Squirrel Sect [Stone age] [Riot Quest] [Squirrels Cultivating]

It will overflow into Shelters (which also takes spears), and which requires even more wood, like, holy shit, so much wood. We are in dire need of wood at this point, as we're nearly at the stretch goal for the Spears project, I think, which won't really work if the spears are all hypotheticals we could have if we weren't in crippling debt.
Were already at -24 wood according to skjadir, so were already in debt, so if we leverage the debt to finish up the spear project we can fight back immediately. Either we enter debt and the spear project finishes, or wood spear production is halted till we get enough wood. Zedalb so far has allowed us to go into debt, so I think we will finish the spears but will have wood debt. Grinding wood right now won't save us from the owls, grinding spears will allow us to fight back better and then once we survive the crisis we can focus on wood gathering.

We also need 88 more progress on wood spears, if we assume a person that takes the wood spear action gets a 6, then we would need around 15 people to choose the wood spear action to complete it, I am very skeptical if we can get that many by the end of the turn so betting on the crafting inspiration makes more sense to me.
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Were already at -24 wood according to skjadir, so were already in debt, so if we leverage the debt to finish up the spear project we can fight back immediately. Either we enter debt and the spear project finishes, or wood spear production is halted till we get enough wood. Zedalb so far has allowed us to go into debt, so I think we will finish the spears but will have wood debt. Grinding wood right now won't save us from the owls, grinding spears will allow us to fight back better and then once we survive the crisis we can focus on wood gathering.

We also need 88 more progress on wood spears, if we assume a person that takes the wood spear action gets a 6, then we would need around 15 people to choose the wood spear action to complete it, I am very skeptical if we can get that many by the end of the turn so betting on the crafting inspiration makes more sense to me.

Ah, that wasn't an exact number. It's most likely a decent bit less, I just used the worst case scenario. Additionally, I still don't think it's a great idea to force it without a double 10 right now, but maybe later after most people have rolled.

Addendum: It's not really a logical argument, but I very much dislike the idea of going into debt.
Ah, that wasn't an exact number. It's most likely a decent bit less, I just used the worst case scenario. Additionally, I still don't think it's a great idea to force it without a double 10 right now, but maybe later after most people have rolled.

Addendum: It's not really a logical argument, but I very much dislike the idea of going into debt.
Even assuming 60 progress that's still around 10 people which I doubt we'll get, and only 2 people so far have rolled double 10's and they have finished their inspirations, so unless somebody new comes in with a double 10 I don't see the harm in trying to reroll for the crafting inspiration that will help all of us.

I'm also not a fan of debt but I prefer that over risking a death with the owls, and with bows done its not like we have any other wood-based projects that we can complete quickly.
Thought for consideration, given that we have an inspiration coming - if I were to get a second action, I could basically use Qi 'for free' every turn since I could spend on action to recharge it; and in this case, this turn, I could basically reroll my 'try to figure out when the owls are coming' with Qi to try to put us in a better position for spotting the owls before they arrive and still be able to recharge my Qi pool.

Just presenting a personal argument for personal consideration.
Thought for consideration, given that we have an inspiration coming - if I were to get a second action, I could basically use Qi 'for free' every turn since I could spend on action to recharge it; and in this case, this turn, I could basically reroll my 'try to figure out when the owls are coming' with Qi to try to put us in a better position for spotting the owls before they arrive and still be able to recharge my Qi pool.

Just presenting a personal argument for personal consideration.

The owl are coming is not useful because we know they will attack each turn from now on.
We don't need someone using Qi to know that.
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Thought for consideration, given that we have an inspiration coming - if I were to get a second action, I could basically use Qi 'for free' every turn since I could spend on action to recharge it; and in this case, this turn, I could basically reroll my 'try to figure out when the owls are coming' with Qi to try to put us in a better position for spotting the owls before they arrive and still be able to recharge my Qi pool.

Just presenting a personal argument for personal consideration.
You're tech doesn't say it takes Qi to use.
Awareness: @Space Jawa
You get a warning the turn before something dangerous attacks the Sect.
Owls are attacking Next turn
Rather you seem to have it on as default.
[X] Wood Spear Costs 5 Wood: Improves combat ability. (Every 4 progress makes on spear)

He Who Creates looked upon those who have joined him in the holy art of creation, and smiled. He was glad that many of the sect were now adding their teeth to the creation of more weapons. Though, it sadden him that it took the deaths of so many to the demonic owls for them to wake up. This world is far too dangerous for a squirrel for them not to defend themselves first. He Who Creates shook himself from his musings and joined his brethren in making spears.

Edit: He who Creates spent to much time patting himself on the back and only created 1 spear this day. Much to his disappointment and deflated ego.
LordEdric threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 6
4 4 2 2
[X] Cultivate upon the Fire energy in the area. (Insanely Dangerous but great potential rewards)

Squirrel feels strange. Squirrel feels lesser than before. Like this is no longer Squirrels body. But that is just silly. If this was not Squirrels body, then Squirrel would no longer be here to think such things.

Still Squirrel will think on such things later, for they have finally arived at the hot air. And it is beautiful.

How it shimmers, sparkles, and shakes.

The way it snaps, crackles and pops.

It is the opposite of being unseen, yet Squirrel is transfixed and consumed by the magesty of the hot air.

edit - Well darn. Looks like a roast squirrel it is.
edit - Reroll 2 well that went as well as expected.
Drahcir threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Squirrels roasting on hot air Total: 22
8 8 8 8 6 6
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A tranquil breeze, both cold and light
descends upon the guards tonight.
A chosen watch, a peaceful deed,
bulwarks stark amid avian greed.
With roaming eyes and racing minds
and stillness that their watch belies,
they take up arms,
and tails,
and sticks,
beneath the moonlight waning.

Companions for a better end
upholding peace forgotten,
a laugh or two with anxious bend,
a smile for times less rotten.
[X] Cultivate upon the Fire energy in the area. (Insanely Dangerous but great potential rewards)

Squirrel feels strange. Squirrel feels lesser than before. Like this is no longer Squirrels body. But that is just silly. If this was not Squirrels body, then Squirrel would no longer be here to think such things.

Still Squirrel will think on such things later, for they have finally arived at the hot air. And it is beautiful.

How it shimmers, sparkles, and shakes.

The way it snaps, crackles and pops.

It is the opposite of being unseen, yet Squirrel is transfixed and consumed by the magesty of the hot air.

edit - Well darn. Looks like a roast squirrel it is.

Pretty sure your cultivator squirrel is dead or did the qm get the wrong squirrel here ?
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[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Coward. She'd never wanted a warrior's glory. She thought she could help the sect in other ways. Warriors still needed to eat to stay strong, she could have been the paw that fed them.

But it wasn't enough, she had hidden while other squirrels risked their lives, and now those squirrels were dead. Even those cultivators who she'd scorned for their waste, had still done more than her to defend the sect. They were dead too. Along with those still cultivating, who were easy prey for the owls.

Welma was tired. Tired of running, tired of hiding, tired of the squirrels she wasn't quite friends with yet had still grown close to dying. Welma was going to fight, even if it cost her her life.
The Well Wisher threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Guard Duty Total: 24
10 10 8 8 6 6
[X]Guard from the owls (Very Dangerous)

Coward. She'd never wanted a warrior's glory. She thought she could help the sect in other ways. Warriors still needed to eat to stay strong, she could have been the paw that fed them.

But it wasn't enough, she had hidden while other squirrels risked their lives, and now those squirrels were dead. Even those cultivators who she'd scorned for their waste, had still done more than her to defend the sect. They were dead too. Along with those still cultivating, who were easy prey for the owls.

Welma was tired. Tired of running, tired of hiding, tired of the squirrels she wasn't quite friends with yet had still grown close to dying. Welma was going to fight, even if it cost her her life.
Another Guardmate, may our watch be long!

Making us 3 guarding + 1 Squirrel getting an inspiration organizing the militia and gaining "Guard Lord" trait.
Stanley was frightened by the inferno in front of him. He could feel the way that the fire devoured it's surrounding, the death it was spreading, and strangely even the lightning that had caused it. But while frightened he was also in awe, for if he could harness even one of these elements he could be even stronger himself. But has stanley reached for the energies, he remembered his duty, he remembered what was important. The fire was meant to bring hope to his people, to keep them safe in the dark, and to keep enemies at bay. And what else there for a brave squirrel like stanley to do except guard this hope.

[X] Try to protect the torch bearers and feed the torch as need (Help get the flame back alive)

edit: this fire is kicking my ass

gotta finish that artwork now

edit 2:

the dice want Stanley to die apparently

edit 3: Stanley lives!!!
total 17
Joker13 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: protect the flames Total: 5
1 1 1 1 3 3
Joker13 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: trying to save stanley Total: 21
5 5 10 10 6 6
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We don't need someone using Qi to know that.
You're tech doesn't say it takes Qi to use.
Rather you seem to have it on as default.

I'm not talking about the passive ability. I'm talking about my action for the turn and he ability to use stored Qi for a free bonus re-roll to get a better result, which when combined with having a second action means that spending Qi for rerolls is basically a free action without having to spend another turn charging up Qi again.

Use Dao of Awareness to keep alert for the Owl's approach so the Squirrels can be alerted of and be prepared for their approach.

(I'm thinking of this action in terms of whereas the passive lets me know that they're attacking, this active action will hopefully instead let us be aware of their approach so we're not caught off-guard by them actually being here.)
[X] Take up a Torch: (Dangerous but at least one flame must reach the sect or the expedition will fail)

It was on the on the sixth rise of the sky-glare, that they at long last came upon the glowing-red. Mesmerised by the glowing flickers of the glowing-red, they noticed the spread of the glowing-red to the long-woods and nearby short-woods. Skittering closer-- a seemingly harsh mimicry of the sky-glare greeting them as they neared one of the long-woods, they picked up a short-wood that had fallen to the ground, and held it up to glowing-red spiraling up the long-wood. With a mesmerised gaze, they watched the glowing-red flicker into being along the top of the short-wood they held, their own personal sky-glare held in their very paws.

EDIT: First time I've gotten a 10 in this quest, I'm going to use my reroll (even though it's 10 and 7) just to see what the odds are of getting another 10

Expedition Inspiration Bonus:
[]THE SPEED OF LIGHTNING: Your die roll is considered 10 times higher for shortening the duration of the expedition
[]GOLDEN ROAD: All rolls on this Expedition gain a free reroll.
[]DISCOVERED TREASURE: Choose between a communal treasure that will help the tribe or a stronger treasure that will help only one squirrel.

General Inspiration Bonus:
[] NAMED: Give one squirrel a "NAME": Named Squirrels get two actions per turn.
[] LEADERSHIP: Designate one Squirrel as a "LEADER" leaders can not use rerolls themselves but can gain up to 5 rerolls a turn for longer Omakes.
[] BLESSED FORTUNE: For 3 turns chance based rolls gain +2 (Scouting, Cultivation, weird write in's, etc)
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[]DISCOVERED TREASURE: Choose between a communal treasure that will help the tribe or a stronger treasure that will help only one squirrel.
Just as a curiosity dos the fact this squirl is currently in an expedition means that if he dies any such treasure will die with him? Or would that only happen if the entire expedition is killed?
How did my attempt at seduction go?

[X]Gather bugs for the Spider (0/100)

Friendly reminder to roll.

While I'm here, take the grand sum of our efforts this turn so far:

Cordage Mastery 2: +3(TimEd) = 3

Awaken Squirrels: +13(Somedude) +7(ChimeraGuard) +6(uri) +2(ONION) +6(Skjadir) +8(Ghost in the Sun) +9(thamuzz)
= 51/5 = 10 Squirrels

Gather Food(?): +7(Daemon Hunter) = 7x1.1 = 7.7

Gather QiCorns: +9(BurnBright) +2(Abbysius) +19(Amilia)
= 30x1.1 = 33/2.5 or 3.3 = 13.2 or 10

Gather Wood: +3(Moon-llama) +8x2(FL)(RulerofNothing) +6(Lightwhispers)
= 25x1.1 = 27.5

Gather Leaves: +5(Critian Caseorte) = 5x1.1 = 5.5

Wood Mastery 1: +7(jj1111fg33) +4(Ralakesh) +5(Uhtread) +6(Sgt. Mook)
= 22

Wood Spears: +5+1(Guest99) +7(Rockeye) +7(Soulforce) +7(Fearsome Hill) +17+1(Jaguar) +4(LordEdric)
= 49 prog/4 = 12 Spears

Ghosts and Faith: +4(Worm_that_Walks) +9(Blankmask) +13(Ambit)
= 26

Mushroom Farm Burrow(?): +6(Wrecksalot) +6(Slykk1) = 12

Clean Impurities: +8(SeaTheTree) +9(Clean Impurities) +5(SteelWriter77) +8(TotadilePlayz) +14(CedeTheBees)
= 44/40(Done!)

Stone Structures: +2(cooool) +4(In_Lurk_Shadow) = 6

Trap Mastery 1: +1(Szymon) +9(The Bird) = 10

Poison Pouch: +7(chellewalker) = 7

Armor Mastery 1: +9(Aliya) = 9

- Froggo Fantastic: 7
- Davidknaus: 5
- Kosi: 5

Guard from Owls:
- 1Arthas1: 8 + 1 = 9
- Toboe: 9 + 1 = 10
- The Well WIsher: 18

- Goable: Cultivate(Energy)x2: 15+1, 9+1(Maybe another +1 if consecutive bonus applies) = 16, 10(11?)
- MightbeaMimic: Carry a Torch: 9+1 = 10
- EclipsedStar: Carry a Torch: 37(INSPIRATION)
- Paloneia: Cultivate(Lightning): 8+1 = 9
- Drahcir: Cultivate(Fire): 8+1 = 9

- Bluefur87: Train Archery: 4
- SeQuester: Gather Qi: 8+1 = 9
- Lalm: Organize Militia: 31(INSPIRATION)
- SpaceJawa: Awareness Alert Refinement: 7+1 = 8
- Kurohyo: Squirrel-fu Development: 9



Trap Mastery 1: +10 to 10/25
Wood Mastery 1: +22 to 93(?)/100
Armor Mastery 1: +9 to 9/50
Ghosts and Faith: +26 to 91/???
Cordage Mastery 2: +3 to 124/200
Stone Structures: +6 to 22/50

Poison Pouch: +7 to 7/50
- 7 Cloth, -7 Poison

Wood Spears: +12 to 40(??)/50 - (I was told that we had 28/50 at the start of the turn)
- 60 Wood

Mushroom Farm Burrow: +12 to 35/50
No cost, unfinished

3 cultivators
-3 QiCorns

Awakening: 10 Squirrels to 68.5(?)
- 10 QiCorns

Food: +7.7
Wood: -32.5
Leaves: +5.5
QiCorns: +0.2 or -3
Cloth: -7
Poison: -7
I'd reccomend for eclipsed to choose the rerolls for the expedition as that would save at least one life, and ensure the success of the expedition.