In comparison, Sister Caelia feels almost naked without the comforting weight of her boltgun and blades. Her power armour offers its only methods of violence and protection of course, but there is something disconcerting about the comforting weight of a boltgun in hand. Not that even her power armour feels as comfortable to wear as it usually does. Lacking the Mission's tech-priests, the Sisters were forced to rely on themselves, one another, and the arming servitors to equip their warplate, and though they performed the rites as they'd been taught, something feels uncomfortably taut in Caelia's armour.

In the Tactica drills at the Schola, one of the first things they'd taught (After basic maintenance and safety) was that the Bolt Rifle was the primary offensive element of the Battle Sister. Similar lessons were taught to the Tempesti Cadets, and to those destined for similar martial ends. If you had lost your Bolt Rifle, it was your solemn duty to fight your way to the weapon and retrieve it, using sidearms and other secondary weapons.

That would be bad enough, but she had no sidearm as well, nor any blade. No Daughter of Velorum should willingly leave a fortified area without at least a sidearm and Gladius.

Yet here she was.

Maybe she should've picked the Icon. It'd have been good strentgh training, if nothing else.

Their tasks, at least for the moment, bring the two Sisters together as they enter the lift that serves as the quickest route down the mountain side. They are accompanied by two sisters from Dominion Squad Ophania, neither of them Sisters the two are too familiar with. A Sister Junita and Sister Catiro by the rune-marks on their armour and the helmet displays, both Dominions. Even with all four Sisters within the lift, it remains quite spacious and comfortable.

"Take us down to ground level," Sister Junita orders the servitor implanted into the lift's control cogitator, the machine-serf groaning its affirmation as the gears of the lift begin to grind and turn. The Sister turns back to the squad, shifting her empty hands uneasily. "So, anyone know anything about wrestling Groxes? Hrm, Groxes. Is that the right plural? Feels off."

"Wrestling, yes." Caelia says, shaking her helmeted head. "Grox, no. Afraid I don't come from an Agri-World, and the Schola didn't include them in the Xenos Threat catalogue." She deadpans.

It isn't too long before the lift rumbles to a stop and the gate grinds open to the arched service tunnel beyond, lit by braziers held in the grips of faceless, robed statues. Beyond, daylight beckons. The double-doors at the end of the hall are open to the rolling hills beyond. A soft dusting of white paints the hilly expanse and the rooftops of the village that sprawls out across them. Grox pens, vineyards, and fields of indeterminate plants spread out yet further. Cloth rustles as the Sisters near the entrance, two figures appearing in the shadow of the alcoves by the tunnel exit. Two weathered old men bearing crude Ecclesiarchal badges pinned to the lapels of their coats stand in a poor semblance of a soldier at attention, old autoguns rested against their shoulders. Frateris Militia. Their eyes are wide as they look the four Battle-Sisters up and down, their scarlet armour catching in the light of the early morning sun as it rises over the horizon.

"Whew...Emperor bless you this fine day, Sisters," the first one says, smiling through yellowed teeth as he shifts his wood-stocked autogun in his grip. "Emeline said you'd be coming on by, but boy...You're...Uh, wow..."

The other militiaman rolls his eyes, elbowing the other man. "This isn't your first time seeing a Sister of Battle. Stop stammering like you're a teenage boy speaking to his crush for the first time."

"Well, you're one to know," The first one snorts, his weathered cheeks colouring. "Maybe not the first but you sorts don't come by very often, not in all our years watching this gate. And they aren't usually in full armour right as the sun's coming on up. Beautiful sight." He says, shaking his head. "But enough rambling from an old man. My husband and I are natives to the area, and Emeline said you might want some directions. Maybe answer any questions you might have. We're locals, been round these parts our whole lives."

"Auspicious start to the day," Catiro comments, looking at the sun as it alights on the hilltops and the distant shortline. Her helmet turns, down toward the winding stone path that winds between rockcrete and wood structures stamped with the Sanctuary's sigil. "Hrm. Who's that on a horse? Local Enforcer?"

Far down the road a figure atop a mount canters down the road, silhouetted by the sun. Other figures follow in the mounted one's wake. The two old men squint down the road, shaking their head.

"Nobody rides those around 'ere, save pilgrim and foreign sorts," One of them says, bringing a set of magnoculars to his eyes. "Soldierly sort. Looks like...A Paladius Free-Lancer, I think they're called. Some sort of mercenary pilgrims."

Caelia ignores the man's awkward greeting, then nods when he he offers information.

"We're hunting down the Rogue Grox." She says, bluntly. "If you have any idea where they might've headed first, good ways to track them, and good ways to incapacitate them...."

She decides to be diplomatic. "I would appreciate the information, Frateris."

She glances over to the mounted figures as Sister Catiro pointed them out. "Very low possibility they're hostile, but perhaps we should ask them their business? Make sure they won't interfere in our tasks."
Even with the added strength of her armour, Sister Eriko finds herself straining with the man-sized Ministorum Sigil she has been oathsworn to carry. For someone without the benefit of power armour it would be backbreaking to carry. With it at the least, her armour's whining servo-musculature takes on the worst of the weight, leaving it only tiring. The awkward proportions of it do not help either. But she will carry it with her nonetheless. The makeshift manner in which she had donned her armour adds another layer of discomfort, something she can't quite place feeling off about Storm of Summer. Was it the timbre of its reactor, the speed at which it reacted to her movements? She couldn't quite tell, and that made it all the more discomfiting.
She hadn't realized just how uncomfortable carrying the Ministorum Standard was. Large, heavy, and unbalanced set on the end of the rod, Eriko often found herself bearing the icon just as much on her shoulders as with both hands wrapped around the staff. But she knew just how much appearances mattered, especially to the common folk, who could be impressed if only she seemingly bore the weight with little difficulty.

They would see an Adepta Sororitas, strong in body just as she was in her Faith and skilled in the healing arts. Eriko was determined not to let something as petty as weary limbs rob those who would witness her so. But yet, Storm of Summer did not want to cooperate, making her movements awkward compared to what how easily they had worked together in the heat of battle.

Muttering what benedictions she knew to try and lighten Storm of Summer's mood, Eriko entered the lift along with several of her Sisters. She cut her appeasements short, and greeted her Sisters.

Their tasks, at least for the moment, bring the two Sisters together as they enter the lift that serves as the quickest route down the mountain side. They are accompanied by two sisters from Dominion Squad Ophania, neither of them Sisters the two are too familiar with. A Sister Junita and Sister Catiro by the rune-marks on their armour and the helmet displays, both Dominions. Even with all four Sisters within the lift, it remains quite spacious and comfortable.

"Take us down to ground level," Sister Junita orders the servitor implanted into the lift's control cogitator, the machine-serf groaning its affirmation as the gears of the lift begin to grind and turn. The Sister turns back to the squad, shifting her empty hands uneasily. "So, anyone know anything about wrestling Groxes? Hrm, Groxes. Is that the right plural? Feels off."
"Wrestling, yes." Caelia says, shaking her helmeted head. "Grox, no. Afraid I don't come from an Agri-World, and the Schola didn't include them in the Xenos Threat catalogue." She deadpans.
"Perhaps the same principals are applied on incapacitating any aggressive foe," Eriko opines. "Bear them to the ground with superior strength and prowess. Attack their vulnerable parts, usually the eyes or the throat, before they give up or are exhausted beyond the ability to fight back. But I've heard about that issue concerning the recent storm and the roaming... groxes. Most likely, the laborers in the grange would be simply delighted to pass on any useful knowledge."

Eriko then turned to the other Sister who had not yet spoken. "And of your task, Sister Catiro, pray would you happen to share mine?" Eriko lifts the Ministorum's standard before letting it fall to the ground with a heavy thud. "A missionary of the Missionarius Galaxia will be administering to the local villages and it was implied more than one Sister would be accompanying the expedition."

It isn't too long before the lift rumbles to a stop and the gate grinds open to the arched service tunnel beyond, lit by braziers held in the grips of faceless, robed statues. Beyond, daylight beckons. The double-doors at the end of the hall are open to the rolling hills beyond. A soft dusting of white paints the hilly expanse and the rooftops of the village that sprawls out across them. Grox pens, vineyards, and fields of indeterminate plants spread out yet further. Cloth rustles as the Sisters near the entrance, two figures appearing in the shadow of the alcoves by the tunnel exit. Two weathered old men bearing crude Ecclesiarchal badges pinned to the lapels of their coats stand in a poor semblance of a soldier at attention, old autoguns rested against their shoulders. Frateris Militia. Their eyes are wide as they look the four Battle-Sisters up and down, their scarlet armour catching in the light of the early morning sun as it rises over the horizon.

"Whew...Emperor bless you this fine day, Sisters," the first one says, smiling through yellowed teeth as he shifts his wood-stocked autogun in his grip. "Emeline said you'd be coming on by, but boy...You're...Uh, wow..."

The other militiaman rolls his eyes, elbowing the other man. "This isn't your first time seeing a Sister of Battle. Stop stammering like you're a teenage boy speaking to his crush for the first time."

"Well, you're one to know," The first one snorts, his weathered cheeks colouring. "Maybe not the first but you sorts don't come by very often, not in all our years watching this gate. And they aren't usually in full armour right as the sun's coming on up. Beautiful sight." He says, shaking his head. "But enough rambling from an old man. My husband and I are natives to the area, and Emeline said you might want some directions. Maybe answer any questions you might have. We're locals, been round these parts our whole lives."
Caelia ignores the man's awkward greeting, then nods when he he offers information.

"We're hunting down the Rogue Grox." She says, bluntly. "If you have any idea where they might've headed first, good ways to track them, and good ways to incapacitate them...."

She decides to be diplomatic. "I would appreciate the information, Frateris."
"My Sisters Caelia and Junita are to hunt groxes," Eriko clarifies after Caelia. "But I seek a missionary called Missionary Celestine Marcyn. Has she or one of her order passed by this elevator recently?" Eriko then asks for directions to where she would meet the missionary and, as she does so, she consciously raises the Ministorum sigil with one hand, testing its weight but also to show it fully bathed in sunlight to the first witnesses of the sigil.

"Auspicious start to the day," Catiro comments, looking at the sun as it alights on the hilltops and the distant shortline. Her helmet turns, down toward the winding stone path that winds between rockcrete and wood structures stamped with the Sanctuary's sigil. "Hrm. Who's that on a horse? Local Enforcer?"

Far down the road a figure atop a mount canters down the road, silhouetted by the sun. Other figures follow in the mounted one's wake. The two old men squint down the road, shaking their head.

"Nobody rides those around 'ere, save pilgrim and foreign sorts," One of them says, bringing a set of magnoculars to his eyes. "Soldierly sort. Looks like...A Paladius Free-Lancer, I think they're called. Some sort of mercenary pilgrims."
She glances over to the mounted figures as Sister Catiro pointed them out. "Very low possibility they're hostile, but perhaps we should ask them their business? Make sure they won't interfere in our tasks."
"If they shall, then they have chosen a poorly to bear issue against the Monastery's guests," Eriko replies. "In any case, we will meet them down the road and they can accost us or not at their will."

She glances at the Frateris pair and gives a slight nods of thanks, enough to acknowledge their help. A bow was not proper when their stations was much lower than hers. Then she faces her fellow Sisters of the Burning Rose. "It seems we have yet some distance to trek yet towards our destinations, Sisters. Shall we?"
She hadn't realized just how uncomfortable carrying the Ministorum Standard was. Large, heavy, and unbalanced set on the end of the rod, Eriko often found herself bearing the icon just as much on her shoulders as with both hands wrapped around the staff. But she knew just how much appearances mattered, especially to the common folk, who could be impressed if only she seemingly bore the weight with little difficulty.

They would see an Adepta Sororitas, strong in body just as she was in her Faith and skilled in the healing arts. Eriko was determined not to let something as petty as weary limbs rob those who would witness her so. But yet, Storm of Summer did not want to cooperate, making her movements awkward compared to what how easily they had worked together in the heat of battle.

Muttering what benedictions she knew to try and lighten Storm of Summer's mood, Eriko entered the lift along with several of her Sisters. She cut her appeasements short, and greeted her Sisters.
(OOC: It's not on an end of a staff or Rod. It's literally just a big feth off Ecclesiarchy symbol, carried similarly to how one may carry a full sized Cross)
"Wrestling, yes." Caelia says, shaking her helmeted head. "Grox, no. Afraid I don't come from an Agri-World, and the Schola didn't include them in the Xenos Threat catalogue." She deadpans.
"Unfortunately, my homeworld seems to have missed the memo that Grox were mandatory learning. Never taught me a thing about them," Junita mutters, sheepishly. "Or if I did I don't recall. All I know is that they're threat level Xenos Minima. So how bad can they really be?"

"Perhaps the same principals are applied on incapacitating any aggressive foe," Eriko opines. "Bear them to the ground with superior strength and prowess. Attack their vulnerable parts, usually the eyes or the throat, before they give up or are exhausted beyond the ability to fight back. But I've heard about that issue concerning the recent storm and the roaming... groxes. Most likely, the laborers in the grange would be simply delighted to pass on any useful knowledge."

Eriko then turned to the other Sister who had not yet spoken. "And of your task, Sister Catiro, pray would you happen to share mine?" Eriko lifts the Ministorum's standard before letting it fall to the ground with a heavy thud. "A missionary of the Missionarius Galaxia will be administering to the local villages and it was implied more than one Sister would be accompanying the expedition."
Sister Catiro bows her head toward Sister Eriko, smiling. "Indeed! It seems we're of a common purpose then, Sister..." She pauses a moment, sparing a quick glance toward the name emblazoned on Storm of Summer's pauldrons. "...Eriko. We've spilled a little blood together, but it's good to meet you more formally."

"I believe you are the transfer from the Orders Hospitaller?" She asks.
Caelia ignores the man's awkward greeting, then nods when he he offers information.

"We're hunting down the Rogue Grox." She says, bluntly. "If you have any idea where they might've headed first, good ways to track them, and good ways to incapacitate them...."

She decides to be diplomatic. "I would appreciate the information, Frateris."

She glances over to the mounted figures as Sister Catiro pointed them out. "Very low possibility they're hostile, but perhaps we should ask them their business? Make sure they won't interfere in our tasks."
The two old men glance at each other, brows furrowed. "A rogue...Grox?" One of the two asks after a moment, squinting at the Sister.

The other one starts speaking, hesitant. "I...Suppose Gwenni Blackforth runs the grange that had a lot of them break out the other day, honored Sisters. You probably ought to speak with her," he says, as he starts scrawling down some directions onto a dataslate. "From there they mostly ran to the west, across the hills. You probably shouldn't have too much trouble following the tracks. They ain't exactly subtle, you understand? As for incapacitating them uh...Usually, I think they get a team with shock prods and just back them up into their pens, or you shoot them with a few tranquilizers and wait before you get to moving them. Don't really seem easy work either way, but we're not exactly Grox wranglers."
"My Sisters Caelia and Junita are to hunt groxes," Eriko clarifies after Caelia. "But I seek a missionary called Missionary Celestine Marcyn. Has she or one of her order passed by this elevator recently?" Eriko then asks for directions to where she would meet the missionary and, as she does so, she consciously raises the Ministorum sigil with one hand, testing its weight but also to show it fully bathed in sunlight to the first witnesses of the sigil.
"Grox, milady," one of the old Frateris coughs, banging his autogun against his chest-rig as he shifts uncomfortably. "Grox is the singular and the plural of Grox, honored Sisters. Herd of Grox versus a pack of canids."

"Hon..." the other says, warningly. "Forgive him, Sisters. He's been helping our grand-daughter with her lessons at the Schola as late. Anyway, honored sister, we saw the Missionary and her servants about an hour hence, just before dawn. Had a bit of a talk over the weather forecast over a bowl of tea and some breakfast. Mentioned she'd be at the ferry docks, near the edge of the town proper. Hon, you happen to have directions for them?"

The first Frateris nods, quickly scribing down some directions onto a pair of dataslates. He hands one off to Caelia and the other to Eriko. "Here you are, Sisters."
She glances over to the mounted figures as Sister Catiro pointed them out. "Very low possibility they're hostile, but perhaps we should ask them their business? Make sure they won't interfere in our tasks."
"If they shall, then they have chosen a poorly to bear issue against the Monastery's guests," Eriko replies. "In any case, we will meet them down the road and they can accost us or not at their will."

She glances at the Frateris pair and gives a slight nods of thanks, enough to acknowledge their help. A bow was not proper when their stations was much lower than hers. Then she faces her fellow Sisters of the Burning Rose. "It seems we have yet some distance to trek yet towards our destinations, Sisters. Shall we?"
"Let's," Sister Catiro comments, nodding toward the Frateris as well. "Gratias vobis agimus, Frateris Militae," she says in High Gothic, the Frateris bowing in respect.

The Sisters make their way down the road, sabatons booming against the paved stone or crunching into the drifts of snow that have settled across the roadway. They make an imposing sight, four Battle-Sisters in their full plate, steam drifting upwards from their reactor packs, but the party advancing up the road from them does not slow or turn aside. If anything, they pick up the pace, raised pennants and banners streaming in their wake, the rising sun silhouetting them as they climb upwards.

At their head are a trio of mounted figures, each astride a powerful destrier. The two taking the rear, pennant-tipped spears held high, are impressive enough in brightly painted suits of half-plate of red and white, their helms richly decorated with stars. Their warhorses are pure killing muscle and cybernetic augments that bear the weight of their riders, coats of flak armour that drape over them, and bulging saddlebags and combat webbing uphill with little apparent effort, hot vapor trailing from their many-fanged maws as they trot up the road. Five soldiers equipped not dissimilarly to an Imperial Guard line squad follow behind, tabards over camouflaged flak plate with one holding high his master's banner. Taking up the very rear is a winsome lass wearing a flak jacket over her doublet.

All of it pales in the shadow of the figure at the lead of the formation.

"Ho there, Adepta Sororitas, and blessed morning! Truly, the Emperor smiles upon me this fine day!" Cries aloud the self-evident leader of the group. He is a towering figure resplendent in full carapace armor that gleams like a precious emerald in the dawn light, the thick helm that hangs from his side bearing the monstrous visage of some great beast, whilst the flak tabard over his torso bears the imagery of a burning tree and Imperial Knight Titans. So unhelmed, the man displays dark and handsome features straight from a propaganda poster with a jaw that could cut glass, luscious blond locks crowning his head. His warhorse is nothing less than an exemplar of its breed, eclipsing its companions in size and muscle even without the addition of full carapace barding, or the extensive cybernetic modifications it has been given. The crash of its metallic claws upon the road is, if anything, even heavier than the fall of the Sisters' own power armored Sabatons.

"Good morning, sir?" Junita replies. "Would you make way for us, sir. We have business about!"

The warrior's horse slows to a halt with no seeming direction from its rider, the warrior shaking his head ruefully. "I must apologize to delay you such, Sisters, but if I am not mistaken, by your heraldry you are Sisters of Saint Leanna's sworn order?"

"We are Sisters of the Burning Rose, yes," Catiro says. "Why do you ask?"

"I had feared that my eyes had deceived me, but to find the Sisters of Battle on my pilgrimage? Oh joyous day, Emperor be praised!" The knight cheers. "I ask because I am Ser Caspiel Balthemos, Third of That Name, and I have sworn to the Throne to break a hundred in His name. I ride as a Free-Lancer. Some may call us mercenaries, but my quest is one of pilgrimage. I had come here seeking Saint Oros' shrine, but to find the Adepta Sororitas seems a sign from the Throne itself. I have walked twelve worlds, Sisters, my lance sworn to no lord save He upon the Throne, and my banner and lance raised to any who can convince me they do His work. And in that time I've witnessed many great and terrible things. I rode for I rode for three months against the hordes of the Warboss Warzad Hedkraka, charged alongside the blessed Baneblades of the 92nd Kronen Superheavy, put my lance through the black heart of the Warlock Agroxas, and many deeds aside. But I've yet to see the vaunted Adepta Sororitas in battle."

He unclips his helmet from his side and smiles wide. "I apologize to lay forth this challenge on an unremarkable stretch of roadway. A bridge would be more traditional, I admit, but nonetheless: I, Ser Caspiel Balthemos, Third of His Name, do challenge you to battle in a Passage of Arms."

Catiro glances back at the other Sisters. "Are you trying to die? What is this passage of arms you're talking about?"

His face falls for a moment, but only just. "No, no. It's not a fight to the death, simply to yield. It's a sacred proof of chivalric righteousness. a test of arms and skill. To pass by a knight sworn to the Passage of Arms, you must fight them in battle, or offer them some trophy of your disgraceful surrender. Traditionally their spurs, but other items are acceptable. Typically it'd held at a bridge, or a gate or the like." The knight glances up the road, toward the lift to the Sanctuary of Oros. "I...Suppose that's not far removed from a gate. Still I understand that your time is short, so I will ask that only one of you test your blade against mine. Ty Whether you win or not, I will gladly offer you passage."

Junita shakes her head. "Well, we're off to an interesting start of the day."

@SirLagginton @Mina
It's been more than a month. Given I've asked repeatedly for you to post, I've decided to just skip you.
The two old men glance at each other, brows furrowed. "A rogue...Grox?" One of the two asks after a moment, squinting at the Sister.

The other one starts speaking, hesitant. "I...Suppose Gwenni Blackforth runs the grange that had a lot of them break out the other day, honored Sisters. You probably ought to speak with her," he says, as he starts scrawling down some directions onto a dataslate. "From there they mostly ran to the west, across the hills. You probably shouldn't have too much trouble following the tracks. They ain't exactly subtle, you understand? As for incapacitating them uh...Usually, I think they get a team with shock prods and just back them up into their pens, or you shoot them with a few tranquilizers and wait before you get to moving them. Don't really seem easy work either way, but we're not exactly Grox wranglers."

"Thank you." Caelia says. "I'll speak to this Blackforth, then."

The description of what it takes sounds like what she expected. If it could be brought in by a few men with Shock Mauls, she could handle it no problem.

At their head are a trio of mounted figures, each astride a powerful destrier. The two taking the rear, pennant-tipped spears held high, are impressive enough in brightly painted suits of half-plate of red and white, their helms richly decorated with stars. Their warhorses are pure killing muscle and cybernetic augments that bear the weight of their riders, coats of flak armour that drape over them, and bulging saddlebags and combat webbing uphill with little apparent effort, hot vapor trailing from their many-fanged maws as they trot up the road. Five soldiers equipped not dissimilarly to an Imperial Guard line squad follow behind, tabards over camouflaged flak plate with one holding high his master's banner. Taking up the very rear is a winsome lass wearing a flak jacket over her doublet.

All of it pales in the shadow of the figure at the lead of the formation.

"Ho there, Adepta Sororitas, and blessed morning! Truly, the Emperor smiles upon me this fine day!" Cries aloud the self-evident leader of the group. He is a towering figure resplendent in full carapace armor that gleams like a precious emerald in the dawn light, the thick helm that hangs from his side bearing the monstrous visage of some great beast, whilst the flak tabard over his torso bears the imagery of a burning tree and Imperial Knight Titans. So unhelmed, the man displays dark and handsome features straight from a propaganda poster with a jaw that could cut glass, luscious blond locks crowning his head. His warhorse is nothing less than an exemplar of its breed, eclipsing its companions in size and muscle even without the addition of full carapace barding, or the extensive cybernetic modifications it has been given. The crash of its metallic claws upon the road is, if anything, even heavier than the fall of the Sisters' own power armored Sabatons.

"Good morning, sir?" Junita replies. "Would you make way for us, sir. We have business about!"

The warrior's horse slows to a halt with no seeming direction from its rider, the warrior shaking his head ruefully. "I must apologize to delay you such, Sisters, but if I am not mistaken, by your heraldry you are Sisters of Saint Leanna's sworn order?"

"We are Sisters of the Burning Rose, yes," Catiro says. "Why do you ask?"

A well equipped force, Caelia muses. She had heard that Palladius was prized for it's Rough Riders and knights. She had half expected a Feudal Warrior of some sort, clad in mere steel plate and hand-me-down weapons, a brave barbarian.

But these troops, though their dress was quite similar to the archetypical feudal worlder, were well equipped as any Guard Squad, and their leader was clad in a panoply befitting a Noble Warrior of a much better off world. She supposed it makes sense: Pilgrims, especially ones who enter a warzone, should be well armed. You never know when the Emperor would call you to a Martial show of faith.

He unclips his helmet from his side and smiles wide. "I apologize to lay forth this challenge on an unremarkable stretch of roadway. A bridge would be more traditional, I admit, but nonetheless: I, Ser Caspiel Balthemos, Third of His Name, do challenge you to battle in a Passage of Arms."

Catiro glances back at the other Sisters. "Are you trying to die? What is this passage of arms you're talking about?"

His face falls for a moment, but only just. "No, no. It's not a fight to the death, simply to yield. It's a sacred proof of chivalric righteousness. a test of arms and skill. To pass by a knight sworn to the Passage of Arms, you must fight them in battle, or offer them some trophy of your disgraceful surrender. Traditionally their spurs, but other items are acceptable. Typically it'd held at a bridge, or a gate or the like." The knight glances up the road, toward the lift to the Sanctuary of Oros. "I...Suppose that's not far removed from a gate. Still I understand that your time is short, so I will ask that only one of you test your blade against mine. Ty Whether you win or not, I will gladly offer you passage."

Junita shakes her head. "Well, we're off to an interesting start of the day."

"You're challenging us to a duel...?"

Caelia asks, half surprised. Sure, the man seemed like he was a skilled fighter. He wouldn't survive so long and become a traveling knight were he incompetent. But did he truly think he could take on the Adepta Sororitas? Was he that confidant in his own skill and wargear that he could compensate for Power Armor and Schola trained and battle hardened skill? Or was he merely ignorant of their capabilities?

Which it was, a challenge could not go unopposed. She knew not of this tradition he spoke of, but she knew of Honor and Skill at arms, and she knew it must be tested often and well. She reckoned of the availiable sisters she would offer the best test to the both of them.

She stepped forward. "Then I will meet you in Battle, Ser Balthemos."
There is something unduly amusing about being clad in the full warplate, and yet being armed with little more than a wooden stick with a sharpened stone for a point. Motors and actuators buzz as Sister Ilana closes her grip around the wooden haft of the throwing spear, only furthering the bizarre contrast.

"Don't be too delicate," Guest-Master Primus Emeline notes. "It may be wood but it's still good solid oak, harvested not far from here. Of course, if you're too worried about breaking it, you could always don more traditional raiment."

One may well presume that to be little more than furs if they're lucky, or rags if not, but it is bitterly cold out on the mountainside and it is humbling enough for a Daughter of the Emperor to hunt with such an archaic weapon. Besides, armouring up had taken even longer than usual. The Sisters of Battle were trained to be able to armour themselves without a tech-priest, but the Sisterhood's knowledge of the rites of armouring was slow and fumbling in comparison and even with the aid of arming servitors it had taken unpleasantly long. There is an unsteady growl in the thrum of Ilana's reactor pack that makes her wonder if her plate is annoyed at her or the task laid before them, and she swears there is a drag in her left knee.

The elderly woman smiles, handing over a leather pack of some sort full of additional throwing spears. "Stay safe and stay warm then. Make sure to collect the Falcida's bodies when you were done, as it's part of your penance. If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. If not? Well. Oros grant you patience in your hunt.

The cold outside beckons, the crunch of freshly fallen snow beneath the Sister's sabatons, the growl of her armour in the crisp, cold air. Soft snow falls over the Sanctuary of Oros as Ilana exits the monastery interior, drifting flakes nestling in the crooks of her armour and melting down her reactor pack. She isn't the only one out on the chill morning. Lay-servants of the monastery take breakfast to the anchorites sealed in their chambers along the Sanctuary's exterior pathways, and a monk nods at the Sister as he tends to a bed of florescent blue flowers poking from the frost. Another face is more familiar to Sister Ilana.

"So the musclebound freak's just shaking around Vahn like he owed him money, yeah, and the other scum-suckers thought they had me dead to rights. Three to one, and the real ugly un' had his gun right to the back of me hea-Oh hallo there, Sister," The bounty hunter Pythia says in greeting, her very animated hand gestures probably doing a better job keeping her warm than the threadbare cloak she's thrown over her clothing.

The finely polished armour of the Crusader besides her gleams in the morning sun. He grunts in recognition of the Sister, pressing his chainblade against his cuirass in salute. "Out hunting?" he asks, his voice as hard and guttural as the engine of his blade. [Scrutiny Check Fail]

"Hunting Falcida, huh? Wish ya' luck, Sister. Would love to offer a hand, used to love hunting the lil' blighters as a lass," Pythia comments, looking wistfully at the sunlit mountain slopes.

The Crusader sighs. "You're not allowed off monastery grounds."

"So you keep remindin' me. I do have a working memory mate," she sighs. "But hey no worries, jus' your job, and you're cute so I forgive ya'. Anyway Sister, another of your Sisters went out earlier. With some of the same...Sticks," she says, waving at the throwing spears Ilana has. "Not that you can't do some good work with sticks, just as I was telling this handsome lad here. Three on one, a gun to the back of my head, and all I 'ad on me was a broken length of table leg. But 'ey, if they wanted to make it an even fight, they should've brought more lads, eh?"

"We ran similar scenarios in training," The Crusader remarks, dryly. He glances at Sister Ilana, wearily. "Do you require any assistance or advice in your hunt, Sister?"

"I could give you a few tips for tracking," The bounty hunter suggests. "Hey, that reminds me. I ain't e'er been to the Kaledos Spine, but I've seen my fair of snow. Once tracked a recidivist twelve hours through a snowstorm. Now there's a story. Not even the Enforcers could get their hands on Vinicius. They called him 'Stubproof', 'cause it seemed nothin' could touch him. How'd you like to hear about how I proved 'em wrong, eh?"

"Perhaps later," The Crusader grunts, focusing his attention on Sister Ilana. Beyond him the pilgrim paths through the mountains beckon, the jagged rocks and snowswept peaks of the Kaledos Spine. Somewhere out there, her prey awaits. The only question is, where?"
"I would be appreciative of any advice you would be willing to provide," Ilana agreed after a moment's hesitation as she returned the Crusader's salute in greetings along with a friendly nod of acknowledgement to the bounty hunter. Was not the purpose of the penance to emulate and endure the same tribulations that the holy Saint had upon her journey out in the snowy peaks? She had thought she was already stretching things by cladding herself in holy plate for the task. But the Crusader was almost certainly more acquainted with the local traditions than she, and she was struck by an old piece of wisdom provided to her by her honoured Uncle Mattias. The Emperor extended His compassion to all, and it was not the place of the servant to question Providence.

And she was going very much unprepared, she was coming to realise. For all her skill at war, it did not inform her of the art of the hunt beyond the half-remembered advice she had received from her Lord Uncle during one of his occasional safari tours in the great agri-domes that housed the few functional ecosystems beyond the swarms of vermin, fungi, and sump crocs that infested the lower levels. How long would she spend her time fumbling in the snowy wastes without such aid? The ability to accept humiliation with calm lent itself to humility, but some remnant of her noble pride spoke out against that.

"Oros Monastery has been prompt in impressing me with the beauty of their institution, which makes it embarrassing for me to admit that I still do not know that much about it or its surroundings. But I see I have forgotten courtesy, Sir..."
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Maria's marches through the halls, shifting uncomfortably in her armour. Besides the wounds of her flagellation, without tech-priests to perform the rites of armament she and her Sisters had been forced to rely on one another and the arming servitors. It was something they were trained for, certainly, even armouring up entirely alone God-Emperor forbid, but there is an odd timbre to the whine of her armour's servos and motors, a snag around the shoulder actuators. Their lack of understanding of the mysteries more than reveals itself.

The same whine of her armour seems to clash with the quietness of the Sanctuary's halls, the bowed heads of monks and nuns in greeting to her own stiff movements. The contrast only grows deeper as she takes the long route downstairs, the well-lit corridors fading away as the Sister descends into the depths of the monastery, deep within the mountain. Here there is still activity. Members of the clergy or the occasional servo-skull or lay-servant making their way among the halls, but they are few and far between. The sanctuary's architecture is old, but this feels of a different style altogether. More geometric shapes, not as many of the flying buttresses and pointed archs so common in Imperial architecture, but there remains a strong emphasis on symmetry, proportion, geometry and the regularity of parts. Perhaps more use of pillars? But then, there is an arch down that corridor, a greater sense of familiarity. There something more baroque, a corridor perhaps more reminiscent of that of a Mechanicus forge-shrine? Different styles blended together? Or perhaps it was simply Maria's imagination. She was no architect.

She harbored some hope she had done better with her execution of the rote donning rituals they had trained in. It would be improper to try and match the esoteric understanding of their tech-priests, but a small stubborn part of her wondered if it would not be more effective to take a more direct role in the preparation of Indomitable. With the relative complexity and breadth of her duties she had studied more of the shape of the mysteries the red-robed priests guarded to jealously than most of her sisters, and it did not feel like hubris to think that some well meaning chant had been insufficient for the needs of her loyal, but high-strung warplate. There could be more time and more opportunities to arm up during their stay, she might broach the topic then. For now she just had to compensate for her mortified flesh and the resistance of her armor.

The shifting styles of the corridors and chambers reminded her a little of the way you could tease out which house or era a section of Geldovan tunnel had been built in. It was funny, some ornamentation here might remind her of a Mechanicus forge-shrine, while in her own home of old she could identify a particular visual motif but had no idea of its provenance. The designer, their house, or their department of the old order were lost in nuclear fire and the years of their lonely resistance. This place was steeped in history, while her people clung to dregs.

Though not all secrets, perhaps, are forgotten beneath the weight of history. A loud thump and groan had caught on Maria's auto-senses as she passed by a long-disused greenhouse, and she paused a moment to check if someone had been hurt. Fortunately, nobody seems injured physically, judging by the quite vigorous activity of the monk and nun she finds coiled together against an old fountain. Though, judging by their flushed faces and wide eyes, their pride may not be so unwounded.

"Emperor-!" The monk hisses in surprise, flinching at the Adepta Sororitas' presence hard enough he almost falls over and bangs his knee against the fountain. Judging by the cursing, Maria is forced to alter her analysis of 'nobody injured physically'.

"What the feth-Oh-that's a...Uhhm," The nun groans, hastily snatching up her robes. "G-good morning, Sister?" She croaks, beet-red.

"Good morning, sister." Maria wasn't sure what else to say. She'd intruded on their out of the way trysting spot and was in the wrong, but the brother may have hurt himself. While she tried to come up with something, anything, her brain lunged at the awkward silence. "Yes...uhm...good...morning."

After racking her brain she made the sign of the aquila to both of them, turned on her heel, and beat a hasty retreat back to her own route. She thanked Him for her helmet, because her face matched her armor as she simply continued on her way. Maria prayed that she had not put them off their blessed creation of a new life and foot-soldier to serve their people and His eternal glory.

A brief commotion rises up as the Sister of Battle enters the work area, workmen and monastic clergy alike turning from their morning prayers and meals to observe the Battle-Sister in their midst. The Crusader glances back, briefly, before returning to their sentry duty.

"Excuse me. You're Sister Maria, I believe? The one sent to help us?" A mousy-looking monk asks, nervously pushing his glasses-no, photovisors-up the bridge of his nose.

"Sister Maria Acadoria, Retributor of Squad Palais--yes. I have some training in the handling of heavy equipment and the technomat rituals required to provide field servicing. I hope, uhm, that I may be of assistance to you in some small way."

She looked around, again finding herself as an interloper.

"Please, I can familiarize myself with any data you have gathered while your team finishes their prayers and food. You may simply pretend that I am not present until you need me...present."
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"Grox, milady," one of the old Frateris coughs, banging his autogun against his chest-rig as he shifts uncomfortably. "Grox is the singular and the plural of Grox, honored Sisters. Herd of Grox versus a pack of canids."

"Hon..." the other says, warningly. "Forgive him, Sisters. He's been helping our grand-daughter with her lessons at the Schola as late. Anyway, honored sister, we saw the Missionary and her servants about an hour hence, just before dawn. Had a bit of a talk over the weather forecast over a bowl of tea and some breakfast. Mentioned she'd be at the ferry docks, near the edge of the town proper. Hon, you happen to have directions for them?"

The first Frateris nods, quickly scribing down some directions onto a pair of dataslates. He hands one off to Caelia and the other to Eriko. "Here you are, Sisters."
Eriko nods in thanks as she receives the dataslate with the directions towards the ferry docks. She glances down at the directions to confirm the route and distance. "It looks to be a pleasant walk, Sister," she says to Catiro. "Trails through rolling hills and wooded areas. Certainly the path would assist to keep this Sigil I carry manageable."

"And if I may so boldly assume, would you have your own Penance to carry out as well, Sister Catiro?" Eriko asks the Dominion.

"Let's," Sister Catiro comments, nodding toward the Frateris as well. "Gratias vobis agimus, Frateris Militae," she says in High Gothic, the Frateris bowing in respect.

The Sisters make their way down the road, sabatons booming against the paved stone or crunching into the drifts of snow that have settled across the roadway. They make an imposing sight, four Battle-Sisters in their full plate, steam drifting upwards from their reactor packs, but the party advancing up the road from them does not slow or turn aside. If anything, they pick up the pace, raised pennants and banners streaming in their wake, the rising sun silhouetting them as they climb upwards.

At their head are a trio of mounted figures, each astride a powerful destrier. The two taking the rear, pennant-tipped spears held high, are impressive enough in brightly painted suits of half-plate of red and white, their helms richly decorated with stars. Their warhorses are pure killing muscle and cybernetic augments that bear the weight of their riders, coats of flak armour that drape over them, and bulging saddlebags and combat webbing uphill with little apparent effort, hot vapor trailing from their many-fanged maws as they trot up the road. Five soldiers equipped not dissimilarly to an Imperial Guard line squad follow behind, tabards over camouflaged flak plate with one holding high his master's banner. Taking up the very rear is a winsome lass wearing a flak jacket over her doublet.

All of it pales in the shadow of the figure at the lead of the formation.

"Ho there, Adepta Sororitas, and blessed morning! Truly, the Emperor smiles upon me this fine day!" Cries aloud the self-evident leader of the group. He is a towering figure resplendent in full carapace armor that gleams like a precious emerald in the dawn light, the thick helm that hangs from his side bearing the monstrous visage of some great beast, whilst the flak tabard over his torso bears the imagery of a burning tree and Imperial Knight Titans. So unhelmed, the man displays dark and handsome features straight from a propaganda poster with a jaw that could cut glass, luscious blond locks crowning his head. His warhorse is nothing less than an exemplar of its breed, eclipsing its companions in size and muscle even without the addition of full carapace barding, or the extensive cybernetic modifications it has been given. The crash of its metallic claws upon the road is, if anything, even heavier than the fall of the Sisters' own power armored Sabatons.
As they make their way down the road, the Paladius Free-Lancers do not slow or turn aside and it becomes quickly clear that they meant to ride towards the Sisters. Eriko did not tense or feel agitation at the gesture, considering nothing aggressive in the Free-Lancers' ride. So she continued her march, curiosity piqued at what the Free-Lancers wanted.

Then they came to a head and both the Sisters and Free-Lancers stopped. The Free-Lancers were an impressive lot astride their powerful warhorses, augmetics and armour and weapons of obvious quality that matched even the most powerful warlords of En'Kyui, Eriko's homeworld. The obvious head of the Free-Lancer party was even more impressive, and Eriko could not help but approvingly acknowledge the martial splendor. This was a knight, or a warrior of honour, the very image shouted at the morning sky.

"Good morning, sir?" Junita replies. "Would you make way for us, sir. We have business about!"

The warrior's horse slows to a halt with no seeming direction from its rider, the warrior shaking his head ruefully. "I must apologize to delay you such, Sisters, but if I am not mistaken, by your heraldry you are Sisters of Saint Leanna's sworn order?"

"We are Sisters of the Burning Rose, yes," Catiro says. "Why do you ask?"

"I had feared that my eyes had deceived me, but to find the Sisters of Battle on my pilgrimage? Oh joyous day, Emperor be praised!" The knight cheers. "I ask because I am Ser Caspiel Balthemos, Third of That Name, and I have sworn to the Throne to break a hundred in His name. I ride as a Free-Lancer. Some may call us mercenaries, but my quest is one of pilgrimage. I had come here seeking Saint Oros' shrine, but to find the Adepta Sororitas seems a sign from the Throne itself. I have walked twelve worlds, Sisters, my lance sworn to no lord save He upon the Throne, and my banner and lance raised to any who can convince me they do His work. And in that time I've witnessed many great and terrible things. I rode for I rode for three months against the hordes of the Warboss Warzad Hedkraka, charged alongside the blessed Baneblades of the 92nd Kronen Superheavy, put my lance through the black heart of the Warlock Agroxas, and many deeds aside. But I've yet to see the vaunted Adepta Sororitas in battle."

He unclips his helmet from his side and smiles wide. "I apologize to lay forth this challenge on an unremarkable stretch of roadway. A bridge would be more traditional, I admit, but nonetheless: I, Ser Caspiel Balthemos, Third of His Name, do challenge you to battle in a Passage of Arms."

Catiro glances back at the other Sisters. "Are you trying to die? What is this passage of arms you're talking about?"

His face falls for a moment, but only just. "No, no. It's not a fight to the death, simply to yield. It's a sacred proof of chivalric righteousness. a test of arms and skill. To pass by a knight sworn to the Passage of Arms, you must fight them in battle, or offer them some trophy of your disgraceful surrender. Traditionally their spurs, but other items are acceptable. Typically it'd held at a bridge, or a gate or the like." The knight glances up the road, toward the lift to the Sanctuary of Oros. "I...Suppose that's not far removed from a gate. Still I understand that your time is short, so I will ask that only one of you test your blade against mine. Ty Whether you win or not, I will gladly offer you passage."

Junita shakes her head. "Well, we're off to an interesting start of the day."
The Free-Lancer's motives were soon revealed after a short exchange, and Eriko could not help but smile at the good cheer. Why Ser Balthemos was only looking for an old-fashioned duel! A trifle too ad-hoc in Eriko's opinion. If one truly wanted a duel then the proper requests should have been made to their superiors, and a proper stage and time set so that the duel may take place in a respectable location, not some open road frequented by passer-bys. Still, Ser Balthemos' good cheer was infectious and Eriko herself would have volunteered if someone else had not taken the opportunity first.

"You're challenging us to a duel...?"

Caelia asks, half surprised. Sure, the man seemed like he was a skilled fighter. He wouldn't survive so long and become a traveling knight were he incompetent. But did he truly think he could take on the Adepta Sororitas? Was he that confidant in his own skill and wargear that he could compensate for Power Armor and Schola trained and battle hardened skill? Or was he merely ignorant of their capabilities?

Which it was, a challenge could not go unopposed. She knew not of this tradition he spoke of, but she knew of Honor and Skill at arms, and she knew it must be tested often and well. She reckoned of the availiable sisters she would offer the best test to the both of them.

She stepped forward. "Then I will meet you in Battle, Ser Balthemos."
Eriko glanced at Caelia before turning to watch Ser Balthemos' reaction to the acceptance of his ad-hoc duel request. Eriko blinked and did a double-take as she realized that Caelia bore no weapons of her own.

The ex-Hospitaller coughed politely to catch Caelia's attention and with a scrape of steel against steel unsheathed her Velorum-pattern gladius, extending it hilt first to Caelia. "Supposedly you do not intend to fight barehanded, Sister Caelia, nor attempt to wield the unfamiliar blades of Paladius? Wield this one instead."

As Sister Caelia takes the hilt, Eriko does not yet let go. Instead she looks Caelia in the eye.

"Take care to give a good accounting for our Order with this blade I call my own, Sister." Eriko reminds lightly. "Nevertheless, I do believe you capable in the martial aspects as both a fully trained Sororitas and a Velorum-born noble daughter."

Then she lets go and watches the following proceedings.
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"I would be appreciative of any advice you would be willing to provide," Ilana agreed after a moment's hesitation as she returned the Crusader's salute in greetings along with a friendly nod of acknowledgement to the bounty hunter. Was not the purpose of the penance to emulate and endure the same tribulations that the holy Saint had upon her journey out in the snowy peaks? She had thought she was already stretching things by cladding herself in holy plate for the task. But the Crusader was almost certainly more acquainted with the local traditions than she, and she was struck by an old piece of wisdom provided to her by her honoured Uncle Mattias. The Emperor extended His compassion to all, and it was not the place of the servant to question Providence.

And she was going very much unprepared, she was coming to realise. For all her skill at war, it did not inform her of the art of the hunt beyond the half-remembered advice she had received from her Lord Uncle during one of his occasional safari tours in the great agri-domes that housed the few functional ecosystems beyond the swarms of vermin, fungi, and sump crocs that infested the lower levels. How long would she spend her time fumbling in the snowy wastes without such aid? The ability to accept humiliation with calm lent itself to humility, but some remnant of her noble pride spoke out against that.

"Oros Monastery has been prompt in impressing me with the beauty of their institution, which makes it embarrassing for me to admit that I still do not know that much about it or its surroundings. But I see I have forgotten courtesy, Sir..."
"You may know me as Brother Temperance, Sister," The Crusader says in his gravelly voice, bowing his head respectfully. "Do not be embarrassed. The Sanctuary of Oros is not well known to outworlders."

The Bounty-Hunter Pythia crosses her arms across her chest. She seems...Irritated, perhaps. "How is that, anyway? I know it's a big galaxy an' all, but she's the Humbled Saint. Walked with Selverus himself. Shouldn't the Sisters of Battle know about her?"

Ilana isn't entirely sure if Saint Oros has been properly canonized by the Araxean Synod or not. <Imperial Creed check, fail with reroll>. By all rights, she is the definition of a minor Saint.

The Crusader doesn't reply to the bounty hunter, continuing. <Charm test major success> "Hunting the Falcida is difficult. They are small, agile and can fly, but it can be done. They nest regularly in warm areas, particularly near hot-springs, and prefer to hide along rocks for cover until they see their prey. Your armour will help against the chill and its auto-senses may help you find them, but they will see you easily, particularly if you stay in the open. They usually nest with extended family groups, and sometimes cooperate when hunting, but it's not uncommon for them to be on their lonesome. They're omnivores, but prefer to eat meat where possible, and it isn't uncommon for a flock scavenging on an old carcass or swarming a weak or dying animal."

"Eh, yeah, but mind ya' that ain't too common, Sister. They got a mean bite, but they don't generally go for critters bigger than them 'less it's close to dead or they're really hungry. Even when I was a wee lass they usually preferred to run unless they got cornered. Buggers can be a real bugger to catch if you don't got a decoy or somethin' though to put them at ease," Pythia notes. "They're pretty smart, too. Hard to get them with a trap. Bait can work, I guess, 'specially if you get lucky and they're a loner. When they're together some of them like to keep watch. If you ever see one circling in the air, usually means that either they're lookin' for somethin' that gave them the slip or they're keeping watch for some of their buddies. Or well, the people around there like to toss them bits of food rather than having them for dinner. I didn't see that much myself growing up, because they were good eating, but I've heard it's a thing."

"It is. We have had some issues with novitiates feeding Falcida in the past," The Crusader confirms. "It would be very inappropriate to hunt them. Sister Rawna in particular has adopted one she calls Spot. I warn you that if you try throwing a spear at it, you will not survive the night."

Ilana is pretty sure he is not joking.

Pythia gives a little advice on tracking through the snow, throwing in little stories about her brave and daring exploits as a bounty hunter that curiously seem directed more at the Crusader than Ilana herself. Still, the advice seems quite helpful for how to track in the mountains.
"Sister Maria Acadoria, Retributor of Squad Palais--yes. I have some training in the handling of heavy equipment and the technomat rituals required to provide field servicing. I hope, uhm, that I may be of assistance to you in some small way."

She looked around, again finding herself as an interloper.

"Please, I can familiarize myself with any data you have gathered while your team finishes their prayers and food. You may simply pretend that I am not present until you need me...present."
The man blinks a few times, hesitantly raising a finger. "Uhm. I don't think...That shouldn't be necessary, I don't think?" He says, rubbing his hands together. "I'm ah, brother Elias, one of the head archaeologists for the Order. Brother Kaeso and Sister Senni have overall command, but I'm in charge of most of the day to day, so I hope you don't mind if I brief you? We're very happy you're here, it's the Emperor's own blessing, I think. Especially if you've some knowledge of the Mysteries. When they said they were sending a Sister of Battle, I wasn't expecting someone with any knowledge of the Tech-Rites!" He says. "Not that ah, I mean-Well." He swallows wetly then smiles. "Right, I should explain."

He waves at Sister Maria follow him, motioning at the architecture. His nervousness begins to bleed away as he excitedly motions at age-old archways and wall design that possess a freer and more imaginative (perhaps even flamboyant) rhythm in their design ethos than the Geldovan is familiar with. "We believe given the aesthetic that this section of the monastery may have been built during the Reconquest Period in M39, or possibly the following Age of Prosperity, when the trade-ways were reopened and the Dragon's Teeth stabilized. If we're correct, then given the size of the vault we discovered, we could be looking at a priceless trove of historical treatises and information from that period, nevermind all sorts of great martyrs or religious writings that might've been overlooked with the focus on the Verantis Crusade and the liberation of the Kerberos Worlds." He continues on breathlessly, before coming to a halt by a Crusader. The momentary confidence disappears as he peers over the Crusader's pauldrons down the dim hallway.

"Uh, if we can get inside. We were hoping for you because, well, the security systems are still somewhat intact. After we managed to breach through a collapsed passageway, we were halted by a group of combat Servitors. They're an old and sacred Antellios Pattern, priceless relics, and clearly very high-end to have remained functional after all this time. Despite our best efforts they won't recognize our credentials and we haven't been able to get any access to their systems. We uh, considered asking the Mechanicus but...You know, then they start making their own claims and it's all a real mess."

He adjusts his photovisors again, pushing them further up the bridge of his nose. "We've been trying to dig around them, but it's been slow going. One team had to abort after almost being caved in. The other looked like it might've gotten around them, but they spotted the team and opened fire. It was...really bad. Brother Tellurius. If it weren't for the Crusader on the team we might've lost somebody. As it is, Brother Tellurius lost a big chunk of his leg from shrapnel from a heavy bolter round. I guess-Heh, I guess we can be sure they're still in good working order, at least?"

"We've learned they're dangerous," The Crusader speaks up, tone cold as ice. "They should be dismantled before anyone is more seriously hurt."

Brother Elias rubs his hands together. "Emperor forbid! I-I understand your concerns, Ser Nesanz, but they're too simply too holy to destroy. Servitors of that make were blessed for the protection of the holiest of places of the Ministorum. The suggestion alone borders on sacrilege! Besides, Brother Kaeso and Sister Senni made very clear that the relics are to be recovered intact if at all possible. No, I'm sure the Sister-Militant will be of great help here without resorting to such desecration," he says.

"Emperor willing," The Crusader replies. "My apologies, brother. A moment's choler."

"Of course, of course, I understand ser. It's certainly stressful to have holy relics working against us!"

The Crusader nods at Elias' remark, and without turning toward Sister Maria, begins to speak. "We've had some time to observe the servitors and the vault..."

Over the course of the next few minutes Maria is briefed. There were at last count as least four servitors guarding the vault, two of which have been confirmed to possess heavy bolters, and the remaining two close quarters limbs and heavy stubbers that appear to be loaded with frangible rounds, perhaps in case of a breach into the archives proper. All of them are highly prized combat-servitor models. Though it's clear they've been without maintenance for some time, they should still be quite dangerous though, fortunately, they always give warnings and only engage if their warnings aren't heeded. Thus far the expedition has only found one natural entrance into the corridors surrounding the archive, with the entrance leading directly to the main gate which at least two servitors guard at all times whilst others patrol the surrounding corridors. They've dug a second tunnel along the side of the vault, but were caught by a patrolling servitor. A servo-skull detected a secondary entrance opposite the dug tunnel, and evidence of stairways in the surrounding corridors that may lead somewhere, but was disabled by a servitor's heavy stubber, though it's pict-recorder is still functional.

"The doorways are thick and reinforced, and I shudder to imagine the risk to the writings held within if we were to blow through them. We checked with the servo-skull and the doors seem to still be locked, and trying to convince the machine-spirits to open up before the servitors engage seemed-well, nobody's in a hurry to try it," Brother Elias says. "You can understand our predicament, I pray?"
Eriko nods in thanks as she receives the dataslate with the directions towards the ferry docks. She glances down at the directions to confirm the route and distance. "It looks to be a pleasant walk, Sister," she says to Catiro. "Trails through rolling hills and wooded areas. Certainly the path would assist to keep this Sigil I carry manageable."

"And if I may so boldly assume, would you have your own Penance to carry out as well, Sister Catiro?" Eriko asks the Dominion.
"It's certainly rugged, but I like it. Reminds me of the Schola," Catiro replies. "I've taken the fast, Sister. In truth I think you got the better in our penance. Breakfast looked painfully delicious."
"You're challenging us to a duel...?"

Caelia asks, half surprised. Sure, the man seemed like he was a skilled fighter. He wouldn't survive so long and become a traveling knight were he incompetent. But did he truly think he could take on the Adepta Sororitas? Was he that confidant in his own skill and wargear that he could compensate for Power Armor and Schola trained and battle hardened skill? Or was he merely ignorant of their capabilities?

Which it was, a challenge could not go unopposed. She knew not of this tradition he spoke of, but she knew of Honor and Skill at arms, and she knew it must be tested often and well. She reckoned of the availiable sisters she would offer the best test to the both of them.

She stepped forward. "Then I will meet you in Battle, Ser Balthemos."
"Indeed!" The man says cheerily from atop his steed. "I have heard much of your vaunted Order, but I have yet to see you in battle. And as I seek to break my lance against a hundred worthy foes in the name of the Throne, why not chase two quests at once?" Ser Balthemos asks.

He raises his fist with a cheer. "I am honoured that you accept my challenge, Sister, but I would know of your name before I am to cross blades with you and so I may, again, apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you."

"Cross blades?" Junita asks. "I thought you were breaking lances?"

"A figure of speech, alas," Balthemos sighs. "You have no destrier or ground bike with which to meet me lance to lance, but a duel will suffice for my oath. And in truth, off Paladius it is usually our hunting spears which we break upon our foes, and detonating krak charges upon a fellow flower of the nobility is not quite befitting of chivalric conduct. Nonetheless, on the note of weapons, I cannot help but note that you are bereft of a blade, Sister. Power armor or not, I shall not duel an unarmed foe. It would be unworthy of me against even the lowliest of xeno or heretic scum, and a true dishonour to a fellow Servant of the Throne. May I offer you one of my blades, Sister?" He asks.
Eriko glanced at Caelia before turning to watch Ser Balthemos' reaction to the acceptance of his ad-hoc duel request. Eriko blinked and did a double-take as she realized that Caelia bore no weapons of her own.

The ex-Hospitaller coughed politely to catch Caelia's attention and with a scrape of steel against steel unsheathed her Velorum-pattern gladius, extending it hilt first to Caelia. "Supposedly you do not intend to fight barehanded, Sister Caelia, nor attempt to wield the unfamiliar blades of Paladius? Wield this one instead."

As Sister Caelia takes the hilt, Eriko does not yet let go. Instead she looks Caelia in the eye.

"Take care to give a good accounting for our Order with this blade I call my own, Sister." Eriko reminds lightly. "Nevertheless, I do believe you capable in the martial aspects as both a fully trained Sororitas and a Velorum-born noble daughter."

Then she lets go and watches the following proceedings.
The noble lets his hand fall, acknowledging Eriko's offer. "The blade of a fellow Sister is also respectable. And it seems I face a daughter of Velorum today, if your Sister speaks true. A just and steadfast people," The knight says. He slides from the saddle, sabatons ringing hard against the rockcrete. Casually he unsheathers the chainsword from his side and motions at the Sisters. "Given the advantage of your fine plate, you shan't begrudge me a chainsword to your straight edge, shall you?"

"What of your oath, Caelia? Perhaps another of us should meet him." Junita asks.

"The challenge would take precedence, per the Commentaries of Cannoness Geneves," Catiro suggests. "But only since the knight demands to be met blade to blade. She still remains within the spirit and letter of the oath."

"I suppose," Junita mutters. "But I don't know if I agree that it remains within the spirit of the oath myself, though I'm not one to argue with Cannoness Geneves."

The Knight speaks up, motioning at the Sisters. "First blood or yield is traditional. I shan't fight a fellow servant of the Throne to the death, and to the first blow is for fencing. To fight until one party can fight no further would, I imagine, be of great inconvenience to you-and I suppose, unfair to me."
"Indeed!" The man says cheerily from atop his steed. "I have heard much of your vaunted Order, but I have yet to see you in battle. And as I seek to break my lance against a hundred worthy foes in the name of the Throne, why not chase two quests at once?" Ser Balthemos asks.

He raises his fist with a cheer. "I am honored that you accept my challenge, Sister, but I would know of your name before I am to cross blades with you and so I may, again, apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you."

"Cross blades?" Junita asks. "I thought you were breaking lances?"

"A figure of speech, alas," Balthemos sighs. "You have no destrier or ground bike with which to meet me lance to lance, but a duel will suffice for my oath. And in truth, off Paladius it is usually our hunting spears which we break upon our foes, and detonating krak charges upon a fellow flower of the nobility is not quite befitting of chivalric conduct. Nonetheless, on the note of weapons, I cannot help but note that you are bereft of a blade, Sister. Power armor or not, I shall not duel an unarmed foe. It would be unworthy of me against even the lowliest of xeno or heretic scum, and a true dishonour to a fellow Servant of the Throne. May I offer you one of my blades, Sister?" He asks.

"I am Sister Caelia Valeriania." Caelia says. "And it is true I am bereft of a blade." She glances across the man's wargear and armored Harness. "My thanks for the offer, but..."

The noble lets his hand fall, acknowledging Eriko's offer. "The blade of a fellow Sister is also respectable. And it seems I face a daughter of Velorum today, if your Sister speaks true. A just and steadfast people," The knight says. He slides from the saddle, sabatons ringing hard against the rockcrete. Casually he unsheathers the chainsword from his side and motions at the Sisters. "Given the advantage of your fine plate, you shan't begrudge me a chainsword to your straight edge, shall you?"

"...of course not." Caelia nods. "While I don't know the particulars of your own customs, on Velorum, a duel is a matter of personal honor, not wealth and strength of wargear. I won't begrudge you a fine blade, to match my armor."

She accepts the blade from Eriko, not insulting her fellow sister by testing the balance or edge. "May the finest sword arm win."

"What of your oath, Caelia? Perhaps another of us should meet him." Junita asks.

"The challenge would take precedence, per the Commentaries of Cannoness Geneves," Catiro suggests. "But only since the knight demands to be met blade to blade. She still remains within the spirit and letter of the oath."

"I suppose," Junita mutters. "But I don't know if I agree that it remains within the spirit of the oath myself, though I'm not one to argue with Cannoness Geneves."

The Knight speaks up, motioning at the Sisters. "First blood or yield is traditional. I shan't fight a fellow servant of the Throne to the death, and to the first blow is for fencing. To fight until one party can fight no further would, I imagine, be of great inconvenience to you-and I suppose, unfair to me."

"My oath was to deal with the task of the Rogue Grox unarmed." Caelia says, to Junita. "Which I intend to do. Sister Eriko will have her blade back once honor is satisfied."

She nodded her thanks to Catiro for the suggestion. "Cannoness Geneves, yes. Thank you, Sister." She wished she'd remembered that before she'd spoken, but it was done.

"To the first blood then." Caelia nods. She looks back to her Sisters, giving them one last chance to offer advice or objects, then she grips the sword and looks the Knight in the eye.

"Whenever you're ready, Ser."
"It's certainly rugged, but I like it. Reminds me of the Schola," Catiro replies. "I've taken the fast, Sister. In truth I think you got the better in our penance. Breakfast looked painfully delicious."
"Perhaps, Sister." Eriko shifts the Munistorum icon to a more comfortable position, easing the ache on her shoulders. "I believe the penances merely shift the type of inconvenience one faces. Today's travels shan't be as comfortable for me as it is any of yours."

The noble lets his hand fall, acknowledging Eriko's offer. "The blade of a fellow Sister is also respectable. And it seems I face a daughter of Velorum today, if your Sister speaks true. A just and steadfast people," The knight says. He slides from the saddle, sabatons ringing hard against the rockcrete. Casually he unsheathers the chainsword from his side and motions at the Sisters. "Given the advantage of your fine plate, you shan't begrudge me a chainsword to your straight edge, shall you?"

"What of your oath, Caelia? Perhaps another of us should meet him." Junita asks.

"The challenge would take precedence, per the Commentaries of Cannoness Geneves," Catiro suggests. "But only since the knight demands to be met blade to blade. She still remains within the spirit and letter of the oath."

"I suppose," Junita mutters. "But I don't know if I agree that it remains within the spirit of the oath myself, though I'm not one to argue with Cannoness Geneves."
"My oath was to deal with the task of the Rogue Grox unarmed." Caelia says, to Junita. "Which I intend to do. Sister Eriko will have her blade back once honor is satisfied."

She nodded her thanks to Catiro for the suggestion. "Cannoness Geneves, yes. Thank you, Sister." She wished she'd remembered that before she'd spoken, but it was done.

"To the first blood then." Caelia nods. She looks back to her Sisters, giving them one last chance to offer advice or objects, then she grips the sword and looks the Knight in the eye.

"Whenever you're ready, Ser."
Upon the questions raised by Junita, Eriko hesitates upon offering her sword but Catiro's mention of Cannonness Geneves' Commentaries was a proper interpretation to such a course of action. Together with Caelia's clarification of her penance and Eriko was satisfied that an armed duel was not amiss.

"Take this sword then, Sister Caelia. I would imagine that the Cannoness had this exact situation in mind when she put to words the etiquette of a Adepta Sororitas, specifically if one were to turn to Chapter Seven's A Hundred Stones: The Atonement of Sins."

Then, having given her sword, Eriko steps back from the impromptu dueling space to watch it unfold.
"You may know me as Brother Temperance, Sister," The Crusader says in his gravelly voice, bowing his head respectfully. "Do not be embarrassed. The Sanctuary of Oros is not well known to outworlders."

The Bounty-Hunter Pythia crosses her arms across her chest. She seems...Irritated, perhaps. "How is that, anyway? I know it's a big galaxy an' all, but she's the Humbled Saint. Walked with Selverus himself. Shouldn't the Sisters of Battle know about her?"

Ilana isn't entirely sure if Saint Oros has been properly canonized by the Araxean Synod or not. <Imperial Creed check, fail with reroll>. By all rights, she is the definition of a minor Saint.

The Crusader doesn't reply to the bounty hunter, continuing. <Charm test major success> "Hunting the Falcida is difficult. They are small, agile and can fly, but it can be done. They nest regularly in warm areas, particularly near hot-springs, and prefer to hide along rocks for cover until they see their prey. Your armour will help against the chill and its auto-senses may help you find them, but they will see you easily, particularly if you stay in the open. They usually nest with extended family groups, and sometimes cooperate when hunting, but it's not uncommon for them to be on their lonesome. They're omnivores, but prefer to eat meat where possible, and it isn't uncommon for a flock scavenging on an old carcass or swarming a weak or dying animal."

"Eh, yeah, but mind ya' that ain't too common, Sister. They got a mean bite, but they don't generally go for critters bigger than them 'less it's close to dead or they're really hungry. Even when I was a wee lass they usually preferred to run unless they got cornered. Buggers can be a real bugger to catch if you don't got a decoy or somethin' though to put them at ease," Pythia notes. "They're pretty smart, too. Hard to get them with a trap. Bait can work, I guess, 'specially if you get lucky and they're a loner. When they're together some of them like to keep watch. If you ever see one circling in the air, usually means that either they're lookin' for somethin' that gave them the slip or they're keeping watch for some of their buddies. Or well, the people around there like to toss them bits of food rather than having them for dinner. I didn't see that much myself growing up, because they were good eating, but I've heard it's a thing."

"It is. We have had some issues with novitiates feeding Falcida in the past," The Crusader confirms. "It would be very inappropriate to hunt them. Sister Rawna in particular has adopted one she calls Spot. I warn you that if you try throwing a spear at it, you will not survive the night."

Ilana is pretty sure he is not joking.
"I... see. I suppose these adopted falcidas reside closer to the monastery?" Ilana asked somewhat hesitantly. She hadn't quite anticipated this, let alone the promise of dire retribution in Brother Temperance's words. "It would be truly unfortunate if I provoked the ire of Sister Rawna through happenstance. As for bait, perhaps providence will allow me to encounter appropriate bait while I'm up in the mountains. I'm unsure whether the terms of the penance will allow me much leeway beyond what I can claim with the spear, particularly with the addition of blessed warplate."
The man blinks a few times, hesitantly raising a finger. "Uhm. I don't think...That shouldn't be necessary, I don't think?" He says, rubbing his hands together. "I'm ah, brother Elias, one of the head archaeologists for the Order. Brother Kaeso and Sister Senni have overall command, but I'm in charge of most of the day to day, so I hope you don't mind if I brief you? We're very happy you're here, it's the Emperor's own blessing, I think. Especially if you've some knowledge of the Mysteries. When they said they were sending a Sister of Battle, I wasn't expecting someone with any knowledge of the Tech-Rites!" He says. "Not that ah, I mean-Well." He swallows wetly then smiles. "Right, I should explain."

Maria nodded solemnly. "In the interests of resolving this in a day-to-day manner a brief would be appreciated." Armor clanked in a sudden snap from attention to ease.

"We should always expect that He will have servants of many sorts, Brother Elias, and that the Throne's providence is both mysterious and manifold. I will do my best."
She produced her data-slate and stared and listened with reptilian intensity.

"Uh, if we can get inside. We were hoping for you because, well, the security systems are still somewhat intact. After we managed to breach through a collapsed passageway, we were halted by a group of combat Servitors. They're an old and sacred Antellios Pattern, priceless relics, and clearly very high-end to have remained functional after all this time. Despite our best efforts they won't recognize our credentials and we haven't been able to get any access to their systems. We uh, considered asking the Mechanicus but...You know, then they start making their own claims and it's all a real mess."

"I have nothing to say on ecumenical matters, or the character of the priesthood of Mars."

It was a 'nothing' that said quite a lot. Maria glared at the man, as if he'd meant to lay the trap for her and make her betray the Sister-superior's admonitions. She carried her vendettas deep, and even her usual impassive mask couldn't withstand the feeling within.

"This is a holy discovery. Our holy discovery. We will weather this challenge in His light and be the better for this test."

He waves at Sister Maria follow him, motioning at the architecture. His nervousness begins to bleed away as he excitedly motions at age-old archways and wall design that possess a freer and more imaginative (perhaps even flamboyant) rhythm in their design ethos than the Geldovan is familiar with.


Over the course of the next few minutes Maria is briefed. There were at last count as least four servitors guarding the vault, two of which have been confirmed to possess heavy bolters, and the remaining two close quarters limbs and heavy stubbers that appear to be loaded with frangible rounds, perhaps in case of a breach into the archives proper. All of them are highly prized combat-servitor models. Though it's clear they've been without maintenance for some time, they should still be quite dangerous though, fortunately, they always give warnings and only engage if their warnings aren't heeded.

Maria started taking note and cross referencing the armaments and descriptions against what records she'd managed to secure. "So I may see them then? So long as I follow their directives it will be possible to get an initial look upon them, and trust my armor should they develop some new belligerence."

She couldn't contain all of her excitement at the prospect. Elias' enthusiasm for the work was a little infectious, and the novelty of dusty old spaces with their holy secrets and connection to long storied past fired up her soul. Maria had faith she could make some progress for them, give back for the hospitality they had shown and perhaps leave the remote site with a token of the Burning Rose's appreciation and skill.

-Good Dataslate: +10 to Lore Technology, War, last slot open to record additional data
-Tool Kit : +10 to Technomat
-Rule of Sororitas
"I... see. I suppose these adopted falcidas reside closer to the monastery?" Ilana asked somewhat hesitantly. She hadn't quite anticipated this, let alone the promise of dire retribution in Brother Temperance's words. "It would be truly unfortunate if I provoked the ire of Sister Rawna through happenstance. As for bait, perhaps providence will allow me to encounter appropriate bait while I'm up in the mountains. I'm unsure whether the terms of the penance will allow me much leeway beyond what I can claim with the spear, particularly with the addition of blessed warplate."
Brother Temperance nods. "Correct on all counts. Your armor will avail you little in the hunt, but bait is a far greater boon. You will also need to venture further afield to find Falcida worthy of hunting."

"I mean, is there really anything keepin' her from just spearing on nearby?" Pythia asks.

"Her honour, yes. You understand that, sellsword?"

"Honour? Course I understand honour. I'm the most honourable lass I know. I mean, current company includes I 'spose," Pythia replies, flustered. "I ain't no common stubjack. Anyone who insults my honour I'll take in a draw on main street if that's what'll take, and I've done it before! Twice over, and that's besides the one who I left a good bruise on their jaw after gettin' an apology. Any job I've taken I've always seen it through to the bitter end, even that time I took two slugs in the belly and had to drag a target halfway across the holy port. I don't ever do debt collections, kids, or anything a cartel floats. I don't loot from the dead, and I always tip the help, even when it ain't expected. There ain't ever a promise I made that I ain't kept, and I always pay my debts. I've never abandoned kith and kin." She's counting on her fingers now. "I always give my tenth percent in tithe, even when that weren't much to my name at all, and I always buy the good sacred oils for my gear. I don't ever shoot canids. And when I take a lad or lass to bed, they ain't toxxed, I always get leave, and they leave satisfied. Always." She smirks meaningfully at the Crusader.

The Crusader looks on blankly for a moment. "You appear to be a paragon of many virtues, then." He rasps.

Pythia's grin doesn't waver. "Oh, just a few, Brother Temperance. Perhaps we can discuss my virtues more in private later after the Sister is gone?"

"I am afraid that I will have to attend to the Rite of Pure Steel. The Spirits of my wargear demand to be appeased routinely."

Pythia's smile fades, her shoulders slumping. "I'm sensing that's a 'no', then."

"I see astuteness is among your virtues," The Crusader replies.

The bounty hunter raises her hands. "Okay, okay, came on a little too strong there, no hard feelings. Can I at least invite you to a game of Tall Card? I'll tell you about the time I took a job from this orphan kid and ended up chasing the Spear-Legged Killer across the rooftops of the Holy Port."

"I really must attend to my rituals," The Crusader replies, turning toward Sister Ilana. "If there is nothing else, I'll be taking my leave, Sister. May the Humbled Saint guide you on your hunt."

Pythia slumps against the railing, groaning in disappointment. "Well, feth me I guess. 'Spose I'll have to find something else to do?" She asks no one in particular. "Good luck hunting those flying rats, Sister."

OOC: So how are you hunting the Falcidae?

"I have nothing to say on ecumenical matters, or the character of the priesthood of Mars."

It was a 'nothing' that said quite a lot. Maria glared at the man, as if he'd meant to lay the trap for her and make her betray the Sister-superior's admonitions. She carried her vendettas deep, and even her usual impassive mask couldn't withstand the feeling within.

"This is a holy discovery. Our holy discovery. We will weather this challenge in His light and be the better for this test."
"...Riiiiggght, of course." The monk says uncertainly, wilting under Sister Maria's glare. "Of course. I've no doubt we'll claim it. The Emperor protects," he squeaks.
Maria started taking note and cross referencing the armaments and descriptions against what records she'd managed to secure. "So I may see them then? So long as I follow their directives it will be possible to get an initial look upon them, and trust my armor should they develop some new belligerence."

She couldn't contain all of her excitement at the prospect. Elias' enthusiasm for the work was a little infectious, and the novelty of dusty old spaces with their holy secrets and connection to long storied past fired up her soul. Maria had faith she could make some progress for them, give back for the hospitality they had shown and perhaps leave the remote site with a token of the Burning Rose's appreciation and skill.

-Good Dataslate: +10 to Lore Technology, War, last slot open to record additional data
-Tool Kit : +10 to Technomat
-Rule of Sororitas
The Crusader and Brother Elias glance at one another.

"I wouldn't trust-" The Crusader begins.

"That would be brilliant!" Elias shouts, practically shaking in his robes. "Well, they're not exactly predictable but that should work! So far they've generally provided a warning to back away from the perimeter, and there's nothing quite like eyes on! They might even let you through entire since you're wearing the raiment of the Adepta Sororitas!"

"I remain leery of testing the patience of these Servitors," Ser Nesanz growls, raising her voice over the exuberant monk. "But I have faith in the Order of the Burning Rose. Nonetheless, I offer myself to serve as your shield, Sister."

The Crusader slams her tower shield against the dusty stone floor. Energy flashes across the shield's face, an aurora of azure light blazing across the shield's surface. Sister Maria recognizes the providence of the relic in an instant; the Crusader bears a Stormshield, a mighty bulwark of Adamantium outfitted with a force field said to be capable of turning aside even a direct hit from a lascannon, earthshaker shell, or even superheavy weaponry. It is for use of shields in the defense of the Ecclesiarchy's leadership Crusaders are most famed, even if many are not so well equipped. But if a blow were to strike past the shield, a Crusader has naught but their carapace plate for protection.

Elias rubs his hands together out of some nervous energy. "I suppose I'll remain here, then. I'll be eagerly awaiting your report!"
"Perhaps, Sister." Eriko shifts the Munistorum icon to a more comfortable position, easing the ache on her shoulders. "I believe the penances merely shift the type of inconvenience one faces. Today's travels shan't be as comfortable for me as it is any of yours."
"Perhaps you speak true, Sister," Catiro replies, bowing her head in acknowledgment. "Either way, aching muscles or rumbling belly, they are nothing we are not used to. I look forward to our duty today."
Upon the questions raised by Junita, Eriko hesitates upon offering her sword but Catiro's mention of Cannonness Geneves' Commentaries was a proper interpretation to such a course of action. Together with Caelia's clarification of her penance and Eriko was satisfied that an armed duel was not amiss.

"Take this sword then, Sister Caelia. I would imagine that the Cannoness had this exact situation in mind when she put to words the etiquette of a Adepta Sororitas, specifically if one were to turn to Chapter Seven's A Hundred Stones: The Atonement of Sins."

Then, having given her sword, Eriko steps back from the impromptu dueling space to watch it unfold.
"It is most gracious of you to offer your blade to another, Sister. You have my humble thanks, and I would know your name, so that I may record your part in this matter," The Knight of Paladius says, bowing politely at Sister Eriko.
"...of course not." Caelia nods. "While I don't know the particulars of your own customs, on Velorum, a duel is a matter of personal honor, not wealth and strength of wargear. I won't begrudge you a fine blade, to match my armor."

She accepts the blade from Eriko, not insulting her fellow sister by testing the balance or edge. "May the finest sword arm win."

"My oath was to deal with the task of the Rogue Grox unarmed." Caelia says, to Junita. "Which I intend to do. Sister Eriko will have her blade back once honor is satisfied."

She nodded her thanks to Catiro for the suggestion. "Cannoness Geneves, yes. Thank you, Sister." She wished she'd remembered that before she'd spoken, but it was done.

"To the first blood then." Caelia nods. She looks back to her Sisters, giving them one last chance to offer advice or objects, then she grips the sword and looks the Knight in the eye.

"Whenever you're ready, Ser."
"Try to get this done quickly, Sister," Catiro comments. "And ensure he is justly punished for wasting our time."

"Show him what the Daughters of the Emperor can do, Caelia!" Junita says, a great deal more excitement in her voice.

The Knight gives a test swing of his sword, the motor howling jubilantly for a moment before Balthemos lets go of the throttle. He then retrieves a heavy metal shield from where it hangs at his warhorses' side. The Knight says a brief prayer over the shield as he taps at something on the back, and then the shield begins to shimmer with dim, golden light. It takes Caelia but a moment to recognize it for what it is: A low grade force field, probably based off the same technology used in the refractor fields used by the officers of the Imperial Guard from her homeworld (2 DoS, Lore (War) check success), and certainly weaker than the ones used in the holy Praesidium Protectiva used by the Celestians Sacreaseant. It seems weaker, certainly, perhaps less reliable and isolated to the face of the shield rather than all around the knight, but the Sister suspects it can still turn aside powerful blows. From what she's heard of similar shields, they are designed to protect against melee strikes as well as ranged ones unlike many force fields.

"A shield and chainsword against your plate and gladius. That should be even enough, I think," the knight says, raising his sword in some curious salute to the Battle-Sister. Behind him is horse snorts, digging its claws impatiently into the rockcrete of the roadway. "May the Emperor smile upon us this fine morning, and may the finest sword arm win!"

OOC: How are you approaching this fight, Green? @Zeitgeist Blue Anything you're doing during the fight? I'll be doing a quick update for the combat, once I know Green's tactics.
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"Try to get this done quickly, Sister," Catiro comments. "And ensure he is justly punished for wasting our time."

"Show him what the Daughters of the Emperor can do, Caelia!" Junita says, a great deal more excitement in her voice.

"Of course Sisters. Lessons will be taught."

Caelia shifts stance slightly.

"The sword is a great educator, after all."

The Knight gives a test swing of his sword, the motor howling jubilantly for a moment before Balthemos lets go of the throttle. He then retrieves a heavy metal shield from where it hangs at his warhorses' side. The Knight says a brief prayer over the shield as he taps at something on the back, and then the shield begins to shimmer with dim, golden light. It takes Caelia but a moment to recognize it for what it is: A low grade force field, probably based off the same technology used in the refractor fields used by the officers of the Imperial Guard from her homeworld (2 DoS, Lore (War) check success), and certainly weaker than the ones used in the holy Praesidium Protectiva used by the Celestians Sacreaseant. It seems weaker, certainly, perhaps less reliable and isolated to the face of the shield rather than all around the knight, but the Sister suspects it can still turn aside powerful blows. From what she's heard of similar shields, they are designed to protect against melee strikes as well as ranged ones unlike many force fields.

"A shield and chainsword against your plate and gladius. That should be even enough, I think," the knight says, raising his sword in some curious salute to the Battle-Sister. Behind him is horse snorts, digging its claws impatiently into the rockcrete of the roadway. "May the Emperor smile upon us this fine morning, and may the finest sword arm win!"

OOC: How are you approaching this fight, Green? @Zeitgeist Blue Anything you're doing during the fight? I'll be doing a quick update for the combat, once I know Green's tactics.

Caelia analyses her opponent. His defenses were strong: There was no way she was going to simply batter her way through them with sheer force. She'd need to be more cunning than that.

She simply nods at his declaration, offering a simple salute with her blade, but continues to observe the way the man moves, the way he handles his sword, the articulation of his plate. Every little detail added up into a mental model, growing by every second.

Did he favor the left, or the right? How fast was his movement in that plate? Was he an aggressive fighter, or defensive?

Eriko's sword came up in a Defensive Guard. Only one way to find out.

(OOC: Defensive Stance first turn, hopeful I can tag him with a counter attack or two.
If he shows a vulnerability/opens up an opportunity to get past his Shield Parry, try for an All Out Attack with Fate for +20 (Reroll with fate as well, if failed. Remember I have Furious Assault)
If he doesn't expose a vulnerability, try for a fated Feint, then shift back to Defensive Stance next turn if it fails.)
"Try to get this done quickly, Sister," Catiro comments. "And ensure he is justly punished for wasting our time."

"Show him what the Daughters of the Emperor can do, Caelia!" Junita says, a great deal more excitement in her voice.

The Knight gives a test swing of his sword, the motor howling jubilantly for a moment before Balthemos lets go of the throttle. He then retrieves a heavy metal shield from where it hangs at his warhorses' side. The Knight says a brief prayer over the shield as he taps at something on the back, and then the shield begins to shimmer with dim, golden light. It takes Caelia but a moment to recognize it for what it is: A low grade force field, probably based off the same technology used in the refractor fields used by the officers of the Imperial Guard from her homeworld (2 DoS, Lore (War) check success), and certainly weaker than the ones used in the holy Praesidium Protectiva used by the Celestians Sacreaseant. It seems weaker, certainly, perhaps less reliable and isolated to the face of the shield rather than all around the knight, but the Sister suspects it can still turn aside powerful blows. From what she's heard of similar shields, they are designed to protect against melee strikes as well as ranged ones unlike many force fields.

"A shield and chainsword against your plate and gladius. That should be even enough, I think," the knight says, raising his sword in some curious salute to the Battle-Sister. Behind him is horse snorts, digging its claws impatiently into the rockcrete of the roadway. "May the Emperor smile upon us this fine morning, and may the finest sword arm win!"

OOC: How are you approaching this fight, Green? @Zeitgeist Blue Anything you're doing during the fight? I'll be doing a quick update for the combat, once I know Green's tactics.
Caelia analyses her opponent. His defenses were strong: There was no way she was going to simply batter her way through them with sheer force. She'd need to be more cunning than that.

She simply nods at his declaration, offering a simple salute with her blade, but continues to observe the way the man moves, the way he handles his sword, the articulation of his plate. Every little detail added up into a mental model, growing by every second.

Did he favor the left, or the right? How fast was his movement in that plate? Was he an aggressive fighter, or defensive?

Eriko's sword came up in a Defensive Guard. Only one way to find out.

(OOC: Defensive Stance first turn, hopeful I can tag him with a counter attack or two.
If he shows a vulnerability/opens up an opportunity to get past his Shield Parry, try for an All Out Attack with Fate for +20 (Reroll with fate as well, if failed. Remember I have Furious Assault)
If he doesn't expose a vulnerability, try for a fated Feint, then shift back to Defensive Stance next turn if it fails.)
"Do remember your footwork, Sister Caelia." Eriko drawls after Junita's cheers as the combatants make ready to fight. She examines a scuff on her finger before huffing irritably and returning her attention to the horribly impromptu duel before her. "One would imagine that while the Ser Balthemos' shield offers unrivaled protection, short of our blessed armour, a closer study might also surmise it bulkier than one of its size would normally be."

She continues on as the duelists begin to circle one another, testing each other with half-meant blows. "And while such items grant greater benefits to the wielder than not, else the items would see no use, one only needs to understand the weakness of the opponent to use them to her advantage. Such a theme could be found throughout the pages of the Book of Wind, penned by one famous duelist in my homeworld of En'Kyui, but I digress. In this instance a Sister might aim to outlast such shield-bearing opponent, especially one without the gifts of blessed armour. Barring that and given we are pressed for time, she might instead turn to superior reflexes and positioning to strike, or bid the strike, where the shield is not--"

Eriko adjusts her Ministorum icon before it slides off her shoulders. "Oh, take care to keep your sword-arm up to the left side while listening, Sister Caelia. No, the other left of course. Keep ready, for the Ser Balthemos holds his own low."

(OOC: Inspire Action every combat turn. Fel 38 = TN 38)