TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Whew. Okay.

If I want to be a Singing Gardner Tree, I suppose the first thing I need to be able to do is make music. Soo...

[X][Tree] Mind Tree
[X][Action] Try to produce noises that are as musical as possible. (Thru movement of leaves, twigs, and branches, and thru trying to encourage the wind blowing thru me to be musical as well.)
Whew. Okay.

If I want to be a Singing Gardner Tree, I suppose the first thing I need to be able to do is make music. Soo...

[X][Tree] Mind Tree
[X][Action] Try to produce noises that are as musical as possible. (Thru movement of leaves, twigs, and branches, and thru trying to encourage the wind blowing thru me to be musical as well.)
Welcome to the forest! We fry bacon with solar lasers, give out worm-flavored apples, and sometimes we interrogate via Disney I-want-songs.

Is it still possible to add to our shopping wishes?
I think "music instruments" just became relevant. Especially something woodwind (like a flute) and maybe a drum.
Whew. Okay.

If I want to be a Singing Gardner Tree, I suppose the first thing I need to be able to do is make music. Soo...

[X][Tree] Mind Tree
[X][Action] Try to produce noises that are as musical as possible. (Thru movement of leaves, twigs, and branches, and thru trying to encourage the wind blowing thru me to be musical as well.)
You showed up while I was asleep, but welcome anyway! Glad you seem so eager to participate, too.

As for me, that really long post about warfare (specifically that bit about Vorpal Swords; also, please spoiler it, @Walliseatscheese ) has inspired me to consider researching Severing magic, aka "the magic of chopping things to itty bitty bits." I'm sure nobody would object to me using That Rock as a test subject should I attempt that?
Well, we already have birds here in the forest with us.. just as good or better than a flute. Maybe the next animal we try to bond to would be Songbirds?

On our recent problems though.. how internally monolithic is the Woo clan? Would it be worth checking to see if anyone feels coerced or discontented to be with them? Is it likely that anyone wants to desert, or better yet, betray them? Or is our mental abilities not quite up to determining that yet reliably enough?
As far as Newton Village reactions to us semi-accidentally antagonizing the Woo Clan... on the one hand, you're right. They will be far from thrilled. Terrified and trying to figure out "what now!?!"
On the other hand, well, it's not like they haven't all been wishing someone would-and-realistically-could take a stand - for the last few generations, even...

Expect to see Materson stick much closer to home, and keep a few Magical tools on his person even when bathing/etc. Expect him to be terrified, in a way. But expect him to also be thrilled, maybe even crying the quiet tears of a person given justice at long last.

How difficult would it be for a handful of trees to take up root around Newton Village?

Not many, just enough that Woo Clan couldn't try anything out of nowhere without us knowing about it and in numbers small enough to gaslight outsiders into believing "Those trees? Those were always there." or making claim at the Forest Wizard set them up as part of a magical defense system.
Well, we already have birds here in the forest with us.. just as good or better than a flute. Maybe the next animal we try to bond to would be Songbirds?
I can see this giving us some sort of diplomatic bonus (ie "automatic successes towards Connection actions" sorta thing). I'd like to request our diplo-trees working on this soon. Yes, I know your to-do list is already pretty long, sorry.
Is it still possible to add to our shopping wishes?
I think "music instruments" just became relevant. Especially something woodwind (like a flute) and maybe a drum.

About our current autofocus, is upgrading a weather tree to elder a one time thing or would do it again whenever a basic weather tree is available?
As I interpreted the AutoFocus, the only situation wherein the AutoFocus would upgrade a Weather Tree is if we had no Elder Weather Trees and we had at least one normal Weather Tree. That is, one time thing barring the existing Elder Weather Tree being destroyed. (Technically, if it were upgraded to Ancient, that could be argued to also count... but I'm assuming that was not the intent, and acting accordingly.)

But if the author of the AutoFocus wants to comment "I meant to take turns between the three possibilities so long as any is a valid action," I'd be willing to revise that.
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As I interpreted the AutoFocus, the only situation wherein the AutoFocus would upgrade a Weather Tree is if we had no Elder Weather Trees and we had at least one normal Weather Tree. That is, one time thing barring the existing Elder Weather Tree being destroyed. (Technically, if it were upgraded to Ancient, that could be argued to also count... but I'm assuming that was not the intent, and acting accordingly.)

But if the author of the AutoFocus wants to comment "I meant to take turns between the three possibilities so long as any is a valid action," I'd be willing to revise that.
I meant "upgrade the currently existing weather tree to elder, then remove that part from the autofocus". Though if we somehow ended up with no elder+ weather tree i'd probably want to replace it.
Page 152:

Assuming barely 30% equals 30% and "half a dozen" is exactly 6:
so ~4.5% chance to blow himself up per Eternity Element ability. (assuming equal chances for all)
Correct (to within my intended precision).

Hm, raiding the wizards inner sanctum. They could steal... A bunch of rocks? The squirrels UL swords?
You do have an Ancient Tech Ice Sword, and a broken Ancient Tech Laser Rifle they could possibly steal.
And for all the Lumburglars knew, you might have millions of dollars in valuable reagents.
(Technically, you probably are millions of dollars in valuable reagents, but. :p )

With Magic/Research and Communication working together we might be able to read enough in his mind to learn that.
You didn't roll well enough for that.
Though the gratitude roll made the point moot.

@Robinton do we know if there is anything like science or engineering magic?
There were definitely variants on "Creation" or "Crafting". "Invention," as well.
I'm not sure there was "Science"-as-such, but there were (and probably are) a few interesting masters of studying Secrets or similar, and the (literally and metaphorically) legendary Law Elf could never have reached his rank without, well, getting to the point he could literally dream Grand Unified Field Theory, among other things.

There might have literally been Science and Engineering, per se. Not sure actually.

I see "unusual" and that makes me more interested, because Unusual could be anywhere from "1000 Successes Needed" to "1 Success Needed" with our scope of things!
Clarification: Unusually high.

So, probably not the wine, unless it's much more complicated than I'd like it to be.
Voidshard Dust, by itself, seems a bit gritty but doesn't really taste much. It just makes normal flavors a touch blander.

You only know this since Marta Yarrow heard one of her zaniest (male) fellow apprentices reciting random facts, and happened to remember this one.


Okay yeah, we really need to get started on that Stillness Magic, and the Negacion. While our Unpredictable Tree would likely enjoy the trip, I don't think it would be super practical to try to go visit the mundane way...
But the portal would pop-
-No, if it's a properly built, industrial-grade, stable portal, it would only break if he touched the outline. The actual space inside a portal is - with a good enough portal - just space.

A typical teleportation would likely fail. You'd need a really good one to work.

Is this "a month's pay of Honest Work" or is this "a month's pay of Criminal Work"? Trying to get a sense of economic values and the like.
A month's pay of Honest Work.
Criminal Work can be vastly higher or absolutely worthless, and doesn't make money every day.

On the other, flooding the market is a time honored tradition for lowering the price of things.
Eh, if you flood the market too much, in the long run, that just means a big trading company will set up shop nearby and buy most of the produced Lumber*.
In the short run it'll become nearly worthless, of course. :p

Exactly how useful is Divination/Information Gathering information in this world? What are some Magics that are able to do that?
When you ask Old Man Materson, he says, "I can track a lot of things Magically, if I need to." He intentionally projects towards you the shape of a spell. You could potentially ask him to teach you this Locate Object/Person spell - though it really only works if you have some sort of link to the person/thing (note that "the person hit you with a spell yesterday" counts as a sufficient link if other conditions are reasonably good).

Marta Yarrow answers, "A basic sense for Magic and Plants is one of the first things a good Herbalist is taught!" But adds, "I still wasn't able to find your Forest - good job on the stealth, by the way." Given a few more questions, she admits that "Your sense are clearly better than mine. I might have a feel for certain Plants from experience, but I doubt I know anything else well enough to outdo your Sensing Trees." You catch the thought of 'And they think there are further improvements? What is this Forest really? A Wish? An ancient Elven Experiment, finally woken up? Cali, deciding to... I don't know... automate continental defense?' (There's a vaguer impression of 'Is it rude to think about the Forest when they're maybe listening-' before she wrenches her thoughts over to her latest bit of Analyze Special Tree Growth Research.)

Mr. Tavish would tell you that Precognition is relatively rare and rarely reliable - but potentially incredibly powerful if properly utilized. While normal Magic is something that is clearly a teachable skill - however difficult to grasp at times - nobody's quite sure about Foresight and some of the stranger Seer powers. Analysis and other Information-Gathering Magics are well known, and a lot of skilled Mages/Wizards grab a few of the basics, as catches their fancy.

He'll add that Sensing your own Element is one of the most basic Magics of all.

Considering the relative complexity and consistency of the puppeting, I'm not sure one could so easily rule out Fungal Sentience...
I'm inclined to assume those Fungi are intelligent, like an Ant is intelligent.
I'm not inclined to believe they are intelligent, like a Human solving a Calculus problem is intelligent.

....I'm starting to think more and more that Old Man Materson might have been something of a Protagonist in his youth, the more I hear about the bullshit he got up to.
And in his middle age.
It's only in his old age that he's settled down and mostly-retired.

Could the crows work as stealth/scout/spy units since they can fly over long distances and are fairly common creatures

Sounds like one Communication Tree reaching out was not enough. A shame, but we can keep trying.
Ach! I missed your vote! I'd specifically looked through for votes like that, but I missed yours.
Fake-edit: Well, I added it into the next bit. Seems to have worked out.
[X][Hire Former Lumburglar] Yes
[X][Rin Refugees] Give them refuge
[X][Woo Clan Soldiers] Make an example of them.
-[X] Specifically, see how high each soldier can be telekinetically tossed straight up in the air before they are released to gravity's gentle embrace.

TK tree is a straightforward soul.
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You made them BDoS and then spit out a standard error message.
Pretty much.

At first I thought "issues" meant like, Eccentricities That Could Also Cause Problems, Like Declaring To Be The Only Allies Of The Ant People Don't Fuck With Them, but now I'm considering that it might be like, economic, bureaucratic, and or judicial issues.
Depending on the city-state in question. And the century (or sometimes year) in question.

Delicious wouldbuilding.

…got to admit I'm drawing a bank on how ants rescue a Fairy. Or were they already giant ants?
Good question!

While this may or may not be relevant, Mr. Tavish will note that "Many sources - including several very reliable ones - mention various abnormal (but not strictly Monstrous) Bugs of various types, and nearly half of them are attributed to the aftermath of Myrmidon."

So, preexisting giant bugs? Odd, but certainly possible.

Swarm and finish off a monster that won a fight against said Fairy and was about to kill the Fairy?
If they were part of a Fairy's Home, for long enough, then... Well.

One possible sequence:
  1. Fairy hates bugs and tries to kill or drive away the Ants.
  2. The Ants - with intellect already beyond the mundane - save her life.
  3. She Blesses them in thanks.
Could offer the ants to help relocate part of their colony, away from the taur citadel individuals.
Could ask to hear about/meet their other friends.
Could, if the tants agree, leave some of our ants with them for a few days, tUT makes like a tree and leafes far enough that the citadel individuals are happy, but still in telepathy range of our ants. Then we could do a Forest -> Ancient Tall Communications Tree -> Unpredictable Tree -> Forest Expedition Ants -> New Friends Ants communication chain without the Citadel individuals knowing (and hence without them being able to cause trouble because of it).
All plausible.


Editorial: Oh Robinton, has a name for my tree been decided? I haven't accomplished any particular feats that would allot for a cool name…but maybe this turn I'll see some success?
At least for now.
Again, if you have some great idea for a better name, let me know!

The Accredited Department of Valorous Endeavors, Noble Tribulations, and Untethered Representative Expeditions?
I love it!


Venture for
Encountering and
I also love this, too!

Hmm... This one's going to be their rival organization in the Shining Concord Empire and the Kiynwich Kingdom.
(Technically, you probably are millions of dollars in valuable reagents, but. :p )
The mental image of them detecting the magic of one random tree, digging it up and then carry it off is neat.
The mental image of next night-rest said tree punching out the night guard of their group and then walking back is even better.

He'll add that Sensing your own Element is one of the most basic Magics of all.
Good that once "Life Indeed" is done Life is one of our elements.
(note that "the person hit you with a spell yesterday" counts as a sufficient link if other conditions are reasonably good)
If "tried to hurt our friends" counts we could get scary.
Or if our Elements count as link (or just strengthens the link).

Also, stuff to look into:
  1. the Locate Object/Person spell
  2. "Sensing your own Element" as "one of the most basic Magics"
  3. inventing spellwork for better scrying of things related to ones Element (maybe based on 1+2)
and teaching our sensing tree this.
Finally something new non-trivial for our sensing tree.
Note for the turn: Still need to update the Magics listing for turn 27. Forgot about that. I've got Player and Special Trees updated, at least.

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.... Hmm, I smell FREEDOM.

Not sure why, though. :V
Vaguely USA-inspired? Especially of the historical USA? True enough, as far as it goes: a collection of local governments that all are under a larger government. Plus a tendency for expansionism and profit, and an "anyone can make a life here" mentality.

Very divergent in the particulars, but the inspiration is true enough.

By contrast, Verdant Fields' current* inspiration is a cross between modern politics and Rohan.
(*Read: subject to change if I actually start fleshing their country out.)

And judging from their rules, they're very strict on their policies.
They have rules about lying from one city-state to another, and (to some degree) from one private citizen to another.

They don't have such rules about ambassadors. Though naturally if you sent an ambassador and they got caught in a particularly bad lie, well, expect to end said ambassador's career and take a major hit. ("You" can mean "you in the Larongo League" or "you who are a country neighboring the Larongo League" equally well in context.)

That is now officially the name of a group of overly-patriotic dentists in the Larongo League.

Talanburg - Also not sure here. Is there any benefit to us holding off so we can figure more things out?
Continuing to observe Talanburg. Otherwise? Not off the top of my head.

As I said great stuff. Very fun. Very interesting. What a cool non-combat mini-arc. Nice stuff. (I like non-combat stuff so this is super cool.)

You know, I wonder if doing something like 'Studying the Elementalist Arts' would be a productive write-in magical research option. I'm not saying I'm gonna do it but that it would be interesting.
Seems plausible.
Though more likely to result in the Forest gaining a new semi-random Element at Dabbling than anything.

They probably use some sort of sacrificial ritual to enhance whatever spell they're using as their ragequit to wipe out the entire region, or something.
Among other options.

The only other party around as utterly terrible to be 'on the verge of defeating' as them is the Archivists.
And those guys at least A aren't expansionist and B are willing to concede victory if it doesn't compromise their mission (and nobody's ego/caring-for-comrades/etc got too terribly tweaked/etc.) and C actually protect the world sometimes*.
(*Their stated mission is to "file away dangerous lost technology for the safety of the world." Practically, this has prevented good research a few too many times for anyone else's liking, but they are right sometimes. Sometimes.)

Can we have a backup Plan B of having someone tell the Woo Clan to leave the refugees alone if Diversion fails, and a Plan C to immediately attack and subdue/kill the Woo Clan soldiers if Plan B fails?
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Page 155:

I fear that a Stealth Mage is our current bane, and there's no reason for the Woo to not have at least a few of such Mages in hand.
On the one hand: True.
On the other hand: You just dealt with a not-actively-bad Stealth Mage by dint of "noticing her from >5 miles away."
(Of course she was part of a group, and she isn't what initially looked suspicious. But still.)

As for Talanburg... I have reservations about the Diplomatic Mission, we would be sending a kid as our representative. Unless children representing supernatural forces is a recurring thing in this world, I fear that the people of Talanburg will not take Beth seriously, even when accompanied by a sentient bear.

Also not enough implied threats of moving their trees should they try to strong-arm us, but, eh.
I rather think that Beth stating "And now your town shall move" and it happening, would be enough to dissuade doubts.

...Not enough to give a teen a lifetime of negotiating experience, but still.
'Is it rude to think about the Forest when they're maybe listening-'
Marta Yarrow, your mind is a source of endless fascination.

Ach! I missed your vote! I'd specifically looked through for votes like that, but I missed yours.
Fake-edit: Well, I added it into the next bit. Seems to have worked out.
Given the amount of bookkeeping involved in this style of quest I'm honestly amazed you make as few errors as you do.
I rather think that Beth stating "And now your town shall move" and it happening, would be enough to dissuade doubts.

...Not enough to give a teen a lifetime of negotiating experience, but still.
How much movement are our Talanburg trees capable of? As much as any other? (theoretically, ignoring the issues that them moving would cause to the structures build between them)
At this point, I'm really confused about what I, personally, should do next. Lots of options, which is good, but complicated.

The original plan was to just wander into the wilderness and try some dangerous magic experimentation where I wouldn't accidentally blow up anybody friendly, but then I actually reached the Ants, so now we've got Ant Diplomacy and Larongo League Diplomacy on the table. Plus, imminent war with the Woo Clan, and contact with refugees and nearby towns. And there's still plenty of dangerous magic out there...

The sensible thing is probably to let the Mad Science Tree be diplomatic, and head back home to help out with all the incoming wackiness, but messing with Professor Question has been hilarious.
imminent war with the Woo Clan
While war might be imminent combat very much isn't. We are a long way from their established territory and neither side knows much of anything about the other. It will be several turns at minimum before we even start throwing down directly.

Perhaps go play adventurer and see what the local murderhobos think of the Ants, League and Woo?
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No idea who would qualify for the former, however. @Robinton, who would be the best diplomat/negotiator/mediator that Newton has to offer? We don't need a miracle worker, just someone that can keep calm in the situation and "speak" better than us and Betty.
In case it hasn't been stated, Granny Miller. Typically.
Some situations, someone else might be ideal. None seem likely to apply here, except for noting that the Tavishes and Yuadores both have disproportionate numbers of contacts in Talanburg, from "relatives and long acquaintanceship" and "lived there a few years less than a decade ago and are good at making friends" respectively.

Maybe something with the Hero of the Dying Flame - but then he doesn't particularly want to be known (doubly so if the Woo Clan is about to cause issues - he has an axe to grind and doesn't want them to know what to expect) and was never famed for his diplomatic skill.

Also, @Robinton was the tree disguise thing for Phigment or me?
What Tree disguise thing?

Do you mean my speculating that Phigment might want to disguise his Tree as an ordinary Tree to hide from those who showed up? Or?

When they don't get the message, we can still just absolutely wreck em before they get to us. It just needs to be swift and overwhelming like smashing two Triple Whoppers against each other at a Burger King. After all, there wont be any reprisals if there wasn't anyone left to send a complaint is there?
Vivid imagery!