What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 3 hours, 8 minutes
[X] The Five Eyes, Hearts, and Hands v2
-[X] This organization, which has two branches, is designed to deal with internal threats of Chaos and also participate in anti-Chaos investigations on battlefields and other contested areas. It answers directly to the High Council, but it cannot override the local Council's decisions and when an investigation on a planet completes must inform the local Councils of their findings within the limits of secrecy/not spreading the very symbols one might be going out against.
-[X] Five Eyes: They move from system to system unimpeded, on a rotation, often using scout ships and stowing aboard as passengers/etc to be dropped off, though they can also be summoned by a request by a local Council or intelligence as to the problem. They have a central headquarters in Droma.
-[X] Five Hands: There's a core at the headquarters, and then task groups ready to be jumped in in a hurry, and local branches that are small but prestigious/elite, though it is preferable to use all local assets first/as well.
-[X] Five Hearts: Local branches, with the central branch essentially being the information office/etc, only proven people can join the local branches on each planet, with the emphasis being on the right mix of knowledge and empathy.
-[X] The Five Eyes are to be made of priests, scribes, and investigators, those with proven experience but also proven religious devotion. The "Five Hands" on the other hand are to be made of priests, Heroes, soldiers and potentially the investment/aid of the local Choir.
-[X] The Five Hands and the Five Eyes have several positions and ranks. The Five Eyes, whose job is to roam and find trouble and if it is not capable of being dealt with by local forces, will have the positions of Investigator, Analyst, Infiltrator, Censor, and Commander (administrative role) and an added Chief Commander selected/elected/etc among them and subject to a term limit of one decade to prevent concentration of power. The Five Hands include Soldiers, Medics, Specialists, Fanatics (members of Holy Orders joining into this larger structure, etc), and in charge of them, Captains. The Branch is to be led by the Grand Captain. The overall organization is to be led by the Captain-Commander, Supreme Director of the Eyes, Heart, and Hand.
-[X] The Five Hearts have five positions as well: Educator (in charge of spreading information about the nature of Chaos, carefully controlled, so that people know what to watch out for), Counselor (to help the victims of Chaos and those who have turned from it, such as, I dunno, a cultist who blows the whistle or etc, as well as serve as negotiators to talk down people, dangerous job but prestigious), Internal Investigator (designed to provide help and keep an eye out among the Hands, Hearts, and Eyes for any flaws/etc), Chronicler (whose job it is to collate the information that Hands and Eyes gather to understand the larger pattern), Priest (designed to pray for miracles and act as the conscience of the Hearts), led in this case by Planetary Directors.
-[X] Extraordinary Powers and Protections: The right to appeal decisions of local Councils dealing with their work to the High Councils, should it become relevant. Pardon from all misdemeanor charges if it is proven it was done in the line of duty (aka speeding tickets, etc). Right to commandeer a space on any Scout ship, etc, etc. Funds sufficient for travel, infiltration, etc are to be provided. Generous pensions, top-notch, better than average Healthcare (considering Nurgle). Dental, even!
-[X] Access to a through-line to Lamenters in dire situations to be able to go above the planetary level (but strike system for abuse of this). Otherwise top of the line equipment for Hands... that makes sense for internal work, so there are some tanks but only a few. An obscure by-law mandates there be at least "one cool cyborg" per local branch of the Hands and/or Eyes, preferrably with, "Viewpoint character energy."
-[X] Mandatory therapy/vacation/relaxation-time after each encounter with Chaos/etc for Hands and Eyes and Hearts. Therapy is vital to keep teh mind sharp. After Action Reports also mandatory.

This one.
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[X] The Five Eyes, Hearts, and Hands v2
-[X] This organization, which has two branches, is designed to deal with internal threats of Chaos and also participate in anti-Chaos investigations on battlefields and other contested areas. It answers directly to the High Council, but it (as opposed to the High Council in such cases) cannot override the local Council's decisions and when an investigation on a planet completes must inform the local Councils of their findings within the limits of secrecy/not spreading the very symbols one might be going out against.
-[X] Five Eyes: They move from system to system unimpeded, on a rotation, often using scout ships and stowing aboard as passengers/etc to be dropped off, though they can also be summoned by a request by a local Council or intelligence as to the problem. They have a central headquarters in Droma.
-[X] Five Hands: There's a core at the headquarters, and then task groups ready to be jumped in in a hurry, and local branches that are small but prestigious/elite, though it is preferable to use all local assets first/as well.
-[X] Five Hearts: Local branches, with the central branch essentially being the information office/etc, only proven people can join the local branches on each planet, with the emphasis being on the right mix of knowledge and empathy.
-[X] The Five Eyes are to be made of priests, scribes, and investigators, those with proven experience but also proven religious devotion. The "Five Hands" on the other hand are to be made of priests, Heroes, soldiers and potentially the investment/aid of the local Choir.
-[X] The Five Hands and the Five Eyes have several positions and ranks. The Five Eyes, whose job is to roam and find trouble and if it is not capable of being dealt with by local forces, will have the positions of Investigator, Analyst, Infiltrator, Censor, and Commander (administrative role) and an added Chief Commander selected/elected/etc among them and subject to a term limit of one decade to prevent concentration of power. The Five Hands include Soldiers, Medics, Specialists, Fanatics (members of Holy Orders joining into this larger structure, etc), and in charge of them, Captains. The Branch is to be led by the Grand Captain. The overall organization is to be led by the Captain-Commander, Supreme Director of the Eyes, Heart, and Hand.
-[X] The Five Hearts have five positions as well: Educator (in charge of spreading information about the nature of Chaos, carefully controlled, so that people know what to watch out for), Counselor (to help the victims of Chaos and those who have turned from it, such as, I dunno, a cultist who blows the whistle or etc, as well as serve as negotiators to talk down people, dangerous job but prestigious), Internal Investigator (designed to provide help and keep an eye out among the Hands, Hearts, and Eyes for any flaws/etc), Chronicler (whose job it is to collate the information that Hands and Eyes gather to understand the larger pattern), Priest (designed to pray for miracles and act as the conscience of the Hearts), led in this case by Planetary Directors.
-[X] Extraordinary Powers and Protections: The right to appeal decisions of local Councils dealing with their work to the High Councils, should it become relevant. Pardon from all misdemeanor charges if it is proven it was done in the line of duty (aka speeding tickets, etc). Right to commandeer a space on any Scout ship, etc, etc. Funds sufficient for travel, infiltration, etc are to be provided. Generous pensions, top-notch, better than average Healthcare (considering Nurgle). Dental, even!
-[X] Access to a through-line to Lamenters in dire situations to be able to go above the planetary level (but strike system for abuse of this). Otherwise top of the line equipment for Hands... that makes sense for internal work, so there are some tanks but only a few. An obscure by-law mandates there be at least "one cool cyborg" per local branch of the Hands and/or Eyes, preferrably with, "Viewpoint character energy."
-[X] Mandatory therapy/vacation/relaxation-time after each encounter with Chaos/etc for Hands and Eyes and Hearts. Therapy is vital to keep teh mind sharp. After Action Reports also mandatory.

Any other suggestions of what to add?
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[X] The Five Eyes, Hearts, and Hands with Freedoms v2 alt
-[X] This organization, which has two branches, is designed to deal with internal threats of Chaos and also participate in anti-Chaos investigations on battlefields and other contested areas. It answers directly to the High Council, but it (as opposed to the High Council in such cases) cannot override the local Council's decisions and when an investigation on a planet completes must inform the local Councils of their findings within the limits of secrecy/not spreading the very symbols one might be going out against.
-[X] Five Eyes: They move from system to system unimpeded, on a rotation, often using scout ships and stowing aboard as passengers/etc to be dropped off, though they can also be summoned by a request by a local Council or intelligence as to the problem. They have a central headquarters in Droma.
-[X] Five Hands: There's a core at the headquarters, and then task groups ready to be jumped in in a hurry, and local branches that are small but prestigious/elite, though it is preferable to use all local assets first/as well.
-[X] Five Hearts: Local branches, with the central branch essentially being the information office/etc, only proven people can join the local branches on each planet, with the emphasis being on the right mix of knowledge and empathy.
-[X] The Five Eyes are to be made of priests, scribes, and investigators, those with proven experience but also proven religious devotion. The "Five Hands" on the other hand are to be made of priests, Heroes, soldiers and potentially the investment/aid of the local Choir.
-[X] The Five Hands and the Five Eyes have several positions and ranks. The Five Eyes, whose job is to roam and find trouble and if it is not capable of being dealt with by local forces, will have the positions of Investigator, Analyst, Infiltrator, Censor, and Commander (administrative role) and an added Chief Commander selected/elected/etc among them and subject to a term limit of one decade to prevent concentration of power. The Five Hands include Soldiers, Medics, Specialists, Fanatics (members of Holy Orders joining into this larger structure, etc), and in charge of them, Captains. The Branch is to be led by the Grand Captain. The overall organization is to be led by the Captain-Commander, Supreme Director of the Eyes, Heart, and Hand.
-[X] The Five Hearts have five positions as well: Educator (in charge of spreading information about the nature of Chaos, carefully controlled, so that people know what to watch out for), Counselor (to help the victims of Chaos and those who have turned from it, such as, I dunno, a cultist who blows the whistle or etc, as well as serve as negotiators to talk down people, dangerous job but prestigious), Internal Investigator (designed to provide help and keep an eye out among the Hands, Hearts, and Eyes for any flaws/etc), Chronicler (whose job it is to collate the information that Hands and Eyes gather to understand the larger pattern), Priest (designed to pray for miracles and act as the conscience of the Hearts), led in this case by Planetary Directors.
-[X] Extraordinary Powers and Protections: The right to appeal decisions of local Councils dealing with their work to the High Councils, should it become relevant. Right to commandeer a space on any Scout ship, etc, etc. Funds sufficient for travel, infiltration, etc are to be provided. Generous pensions, top-notch, better than average Healthcare (considering Nurgle). Dental, even! Can ignore infraction-level crimes (you aint getting a speeding ticket when pursuing a criminal), have a generous strike system for misdemeanors (stuff that can considerably worsen civilian life, like burning a dude's room to smoke a chaos cultist out), something like 10 to 30 strikes, before an audit is done in which is revised if the agent is performing necessary evils or going overboard, Tigther strike system for felonies (stuff that will majorly fuck over people, like destroying a bridge or killing hostages) 3 to 10 strikes before the audit. As well as mandatory therapy.
-[X] Access to a through-line to Lamenters in dire situations to be able to go above the planetary level (but strike system for abuse of this). Otherwise top of the line equipment for Hands... that makes sense for internal work, so there are some tanks but only a few. An obscure by-law mandates there be at least "one cool cyborg" per local branch of the Hands and/or Eyes, preferrably with, "Viewpoint character energy."
-[X] Mandatory therapy/vacation/relaxation-time after each encounter with Chaos/etc for Hands and Eyes and Hearts. Therapy is vital to keep teh mind sharp. After Action Reports also mandatory.

[X] Plan ORDER - The Office for Recognition, Disentanglement, Evaluation and Rectification
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Alright, I'll put my suggestion in a votable format:

[X] Plan ORDER - The Office for Recognition, Disentanglement, Evaluation and Rectification
-[X] Legal Status

Due to the nature of ORDER, every planet of the Federation houses a branch office, which is in regular contact and coordination with government of all levels, but operates independently. Local governments have the power to nominate new members for ORDER membership, however to avoid conflicts of interests, no ORDER member is allowed to serve in a senior or supervisory role on the same planet as their nomination originated from.
Leadership of ORDER follows the organisational structure of the Glimmering Federation as a whole, with establishment of Subsector-wide regional offices pre-authorised but as of 500.M42 deemed premature. Federal leadership of ORDER reports regularly on ORDER activities to the High Council, to which any matter that warrants activation of more resources than just a single planet has access to is deferred. Leadership of ORDER is appointed by the High Council and independently determines ORDER priorities.
-[X] Reach
Branch offices of ORDER are generally tasked with overseeing either only their local celestial body or any smaller void-based infrastructure or settlements that are too small to warrant their local branch office. Members of the investigative branch will accompany military units where it is expected that their expertise will be needed.
-[X] Members
The vast majority of ORDER's members are the Federation's most boring, but most crucial members: mathematicians, statisticians, bureaucrats, tax specialists, subject matter experts on a variety of sociological topics and a raft of consultants as needed. The other two larger arms are the investigative and the human resources branch, both much smaller in scope, but equally as crucial for the operation.
Under ideal operations the bureaucratic branch's touch is light and it is tasked with analysing as much data as it can in order to spot abnormal trends and developments that require intervention of any sort, developing strategies to mitigate any systemic issues uncovered by the investigative branch or its own analyses and passing on recommendations for changes in policy and law on to the local planetary authorities for implementation or modification as may be determined necessary. Sufficiently severe disagreements between ORDER and local authorities can be escalated for mediation before the High Council.
The investigative branch recruits from suitable individuals of ecclesiastical, military or other professional backgrounds who are sent out whenever the bureaucracy needs irregularities investigated, things poked or the Federation's military expects to come into contact with the Ruinous Powers. It is also the branch which holds esoteric knowledge of the Great Enemy and disseminates it on a need-to-know basis to local forces they are either attached to on military operations or that they have requisitioned in the process of their investigative work.
The human resources branch is tasked with overseeing the operation of the other two branches, ensuring the well-being of the investigative branch personnel, meeting required staffing levels of the bureaucratic branch, and evaluating operations after their conclusion, applying either promotions, demotions, accolades or warnings as deemed necessary by the operations' outcomes and the proportionality of employed resources.
-[X] Ranks
Rank structure and salary rates follow standard bureaucratic patterns as negotiated with the United Glimmering Office Workers Association in 331.M42, the only exception being the Investigative branch, whose ranks and titles follow local military customs of their host planet.
-[X] Extraordinary Powers and Protections
ORDER is granted access to all records and data produced by any governmental entity of the Federation and its protectorates. Data of any other entity operating within the space administered by the Federation can be legally seized as necessary in the course of analytic and investigative work. Corrupt use of this power is one of the fastest way to get shitcanned by Human Resources.
Legal Powers and ability to requisition local forces under command of the investigative branch escalate as evidence of hostile action by the Great Enemy is uncovered through either analytic or investigative work.
-[X] Armory
The vast majority of ORDER's budget is spent on the tools needed for the bureaucratic arm's operations: computing power, salaries for its workforce and vast data storages.
The investigative branch maintains a stockpile of esoteric weapons, knowledge, armors etc that may be required for operations against warp-based entities and their foul magicks.

tl;dr: ORDER is largely a bureaucracy tasked with proactively identifying problems in the Federation and developing policy to counteract them. Under normal operations it is mostly advisory, and due to the High Council's control over the organisation's leadership it will largely reflect Federal policy. If the bureaucracy needs anything poked because it is suspicious for any reason the investigative arm is sent to do said poking, however it will mainly draw on local forces as justifiable by current threat scenarios, with the ability to scale up as required. Human Resources provides both oversight over as well as maintenance of the other branches to avoid abuse of power.
While this is a much broader mandate than just narrowly fighting the symptoms of the disease of Chaos corruption, it is hoped that proactive engagement with societal issues will ultimately fortify the Federation against subversion as well as give it the tools needed to identify said subversion early on should it be attempted.
In even shorter: this is the unholy love child of the wussies, the administratum and the inquisition, which most of the time will be busy investigating why an agricultural region had a 7.5% drop in output century-over-century and recommend a switch in crops to better accomodate changed local climate patterns, but has the tools and knowledge needed to break out the flamers if it ends up being a Nurglite scheme.
It answers directly to the High Council, but it (as opposed to the High Council in such cases) cannot override the local Council's decisions and when an investigation on a planet completes must inform the local Councils of their findings within the limits of secrecy/not spreading the very symbols one might be going out against.
I might be a little slow on the uptake here, but it sounds like that the local Councils has more power over the organization as oppose to the High council. It can override the High Council's decisions but not the local Councils? And they have to report everything to the local Councils but not to the High Council? Isn't it suppose to be the other way around?
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I might be a little slow on the uptake here, but it sounds like that the local Councils has more power over the organization as oppose to the High council. It can override the High Council's decisions but not the local Councils? And they have to report everything to the local Councils but not to the High Council? Isn't it suppose to be the other way around?
Ask The Laurent given that bit comes from the main plan which mine is a version of.
Voting will open in 3 hours, 8 minutes