Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
[X] Shadow Administration
[X] Living in the Shadows
[X] Animal Testing
[X] Ramjet Theory
[X] Lessons of Faith
[X] Weapons of Faith

I think we should really try to get any Bonus we can for our Invasion of China so Living in the Shadows is a must in my opinion. Shadow Administration for a third intrigue Action next year should also help.
For learning I think we should wait unter Ramjet Theory is complete before we build a Prototyp with it, especially due to its cost. Same with the gawainnonly that I think Milly should take a look at it before Jeager takes it apart.
The difficult choice is piety, all of them could be helpfull but I think that we should at least try to learn something about the OSI weapons before we give them back, so Weapons of Faith.
The only unsure Option is Lessons of Faith in my opinion, but dealing with the captive psyonics as fast as possible shouldn't hurt
Please do not break the tally system any more. It is poor and easily confused. You only need to copy the first line of the plan with an X. You deleted the - signs.
Also using Plan as the first word causes the tally system to count votes for
[] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
[] Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
as a vote for the same option.
[X] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
-[X] Shadow Administration: Cost: 400; Upkeep: 200; DC: 40; Rewards: 'Staff' hired to manage covert affairs.
-[X] Living in the Shadows: Cost: 1000; Upkeep: 300 (For Duration of Operation); DC: 75/100; Rewards: Extremely Variable.
-[X] Animal Testing: Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Ensure psionic computation prototypes won't automatically kill whoever you attach them to, human testing becomes easier.
-[X] Ramjet Theory: Cost: 800; Upkeep: 200; DC: 60; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Development of a potentially valuable technology.
-[X] Lessons of Faith: Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; Time: 2 Years; DC: 75; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Abilities, Gain New Curriculum.
-[X] Weapons of Faith: Cost: 300; Upkeep: 50; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/75/100; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Arms & Armor, Gain Producible Equipment/Modifiers.

I agree with the actions but not the target. i am hoping to send them to china
Isn't the chinese conflict likely a multi year project? It feels like a conflict spanning the majority of a continental mainland should take 2 or 3 years.
I point you to the Turn 10 Rant. The civil war might drag on if the dice go crazy but due to how it started and us intervening in year one with all other major forces taking a wait and see approach it might even end this year with a knockout punch to the eunuchs. The plan was for a long war. The dice didn't agree from my understanding.
I agree with the actions but not the target. i am hoping to send them to china
The target will be chosen in a seperate mini turn vote. I just didn't want to change the plan name since people started voting on this.
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I point you to the Turn 10 Rant. The civil war might drag on if the dice go crazy but due to how it started and us intervening in year one with all other major forces taking a wait and see approach it might even end this year with a knockout punch to the eunuchs. The plan was for a long war. The dice didn't agree from my understanding.
They rarely do. All the more reason to put everything behind a move in mainland china to rap up the war so quickly India doesn't have time to accomplish anything and our martial has as many details and options as possible.
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Isn't the chinese conflict likely a multi year project? It feels like a conflict spanning the majority of a continental mainland should take 2 or 3 years.
If the conflict drags out for 2-3 years then it means we've failed somehow because the board is supposedly stacked hard against the Eunuchs as their war effort was described by Slayer as constantly catching on fire and grossly incompetent. The longer duration also means that other major players have time to react and intervene as well, so we're aiming for a quick conclusion to prevent that. All this points to ideally a quick end to the conflict so our plans are geared towards that.

I know a lot of people are talking up the Faith options as 'we're totally going to miss this if we don't take it now,' but you have to consider, we do not have the people to research several paths at once. If we do research that stuff we're going to have to do follow up actions to research it even more. Something else will get dropped, that's how this quest's action economy works.

With that in mind, Psionic Engineering and Alchemical Practitioners have been some of our biggest goals for psionics, to create the basics for an industrial base for psionics. It's in large part what we hope Jaeger to achieve. So researching at least one of them helps push us further down that path. Enhanced Recruitment also slowly starts building up our research ability, giving us to take on more ambitious projects.

If we just chase after the things that are here because we might miss them if we don't, we'll not be able to ever get around to our actual research goals, which we do have.
Sorry for quoting you twice on this, just wanted to mention a few other arguments I forgot:
- It's more efficient to finalize the curriculum with New heaven's additions before doing Enhanced Recruitment so we don't need to retrain our personnel again to include the new details.
- Our research goals like Psionic Engineering don't actively pressure us and we have the leisure to pick when to start them, whereas keeping captive superhuman prisoners for 2 years neglected is an active strain/concern for us, particularly when most of our military forces will be sent AWAY from the island, leaving mostly conscripts to defend our fief. This is tempting fate when we know there's been multiple infiltration attempts.
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Potential options for an intrigue 'invasion' will be Watch & Wait (Only interfering is something bad happens), Active Spying (Feed all information either to you or a friendly force), Hostage Taking (Alert the individuals you either have their loved ones or are now capable of killing them if they don't comply), or one or two other potential choices that I'm still refining.
Interesting. How about an option to feed the Eunoch's false information?

Edit: or actually a general information feeding option, false and real with a list of targets.
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Edit: or actually a general information feeding option, false and real with a list of targets.
The problem with that is that it requires either flipping a section of their own network to give the false information validity or already having a trusted asset in place. If our network was already working at full power (with Shadow Administration done) I would take it as a possibility. Even the general intel sharing with our allies will require to activate Shadow Administration just to compile the useful intel out of the raw reports.
We didn't capture enough of them for them to be a burden.
Your forces have managed seize the lion's share of arms and armor from the battle with the New Heaven forces. The men who bore them into battle, though, largely died rather than be taken prisoner. Of the thousands of psionic soldiers who fought in Indonesia that day, only four surrendered. Most who attempted were evidently put down by their fellows rather than allow the heresy of giving up to occur. The only reason so many survived to turn themselves over to you is that, astoundingly, one of the psionic casters decided the battle was lost. Due to the political turmoil, you manage to secure the survivors largely uncontested, though your forces are not sure that they managed to do so unobserved. It is somewhat likely that at least one other faction knows you absconded with these individuals.
Actually @Slayer Anderson, just how many prisoners did we take from New Heaven anyways? I was kinda unsure so I went to re-check and the details of this report slightly ambiguous to parse: it starts by saying most of the combatants largely died off, but it later emphasizes that "so many survived" due to the lone psionic caster's surrender.

Btw @Hawkmoon would you consider cutting down the fluff descriptions in your plan so it's easier to read the vote tally? Just keep the relevant details like the costs, DCs, rewards otherwise it makes things look bloated.
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The problem with that is that it requires either flipping a section of their own network to give the false information validity or already having a trusted asset in place. If our network was already working at full power (with Shadow Administration done) I would take it as a possibility. Even the general intel sharing with our allies will require to activate Shadow Administration just to compile the useful intel out of the raw reports.
I don't see it as such a stretch. We had ninja's emigrate into the chinese federation. It's entirely possible some of them infiltrated either positions in the Eunochs employ(we know at least one did) or jobs in there communication network. Either one would allow us to manipulate information the Enoch receive.
Interesting. How about an option to feed the Eunoch's false information?

Edit: or actually a general information feeding option, false and real with a list of targets.
One of the options I'm toying with along with a sabotage option.

Hawkmoon raises the problems I'm having with implementing it, though.
Actually @Slayer Anderson, just how many prisoners did we take from New Heaven anyways? I was kinda unsure so I went to re-check and the details of this report slightly ambiguous to parse: it starts by saying most of the combatants largely died off, but it later emphasizes that "so many survived" due to the lone psionic caster's surrender.

Btw @Hawkmoon would you consider cutting down the fluff descriptions in your plan so it's easier to read the vote tally? Just keep the relevant details like the costs, DCs, rewards otherwise it makes things look bloated.
Turn 9 Rumor Mill under classified reports spoiler:
Your forces have managed seize the lion's share of arms and armor from the battle with the New Heaven forces. The men who bore them into battle, though, largely died rather than be taken prisoner. Of the thousands of psionic soldiers who fought in Indonesia that day, only four surrendered. Most who attempted were evidently put down by their fellows rather than allow the heresy of giving up to occur. The only reason so many survived to turn themselves over to you is that, astoundingly, one of the psionic casters decided the battle was lost. Due to the political turmoil, you manage to secure the survivors largely uncontested, though your forces are not sure that they managed to do so unobserved. It is somewhat likely that at least one other faction knows you absconded with these individuals. With the chaos of the battle as well, it is simply impossible to account for all of the armors and weapons which should be present as well. Some will end up in others' hands by virtue of the raw numbers involved.

Right, I'm heading to bed now. I'll answer pressing questions when I get up.
Turn 9 Rumor Mill under classified reports spoiler:

Right, I'm heading to bed now. I'll answer pressing questions when I get up.
Huh, okay. So we captured 4 prisoners and the reason Lelouch described it as "so many survived" was just him being sarcastic, I guess? So all 4 of the prisoners are psionic casters right? Since the casters were deployed as their own group IIRC.

[X] Plan Multilateral Backing
-[X] Services Rendered:
--[X] Area Nine Territory Limitation.
--[X] Area Eight Public Appearances (One Personal OR Diplomatic Action within 3 Years)
Also while catching up I found this: we promised a public appearance for the Area 8 Governor back in Turn 8 before all the craziness with the Conference and now the civil war, so that's something to keep in mind in the future. I imagine we'll use a Diplo action for that, maybe paired with a re-attempt for "Controlling the Narrative". It's kinda amusing to think how wildly beneficial this deal has grown for the Governor as Lelouch's fame continues to rise... though it might be canceled if we fail and get disowned lol.
Btw @Hawkmoon would you consider cutting down the fluff descriptions in your plan so it's easier to read the vote tally? Just keep the relevant details like the costs, DCs, rewards otherwise it makes things look bloated.
It is a matter of preference. With so few options including the "fluff" actually makes it easier see what the chosen actions are about and not just the potential rewards. Voters should only use the plan name for voting so being able to read the actions without going back to the turn can actually be an advantage.
If there were more than 6-7 actions (when we get to 3 actions per category) I might remove the action descriptions.
If I remember most plans in this quest include the fluff. I know the winning for the last phase did so I included it this time in mine.

Of course if this was a plan quest with progress indicators and dice allocated combined with probability of success calculation I would remove all fluff. But Semper Ad Meliora is both ck2 quest with a focus on the narrative instead of just the mechanics. That is why I like it.
Also while catching up I found this: we promised a public appearance for the Area 8 Governor back in Turn 8 before all the craziness with the Conference and now the civil war, so that's something to keep in mind in the future. I imagine we'll use a Diplo action for that, maybe paired with a re-attempt for "Controlling the Narrative". It's kinda amusing to think how wildly beneficial this deal has grown for the Governor as Lelouch's fame continues to rise... though it might be canceled if we fail and get disowned lol.
Turn 8 was about setting up our attendance in the conferences. Turn 9 was about pacifying the governors (since we were snubbing them for so long and it was the last chance).
We have Turns 10, 11 and 12 to do good on our side of the bargain.
There should have been a Personal action during this turn but it slipped Slayer's mind:
@Slayer Anderson While I doubt that the visiting Area 8 Personal Action would have had a snowballs chance in hell will it start appearing in future Diplomacy and Personal options? Or did something change?
Yeah, you know that thing you remember two or three hours after you set a vote open? That was what it was this turn.

The action will appear in diplomacy this turn and we'll say there was a... beauracratic snafu or something where the arrangements couldn't be made in time for Phase I this turn.
So we might get a Personal action for a vacation in Area 8 to relax with our entourage next turn but as it will be a Personal action it will most likely lack the rewards a Diplomacy action doing the same thing would give us. Like the Crowns shares from the A Cruise action which was an option to make good on our deal.
A personal action would most likely focus on SL increases instead of getting advantages.
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No? If it's standard procedure to have zero survivors each and every time New Heaven clashes with an opponent (because, you know, martyrdom is good for the soul or something, according to them), four would be a lot, actually.
That makes more sense, thanks for clearing it up for me. I had trouble contextualizing the intended meaning.

It was Turn 9 actually but your idea with combining it with Controlling the narrative sounds interesting
Turn 8 was about setting up our attendance in the conferences. Turn 9 was about pacifying the governors (since we were snubbing them for so long and it was the last chance).
We have Turns 10, 11 and 12 to do good on our side of the bargain.
There should have been a Personal action during this turn but it slipped Slayer's mind:

So we might get a Personal action for a vacation in Area 8 to relax with our entourage next turn but as it will be a Personal action it will most likely lack the rewards a Diplomacy action doing the same thing would give us. Like the Crowns shares from the A Cruise action which was an option to make good on our deal.
A personal action would most likely focus on SL increases instead of getting advantages.
Ah you're right, my bad it was Turn 9 so we've got still 2 turns to fulfill our obligation. And yeah, that's another reason we should use a Diplo action instead.
So...if I understood this right...the hedonistic 'paradise' wants to kidnap us, pay another group to then kill us in a false-flag attack, and then make peace with that group, am I understanding this properly?