Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

@Arthellion, @Tyrant's Bane has been talkin about some sort of salvage right for R2 that he said we got in an omake you canonized or something. You mind clearing that up?

You technically own it, but this is a choice about whether or not you take it with you or leave it on naboo..

If you don't choose R2, He'll get rebuilt by the Naboo and follow Padme around anyway even though he technically belongs to you.
Mhm, I like Plan Mind And Body but I would prefer having more than one CP in case of emergency. Remember, Sidious is probably going to attempt to fuck with us soon.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
I think this explains the difference here in the discussion.

Pelius, you are looking at the end goal .The results of your decision.

Others are looking at Anakin's desires. They aren't as concerned with the results. They are acting as if they were a young boy who just found his parents are dead,but knows his brother is alive. Most children would want to contact their family member at the earliest convenience regardless of the result.

I have to respectfully disagree with this. Anakin knew he spared Maul and then found out that the same being killed his parents. There is a good chance he feels ashamed, upset with himself about his actions. He might turn inwards instead of looking for comfort elsewhere. Both options are equally valid as a reaction. That is why I think he needs to come to terms with what he did first before leaning on children who don't have the maturity to understand what happened or Anakin's actions. Putting the burden of understanding onto a 10 year old Owen is unfair to Owen.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Destiny
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediategain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Uponunlocking a Force ability, youimmediately gain level one.

I somewhat feel like taking the Combat Droid ambition as well, simply because in doing so we can just spec up on R2 and turn him into a badass war machine. With the parts at hand of course.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[x] [Level up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[X] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
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[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
[X] [Help] Her to hold Maul's Ship. You wanted it for yourself. (Gain Class 5 Starship...with special perks)

[x] [Level Up] Plan I SEE THE PATH
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
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.....We watched the fucking shit kill our family horribly...and you still fucking want to use him?

I very much doubt Anakin is ever going to show him mercy or feel anything other than hatred for him.

Get all the information he has, then fucking kill him. He is fucking beyond redemption or even if he wasn't, Anakin wouldn't give a shit.

Here's two things.

People want to kill Maul because he kill Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, our Mother and Father.
We need "master" the Dark Side by getting to 100 DS on the scale.

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect here? How are we even going to get to 100 DS without becoming someone like Maul, who you all are so hell-bent on killing. Its even been confirmed by Arthellion that the deeper in the Dark Side we get, the harder its going to become to get Dark Side points. Are we going to be stuck at 99 DS, and need to genocide a planet to get that last point? I'm sure Palpatine is at 100 DS. What do you think he needed to do to get there? It been said by the QM repeatedly that Dark isn't evil, repeatedly even, but I don't see how are we going to get to 100DS without stepping over a mountain of corpses.

Now, forget what I said if mastering the dark side doesn't mean we need to get to 100DS, but if not that, than what?
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[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan Mind and Body
-[x] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[x] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
Here's two things.

People want to kill Maul because he kill Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, our Mother and Father.
We need "master" the Dark Side by getting to 100 DS on the scale.

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect here? How are we even going to get to 100 DS without becoming someone like Maul, who you all are so hell-bent on killing. Its even been confirmed by Arthellion that the deeper in the Dark Side we get, the harder its going to become to get Dark Side points. Are we going to be stuck at 99 DS, and need to genocide a planet to get that last point? I'm sure Palpatine is at 100 DS. What do you think he needed to do to get there? It been said by the QM repeatedly that Dark isn't evil, repeatedly even, but I don't see how are we going to get to 100DS without stepping over a mountain of corpses.

Now, forget what I said if mastering the dark side doesn't mean we need to get to 100DS, but if not that, than what?

I could see getting a lot of DS points by focusing on Sith teachings and powers. Both of those give DS. The issue is I don't think Dooku will allow for such things under his watch, or be very resistant. Better to go full light with Dooku and then dark. Well he might, but I don't think pulling Dooku more towards the Dark is a good idea.

I still say we just redesign Grievous' body and BAM put that R2 head on there. Killer robot ftw lol. Honestly though, yeah. Astromech killing machine works wonders for me.

Since we are going the droid route, I want to put out two ideas on the table. First an integrated Ylasmari/s in a nutrient cage inside the droid chassis to negate Force powers. Also the metal should be made out of cortosis to counter light sabers. Also we need to get R2-D2 an actual voice box. No beeps or whistles. Let's hear his snarky comments first hand. Ranged weapon, preferably solid projectiles so lightsabers can't bounce it back. Integrated shield like a Droidika. Leg jets of course and the hacking/repair package like normal as well.
I'm sure Palpatine is at 100 DS.
I don't think (canon Palpy-Sidious) is at 100 DS.

The point Arthellion made was that Anakin has special potential to master both sides of the Force as the Chosen One (regaining sense of self, mastering the Light / Dark Side rather than being mastered). I'd guess that Yoda and Sidious are at 90 and -90, respectively, or around that.

Your point still stands though. Mastering either side will require serious commitment.
I don't think (canon Palpy-Sidious) is at 100 DS.

The point Arthellion made was that Anakin has special potential to master both sides of the Force as the Chosen One (regaining sense of self, mastering the Light / Dark Side rather than being mastered). I'd guess that Yoda and Sidious are at 90 and -90, respectively, or around that.

Your point still stands though. Mastering either side will require serious commitment.
Really? I always thought Palpatine was in very good control of his emotions/desires. That is why he was able to fool so many people? Sure he laughed when he was fighting but I figured that he was enjoying something other than paperwork or politics. I mean he trained his whole life and almost never used those combat skills, if I was him I would be like, 'FINALLY'. ;p
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level up] Plan: Choices
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
R2D2 is the way to go, naturally.

As for the plan...Our stats aren't that bad that we absolutely need to level them up right now. So I prioritized getting both Force Prodigy and then Shatterpoint. Hopefully, that will help us make better decision later on and I feel like after using Force Lightning against Maul and unexpectedly bonding with him, those two things are very IC for Anakin to get. No doubt he'd want to make better choices in the future -- thus Shatterpoint -- and the use of Force Lightning might have unlocked his Force Prodigy potential. As for the other's natural to talk to your teacher and the only adult in your life after such an experience. From the interlude it also seems like Dooku is now firmly on our side, no matter what. This will help clear Anakin's head and also hopefully deepen our relationship with Dooku. And calling Beru's family? That's a no-brainer. We just learned that Owen might be alive! Naturally, Anakin will want to reassure himself that at least one small part of his family lives. Perhaps that's also a way to get Owen off of Tatooine and either to the Followers or to Serenno.
[X] [Level up] Plan: Choices
-[x] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[x] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[x] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
I could see getting a lot of DS points by focusing on Sith teachings and powers. Both of those give DS. The issue is I don't think Dooku will allow for such things under his watch, or be very resistant. Better to go full light with Dooku and then dark. Well he might, but I don't think pulling Dooku more towards the Dark is a good idea.

The question is, will it be enough DS points? Or will we be stuck at somewhere at 90, with no way to progress.
The question is, will it be enough DS points? Or will we be stuck at somewhere at 90, with no way to progress.

I could see some options open up like a Force vision about searching for Bane's tomb or the Sith homeworld once we get to open world mode after Sereno. We could also make horrific things with Sith Alchemy out of slavers and then fight them for experience. Killing regular people and blowing up worlds is the obvious route, but there definitely were very high/in control Sith that focused more on their studies then brutally murdering everything. I mean you had Sith masters that stayed in hiding for for a millenia. So it is reasonable to assume that actual Sith have some kind of training program to master their emotions and not let their emotions master them.
Going Dark later after light is not something I can see SV possibly accomplish. We will have a lot more to lose at that time and far more responsibilities beside.

Right now, the damage we can cause by going dark will be far lower.
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Malachor V sounds like a hot spot for some DS points. The entire Triumvirate was dedicated to being unknown, or at least Kreia, so we avoid the slaughter of innocence. I'm alright with going Dark side so long as we temper it, and do it first. I'd rather not wreck every bridge we've made. Which means along time in isolation.
[X] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[X] [Level Up] Plan Bonding, Calling and Prodigy
-[X] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[X] Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
-[X] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[x] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[x] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

The first three story perks cost 2CP each, while the combat/force prodigy also cost 2CP. We'd be left with only 1CP, which I'm not very pleased about, but I think it would be better long-term to trust Dooku, our master, and reveal the holocrons early on. Dooku needs lessons in the dark side, so he never gets too much, and the Sith holocron includes debating philosophy, etc.

Also I do want to grow closer to him, regardless of who would've been our master if we hadn't left with Dooku, I do want to have a very close friendship/camaraderie with our master/teacher/whatevs. That 1 CP could save our lives if we get in trouble on Dathomir.

Also for all those saying we'll be going to Tatooine after Dathomir, Anakin doesn't know that in-character, that is something the QM told us. Most likely he'll find out while on the way to Dathomir, on the planet or after leaving it. So calling Beru to get in touch with Owen makes sense, since we know he's alive, but we have no idea what became of him. If @Arthellion said Anakin does know in-character, then feel free to ignore this part, since while I checked the last pages, I didn't read all of the comments.