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Welcome to Petri. Where civilization exists as tiny dots in an inhospitable wasteland. A world where soul-binding contracts with gods are as common as a university education. Live and thrive, or else. Inspired by Storryeater's Merchants of Divinity.
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The year is 999.M41. Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them. How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood. At least, they did so until now. Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them. To glory or doom.
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Your 15th birthday was the worst day ever. A cuddly creature promised you: you can make this better. You can change your mother's fate-- your fate, if you so desire. Can you outrun this? Have you (the reader) ever wondered how another culture would handle the lich and witch bomb? You can read about this and more in Serai Lane's continuing existential crisis Happy Birthday to You!
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Nine days out from Sozin’s Comet, you—Princess Azula of the Fire Nation—find yourself staring down betrayal at the Boiling Rock. Again. Because the thing is, you’ve been here before. And before. And before. And no matter what you do from here on out, it always seems to end the same: you lose everything on the one day you are more powerful than you will ever be again. Your only hope is that maybe this time will be different. (Will it?)
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Victoria Falls The world wakes from a fever dream into a nightmare. Try to find your feet in a devastated North America and find a way to end the dream for good.
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TERMINUS QUEST The cesspit of the galaxy. The lawless frontier. The dark edge of civilization...
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Dragon Ball: After the End Centuries after Earth fell, the survivors' descendants are still only barely coming to their feet. On their new, hidden homeworld of Garenhuld, Kakara, the young heir to one of the two royal houses, must find her place as her society approaches a period of renewed turmoil.
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The misadventures of Loyal List, Queen Nightmare Moon's most loyal cultist subject. For Her Moon to rise, the Sun must first fall, and it is your destiny to help that descent.
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You are all fractured minds from eons of torment, unleashed upon The City in a unique body. Figure out how to organize yourselves and achieve your goals of taking over The City from the false gods that rule it with impunity.
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The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and within every man, woman and child lurks a phenomenon that can transform men into monsters: the Catalyst. You assume the role of Father Richard Anscham, leader of the Church of Mercy, and it is your...
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A Demon Pillar on a quest to discover the meaning of Golden!
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Welcome to the Backstreets. You're a humble prosthetics tech trying to track down Something you've lost. It might be intangible, it might be conceptual, it might be a real object or a person, but it's important to you. Featuring encounters with the two rival workshops in the area, Thumb enforcers, and the local Distortion.
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Bienvenue à Paris! Join Thérèse Auclair, a surveyor for the French Army, in her romp around France during the Napoleonic Era! Vive la Révolution! Vive la République! Vive la France!
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A young prince attempts to reach immortality in a dangerous Xianxia world. Can he survive the treacherous world of politics and brave the myriad of dangers that plague the Five Elements continent?
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The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and within every man, woman and child lurks a phenomenon that can transform men into monsters: the Catalyst. You assume the role of Father Richard Anscham, leader of the Church of Mercy, and it is your...
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The year is 606, and in your home— the country of Corcaea— the souls of mankind belong to demons. Catalyst Quest is a dark fantasy epic that follows the adventures of a compassionate, self-sacrificing priest warped by divine power. In this original, apocalyptic setting, the Gods are real, and within every man, woman and child lurks a phenomenon that can transform men into monsters: the Catalyst. You assume the role of Father Richard Anscham, leader of the Church of Mercy, and it is your...
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Alternative title: How to overthrow corrupt capitalist corporations for the good of society and simple sanity Decades after the Faunus Rights Revolution, saying that you're a Faunus on Remnant is still an admission to being a second-class citizen. Blake Belladonna would like to change that even if the White Fang's recent pivot toward violence may yet make it far more difficult than it needs to be. Those in power are not in her favor, the general public doesn't yet care enough to exert...
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The year is Federation Calendar 490, and a great peace reigns throughout the world of Modun. It has been five years since the last great war between the nation-states of Modun, and a time of rebuilding and recuperation has just slowed down. Borders are now permeable to trade and diplomatic ties between the three great nations - the Goliatun Necessity, the Iliad Federation, and the Beliale Hegemony - have been opened. Each nation, however, protects its secrets, strengths, and weaknesses...
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In his youth, Opernus Prentigold was one of the mightiest wizards in the Sambian Empire...
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To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods? For Romans in Rome's quarrel spared neither land nor gold, Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, in the brave days of old.
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Be the planeswalking magical girl! Explore new worlds! Practice healthy self-immolation! Learn all the magic! Deal with the irritating crises before you! (slowly deal with your issues)
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Assigned to build a prison colony on the wild frontiers of the empire, General Lothar Vanrich must fight with a hostile court, unreliable allies, the unwilling settlers under his command and even the land itself. All to mine the precious adamant that the realm needs to beat back the many enemies from without, while power hungry courtiers tear it apart from within.
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Cadia has stood for millennia, unbroken before a dozen enemy sieges and countless battles even as it stands in the face of the Eye of Terror itself. Countless Guardsmen breathed their last upon it's surface, the planet's orbit is little more than a vast graveyard for the fleets that have fallen in it's defense, and yet the God Emperor's blessing seems to lay heavy on Cadia for it still stands. Reincarnated two centuries before the 13th Black Crusade, a cultivator lacking in talent begins...
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Welcome one and all to Man and Mountain, A Xianxia/Cultivation Quest. Guide Xiao Fang a young slave, through the treacherous 5 Rings Continent. Born into a world where might makes right, she must survive all the while bitterly cultivating to reach Immortality.
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'An army marches on its stomach.' True. A well oiled machine that is the army needs to be...
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"Ask not for whom war comes... It comes for thee."
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An unusually short post, but hey, it's chargen. Sitting in the back of a car, you try to keep...
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What's this? Oh, an index of your experiences after you fell into the vat? Well, I guess that'll have to be organized for you, won't it? ALFRED!
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You're Sugar, Sugar Honey that is! You live in the wonderful town of Seven Bridges and your life is just great! As great as it can be in the ruins of overgrown Alien Ecumenopolis, anyhow!
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First time doing this, I’m sorry if I broke something. Massive spoiler warning for Persona 5’s...
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