What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
—[X] Ship Standardization (Autoloaders) x2

-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators
-[X] Free Action. Station the SBG Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta system

I'm willing to kick this can down the road if you'll champion it, I'm exhausted.

[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders
You know what, yeah I'll also vote for the auto-loaders. Just so we can finally get it off the bucket list.
[X] Plan: Simmer Down and Plan Ahead
[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders
I mean, I'm going to stick with what I've chosen, but honestly Silent Autoloaders winning so that people finally shut the fuck up about the incredibly overrated Ship Standardization Autoloaders so we can do important things that matter infinitely more like Automation, Servitors, or frankly 90% of our other Research Actions without having to fight them... isn't the worst outcome.
Like just to clarify here, on this list I am underlining only those things that are, per Action point cost to benefit, at LEAST twice as useful as the Autoloader Standardization:

-[] Poke The Weird Ships
(Gain: Information?)
-[] Burner Seeker Mines
(Gain: An upgrade to your Mines. These weapons automatically seek out non-friendly ships within a medium radius around themselves.)
-[] Snapshot Cogitation Improvements
(Gain: Missiles have increased Breakthrough against Hostile AM-Systems)
-[] Tetratek ARc Cannonade
(Gain: Tetratek Advanced-Reach (Grade c) Cannonade Ship Weapon (4 Dp).)
-[] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
(Gain: Improved Servitors.)
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] New Boarders for a New Age
(Gain: New Boarding Craft.)
-[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/2)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
-[] Shipyard Automatization
(Gain: 1 Destroyer every Turn.)
-[] Mind-Machine Interface Re-Examined (0/2)
(Greater Insight into already existing MMI methods and links.)
-[] Reconstruct The Shattered STC-Fragment (0/12)
(Gain: An STC Fragment.)

Literally everything except the STC, the Necron Ships, and the Cannonade, which isn't bad but isn't outstanding.
Like just to clarify here, on this list I am underlining only those things that are, per Action point cost to benefit, at LEAST twice as useful as the Autoloader Standardization:
I mean, this would be 2 Free DP for any ship design that uses physical munitions. This might not sound like much to someone who hasn't been involved with the ship designing, but autoloaders standardized is pretty sweet.
[X] Plan: Simmer Down and Plan Ahead

we 100% need to go down that automation tech-tree/line; and the fact that we didn't do so over ten turns ago is an honest shame; as this is a technology that is stronger the earlier that you do it, and the technologies that it unlocks are... both stronger baseline and stronger the earlier you do them.
I mean, this would be 2 Free DP for any ship design that uses physical munitions. This might not sound like much to someone who hasn't been involved with the ship designing, but autoloaders standardized is pretty sweet.

I've designed multiple ships, and the thing is by and large we've literally never had a problem with our ships not being good enough. It's also the dullest of the options of Research available. Not that that's the only consideration. For instance, it's better as an option than the Poke the Weird Ships option, but about 500x duller and less narratively interesting.

It's definitely massively less useful than the Destroyer Automation, the Servitors, the Boarding Craft we haven't bothered to improve, or about three or four other ones I outlined. It's also less narratively interesting. The Servitors are potentially society-changing, the Boarding Crafts let us play around with inventing a weird quirky ship.

It's even duller than the highest standard of existing dullness in this entire Quest: raising Infrastructure Levels, because those at least come with fun milestones to actually obtain something with narrative heft.
[X] Plan Silent Autoloaders

I want ship shrines to be next standard issue thing. But this is fine too.

Also to clarify, this is absolutely never happening and I will fight it until my dying breath. Ship Autoloaders, which from a dull mechanical perspective are probably the best bet for Standardization if one must, are still comically not worth it at costing 2 AP, and the AP cost to Standardize goes up 1 with each thing standardized. 1 DP is not even remotely close to being worth 3 AP.

2 AP for 2 DP [Edit: Except for the actual primary Carriers which have been our best and most unique assets, those get functionally nothing] is already not actually a good deal and kinda sucks even if it could be worse. 3 AP for 1 DP is just the worst imaginable deal.

I mean, this would be 2 Free DP for any ship design that uses physical munitions. This might not sound like much to someone who hasn't been involved with the ship designing, but autoloaders standardized is pretty sweet.

I'd also add, on a purely practical perspective, that it's +2 DP for every kind of ship except the ones we specialize in, the primary Carriers, that have always been the funnest and most interesting part of our Fleet short of the one-off trick things like the Chameleon (which I designed, to remind you.)
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You know we should try to Standardize Chapels to the Five then. 3AP for 3DP is better conversion rate and gives us more protections to boot.

It... doesn't work like that?

-[] Ship Equipment Standardization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/2)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)

Ship Standardization is only for 1-DP equipment, and will never be for more. It's a bad deal even now with 2 AP for 2 DP (except in our best ships that we love the most), and it'll literally just get worse and worse as a deal going forward.
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But to note, with a single trading action, we effectively gained 5 or so DP for literally every kind of ship we'll ever have, including Carriers. This was an incredible action and I'm glad people pushed it, it was good for us to do it.

Yet we're supposed to be wowed and impressed by the possibility of spending two AP for 2 DP on a decent chunk of our ships except for the primary Carriers, those that have been the heart and soul of our Fleet for five-hundred+ in-universe years?

Oh, right we can only do 1 AP equipment. Me bad.

It's cool, it's easy to miss these little details.
Honestly, I'm not sold about Autoloaders right this second, but the Cassiopeia is just so wrong-headed as a design that I can't approve of it. It's a good idea! But think it's below our level of abstraction and best handled as an actual, you know, Action if we think we desperately need dedicated hospital ships for internal work, and I'm not convinced that's the case.

As an actual "Uplift newly integrated planets" frame though? It's actively awful.
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I mean, I'm going to stick with what I've chosen, but honestly Silent Autoloaders winning so that people finally shut the fuck up about the incredibly overrated Ship Standardization Autoloaders so we can do important things that matter infinitely more like Automation, Servitors, or frankly 90% of our other Research Actions without having to fight them... isn't the worst outcome.

Honestly, this is so much my opinion. Autoloaders save... 2 AP. Whoop de do. On just a few of our ships. It's a tiny quantitative advantage in the face of a bunch of research that opens up new options.

That being said, I get the controversy around new ship designs and I'm not even sure I want to commit to the Cassiopeia before I get a ruling from the QM. So let's make a new plan with the Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement, it'll probably combo really well with the automatization. If we really need to die on that hill I'll do it.

[X] Plan: Keep calm, Automate Everything
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
--[X] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.
-[X] Free Action. Station the incomplete SBG in Ultima Sagritta, along with several extra destroyers, and instruct our forces to be intimidating and enthusiastic in destroying incoming enemy scouts from Voxx Primus.

[X] Plan: Keep calm, Ramp Up.

I almost did the this write-in instead, but it feels a little early for it before we've heard what the mechanical effect would be. @HeroCooky Any comment?
--[] [Glimmering Research Academies] The Academic Initiatives are flourishing, facilitating improvements to the efficiency of research and production. But those involved all agree that there are more opportunities that lie fallow. A collection of proposals have been made to improve the research capabilities of the Glimmering Federation by establishing Research Academies on several of the most populated and industrialized worlds in the Federation. These institutes would be dedicated to pursuing knowledge under the aegis of the Star Child, and would gather the most gifted technologists and scientists of the federation to encourage communication, collaboration and standardize the funding process for scientific advances. However, the efficiency gains from these changes are not the only purpose of the Academy, for they will also serve as the training ground for the next generations of researchers. A new test is to be implemented across the Federation, administered in parallel to the Psyker test that determines if one is fit for admission to the Choirs. This 'genius' test seeks to find those with unparalleled intellect and intuitive understanding for the natural world, then offer them the choice to join the Academies, where they will be provided with the best teachers the federation has to offer.
[X] Plan: Keep calm, Automate Everything

This is acceptable, it'll suck that the Lamenters won't get autoloaders, but they're not bad picks, and they'll open us up to get Autoloaders for 1 AP next turn.
[X] Plan: Simmer Down and Plan Ahead

we 100% need to go down that automation tech-tree/line; and the fact that we didn't do so over ten turns ago is an honest shame; as this is a technology that is stronger the earlier that you do it, and the technologies that it unlocks are... both stronger baseline and stronger the earlier you do them.
But we can get the automation tech next turn. Right now Autoloaders would help the most since it would be included in the design for the Lamenters flagship which will let it have some extra stuff to REALLY kick ass.

I swear, next turn we'll get it if we don't this turn.
[X] Plan: Economy Boost and Melodies
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
--[X] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.
-[X] Free Action. Station the SBG Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta system

[X] Plan: Sing from the Hives to the Void
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Two Melodies (Choose two below.) (0.2/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Silence
--[X] Grounding
-[X] [General] Research:
--[X] Shipyard Automatization
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
-[X] Free Action: If our efforts in subverting Voxx Primus are detected due to our Choirs getting noticed in the Warp, tell 'em to lay low and point one of the dozen hanger-on gangs at some nearby Psykers unwilling to become a part of the Celestial Choir. When they are dead, have the gangers deliver the Psykers to local Arbites or Ecclesiarchy to sell their bodies and evidence of their psyker nature for cash or goods. Then our choirs should do nothing but use the new melodies to hide themselves and our infiltration from the authorities for a decade or two. Additionally, request that our agents write up feedback and recommendations for training to be incorporated into curriculum to train future missionaries & infiltrators.
-[X] Free Action. Station the SBG Sphinx in Ultima Sagritta system

A bit busy right now but two plans here. I decided to at least try to write down a write in for orbital defenses But I really do not know enough 40k Lore to know what goes into an Defense Station or Ground based Anti-Orbital emplacements, Tell or write what is in it or what is possible to build or how they are used. If anything can improve and post it, it will be appreciated.

Main idea is to slowly build up the defenses in layers in a chain as oppose to trying to make the entire chain at once with filling the gaps when we put in another action. Stations would have Thick Armor, shields, internal defenses against boarding, medium or large torpedos, Lances, maybe Marco canons, and Hangars.
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