• where you watching LegendOfTotalWar's stream earlier today :)? Or was it someone else with the same username and a similar-looking portrait?
    same, I'm not watching 6 hours+ streams. It was just funny seeing you there
    Total War: Warhammer 2 is one of my favourite games and I've recently been playing the Rakarth FLC. I don't play on Legendary difficulty, but I find that most of Legend's tips on how to cheese the game are applicable on any difficulty.
    I've never actually played a TW game (and it's not as if my current PC could run TW:W2 anyway), but I enjoy his streams and videos (and also because I like Warhammer).
    I just read AHMIY and TTPahMT. Your writing is breathtaking. It's been a while since I felt so invested in characters.

    I truly hope you'll continue eventually, but I understand that sometimes we need breaks.
    Thank you very much. It's good to know that someone is still reading and enjoying my older works on this board. (Heh, any particular favourite characters?)

    After I finish my time travel quest, my next big project will be a full-length novel set in the world of AHMIY and TTPaHMT. That's the plan, anyway.
    Hedge - also Elys, Kyrina, and Teryn.

    And, to be honest, most of the others on our side.
    By the way, your message gave me the encouragement I needed to finish off TTPaHMT. (Don't worry, though, Elys's adventures will continue in a new quest which I'm currently planning. For her, life goes on.)

    Please check out the latest updates to TTPaHMT if you have time!
    Is everything okay?
    Hey. Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired and busy at work. Kinda got out of the habit of writing. I guess I'm taking a break.
    Ah, I see. I'm glad you're okay and I hope your work goes well.
    Are you doing alright?
    I'm okay. I'm just tired from work and struggling to get back into things on this site.
    Ah, I see. I'm glad you're doing okay and I hope your work lets up soon.
    Ugh. I just lost 7500 words, over a week's work, because I got impatient with my computer's crappy performance and didn't save properly.
    As you've probably realised from the fact that I haven't updated in a while, my quests are currently on hiatus.
    I'm having a hard time at work right now, so I don't have time for writing. Still, I hope to start up again at the end of the school term.
    Ah jeez, sorry to hear that. Hope your work gets better soon.
    Hey, thanks. I've updated Tinpot Princess and drafted a few more updates as well. But I've still got a couple of weeks before the summer and work is still quite hectic, so I'm not back to my usual writing speed just yet.
    I had a weird dream, and I think you were in it for some weird reason? I can't remember the specifics, but for some random reason you...like, this is where it gets weird. There was some Quest and the protagonist was being offered marriage by some sort of goddess or something?
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    And for some insane reason you were not making it a vote and just asking me to decide because you were bored/wanted to mix things up or something? It made no sense, and yet I had the impression that it was you even though your name was never mentioned.

    ...you started a new Quest? I'd tell you you were mad, if I hadn't done the same thing in the last week...and I think I even considered putting the same tag you did about insanity?
    Terminus Est is basically my homage to Chrono Trigger, but there's quite a lot of Planescape: Torment and Final Fantasy in there as well. I've added "JRPG Quest" to the title, but it's probably closer to my wrongheaded idea of what JRPGs are like than the reality.
    Yeah, I know Planescape: Torment isn't a JRPG, but no matter what I write these days it seems to come out flavoured with Planescape: Torment. :-/
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    I used to be able to get all the video game references and know all the games, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Yo, you okay?
    Yeah, I'm OK. I've been a bit depressed this winter. 'Tis the season, I'm afraid. But I'm OK.
    I'm glad to hear you're doing alright; I know how much of a bitch depression can be to deal with. I know I'm a rando on the internet but if you ever feel like you need to talk, just message me, yeah?
    Thank you.
    Last week, I deleted all my fanfics. I felt like... what's the point? Why bother?
    The whole point of my Worm one-shot was that it was a riff on becuzitwrong's 'Memories of Iron', which at the time was one of my favourite fanfics. The plot of the RWBY one-shot was more like 'Torchwick meets the Corinthian and tries to persuade him not to kill him'. And I've never seen Granite Flats.
    I highly recommend it. Good acting, clever plotting, squeaky clean, and by Season Two I could point to almost any of the characters and say "if this were any other show, they'd be my favorite character". It's great.
    I also recommend https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3337074/1/I-m-Here-to-Help, because it's one of my favorites and saying much more would be spoilers.
    Well, thank you for the recommendations.
    Have you ever felt the desire to retcon a portion of your Quest? Because I feel like I might have made a big mistake at some point...well, it's talked about in the KCS thread, honestly.
    I had a moment of panic when Nevill started asking questions like "so what did the Fates actually do that was different from the process of creating elves?" and poking holes in Tavi's story. However, I'd planned from the start that Tavi would be a somewhat unreliable source of information, so when I needed to clarify what the Fates were trying to do, all I had to do was refer back to my notes.
    Anyway, I deliberately include a certain amount of lies and misinformation in what the Hedge Maze God is told by NPCs, partly because it's more realistic that way (NPCs aren't infallible), partly because I like to keep my readers thinking, and partly so that if I ever make a mistake I can say "Who told you that? Well, that NPC was wrong or lying."
    I saw the post you want/ed to retcon and I didn't have a problem with it. I thought it was pretty clear that some kind of mind whammy was going on, either because Blue was using her powers to manipulate people's emotions, or because Rose isn't quite right in the head. Or both. Try not to worry about it. You can't please everyone all the time. (I wish I could take my own advice here, but I'm a bit thin-skinned.)
    I admit, I feel really weird with the latest thing to vote on in KCS. o.o

    But they did vote for Striking Looks 4.
    Really not sure what to say. I'm more interested in the unfolding mystery and subtle horror of KCS than on prettifying the main character, so I'm staying out of it.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Fair enough. Next update will be interesting with the Goblin Market.

    It's not something I really planned on, Striking Looks 4. :p

    However, note: subtle body horror ahoy!
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Because when your body starts changing to become more 'attractive' and you're a changeling, what it actually means is 'I'm losing myself.'

    It's why I'm halfway hoping an option that changes her a lot wins. :p
    Also, just to note, I retconned the Oathbound into the Talebound because I liked the name better and it fit the theme. That's one of, like, two-three retcons the series has had. *blushes*
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Huh, well that is true. Also, how do you feel about Six'un and that stuff? *checks to see what you've read*

    And the robot thing with the Wyrd-hearts. I've been waiting to reveal that for a while.

    ...One day the voters will know the name: Angel Scorpion. Also known as Angie.
    I dunno. He has excellent stats, but I can't remember him doing very much.

    And I guess the Wyrd-hearts weren't much of a surprise to me because I'm not a WoD player and I had no preconceived notions of what Changelings could/couldn't do with their glitzy technology.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Still, robots! Yay. I am, to note, slightly out of it tonight. But glad that people are reading and liking :)
    Wow, that's a surprising dedication to read through every post in the changeling quest. I mean, most people just skim the story posts as far as I can tell. It's what I usually do when I join a quest. Not that I'm complaining given the sheer amount of likes you're giving me.
    I don't play any of the World of Darkness RPGs and I don't know much about Changeling: The Lost, so my reading the non-story posts has helped me to understand the context.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    I see that you're up to Black Magic Woman, in which Asha finally comes slightly into the light. I sorta liked the pun of the title of this set, even though it's a lame one. :p
    Watching you go through it is so, it's like, I'm just waiting for reactions and watching it all happen.

    What did you think of the vampire fight/situation?

    ...also, you will soon meet a very, very interesting character.
    It was quick and brutal and confusing - I had to reread it to make sure I understood what was happening - which I suppose is an accurate representation of how a fight would go down in real life. Nice job!
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Also, Phoenix Wright makes everything better.
    Started reading Kansas City Shuffle earlier today. I'm finding it very interesting so far. I like the sinister fairytale aesthetic, though I've never really looked into Changeling: The Lost before.
    Thanks for the likes on The Knights Errant, I'm glad you enjoy it :)
    I only just started reading and you have quite a lot of content there already. It'll take me some time to comment.
    That's cool, the mere interest is flattering, thank you :)
    Have you perchance read Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell?
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    Ah. At some point while reading Hedge Maze, I suddenly felt that there were a bunch of shared themes and writing styles with the best of that book. Admittedly, if I read more fantasy, I'm sure that I would find a bunch of other similar books too. ^_^
    The biggest influence on my writing style is probably Terry Pratchett. And there are a lot of themes in his Discworld books that I've found myself using in my own writing. I love Terry Pratchett's books.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    D'oh, forgot about that. Yeah, benefits of that definitely do bleed through.
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