What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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There's a billion actions crying for attention and we can't take them all, that's the name of the game. We have to focus on specific things, and so far we've focused on:
1. Having a reasonable standard of living and being nice to people who are reasonable.
2. Building and fielding respectable fleets.
3. Having a stable and anti-chaos Faith.
4. Having fairly basic psykers as part of our empire. They help, but they're not our linchpin.
5. Some amount of research capability.
We're currently working on maintaining and improving those individual things, as well as adding another one:
6. Having powerful conversion/infiltration capabilities to expand through subversion instead of conquest.

But all of that has meant we've left a bunch of stuff on the table, specifically:
1. Psytech.
2. Exceptionally powerful psykers/songs to be our ace in the hole in most situations.
3. Particularly powerful ground armies, with buffed-out Kharnivores in particular.
4. Xenos understanding, specifically studying the gate and poking the weird ship.
5. Buffing up the Lamenters to be STRONK.

Any of those things would be good, but they would be at the sacrifice of the other 6, which all require maintenance and continued development. I just don't see committing to psytech as worth it in the near future.

I also want to highlight a couple of important actions that we should consider, though only
[] [Military] Re-Organize The Task Fleet System.
This might be more important than any other fleet action. Remember how much the overhaul of fleet construction got us? This might be similar. We should do it before our fleets fight again.
[] [General] Propaganda For The Foreign Masses - [0/4]
This is another part of how we make the conversion more automatic, instead of continually having to expend resources on it like we are for Voxx. I do assume that having this office would help massively in converting Voxx as well, though it would not be covert.
[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
This is how our Psykers get stronk. Our current Songs... well they're the foundation of the Federation. We could create some aces and put them in some holes with this action. Melodies give us pieces that we assemble, but it does seem like we have criminally few songs given our number of melodies.
5. Buffing up the Lamenters to be STRONK.
Counterpoint: They are at the end of their Tree to build up the Chapter. You boosted them by around a century with your aid and allegiance.

Meaning that you have a loyal Space Marine Chapter on your side.

Lore Nerds, please explain what that means for your military stuff while I go to sleep, please and thank you. ( :V )
Counterpoint: They are at the end of their Tree to build up the Chapter. You boosted them by around a century with your aid and allegiance.

Meaning that you have a loyal Space Marine Chapter on your side.

Lore Nerds, please explain what that means for your military stuff while I go to sleep, please and thank you. ( :V )
Bonus, its the Lamenters who are loyal to us. still it should be worth it to toss one AP to it to help finish it. only fair.
[X] Expansion and Retrenchment v2.1
-[X] [Faith] Putting The Money Where The Mouth Talked
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Grace of the Labors - Labors (Fog and Mountains), Grace of the Light - Light (Atoll and Coral), Grace of the Hymns - Hymns (Canyon and Desert

-[X] [Voxx Primus] Now with their presence established in some of the Hives, it's time to take stock of the landscape. In the Underhive, joining a Gang is not always a matter of some vicious, heartless love of evil. Nor were all mutants somehow enemies. Begin sending more covert specialists and indeed med-techs, to in Hives where support is still weak recruit the less vicious and irredemable gangers, give them purpose and a new mission, begin building up a local army and transforming the landscape... and also using this to survey the landscape in another way, identifying dangerous points of potential resistance, those gangs that cannot be treated with or taught a better way... and even worse, the PDF and other such forces, the Captains of Industry, the whole of what will resist... for later and further actions.
-[X] Switch ISC to [New Dawn R&D]
[X] Expansion and Retrenchment v2.1 with Ultima Sigritta
-[X] [Faith] Putting The Money Where The Mouth Talked
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Grace of the Labors - Labors (Fog and Mountains), Grace of the Light - Light (Atoll and Coral), Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah)

-[X] [Voxx Primus] Now with their presence established in some of the Hives, it's time to take stock of the landscape. In the Underhive, joining a Gang is not always a matter of some vicious, heartless love of evil. Nor were all mutants somehow enemies. Begin sending more covert specialists and indeed med-techs, to in Hives where support is still weak recruit the less vicious and irredemable gangers, give them purpose and a new mission, begin building up a local army and transforming the landscape... and also using this to survey the landscape in another way, identifying dangerous points of potential resistance, those gangs that cannot be treated with or taught a better way... and even worse, the PDF and other such forces, the Captains of Industry, the whole of what will resist... for later and further actions.
-[X] Switch ISC to [New Dawn R&D]

I get the concern about having to make two jumps from Light to Labors, but I don't think it's enough of a concern to give up on one of Labors or Sira. I'm not even sure what kind of impact it would have on travel time- we already have some sub-sectors that are quite far from each other on the map (which yes, doesn't necessarily mean commensurately longer travel time, but physical distance does generally have some amount of impact on travel time).
[X] Expansion and Retrenchment v2.1
-[X] [Faith] Putting The Money Where The Mouth Talked
-[X] [General] Colonize (Planet/s)
--[X] Grace of the Labors - Labors (Fog and Mountains), Grace of the Light - Light (Atoll and Coral), Grace of the Hymns - Hymns (Canyon and Desert

-[X] [Voxx Primus] Now with their presence established in some of the Hives, it's time to take stock of the landscape. In the Underhive, joining a Gang is not always a matter of some vicious, heartless love of evil. Nor were all mutants somehow enemies. Begin sending more covert specialists and indeed med-techs, to in Hives where support is still weak recruit the less vicious and irredemable gangers, give them purpose and a new mission, begin building up a local army and transforming the landscape... and also using this to survey the landscape in another way, identifying dangerous points of potential resistance, those gangs that cannot be treated with or taught a better way... and even worse, the PDF and other such forces, the Captains of Industry, the whole of what will resist... for later and further actions.
-[X] Switch ISC to [New Dawn R&D]
[X] Plan: Upgrades and Agreements
-[X] [Faith] Putting The Money Where The Mouth Talked
-[X] Tech actions
--[X] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation, Chemical After-Burner Bottling, and Ancient Imperial Missile Studies

(Gain: Two Missile Upgrade Equipments and Hangar Upgrades.)
--[X] Servitor Cognition Auxiliary Enhancement Procedures
(Gain: Improved Servitors.)

[X] Plan: Little of Everything
-[X] [Faith] Putting The Money Where The Mouth Talked
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[X] The Order of the Nurenor Roses

-[X] Laurent's Pet Hive Project action
Ugh, I see why you did things that way but I really wanted to fill that last purple in Archwan in.
Counterpoint: They are at the end of their Tree to build up the Chapter. You boosted them by around a century with your aid and allegiance.

Meaning that you have a loyal Space Marine Chapter on your side.

Lore Nerds, please explain what that means for your military stuff while I go to sleep, please and thank you. ( :V )

I mean, that means we have a secret cache of elites capable of fighting on even footing against even the scariest forces in the galaxy, right? Hopefully they'll get some more experience and relics and stuff and not continue to sacrifice three-quarters of the company every fifty years, but maybe that's asking a lot. I'm more curious if they'll start to develop the more advanced trappings of space marines soon - librarians, dreadnaughts, a replacement for terminator armor. We've got pretty good heavy industry, but maybe we need to get to ten for that one.

Or maybe they'll grow past the magical limit of 1000, or bud off a successor chapter or two. Those would all be hype. What's better than one Space Marine Chapter? MOAR SPACE MARINES. There's a perfectly good feral world for them to establish one on! It's sitting right there.
Voting will open in 2 hours, 3 minutes