TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
[X][Minor Question] So... how much of a political disaster would it be for the Woo Clan if they were proven beyond doubt to be using Malice, of all magics? (Blatant hope that it'd lead to "cold war escalates to active invasion of Woo Clan territory by literally everyone else)
-[X] And is there a way for us to spread this knowledge without them shifting the blame to us?
[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)

Sounds like the most useful for now.

Overall it's a pretty good mini-turn, nice to see that connecting to the Shadow-Spinners is a possibility and that the negociations are mostly going well.
[X][Minor Question] So... how much of a political disaster would it be for the Woo Clan if they were proven beyond doubt to be using Malice, of all magics? (Blatant hope that it'd lead to "cold war escalates to active invasion of Woo Clan territory by literally everyone else)

Maybe have old man Materson wave the helmet and Mr. Tavish pointing out "Isn't this your helmet? Why is it Malice enchanted?"
Page 159, part 1:

@Robinton is it too late to inflict DisneyTier I-want-song provoking on the Lumburglars without it being kinda an asshole move?

(The answer is obviously yes, I'm just imagining an even more comedic resolution to the whole affair.)

Good questions! And with the Woo Clan so close we might actually get some of those answers @Robinton !

Being a Telepathic Hive Mind is really useful for casual privacy invasion isn't it?
It would have been great! If you hadn't rolled terribly for information. GURPS 3d6, higher is worse, 16. So you got a particularly annoyingly-equipped group, and nobody lost their helmet.

Addendum: Really, IC, I think you should have noticed their helms a bit sooner, regardless. Ah, well. Maybe I'll go back and amend it at some point.

Addendum: I place no guarantees that the Magic-resistant helmets were their only defense.


Which says something about how much investment this would take...
The more you're working with physics, the lower the cost.
Getting beams of darkness to nominally work isn't that bad.
Getting them to do physical damage is more annoying.

So, there's absolutely a Chef somewhere that definitely deliberately and knowingly, with customer consent, uses Voidshard Dust/Flakes as part of their cooking.
Nope! It was a random fact from a historical drama. Accurate in its main points, but dramatizing the rest. An absolutely weird (and very hazardous) way to cure someone of a curse. Apparently it actually did, historically, save the life of a probably-not-actually-a-princess of the Shining Concord Empire.

But scholars strongly recommend against trying it again, just because of how many ways it could go wrong.

So, when she read the novel and left it lying around, her fellow Herbalist Apprentice spent three weeks trying to research better ways to achieve the same effect. He'd almost forgotten about what even prompted the question by the halfway mark.

As Marta Yarrow tells the Trees with a slight grin: "Obsessed, that one."

Nah, it's much simpler to bring either the Professor to us, or us to the Professor and maintain the link to allow for continuous education of the entire Forest, plot out the procedure over there, and then the Professor could consent to observe the operation in the Forest itself.
Good thinking!
You'd have to grab a bunch of supplies, and maybe build a copy of a room or two - but no reason why it couldn't be done!

This is...really useful.

Especially if we can supercharge it, use our Wraith Friend as a Focus, and Locate Where The Wraith Came From.

Like, I cannot emphasize how much of a potential intelligence breakthrough this is, holy shit.
Time matters in Magic.
So does Space.
And you're looking at a lot of both. And maybe defenses on the location you're seeking.
You'd probably have to have Materson see if he can't apply Eternity to counter the first - and then see if you can't get Space to a decent level to counter the second - to have a chance at a good link.
Who knows. Feel free to try! If you can afford to keep it always-on, even without upgrades, it would be a good 100mile-range Portal detector.

Materson. Buddy. Pal. Amigo. {Woodpecker That Nests Inside A Tree While Keeping It Clean Of Parasites}

How would you like to give the Woo Clan (and other assholes we still need to learn the names of) a really, truly, horrible awful rest of their lives? Or at least a swift death.

And it comes from an angle I don't think anyone would expect.

See, while the Hero of Undying Flame {thought recreation, as Granny Miller says it with a bit of teasing/sarcasm behind it}, especially with a {Forest} behind him, could do a lot of damage, that's not quite what we need.

Yes, this plan involves you becoming a Speaker, or at least Connecting deeply enough to draw on our {Resources} with relative ease.


We have this Shadow-Spinner Colony, just right next door.

And a few of us have had ideas about how to make best use of them, with one particular Tree really wanting us to bring them into the Connection.

And I think we all know just how...dangerous such a thing would be.

All we'd really need from there is the big question of, Location, Location, Location.

And you my friend, have The Location Finding Spell, Experience Using It, and a whole {Forest} of Cooperative Casters.

{Acknowledgement of Several Steps Still Undone/Not Started}

{Follow up Acknowledgement that Materson and (Forest) both know how to be Hunting-Patient}

{Sensation of Watching the First Malice-Vines-Resource-Stealers-Attempted-Kin-Slayers Burn}
He ponders for a long moment.

"You're insane."

A long moment more.

"I'm in. Make sure it's plausible, and I'll help."

Good speculation! We should probably care more about the potential answer than we honestly do! That last one sounds pretty neat, though we retain sufficient {Free Will} that everyone honestly probably lucked out with the {Forest} being as aggressively friendly as we are, if that one's the case.
Just because I feel like speculating: If Cali looked into your futures and saw you were going to go evil, she'd have dropped you on a different world.
(Stable Time Loops. What a headache.)

(The prior is believed to be plausible in-universe. This does not constitute GM confirmation.)

Honestly, your {expression of thought/mind/scientific inquest} is also {Fascinating/Attention Drawing/The Sensation Of Many Feet Chasing On Top Of The Ground, Known Only Because Of The Vibrations Felt Amongst The Roots And Trunks}.
GM: I quite like your Treespeak!


What are the qualifications for joining, explicitly?

And how does a Protectorate go from Protectorate to Full Member, no particular reason for the asking :V ?

(With the League's Feet Voting Policy, what is actually preventing the Ants from declaring themselves a Protectorate No More and applying for full membership/independence/"the political equivalent of telling CT&Friends to fuck off"? A lack of knowledge?)
Lack of knowledge.
And the laws + courts were set up for Two-Legs.

They do require "at least 500 people," and it's debatable just how many 'people' the Ant-Colony has, since no single individual is sapient.

Oh, well, if they can get set up elsewhere, here's the one that SV Ate.

Adversity: that which we challenge, Enterprise: the progression of our growth, Ūrere: (latin for "to burn") our burning ambition!

The Three Word Motto of

The Adventūre Association!
Phaeron Factions.
It's the remnant of a much larger and older organization, and technically dates to before the Cataclysm.

What are the requirements of being able to send an Ambassador?
That the League is willing to accept your ambassador.

Which, right now, they wouldn't be on any permanent basis. Unless you showed them a lot of good ways to make money off of accepting you, and/or were trying to join.

I wonder how they define technology...
Elven Technology: Anything the Ancient Elves did or created. Mundane Technology, Pattern Tech, Magic, Magitech, etc.
They'd confiscate and archive a Wish if it's pre-Cataclysm and they could figure out how to manage it.
Though in practice, any currently-understood not-calamitous Magic gets ignored, even if it is really powerful.
And, in practice, something like the Laser Rifle gets ignored as "not powerful or rare enough to merit a pickup team unless we're in the area anyway."

I wonder how my Action went. It'd sure be bad if I poisoned the Souls of the entire Forest from a little tomfoolery.
Good question.
A minor breakthrough of some sort I think.
(It would have been "no progress" if not for the write-in bonus.)

He might have traveled a very far distance using his Accountant Money in pursuit of Adventure.
Kiynwich Kingdom it is.

Any particular reason not to share our "We're pretty sure this is the Sarah that Last Star mentioned to us" logic?
Share it widely, and you'll presumably become more of a target.
But share it locally? Should be fine.

Could we use Gravity as a Combination with our Negacion Pairs to develop indirect artillery fire?
Even your Lens Trees are giving you a slight ability to, effectively, fire around obstacles.

Hmmm. If we pair Void with Ending, could we raise the bar on the number of successes they need to get information? Or are they too similar?
Sounds plausible.

Ah, so Seers see Fate while Time Mages see, well, Time.

I imagine Fate is probably about as dangerous as Time to try to muck around in trying to learn.

Arguably, both could reasonably have access to Postcognition, with the Seer seeing The Fate That Has Happened and the Time Mage seeing The Time That Has Passed.
Seers may see Fate, Time, The Next Country Over, or flat-out Messages (senders vary and may include "your ?possible/actual? future self").

That said, mucking around with Fate isn't as dangerous. Mostly because hardly anyone ever gets any results out of an attempt.

...what's the word on active deniable Monster Assets? You know, as a hypothetical :V
Were the Monster Assets only deployed against troops already ignoring the Rules of War?
Great, move along, and for goodness sake don't bring those spiders near us.

You're more likely to get into trouble for having Shadow-Spinners than deploying them in this case, deniable or not. And even that is probably not going to cause too many problems - not if you genuinely have them more-or-less under control.

Something for Armor as well hopefully?
Fair point.

Hmm. Proper safety procedures first, but honestly this sounds like a very...useful asset, especially if we can link it up to our Long Range Pollen Deployment Method.
Oh, that's horrifying. I love it!
The cleanup is going to be a pain, though.
Unless you want the nearby fields all slowly resisting Magic more and more for decades, before sprouting a ton of tiny crystals...

That one Tree who has been trying to get us Spider Pets is to be commended for their bravery and also their fortitude.
@Pyro Hawk's Tree just got a decent crit. Or possibly lost its mind altogether - but the odds against that are great given that it got "best of two rolls" and mind-loss was always very unlikely.

The Woo Clan has to have limits, because otherwise they'd either be explicitly already Winning or everyone would constantly be at Active War against them, but the fact that they do have some method of exploiting their doctrine and declaration of Ownership for esoteric effects means that they have some basis for pulling off more related bullshit, and as I've said Information is a key part of warfare.
Oh, they absolutely have limits. As I think someone mentioned later, I didn't put them on the Continental Map, and for good reason - only the Kiynwich Kingdom wouldn't crush them if it came to a straight-up no-holds-barred war, and even that is only because said Kingdom is slowly crumbling from within.

By contrast, they're probably the largest expansion-driven 'fish' in the 'sparsely-populated region' 'pond'.

There might be an old Archmage holed up somewhere for Research that's stronger. Maybe a few Monsters too.

I wish whomever actually does this good luck!
@Prime 2.0 had a version for the original quest. I can't find it with a quick search, alas, but it did exist.

OK. I'm tired and right on the edge of not making sense anymore. To bed I go.
[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)

Soon, the Disney Princess Army shall truly be ready to march to war!
[X][Steve Robertson] Talk to the Thinking Ants (will take multiple turns) (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 8 Resources for the first turn; 2 Unusual Lumber (on return) per turn after the first) (discount: this is cool!)

Thinking ants are neat.
[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)

part of me wants to do the meme option of him helping me grow by shouting motivational speech at me.
[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)

I'm pretty sure I've spent multiple turns voting for various animals to do combat training anyway, so I am all over this.

I figure that we can plan for Mr. Robertson to be a part-time accountant, giving him interesting and exciting jobs when we can but then having him handle our Accounting needs on the side either during downtime or when we really need accounting dealt with.

So, @Robinton , now that we've had a sudden major influx of new arrivals, many if not all of whom might well be sticking around for a while - and if there's a way this question can be asked without alerting Ms. Marta Yarrow to it - are there among our new arrivals any eligible bachelors who could serve as suitable suitor candidates to try setting our resident Herbalist up with?
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[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
[X][Minor Question] So... how much of a political disaster would it be for the Woo Clan if they were proven beyond doubt to be using Malice, of all magics? (Blatant hope that it'd lead to "cold war escalates to active invasion of Woo Clan territory by literally everyone else)
-[X] And is there a way for us to spread this knowledge without them shifting the blame to us?
[X][Steve Robertson] Learn Magic (cost: 2 Resources per turn initially; likely to go up if he has difficulties and gets bored; will have a major penalty to success if the Forest doesn't Connect with him) (discount: I'll eat the cost and scrounge most of my food to learn Magic… but only if I'm actually making progress)
Giving him magic would make him more capable to do any other job so we try for at least a turn or two to see if he has any affinity for it.
Yeah, if the Woo Clan is going to be as awful as everything suggests they are, best not to play with the kid gloves on.

Honestly this has been percolating ever since you mentioned that having a Connected Shadow-Spinner would make our enemies and allies scared at least a little shitless, and then you revealed the whole colony and well.

That one Tree who has been trying to get us Spider Pets is to be commended for their bravery and also their fortitude.
I mean, my plan ever since we learned of the existence of the Void Forest has basically been "I want to study the hell out of this" which rapidly lead to me asking a certain QM "Hey, uh... How would people react if we had a group of Void-adapted Intelligent Shadow Spinners with access to portals in our service?"

The response was suitably amusing so I decided that's going to be step one of my 'Integrate the Void Forest' project. Particularly as I'd thought integrating Shadow Spinners as one of our monsters would be cool before that. And then there's the fact they are likely to give a solid leg up on being able to study the Void Forest successfully
Spider-monsters, you might add, that are now much more interested in any offers of Connecting to the Forest.
Well, that's one way to reduce the difficulty of integrating them. That said, it's not like I expected a convenient morally acceptable source of plentiful nutrients to turn up right as I needed it for my efforts!

Though, uh... Between the Shadow Spinners, Wolves, Bears to a degree and the other current or future carnivores we are going to pick up, I think we need to start up animal ranching. We can't supply all of them off the older population of our fleshy community members...

Preferably a bunch of animals that we DON'T Connect with. It's looking like one of the first major tasks we ask of Newton Village and the traders if/when they come back next year may be to get us enough livestock to get it up and running.
Wait, wait, wait - are you saying we could befriend spider-monsters? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Working on it! I want that silk, that magical knowledge and those terrifying assassins which we can eventually portal around the place.
@Pyro Hawk's Tree just got a decent crit. Or possibly lost its mind altogether - but the odds against that are great given that it got "best of two rolls" and mind-loss was always very unlikely.
Excellent! Now we are one step closer to having everyone else wondering if we, they or both of us have lost their minds.
[X][Steve Robertson] Be a Test Subject, sticking exclusively to "safe" tests (cost: 4 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn; will drop if tests manage to be both safe and interesting)

Most interesting results.

The bitter-sweetness of a well written RIOT quest: There are several things within my area of specialisation that I really want to do. That are arguably critical to the long-term progress of The Forest. And I can only do one of them. Need to keep comms open with the adventurers. Need to scan for hostile intent around Talanburg. Need to scan for anyone thinking about the Woo clan. Need to search for mind-control and or hidden mental triggers.
So much to do, and only the hope that my fellow Communication trees agree with me about our priorities.

I remain uncertain about the Shadow-Spinners. Could be very useful to connect with them. Could also be very dangerous to connect with them.

[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
Useful, safe and can easily lead into him doing other stuff. Also likely to be fun to read the results.
[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
I remain uncertain about the Shadow-Spinners. Could be very useful to connect with them. Could also be very dangerous to connect with them.

While I personally understand why there are people who really want to connect with the Shadow-Spinners, I'm very much of a position that we should see if there are ways to ally and work with them without officially connecting to them. Reach some kind of understanding or partnership, but in a way where we are both distinct entities rather than making the Shadow-Spinners a part of the forest.

What exactly is the benefit of connecting with the Shadow-Spinners that we don't already know how to get from them? Aside from "we're connected to them now", what actually changes between the forest and the Shadow-Spinners if we connect with them? We already know how to keep people away and keep safe people we don't want eaten, we already know how to direct our enemies toward them.

One of the things that 'works' for me with the Shadow-Spinners when we pull a stunt like "Direct Woo Clan toward them so the Spiders eat the Woo Clan" is that we're just pointing the bad guys in the right direction and the Shadow-Spinners do their own thing as they are want to do.

If we connect with the Shadow-Spinners, then we are responsible for the Shadow-Spinners. If Woo Clan picks a fight with the Shadow-Spinners, the Woo Clan picks a fight with us.

I very much think that the Shadow-Spinners are a situation where we know enough to get the core benefits of Shadow-Spinners but without the strings and responsibilities of actually being connected with them.

This is one case where I think that it's actually more to our benefit if we don't take the route of adding someone else to our official connection roster.
While I personally understand why there are people who really want to connect with the Shadow-Spinners, I'm very much of a position that we should see if there are ways to ally and work with them without officially connecting to them. Reach some kind of understanding or partnership, but in a way where we are both distinct entities rather than making the Shadow-Spinners a part of the forest.

What exactly is the benefit of connecting with the Shadow-Spinners that we don't already know how to get from them? Aside from "we're connected to them now", what actually changes between the forest and the Shadow-Spinners if we connect with them? We already know how to keep people away and keep safe people we don't want eaten, we already know how to direct our enemies toward them.

One of the things that 'works' for me with the Shadow-Spinners when we pull a stunt like "Direct Woo Clan toward them so the Spiders eat the Woo Clan" is that we're just pointing the bad guys in the right direction and the Shadow-Spinners do their own thing as they are want to do.

If we connect with the Shadow-Spinners, then we are responsible for the Shadow-Spinners. If Woo Clan picks a fight with the Shadow-Spinners, the Woo Clan picks a fight with us.

I very much think that the Shadow-Spinners are a situation where we know enough to get the core benefits of Shadow-Spinners but without the strings and responsibilities of actually being connected with them.

This is one case where I think that it's actually more to our benefit if we don't take the route of adding someone else to our official connection roster.
Connection would be good for a few reasons:
1) Connected monsters so far seem to stop being mindless or inherently evil, Shadow-Spinners seem to be rather reasonable but I don't think that they can truly be trusted in their "natural" state.
That and being an artificial being without true free will is not very pleasant or moral, our Lesser Wraith is very happy to have been changed by our Connection.
2) Shadow-Spinners probably have at least a very high level of Illusion Magic and potentially other magics and learning from connected creatures is boosted
3) Less sure but we probably get more from connected creatures than mere allies, outside of the Speakers and Connected creatures we don't get a free action every turn from our allies.
4) They would be boosted by our connection, such as more easily learning our magics and various creatures bonuses.
1) Connected monsters so far seem to stop being mindless or inherently evil, Shadow-Spinners seem to be rather reasonable but I don't think that they can truly be trusted in their "natural" state.
That and being an artificial being without true free will is not very pleasant or moral, our Lesser Wraith is very happy to have been changed by our Connection.

1) If we can't 'trust' the spiders now, then either we can't trust the spiders when we connect with them or else we have to face the fact that we are de facto enslaving the spiders and mind-controlling them to make them trustworthy and docile.

2) Was the Lesser Wraith happy because being an artificial being is unpleasant, or is the Lesser Wraith happy because it was a puppet anyway and prefers to be our puppet rather than the puppet of whoever sent it?

2) Shadow-Spinners probably have at least a very high level of Illusion Magic and potentially other magics and learning from connected creatures is boosted

So this is about "Gimme that illusion magic".

3) Less sure but we probably get more from connected creatures than mere allies, outside of the Speakers and Connected creatures we don't get a free action every turn from our allies.

Most our creature allies are running on autopilot anyway. We're hardly making the most of our existing connections as-is.

Where is the line drawn on "it's better to assimilate this group because we get free goodies from it"?

Are we just going to assimilate every and all non-sapient beings we can get our mitts simply on basis of "we get free actions from it" so the world is basically a bunch of humanoids living on 'planet forest'?

4) They would be boosted by our connection, such as more easily learning our magics and various creatures bonuses.

Why do we need to teach the Shadow-Spinners our magics?

There's also the question of the boars. If we're using this route of reasoning for the Shadow-Spinners, why are the boars off-limits for connection? Why not put in the extra effort to force a connection with the boars in order to 1) Get them under control so they don't bother anyone anymore; and 2) Free actions!
By the same logic, a sun-surface of Forest would be around Magnitude 5 million.
So, on a very hypothetically level, we can make the Forest a Dyson sphere. Hmmm.

On Shadow-Spinners, I would like to try and poke, but not really connect since apparently people are going to be understandably really freak out at the idea of us having them under our control.
You're more likely to get into trouble for having Shadow-Spinners than deploying them in this case, deniable or not. And even that is probably not going to cause too many problems - not if you genuinely have them more-or-less under control.

[X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
I want to vote for test subject, but I can't really think of what test we can conduct on him that can be both safe and exciting.
Allow me to put in my two cents on the current connection topic:

Shadow-Spinners are incredibly adept illusionists. I wouldn't put it past them to find a way to falsify a connection so that we think we're connected, they play along with being connected... and then at a key moment they eat someone we want to protect, because they're actually still wild Shadow-Spinners. How many dice are you willing to throw at them to be sure that we actually, genuinely forced a connection through their tricks, especially when it extends to the interface so we don't even know if we're getting any successes? And how far are you willing to trust a being whose primary M.O. is deception, tricking people into letting their guards down, and betrayal?

Me, I'm willing to keep them around as a convenient scapegoat for the occasions we want one, but beyond that I refuse to trust them at all.