TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Incorporate Plant - Clover
0 of 20
Via a symbiotic bacterium, Clover naturally adds nitrogen to the soil. Completing this project will automatically add 10% of all Active Specialized Growth Dice as a bonus to Grow the Forest each turn, and permanently add a +5% bonus to Store Resources.
I guess that means it's time to try to put 'Operation Hallmark Christmas Special' into action.

Provided I can remember who everyone is and I'm not too focused on the whole spy stuff I'm remembering we had to deal with.
Callback to i think the last time we talked about it:
After further consideration, I realized that "Hey, this isn't actually as bad as it sounds after all" because if I recall the way Romantic Comedies and Hallmark Christmas Specials work, they usually begin with the lead love interests clashing at first and not getting along before fate finds a way to show them how their first impressions of one another was actually a misleading understanding.

So narratively speaking Marta Yarrow's tale of romance is right on track to become a true classic with a signature happy ending. :V
Yeah, we can have the turnaround in the Wintersolstice turn.
We just need:
  • A tree to volunteer being decorated
    • If we have no better volunteers, the Speakertree could do it
  • Decoration
    • I invented ornamental UL for that, we just need to remind Robinton when the Turn is about to come.
    • Could probably also add some fresh blooming, If any growth tree is interested.
  • A feast
  • Some festive/romantic music
    • Maybe the new music tree is interested?
  • The right amount of pre-existing snow and good timing on new, light snowfall
    • *gestures abstractly at the elder weathertree*

Speaking of it...

Now that it is invented, can we assume that our new ornamental Illusion/Dark&Light Negation UL will be available for narrative effects at next Winter Solstice celebration? (And do we need to grow more explicitly or does that happen automatically under amorphous UL growing/storing that happens automatically?)
Assume it's available automatically - but please remind me when it's relevant.
Reminding you! @Robinton

Both things said. Okay. So yeah. I'm going to have to take some time to reread near previous chapters to see what was going on and what I was voting for. I know I am a Magic Tree, or was it a Mage Tree, or was it a Wizard Tree, hmm, not sure terminology, I just know I did magic stuff, both research and casting. So I have to actually see what it was I wanted to do.
There is an informational post containing all playertree types.

TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Player Tree General Information Basic Player Trees: Mind Trees get 1d on all actions, and +1d on Communication or Research actions. Heart Trees get 1d on all actions, and +1d on Defense or Survival actions. Root Trees get 1d on all actions, and +1d on Growth or Offense actions. Elder Player...
You are a Magic Tree.
2d in all categories, special rule:
6 in (Magic Research)
6 in (Magic Elements)
6 in (Magic)
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Okay, lessee here...

[X][Tree] Ancient Bastion Tree
-[X] 2x Split Focus (Offense/Defense)
-[X] Special Tree: Shield
[X][Action] Raise the Shield
[X][Creatures and Allies] We've heard about a three-legged crow with sun-derived powers. Any volunteers among the Corvids?

The Ancient Tree rules haven't changed from the threadmark, have they?

Anyway, I considered working on Thorns, but ultimately decided that becoming a Shield Tree practically obligates me to Shield instead. Still too out of it to consider Focus right now; I'll edit those in later hopefully.

edit: potential creature act
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[X][Action] Design Magic Weapons and Armor (Magic Research)

Back to the grind. Gonna end up as a research tree instead of blacksmith by the end of this.
@Robinton Random question that just occurred to me (that may or may not be brought on by sleep deprivation): Can an Ancient Player Tree count as multiple different Special Tree types simultaneously (i.e. Shield Tree + Defender Ent)? My sane mind is going "there's no way the QM will allow that" but my sleepy mind is going "gotta ask anyway."
[X][Action] Research Elder Sensing Trees (Magic Biology Research)
-[X] An exciting new way of seeing the world! Or at least.. eventually. Let's hurry it up by trying some of them out right now. We have a sensing bush after all, we can use it for prototyping. Now let's see if I can't find a way to taste luck.
--[X] Also maybe start wandering back towards the rest of the forest. There should be some spare time to do so. Not a priority.
Most of my write-ins are usually just exotic flavour on standard actions. Where safety and sanity are traded in for faster/more results. So it should still be fine.
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The saga of the Magitech Forrest continues. Yay.
I am well familiar with spending far too much time trying to streamline a process then trying to streamline your streamlining.

[X][Action] Incorporated Growth
[X][Action] Try to Incorporate the essence of explosion into a nut... but use as little mana as possible

i remember the suggestions given to me and for lack of better ideas, to battle! :rofl2:
fixed! i want to make Gren-Acorns now :p
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[X][Action] Study Illusions (Magic Elements)
-The Forest has proven relatively weak to Illusions - particularly those of the widely-dreaded Shadow Spinners - and would like to learn how to counter them before any truly dangerous ones show up.
-This should grant the Forest skill Competent at both Illusions (Mental) and Illusions (Physical), along with a 1-rank Detection boost in each.
-Significant past experience with Illusions, practicing it themselves, and having extensive experience with Telepathy and the Minds of others, grants the Forest a good starting point on this project.
-Having Shadow Spinners to practice against grants +75% to this Action. Knowledge of Light/Darkness Negacion grants +25% to this Action, and a 1-rank boost to visual Illusions.
-62.07 of 120 successes
Oh hey so did we get any new magics to Competent? I'm trying to work out which magics are needed to get us the magic theory action.

While the update is awesome it is a bit hard to immediately go "this is where we went to the next tier" in stuff due to its spread out nature.
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[X][Action] Flesh, Not of My Flesh (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)

It's nice to see that this is back. Now I just need to remember what the fuck I was planning to do before the hiatus...
Page 205 replies:

You mean double the range, right? Or do you mean any range in calculating difficulty will be treated as half that?
The second one - but the first one is the more intuitive phrasing.
Edited the turn.

Now to remember what I was afraid of pink for.
I'll note that this one is absolutely a reference to another story, not an in-universe thing.
...A sufficiently-advanced Seer could maybe figure out the gist of the reference, but little else in-universe reasonably could.

Oooooh wow! Seeing an email about this quest brought such a large smile to my face! Soooo good! Thank you for working on this. For wanting to continue it. To finding the time to bring it back!

You are awesome for that!
That said. I would like Scrat himself to be an actual action. He's like our champion and I think him being a modified Focus action would be really cool.
Hmm... Interesting point. Note taken.
Fun fact: Teakettler - Wikipedia

I'm honestly a bit confused. why were the telekinesis attacks focused on a miniature Roc we had no hope of containing instead of more damaging attacks that might have killed it before it could do much harm, instead of focusing on the smaller, weaker bird that we never landed a hit on that our 32.5 points of telekinesis hindrance could have at least slowed down enough to be beaten into the ground by the Corvid's?
20 dice - 13 successes - into: [X] Telekinesis (Magic)
The bird didn't get within a mile of the Forest, barring briefly near when it first showed up (and the Forest hadn't realized it was such a nuisance yet).

(Also, thanks for making me reread the description of Offense: Telekinesis. I'd forgotten some of the details of that action.)

Drat. Oh well, at least it was successful in helping with the Monsters and means we've got a bunch of data on successful Lie Magic.
You can know with perfect certainty that the results of critical successes/failures in Lie Magic will never be incorrect or sarcastic or deceptive in any way.

(GM: Please read the prior statement in your best GLaDOS voice. There will be cake.)

I was looking at the player tree type list, and I'm seeing the requirements for suff like "Special Research Tree" or "Wizard Tree" on the left of the table, but I don't see where it states what specific action types are given extra dice, just the broadest categories, can you point me to that please?
Look at the Spoiler under the Tree Name. It will say something like "7 in (Magic Elements)" - which is to say "any action with (Magic Elements) as a tag, gets 7 progress."
[X][Action] Study how the Forest's mind absorbs and process knowledge through some introspection and observation. This probably helps with either discerning illusions or learning how to better study the many, many things we have.
[X][Focus] Bone, Not of My Bone (Magic Biology Research) (Magic Elements)
[X][Focus] Stockpile Thorns
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest x2
[X][Creatures and Allies] Assist in Advanced Movement/Biology Research
[X][Creatures and Allies] Assist in Incorporate Plant: Edible Mushrooms
[X][Creatures and Allies] Assist in Store Resources Against Future Need

I think this works??
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