Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

Of course his characterization isn't consistent if people keep voting for different directions without really thinking where exactly it leaves us, because the ambition they want to complete is on the path they don't like and leaving with a master they only knew for a couple of hours sounds much better than fulfilling what has been the dream of the character as voted by most since he was freed from slavery. It's not @Arthellion's fault we can't decide and stick to one thing.

I'm not so sure about that. There were a lot of people who didn't want Anakin to be with the Jedi. They just won this time around.

I do hope Anakin doesn't do something like this again, though. You know, actually stay with Dooku for a while.

Fun fact, this myth originates from Fascist Italy. And yes, it's a myth. Because Mussolini did not make the trains run on time. His propaganda machine that convinced people that he actually did make them run on time was much more effective though.

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I'm not so sure about that. There were a lot of people who didn't want Anakin to be with the Jedi. They just won this time around.

I do hope Anakin doesn't do something like this again, though. You know, actually stay with Dooku for a while.

Yeah, it's mostly been two large and fairly balanced groups contesting these votes.

Now that the canon train is officially and without a sliver of a doubt to anyone off the rails, I hope we can put that argument to rest.
Yeah, it's mostly been two large and fairly balanced groups contesting these votes.

Now that the canon train is officially and without a sliver of a doubt to anyone off the rails, I hope we can put that argument to rest.

That is.... unlikely, considering the argument isn't really about canon but about Anakin himself and whether or not he ends up a Jedi Sith or something else.
Here is what Anakin experienced before meeting Dooku

1) He had a productive training with Teras Kisi master who was very friendly and helpful
2) He got a good experience with Siri Tachi
3) He was invited to have a chat with a chancellor
4) He had nice interactions with two other kids
5) Yoda wasn't very friendly, but it is hardly a disaster, especially considering that "serious" vote won.

A lot of positive emotions.

Despite that he asked to be taken away from here. I see only only one logical explanation - feeling of hate gained through the vision was so strong that it overvalued positive experience and a good chunk of his ambitions.
I hope that players will stay consistent and don't forget that HATE toward Maul is one of the most important motivations of Anakin's actions from now on, not trying to prevent Dooku from becoming a Sith.
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I think we should crack the Jedi holocron again. We never really followed up on that, and I would really prefer not to go Sith.
The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 3
To Do all he can to free the slaves in the Outer Rim? 88 Votes
88 x4 =352XP
+3 Lightside

Accepted. This would be a great opportunity to hangout with someone who wasn't a Jedi and expand your horizons. The fact that Bail was the CHancellor just made it better! 85Votes
85 x 4=340XP

May I leave the Jedi Order and join you to hunt the SIth? (Requires 4 CP) 47 Votes
47 x 4=188xp
+1 DS

Curious: The Sith Code was different than that of the Jedi. Did not make either code right, but you wanted to learn more. 46 Voters
46x 4=184XP
+ 1DS

Seriously: Yoda was the teacher, and apparently you'd been doing it the wrong way. You needed to figure out the right way 53 Votes
53 x4=212 XP
+2 Lawful

Frowned in worry and left. You would meditate to determine if this is a message from the Force or merely a bad dream. 55 Votes

+1 CP from Discussion
Master Gained!
+1496 XP

The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 3
You sat upon the cold floor of your bedroom with your legs crossed. The dull thrum of the ships engines made meditation peaceful. Still, you were conflicted. You had left the Jedi Order despite only being there for two weeks. It conflicted heavily with your previous decisions. You,
DC 16
+500 XP
Jedi Knight Ambition Saved!

knew that leaving the Order meant you would never be allowed to take the Jedi trials, but during your brief studies at the Temple other force sects had briefly been mentioned. You wondered if Master Dooku would ever allow you to visit or train with other Force disciples. It was a question for another time.

The past few day had been hectic to say the least. You mind went back to that fateful decsion.

"Please let me come with you?"

Dooku's eyebrows lifted in surprise. The man looked at you for several long moments,



"You're impatient and untrained. It is better if you remain here and complete your training."


"But you just said the Jedi order is sitting on its hands. Wouldn't you be a better teacher?"

There was a pause and something suddenly shifted. The Force moved and suddenly for the briefest moment, you felt Dooku's intense anger at the Zabrak, dwarfing your own. The emotion was gone just as quick, but there was something between the two of you now. You instinctively knew it. Dooku stared at you long and hard,

"It appears the Force caters to your whims, young Skywalker. We have a force bond."
"A what?"

"Typically, a force bond exists between a Master and Apprentice after time working together. It allows them to sense each other's emotions and work in tune with one another."

"I...I see."

"You do not," Dooku's voice was emotionless, but you sensed that there was no bite to his words. It was simply a fact to him, "But you will in time. I will not lie to you, child, being my Apprentice will not be easy. Even less so now that I am leaving the Order. Are you certain you wish to do this?"

You swallowed.

"Yes, Master Dooku."

The next few days passed in a blur. Siri had not been pleased and apparently she and Master Dooku had had a very cold conversation over your future. Ultimately, the decision had rested with Master Yoda. The Grandmaster of the Order had stated that though he disagreed with Dooku's decision to leave the Order, it was not the place of the Jedi to refuse the will of the Force. Your last meeting with your clanmates had been warm, if not overly for Aayla.

"You're leaving?" the girl's eyes were watery with tears. You felt bad. You knew this was the right decision, but the hurt you were causing others made you question it. The girl cuddled her bunny tightly as she looked at you. You weren't sure what to say except,

DC: 14
Roll: 20+7CHR
Critical Success!
+1 CP

"Aayla, You will always be my friend. No matter how far I go, I'll always remember you."

The tears started to flow and the girl sniffled. Suddenly she thrust T'da out at you,

"Take good care of him! And Remember me!


[] [Bunny] Accepted T'da as your pet.
[] [Bunny] Denied the pet, saying, "No, use T'da to remember me."

You did not see her again until you left. You had boarded the ship with trepidation. What did your future hold? You weren't sure. Master Dooku had shown you to your room on board the craft and told you to meditate. The two of you would be traveling to Naboo where you would begin your investigation into the Sith. You knew you weren't ready. The speed and power you had observed in that battle (and even in Master Drallig and Master Windu's Spar) showed you just how unprepared you were.

The door to your room slid open and Dooku stood there. His presence was cold, but not unwelcoming. It was not like the cold you had felt aboard the ship coming to Coruscant; rather, it was like the cold of a class of water. Dooku spoke first in his curt tone,

"Good, you are meditating. Stand up."

You stood and the man observed you for several long moments,

"During our visit to Naboo, you will obey my every command. You will not speak unless spoken to and be seen, but not heard. Is that understood?"

You felt a flicker of annoyance at the stifling command, but nodded,

"Yes, Master Dooku."

The man nodded approvingly,

"Secondly, I will be assigning you several tasks to grow your abilities in the Force. We shall begin with several tests to determine your aptitude. Come with me."

The man turned deftly on his heel and you followed after him. The ship was quite large for a single individual and you wondered how Dooku could have owned such a craft. Your thoughts were broken as you entered a room with several objects. The man, with a dexterity that belied his age, sat upon the floor and crossed his legs and motioned for you to do the same. You did so and he asked,

"How many creatures are alive on this ship?"

You immediate started to say two, but,
DC: 16
Roll: 19+7=26

felt something,

"There are twelve master. Yourself, Myself, seven insects and three rats."

Dooku's brow raised in surprise.

"How man rooms are there on the ship?"


"How any astromech droids?"


Dooku nodded,

"Impressive. Now, how is your telekinesis? Lift those boxes."

DC: 16
Roll: 20+7=27

You nodded and let the Force flow through you. All of the boxes within the room lifted. Dooku appeared surprised,

"Impressive again, young Skywalker. "

Dooku put you through your paces of numerous force techniques and applications. He also taught you a few more control techniques to practice over the coming weeks. Then he smiled in away that made you incredibly nervous,

"Now how is your saber work."

DC: 18
Critical Succes
+1 CP
Wtf :jackiechan:

You took the basic Shii-Cho stance and ignited your training saber. Dooku nodded in approve and ignited his own blade. The Curved hilt surprised you, but the blue blade flickered powerfully,

"Now attack, young Skywalker."

You moved through your attacks. Though Dooku blocked ever strike, he made no corrections. After several minutes he struck back and you found your defense flagging,

"The Force is your ally, Skywalker, use it!"

You opened yourself up to the Force and your moves became crisper, cleaner. Dooku nodded in approval and stepped back,

"I think you're ready for the next kata. Master Drallig taught you well."

Your Master instructed you on the katas. Several hours later, you were exhausted, but felt your skill had increased. Dooku left you to shower and mentioned that you should eat on your own as he would be meditating privately. Not a bad training session you felt. Perhaps Dooku would be a good Master for you?

+Level 2 Tutaminis Trained
+Level 2 Force Speed Trained
+Level 2 Life Detection Trained
+Level 2 Sense Force Trained
+Level 2 Force Empathy Trained
+Level 2 Telepathy Trained
+Level 2 Force Jump Trained
+Level 2 Telekinesis Trained
+level 2 Force Push Trained
+Level 2 Shii-Cho trained

You arrived on Naboo the following day. You walked behind Dooku and you were stunned at the amount of destruction. Buildings could be seen crumbling and refugees were sitting on the streets. Even the remains of destroyed droids could still be seen. You soon arrived at the Palace and were greeted by an old acquaintance.

"Ani!" the high pitched voice of Jar-Jar rung throughout the opening, "Mesa is so glad to be seeing yousa!"

You nodded at the Gungan and glanced at Dooku. The man gave off no expression, but you could sense his irritation with the creature. Dooku spoke curtly,

"General Jar-Jar, we are here to see the Queen on Jedi Business."

"Oi, Mesa no longer da General. Gungans no likey being ruled by da humans alone. So as bombad war hero, mesa elected to marry da Queen. King Jar-Jar at your service!

Wait. What. Padme was married to...him?

"Oi! Wesa goin ta see da queen then! Thisaway!"

Dooku glanced at you and he raised a brow at your stunned expression. You shook your head and the two of you chased after You entered the throne room and a smile crossed your face as you saw Padme in her royal robes. The woman looked at the two of you as Jar-Jar announced,

"Yousa most loftiness, desa Jedi are here to see yousa."

Padme's expression turned to a smile her eyes landed upon you. She then glanced upon your Master who tilted his head and offered a cool smile,

"Your highness, I am here to investigate the murder of Jedi Knights Qui-gon Jinn and Obi-wan Kenobi, I would like access to your investigation tapes and, if possible, a place for my apprentice and myself stay."

"Of course, Master Jedi, but haven't the Jedi already done an investigation? Master Tera Sinube left a few days ago."

"We felt it best to do a double investigation...and there is something Master Sinube may have missed."

"Of course, Master Jedi, I'll have one of my attendants give you a room and access."

"Thank you, your Majesty."

The two of you turned to follow the attendant, but Padme's voice stopped you,

"Anakin, feel free to stop by later; I've missed you sense Coruscant."

"Of course, your majesty."​

You and Dooku found yourself in a luxurious suite. You shook your head.

"I cannot believe she would marry Jar-Jar of all people!"

Master Dooku let out a chuckle,

"It's unlikely its anything more than a political marriage, Anakin. And considering the Naboo elect their Queens, she will be free to divorce him the instant her term is over. It is probably a plan to placate the Gungans. They lost many soldiers during the war."

You nodded. It still boggled your mind to think of marriage as a political act. You glanced at Dooku,

"You let her think you're still a Jedi."

"I did indeed."


"She would not let just anyone have access to the records or provide accommodations."

"I see."

"Be careful around her, Anakin, women are trouble."

"Yes, Master; so what are we going to do now?"

"-I- am going to do some investigation. -You- are going to stay here and practice your meditation and force techniques. I also have a book for you to read."

The man reached inside his bag and pulled out a thick book. He placed it on the desk and said, "Have at least three chapters read before I return this evening."

"Yes, Master."

The man left the room a few minutes later and you flopped back on to your bed. This was boring.

You walked over to the book and was surprised by the title.

The History of Serenno.

Huh. Interesting.

You had several hours before Dooku would return. You

[] [Story] Did as Dooku asked and practiced and read.
[] [Story] Decided to go visit Padme. Why -did- she marry Jar-Jar?

Writein: [] [Story] Find remains of trade federation's combat drones to study them and\or grab some parts for later use. By Ukrainian Ranger​

End the Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 3


+4 CP
+Level 2 Tutaminis Trained
+Level 2 Force Speed Trained
+Level 2 Life Detection Trained
+Level 2 Sense Force Trained
+Level 2 Force Empathy Trained
+Level 2 Telepathy Trained
+Level 2 Force Jump Trained
+Level 2 Telekinesis Trained
+level 2 Force Push Trained
+Level 2 Shii-Cho trained

Failed Jedi Initiate Trials Ambition
Failed Jedi Friends Ambition

Alignment Changed! Lawful Dark​

Character Sheet

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 10
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 11
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5= 40
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 5
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 8
Initiative: +6
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Training Saber: 1d4
Unarmed to Hit= +6
Saber to Hit= -0
Blaster to Hit= +6
Force to Hit= +12
Experience: 9812
Experience Needed:12,825
Lawful Dark

Chosen Points: 5CP
Strength: 19 (+4)
Constitution: 21 (+5)
Dexterity: 23 (+6)
Wisdom: 33 (+12)
Charisma: 24(+7)
Intelligence: 21 (+5)

Handle Animal (CHR):+13
Computer Use (Int): +8
Security (Int +Dex): +14
Mechanics(Int + Str Mods): +20
Persuasion (Chr +Wis): +19
Awareness (Wis):+20
Piloting (Int +Dex): +23

History Skill(Int): +8
Math Skill(Int):+8
Medicine Skill(Int) +8
Research Skill(Int): +8
Science Skill(Int): +8
Legal Skill(Int +Char):+15
Political Skill(Wis+Char):+19
Music Skill(Chr): +10
Acting Skill(Chr): +10
Athletics Skill(Dex+Str): +13
Cooking Skill(Int): +8
Economics Skill(Int): +8
Strategy Skill(Int): +8
Artistic Skill(Char):+10

High Galactic
1. To become a Jedi Knight: You've heard stories of the powerful Jedi. It would be so cool to become a Jedi Knight (30,000 Experience Points. 10 Chosen Points)
2. To Master Teras Kasi: Your training has opened your eyes to your physical capabilities and potential. (25,000 XP, +5 Chosen Points)
5.To Avenge Qui-Gon and Obi-wan. (+30,000XP, +5 CP.)

1. To Build a Droid: You always wanted to build your own droid. (1,000 Experience Points. 1 Chosen Points)
2. To Make Owen Your Friend: You are tired of the unfriendly relationship you have with your step brother and wish it to be better. (300 Experience Points.)
3. To Meet an Angel: You remember some of the Spacer's at Gardula's Palace speaking about angels as the most beautiful of all creatures in the galaxy. You wish to meet one. (750 Experience Points. 1 Chosen Points)
4.To become an Ace Pilot: You love piloting. Achieve a skill of +15 in Piloting. (5,000 Experience Points. 1 Chosen Points.)
5. To leave Tatooine: You wish to leave the planet (500 XP)
6. To Be Accepted into the Jedi Order. (1,000 XP, +1 Chosen Point)
6. To Save the Naboo! (+1,000XP, +1 Chosen Point) New!
Money: 35 Gold Peggats
Saber Training
The Jedi Path
Varya Holocron
Sidreona Holocron
Seeking Excellence Trait: When failing a training roll, may retry once.
Gain 100XP for each new planet you visit
Fast Learner:
Gain Double Chosen Points upon Level up
Young Philospher Trait (From Voter Discussion):
+1 Wisdom.
Force Precognition:
+1 Wisdom
+4 Awareness
Mechanic Background:
Results in Mechanic vote options unlocked.
Unlocked Repair Skill
Unlocked Piloting Skill
+2 to Strength.
+2 to Intelligence.
+2 to Dexterity.
+2 to Constitution.
+5 to Repair Skill.

Droid Background:
Droid Vote Options Unlocked
Unlocked Computer Use Skill
Unlocked Security Use Skill
+4 to Intelligence
+2 to Dexterity
+ 3 to Repair Skill
One Additional Language

Fairy Tale Background:

Gained Cliegg/Owen Relationship
+2 Charisma
+4 Wisdom

Adept Speaker:
+2 Charisma
+3 Charisma
+4 Charisma
+5 Charisma

Novice Brute
+2 Strength
Novice Farmer
+2 Constitution
Novice Athlete
+ 2 Dexterity

Amateur Philosopher
+2 Wisdom
+3 Wisdom

Amateur Student
+2 Intelligence
+3 Intelligence

Apprentice Pilot :
+5 Piloting
+4 Piloting
Teacher's Pet:
History Skill Unlocked
Math Skill Unlocked
Medicine Skill Unlocked
Research Skill Unlocked
Science Skill Unlocked
Legal Skill Unlocked
Political Skill Unlocked
Music Skill Unlocked
Acting Skill Unlocked
Athletics Skill Unlocked
Cooking Skill Unlocked
Economics Skill Unlocked
Strategy Skill Unlocked
Artistic Skill Unlocked
+1 to Strength
+1 to Constitution
+1 to Dexterity
+1 to Wisdom
+1 to Intelligence
+2 to Charisma
+3 to All Currently Unlocked Skills
CQC Combat:
Level 1: ???, Not Unlocked
Level 2: ???, Not Unlocked
Level 3:???, Not Unlocked
Level 4: ???, Not Unlocked
Level 5: ???, Not Unlocked
Teras Kasi Combat:
Level 1: +2 to All Physical Attributes, No Combat Penalty to fighting Unarmed
Level 2: +2 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to Hit when Fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D8 Weapon
Level 3: Increase Health Modifier to x2.5, Not Unlocked GM: Default Health is (Level +Con Mod) x 2. This would increase it to (Level+Con Mod) x 2.5.

Level 4: +4 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to hit when fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D10 Weapon, Not Unlocked
Level 5: + 4 to All Physical Attributes, Immunity to all Mental Force Abilities, Hands count as a 2D12 Weapon, Not Unlocked

(Base Penalty is -8)
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Control: Wisdom Modifier +perks

Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +2Constitution
Level 2: +2 Constitution
Level 3: +2 Constitution; Decrease energy damage by 1/4.
Level 4:+2 Constitution
Level 5: +2 Constitution; Decrease Force Damage by 1/4, Cruitorn Unlocked.
Level 6: +4 Constitution
Level 7:+4 Constitution; Decrease Energy/Force energy Damage by 1/2.
Level 8:+4 Constitution
Level 9:+4 Constitution
Level 10: +4 Constitution; Immune to Energy/ Force Energy Damage

Force Stealth
Level 1: +2Wisdom, +2 Stealth
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, +4 Stealth
Level 3: +2 Wisdom, +6 Stealth, Non-force users cannot see you if you do not wish to be seen. Combat breaks this.
Level 4: +2 Wisdom, +8 Stealth.
Level 5: +2 Wisdom, +10 Stealth, May Cloak your force signature from force users.

Level 6: +4 Wisdom, +12 Stealth.
Level 7:+4 Wisdom, +14 Stealth. First Three Turns of Combat are from Stealth. (Double damage)
Level 8:+4 Wisdom, +16 Stealth.
Level 9:+4 Wisdom, +18 Stealth.
Level 10: +4
Wisdom, +20 Stealth. First Five Turns of Comabt are from Stealth. (Double damage.)

Force Speed
Level 1: 2 Dexterity, +2 to Initiative Rolls
Level 2: 2 Dexterity, +4 to Initiative Rolls

Level 3: 2 Dexterity, +6 to Initiative Rolls; First Three Turns To Hit is increased by 1.25x.
Level 4: 2 Dexterity, +8 to Initiative Rolls
Level 5: 2 Dexterity, +10 to Initiative Rolls; First Five Turns To hit is Increased by 1.25x

Level 6: 4 Dexterity, +12 to Initiative Rolls
Level 7: 4 Dexterity, +14 to Initiative Rolls; First Five Turns To Hit is increased by 1.5x
Level 8: 4Dexterity, +16 to Initiative Rolls
Level 9: 4Dexterity, +18 to Initiative Rolls
Level 10: 4 Dexterity, +20 to Initiative Rolls First Five Turns To Hit is increased by 2x.


Level 1: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 2: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 3:2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Upon beginning of third round, heal for 1/4 of your total HP.
Level 4: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 5: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Upon beginning of third round, heal for 1/2 of your total HP. Force Resurrection tree unlocked.

Level 6: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 7: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom; Upon Beginning of Third Round, Heal allies for 1/4 your total HP.
Level 8: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 9: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 10: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom; Upon Beginning of Third Round, Heal allies for 1/2 your total HP.

Force Valour
Level 1: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 2: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 3:2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Boost AC/To Hit by 10 For First Three Rounds
Level 4: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 5: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Boost AC/To Hit by 10 For First Five Rounds

Level 6: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 7: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom; Boost AC/To Hit by 20 For First Three Rounds
Level 8: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 9: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
Level 10: 2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom; Boost AC/To Hit by 20 For First Five Rounds

Force Rage:
Level 1: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Level 2: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Level 3:2 Constitution, +2 Strength, Boost AC/To Hit by 10 For First Three Rounds
Level 4: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Level 5: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength, Boost AC/To Hit by 10 For First Five Rounds

Level 6: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Level 7: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength; Boost AC/To Hit by 20 For First Three Rounds
Level 8: 2 Constitution, ++2 Strength
Level 9: 2 Constitution, +2 Strength
Level 10:
2 Constitution, +2 Strength; Boost AC/To Hit by 20 For First Five Rounds

Force Sacrifice
Level 1: 6 Constitution
Level 2:6 Constitution
Level 3:6 Constitution, Upon beginning of third round, lose 10HP. Damage is multiplied by 1.5 for round.
Level 4: 6 Constitution
Level 5: 6 Constitution, Upon beginning of Fifth round, lose 5HP. Damage is multiplied by 2 for round.

Level 6: 6 Constitution
Level 7: 6 Constitution Upon Beginning of Third Round, Ally damage is multiplied by 1.5 for round.
Level 8: 6 Constitution
Level 9: 6 Constitution
Level 10:
6 Constitution; Upon beginning of the Fifth round, Ally Damage is Multiplied by 2 for round.

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: Can Sense Life within 1 mile. Force Sight tree Unlocked.
Level 4: Can sense life within 10 Miles.
Level 5: Can Sense life within 100 miles. Battle Meditation Unlocked tree if not already purchased.
Level 6: +1 Charisma
Level 7: +1 Charisma
Level 8: +1 Charisma
Level 9: +1 Charisma
Level 10: +1 Charisma

Sense Force:
Level 1: Can sense status of the force within 1/4 Mile. Force Empathy tree Unlocked
Level 2: Can Sense status of the force within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: Can Sense status of the force within 1 mile. Battle Precognition tree Unlocked
Level 4: Can sense status of the force within 10 Miles.
Level 5: Can Sense status of the force within 100 miles. Shatterpoint tree Unlocked if not already purchased.
Level 6: +1 Intelligence
Level 7: +1 Intelligence
Level 8: +1 Intelligence
Level 9: +1 Intelligence
Level 10: +1 Intelligence

Force Sight:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Seen for miles.

Level 2: +1 Wisdom,
Level 3: Gain Ability to See for events on a different Planet, Force Projection Unlocked
Level 4: +1 Wisdom
Level 5: Gain Ability to See for events in the past, Flow Walk Unlocked

Level 6: +1 Wisdom
Level 7: +1 Wisdom
Level 8: +1 Wisdom
Level 9: +1 Wisdom
Level 10: +1 Wisdom

Force Empathy:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Sense Others Emotions. Dialogue.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,
Level 3: Gain Ability to Influence others emotions. Dialogue
Level 4: +1 Wisdom
Level 5: AutoSuccess on Manipulating Non FOrce User's emotions. Dialogue

Level 6: +1 Wisdom
Level 7: +1 Wisdom
Level 8: +1 Wisdom
Level 9: +1 Wisdom
Level 10: +1 Wisdom

Level 1: +1 Wisdom, Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,
Level 3: +1 Wisdom, , Jedi Mind Trick Unlocked. Dialogue Options.
Level 4: +1 Wisdom, , Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 5: ++1 Wisdom, Illusions Tree Unlocked

Level 6: +1 Charisma
Level 7: +1 Charisma
Level 8: +1 Charisma
Level 9: +1 Charisma
Level 10: +1 Charisma

Battle Precognition:
Level 1: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 2: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 3: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 4: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 5: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.

Level 6:+2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 7: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 8: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 9: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 10: +2 Dexterity, +1AC.

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +2 Strength, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: + 2 Strength, May Jump Three Story Buildings
Level 3: + 2 Strength , May Jump Five Story Buildings
Level 4: ++ 2 Strength, May Jump Seven Story Buildings
Level 5: + 2 Strength, May Jump Nine Story Buildings

Level 6: +4 Strength
Level 7: +4 Strength
Level 8: +4 Strength
Level 9: +4 Strength
Level 10:
+4 Strength, Flight.

Level 1: +2 Wisdom, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, Can lift small speeder objects

Level 3: +2 Wisdom, Can lift large Speeders; Upon third round, May attack Opponent with 6D4 debris.
Level 4: +2 Wisdom, Can lift AT-AT Level craft
Level5: +2 Wisdom, Can Lift Starship Level Craft, Unlock Telekinetic Saber Style

Level 6: +4 Wisdom
Level 7: +4 Wisdom
Level 8: +4 Wisdom
Level 9: +4 Wisdom

Level 10: +4 Wisdom

Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D4+Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,

Level 3: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D6+ Wisdom damage upon third round
Level 4: +2 Wisdom,
Level5: +2 Wisdom, May do 1d8+Wisdom Damage upon Fifth round

Level 6: +4 Wisdom
Level 7: +4 Wisdom; May do 1d10+Wisdom Damage to two Opponents upon Seventh round
Level 8: +4 Wisdom;
Level 9: +4 Wisdom
Level 10: +4 WisdomMay do 1d12+Wisdom Damage to all Opponents upon Seventh round

Force Stun:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 Opponent may be stunned at beginning of the fight
Level 2: +4 Wisdom,
Level 3: +6 Wisdom, 1Opponent may be stunned at round 3 of the fight
Level 4: +8 Wisdom,
Level 5: +10 Wisdom, 1 Opponent may be stunned at round 5 of the fight.

Level 6: +4 Wisdom
Level 7: +4 Wisdom 1 Opponent may be stunned at round 7 of the fight
Level 8: +4 Wisdom
Level 9: +4 Wisdom
Level 10:
+4 Wisdom; Abilities of force stun apply to all opponents

Animal Friendship:
Level 1: +2 Handle Animal; Sense Animal thoughts/instincts/urges.
Level 2: +4 Handle Animal; Calm creature
Level 3: +6 Handle Animal;
Level 4: +8 Handle Animal;
Level 5: +10 Handle Animal Control over one creature for five turns

Level 6: +4 Charisma
Level 7: +4 Charisma Control over two creature for three turns
Level 8: +4 Charisma
Level 9: +4 Charisma
Level 10:
+4 Charisma; Control over all creatures in area for five turns

Force Choke:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 Opponent may be stunned at beginning of the fight and loses 1D4 Damage
Level 2: +4 Wisdom,
Level 3: +6 Wisdom, 1Opponent may be stunned at round 3 of the fight and loses 1D8 Damage
Level 4: +8 Wisdom,
Level 5: +10 Wisdom, 2 Opponent may be stunned at round 5 of the fight and loses 1D10 Damage

Level 6: +4 Wisdom
Level 7: +4 Wisdom; 4 Opponent may be stunned at round 7 of the fight and loses 1D12 Damage
Level 8: +4 Wisdom
Level 9: +4 Wisdom
Level 10: +4 Wisdom; Abilities of force Choke apply to all opponents and lose 2D12 Damage

Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d10 Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: +4 Wisdom,
Level 3: +6 Wisdom, 1 Opponent may takes 1d12 Damage at round 3 of the fight
Level 4: +8 Wisdom,
Level 5: +10 Wisdom, 1 Opponents may takes 2d12 damage at round 5 of the fight.

Level 6: +4 Wisdom
Level 7: +4 Wisdom 1 Opponent may take 3D12 at round 7 of the fight
Level 8: +4 Wisdom
Level 9: +4 Wisdom
Level 10:
+4 Wisdom; Abilities of Force lightning apply to all opponents

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Begin to see shatter points in the physical world around you. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 2: +4 Intelligence, +4 WIsdom, Begin to see shatterpoints in people's personalities.Decisions Unlocked.
Level 3: +4 Intelligence, +4 WIsdom, Instinctively see Shatterpoints in combat. Insta-crit on all damage given.
Level 4: +6 Intelligence, +6 WIsdom, Begin to see shatterpoints in battlefields. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 5: +6 Intelligence, +6 WIsdom, Begin to see shatterpoints in time. Decisions Unlocked. See the results of a decision before vote occurs.

Battle Meditation:
Level 1: +2 Intelligence,+ 4 Strategy; Army/Navy health is multiplied by 1.5
Level 2: +4 Intelligence, +6 Strategy, Army/Navy is immune to Demoralization
Level 3: +4 Intelligence, +8 Strategy, Opponent's Army/Navy is demoralized (negative modifiers for Battlefields)
Level 4: +8 Intelligence, +10 Strategy, Army/Navy health is doubled.
Level 5: +10 Intelligence, +10 Strategy, Army/Navy Combat Strength is double.

Level 1: +5 Constitution. Damage Inflicted upon for yourself for three rounds is also inflicted upon opponent.
Level 2: +6 Constitution, Damage Inflicted upon for yourself for Four rounds is also inflicted upon opponent.
Level 3: +7 Constitutione, Damage Inflicted upon for yourself for five rounds is also inflicted upon opponent.
Level 4: +8 Constitution, Damage Inflicted upon for yourself for six rounds is also inflicted upon opponent.
Level 5: +9 Constitution, Damage Inflicted upon for yourself for seven rounds is also inflicted upon opponent.

Level 1: +5 intelligence. Mirror image. Damage for first round may be inflicted on your illusory self.
Level 2: +6 intelligence. Mirror image. Damage for second round may be inflicted on your illusory self.
Level 3: +7 intelligence. Mirror image. Damage for third round may be inflicted on your illusory self.
Level 4: +8 intelligence. Mirror image. Damage for fourth round may be inflicted on your illusory self.
Level 5: +9 intelligence. Mirror image. Damage for fifth round may be inflicted on your illusory self
Count Dooku, Your master
Shmi Lars: Your mother. Staunchest Ally
Cliegg Lars: Your Step-Father, Loving Step-Father
Owen Lars: Your Step-brother, Brothers for Life
C-3P0: Your Droid, You are His Maker
Beru: Close Friend
Greedo: Close Friend
Watto: Family Friend and Junk Dealer

Padme: Acquaintance
R2D2: Acquaintance
Jar-Jar: Acquaintance

Captain Panak: Acquaintance
Siri Tachi: Jedi Knight,Bear Clan Master
Darra Tel-Thanis, Initiate, Friend
Aayla Secura, Initiate, Friend
Ferus Olin, Initiate, Acquaintance
Tru Vel, Initiate, Initiate, Acquatiance
Xiaan Amseru, Initiate, Acquaintance
Yoda: Master of the Order
Mace Windu: Master of the Order
Qui-Gon Jinn: Decease
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Deceased, Friend
Sheev Palpatine: Vice Chancellor, Acquaintance
Bail Organa: Chancellor, Acquaintance
Mon Mothma, Senator, Acquaintance
Master Arden Zan: Teras Kasi Master, Teacher

Ambition Vote:

Choose two
[] To become a Famous Bounty Hunter: Bounty Hunters were the most badass of all the enforcers at Gardula's palace. You want to become the most well renowned. (5,000 Experience Points. 5 Chosen Points)
[] To Free all the slaves: You hated being a slave. You want to free all the slaves in the outer rim. (30,000 experience points. 10 Chosen Points)
[] To become a omnigot: Learn as many languages as you can! (Learn 15 from this list) (15,000 Experience Points)
[] To become a Teacher: You feel like it would be grand to teach students. (1,000 Experience Points)
[] To become a Senator: You wish to become a Senator in the Galactic Republic. (10,000 Experience Points)
[] To become Chancellor of the Galactic Republic/To become Ruler of your own Government: You feel a desire to lead and rule. (40,000 Experience Points. 15 Chosen Points.)
[] To Marry Padme: You wish to marry the angel. (+30,000 XP, +5 Chosen Points)
[] To own your own Ship. (+5,000XP, +1 Chosen Point)

[] Ambition: Learn More about the Sith! (500XP)
[] Ambition: Build a Combat Droid (+1000XP)
[] To Destroy the Sith Completely (+75,000XP, +15 CP)
[] Achieve Level 3 in Shii-Cho (+750 XP)
[] Master a Saber Style to level 10. (+10,000xp, +1 Chosen Point)

[] To Achieve level 5 in the Balance Questline: What are these dreams and visions about? (+5,000XP, +5 CP)
[] [Ambition] To improve your relationship with Dooku (+1000 XP) New!
[] To Find out who Killed Qui-gon and Obi-wan? (+2000XP, +1 CP) New!
[] To Check on your family? (+2,000, +1CP) New!
[] To Learn how to Swim (+1500XP) New!
[] Find some fluffy cute creature to send to our friends back in our Jedi clan so they will always remember us! (1500XP) New!
[] Write In: Must be approved by me before being allowed to vote. I will assign Experience points or Chosen points for the write in.

Vote Format! Please Use!

[] [Bunny] Choose one

[] [Story] Choose one

[] [Ambition] Choose One
[] [Ambition] Choose One

Six hour Moratorium on votes!

Discuss away!

(Anakin is the luckiest roller in the galaxy)

(Gungan butterflies are crazy)
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"There are thirteen master. Yourself, Myself, seven insects and three rats."
Eh, 1+1+7+3=12
"Oi, Mesa no longer da General. Gungans no likey being ruled by da humans alone. So as bombad war hero, mesa elected to marry da Queen. King Jar-Jar at your service!
Oh please tell me this is a joke.
You and Dooku found yourself in a luxurious suite. You shook your head.

"I cannot believe she would marry Jar-Jar of all people!"

Master Dooku let out a chuckle,

"It's unlikely its anything more than a political marriage, Anakin. And considering the Naboo elect their Queens, she will be free to divorce him the instant her term is over. It is probably a plan to placate the Gungans. They lost many soldiers during the war."
*pinches brow*
Alright, so as far as things go, I'm leaning towards following Dooku's instructions, taking the rabbit as a morality pet for Anakin (He'll need it more), and as far as ambitions go, taking Learn more about the Sith and either Achieve Level 3 in Shii-cho, or Learn who killed Obi-wan and Qui-gon. Thoughts?
I think that learning more about obi wans killer and learning more about the sith. Also now that we are here sitting a reading is what I want to do. The Shii cho ambition can wait and the other ambitions are not going anywhere anytime soon.
So, how about this:

[] [Bunny] Accepted T'da as your pet.

[] [Story] Did as Dooku asked and practiced and read.

[] [Ambition] To Check on your family? (+2,000, +1CP)
[] [Ambition] To improve your relationship with Dooku

@Arthellion That write-in for our ambition OK?

Better to be a dutiful and good student to Dooku right now. First impressions and all that. We need to make sure that he doesn't regret taking us on. That should help us convince him to check up on our family and also hopefully fulfill an ambition of improving our relationship with him. Let's melt this ice king!
"It appears the Force caters to your whims, young Skywalker. We have a force bond."

Hm... I wonder if HE is beginning to wonder.

I'm glad to see that the few of Anakin's bonds he managed to being cultivating are still left open. Hopefully the cold conversation between Siri and Dooku won't extend her displeasure to Anakin himself.
So, how about this:

[] [Bunny] Accepted T'da as your pet.

[] [Story] Did as Dooku asked and practiced and read.

[] [Ambition] To Check on your family? (+2,000, +1CP)
[] [Ambition] To improve your relationship with Dooku

@Arthellion That write-in for our ambition OK?

Better to be a dutiful and good student to Dooku right now. First impressions and all that. We need to make sure that he doesn't regret taking us on. That should help us convince him to check up on our family and also hopefully fulfill an ambition of improving our relationship with him. Let's melt this ice king!

approved. +1000XP
Take the bunny. Either we kill it to be a Super Sith, or save it to stay on the Light Side. Also trained attacked bunny. Our first animal companion ;p

Read the book. No need to get in trouble right off. There is no write-in option or I would suggest assassinate Jar-Jar.

[] To Find out who Killed Qui-gon and Obi-wan? (+2000XP, +1 CP)
[] To Check on your family? (+2,000, +1CP)

These two since they are part of the investigation plot. Also I want to know what happened with Anakin's family.
The political marriage between an elected Human Queen and a Gungan King is actually kind of an awesome way to deal with the many issues of those races. I mean IRL we don't elect the Queens/Kings, so why not? It's a smart way to bridge the gap between their people and should it continue as a new tradition started by Padme it could prove successful.

Also why do people want the bunny?