You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Well really the key to deal with mutant problem is actually treat the x-gene as it is with all it's inherent blessing and dangers rather than a stand in to real wrold minority status.

Now really on a more happy note, How long until Dora realize she can fly to space, meaning she can make he own project way cheaper?
I just found this Quest and it's been really fun to read, The Dice Gods are really crazy here man it's not normal to have so many Nat Fails cancelled because the saving Rolls was a Nat Crits, And the best part is that we have Transformers here alongside G.I Joe! I love Transformers Bayverse, that saga was my childhood man and unfortunately finding good fics about them is hard (a bit like Bayonetta and Devil May Cry)

I can't wait for the Minicons and Combinebots to arrive so we can create our own, that's going to be so much fun!

By the way Cyber, I remember that Invincible and Power Ranger/Super Sentai had a crossover with Marvel (or was it DC?) will they be here?
I was going to comment on Japan.
However, there are more Japan characters, than Chinese.



I've not rooted through japan, but this does show the whole japan has enough supers. If you want me to root through a country just ask, I'd be happy to oblige.
Turn 7 Results (July 2000), PART 3 New
Turn 7 Results (July 2000), PART 3:

[]Test out the Combat Jackets:

'Action related rolls below'

(Fury POV)

Testing out the prototypes of Flagg's "Combat Jacket" was proving to be more challenging than you had anticipated—especially for some members of your team.

"It looks weird." Maria remarked, eyeing one of the prototypes with a raised eyebrow. "It's like that old mech from Aliens had had dwarfism."

"Maybe Flagg's team decided to use that as their inspiration." Phil replied with a smirk.

"Would've been better if they took a few pointers from ExoSquad instead." Dora chimed in, her arms crossed as she scrutinized the exoskeleton.

"Let's just hope these things work as advertised." Duke muttered, a hint of skepticism in his voice as he glanced at the powered frames lined up in the testing area.

"Well, at least the undersuit we have to wear to operate these things is comfortable." Phil added, gesturing to his sleek, black full-body suit. He stretched his arms, appreciating the suit's flexible material.

"I'm still not entirely convinced." Lara interjected, frowning slightly. "Sure, it feels nice to wear, but I have some questions about the design of the female version." She crossed her arms, the undersuit emphasizing her figure in ways that seemed more aesthetic than practical.

You looked around at the group, noting that everyone—except for the pregnant women—wore the undersuits, even those who weren't planning to participate in testing the jackets. It was an odd sight: the male undersuits were solid black, covering them from neck to toe. The female version, however, left the arms and shoulders exposed, adding a slight variation that was hard to ignore.

When you first saw the suits, you had expected them to be cumbersome and uncomfortable, but after wearing one for about an hour, you found it surprisingly pleasant. The material was breathable, form-fitting, and supportive. It made you wonder if these suits could even serve as part of the official SHIELD uniform—practical, yet undeniably eye-catching.

Still, you couldn't help but share Lara's curiosity about the design choices for the female suits. The cut and fit seemed like they were meant to catch the eye rather than offer any tactical advantage. You made a mental note to read the development notes on this later.

"So, who wants to go first?" Maria asked, her voice cutting through the group's murmurs.

"NOT IT!" The chorus was immediate, each potential tester shouting the phrase in perfect unison. Phil, caught off guard, was the only one who hadn't spoken up.

He sighed heavily, running a hand over his face as he realized what this meant. "Fuck." He muttered, resigned to his fate as the first guinea pig for the new gear. The rest of the group chuckled, offering him a mix of encouragement and mock sympathy as he prepared for the challenge ahead.


Philip Coulson:

"Come on, Phil, use your legs, not your back!" You called out as Phil struggled, straining under the weight of the combat jacket.

"Did you even turn it on?" Maria asked, glancing at her notes with a hint of frustration.

"Yes, it's on! It's just too heavy to move in." Phil shouted back, his voice strained with the effort.

"What do mean it's heavy? I seen you lift stuff heavier than this." You told him.

"I don't know, it's like the servos are getting locked up and stalling." He said back.

"Then keep trying to move, and be careful with—" Maria started, but her words were cut short as Phil stumbled forward, losing his balance. In his fall, he accidentally triggered a grenade launcher built into the jacket's left shoulder. The grenade shot out, hit the wall, and then rolled to a stop near Steve, who had been observing the test from the side.

Steve bent down, picking up the inert blue colored grenade, holding it gingerly in his right hand. He let out a relieved sigh. "We are incredibly lucky we switched to practice rounds before starting this." He said, his tone laced with exasperation.

"Sorry." Phil mumbled, his voice muffled as he lay face down on the ground, struggling to lift himself back up.


Carl 'Luke' Earl Lucas:

Luke adjusted his grip on the massive steel doorframe, easily holding it aloft with both hands. The servos of the Combat Jacket whirred and hummed as he shifted his stance, the powered limbs amplifying his movements with precision.

"Damn, this thing works." He said with a grin, effortlessly keeping the weight balanced.

"Sure does." You said from your position.

Luke glanced over at the group, sweat beading on his forehead but a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, can I put this down? I don't want to drop it on my toes." He joked, but there was a serious undertone in his voice as he braced himself to lower the heavy frame gently.

You nodded, gesturing toward an open space. "Right there is fine. Take it easy."

With a careful motion, Luke eased the doorframe down, the enhanced strength of the Combat Jacket allowing him to place it gently onto the concrete floor. Once the weight was safely out of his hands, he took a few steps back, letting out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

Maria stepped forward, her ever-present clipboard in hand. "All right, Lucas, now let's evaluate the integrated weapons system. Target the doorframe you just set down and open fire." She instructed, her tone firm but curious, eager to see how the suit's combat capabilities would hold up.

Luke rolled his shoulders, adjusting the Combat Jacket's fit before raising his right arm. The suit's integrated assault rifle came to life, unfolding smoothly from the forearm. He took aim, the targeting system inside the helmet's HUD syncing with his sightline, and pulled the trigger.

A rapid burst of gunfire erupted from the rifle, the sound amplified by the quiet testing grounds. The bullets struck the doorframe with pinpoint accuracy, punching holes cleanly through the thick metal.

Maria scribbled a few notes as she watched, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Very impressive. The aiming system's auto-correction seems to be functioning well. How's the recoil, Luke?"

Luke lowered his arm, giving it a flex as he rolled his wrist. "It's almost non-existent. The suit absorbs most of it, so I barely feel a kickback. Feels like shooting a toy gun, only this one packs a hell of a punch."

You nodded, satisfied with the results so far. "Good work, Luke. Take a breather, and we'll run through the mobility tests next."

Luke gave a thumbs-up.


Clay Quartermain:

As Clay stepped up to take his turn with the Combat Jacket, he exuded a confident air, cracking his knuckles and rolling his shoulders as if preparing for a sparring match. The group watched, a mixture of amusement and curiosity on their faces.

"All right, Clay, your turn." Maria said, jotting down a few notes before looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Just remember, the movement amplification takes a bit of getting used to. Start slow and steady."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Clay replied with a grin, his usual cockiness shining through. He activated the suit, feeling the sudden surge of power as the exoskeleton hummed to life around him. The HUD lit up, showing diagnostics and movement feedback. Clay took a tentative step, and then another, adjusting to the extra power in his legs.

But confidence quickly gave way to chaos.

With a sudden lurch, Clay tried to walk forward, but the suit's enhanced power propelled him far faster than he expected. He stumbled, nearly toppling over before catching himself—only to overcorrect and crash shoulder-first into the concrete wall. The impact reverberated through the training room, and the sound of clanging metal filled the air.

"Whoa, easy there, Clay!" You called out, but it was too late.

Clay pushed himself off the wall, gritting his teeth and attempting to regain his footing. He tried to slow down, but as he took another step, the suit's acceleration systems kicked in again, sending him careening forward. His legs moved faster than his upper body could compensate for, and he tumbled to the ground, landing hard on his side with a metallic thud.

"Damn it!" He grunted, struggling to get back up as the servos whined under the sudden shifts in motion. He managed to stand, only to lose balance again when he tried to move more cautiously. This time, the suit shot him sideways, and he collided with another wall, the reinforced metal of the Combat Jacket clanging against the steel barrier.

By now, the rest of the team could barely contain their laughter, while Maria put a hand to her forehead, trying to maintain her professional demeanor despite the spectacle.

"Slow it down, Clay!" Maria called, trying to keep her voice steady. "You have to ease into the movement! The suit magnifies every step you take, remember?"

Clay, winded and frustrated, raised a hand in acknowledgment. "Yeah, yeah, I got it." He muttered, though his tone suggested he was far from convinced. He planted his feet more firmly, taking a deep breath before trying once more. But even with his attempts to keep control, the suit's strength kept throwing him off balance. A simple step forward turned into a stumbling sprint that ended with him face-planting into the floor.

"Clay you alright?" You asked him.

"Okay." He muffled.

"Maybe we should tone down the speed settings before he breaks the whole place." Duke remarked. The others nodded in agreement, while you glanced at Maria, considering the adjustment.



Nick Fury Jr. and Nick Fury Sr.:

The hum of the Combat Jacket's servos was still fresh in my ears as you walked alongside dad through the corridors of the Helicarrier. We had just finished pushing the Jackets to their limits on the ship's exterior deck, putting them through speed and agility drills. No surprise, both of you had gotten the hang of the suits quickly, gliding across the track like a couple of veterans.

Now, it was time for a different kind of test.

As we approached the gun range, the targets stood waiting: wooden dummies clad in faded old HYDRA uniforms that dad got from somewhere.

"Ready for this, old man?" You asked, glancing sideways at him as we both lined up at our respective positions. The range had been cleared for this test, leaving only the two of us, Maria and the rest of the team were monitoring from the control booth.

He gave me a sideways smirk, adjusting the targeting interface inside his helmet. "I was born ready, kid. Question is, can you keep up?"

Before you could respond, Duke's voice echoed across the range, cutting through the banter. "Heads up, everyone! Live ammo is about to be fired!"

You raised your arm, the Combat Jacket's integrated assault rifle locking into place. My HUD flashed the target outline over the dummy, feeding me real-time data on distance and optimal shot placement.

With a steady breath, you squeezed the trigger. The first shot tore through the dummy's chest, splintering the old wood and sending bits of HYDRA-green fabric flying. The second shot followed suit, punching a hole right beside the first one. You then shifted your aim upward, and the third shot drilled through the dummy's head, splitting it cleanly in half. The headless remains of the target wobbled for a moment before collapsing to the ground.

"Nice grouping, son." Dad remarked, sounding almost impressed. "But let's see how you handle this."

He turned to his own target, the auto-cannon on his right shoulder whirring to life. The thing had more power than a tank's turret, and the moment he activated it, the air thrummed with the sound of the rotating barrel. With a single pull of the trigger, he unleashed a short burst.

The effect was instantaneous. The auto-cannon's explosive rounds tore through the wooden dummy like a sledgehammer through wet cardboard. Splinters and shredded fabric flew everywhere as the dummy disintegrated, a cloud of debris lingering in the air where it had once stood. A few seconds later, nothing remained of his target but a smoldering pile of shattered wood and tattered HYDRA insignia.

Dad turned to me, a smug grin spreading across his face beneath his helmet. "Looks like I won, kid."

You lowered your arm, the assault rifle folding back into the Jacket's side as you surveyed the wreckage. Your own target was still in one piece, well, mostly, but his was obliterated beyond recognition. You narrowed your eye, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Yeah, but you used the auto-cannon!" You shot back, feeling the frustration bubbling up. "That's hardly fair. I thought we were sticking to the same weapons."

Dad chuckled, taking his helmet off and tucking it under his arm, revealing that familiar, irritatingly confident expression. "We never said which weapons from the Jacket we had to use, Junior. You assumed we would stick to the arm rifle. That's on you."

You clenched your jaw, trying not to let your irritation show in front of the onlookers. "You knew exactly what you were doing, old man." You muttered, not bothering to hide the grumble in your voice. "You always pull this kind of stunt."

He just clapped you on the shoulder, the heavy thud of the exoskeleton making the motion resonate through the suit. "Lesson number one, son: never make assumptions in a fight. Always use the best tool for the job."

You sighed, knowing you could not argue with that logic, even if it felt like a cheap move. "Yeah, yeah, I'll keep that in mind." You muttered, shaking your head as you glanced at the wreckage of both targets. You couldn't help but let a smirk creep onto your face despite the loss.



Conrad S. Hauser (Duke) and Steve Rogers:

You lean against the railing, arms crossed over your chest, watching the two figures in the center of the training area: Steve and Duke, each clad in a Combat Jacket, but with all the integrated weapon systems stripped away.

This was a match to see how the Jacket fares when being used in a physical fight between Enhanced.

So far both Steve and Duke had demonstrated at having a rather unique aptitude in using their Jackets as they dominated all the previous tests with ease.

At first, the battle is evenly matched. Each man moves with a speed and precision that almost makes you forget they're wearing those bulky Jackets. Their blows land with the force of sledgehammers, but the Jackets take the punishment as both fighters were only targeting places where there was armor and not direct skin; dispersing the impact through reinforced plating, specially the ones that land on the helmets.

Every punch that lands is met with a counter, every grapple answered with a reversal. For the first few minutes, they move like mirror images of each other, circling and clashing in a dance of brute force.

But after the five-minute mark, you notice a shift in the flow of the fight. Steve's movements start to become sharper, more precise. Where Duke's strikes begin to grow heavy and just a fraction slower, Steve's stay quick and controlled, his footwork showing the years of battle experience he carries. He slips under one of Duke's wide swings, twisting his body with a grace that seems impossible in the heavy Jacket, and lands a hard jab to Duke's midsection that sends him stumbling back.

The sound of each impact echoes through the training bay, accompanied by the muffled gasps and cheers from the group watching on the sidelines. Maria is furiously taking notes on her clipboard, and you can see Luke and Phil exchanging whispers as they watch the fight unfold. Even dad seems interested, a keen look in his eye as Steve slowly begins to dominate the match.

It's not long before Steve has Duke on the ropes. A perfectly timed leg sweep takes Duke off balance, and Steve follows up with a shoulder charge that knocks him flat on his back. Duke tries to roll out of the way, but Steve is already there, pinning him down. He raises his right mechanized fist, holding it just above Duke's covered face—a signal that, if this were a real fight, it would be over.

"All right, all right, I yield!" Duke pants, lifting a hand in defeat. Steve releases his hold, stepping back as Duke slowly gets to his feet, as he takes off his helmet, throwing it on the floor as he rubs his jaw where he felt the last punch. The training area rings with a mix of groans and cheers from the onlookers as the outcome settles in.

"That's my boy!" You call out with a grin, crossing the room to collect your winnings. A few of the others shoot you sour looks, but you can't help the smirk on your face. "What did I tell you all? Never bet against Captain America."

Lara shakes her head, dropping a few bills into your hand. "Yeah, yeah, rub it in, Nick. We get it. You called it."

"You're just lucky you went with the safe bet." Maria mutters, handing over her share as well.

You shrug, pocketing the money with a smirk. "Maybe. But Steve's got more than just strength. He's got experience, and you can't buy that."

Duke, now back on his feet and adjusting his Combat Jacket, shoots a mock glare at Steve. "I honestly though I had a chance, specially without your shield; but damn if it hurts. If this was before I got enhanced, I might as well have been a pancake."

Steve walks over after having taken off his helmet, catching his breath but with that trademark, easy-going smile on his face. "Good fight, Duke. You had me working for it."

Duke chuckles, giving Steve a good-natured slap on the shoulder, the sound of metal meeting metal echoing through the bay. "Yeah, well, next time, I won't go so easy on you."

"You wish." Steve replied back.


Lara Croft-DeMornay and Madelyne Pryor:

You stand at the finish line of the obstacle course, arms crossed as the group gathers to watch Lara sprint toward the end. The course, designed by your dad; sprawls across the top deck of the Helicarrier, a brutal mix of obstacles that even the most seasoned agents would struggle to complete.

Sr. had put together the most grueling challenges he could imagine, steep climbs, narrow balancing beams, and walls too high for a normal person to jump without some serious assistance.

But that's the point: they're here to test how fast someone wearing the Combat Jacket can navigate through it.

Lara powers through the final stretch, her Jacket whirring as she vaults over the last hurdle and skids to a halt as Maria checks the stopwatch.

"Four minutes, thirty-nine seconds." Maria calls out. "Not bad, considering you're not Enhanced."

Lara takes off her helmet and wipes some sweat from her forehead, breathing heavily but proud of herself, a grin on her face.

As Lara catches her breath, Maria turns her attention to Maddie, who's up next. "All right, Maddie. Your turn."

Maddie smirks, shooting a playful glance at Lara. "I'm going to crush your time." She teases as she puts on her helmet.

Lara chuckles and shakes her head, hands on her hips. "You wish."

Maddie strolls to the starting line, stretching her arms and shaking her head like this was going to be a breeze. Maria gives her a nod and then shouts, "Go!"

Maddie takes off like a bullet, her Jacket's enhanced strength and speed amplifying every movement. You watch as she tackles each obstacle with ease, bounding over walls and speeding through narrow tunnels like she's done this a thousand times. Her movements are fluid, the Jacket's assistance perfectly tuned to her.

When she finally crosses the finish line, she skids to a stop, barely out of breath.

"Two minutes flat." Maria announces, glancing at the timer. There's an impressed murmur from the group as Maddie takes off her helmet, showing her face with a happy grin.

"Looks like I win," Maddie says as she walks up to Lara. "Told you I'd beat you easily."

Lara chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, rub it in. You know you've got an unfair advantage."

The group watching, already exchanging money from the bets they placed, erupts into laughter. Some cheer for Maddie, others groan at the outcome, but it's all good fun. You can't help but smirk as you collect your own winnings. Betting on Maddie was the safe choice this time.

Maria lets the playful banter continue for a moment, before stepping in to cut through the noise. "All right, enough bickering, ladies. What did you think of the Jackets?"

Lara straightens up, still catching her breath but clearly impressed. "Honestly, it's great. A bit heavy for me, though." She pats her suit. "I'm not Enhanced, so the weight was noticeable, but I managed. Probably because I've spent years hauling heavy equipment on archaeological digs."

Maddie nods in agreement, still grinning from her victory. "For me, it's easy to move around in, probably because I'm Enhanced. Plus, I've got plenty of experience dealing with higher G-forces from flying. The suit barely slowed me down."

Maria takes some notes, looking satisfied. "Good feedback. Anything you didn't like?"

Lara and Maddie exchange a glance, both hesitating for a second. Then, in unison, they both point to their chest area.

"The chest area." Lara says, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah," Maddie adds. "These undersuits... let's just say they emphasize things a bit more than necessary."

You follow their gestures, and out of the corner of your eye, you catch the other men in the group sneaking awkward glances at the rest of the women, all of whom are wearing the same tight-fitting undersuits. They stay silent, looking away quickly, clearly not wanting to touch that subject with a ten-foot pole.

Maria raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "So, the fit is a little too... provocative?" She asks carefully.

Lara shrugs. "A little, yeah. But to be honest, it's not uncomfortable. Just... noticeable."

Maddie nods in agreement. "It's not a big deal. The undersuit feels fine, comfortable, even. It's just a bit awkward, but nothing we can't handle."

There's a collective sigh of relief from the men in the group, who wisely remain quiet. You exchange a glance with Maria, who jots down a few more notes.

"Well, as long as it's comfortable and effective, I think we can live with it." Maria says, giving the women an appreciative nod.



Ford Brody:

You stand near the obstacle field, watching as Ford Brody adjusts his Combat Jacket, the servos humming to life as he tests the movement. The field looms in front of him—a series of complex targets scattered across an area above the underground Helicarrier hangar. Some of the targets are stationary, while others are designed to move unpredictably, making it a challenge even for the most skilled operators as the targets used some complicated algorithm Ray developed for them.

Ford turns to you, his expression serious but determined. "So, what's the plan for this one?"

You give him a nod, stepping closer as you explain the details of his final test. "Your job is to destroy all the targets on the field, using every weapon the Jacket has. Stationery and mobile. The goal is to do it in the least amount of time possible." You said while pointing toward the stopwatch on your hand. "Steve's currently got the record, five minutes and twenty-five seconds. Think you can beat it?"

Ford looks out at the field, giving a slight nod. "I'll try my best." He says as he puts on his helmet.

"Good." You say, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're all watching. Make it count."

The tension builds as Ford moves to the starting line. The group is gathered nearby, chatting among themselves as they anticipate the outcome. You take a step back and give Ford the signal.


Ford gives you a thumbs-up.

"Go!" You shout, and the timer starts.

Ford charges into the field, the Jacket's power amplifying his speed and precision. Immediately, he switches to the arm-mounted assault rifle, taking down the first set of stationary targets with controlled bursts of fire. The shots ring out in rapid succession, each hitting their mark with deadly accuracy while he moves with fluid efficiency.

Before you know it, Ford transitions to the mobile targets, pulling out the shoulder-mounted missile launcher and aiming toward the skies. In one swift motion, he fires a series of missiles, each one striking its target mid-flight, sending debris scattering in the wind.

You glance over at the timer, expecting only a minute or two to have passed, but when you see how quickly he's progressing, it feels like the test is moving in fast forward. The entire group watches in awe, murmurs spreading through the crowd as Ford obliterates each section of the field.

By the time he reaches the final set of targets, thick armored dummies meant to simulate heavy infantry; Ford switches to the heavy auto-cannon mounted on his shoulder. With a roar of firepower, he decimates the dummies, reducing them to smoking piles of debris. The last explosion echoes across the field as Ford comes to a stop.

You quickly glance at the timer, your eyes widening in shock. The numbers blink in red: 1:45

The field is completely destroyed, and Ford stands there, breathing heavily but looking as if he could go another round. The group is stunned into silence, processing what they've just witnessed. Even Steve, who had held the record for so long, seems taken aback, a half-smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Laughter and applause break out from the group as they realize what just happened. "No way!" Ray exclaims, while a few others shake their heads in disbelief.

"That was insane." You said as you looked at Maya, who was also shocked. "Are you sure we did not accidentally made him into an Enhanced?" You asked.

"Nope, he is 100% all natural." Maya said.

You just nodded as you then walked over to Ford. "You just wiped the floor with this course, faster than Steve did. How?"

Ford removes his helmet, running a hand through his hair, a humble smile on his face. "I just… found my rhythm, I guess."

"Rhythm? That was like a wrecking ball." You laugh, clapping him on the back. "Steve, looks like your record's been destroyed."

Steve steps forward, giving Ford an approving nod. "I've got to hand it to you that was something else. Good job, Ford."

Ford shrugs, clearly a little embarrassed by the attention. "Thanks, Steve. I just did what I could."

The group is still buzzing with excitement, bets being settled as some exchange money, while others talk about how Ford's performance was a game-changer. Maria, as usual, is already jotting down notes.

"Well, Ford." You say, as you looked at the wrecked field. "I think we might need to design a new course. You just broke this one."

"I am not getting charged for this right?" Ford jokingly asked.

"Nope." You say back.


How to roll:
1-First name
2-Last name
Roll- 2
Last name order.

Note- Enhanced get +30

Below 50- FAIL
60 to 95- PASS, gain "Power Armor Aspirant" (+10 to combat when using the jacket)
95 beyond- PASS, gain "Power Armor Expert" (+15 to combat when using the jacket)

-Ford Brody= 100
-Philip Coulson= 15+30= 45
-Lara Croft-DeMornay= 69
-Carl 'Luke' Earl Lucas= 63
-Nick Fury Jr.= 34+30= 64
-Nick Fury Sr.= 36+30= 66
-Conrad S. Hauser (Duke)= 80+30= 110
-Steve Rogers= 99+30= 129
-Clay Quartermain= 48
-Madelyne Pryor= 69+30= 99

Does the Jacket need an undersuit:
41 vs 2

Is it comfortable to wear:
+25 (Something to use under an exosuit)
= 69
YEP, it's very comfortable and some are thinking of making it the official uniform.

1-Fallout undersuit
2-Halo undersuit
3-Starship trooper inner suit
4-Metroid Zero Suit
Roll- 3

Testing off Jacket completed.
Potential candidate for SHIELD uniform discovered in the undersuits.

Lara, Carl, Both Furys, and Maddie get: "Power Armor Aspirant"
Steve and Duke get: "Power Armor Expert"

Ford gets unique trait due to NAT 100:
Power Armor Knight (+20 to combat when using jacket, +15 when trying out any mech suit)


[]Extradition Guard Offer
-Squad Alpha
Roll- 1+15(Squad)+10(Equipment)= 26 NAT 1 CRIT FAIL
Fury Sr. Reroll= 97+15(Squad)+10(Equipment) = 122 CRIT

Who attacked:
3-Red Room
4-Ten Rings
Roll- 1

How many Neo-Vipers:
Roll 1d10+2= 3+2= 5

Status of Alpha upon Sr. getting there:
1-2 On the verge of dead
3-4 Injured and unconscious
5-6 Injured and conscious
7-8 Uninjured and still in the fight

End result of Sr vs Neo-Vipers:
1-3 All Vipers escaped
4-5 Some Vipers escaped, others killed
6-8 Some Vipers killed, others captured
9 All Vipers killed
10 All Vipers captured
Roll- 10

Suicide/Destruction protocol:
87 vs 85

How many killed themselves:
Roll 1d5= 5

Any Bodies intact:
47+25 (Protocol)= 72

The Nanomites worked, except for one body.

Status of the prisoner:
1-3 Dead
4-5 Taken
6-7 Safe
Roll- 2

Get Alpha to medical help:
98 vs 15 +25 (On the verge of death)= 40

Alpha is saved by gassing them with SSS.
Alpha is now Enhanced.

"This is a goddamn disaster." Fury Jr. said, slumping behind his desk in the Dallas SHIELD headquarters. His expression was a mix of frustration and disbelief, the weight of the situation bearing heavily on him.

"You're telling me, son." Fury Sr. replied, sitting across from him and nursing a glass of water. His weathered face showed the same concern, though his demeanor remained composed.

"How the hell were we supposed to know that the senator's aide we arrested from Vermont, the one who was willing to testify against his employers in exchange for protection; was secretly in bed with COBRA? And that they'd send a team to silence him?" Fury Jr. said, exasperation creeping into his voice.

"It's COBRA." Fury Sr. shrugged. "That damn group knows how to hide when they need to."

"I don't even know what the worst part is." Fury Jr. continued, rubbing his temples. "The aide was killed on our watch, our squad was almost wiped out if not for your last-minute intervention, and if what you're saying is true, COBRA has somehow managed to figure out how to field Enhanced soldiers."

"Luckily for us, the only people who knew about the aide were us and the President." Fury Sr. said, taking a sip of his water. "So there's no public fallout from this, and we can spin his death as an accident. As for how COBRA's pulling off these Enhanced soldiers, we'll know more soon enough. Our R&D girls can autopsy the last soldier I managed to capture. Thank God whatever self-destruct mechanism they have didn't work on him."

Fury Jr. nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Just to be clear, how would you rate those Enhanced soldiers?"

"Honestly? They've got strength and speed comparable to us, but their movements were stiff; robotic, even. And their tactics were textbook, with no real capacity for fast improvisation. Once I picked up on that, it was easy enough to take them down." Fury Sr. explained, his voice steady and confident.

"Maybe whatever process they're using to enhance them messes with their minds." Fury Jr. speculated, frowning.

"Still," Fury Sr. cautioned, his tone grave. "let's hope their production capacity is limited. Because if they can mass-produce these Enhanced soldiers, we're looking at a nightmare scenario."

Fury Jr. was about to respond when the phone on his desk rang, breaking the tense atmosphere. He glanced at the caller ID—it was Linda. He picked up the receiver quickly and placed it on speaker.

"Yes, Linda, how's the squad?" Fury Jr. asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"We did the best we could, but in the end, we had to dose them with the SSG to keep them alive. They're sleeping it off right now." Linda reported, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"At least that's one worry off our plate." Fury Jr. said, relief washing over him momentarily. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Well, we ran the fingerprints and DNA on that soldier, and he is dead." Linda stated bluntly.

"We know he is dead. Dad brought the body to us." Jr said.

"Nick what I mean is that the corpse in our lab was a United States soldier that was declared KIA during Desert Fox years ago after the jeep he and his squad were in were ambushed and destroyed during a night patrol. And the records state that their bodies were never recovered." Linda said.

"SAY WHAT?" Both Jr. and Sr. yelled.

Prisoner mission failed, target killed by squad of COBRA Enhanced Soldiers*.
Alpha Squad seriously injured, turned Enhanced to save them.
Sr. captures COBRA squad but they all kill themselves. Bodies destroyed except for one.
New actions unlocked.

*These are Neo-Vipers.

[]Operation Worm Buster
57+5= 62
25+5+10= 40
Operations bonus= 10

Roll= 1+112= 113 NAT 1 CRIT FAIL
USE STORED REROLL (Remaining= 2)
Reroll= 13+112= 125

'Action related rolls below'

Accessing SHIELD Database...
Searching SHIELD Operations Archive...
Operation Worm Buster found, opening files...

Operation Worm Buster Transcript:

"Okay, mission is simple. Duke carries the bomb into this cavern our sensors found next to the sleeping worm, Ford programs the sucker with the timer, both then get the hell out of there; and we watch the fireworks from the Marvel. Is there anything else?"

"No sir, loud and clear."


"FUCK, it's moving. Ford move!!"

"Can't, the timer is not set yet."

"Forget about it, the cavern is caving in!!!"


"I can't leave. The entrance is sealed, and the timer is broken. I am going to have to detonate this thing on my own."

"Fuck, man! You don't need to play the hero! We'll come back for you! We've got drills, explosives, hell I will punch the rocks to dust if I have to! We are not losing you like this!"

"Can you guys just fulfill my last request. Can you please get in contact with my wife. I want to say goodbye."


"Please Ford. Don't do it. I need you; we are having a boy, you won the bet. It's going to be Sam."

"Elle, tell Dad that I'm going to be with Mom soon... but don't let him think he's joining us anytime soon. I want him to live long enough to be the best grandpa to our son. And guys just one last favor. Take care of my wife and our child. It's been an honor serving with you all."


Updating SHIELD Profiles....

SHIELD Agent Ford Brody
Status- KIA
First SHIELD agent to fall in the line of duty


The atmosphere in the Brody's apartment was heavy with grief, the air thick with the unspoken pain of loss. It had been only two days since the mission to destroy the Worm Titan, and SHIELD had gathered to mourn the sacrifice of Ford Brody, who had given his life to ensure the creature's destruction.

Elle, visibly pregnant and draped in a simple black dress, sat quietly on the sofa, her eyes red from the constant flow of tears.

Duke, who had been with Ford in those final moments, stared blankly at the wall, replaying the events over and over in his mind. He had escaped the collapsing cave, but Ford hadn't been so lucky. Caught beneath debris, Ford had stayed behind, determined to set off the bomb, since the timer had been destroyed; to kill the Titan, knowing it would cost him his life.

And he had done it—Ford Brody had killed the Titan.

Elle's quiet sobs filled the room, the sound of her grief like a knife to everyone's hearts. No one knew what to say; words felt meaningless in the face of her pain. The fact that she was able to have one last conversation with Ford through the radio to say goodbye was still in the minds and hearts of the entire group.

Nick Fury Jr. stood by the window, gazing out at the city below, lost in his thoughts. He turned to face the room, clearing his throat to speak. The soft murmur of conversation faded as everyone's attention shifted to him.

"I didn't know Ford Brody for very long." Fury began, his voice steady but laced with emotion. "But in the short time that I did, I saw the kind of man he was. He was a soldier, a husband, a soon-to-be father, and a damn good friend. He didn't hesitate when he was called to act, even when it meant putting himself in harm's way. Ford made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us, for the world, and he did it without a second thought."

Fury paused, his gaze drifting to Elle, who clutched a small, framed photo of Ford, taken on one of their happier days. Her eyes were distant, lost in memories of a life that now felt so far away. "We're here today not just to mourn Ford's death but to honor his life. He saved us all, and we will never forget that. We owe it to him, and to each other to keep moving forward."

Suddenly, the sound of a knock on the apartment door shattered the quiet. It was a soft, hesitant knock, barely audible above the murmurs of the gathered crowd. Elle looked up, puzzled. No one else was expected; everyone who mattered was already here. She hesitated for a moment before getting up, her steps slow and heavy as she made her way to the door. Unknown to the others, her eyes begin glowing red as anger starts to fill her.

She opened it just a crack, peering through cautiously. But the second her eyes registered who was on the other side, she let out a piercing scream, her voice filled with a mix of disbelief, shock, and overwhelming emotion. "Ford!" Her eyes lose her glowing, returning to normal.

The room reacted instantly, everyone rushing toward the door, drawn by Elle's scream. They reached the entryway and froze at the sight before them, struggling to comprehend what they were seeing.

There, slumped against the doorframe, was Ford Brody—alive, but barely. His clothes were torn and singed, his skin covered in bruises and cuts. He was unconscious, his head resting against the wall as if the effort of standing had been too much. What was most shocking, though, were the faint green sparks flickering across his body, like tiny bolts of energy coursing just beneath his skin.

Elle fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly as if afraid that he would vanish again. Her sobs were uncontrollable, filled with the raw, guttural sound of pure relief and anguish. "You're alive, oh my God, you're alive."

The group stared in stunned silence, unable to process what they were witnessing.

Duke pushed his way to the front, his depressed state shattered by the impossible sight of Ford's return. He crouched beside Elle, carefully placing a hand on Ford's shoulder, feeling the faint but unmistakable warmth of life.

"How the hell…?" Duke muttered, unable to finish the thought. He glanced at the green sparks dancing across Ford's skin and looked back at the group.

The scientists in the group were looking between the green sparks; and their minds were already thinking something as Dora whispered first.

"You don't think…" She said she lifted her right hand and briefly made it shine.

"Possibly, he was literally point-blank in front of the bomb." Maya said back.

Ford's eyes fluttered open, dazed and unfocused. He looked at Elle, his gaze softening as he saw her tear-streaked face. "Elle…" He rasped, his voice weak and strained. "I… I'm here."

Elle's grip tightened, her sobs quieter now, but no less intense. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mix of love and disbelief. "I thought I'd lost you… we all thought… you were gone."

Ford's breath hitched, and he tried to lift a hand to touch her face, but his strength failed him. "I thought I was too." He whispered. "But something…something happened down there."

The green sparks flickered again, briefly illuminating the small space around them for a moment.

"Get him inside." Fury ordered, his voice a mix of command and quiet relief. "We need to get him checked out."

Duke carefully picked up Ford and carried him to the couch inside. Elle stayed by his side, refusing to let go of his hand.
If anyone could have looked directly at their hands, they would have seen the green sparks interacting with red sparks coming from Elle's hand for a few seconds.
Ford, though exhausted and in pain, managed to put on a faint smile as he looked around at the people who had come to mourn him. "Sorry I'm late." He murmured, his voice breaking as he looked at his wife. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye." He said as he placed his right hand on her pregnant belly.

Elle hugged him tighter, her tears falling freely onto his shoulder. "You're not going anywhere." She whispered fiercely, pressing her forehead against his. "You're home."

Worm Titan Killed.
No fallout from the operation as no one realized what happens.
One Tesseract Bomb used. (One left)

Ford Brody gains two traits- Mutant and Titan Slayer
Mutant- Ford has awakened his X-Gene and gain powers (Quicksilver powerset) (Unaware of this) (Gains ???)

Titan Slayer- Ford Brody has killed a Titan, an act once thought impossible by human hands on planet Earth. The shockwave of such a thing has left his body marked as a "Titan Slayer". (Ford can now do ??? against the Titans, he gains +15 to all rolls related to Titans and their power dynamic rituals)

It's a pass, but while in the process of setting the bomb underground next to the Worm, the Worm began the process of waking up and caused a cave in while the two were in the middle of the process. It damaged the timer and it caught one of them next to the bomb while the other can escape.

Who got caught:
1-5 Ford
6-10 Duke
Roll- 1
Ford is stuck and is prepare to do it.

Get in touch with his wife to say goodbye:
+15 (Group desperate to fulfill his last wish)
= 112
+35 (Underground and finding her)
= 50

They managed to get in touch with her and despite being confused at what was happening, the couple said goodbye.

Does the X activate upon bomb activating:
+10 (Life/Death Moment)
+15 (Exposure to Cosmic Energy)
= 73
+35 (Third Generation)
= 68
It activated.

+15 (Super Speed)
+15 (Desperation to see his wife and unborn child)
= 94
+25 (First time using his power)
+50 (Bomb point blank)
= 88

Did the Bomb explode outwards or disintegrated:
37 vs 89
The worm and surrounded area disintegrated.

Did Monarch detect what happened*:
+50 (Right next to the Nuclear Site)
+20 (Minor earthquake)
+30 (Disintegrated, underground)
+20 (Not aware of its existence)
= 74
Nope, hell; no one suspected anything strange happened, considering the earthquake just a one-off. Also the Tessy explosion covered Ford's X-activation from our favorite mind reading machine.

*Big G and Queeny know for obvious reasons but they don't care....Maybe Rodan will but mostly because he fed on Wormy's offspring.

Current Budget=7,796,253,000
Total Income of this turn= 88,580,000
Total Cost of this turn= 1,133,050,000

Final Budget= 6,751,783,000

Vibranium Store= 5000-1= 4999 lbs

And as you can see, things have begun to change around SHIELD once more.
COBRA and SHIELD are now at an undeclared war between the two.
At least we have some of their nanites to play with.

And Ford seems to be our MVP, from apparently having a natural disposition to mech suits, to slaying a giant monster and awakening his family's legacy.

Cyber: Its FINALLY DONE! It's taken me an Ed a bit too long for this shit!

Next turn we're just gonna give you a set of adventures just to spice things up!
Yeah, this is pretty standard for this style of quest from Edboy as far as I can recall. Blackwatch quest was very similarly screwy, though I'm glad we lost the complete inability to do intrigue.
LMAO Ford is a mech protag speedsters what kind of combo can we do with that.

On one hand its a waste not give him a mech on the other hand for sppedster apart from weapons mech suits really arent that useful. What weird luck he has.
Monarch: but there is no worm titan?
Nick F.: not anymore.

And if we eve need a guy to pilot our giant at Kaiju mech, we know who has dibs.

Edit: besides, we have OP and a piece of the allspark, if we can't transform our helicarrier into a giant mecha at some point in the future, that'd mean something went terribly wrong.
Last edited:
I was just like WTF we lose our mech expert the same turn we get him?!!! Glad he's now hyperspeed, gonna put in so much work keeping Kaiju like threats contained.

Losing a billion dollars really hurts but if it bags us a Titan and sets us up for economy repairs I think it's money well spent. The damage a Titan does when pissed off has to be close to a billion anytime they're close to a populated area or military forces.