You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Secret: Sibling (Reed Richards)- Unbeknownst to all of the world and even Dora herself, Dora is a half-sister of Reed Richards from another universe, No one knows how she got here, or what happened to her universe, all anyone knows is that, nothing bad has happened to her yet.
Reading your updates requires me to look at every suspicious spacing I swear.
Legal is now SHIELD's hired lawyer.
(Once per turn, +15 to an action where a lawyer's presence would help)
This is the moment where having a video call is convenient. No need to waste fuel flying to Washington to speak for 5 minutes.
Special Gaming Interest?
10 +50 (Japanese adult games) = 60
Welcome to F138
They can't keep getting away with this!!

Great update, can we get a mechanical scientist without gacha though?
The Transformers don't have that level of FTL comms.
Or at least not anymore, civilization ending wars are bad for infrastructure.

can't keep getting away with this!!
Blame my editors dice not mine.

Great update, can we get a mechanical scientist without gacha though?
I will keep it in mind when the next turn is up.

convenient. No need to waste fuel flying to Washington to speak for 5 minutes.
Nick: Most of our meetings are over the

Reading your updates requires me to look at every suspicious spacing I swear.
I mean it was Ed's idea to slowly build up a story arc like this.

And I'm enjoying it so far.

the kidnapping happen yet?
That happened in 88.
Rip too late, next chance probably to caught those Alien Shapeshifters or maybe we can somehow reverse engineer Quantumm physic enough to create Quantum entanglement which lead to FTL com. I mean that thing lead to time travel I won't put it lightly that it won't be capable of FTL com.
Ok, while I like that we finally got a robot model, the Sentinel Mark X isn't something that I would call ideal. This model should be only used for when the problem is extremely serious, as in the type of problem that requires a heavy hitter. What I would have prefered is the Past model of the Sentinel, as that type of model would probably be more suited for padding the numbers. Basically the type of robot that you send in for a variety of issues, and as back up for human agents/soldiers operating on the ground. But the fact that this model uses vibranium and is the final prototype means that production of this model will be expensive, enough that it needs to be saved for situations that require a heavy hitter. Something like a Kaiju, or a rampaging hulk.

Thank christ this thing doesn't have the mutant hunting software. Otherwise, we'd already be one step closer to another AM situation. An AI only built to kill is an AI that is destined to hate. I'd rather the Robot be remote operated. Or maybe build something that takes advantage of a telepath's abilities to operate the robot.
Canon Omake: Anya Ryan - The Red Dancer by eboy49
Well, it's past 12 am here, so it's officially Memorial Day.
Time for an omake!!!
Now, while at first glance might be obvious who this is. At the same time, not everything is as it seems. :evil:
After all, Stalin had to make the first red class from somewhere.

The following is an extracted entry from "Echoes of Valor: Heroes of World War II" by Dr. Elliot Randolph

Index for Members of the Howling Commandos:
  1. Steve Rogers
  2. James Buchanan Barnes
  3. Timothy Alloysius Cadwaller
  4. Gabriel Jones
  5. Samuel Sawyer
  6. Percival Pinkerton
  7. James Morita
  8. James Montgomery Falsworth
  9. Jacques Dernier
  10. Jonathan Juniper
  11. James Howlett
  12. Margaret Elizabeth Carter
  13. Anya Ryan
  14. Nicholas Joseph Fury

Anya Ryan - The Red Dancer

Anya Ryan was born on June 18, 1908, in Russia, into a middle-class family that faced tragic devastation during the Russian Revolution. Her family was targeted and killed by Bolshevik forces due to being supporters of the Tsar, but young Anya and her grandmother, Marie Ryan, managed to escape to Paris, France thanks to some connections Marie had.

This marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one that would see her transform from a refugee into a celebrated ballet dancer and later a heroic resistance fighter.

Early Life in Paris, and Performer

In Paris, Anya was raised by her grandmother who emphasized the importance of self-defense, enrolling her in fighting lessons, in fear that any Soviet sympathizers would be after them. Alongside her physical training, Anya was drawn to the arts, particularly ballet and singing. Her talents flourished under the tutelage of some of Paris's finest instructors, and by the 1930s, she had become a global icon of the performing arts, performing all over the world.

Her two most famous songs, written by herself; are 'Journey to the Past' and 'Once a Upon a December'.

Last, rare colored photo of Anya Ryan performing on stage, as Cinderella; before the start of WW2. (9-3-1939)

World War II and the French Resistance

With the onset of World War II and the invasion of France by German forces, Anya chose a path of resistance rather than fleeing to safety, which she could have done with her influence and wealth. She became a vital member of the French Resistance, leveraging her skills in stealth and combat to undertake numerous successful missions against the occupiers. Her effectiveness as an operative drew the attention of enemy forces, and in 1943, she was captured by HYDRA, the nefarious branch of the Nazi regime specializing in advanced weaponry and experimental science.

Captivity and Liberation

Anya endured harsh conditions in a HYDRA facility until November 3, 1943, when she was liberated by Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. Impressed by her bravery and skills, Rogers invited her to join his specialized combat team, the Howling Commandos. Alongside Margaret Carter, Anya became one of the only two female members of this elite group, participating in crucial missions that significantly impacted the Allied war effort. She would get the nickname of 'Red Dancer'.

Anya Ryan as a member of the Howling Commandos. (1-18-1945)

Disappearance and Legacy

Anya's wartime contributions reached conclusion in March 1945 during an assault on HYDRA Headquarters. It is noted that she and Margaret were the last people to be with Steve Rogers before his death, as the two stole a HYDRA car and proceeded to drive him toward the HYDRA super plane Valkyrie.

But then, just as the two were about to go reunite with the rest of the Commandos, a surviving HYDRA agent appeared and before Anya killed him, the agent shot Margaret, lethally wounding her.

Luckily, Anya managed to carry Margaret to the Army doctors in the captured base for them to operate. When the doctors told the surviving Commandoes that Margaret needed blooded, Anya donated her own blood, saving her friend's life, though she did fell unconscious after the act.

However, the next day; shock came when it was discovered that Anya was not there anymore.

An extensive search was conducted but there was no trace of her anywhere.

Her disappearance has sparked numerous theories and investigations, but her exact fate remains unknown, her official status as missing in action and the third casualty the Commandos would have. She was posthumously given the Legion of Honour award for her actions.

Till these day, she serves as a brave example of the rare women who participated and impacted history in mankind's deadliest war.
A thought; Peggy Carter is likely still alive, and might not have dementia yet. Meanwhile, we have the SSS and a group of hyper-competent biologists. Is it possible we could 'reactivate' Steve's dance partner? We could use someone with Intrigue as high as she might have.
I have a question can we include other live-action Samuel L Jackson characters that didn't die in their movies?
Robby Jackson a CIA agent/Navy pilot from Patriot Games
Greg Meeker an FBI agent from White Sands
Jules Winnfield a hitman from Pulp Fiction
Dr. Harry Adams a mathematician from Sphere
Lt. Danny Roman a police negotiator from The Negotiator
Col. Terry L Childers a Marine officer From Rules of Engagement
John Shaft NYPD detective from Shaft
Elijah Price / Mr Glass a supervillain from Unbreakable
Elmo McElroy a pharmacologist from The 51ST State
Agent Augustus Gibbons an NSA Agent from XXX
Jack Friar a police detective from No Good Deed
Nathan West a Master Sergeant Ranger trainer from Basic
Hondo Harrelson LAPD Sergeant SWAT team leader from S.W.A.T
Langston Whitfield a Journalist from In My Country
Derrick Vann ATF Agent from The Man
Lorenzo Council a police detective from Freedomland
Agent Neville Flynn FBI agent from Snake on a Plane
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. William Marsh a Doctor/soldier from Home of the Brave
Tom Cutler a former police detective/crime scene clearer from Cleaner
Agent Roland Cox idk his job title but he hunts down jumpers who can teleport from Jumpers
Paul a Lawyer head of a law firm from Mother and Child

Henry Harold Humphries a CIA interrogator from Unthinkable
Darius Kincaid a Hitman from The Hitman Bodyguard
Marcus Bank a Police Detective from Spiral From Book of Saw

Last edited:
A thought; Peggy Carter is likely still alive, and might not have dementia yet. Meanwhile, we have the SSS and a group of hyper-competent biologists. Is it possible we could 'reactivate' Steve's dance partner? We could use someone with Intrigue as high as she might have.

Why'd you think Fury was concerned when Aunty M figured who we found?

Also that's a lot of James in the Commandos.
I have a question can we include other live-action Samuel L Jackson characters that didn't die in their movies?
Robby Jackson a CIA agent/Navy pilot from Patriot Games
Greg Meeker an FBI agent from White Sands
Jules Winnfield a hitman from Pulp Fiction
Dr. Harry Adams a mathematician from Sphere
Lt. Danny Roman a police negotiator from The Negotiator
Col. Terry L Childers a Marine officer From Rules of Engagement
John Shaft NYPD detective from Shaft
Elijah Price / Mr Glass a supervillain from Unbreakable
Elmo McElroy a pharmacologist from The 51ST State
Agent Augustus Gibbons an NSA Agent from XXX
Jack Friar a police detective from No Good Deed
Nathan West a Master Sergeant Ranger trainer from Basic
Hondo Harrelson LAPD Sergeant SWAT team leader from S.W.A.T
Langston Whitfield a Journalist from In My Country
Derrick Vann ATF Agent from The Man
Lorenzo Council a police detective from Freedomland
Agent Neville Flynn FBI agent from Snake on a Plane
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. William Marsh a Doctor/soldier from Home of the Brave
Tom Cutler a former police detective/crime scene clearer from Cleaner
Agent Roland Cox idk his job title but he hunts down jumpers who can teleport from Jumpers
Paul a Lawyer head of a law firm from Mother and Child

Henry Harold Humphries a CIA interrogator from Unthinkable
Darius Kincaid a Hitman from The Hitman Bodyguard
Marcus Bank a Police Detective from Spiral From Book of Saw

I think at a certain point you're going to hit the "motherfucker" singularity where if you get any three of them in a room that becomes the only word spoken although they all understand all of the nuances and can communicate whole sentences to each other and only each other.

Shoot, that sounds perfect for an intelligence agency.