bounds up the stairs, taking them two at a time or even three such is her haste. Ophania motions silently at her squad, and they follow suit, advancing up the staircase with all due haste.

For a moment Ilana sways, her blood draining through the gash in her armour between her armoured fingers, nearly invisible against the scarlet of her armour. Then, like a grox with its legs cut out from under her, she topples. Ceramite rings as it crashes against the stairway.

Caelia nodded and fell in behind the Sister Superior, stoically. Internally she braced for the next fight.

She stopped as she heard Illanna fall. She turned back slightly, as if making sure that Eriko was there.

Satisifed that the former hospitalier was at work, she turned and followed the Sister Superior, Boltrifle up and sweeping.

Another boltgun booms, a man's voice crying out. "Ave Imperator! Ave Imper-" And then, silence.

The Adepta Sororitas arrive at the top of the stairwell, crashing through the barricade of sandbags in the way. Two bodies lie on the other edge of the doorway, both clad in light armaplas plate favoured by many enforcers. The first is fallen against a table, her shotgun laid across her legs, her torso blown open by a bolt round her armour plate mostly contained to the inside. Surrounded by spent bolt shells the other body shudders, spasming wildly as he reaches for the fallen sub-bolter thrown from his grip.

"He's still aive!" Sister Katia calls out, rolling the fallen man over. A badge reading "Sergeant Titus Thulman" gleams wetly just above the clean-cut shorn through the man's torso. He gasps, hand reaching up against the Sister's helm.

" for-forgive..." he gasps, before his hand falls away and thuds against the deck. Katia makes the symbol of the aquila and rises to her feet.

Rain hammers against the armour-glass windows in the observation room beyond, flickering candles and photo-lumens illuminating the tables and chairs laden with maps and dataslates strewn across the large room. Sisters press forward, weapons scanning across the row of pillars lining the exterior of the circular chamber. Lightning flashes, casting the room in electric blue for a brief moment.

"What is...?" Gwynais begins, gesturing at a splatter of red-hot liquid smoldering against the rockcrete. Palais, Caelia and Maria recognize it instantly: The beast's blood.

"He hurt it. That's it's blood."

Caelia says, naked surprise in her voice. She pointed at the smoldering, red hot liquid. "Must have gotten a lucky shot in..."

She shook her head. Regardless if it had been luck, it was admirable regardless. "He Hurt it." She repeats.

She glanced down at the man's nameplate. 'Sergeant Titus Thulman' it read. She turned to the other slain enforcer, taking her name as well.

She resolved to remember them, and request they be honored. Such bravery deserved remembrance.

"Our Friend Promethium," she mutters, a smile flickering across her flame-kissed face. "Now there's a classic I haven't seen in a while. Good ol' Pyrus," she laughs to herself, wearily. She glances at Eriko, running a hand through her hair. "Eriko, give the word when you're done with medical. Then we'll extract."

She sighs, looking over the squad. She nods her head, solemnly. "The Emperor protects," she says, making the sign of the Aquila. All of you have survived the day, despite all its horrors.

Caelia, who by now is sitting on a crate with her helmet sitting on a nearby table, resting and feeling every ache and bit of exhaustion of this long day, at least finds the energy to solemnly nod.

"The Emperor Protects. That thing has claimed none of us...." She paused a moment.

"I wanted to slay it." She adds, then shakes her head. "No I wanted anyone of us to slay it, so much. An insult and an abomination that claimed the title of cousin, but..."

She pauses a moment, taking her helmet in hand. "This is a victory nontheless." She says, dispelling her doubts. The Dybukks had been slain, and the Beholden driven from the field. The cult lay broken. "We drove it from the field. We achieved our objectives. We did our duty."

She stands up, going to take her place at the vanguard when Eriko is done. She takes a moment to stretch, armor responding to her movement with a low growl of servomotors.

"We won." She says, half to herself.

But as she replaces her helmet and check her ammo, she believes it.
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"Courage?" Ilana moaned as a bloody gorge rose in her throat, her body drained of strength now that the immediate threat had passed by. There had been a light, the touch of the Saint. Had that vision been true or merely her delirious and exhausted mind dreaming?

"No," She coughed out, blood finally welling over her lips. "J-Just duty. Eneresh, she was not for the daemon to take. The Emperor alone has that right. Our lot is to sacrifice for Him, as the Emperor did, as the Great Angel did, as f-father did." A shudder ran through her labouring body, her coughing growing increasingly weak. "Does Eneresh remain unmolested? Think I heard her, but can't see."

A sharp breath, sharp enough to be painful at Eriko's last question. "F-Father? You're right, though I wonder sometimes if I am worthy of the honour." Ilana wavered, words starting to tumble freely from her lips as the morphia took hold. It just felt easy like this. "Want...what I want... Sleep would be nice I think."
"Eneresh is unhurt," Eriko says, her voice soothing. Ilana is barely coherent and she doubted this conversation would be remembered.

Ilana had blood greater than hers. Were they not Sisters, it would be Eriko and her kin bowing and scraping to Ilana's own, whose power surpassed the Keontamo Clan's by leagues. Yet the Emperor deemed fit that Eriko now cared for the younger Sister. Ilana's life was in her hands and she would not fail her.

"Then sleep, Sister. Rest. You are safe now and I will wake you when we shall next depart." Eriko gathers her tools, finishing her litanies. "I do not know why you believe yourself unworthy of your family's honour, but know you have done enough for today."

Eriko rises from the floor smoothly.

"Feth you, feth you, and feth you to the deepest darkest bloody corners of the warp, you grox fondling bastard!" Rings aloud Eneresh's voice, interspersed by the sounds of a hardy work boot impacting the fallen body of the cultist. Eneresh, breathing deeply staggers back from the corpse, her face red with fury and eyes wet with tears. "Emperor...What in the warp was that?"

It is a feeling returned by the handful of weary mercenaries that remain standing, fidgeting as they move and clutching at their holy symbols.

Eneresh sags against the bookcase, breathing raggedly. "Unmolested? Oh, I'm fine. Nearly killed by some Prince of the Outer Hells from my nightmares, and then. Sod. Saved by a Brassneck of all people." A maddened laugh escaped her lips. The mercenary who aided her raises an exhausted hand as though to speak, then just slumps against the bookcase, weeping. "And you," she continues, mania suddenly draining from her voice. Eriko watches as Eneresh peers at Ilana's back, biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. "You stood between that...Thing and...?"
Eriko rises to her feet, rinsing her bloodied gauntlets off, as the groans of the other wounded ring out.
"Do not disturb her rest. She is in no state to be questioned, Eneresh-Witch," Eriko says in a clipped voice as she turns away from the Witch and looked at each of the mercenaries around her, performing mental triage quickly.

She strides to a table and sweeps the contents away with her arm. Books and parchment clatter onto the ground and she sets her holy tools down.

"Sergeant," she begins as her pain suppressants begin to fade, gritting her teeth through the returning pain. She leans forward, gripping the table's edge tightly. "Gather your wounded here. I will treat them by order of severity so that we may be ready once my Sisters arrive."

Then a wave of pain passes through her bones, sapping the strength in her legs. Only the Storm of Summer's strength keeps her from collapsing. The seconds tick by as she fights the daze that threatens to send her crumpling to the floor. She shuts her eyes and her ears to the outside world, the better to focus on crushing her weakness.

The pain fades to a bearable ache, enough that she judges herself able to operate properly, and she looks up to see the mercenaries waiting.

A hand goes to her medicae tools and she gestures to the place she had prepared, as if nothing had happened.

"Let us begin."

Eneresh pauses a moment, voice fading to silence. She looks around the library, at the exhausted and wounded mercenaries, at Eriko as she treats the wounded Ilana, at the darkness of the stairway where the rest of the Sororitas have gone in pursuit. The hard crack of adamantium soled boots against the rockcrete rings above the moaning of the wounded.

"Don't even think about it, Witch," Vahn Zayneth says as he limps forward. One hand is on his las-blackened leg and in the other dangles the rune-slate controlling Eneresh's new found shock collar.

Eneresh raises her manacled hands in front of her, mouth drawing tight. "Hey, cool it! All I'm thinking about is that I'm glad to not be bloody dead. What are you even talking about?"

Vahn scoffs under his gasmask, waving a hand toward the emptied room with a barely disguised wince. "Running now that all the Sororitas are off hunting Daemons," he says.

Eneresh pauses a moment, then barks a despairing laugh. "Shite. I could've ran."

"Well, you coulda tried," The bounty hunter behind her grouses as she cocks the hammer on her handcannon. "If I didn't get you, I'm sure somebody else would've. But for now, you're going to sit in the corner nice and quiet like. Right, Vahn?"

Vahn can only nod as he slumps against the stairway besides Ilana. He glances at the Sister, the rasp of his gasmask echoing in her ear. "Not exactly what I expected for today," he grunts as he stretches out his wounded leg. "Agh, the righteous feel no pain," he assures himself.
"Witch-Finder Zayneth." Eriko nods to Vahn then gestures to her impromptu operating table. "Sit. Your injuries are the most grievous and you will not be carried out of here if I can help it."

Retributor Julia Cadex caught wind of the anarchist fleeing the tower and gave pursuit, but lost her amidst the crowd. She did, however, manage to capture the fleeing enforcers, as well as one of Vennedes' officers carrying a case of dataslates of safehouse and hideaways, perhaps enough to cripple the movement, especially with what else is recovered from the tower and interrogations. The anarchist herself may be gone, but her movement is certainly in dire straits.

As you regroup, it is evident the psyker is yours, your objectives complete, and the Beholden-some terrible fusion of man and daemon-driven back into the dark. Palais drops heavily near one of the battle-ravaged bookshelves, removing her helmet with a weary sight. Idly, she glances at one of the dataslates.

"Our Friend Promethium," she mutters, a smile flickering across her flame-kissed face. "Now there's a classic I haven't seen in a while. Good ol' Pyrus," she laughs to herself, wearily. She glances at Eriko, running a hand through her hair. "Eriko, give the word when you're done with medical. Then we'll extract."

She sighs, looking over the squad. She nods her head, solemnly. "The Emperor protects," she says, making the sign of the Aquila. All of you have survived the day, despite all its horrors.
Caelia, who by now is sitting on a crate with her helmet sitting on a nearby table, resting and feeling every ache and bit of exhaustion of this long day, at least finds the energy to solemnly nod.

"The Emperor Protects. That thing has claimed none of us...." She paused a moment.

"I wanted to slay it." She adds, then shakes her head. "No I wanted anyone of us to slay it, so much. An insult and an abomination that claimed the title of cousin, but..."

She pauses a moment, taking her helmet in hand. "This is a victory nontheless." She says, dispelling her doubts. The Dybukks had been slain, and the Beholden driven from the field. The cult lay broken. "We drove it from the field. We achieved our objectives. We did our duty."

She stands up, going to take her place at the vanguard when Eriko is done. She takes a moment to stretch, armor responding to her movement with a low growl of servomotors.

"We won." She says, half to herself.

But as she replaces her helmet and check her ammo, she believes it.
"Do any of your own require medical aid, Sister-Superior Ophania?"

In between patients, Eriko momentarily turned towards Ophania as the Sisters returned. She doubted they would, but she did not have the bio-monitors of Squad Ophania to truly know.


"The Emperor protects," Eriko echoes Palais and Caelia, performing the sign of Aquila with blood-soaked gauntlets. "The wounded are taken care of, Sister-Superior."

She listens to Caelia's self-mantra, growing more self-assured with each passing second.

"We did." Eriko says, looking at Ilana, still resting where she had been treated. Eriko moves towards her patient. "And the city is all the better for our success. Faith prevails, and we have proven our strength unbroken, but our Sister looks forward to one thing and I do not have the heart to disagree."

She kneels down, over Ilana and shakes her patient awake. "Awake, Sister Ilana. We are leaving and then you may rest properly."
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"Caelia, Maria, with me!" Palais shouts as she bounds up the stairs, taking them two at a time or even three such is her haste. Ophania motions silently at her squad, and they follow suit, advancing up the staircase with all due haste.
"He hurt it. That's it's blood."

Caelia says, naked surprise in her voice. She pointed at the smoldering, red hot liquid. "Must have gotten a lucky shot in..."

She shook her head. Regardless if it had been luck, it was admirable regardless. "He Hurt it." She repeats.

She glanced down at the man's nameplate. 'Sergeant Titus Thulman' it read. She turned to the other slain enforcer, taking her name as well.

She resolved to remember them, and request they be honored. Such bravery deserved remembrance.

There was no thought between order and motion as Maria crashed in behind Palais as they chased their quarry. The ground still swayed beneath her a little bit, or maybe it was just the building shifting in the wind, but either way no psyker would be putting her on her belly again. When they came upon the enforcers the pause rankled. He was dead. He had done a mighty deed in drawing the beast's blood, but every second, every heartbeat was measured in rounds of bolter fire not brought to bear.

"Or it is superficial. Some wounds bleed exuberantly but are insig--"

And then there is a sound of shattering glass, a blazing disruption field shining in the dark, and the storm howls unchecked. Gusts of water and wind wash across the observation deck, splashing over the advancing Sororitas as they raise their weapons.

"Contact! By the window!" Someone shouts, a boltgun howling its fury. Caelia and Maria see it at the last moment, a glint of magnificent armour that glistens like wet skin in the light, rain sizzling as it falls across it. Its dragon-like helm peers at the two of them, smiling with white fangs, as it sweeps its cloak of smoldering chains over its shoulder. And then, it leaps into the storm.

Lightning flashes. A shape emerges from the clouds, sharp and hungry.

"Sword of Purity beginning attack run," The Thunderhawk's pilot states over the vox. "Judgement comes."

The howl of six heavy bolters and the snap-crack of its twin-linked lascannons rings louder than even the storm outside. Burning fuses and sudden bursts of scarlet light cut through the dark sky, silhouetting the horror as it glides from the heavens. There is a flash, the secondary boom of round bursting into armour and a sudden spray of red heat against the dark, and the Beholden's smoldering figure tumbles down. The Thunderhawk screams past, its scarlet plating and gilded fleur-de-lys catching in the light of the Carmine Tower before disappearing once more into the black stormclouds. Palais' gaze falls, tracking the tumbling Daemon-thing.

Would that she'd had a better shot. Would that she'd had any real shot in the archive. If they'd brought mines maybe, or just been quicker. As the beast sailed off, even the fire of the Thunderhawk impotent against the beast in the driving rain, Maria blew out a breath. It was over. Tactically, strategically, they had outdone themselves to her recollection of their briefing, but this was salt in the wound.

That taunting, sneering abomination had nearly brought them down. It mortified her, and she'd be sure to do the same to herself later.

As you regroup, it is evident the psyker is yours, your objectives complete, and the Beholden-some terrible fusion of man and daemon-driven back into the dark. Palais drops heavily near one of the battle-ravaged bookshelves, removing her helmet with a weary sight. Idly, she glances at one of the dataslates.

"Our Friend Promethium," she mutters, a smile flickering across her flame-kissed face. "Now there's a classic I haven't seen in a while. Good ol' Pyrus," she laughs to herself, wearily. She glances at Eriko, running a hand through her hair. "Eriko, give the word when you're done with medical. Then we'll extract."

She sighs, looking over the squad. She nods her head, solemnly. "The Emperor protects," she says, making the sign of the Aquila. All of you have survived the day, despite all its horrors.

Maria squatted against a bookshelf, helmet in hand. Her gloved fingers carefully teased out loose shards of its ruined left eye-piece, feeling how close she'd come. Not so near as Ilana, but when armor failed all that remained was faith. There was a sign in that battle damage, though what it was she could not yet divine. The Geldovan sister murmured to the beaten up piece of wargear, a prayer of protection crossed with exhortations and thanks to the equipment itself. They weren't out until they were back in base after all, and she refused to relax an inch until then.
Witch Hunt Debrief
"Do not disturb her rest. She is in no state to be questioned, Eneresh," Eriko says in a clipped voice as she turns away from the Witch and looked at each of the mercenaries around her, performing mental triage quickly.

She strides to a table and sweeps the contents away with her arm. Books and parchment clatter onto the ground and she sets her holy tools down.

"Sergeant," she begins as her pain suppressants begin to fade, gritting her teeth through the returning pain. She leans forward, gripping the table's edge tightly. "Gather your wounded here. I will treat them by order of severity so that we may be ready once my Sisters arrive."

Then a wave of pain passes through her bones, sapping the strength in her legs. Only the Storm of Summer's strength keeps her from collapsing. The seconds tick by as she fights the daze that threatens to send her crumpling to the floor. She shuts her eyes and her ears to the outside world, the better to focus on crushing her weakness.

The pain fades to a bearable ache, enough that she judges herself able to operate properly, and she looks up to see the mercenaries waiting.

A hand goes to her medicae tools and she gestures to the place she had prepared, as if nothing had happened.

"Witch-Finder Zayneth." Eriko nods to Vahn then gestures to her impromptu operating table. "Sit. Your injuries are the most grievous and you will not be carried out of here if I can help it."

"Let us begin."
Eneresh mutters something under her breath that earns her a shove from the bounty hunter. The mercenary sergeant orders his men to line up, but upon closer inspection, its relieving to see that the sellswords' injuries are light. Their armour is scorched and battered, and many are bruised or sport low grade burns beneath their armour, but none have suffered serious injuries. The youth ultimately takes priority, the kid groaning in pain from several shrapnel wounds to his chest. None are serious, blessedly, with the only piece that penetrated deeply missing all organs and arteries-safe to leave inside, truth be told. She sterilizes the wound and then seals it up. A bit of morphia and the lad's back on his feet, giving her a nervous smile.

Zayneth grunts, limping over to the table. "You'll have to put a boltgun to my head before I suffer that indignity. A wound or not, I'll walk."

Bold words indeed, considering the severity of the injury. The lasround penetrated his calf, though the armour diffused enough of the shot that the injury is shallow rather than destroying the limb entirely. Still, the burn is severe, bits of carbi-fiber and flesh fused together. Worse, the bone may have suffered a hairline fracture, probably from the concussive force that explosive vaporization causes. Still, the bone isn't shattered, and whilst painful, the muscle is largely intact. Something someone could walk on, if they either had to or were stubborn. Or perhaps, simply had an image to maintain.

"I'm not being dragged to the Taurox," Vahn says. "You aren't going to have the glory of handing in our prey whilst I'm being carried off to the medicae. Give me a shot of morphia. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out how to get proof of that witch I killed without possibly carrying an evil mask around on my person."

The worst wounds suffered are ultimately by Ilana and Eriko herself. Eriko's suffered severe bruising and tissue trauma, Ilana a broken rib and severe penetrative wound. Both will require time recovering, particularly the latter. At least it wasn't worse.
Caelia, who by now is sitting on a crate with her helmet sitting on a nearby table, resting and feeling every ache and bit of exhaustion of this long day, at least finds the energy to solemnly nod.

"The Emperor Protects. That thing has claimed none of us...." She paused a moment.

"I wanted to slay it." She adds, then shakes her head. "No I wanted anyone of us to slay it, so much. An insult and an abomination that claimed the title of cousin, but..."

She pauses a moment, taking her helmet in hand. "This is a victory nontheless." She says, dispelling her doubts. The Dybukks had been slain, and the Beholden driven from the field. The cult lay broken. "We drove it from the field. We achieved our objectives. We did our duty."

She stands up, going to take her place at the vanguard when Eriko is done. She takes a moment to stretch, armor responding to her movement with a low growl of servomotors.

"We won." She says, half to herself.

But as she replaces her helmet and check her ammo, she believes it.
Palais nods in agreement, frowning. "I'd have liked to mount that thing's head on a wall, I agree. If that were possible, at least. Maybe if we coated it in silver..." she ponders for a moment, rolling her neck. "But in the end, the day's our. Victory requires no explanation, as the saying goes. Our objectives are complete, scores of foemen lie dead before us, and what remains of our enemies put to rout."

She pushes to her feet, forcing herself through the exhaustion all the Sisters must feel. It is nothing they did not experience in training. "The day is ours, Sisters. Ave Imperator!"
Maria squatted against a bookshelf, helmet in hand. Her gloved fingers carefully teased out loose shards of its ruined left eye-piece, feeling how close she'd come. Not so near as Ilana, but when armor failed all that remained was faith. There was a sign in that battle damage, though what it was she could not yet divine. The Geldovan sister murmured to the beaten up piece of wargear, a prayer of protection crossed with exhortations and thanks to the equipment itself. They weren't out until they were back in base after all, and she refused to relax an inch until then.
"Do any of your own require medical aid, Sister-Superior Ophania?"

In between patients, Eriko momentarily turned towards Ophania as the Sisters returned. She doubted they would, but she did not have the bio-monitors of Squad Ophania to truly know.


"The Emperor protects," Eriko echoes Palais and Caelia, performing the sign of Aquila with blood-soaked gauntlets. "The wounded are taken care of, Sister-Superior."

She listens to Caelia's self-mantra, growing more self-assured with each passing second.

"We did." Eriko says, looking at Ilana, still resting where she had been treated. Eriko moves towards her patient. "And the city is all the better for our success. Faith prevails, and we have proven our strength unbroken, but our Sister looks forward to one thing and I do not have the heart to disagree."

She kneels down, over Ilana and shakes her patient awake. "Awake, Sister Ilana. We are leaving and then you may rest properly."
Ophania gives a firm shake of her head in answer. Sister Gwynais motions at you were her off-hand. "Do you have a cure for stung pride?" she asks, wryly. "Eh, at least we killed a few heretics."

"And a witch!" Katia adds, cheerily.

Palais smiles at that, saying the holy litany as she once more seals her helmet in place. "Two witches. Not bad for an afternoon, even if it has felt like months," she says, before motioning toward the squad. "Come. We have a Thunderhawk to ride."

"We'll return with you. Just in case," Sister-Superior Ophania says, her voice brooking no argument.

None of the marksmen and sentries on the roof offer the Sisters any trouble, few as there are that have remained. A few flee from the Sororitas' approach or hide into the fortified crevices of the rooftop. Others simply watch, burrowed deep into raincoats as the sky pours down upon them.

The rain hammers at the Thunderhawk as the squad boards and there are a few close calls along the slick rooftop edges, but ultimately the group boards the venerable aircraft with no further injury. The bounty hunter stares with awe as she enters the craft, bending down against the flooring and muttering a prayer before rising to take her place among the many seats of the thunderhawk. Vahn slumps down besides Eneresh, one hand on her collar control and the other on the grip of his pistol. It is not a long ride, but eyes never stray away from Eneresh until at last, they land and Eneresh is taken into custody.

Soon after, still nursing from their wounds, Squad Palais is called to debrief by Legatine Lethicia. Warm bowls of recaf are laid out on the table as they arrive, Lethicia beaming a grin that belies the pallor of her features and the shadows under her eyes.

"Come, take a seat," she says, folding her fingers together on the table, both bionic and flesh.

Primary Objective: Prevent the Cult of Old Night from capturing Eneresh.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 500 Experience

Legatine Lethicia makes the sign of the Aquila. "Your actions were nothing short of commendable. If your account is accurate, the Palatine and I suspect you may well have faced an elite member of the martial orders sworn to our enemies' cause, ones' high in their cults. To send such a creature fleeing into the night is no small thing."

"To do so with no fatalities and only modest casualties?" She asks. Even with her bionic throat removing much of the tone from her voice, her enthusiasm is clear. "You've done the Emperor's work, Sisters. Take strength in that," she says. "This also collaborates evidence uncovered by Squad Derosa about the cultists receiving exterior support. Military-grade lasguns and other restricted armaments have been spotted before, but it was suspected to potentially be stolen arms shipments or a lost armoury out in the marshes. Still might be at least in part, truly. But the documents recovered by Squad Derosa suggested off-world contacts. The presence of the freak you faced might well confirm it."

"Awful lot of effort to go to claim a miserable swamp like this. Were they seeking to desecrate the Holy Port?" Palais asks.

Lethicia shrugs. "Perhaps. It withstood the Choir, and the sacred skull of the Apostle Serina Lanate, who walked with Leanna, is held here and receives some pilgrimage. Perhaps they saw an opportunity with the plague. In any case, given the nature of the foe you faced and your injuries, you'll be pulled from active operations for the next three days." She raises her gleaming bionic hand to forestall any argument. "I know. The cult's still fighting, But it's been agreed that for the sake of your spiritual purity, you should spend the next few days in reflection and cleansing. After that, those of you able to return to the field will."

Secondary Objective 1: Take Eneresh alive.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 300 Experience

"The Iron Wardens has taken her back into their custody, and I've been assured the guard has been doubled," Lethicia says. "I've no doubt the Lord-Cardinal will be relieved to hear she's no longer running around their port city setting things on fire, and the citizens of Port Baptisme can sleep a little easier knowing she won't be cursing them any longer."

Secondary Objective 2: Eliminate the threat offered by Vennedes and her supporters.
Status: Complete
Reward: 220 Experience

Lethicia leans back in her chair, waving a hand toward a pict-slate of a pile of recovered evidence and multiple key prisoners apprehended. "Vennedes might still be on the run, but we have their headquarters, plentiful evidence, and her key officers apprehended. The movement's scattered if they aren't dead. Excellent work, Sisters, especially on the capture of that 'Brother-Captain' of theirs. A former PDF officer who's been leading attacks against the Merud Guild. They'll be relieved to hear he's no longer menacing them."

Secondary Objective 3: Resupply forward operating chapel 'Vigilance'.
Status: Complete
Reward: 200 Experience

Lethicia taps the dataslate in front of her. "Sisters-Superior Galena and Ophania send their regards. After the assault on the Carmine Tower, they fended off a few assaults on Vigilance and purged much of the surrounding district. Wouldn't be possible without the munitions you brought them."

Tertiary Objective 1: Preserve the Witch-Finder Vahn Zayneth
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 120 Experience

Lethicia considers the dataslate a moment, resting her chin in her hand. "I must admit, it was something to see him walk back in with that burn in his leg. A bit more impressive than I expected of a contracted witch-finder. Seems he handled himself well, though nonetheless, good work keeping him alive. Without your efforts, I imagine that fight with the cult's pet sorcerers and...Creature...Could have been much uglier."

Tertiary Objective 2: Investigate Enforcer Post
Status: Complete
Reward: 100 Experience

"I wish I had better news to report to the enforcer," the Legatine sighs. "At least some of the enforcers from the Carmine Tower hailed from there. I'm not sure whether that's good or ill news, given the company they took. There's still some missing. The Emperor protect them."

Still," she says, motioning at the group of Sisters. "At least they know the fate of the precinct."

Tertiary Objective 3: Investigate Hospitaller Post
Status: Complete
Reward: 100 Experience

"Vox troubles. I can't say I'm surprised, and I'm certainly not going to complain. Better that than what could've happened."

All Objectives Completed
Reward: 1 Renown
Ilana receives 1 Renown.

"Your performance on this mission has been exemplary, Sisters. But for now, get some rest. The Emperor expects much, and the fight for Port Baptisme is far from over."

Five Weeks Later: Port Baptisme, Harbour Docks
The roar of gunfire splits the air, hard-rounds ringing off of Caelia's helmet and right pauldron. Panicked fire rains down from tenement rooftops and windows, a stray RPG careening into the side of a groundcar and sending the shredded door bouncing off the roadway like stray plastek balls. the The Viatorem roars in response, a hail of bolter shells ripping across the windows and balconies of the building across the roadway, sending shrieking heretics tumbling from their perches.

"Praise the Coming Night!" A cultist screams as her autogun rattles in her hand. The symbols of her allegiance are openly worn, chaos sigils and painful runes scrawled across her rubberized refinery worksuit.

"For the Emperor and Saint Leanna!" Palais answers in reply before her howling blade carves the heretic's head from her shoulders. With a sweep of her chainsword she brings the flakboard doorway down. Even as splinters and panicked gunfire glance from her armour, she waves at the squad. "Sisters, follow me!" She hollers, as a burst from her flamer pistol bathes the hall beyond in cleansing fire. She charges in, and the squad follows suit. Explosions and gunfire rings through the winding corridors, mixing with the boom of boltguns at point blank, howling chainblades, and cries of the dead and the dying.

A half-hour later the squad emerges, Palais bearing the head of the Apostate priest Valeris Found in her grip. "Squad Palais reporting, intelligence was good. Lot of dead heretics, and an arms cache to recover, over."

"Acknowledged Squad Palais, return to the sanctum. Out."

Four weeks of hard fighting since the day you were debriefed. They had been bloody days, as the Cult threw itself openly against Imperial rule. Attempted bombings across the Temple district had paved the way for a group of heretics to attempt to storm one of the Sanctums Imperialis and massacre the clergy, but they had found Cannoness Jezzira's sisters and the local enforcers well in a position to rebuff them, whilst the Arbitrators narrowly prevented a group of saboteurs from damaging the spaceport. Brutal attacks flared up across the Little Cog district and beyond each as sudden and bloody as the last, but most are swiftly crushed. The day Illana had returned to service Squad Palais had put down a swarm of manic cultists trying to breach one of the quarantine lines. They were put down with ease, whereas Squad Ophania certainly had a challenging task liberating a promethium refinery before the heretics within could sacrifice all of the workers to their gods. Palatine Rathitta had led half the mission to halt a swarm of dybbuks and other half-daemon horrors sent against the PDF barracks, even as Squad Derosa had been required to stop a group of madmen with knives running amuck in a market district. Attacks come from without as well, as well-armed warriors dressed in the manner of some of the swamp clans assail the city exterior, harvesting derricks, towns, and allied clans in the surrounding countryside. But as the days have dragged on, the attacks have dwindled and grown steadily weaker.

In the end, they've proved no match for the local PDF forces, let alone the Adepta Sororitas. Even the common populace contributes in their own way. Many a cultist has found themselves shot dead in the streets, beaten to death, or strung up from a lumen-post. Even the many sick of Schechin have contributed, grasping as passing heretics with their rotting limbs or coughing blood onto exposed faces. More than once, Squad Palais has found heretics dead in the streets of the Black Rot.

Today is just another day of the bloody business of rooting out the cult, a task that's grown increasingly infrequent as the days have dragged on.

The Sanctum Imperialis appears ahead. The walls of fortifications and strongpoints surrounding it well eclipse what had been originally in place, and blackened pyre-stakes rise up in honour of the heretics who have perished upon them. Pre-fab defensive bunkers ring the perimeter joined by tarantula turrets, whilst a band of deacons lead menials and servitors in off-loading munition supplies into one of the recently erected munitions bunkers. The cleared landing pads host a pair of cargo transports. The Viatorem parks in the garage, the squad dismounts, and makes toward the armoury.

"Evening, Sisters." Sister Katia Salvus, already in shield robes, bows her head as they enter. She folds her arms across her chest, peering at plastek sack in Palais' hand. "Good hunt?"

"Bit droll, really. They just stand their and gawk when they shoot us with a few bullets and we don't die," Palais grouses. She pauses a moment, then adds. "But at least it's another false-priest in the bag."
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Eneresh mutters something under her breath that earns her a shove from the bounty hunter. The mercenary sergeant orders his men to line up, but upon closer inspection, its relieving to see that the sellswords' injuries are light. Their armour is scorched and battered, and many are bruised or sport low grade burns beneath their armour, but none have suffered serious injuries. The youth ultimately takes priority, the kid groaning in pain from several shrapnel wounds to his chest. None are serious, blessedly, with the only piece that penetrated deeply missing all organs and arteries-safe to leave inside, truth be told. She sterilizes the wound and then seals it up. A bit of morphia and the lad's back on his feet, giving her a nervous smile.

Zayneth grunts, limping over to the table. "You'll have to put a boltgun to my head before I suffer that indignity. A wound or not, I'll walk."

Bold words indeed, considering the severity of the injury. The lasround penetrated his calf, though the armour diffused enough of the shot that the injury is shallow rather than destroying the limb entirely. Still, the burn is severe, bits of carbi-fiber and flesh fused together. Worse, the bone may have suffered a hairline fracture, probably from the concussive force that explosive vaporization causes. Still, the bone isn't shattered, and whilst painful, the muscle is largely intact. Something someone could walk on, if they either had to or were stubborn. Or perhaps, simply had an image to maintain.

"I'm not being dragged to the Taurox," Vahn says. "You aren't going to have the glory of handing in our prey whilst I'm being carried off to the medicae. Give me a shot of morphia. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out how to get proof of that witch I killed without possibly carrying an evil mask around on my person."
"Very well, if that is what you prefer," Eriko says as she produces a syringe of morphia. She moves to apply it swiftly by the Witch-Hunter's injury. "Common sense still applies, Witch-Hunter Zayneth. Do not aggravate it needlessly else your leg will give way, morphia or not. Then your dignity will surely flee you at that moment. And limping around until we are ready to depart is aggravating it needlessly. Take a seat as you think about gathering your witch-proof."

Eriko gives the Witch-Hunter a hard stare and points to a nearby chair.

"I insist."

With the matter of the Witch-Hunter's injuries finished and the boy's resting, Eriko gathers her tools and waits impassively for her Sisters to return from their hunt. Her own body is deeply injured. She can feel it, but thankfully, their mission nears its close and she is not desperate enough to operate on herself.

Ophania gives a firm shake of her head in answer. Sister Gwynais motions at you were her off-hand. "Do you have a cure for stung pride?" she asks, wryly. "Eh, at least we killed a few heretics."
"I am afraid there is no salve for that," Eriko shakes her head in good humour. So they had not killed the beast. It was a shame after all she and Ilana had went through, but she could live. They were not the ones who had fled like a canine, tail between its legs.

"I recommend sleep, Sister, to take your mind off it. Barring that, there are many more heretics yet who could be rid from this city. I am sure you will enjoy expediting their departure."

Soon after, still nursing from their wounds, Squad Palais is called to debrief by Legatine Lethicia. Warm bowls of recaf are laid out on the table as they arrive, Lethicia beaming a grin that belies the pallor of her features and the shadows under her eyes.

"Come, take a seat," she says, folding her fingers together on the table, both bionic and flesh.
Eriko takes a seat at the Legatine's prompt, taking the bowl of warm recaf in her hands. Her recent injuries make themselves known as she sits, but she takes them in stride, not even a hint of a grimace as she returns the Legatine's grin with a smile.

Primary Objective: Prevent the Cult of Old Night from capturing Eneresh.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 500 Experience

Legatine Lethicia makes the sign of the Aquila. "Your actions were nothing short of commendable. If your account is accurate, the Palatine and I suspect you may well have faced an elite member of the martial orders sworn to our enemies' cause, ones' high in their cults. To send such a creature fleeing into the night is no small thing."

"To do so with no fatalities and only modest casualties?" She asks. Even with her bionic throat removing much of the tone from her voice, her enthusiasm is clear. "You've done the Emperor's work, Sisters. Take strength in that," she says. "This also collaborates evidence uncovered by Squad Derosa about the cultists receiving exterior support. Military-grade lasguns and other restricted armaments have been spotted before, but it was suspected to potentially be stolen arms shipments or a lost armoury out in the marshes. Still might be at least in part, truly. But the documents recovered by Squad Derosa suggested off-world contacts. The presence of the freak you faced might well confirm it."

"Awful lot of effort to go to claim a miserable swamp like this. Were they seeking to desecrate the Holy Port?" Palais asks.

Lethicia shrugs. "Perhaps. It withstood the Choir, and the sacred skull of the Apostle Serina Lanate, who walked with Leanna, is held here and receives some pilgrimage. Perhaps they saw an opportunity with the plague. In any case, given the nature of the foe you faced and your injuries, you'll be pulled from active operations for the next three days." She raises her gleaming bionic hand to forestall any argument. "I know. The cult's still fighting, But it's been agreed that for the sake of your spiritual purity, you should spend the next few days in reflection and cleansing. After that, those of you able to return to the field will."
"From the things the creature we had fought had been saying," Eriko says as she recalls the past day. "Whatever faction supports the Cult of Old Night considers themselves enemies of the Empire of the Choir, antagonistically so. Neither do they come from the Damned Sector, it seems, as the creature was quick to pour venom into their heretical beliefs. Even the Lord of Oblivion, whom the Saint Leanna had slain, was not exempt from its tongue."

It seemed the Beholden had spent just as much time spitting on its fellow heretics as it did revealing what it knew of their past. Typical.

"In the Enforcer Precint I had dared to watch the picter recordings to the end," Eriko continues as realization dawns on her. "There I watched as the heretics confronted one who worshiped the Plague Lord, who believed the Cult of the Old Night to be of similar beliefs. Yet these heretics spoke of the Old Shadow and the Crown of Thorn. And I watched them perform their vile magics as they sacrificed the Plague cultist before I cut the feed."

Eriko shakes her head as her thoughts race deeper into the past. Her eyes turn hollow as the days in that embattled Shrine world came rushing back. She had seen many things after that one fateful afternoon when the Disciples of Xethos had descended upon her infirmary. Images flashed in her mind, each one more depraved and horrible than the last, until she remembered.

"They were the same magics as those performed by the Disciples of Xethos. I know from my days as a Pure Water Curia wandering through Carilus Prime, after my former Commandry was butchered by the Heretic Marines of Xethos. The creature we fought in the Carmine Tower knew of my involvement repelling the planet's siege as well as facts from my Sisters' lives. Compared to what he had to say about the Damned Sector and the Lord of Oblivion, it had called my actions there as 'Sins against the Pantheon.'"

Eriko paused. "If I may be so bold, perhaps one should begin their search for the benefactor with the Disciples of Xethos and their ilk, or those who worship the Enemy Undivided."


Eriko sighs in relief. A few days of rest and cleansing was exactly something that Squad Palais needed after their ordeals against the Beholden. Already her mind was turning to the rituals she would need to do post-haste, before she pushed herself back to the debriefing happening in front of her.

Secondary Objective 3: Resupply forward operating chapel 'Vigilance'.
Status: Complete
Reward: 200 Experience

Lethicia taps the dataslate in front of her. "Sisters-Superior Galena and Ophania send their regards. After the assault on the Carmine Tower, they fended off a few assaults on Vigilance and purged much of the surrounding district. Wouldn't be possible without the munitions you brought them."
"So soon?" Eriko hums in approval. "The aftermath of the Carmine Tower siege must have stirred the heretics as one does a hornet's nest. It is good that Squads Galena and Ophania had targets aplenty to soothe the creature's escape. The purge of the district, the Witch kept from heretical hands, and the unsuccessful Carmine Tower siege."

Eriko nods. "Today sounds decisive. We had stymied all of the Cult of the Long Night's objectives.

Five Weeks Later: Port Baptisme, Harbour Docks
The roar of gunfire splits the air, hard-rounds ringing off of Caelia's helmet and right pauldron. Panicked fire rains down from tenement rooftops and windows, a stray RPG careening into the side of a groundcar and sending the shredded door bouncing off the roadway like stray plastek balls. the The Viatorem roars in response, a hail of bolter shells ripping across the windows and balconies of the building across the roadway, sending shrieking heretics tumbling from their perches.

"Praise the Coming Night!" A cultist screams as her autogun rattles in her hand. The symbols of her allegiance are openly worn, chaos sigils and painful runes scrawled across her rubberized refinery worksuit.

"For the Emperor and Saint Leanna!" Palais answers in reply before her howling blade carves the heretic's head from her shoulders. With a sweep of her chainsword she brings the flakboard doorway down. Even as splinters and panicked gunfire glance from her armour, she waves at the squad. "Sisters, follow me!" She hollers, as a burst from her flamer pistol bathes the hall beyond in cleansing fire. She charges in, and the squad follows suit. Explosions and gunfire rings through the winding corridors, mixing with the boom of boltguns at point blank, howling chainblades, and cries of the dead and the dying.

A half-hour later the squad emerges, Palais bearing the head of the Apostate priest Valeris Found in her grip. "Squad Palais reporting, intelligence was good. Lot of dead heretics, and an arms cache to recover, over."

"Acknowledged Squad Palais, return to the sanctum. Out."

Four weeks of hard fighting since the day you were debriefed. They had been bloody days, as the Cult threw itself openly against Imperial rule. Attempted bombings across the Temple district had paved the way for a group of heretics to attempt to storm one of the Sanctums Imperialis and massacre the clergy, but they had found Cannoness Jezzira's sisters and the local enforcers well in a position to rebuff them, whilst the Arbitrators narrowly prevented a group of saboteurs from damaging the spaceport. Brutal attacks flared up across the Little Cog district and beyond each as sudden and bloody as the last, but most are swiftly crushed. The day Illana had returned to service Squad Palais had put down a swarm of manic cultists trying to breach one of the quarantine lines. They were put down with ease, whereas Squad Ophania certainly had a challenging task liberating a promethium refinery before the heretics within could sacrifice all of the workers to their gods. Palatine Rathitta had led half the mission to halt a swarm of dybbuks and other half-daemon horrors sent against the PDF barracks, even as Squad Derosa had been required to stop a group of madmen with knives running amuck in a market district. Attacks come from without as well, as well-armed warriors dressed in the manner of some of the swamp clans assail the city exterior, harvesting derricks, towns, and allied clans in the surrounding countryside. But as the days have dragged on, the attacks have dwindled and grown steadily weaker.

In the end, they've proved no match for the local PDF forces, let alone the Adepta Sororitas. Even the common populace contributes in their own way. Many a cultist has found themselves shot dead in the streets, beaten to death, or strung up from a lumen-post. Even the many sick of Schechin have contributed, grasping as passing heretics with their rotting limbs or coughing blood onto exposed faces. More than once, Squad Palais has found heretics dead in the streets of the Black Rot.

Today is just another day of the bloody business of rooting out the cult, a task that's grown increasingly infrequent as the days have dragged on.

The Sanctum Imperialis appears ahead. The walls of fortifications and strongpoints surrounding it well eclipse what had been originally in place, and blackened pyre-stakes rise up in honour of the heretics who have perished upon them. Pre-fab defensive bunkers ring the perimeter joined by tarantula turrets, whilst a band of deacons lead menials and servitors in off-loading munition supplies into one of the recently erected munitions bunkers. The cleared landing pads host a pair of cargo transports. The Viatorem parks in the garage, the squad dismounts, and makes toward the armoury.

"Evening, Sisters." Sister Katia Salvus, already in shield robes, bows her head as they enter. She folds her arms across her chest, peering at plastek sack in Palais' hand. "Good hunt?"

"Bit droll, really. They just stand their and gawk when they shoot us with a few bullets and we don't die," Palais grouses. She pauses a moment, then adds. "But at least it's another false-priest in the bag."
Five weeks of fighting and work. Truth be told, nothing had reached the fever pitch of the Carmine Tower.

She'd clock in for the day and clock out, tired from the physical exertion surely, but not dead-tired and not as much in pain as she had been after the fight with the creature. She could still perform her daily tasks. She could pray and meditate.
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Primary Objective: Prevent the Cult of Old Night from capturing Eneresh.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 500 Experience

Legatine Lethicia makes the sign of the Aquila. "Your actions were nothing short of commendable. If your account is accurate, the Palatine and I suspect you may well have faced an elite member of the martial orders sworn to our enemies' cause, ones' high in their cults. To send such a creature fleeing into the night is no small thing."

"To do so with no fatalities and only modest casualties?" She asks. Even with her bionic throat removing much of the tone from her voice, her enthusiasm is clear. "You've done the Emperor's work, Sisters. Take strength in that," she says. "This also collaborates evidence uncovered by Squad Derosa about the cultists receiving exterior support. Military-grade lasguns and other restricted armaments have been spotted before, but it was suspected to potentially be stolen arms shipments or a lost armoury out in the marshes. Still might be at least in part, truly. But the documents recovered by Squad Derosa suggested off-world contacts. The presence of the freak you faced might well confirm it."

"Awful lot of effort to go to claim a miserable swamp like this. Were they seeking to desecrate the Holy Port?" Palais asks.

Lethicia shrugs. "Perhaps. It withstood the Choir, and the sacred skull of the Apostle Serina Lanate, who walked with Leanna, is held here and receives some pilgrimage. Perhaps they saw an opportunity with the plague. In any case, given the nature of the foe you faced and your injuries, you'll be pulled from active operations for the next three days." She raises her gleaming bionic hand to forestall any argument. "I know. The cult's still fighting, But it's been agreed that for the sake of your spiritual purity, you should spend the next few days in reflection and cleansing. After that, those of you able to return to the field will."

"That makes sense, Legatine." Caelia says, tiredly. "Along with the relics stored here, the city's promethium production and export is vital. Damaging that could have untold strategic effects, if the cult's backers were Malefactors."

Which seemed likely, given the things commentary.

She stopped to let Eriko talk, then shrugged when the Palatine called for three days of rest. She would go out again were she called, but this mission had been a trial. Better to recover before the next.

Secondary Objective 1: Take Eneresh alive.
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 300 Experience

"The Iron Wardens has taken her back into their custody, and I've been assured the guard has been doubled," Lethicia says. "I've no doubt the Lord-Cardinal will be relieved to hear she's no longer running around their port city setting things on fire, and the citizens of Port Baptisme can sleep a little easier knowing she won't be cursing them any longer."

"More thanks to Sister Ilanna than the rest of us." Caelia says, uncharacteristically humble, remembering that horrible wound in her sister's stomach.

Tertiary Objective 1: Preserve the Witch-Finder Vahn Zayneth
Status: Complete
Reward: 1 Renown, 120 Experience

Lethicia considers the dataslate a moment, resting her chin in her hand. "I must admit, it was something to see him walk back in with that burn in his leg. A bit more impressive than I expected of a contracted witch-finder. Seems he handled himself well, though nonetheless, good work keeping him alive. Without your efforts, I imagine that fight with the cult's pet sorcerers and...Creature...Could have been much uglier."

"An impressive shot." Caelia agrees. "He kept an even score on the enemy witches with Sister Maria, while wounded." She says, more in compliment to the man than in detriment to her sister.

"I must also compliment the mercenaries he hired as well." Caelia adds. "I hadn't expected common soldiers to keep their heads in such a situations, even ones so prestigious."

All Objectives Completed
Reward: 1 Renown
Ilana receives 1 Renown.

"Your performance on this mission has been exemplary, Sisters. But for now, get some rest. The Emperor expects much, and the fight for Port Baptisme is far from over."

Caelia nodded, then stepped up to leave. As much as she hated to admit it, she was looking forward to such a rest. It had been one of those missions.

Today is just another day of the bloody business of rooting out the cult, a task that's grown increasingly infrequent as the days have dragged on.

The Sanctum Imperialis appears ahead. The walls of fortifications and strongpoints surrounding it well eclipse what had been originally in place, and blackened pyre-stakes rise up in honour of the heretics who have perished upon them. Pre-fab defensive bunkers ring the perimeter joined by tarantula turrets, whilst a band of deacons lead menials and servitors in off-loading munition supplies into one of the recently erected munitions bunkers. The cleared landing pads host a pair of cargo transports. The Viatorem parks in the garage, the squad dismounts, and makes toward the armoury.

"Evening, Sisters." Sister Katia Salvus, already in shield robes, bows her head as they enter. She folds her arms across her chest, peering at plastek sack in Palais' hand. "Good hunt?"

"Bit droll, really. They just stand their and gawk when they shoot us with a few bullets and we don't die," Palais grouses. She pauses a moment, then adds. "But at least it's another false-priest in the bag."

Five weeks later, and Caelia feels much herself again. No more Daemons, no more Dybukks, just cultists who could not stand before the Adeptas Sororitas. Squad tactics and firefights and close in melee brawls, patrols and hunting missions, some challenging, most routine.

These were things she knew well.

"It was better than last time." Caelia says. At least it wasn't five hours of patrolling through rain, mud, and absolute poverty and finding nothing at all but already dead cultists.

It's faint praise, but then again, it was Dreverarch.
Little Cog District Downtime and Rumours
@SirLagginton @Mina
"From the things the creature we had fought had been saying," Eriko says as she recalls the past day. "Whatever faction supports the Cult of Old Night considers themselves enemies of the Empire of the Choir, antagonistically so. Neither do they come from the Damned Sector, it seems, as the creature was quick to pour venom into their heretical beliefs. Even the Lord of Oblivion, whom the Saint Leanna had slain, was not exempt from its tongue."

It seemed the Beholden had spent just as much time spitting on its fellow heretics as it did revealing what it knew of their past. Typical.

"In the Enforcer Precint I had dared to watch the picter recordings to the end," Eriko continues as realization dawns on her. "There I watched as the heretics confronted one who worshiped the Plague Lord, who believed the Cult of the Old Night to be of similar beliefs. Yet these heretics spoke of the Old Shadow and the Crown of Thorn. And I watched them perform their vile magics as they sacrificed the Plague cultist before I cut the feed."

Eriko shakes her head as her thoughts race deeper into the past. Her eyes turn hollow as the days in that embattled Shrine world came rushing back. She had seen many things after that one fateful afternoon when the Disciples of Xethos had descended upon her infirmary. Images flashed in her mind, each one more depraved and horrible than the last, until she remembered.

"They were the same magics as those performed by the Disciples of Xethos. I know from my days as a Pure Water Curia wandering through Carilus Prime, after my former Commandry was butchered by the Heretic Marines of Xethos. The creature we fought in the Carmine Tower knew of my involvement repelling the planet's siege as well as facts from my Sisters' lives. Compared to what he had to say about the Damned Sector and the Lord of Oblivion, it had called my actions there as 'Sins against the Pantheon.'"

Eriko paused. "If I may be so bold, perhaps one should begin their search for the benefactor with the Disciples of Xethos and their ilk, or those who worship the Enemy Undivided."
Lethicia shakes her head. "Heretics seldom have much love for one another. Several of the local cults consider themselves above the rest of their ilk by being born within Araxes. To them, they're the chosen people of their gods," she says, snorting. It sounds awfully similarly to some rhetoric Eriko has heard from her fellow Araxean Imperials. Araxes is viewed as elevated in the Emperor's sight by man, given a special pact through the oaths sworn to Selverus. "The Crown of Thorns? Not surprising. I doubt any even remember the term's original use, it's been borrowed across the millennia so heavily. Something to do with the Crown sub-sector and prophesy," She says, waving a hand dismissively.

Lethicia folds her hands together as she considers Eriko's words. "The Disciples of Xethos are unlikely to be the benefactor. They were broken by their false-messiah's death. Those that remain are slaves, not leaders, though perhaps they share the same master. We've risen to suspect the cults of the Malefactor Houses are at play, particularly given some of the artifacts we've uncovered."
"That makes sense, Legatine." Caelia says, tiredly. "Along with the relics stored here, the city's promethium production and export is vital. Damaging that could have untold strategic effects, if the cult's backers were Malefactors."

Which seemed likely, given the things commentary.

She stopped to let Eriko talk, then shrugged when the Palatine called for three days of rest. She would go out again were she called, but this mission had been a trial. Better to recover before the next.
Lethicia nods her head. "You have an eye for the strategic picture, Sister."
"An impressive shot." Caelia agrees. "He kept an even score on the enemy witches with Sister Maria, while wounded." She says, more in compliment to the man than in detriment to her sister.

"I must also compliment the mercenaries he hired as well." Caelia adds. "I hadn't expected common soldiers to keep their heads in such a situations, even ones so prestigious."
"The Swords of Virtue, I believe. Quiet pious sorts, with a reliable record. He chose well, considering the sort of horrors you faced. Even then, they performed admirably under the circumstances," Lethica says, idly playing with a knob on her throat.

"They didn't run. That's more than I expected," Palais says.

Five weeks of fighting and work. Truth be told, nothing had reached the fever pitch of the Carmine Tower.

She'd clock in for the day and clock out, tired from the physical exertion surely, but not dead-tired and not as much in pain as she had been after the fight with the creature. She could still perform her daily tasks. She could pray and meditate.
Five weeks later, and Caelia feels much herself again. No more Daemons, no more Dybukks, just cultists who could not stand before the Adeptas Sororitas. Squad tactics and firefights and close in melee brawls, patrols and hunting missions, some challenging, most routine.

These were things she knew well.

"It was better than last time." Caelia says. At least it wasn't five hours of patrolling through rain, mud, and absolute poverty and finding nothing at all but already dead cultists.

It's faint praise, but then again, it was Dreverarch.
Katia snorts at the Sister-Superior's pun, glancing at the bag in her hand.

She pauses as Eriko walks past her without a word. Katia purses her lips for a moment, Then, with a half-shrug, she turns her attention to Caelia. "Patrol along the exterior, wasn't it? Glad we haven't been out there yet. From the sound of things one wrong move and you might be neck-deep in swamp water. Still, at least you got some action today. My squad's had two solid days of street patrol with nothing more exciting than some of the local accents."

"Anyway, I won't keep you up. Have a good evening, Sisters."

The armoury awaits the Squad's return. As the fighting has settled and grown increasingly uncommon, so too has the pace in the armoury slowed. The Tech-Priests move about their rituals almost languidly, lightning incense, and applying sacred oils as they attend to sacred maintenance rites. Magos-Minoris Maloc drifts to and fro across the armoury, his skull mask looking on as already shining armour and weapons are polished yet further, occasionally scuffed heraldry repainted and the rare dent in plate buffed out. There is little work to be done in truth, but the Tech-Priests are diligent in it nonetheless.

The onerous task of removing power armour is performed with the aid of arming servitors and tech-priests. Then boltguns and blades are blessed, unloaded and ritually cleansed before being returned to their arms lockers. The squad throws on their shield robes as Squad Selveria enters the Armoury, their plate dripping wet but untouched by shot or blade. Then at last, the Sisters have time to recuperate.

The lives of a Sister of Battle are busy. There's is not the lives of Imperial Guardsmen, often full of free time and regularly redolent in gambling, drink, and thrill boys. Hours upon hours of prayer, meditation, and theological study, interspersed with hours more of combat training, exercise, equipment maintenance, or other duties (and breaks for meals, of course). Perhaps three hours of a day will be given unto free time to a Sister of Battle, and that is if they are lucky. Still, as the days go on, though scarce few hours can add up.


"For all our difficulties with the PDF, I'm grateful for them. The local militias have countered multiple attacks on the city exterior and more than I count in the swampland proper. Just yesterday twenty Dreverarch Cohorts held a promethium-well from a force three times their number. I've faith they'll do well in taking over, once we leave."
-Legatine Lethicia, 6th Mission

"Lotta bad news of the Greenskin variety these days. Waaggggh Ironklaw bounced back from that naval action over Darakar, and word is that raids are picking up across Selverus' Stair and the Calacean Marches. My House's been putting out a lot of privateer warrants as late."
-Sister Anna, Squad Derosa

"It took days for the fires in the Pelager ghetto to come to an end, though there was blessedly little damage elsewhere in the district. That Eriente of theirs apparently did a good job containing the damage, despite everything. I suppose being on the water helped."
-Sister-Superior Derosa

"We were patrolling the exterior perimeter, in the marshes, when the PDF called it in. Daemon, they said. They were shooting at their own shadows by the time we arrived. But if there are any Daemonic trees on Dreverarch, they better watch out. They leveled an entire grove in all of two minutes."
-Sister Macharius, Squad Morane

"I hear the PDF Commander's been called to account by the Lord-Cardinal herself. Not too happy with how much arguing he's been doing with the Palatine, especially after they bungled up the riot at Hawk Gate. I've even heard her holiness may be planning on some sort of parade for us. I think she likes us a fair bit more than the PDF right now."
-Anonymous Sister, Squad Ophania

"You didn't hear this from me, but I heard the Inquisition has been rooting out a lot of these heretical cells. The Sororitas have driven the heretics off the streets, and now the Eye that Sleepeth Not is putting them down in their nests. Brrr. We've naught to fear and all, but I can't say it doesn't make me nervous thinking about it. I hear they can shrive your soul with but a look, all your secrets laid bare. Bloody warp, I wish we were out of this damned district. Somewhere where it smells less like shite and promethium, and we didn't have to worry about plague and Inquisitors."
-Overheard PDFer

"So Selveria gave them the call and the Adeptus Arbites sent one of their special servitors to clear out the bomb. Was done inside of a half-hour, just like that. Maybe we ought to pick up some of those? We've been running into enough bombs."
-Anonymous Sister, Squad Selveria

Events of Interest:

-Some of the Sisters have set up games of Scrumball in an exercise chamber in the Sanctum Imperialis. It'd be just like in the old Schola Progrenium days. Well, aside from not just being able to beat the other team to a pulp to win.

-Crowds are common around the perimeter of the Sanctum Imperialis. A sister may well do to go among them to offer a blessing or prayer for the unfortunates, though they are expected to suit up 'lest the plague catch.

-Although cooking is provided by the Ministorum support staff, volunteering for the kitchens is a great act of humility.

-An Arch-Priest on the Rise has requested protection from the Adepta Sororitas, and Legatine Lethicia is looking for a few volunteers. It's probably just a flight of paranoia on his part, but he is a distant relation to the Lord-Planetary, so better safe than sorry.

-Sister Macharius has found some local amasec stored in the basement that survived the fire and ongoing reconstruction and it's far too much for her to drink alone.

-Father Tibim is asking for some help reconsecrating a temple after it was desecrated by heretics. Lethicia is willing to give volunteers leave to attend. The area is well secured, so there shouldn't be any combat.

-The Mission's Hospitaller complement is performing aid work in a nearby market square and would like to request security from any Sisters willing to volunteer.

-Some of the Sisters have gotten to work on helping finish the reconstruction of the damaged sections of the Sanctum Imperialis. And well, also some deacons, menials, and tech-priests who were generously volunteered.

-Some of the Sisters are getting together for regicide, tall-card, and other common games.
The lives of a Sister of Battle are busy. There's is not the lives of Imperial Guardsmen, often full of free time and regularly redolent in gambling, drink, and thrill boys. Hours upon hours of prayer, meditation, and theological study, interspersed with hours more of combat training, exercise, equipment maintenance, or other duties (and breaks for meals, of course). Perhaps three hours of a day will be given unto free time to a Sister of Battle, and that is if they are lucky. Still, as the days go on, though scarce few hours can add up.

A few hours free in her day. For the past hour, Eriko had made ready. She had smoothed out her Shield robe as if she tonight was a night out. But Duty commanded her differently. She still had to make amends.

She raised her hand to knock and paused as she considered the words to say. She knew that some level of engagement was expected of her, an face-to-face talk to fix the problem, but that did not mean that she was comfortable with the idea. It was much easier to smile and wait until the memories were hidden, buried and forgotten to time, and that the surface smiles would soon really mean that everything was okay.

But the Virtue of Benevolence and the Virtue of Respect compelled her to right her wrong, and her talk with Palais almost two months ago had gone unheeded for too long. The subtext was there, clear as the Sun to read. The memory of heavy chains on her wrists were still fresh, but penance was only the first step. She must do something tangible.

So she sighed and knocked on the door to Maria's room.

"Sister Maria, it is I, Sister Eriko. I bring warm rice wine. Are you willing to partake?"



"For all our difficulties with the PDF, I'm grateful for them. The local militias have countered multiple attacks on the city exterior and more than I count in the swampland proper. Just yesterday twenty Dreverarch Cohorts held a promethium-well from a force three times their number. I've faith they'll do well in taking over, once we leave."
-Legatine Lethicia, 6th Mission

"Lotta bad news of the Greenskin variety these days. Waaggggh Ironklaw bounced back from that naval action over Darakar, and word is that raids are picking up across Selverus' Stair and the Calacean Marches. My House's been putting out a lot of privateer warrants as late."
-Sister Anna, Squad Derosa

"It took days for the fires in the Pelager ghetto to come to an end, though there was blessedly little damage elsewhere in the district. That Eriente of theirs apparently did a good job containing the damage, despite everything. I suppose being on the water helped."
-Sister-Superior Derosa

"We were patrolling the exterior perimeter, in the marshes, when the PDF called it in. Daemon, they said. They were shooting at their own shadows by the time we arrived. But if there are any Daemonic trees on Dreverarch, they better watch out. They leveled an entire grove in all of two minutes."
-Sister Macharius, Squad Morane

"I hear the PDF Commander's been called to account by the Lord-Cardinal herself. Not too happy with how much arguing he's been doing with the Palatine, especially after they bungled up the riot at Hawk Gate. I've even heard her holiness may be planning on some sort of parade for us. I think she likes us a fair bit more than the PDF right now."
-Anonymous Sister, Squad Ophania

"You didn't hear this from me, but I heard the Inquisition has been rooting out a lot of these heretical cells. The Sororitas have driven the heretics off the streets, and now the Eye that Sleepeth Not is putting them down in their nests. Brrr. We've naught to fear and all, but I can't say it doesn't make me nervous thinking about it. I hear they can shrive your soul with but a look, all your secrets laid bare. Bloody warp, I wish we were out of this damned district. Somewhere where it smells less like shite and promethium, and we didn't have to worry about plague and Inquisitors."
-Overheard PDFer

"So Selveria gave them the call and the Adeptus Arbites sent one of their special servitors to clear out the bomb. Was done inside of a half-hour, just like that. Maybe we ought to pick up some of those? We've been running into enough bombs."
-Anonymous Sister, Squad Selveria
The fight against the cultists and heretics in Dreverarch had been anything but idle. She kept her ear out. Chatter and rumours about the state of things was ever present and the general atmosphere was optimistic, far as she could tell. The Cult of the Old Night was on the backfoot and Imperial forces always seemed to seize initiative or hold the tide against their enemies. There was no news of serious defeat either.

And most telling of all, Eriko had heard nothing of the creature they had faced since the Carmine Tower. Eriko couldn't help but feel relieved that it seemed to have truly fled back into whatever hole it had come out from. Still, another part of her wished to face it once more to cast it down properly.

She had gotten better in her swordwork since their duel, asking to train with Ophania and Palais whenever one of the other was free. Her free time was spent in training as the bruises over her limbs and torso would attest.

Yet Ophania and Palais were both unavailable and for the first time in many days Eriko found herself with truly nothing to do.

-Some of the Sisters have set up games of Scrumball in an exercise chamber in the Sanctum Imperialis. It'd be just like in the old Schola Progrenium days. Well, aside from not just being able to beat the other team to a pulp to win.
She hadn't been the most athletic or sporty during her Schola Progenium days. But she knew Scrumball games well enough, considering the Drill Abbots required their charges to play them, to compete rather for prizes and to avoid the consequences of failure.

So she found herself walking to the exercise chamber on the time the Scrumball games were held. Already she could hear the scuffle of teams playing, and she picked up her pace. She chomped on her sandwich furiously, finishing it before she reached the exercise chamber. They had started early it seemed.

"Apologies," Eriko said, bowing her head a bit at the first person she would find. "I did not catch the start of the games. Are you in need for one more player?"
"We were patrolling the exterior perimeter, in the marshes, when the PDF called it in. Daemon, they said. They were shooting at their own shadows by the time we arrived. But if there are any Daemonic trees on Dreverarch, they better watch out. They leveled an entire grove in all of two minutes."
-Sister Macharius, Squad Morane
-Sister Macharius has found some local amasec stored in the basement that survived the fire and ongoing reconstruction and it's far too much for her to drink alone.

"Better a Daemon tree than what it likely was." Caelia says, taking a sip from her cup. "At least that'd be flammable."

It certainly had nothing on Velorum Amasec, but it didn't actually taste promethium like the constant jokes of soldiers and some of the sisters would have you belief. In fact it was quite decent, though she wasn't much of an amasec connoisseur. For all she knew there was some Sommelier on Krone who regarded what she was drinking as the finest brew of the sector.

"Did they give any description of the contact?" She asks, more seriously. Not that she wanted to go chasing after the Beholden, but knowing of it's movements was better than not, even if she never saw it again (Hopefully).

She sat the glass down. Dwelling on the past, not exactly a good subject for a talk over amasec. She changed the subject. "Say, where do you think the mission's going next? I've heard that the Greenskins are pressing the Stair and Marches hard, even after Darakar, but I doubt that's it. There's got to be more fires to put out in the Dragon's Teeth. There always are..."

-Some of the Sisters have set up games of Scrumball in an exercise chamber in the Sanctum Imperialis. It'd be just like in the old Schola Progrenium days. Well, aside from not just being able to beat the other team to a pulp to win.

Caelia had always loved Scrumball.

Was there a purer expression of athletic excellence? Was there a better way to train and enjoy leisure at the same time?

Was there an activity more invigorating then beating the competition into the dirt and prying victory from their beaten bodies?

She thought not.

True, there would be less of that last bit than usual, but maybe that was good. Scion cadets and Adeptus Arbite trainees who knew a thing or two formation, or even worse the Scribes and Auditor trainees, who took to avenging their perception as weaklings with a disturbing zeal on the field of lesser honor. The Schola matches could be hard fought, and vicious as any battlefield. Best to avoid that.

Even if she was going to knock some people around.

"Apologies," Eriko said, bowing her head a bit at the first person she would find. "I did not catch the start of the games. Are you in need for one more player?"

A prime example, walking into the exercise room at the same time.

"Make that two more." Caelia says, confidently. She was not wishing she ended up on an opposite team. Absolutely not.

Such would be unsisterly.

-An Arch-Priest on the Rise has requested protection from the Adepta Sororitas, and Legatine Lethicia is looking for a few volunteers. It's probably just a flight of paranoia on his part, but he is a distant relation to the Lord-Planetary, so better safe than sorry.

Caelia volunteers for the service. It would be variety after one too many patrols through muddy slums, and if there really was a threat, it was best that that Arch Priests of the Emperor's Church were well protected, much less the sacred blood of the Lords-Planetary.
"Better a Daemon tree than what it likely was." Caelia says, taking a sip from her cup. "At least that'd be flammable."

It certainly had nothing on Velorum Amasec, but it didn't actually taste promethium like the constant jokes of soldiers and some of the sisters would have you belief. In fact it was quite decent, though she wasn't much of an amasec connoisseur. For all she knew there was some Sommelier on Krone who regarded what she was drinking as the finest brew of the sector.

"Did they give any description of the contact?" She asks, more seriously. Not that she wanted to go chasing after the Beholden, but knowing of it's movements was better than not, even if she never saw it again (Hopefully).

She sat the glass down. Dwelling on the past, not exactly a good subject for a talk over amasec. She changed the subject. "Say, where do you think the mission's going next? I've heard that the Greenskins are pressing the Stair and Marches hard, even after Darakar, but I doubt that's it. There's got to be more fires to put out in the Dragon's Teeth. There always are..."
"A benediction to that," Ilana said snorted, resisting the impulse to look down on her scarred stomach. "I'd prefer my daemons to be on fire thank you very much."

She gingerly took a sip from her amasec, half-expecting all the jests about promethium flavored alcohol to inexplicably hold true. To her relief and mild disappointment, she tasted some berry she couldn't name and the gentle undertones of... hm. Ilana swirled the liquid in her mouth for a moment. Wanderoak, nice. Uncle Mattias wouldn't consider this fit for his cellar, but perfectly fine for what it was.

"A full Waaagh would be a worthy target of Leanna's judgement," Ilana disagreed with Caelia. "Emperor knows that His Imperium is besieged enough without suffering the xenos to run rampant as the greenskins are now in Araxes."
-Although cooking is provided by the Ministorum support staff, volunteering for the kitchens is a great act of humility.
Ilana had considered some of the other activities present in Dreverarch. Even with the Cult crippled and retreating back to the swamps from whence they came there was still much to do in the aftermath of the disruption they had caused to Dreverarch's normal processes. She had considered volunteering to escort the Arch-Priest, as a way of maybe touching on her noble house roots, or maybe even volunteering for the Hospitaller operation in the market. But in the end she had settled for this, perhaps not the most fit endeavor for a daughter of House Laetificat, but after being run through and feeling the touch of the Saint on her shoulder...

Something simple to work the hands felt the most appropriate at the moment.
"Lotta bad news of the Greenskin variety these days. Waaggggh Ironklaw bounced back from that naval action over Darakar, and word is that raids are picking up across Selverus' Stair and the Calacean Marches. My House's been putting out a lot of privateer warrants as late."
-Sister Anna, Squad Derosa

Maria quietly hunted down every last scrap of news that she could, honestly approaching the whole thing with far more intensity than some barracks scuttlebutt merited. She just got a little weird around talk about greenskins. Even more stonily murderous weird.

-Some of the Sisters have gotten to work on helping finish the reconstruction of the damaged sections of the Sanctum Imperialis. And well, also some deacons, menials, and tech-priests who were generously volunteered.

Honest labor would do her good. She had done enough to wound this planet and its people, despite the good done in His name as well. That was the Emperor's gift to Dreverarch, the sins were Maria's. She had more of a knack for placating unruly machine spirits than most--some of it suppressed tunnel lore from her childhood, some from the amount of time she spent hovering near her armor and the motorpool. It wasn't her fault that she did better with simple interactions, and what was simpler than man and material? A load-bearing brace or flange didn't engage you in infuriating conversation. It groaned when it was stressed, and gave you a shriek to let you know to get out of the way. Silence was the ideal state.

And so she labored, quietly and as happy as she could be outside of her armor and the throng of battle.

But the Virtue of Benevolence and the Virtue of Respect compelled her to right her wrong, and her talk with Palais almost two months ago had gone unheeded for too long. The subtext was there, clear as the Sun to read. The memory of heavy chains on her wrists were still fresh, but penance was only the first step. She must do something tangible.

So she sighed and knocked on the door to Maria's room.

"Sister Maria, it is I, Sister Eriko. I bring warm rice wine. Are you willing to partake?"

There was a dull thud and a grunt, then a long silence.

Maria felt the welts on her back start heating up under the stilled lash. She knelt in the middle of the spartan cell, rosary clutched in one hand, scourge in the other. Of all the times...

After some shuffling the door creaked open and the sharp sting of antiseptic hit Eriko full in the nostrils. Maria was still fixing her robes, the remnants of a bottle of disinfectant, bandages, and ointment left on the little table next to the bed. There was a gas mask tucked up half beneath the pillow, and apart from that very little sign that anyone lived in the room. Those pale, albino eyes narrowed slightly, but the door was wide enough for Eriko to enter, and Maria stepped aside.

"Temptation knocks in the moment of purification...but I accept the gesture."
"Better a Daemon tree than what it likely was." Caelia says, taking a sip from her cup. "At least that'd be flammable."

It certainly had nothing on Velorum Amasec, but it didn't actually taste promethium like the constant jokes of soldiers and some of the sisters would have you belief. In fact it was quite decent, though she wasn't much of an amasec connoisseur. For all she knew there was some Sommelier on Krone who regarded what she was drinking as the finest brew of the sector.

"Did they give any description of the contact?" She asks, more seriously. Not that she wanted to go chasing after the Beholden, but knowing of it's movements was better than not, even if she never saw it again (Hopefully).
"A benediction to that," Ilana said snorted, resisting the impulse to look down on her scarred stomach. "I'd prefer my daemons to be on fire thank you very much."

She gingerly took a sip from her amasec, half-expecting all the jests about promethium flavored alcohol to inexplicably hold true. To her relief and mild disappointment, she tasted some berry she couldn't name and the gentle undertones of... hm. Ilana swirled the liquid in her mouth for a moment. Wanderoak, nice. Uncle Mattias wouldn't consider this fit for his cellar, but perfectly fine for what it was.
It's a sweet azure amasec, with a bit of berry that definitely isn't Aldenberry and a hint of the migrating Wanderoak tree. And a touch of something citrus-y. It's perhaps a touch sweet to the usual Sister's palette, but certainly tastes nothing like the promethium stench that permeates the Little-Cog district.

Down in the sub-level of the Sanctum Imperialis, a small group of Sisters split the amasec between themselves, nursing drinking bowls and plastek cups as they lounge around a circular table made from some local wood. Each drink is made with care and moderation, both due to the limited nature of the amasec and the moderation practiced by the Adepta Sororitas. Sister Caelia and Sister Ilana share the table with three other Sisters. Macharius of Squad Morane swirls her drink in her scarred grip, steel-rimmed eyes flicking between her Sisters. The veteran Eloheim Liandra leans back in her chair, playing idly with her long chord of adamantine rosary beads dangling from her neck. It's the first time either Sister has seen the veteran our of her armour. She's certainly older than the rest of the Sisters by a fair amount, her tanned and freckled face edged with just a hint of wrinkles. Numerous tattoos adorn every part of her exposed skin, many of them glowing electoos, all of them religious in aspect. She runs a hand through her violet hair, glancing over at Sister Anna Rekanov. The young Sister warily takes a tentative sip of the blue amasec, blinks repeatedly in quick succession, and then takes another sip.

"Wow, this isn't half-bad!" Anna laughs, heartily. "I was expecting it to taste like promethium."

Macharius snorts. "Try the local rotgut if you're looking for that particular taste," she says. She glances at the two Sisters from Squad Palais and shrugs her brawny shoulders. "You couldn't get a straight description out of them. Monster the size of a dreadnaught that shot fire out of its eyes and had the deepest midnight for hide, whatever that was supposed to mean. Only the Emperor knows what they saw. Probably just a mutant. Or a weird tree and an overactive imagination."

"Hey, it could be a Daemon. Better safe than sorry, if you ask me! Besides, they're on the perimeter. Swamp's can be real creepy," Anna says.
She sat the glass down. Dwelling on the past, not exactly a good subject for a talk over amasec. She changed the subject. "Say, where do you think the mission's going next? I've heard that the Greenskins are pressing the Stair and Marches hard, even after Darakar, but I doubt that's it. There's got to be more fires to put out in the Dragon's Teeth. There always are..."
"A full Waaagh would be a worthy target of Leanna's judgement," Ilana disagreed with Caelia. "Emperor knows that His Imperium is besieged enough without suffering the xenos to run rampant as the greenskins are now in Araxes."
Macharius waves a dismissive hand. "If you want to consider petty piracy and some minor warband that had most of its fleet mauled by the Imperial Navy 'running rampant'. There's always Orks causing trouble. They're more prolific than rats and as bad as a pack of rabid cyber-hounds. Still, the Sisters across the Stairway have been put on escalated alert, just in case some of the Greenskins decide that the local shrines make good looting. They're greedy, those Xenos, and they're too idiotic to consider why nobody else has managed to pillage the temples before them."

Liandra nods. "They may deploy us for garrison duty, but it's too far away for a quick response against raids. Prince Cratos mightn't have the best history, but he's managed the Ork incursion well enough so far."

"The fighting's still fierce in Vera Fortis. Last I heard there's still fighting in the sub-sector capital, nevermind the rest of the region. And if you want Orks, they're still all over the Kerberos Worlds."

"It's stabilized at least. They reopened normal trade through the sub-sector at the start of the year. The Commercia Houses on Krone just announced their seasonal profits, and they looked fair," Liandra says, bringing her bowl to her lips. "Bless the Emperor for the Angels of Death though. According to the news they saved the whole Kerberos Warfront from falling to the Archenemy."

Anna sighs, wistfully. "Ironbreakers? I wish we were with the Sisters fighting in Vera Fortis. I'd give my left arm to see a Space Marine in the flesh, especially one of our Brother Ironbreakers. That Cannoness-Commander, Jessira? Did you see that coat of hers? Tuskgor Alpha fur, harvested by Astartes Novitiates on Helfrost, or so I heard. I saw her chainaxe too, made by their own Tech-Marines." She brings her bowl to her lips and takes a deep drink. "Bloody lucky, she is. But honestly, I think we'll be staying in Basilem for a while. The Cult of Old Night's hardly the only heretics round here. Hey Macha, Caelia, you're kin with Velorum noble houses, right? You hear anything from the sub-sector capital?"

Macharius frowns for a moment. "Not much. Lord-Admiral Serran Vandilus is returning to Velorum for a victory parade, I hear. Drove the Choir back to the hells that spawned them!" She says, rolling her eyes. "They'd already retreating for years at this point, but he's still acting like all the glory belongs to him even though it was a Dominus that killed their warlord. Some of my cousins are worried he's going to push for more troops and ships into the Matarkan Marches. Those worlds belong to the Emperor, but the people there?" She shakes her head, disquieted. "Unclean. Besides that, not a lot. I guess that Grand-Cruiser they captured just celebrated the tenth year of ongoing purification."

Ilana had considered some of the other activities present in Dreverarch. Even with the Cult crippled and retreating back to the swamps from whence they came there was still much to do in the aftermath of the disruption they had caused to Dreverarch's normal processes. She had considered volunteering to escort the Arch-Priest, as a way of maybe touching on her noble house roots, or maybe even volunteering for the Hospitaller operation in the market. But in the end she had settled for this, perhaps not the most fit endeavor for a daughter of House Laetificat, but after being run through and feeling the touch of the Saint on her shoulder...

Something simple to work the hands felt the most appropriate at the moment.
It's early in the morn when Sister Illana arrives at the kitchen, dawn far from having risen on the horizon. The Sanctum Imperialis had a full kitchen before the fire, but it hadn't survived. Who knew, perhaps it was even the origin of the blade. The room has been rebuilt and repainted, but besides a few cabinets, it had been largely empty prior to the arrival of the Adepta Sororitas. Now it appropriate fits a full field kitchen, mobile stoves fitting readily into place. Several menials wearing simple body-gloves bearing the sigil of the Order and cooking smocks are busy getting prepped for the day, whilst a protodeacon with a cheery smile that clashes his skull-like visage mutters the litanies of activation over the mobile stoves, anointing them with small, almost miserly daubs of holy oil.

"Good morn, Sister," A Sister Katherine, who Ilana recalls from some of her early patrols on Dreverarch, calls out as she helps some of the menials unload containers of eggs onto the counter. The dark-eyed woman nods at Ilana. "Oh, Sister Ilana, right? I'd heard you were back up and about. Heard about that wound you got, fighting those Warp Spawn. You did the Emperor's work that day."

With a flare of flame, the mobile stoves come to life, the protodeacon lowering them to stand by mode as he stands up. He bows to Sister Ilana, bionic hands smoothing his plain robes. "Well, no warp spawn to fight here, unless these eggs are more suspicious than I expected," He chuckles at his own joke, one of the menials struggling not to roll her eyes. "Always good to have one of the Sisters joining us for preparations. Protodeacon Badr at your service. You mind helping unload the eggs?" He asks, gesturing at some of the boxes in the refrigeration unit. "We're making eggs in a buttery flour-cream with grox, and some oatmeal with aldenberries. Nothing too complicated."
She hadn't been the most athletic or sporty during her Schola Progenium days. But she knew Scrumball games well enough, considering the Drill Abbots required their charges to play them, to compete rather for prizes and to avoid the consequences of failure.

So she found herself walking to the exercise chamber on the time the Scrumball games were held. Already she could hear the scuffle of teams playing, and she picked up her pace. She chomped on her sandwich furiously, finishing it before she reached the exercise chamber. They had started early it seemed.

"Apologies," Eriko said, bowing her head a bit at the first person she would find. "I did not catch the start of the games. Are you in need for one more player?"
Caelia had always loved Scrumball.

Was there a purer expression of athletic excellence? Was there a better way to train and enjoy leisure at the same time?

Was there an activity more invigorating then beating the competition into the dirt and prying victory from their beaten bodies?

She thought not.

True, there would be less of that last bit than usual, but maybe that was good. Scion cadets and Adeptus Arbite trainees who knew a thing or two formation, or even worse the Scribes and Auditor trainees, who took to avenging their perception as weaklings with a disturbing zeal on the field of lesser honor. The Schola matches could be hard fought, and vicious as any battlefield. Best to avoid that.

Even if she was going to knock some people around.

A prime example, walking into the exercise room at the same time.

"Make that two more." Caelia says, confidently. She was not wishing she ended up on an opposite team. Absolutely not.

Such would be unsisterly.
Scrumball. One of the countless sports played by Schola Progrenium graduates the galaxy around and rumoured by some in Araxes to have been imported from the Realm of Ultramar. Or somewhere in its vicinity, at least. It was said that the great Ciaphis Cain played it, maybe, possibly. Regardless of its origin, it was a popular way to give Progena 'entertainment' whilst still building their athleticism and teamwork abilities. Among the older students, whose likely course after graduation was set, the competition could become fierce and Scrumball was but one outlet for their rivalries. Everyone gave it as good as they got, whether Arbitrators, Adepts or Commissars. Some like the Stormtrooper and Commissar adepts had a reputation for their talents in scrumball, though the Adepta Sororitas cadets had a habit of edging them both out, though it was often joked that Sisters thought the game was won by sending the most opponents to the medicae as opposed to actually scoring goals. Between Sisters, the game would hopefully be a little more friendly.

If only a little.

Sister-Superior Resedes was a tall woman with the long legs and athletic frame that made her an excellent flanker and finisher. She puts her hands on her hips as she watches Caelia and Eriko enter the wall, blue eyes shining in the light. "Ah, good to see some of Palais' lot. Perfect timing. We weren't far off from starting, and both teams need a few more. You two mind being split up?" She asks, limbering out. Sister Gwynais waves a hand at Sister Caelia from near Sister-Superior Selveria. Sister Greiland nods her head at Sister Eriko as she stretches out.
Honest labor would do her good. She had done enough to wound this planet and its people, despite the good done in His name as well. That was the Emperor's gift to Dreverarch, the sins were Maria's. She had more of a knack for placating unruly machine spirits than most--some of it suppressed tunnel lore from her childhood, some from the amount of time she spent hovering near her armor and the motorpool. It wasn't her fault that she did better with simple interactions, and what was simpler than man and material? A load-bearing brace or flange didn't engage you in infuriating conversation. It groaned when it was stressed, and gave you a shriek to let you know to get out of the way. Silence was the ideal state.

And so she labored, quietly and as happy as she could be outside of her armor and the throng of battle.
Construction work is not one of the topics the Sisters-Militant were taught much in the Schola Progrenium or as novitiates in the Order, but such a task demands manual labour. It is humbling indeed to receive instruction from the menials and sub-deacons who typically serve the Adepta Sororitas, but it is an honourable task nonetheless. Rockcrete bricks are slotted into place, mortar coated in place. Paint is reapplied, furniture moved. The Sisters excel most at tearing down the fire-blackened sections of the Sanctum, applying battle-honed lessons in demolition and breaching to instead remove the damaged segments without causing undue damage to the structure proper. Lead by Sister-Superior Galena perhaps a dozen Sisters, over ten percent of the Mission's strength, work alongside menials and servitors to do some of the restoration work needed for the Sanctum. Some Sisters try to strike up conversation with Maria from time to time, but find themselves rebuffed by her introverted focus. Soon enough they all return to their work, the incense of cherubim floating overhead providing further focus. There is more to do than the Sisters can provide, ultimately, but it is fine and noble work regardless. Slowly but surely the Sanctum Imperialis is being restored to its proper self by the Sisters, rooms and corridors restored. Much of the finer work such as statues or glass work will have to wait for more sophisticated hands, but every day the Sanctum is looking better and better.

That the work is noble doesn't keep the Mission's chief Deacon, Celine Laertes from scowling as she wanders onto an ongoing work site. Dataslate in hand and flanked by sub-deacons, scribe servitors, and a flock of cherubim and servo-skulls, the Deacon watches as a group of menials unloads boxes of bricks and paint cans for the ongoing work. Dressed in shield robes embroidered with imagery of Saint Tervinus and Thor in particular, the Deacon taps at the dataslate with scribe-tines integrated into her hand and fingers and peers over at the slates held by her subdeacons. As Sister Maria paves on some mortar, the deacon adjust the augmetic monocle integrated into her right eye and peers at the Sisters .

"Sister-Superior Galena?" the deacon purses her lips, causing the curious silver scars around her mouth just barely noticeable to Maria's eyes. She recognizes them instantly as scars from an implanted respirator unit being removed, not an entirely uncommon situation for those from a world with a deadly or polluted atmosphere who have left for more habitable planets.

The stocky Retributor-Superior steps forward, a mono-axe over her shoulder. "Something of importance, Deacon?"

The Deacon scowls, showing the other woman the dataslate. "Last shipment of rockcrete blocks and paint managed to pitch itself into the river thanks to its idiot driver. Those two palettes being unloaded are the last ones we have."

"They alright?" Galena asks, folding her arms across her chest.

"Coma, but expected to recover. The Emperor truly does look out for fools, it seems."

Galena smiles. "Truly, the Emperor protects. In any case, how long until you can get in another shipment, then?"

Celine gives Galena a skeptical look. "It's hard enough coordinating resupply inside a quarantine zone. Civilian supplies aren't a priority for the Mission. Make do with what you have and...Also, do make sure you're using the civilian grade paint. We almost had some of the menials crack open the coatings used for the power armour trim. That's military-grade blast-mitigation coating, not paint for a chapel wall. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting about bolter expenditure rates I have to be to. Good day."
A prime example, walking into the exercise room at the same time.

"Make that two more." Caelia says, confidently. She was not wishing she ended up on an opposite team. Absolutely not.

Such would be unsisterly.
"Ah, here to test your skills in a bout of friendly competition as well, Sister Caelia?" Eriko finishes her sandwich, using her hand to hide her chewing. She nods at Caelia. "I imagine you would have a talent in the sport considering the physical strength you so naturally display. I would not wish to be on the receiving end of your tackle."

If only she remembered to bring her fan, she could be fanning it about now. Well, it wouldn't do to berate herself for it now, but she should keep it in mind next time.

"I assume you favoured the scrum positions? Or perhaps one of the locks? Personally, I played as a flanker when I could though I can play an acceptable wing if necessary."

She turned as she heard footsteps come closer to the two of them.

Scrumball. One of the countless sports played by Schola Progrenium graduates the galaxy around and rumoured by some in Araxes to have been imported from the Realm of Ultramar. Or somewhere in its vicinity, at least. It was said that the great Ciaphis Cain played it, maybe, possibly. Regardless of its origin, it was a popular way to give Progena 'entertainment' whilst still building their athleticism and teamwork abilities. Among the older students, whose likely course after graduation was set, the competition could become fierce and Scrumball was but one outlet for their rivalries. Everyone gave it as good as they got, whether Arbitrators, Adepts or Commissars. Some like the Stormtrooper and Commissar adepts had a reputation for their talents in scrumball, though the Adepta Sororitas cadets had a habit of edging them both out, though it was often joked that Sisters thought the game was won by sending the most opponents to the medicae as opposed to actually scoring goals. Between Sisters, the game would hopefully be a little more friendly.

If only a little.

Sister-Superior Resedes was a tall woman with the long legs and athletic frame that made her an excellent flanker and finisher. She puts her hands on her hips as she watches Caelia and Eriko enter the wall, blue eyes shining in the light. "Ah, good to see some of Palais' lot. Perfect timing. We weren't far off from starting, and both teams need a few more. You two mind being split up?" She asks, limbering out. Sister Gwynais waves a hand at Sister Caelia from near Sister-Superior Selveria. Sister Greiland nods her head at Sister Eriko as she stretches out.
"Not at all, Sister-Superior." Eriko shakes her head. "Were you the one who had arranged these games? I was surprised when I heard of them. A window to young adulthood, one could say."


Eriko moves towards Greiland and as she nears she hefts her duffel bag up so that Greiland may see it.

"It seems I will be playing with your team, Sister Greiland. Allow me to change and I can begin warming up."

She looked around the court to her team and the opposing team. Then she returns her gaze back to Greiland. "Would this be the first of the scrumball games you had played, Sister? Or would you know who we should watch out for in the opposing team? Who may be their star athlete?"

There was a dull thud and a grunt, then a long silence.

Maria felt the welts on her back start heating up under the stilled lash. She knelt in the middle of the spartan cell, rosary clutched in one hand, scourge in the other. Of all the times...

After some shuffling the door creaked open and the sharp sting of antiseptic hit Eriko full in the nostrils. Maria was still fixing her robes, the remnants of a bottle of disinfectant, bandages, and ointment left on the little table next to the bed. There was a gas mask tucked up half beneath the pillow, and apart from that very little sign that anyone lived in the room. Those pale, albino eyes narrowed slightly, but the door was wide enough for Eriko to enter, and Maria stepped aside.

"Temptation knocks in the moment of purification...but I accept the gesture."
"Very well, as you say Sister Maria."

Eriko follows her sister inside, looking around discretely at the room as Maria's back is turned. She barely just sniffs at the incredibly spartan furnishings, or rather, lack of furnishings. She wondered if she was expected to set her items on the floor or perhaps on the bedside table.

She looked at Maria as she faced her, resisting the urge to fidget. There was no seat so she supposed she should remain standing.

With a smooth motion, she lifted the warm amasec and the container with the small cups to Maria's head height.

"A peace offering, Sister Maria. We had gotten, as you say, off the wrong foot. Allow me to make amends and to speak privately with you so as we may come to a mutual understanding."

Blunt, but not so blunt. There should be no mistaking her intent for something other than it should be. So stripped of the layers and sub-text, it seemed so unadorned to Eriko. But if Maria's room was anything to go by, her Sister would not appreciate the embellishments any so which way.
It's a sweet azure amasec, with a bit of berry that definitely isn't Aldenberry and a hint of the migrating Wanderoak tree. And a touch of something citrus-y. It's perhaps a touch sweet to the usual Sister's palette, but certainly tastes nothing like the promethium stench that permeates the Little-Cog district.

Down in the sub-level of the Sanctum Imperialis, a small group of Sisters split the amasec between themselves, nursing drinking bowls and plastek cups as they lounge around a circular table made from some local wood. Each drink is made with care and moderation, both due to the limited nature of the amasec and the moderation practiced by the Adepta Sororitas. Sister Caelia and Sister Ilana share the table with three other Sisters. Macharius of Squad Morane swirls her drink in her scarred grip, steel-rimmed eyes flicking between her Sisters. The veteran Eloheim Liandra leans back in her chair, playing idly with her long chord of adamantine rosary beads dangling from her neck. It's the first time either Sister has seen the veteran our of her armour. She's certainly older than the rest of the Sisters by a fair amount, her tanned and freckled face edged with just a hint of wrinkles. Numerous tattoos adorn every part of her exposed skin, many of them glowing electoos, all of them religious in aspect. She runs a hand through her violet hair, glancing over at Sister Anna Rekanov. The young Sister warily takes a tentative sip of the blue amasec, blinks repeatedly in quick succession, and then takes another sip.

"Wow, this isn't half-bad!" Anna laughs, heartily. "I was expecting it to taste like promethium."

Macharius snorts. "Try the local rotgut if you're looking for that particular taste," she says. She glances at the two Sisters from Squad Palais and shrugs her brawny shoulders. "You couldn't get a straight description out of them. Monster the size of a dreadnaught that shot fire out of its eyes and had the deepest midnight for hide, whatever that was supposed to mean. Only the Emperor knows what they saw. Probably just a mutant. Or a weird tree and an overactive imagination."

"Hey, it could be a Daemon. Better safe than sorry, if you ask me! Besides, they're on the perimeter. Swamp's can be real creepy," Anna says.

"You're right, probably nothing." Caelia decides to believe, as much as she says. It was best to not dwell on possible encounters and hypothetical presence.

"A bit too sweet." Caelia says, about her drink, trying to switch topics. She takes another sip anyway. "It's overpowering the other flavors."

Macharius waves a dismissive hand. "If you want to consider petty piracy and some minor warband that had most of its fleet mauled by the Imperial Navy 'running rampant'. There's always Orks causing trouble. They're more prolific than rats and as bad as a pack of rabid cyber-hounds. Still, the Sisters across the Stairway have been put on escalated alert, just in case some of the Greenskins decide that the local shrines make good looting. They're greedy, those Xenos, and they're too idiotic to consider why nobody else has managed to pillage the temples before them."

Liandra nods. "They may deploy us for garrison duty, but it's too far away for a quick response against raids. Prince Cratos mightn't have the best history, but he's managed the Ork incursion well enough so far."

"The fighting's still fierce in Vera Fortis. Last I heard there's still fighting in the sub-sector capital, nevermind the rest of the region. And if you want Orks, they're still all over the Kerberos Worlds."

"That's the problem with the Greenskin. They're everywhere at once, and never seem to go away, even with a good purging." Caelia says, thinking back to her study of the histories and Tactica. "But they're more fit for the Navy and Guard's mass numbers to deal with, unless we're defending a fixed point." She adds.

Anna sighs, wistfully. "Ironbreakers? I wish we were with the Sisters fighting in Vera Fortis. I'd give my left arm to see a Space Marine in the flesh, especially one of our Brother Ironbreakers. That Cannoness-Commander, Jessira? Did you see that coat of hers? Tuskgor Alpha fur, harvested by Astartes Novitiates on Helfrost, or so I heard. I saw her chainaxe too, made by their own Tech-Marines." She brings her bowl to her lips and takes a deep drink. "Bloody lucky, she is. But honestly, I think we'll be staying in Basilem for a while. The Cult of Old Night's hardly the only heretics round here. Hey Macha, Caelia, you're kin with Velorum noble houses, right? You hear anything from the sub-sector capital?"

Macharius frowns for a moment. "Not much. Lord-Admiral Serran Vandilus is returning to Velorum for a victory parade, I hear. Drove the Choir back to the hells that spawned them!" She says, rolling her eyes. "They'd already retreating for years at this point, but he's still acting like all the glory belongs to him even though it was a Dominus that killed their warlord. Some of my cousins are worried he's going to push for more troops and ships into the Matarkan Marches. Those worlds belong to the Emperor, but the people there?" She shakes her head, disquieted. "Unclean. Besides that, not a lot. I guess that Grand-Cruiser they captured just celebrated the tenth year of ongoing purification."

"As long as we're talking hypotheticals, I'd be quite willing to lose however many limbs it'd take to fight alongside the Ironbreakers." Caelia says, dryly. She takes a sip of her small drink. "But yes, that'd really be glorious. No other way the Astartes would gift such Wargear if it wasn't."

She shakes her head. "I'd regale you with the valiant stories of my people defending all Araxes against the hordes of the damned sector, but they seem to be inconsiderately quiet lately." She says. She pauses a moment to drink. "Just some low level skirmishing and fighting out in the Matarkin Marches." She concurs with Macharius.

She shudders to think about what she's heard of the Marches. She almost for a second felt thankful she'd been only assigned to Dreverarch.


"Ah, here to test your skills in a bout of friendly competition as well, Sister Caelia?" Eriko finishes her sandwich, using her hand to hide her chewing. She nods at Caelia. "I imagine you would have a talent in the sport considering the physical strength you so naturally display. I would not wish to be on the receiving end of your tackle."

If only she remembered to bring her fan, she could be fanning it about now. Well, it wouldn't do to berate herself for it now, but she should keep it in mind next time.

"I assume you favoured the scrum positions? Or perhaps one of the locks? Personally, I played as a flanker when I could though I can play an acceptable wing if necessary."

She turned as she heard footsteps come closer to the two of them.

"Scrum, yes." Caelia says, confidently. "I like to be in the thick of it. Best place to be, face to face with the enemy." She adds, only half jokingly.

"You ever face fellow Sisters?" She asked. Eriko was more experienced, so perhaps she would've. The advice might serve, and she doubted someone like Eriko had many stories of great victories upon the Scrumball field with which to feel superior about.

"The Velorum Schola ran teams based on training vocation, so I've faced everyone but other Sisters." She shrugs.

Scrumball. One of the countless sports played by Schola Progrenium graduates the galaxy around and rumoured by some in Araxes to have been imported from the Realm of Ultramar. Or somewhere in its vicinity, at least. It was said that the great Ciaphis Cain played it, maybe, possibly. Regardless of its origin, it was a popular way to give Progena 'entertainment' whilst still building their athleticism and teamwork abilities. Among the older students, whose likely course after graduation was set, the competition could become fierce and Scrumball was but one outlet for their rivalries. Everyone gave it as good as they got, whether Arbitrators, Adepts or Commissars. Some like the Stormtrooper and Commissar adepts had a reputation for their talents in scrumball, though the Adepta Sororitas cadets had a habit of edging them both out, though it was often joked that Sisters thought the game was won by sending the most opponents to the medicae as opposed to actually scoring goals. Between Sisters, the game would hopefully be a little more friendly.

If only a little.

Sister-Superior Resedes was a tall woman with the long legs and athletic frame that made her an excellent flanker and finisher. She puts her hands on her hips as she watches Caelia and Eriko enter the wall, blue eyes shining in the light. "Ah, good to see some of Palais' lot. Perfect timing. We weren't far off from starting, and both teams need a few more. You two mind being split up?" She asks, limbering out. Sister Gwynais waves a hand at Sister Caelia from near Sister-Superior Selveria. Sister Greiland nods her head at Sister Eriko as she stretches out.

"I don't mind if Sister Eriko doesn't." Caelia says. She glances at Eriko, gauging if such an arrangement would be acceptable. "What rules are we using?" She asked, as much as to clarify as to refresh herself on the often complicated ruleset of Scrumball.

While she waited an answer she began to stretch in preparation. In truth it had been some time since she's seen such a field, and she wanted to be at her best and most prepared. Her opponents were no mere Tempestii who preffered sneaking to a good fight, or Navy Officers who could barely form a formation. They were fellow sisters, and they merited respect.

(OOC: Reminder Caelia's still doing the Priest escort)
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The stocky Retributor-Superior steps forward, a mono-axe over her shoulder. "Something of importance, Deacon?"

The Deacon scowls, showing the other woman the dataslate. "Last shipment of rockcrete blocks and paint managed to pitch itself into the river thanks to its idiot driver. Those two palettes being unloaded are the last ones we have."

"They alright?" Galena asks, folding her arms across her chest.

"Coma, but expected to recover. The Emperor truly does look out for fools, it seems."

Maria wiped her hands on a rag and shook mortar from her trowel. Looking down along the wall she tried to gauge the work left, the removal to be done, the remaining stocks.

The first thing she'd said in hours was to the sister just down the way as she tore out damaged brickwork. "Might want to slow the work until replacement is caught up. Stocks won't last."

"A peace offering, Sister Maria. We had gotten, as you say, off the wrong foot. Allow me to make amends and to speak privately with you so as we may come to a mutual understanding."

Blunt, but not so blunt. There should be no mistaking her intent for something other than it should be. So stripped of the layers and sub-text, it seemed so unadorned to Eriko. But if Maria's room was anything to go by, her Sister would not appreciate the embellishments any so which way.

Maria took the glass and, as Eriko worried, indicated the floor. She dropped into a low squat and swirled the liquor in the glass.

"Stepped off without your chute," she finally said, tossing the drink back. "Or blundered down the wrong tunnel. I don't say the foot thing. Sister Superior has already spoken to me and I will not betray her trust or dishonor my sisters."
It's a sweet azure amasec, with a bit of berry that definitely isn't Aldenberry and a hint of the migrating Wanderoak tree. And a touch of something citrus-y. It's perhaps a touch sweet to the usual Sister's palette, but certainly tastes nothing like the promethium stench that permeates the Little-Cog district.

Down in the sub-level of the Sanctum Imperialis, a small group of Sisters split the amasec between themselves, nursing drinking bowls and plastek cups as they lounge around a circular table made from some local wood. Each drink is made with care and moderation, both due to the limited nature of the amasec and the moderation practiced by the Adepta Sororitas. Sister Caelia and Sister Ilana share the table with three other Sisters. Macharius of Squad Morane swirls her drink in her scarred grip, steel-rimmed eyes flicking between her Sisters. The veteran Eloheim Liandra leans back in her chair, playing idly with her long chord of adamantine rosary beads dangling from her neck. It's the first time either Sister has seen the veteran our of her armour. She's certainly older than the rest of the Sisters by a fair amount, her tanned and freckled face edged with just a hint of wrinkles. Numerous tattoos adorn every part of her exposed skin, many of them glowing electoos, all of them religious in aspect. She runs a hand through her violet hair, glancing over at Sister Anna Rekanov. The young Sister warily takes a tentative sip of the blue amasec, blinks repeatedly in quick succession, and then takes another sip.

"Wow, this isn't half-bad!" Anna laughs, heartily. "I was expecting it to taste like promethium."

Macharius snorts. "Try the local rotgut if you're looking for that particular taste," she says. She glances at the two Sisters from Squad Palais and shrugs her brawny shoulders. "You couldn't get a straight description out of them. Monster the size of a dreadnaught that shot fire out of its eyes and had the deepest midnight for hide, whatever that was supposed to mean. Only the Emperor knows what they saw. Probably just a mutant. Or a weird tree and an overactive imagination."

"Hey, it could be a Daemon. Better safe than sorry, if you ask me! Besides, they're on the perimeter. Swamp's can be real creepy," Anna says.
"I'm not looking to the earful that'd be waiting for me if I managed to find myself impaled on a daemonblade again so soon after my last visit to the Sisters Hospitaller." Ilana laughed as she took another sip, frowning in turn as she attempted to again place the berry. Maybe local? The wanderoak hardly was but that didn't preclude the fruit itself from being local. Perhaps she was overthinking it she thought bemusedly. It was still good amasec.
Macharius waves a dismissive hand. "If you want to consider petty piracy and some minor warband that had most of its fleet mauled by the Imperial Navy 'running rampant'. There's always Orks causing trouble. They're more prolific than rats and as bad as a pack of rabid cyber-hounds. Still, the Sisters across the Stairway have been put on escalated alert, just in case some of the Greenskins decide that the local shrines make good looting. They're greedy, those Xenos, and they're too idiotic to consider why nobody else has managed to pillage the temples before them."

Liandra nods. "They may deploy us for garrison duty, but it's too far away for a quick response against raids. Prince Cratos mightn't have the best history, but he's managed the Ork incursion well enough so far."

"The fighting's still fierce in Vera Fortis. Last I heard there's still fighting in the sub-sector capital, nevermind the rest of the region. And if you want Orks, they're still all over the Kerberos Worlds."

"It's stabilized at least. They reopened normal trade through the sub-sector at the start of the year. The Commercia Houses on Krone just announced their seasonal profits, and they looked fair," Liandra says, bringing her bowl to her lips. "Bless the Emperor for the Angels of Death though. According to the news they saved the whole Kerberos Warfront from falling to the Archenemy."

Anna sighs, wistfully. "Ironbreakers? I wish we were with the Sisters fighting in Vera Fortis. I'd give my left arm to see a Space Marine in the flesh, especially one of our Brother Ironbreakers. That Cannoness-Commander, Jessira? Did you see that coat of hers? Tuskgor Alpha fur, harvested by Astartes Novitiates on Helfrost, or so I heard. I saw her chainaxe too, made by their own Tech-Marines." She brings her bowl to her lips and takes a deep drink. "Bloody lucky, she is. But honestly, I think we'll be staying in Basilem for a while. The Cult of Old Night's hardly the only heretics round here. Hey Macha, Caelia, you're kin with Velorum noble houses, right? You hear anything from the sub-sector capital?"

Macharius frowns for a moment. "Not much. Lord-Admiral Serran Vandilus is returning to Velorum for a victory parade, I hear. Drove the Choir back to the hells that spawned them!" She says, rolling her eyes. "They'd already retreating for years at this point, but he's still acting like all the glory belongs to him even though it was a Dominus that killed their warlord. Some of my cousins are worried he's going to push for more troops and ships into the Matarkan Marches. Those worlds belong to the Emperor, but the people there?" She shakes her head, disquieted. "Unclean. Besides that, not a lot. I guess that Grand-Cruiser they captured just celebrated the tenth year of ongoing purification."
"To witness an Angel of Death at war is a blessing in of itself. I'd rather not lose a limb in the process though." Ilana gave a rueful smile. "However by the Emperor's grace I owe my life to Astartes, and I hope for the opportunity to fight alongside them before an eventual martyrdom."

The somber face of Sanguinius the Defender. The red black of angelic plate. A spear of light piercing through Neverending Night. The memories flashed through, vivid as ever, carrying both regret and reminder of her eternal gratitude to the God-Emperor for the opportunity for further service.
It's early in the morn when Sister Illana arrives at the kitchen, dawn far from having risen on the horizon. The Sanctum Imperialis had a full kitchen before the fire, but it hadn't survived. Who knew, perhaps it was even the origin of the blade. The room has been rebuilt and repainted, but besides a few cabinets, it had been largely empty prior to the arrival of the Adepta Sororitas. Now it appropriate fits a full field kitchen, mobile stoves fitting readily into place. Several menials wearing simple body-gloves bearing the sigil of the Order and cooking smocks are busy getting prepped for the day, whilst a protodeacon with a cheery smile that clashes his skull-like visage mutters the litanies of activation over the mobile stoves, anointing them with small, almost miserly daubs of holy oil.

"Good morn, Sister," A Sister Katherine, who Ilana recalls from some of her early patrols on Dreverarch, calls out as she helps some of the menials unload containers of eggs onto the counter. The dark-eyed woman nods at Ilana. "Oh, Sister Ilana, right? I'd heard you were back up and about. Heard about that wound you got, fighting those Warp Spawn. You did the Emperor's work that day."
"Sister Katherine." Ilana nodded in turn. "Alas, the warp spawn fled to haunt the Imperium another day. I can only hope that we would be blessed with the opportunity to rectrify that failing. Still, we foiled whatever plans the beast had for the witch, and I will have to remain content with that much. Hopefully I can delay the next glorious scar enough that the judging gazes of our Hospitaller brethren are not quite so severe, sometimes I wonder if they believe us determined to make their lives harder for them."

Ilana spared a glance for the protodeacon across the room, smiling wryly. "Not much blessed oils for the stoves huh?" She wondered how one of the Martian priests would react.
With a flare of flame, the mobile stoves come to life, the protodeacon lowering them to stand by mode as he stands up. He bows to Sister Ilana, bionic hands smoothing his plain robes. "Well, no warp spawn to fight here, unless these eggs are more suspicious than I expected," He chuckles at his own joke, one of the menials struggling not to roll her eyes. "Always good to have one of the Sisters joining us for preparations. Protodeacon Badr at your service. You mind helping unload the eggs?" He asks, gesturing at some of the boxes in the refrigeration unit. "We're making eggs in a buttery flour-cream with grox, and some oatmeal with aldenberries. Nothing too complicated."
"Of course, a hearty meal leaves ample room for faith. A pleasure, Protodeacon Badr." Ilana said, feeling cheerful despite her early rising. She knelt down to start rummaging through the boxes, grabbing a rack of eggs to place at the indicated table. "Well I certainly would have some explaining to the Sister-Superior if we all must do battle with homicidal eggs." She grinned at what Palais' face would be like to such a tale. "Still, today I'd rather start off with breakfast rather than glory, as noble a calling as the latter is."