Where did it all go wrong?
- Location
- Neverland
[X] Plan Deescalation
I'm really curious if the Ashfords have any interests in mining. Or if Duke Stadtfeld has some. With our need for security looking for contractors closer to home would be best. Even if the offers from our allies won't be the highest income ones.[ ] Resource Exploitation: Frankly, you've just been too busy with the plethora of other tasks to actual scout your island for valuable minerals or ores. There's a solution to that, though: outsourcing. This year you'll accept bids from various companies that want to exploit the resources of your domain. Cost: 0; Upkeep: 0; DC: Variable; Rewards: Yearly Income Increase dependent on roll.
See, I would, since I like most of it... but Noblesse Oblige lets us do stuff with Kallen, so I'm taking that one.I still fail to understand why people are voting for Plan Noblesse Oblige... we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to having our enemies try and cut off our food supply to make things harder for us and taking refugees is bound to strain our food supplies, so we really need to take Domestic Supplies this turn (especially if we take Refugee Crisis as well). Plan Busy Year is similiar to Plan Noblesse Oblige in that it ignores the governors, but unlike Noblesse Oblige, Busy Year actually secures our food supply by taking and starting to work on Domestic Supplies. I ask that anyone who is voting for Noblesse Oblige to reconsider their decision and vote for Busy Year instead.
I like plan Busy Year.In case anyone doesn't like Plan Busy Year for some reason, here's an alternative to Noblesse Oblige that keeps that plan mostly intact, aside from replacing Watchtowers with Domestic Supplies (if anyone is interested in this plan, the first person to want to vote for the plan should take the whole plan and X it, as I'm only proposing the compromise plan, not voting for it):
Actually:Going for this because taking the refugees without domestic supplies as in Nobles Oblige is a mistake and I agree with the underlying idea of Deescalation. Also while I think the governor's can be put off until next year so can taking the refugees or getting in touch with the Ashfords, so I am neutral on that.
If we do not choose them on this turn, they will be taken off the action list, if I have understood things correctly. While it didn't deter me at the point when I was making my plan (which I have abandoned in the favor of the Deescalation -plan) and you are already voting for Deescalation, I just want to make sure that nobody gets the wrong idea while reading the arguments being thrown around."If there are any pressing issues with the final procurements, let me know. Otherwise, I have a few proposals from my sister to look over." You state as you take your leave, internally pondering whether or not you're going to stiff the governors for another year or finally cave to their invitations. If you decide to ignore them, though, with the conference this year, it's likely better to disregard the matter entirely. Attempting to mend bridges after deciding the fate of a neighboring polity without any input from them would be salt on an open wound. Duels have been fought over less.
Oh thanks for pointing that out.Actually:
If we do not choose them on this turn, they will be taken off the action list, if I have understood things correctly. While it didn't deter me at the point when I was making my plan (which I have abandoned in the favor of the Deescalation -plan) and you are already voting for Deescalation, I just want to make sure that nobody gets the wrong idea while reading the arguments being thrown around.
Since Euphy just wants to aid the Refugees in general I was wondering if she didn't have her own domain to help settle them if for whatever reason that becomes necessary for them. I would have thought with Cornelia and her Mother pushing Euphemia towards a more Stewardship focused life that they wouldn't possibly set aside some lands among the recent conquests for Euphy to 'practice' for lack of a better word.Other than that, I'm both awake and back home now, so if people want to ask questions, I'll see what answers I can offer. Voting should remain open for twelve more hours.