You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

That is a misuse of Federal resources...Let Peggy do it.-Sr giving us all a hint.
Yeah, we don't have a foot in this race unless we find evidence that Lara's uncle is engaging in criminal activity. Only then can we open a case against him and nail his crooked ass on a cross. Technically, we just need for her uncle to begin engaging in rather concerning business with a hostile faction and then we can begin tailing this guy.
With Titans like these why do we even have Jurassic World?
People really like
Plus, InGen/Masarani probably use the park as a front for their real money maker, a military contract for the research and development of dinosaur weapons. Which is even more stupid, as now the idiots are selectively breeding for more intelligent and more aggressive dinosaurs. And then they are suddenly suprised when the animal goes on a rampage, saying that "the raptors went crazy." The raptors didn't went crazy, the raptors went raptors, just like every other dinosaur. You can't tame a wild animal, and dinosaurs are about as wild as you can get.

I mean seriously, these idiots are also the same ones that created a fucking petting zoo with dinosaurs. Let's not forget that the dinosaurs need to socialize with other members of their own kind (which I'm not even gonna bother mentioning the idiocy of raising dinosaurs given that we don't even know how dinosaur society worked), but that your also putting a 800 pound prehistoric rhinoceras who probably evolved that way in order to fight predators like the T Rex (the Giant fuck you monster). Like all it takes is for the cute Triceratops to suddenly panic and turn little Timmy into roadkill. Which is very likely, considering that prey that large are sometimes more likely to choose fight over flight, whereas predators sometimes you can convince them that your not worth the effort to hunt.
Which is very likely, considering that prey that large are sometimes more likely to choose fight over flight, whereas predators sometimes you can convince them that your not worth the effort to hunt.
Yeah the sheer stupidity of the situations they will cause ALONE has already given the universe and most of everyone ready to seize their assets and destroy it in a moments notice .
If Betty is gonna use S.H.I.E.L.D. for a personal vendetta, I'm all for it.
The best revenge is living well. Let's get Lara on her feet and get her a win somewhere and her loyalty will be guaranteed and in such excesses as to only be matched by her skill and capability.

We can pass along an 'anonymous' tip, moves that big don't get made without purpose and in this sort of universe wealth at that scale is a lever not an end unto itself. Just to monitor the usual factions and if anybody matching his description shows up...
Canon Omake: A look into Space: Suicidal Bounties for Idiots by eboy49
Well, ladies and gentlemen.
You all seen the sneak peak into magic.
Now it's time for a sneak peek into space.
Curtesy of our favorite raccoon (NOT A RACCON!!) and tree.
As well seeing a huge change to the hierarchy of power in space.

Here is a new canon omake.

A look into Space: Suicidal Bounties for Idiots

In a dimly lit hotel room cluttered with maps and holographic displays of the galaxy's most wanted, the infamous duo of Rocket and Groot were sprawled across mismatched chairs, debating their next big score.

"Alright, let's see what we've got here." Rocket muttered, scrolling through a digital list with a flick of his clawed fingers. "Nah, too easy. This guy, wanted by the Nova Corps for 1 thousand unpaid parking tickets, only worth 2,500 credits? What a joke!" He snorted dismissively at the paltry sums and minor rewards.

"I am Groot." Groot suggested, pointing to another entry with a hopeful expression.

"An arms dealer wanted by the Nova Corps? Seriously, Groot? The guy's probably surrounded by more firepower than a small army. We'd be dead before we could even blink." Rocket shook his head, already dismissing the idea.

"I am Groot." Groot tried again, his leafy fingers tapping on a particularly lucrative bounty.

"Kidnap a Kree ambassador? Are you out of your mind? We'd have the Kree Starforce after us before we could even spend the credits." Rocket exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Just when Rocket thought they had hit a dead end, Groot pulled up a bounty that made the raccoon's fur stand on end. The bounty was for none other than Firehair, the Queen of Asgard, known across the universe for being the Phoenix Force host.

Shi'ar Imperium Official Bounty Notice


Queen Firehair of Asgard
Known Aliases: Queen Phoenix, Harbinger of Red
Species: Unknown
Homeplanet: Unknown
Current Location: Asgard

  • Being a host to the Phoenix Force
  • Genocide and mass murder of billions of Shi'ar citizens, soldiers and other species
  • War crimes during the two Asgard-Shi'ar Wars
Queen Firehair is an Asgardian of high stature, known for her striking appearance with long, flaming red hair and intense green eyes. She is the reigning Queen of Asgard, wife to Odin, and mother to Crown Prince Thor and Crown Prince Loki. Firehair is a known host of the Phoenix Force, exhibiting immense cosmic powers that can manipulate matter, energy, and life itself.

Queen Firehair is extremely dangerous and has full command over the Phoenix Force. She should not be approached by the unprepared. She is known to be fiercely protective of her realm, her people and family, and will act aggressively if threatened.

The Shi'ar Imperium, under the decree of Emperor D'ken, offers:
  • The title of Duke within the Shi'ar Empire
  • A reward of 5 trillion credits
  • Royal Pardon for any past crimes in the Imperium and protection from other stellar nations
  • An opportunity for marriage into the Shi'ar royal family, including a potential union with Emperor D'ken himself if the successor of the bounty is female
Any claims on this bounty must be reported directly to the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. Proof of death or capture must be substantiated through biometric verification. Bounty hunters or mercenaries must register their intent with the Shi'ar High Command to receive authorization and further instructions.

For more information and to register for this bounty, contact the Shi'ar Imperial Guard Command at the nearest Shi'ar outpost.

The Shi'ar Empire holds no responsibility for any harm or loss incurred in the pursuit of this bounty. Individuals engaging with this target do so at their own risk.

"Have you gone completely insane?!" Rocket yelped, staring at the screen in disbelief. "She's the Queen of Asgard, for crying out loud, and she's got the Phoenix Force. You know, cosmic powers, immortality, that whole shebang?"

Groot nodded earnestly, "I am Groot."

"Yeah, the reward's huge, but so is the risk!" Rocket continued, throwing his hands up. "Listen, going after Firehair is a suicide mission for a laundry list of reasons. First off, her whole schtick is fire, which I don't think I need to tell you that fire and you are a huge NO. Second she once held off Galactus. Galactus, Groot! When he tried to munch on a planet under Asgard's protection, she was all like 'not on my watch, big guy,' and actually made him back off."

Groot seemed to ponder this for a moment but still looked unconvinced.

"Also even if—by some fluke—we got the drop on her, there's her family to consider." Rocket went on. "Her sons, Thor and Loki. Thor might be MIA for the last decade, but Loki is still around and his tricks alone are nightmare. And if Thor shows up because he heard mommy is either captured or dead? Well, we might as well hand ourselves over to the Collector, at least our bodies will still be intact."

Groot's brow furrowed, clearly understanding the gravity but still tempted by the reward.

"Don't forget about Odin! The All-Father and her husband? If he doesn't come after us himself, he'll put a bounty on our heads so high we wouldn't be able to stop looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives. It'd make my bounty from the High Evolutionary look like chump change!"

Finally seeming to accept Rocket's reasoning, Groot slumped back, his branches drooping slightly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Let's just go to sleep and we'll figure out something in the morning that doesn't involve us getting incinerated, tortured or crushed by an angry god." Rocket concluded, settling into his makeshift bed that Groot grew for him on his left shoulder.

As the lights dimmed, Rocket couldn't help but think, with a smirk. 'I'd pay good money to see her turn the High Evolutionary into a pile of ashes though.' The thought brought a rare, genuine chuckle from the tough raccoon as he drifted off, dreaming of riches and chaos that didn't involve tussling with gods.
Umm I think she's just friends with Odin and doing other stuff with her friends.
Really, huh, that was anticlamatic, i actually thought odin was the first asgardian we would see, living the isekai harem dream with two exotic bombshells. And the funny idea that thor and loki has two mommies and they have their favorite mothers, loki with freya and thor with firehair.
Last edited:

At least this shift MIGHT delay our first extraterrestrial invasion. :V

Yeah no, there is always some suicidal idiot and/or group that will try, even before counting the verse this is set in.
Turn 6: June 2000
Turn 6: June 2000

Budget: 7,372,093,000
Vibranium: 5000 lbs
+6 million Dollars per turn (From Tony Stark)
+82.58 million income per turn (From Council) (Exp in Turn 16)

Pre-action votes:
Give Sr. the SSG treatment and see him get better:
[][FURY] Give Sr. the SSG Treatment.*
[][FURY] Don't give Sr. the treatment.
*Choosing this one this turn means that his passive bonus is cannot work this turn.

Share the results of the Trask Drive with General Clark:
[][TRASK] Yes
[][TRASK] No, lie about there being nothing.


Choose 3 actions.

[]Training SHIELD Agents: You recently created a training regime that could either break or make a person show their potential on the field.
Time- 3 Turns; DC:???, Reward: Random agent(s) trained
-Level of Training: Normal or Legendary
-Who got trained: (Does not count in choosing a hero unit)
--[]Write In
--[]Everyone in SHIELD

[]Hire Agents: It's time to fill the ranks of SHEILD, fill the offices and have them begin making this organization less of a theory and more of a reality. You're still going to put them through hell to be the best. Cost:20,000 DC:??? Reward: You hire Agents from across America!

[]Going Hunting: While new, you are still a federal law enforcement agency, with the rights to pursue crime across the entire US. Maybe even solve our money issues by taking money and resources from criminals and terrorist that are found. Cost: 300,000 DC: ??? Reward- Enemy groups eliminated/arrested; resources acquired

[]Extradition Guard Offer: Following your successful extradition of Aaron Nicholson; the Marshals have been asking to see if SHIELD could help with their extradition assignments across the US. It would serve as a good way to foster good relations with the Marshals, other LEOs and even interrogate the criminals we extradite. Cost: 50,000; DC: ???, Reward: Random Criminal extradited

[]Hire Trainers: Training is one thing, having the right amount of encouragement is another, you'll need to find those sorts who...can make said encouragement. Cost:300,000 DC:???; Reward: You hire Trainers from across America! To make your training seem less inhumane…or more inhumane.

[]Acquire More Equipment: It's no secret that your organization will need equipment in order to function, heavy equipment, vehicles and more. You'll get it up to the task and acquire them all. Cost: 3 Million; DC:60; Reward: You acquire more specialized equipment for SHIELD.
-Can only be taken if Maria is assigned to it

[]Acquire more Specialists: You need a field agent worth a scratch that you need someone built for the hardest tasks, the most dangerous missions, and the most difficult operations. Someone you send for when the shit hits the fan. Cost:400,000; DC: ???; Reward: You hired more Specialist for your agency

[]Write in.

Choose 2 actions.

[]Help Find Missing Persons: You are a LEO and looking for missing people is in your purview. Maybe lending your help to the local police forces would be a good idea to earn some reputation.
Cost- 50,000; DC:???, Reward- Information on missing persons discovered

[]Investigate the Croft Family: Betsy has come to you to look into the situation that left Lara without anything, even her own last name. While this is technically speaking something from outside the US, Betsy is asking for this favor. That and a guy who goes his way to ruin his niece's life, even taking her name; does not sound like a good guy to you.
Cost-???; DC: ???, Reward- Lara's case investigated and maybe resolve
(Can only be taken if Lara has been recruited or in the same turn her recruitment action is taken)

[]Investigate the Crash: Maria has looked into at best as she could and she thinks she can discover where exactly did those fake tech companies that started the crash went to. And maybe see if Pym was really involved or was just an unfortunate patsy.

Cost- 50 million; DC: 500; Reward- Cause of Black Week uncovered

[]Investigate Aaron's Network: After delivering the hitman to the Marshals, you 'accidentally' kept a copy of the prisoner's phone and now it was time to see just how deep his network reaches into. Cost=1 million; DC:???, Reward- Hitman Network unlocked

[]Blackmail someone: It's an Ugly word… let's call it, applying leverage, shall we. Cost: 50,000
Possible List:
-[]Stark Industries (Tony Stark) DC:50
-[]Oscorp (Norman Osborn) DC:???
-[]M.A.R.S. Industries DC:???
-[]Frost International DC: 100
-[]Pym Technologies DC:80
-[]Rand Corporation DC:50
-[]Masrani Global Corporation DC:100
-[]Fisk Industries DC:95
-[]Write In

[]Spy on Other Agencies: It's unseemly, but your first oath is to protect the constitution from foreign and domestic threats…that includes your own sides' idiocy at times. Cost: 15,000 DC: ??? Reward: Spy on your fellow Agencies.
-[]Write in which one.

[]Strange Things around the Homefront: Well, what was brought up by Betsy about Congress being antsy about random unrelated crimes is peculiar, maybe you should look into this. Cost: 10 million, DC: ???, Reward: Strange situations looked into.

[]Investigate Linda's case: Now that everything has calmed down, it's time to discover who was responsible for Linda's attack. Due to her being a federal agent, this makes it a federal case. While Linda does not remember who did it to her, she suspects her former fiancé.
Cost: 50,000; DC: 45/85/100 Reward: Discovered who attacked Linda

[]Write in.

Choose 2 actions.

[]Introduce SHIELD (To the Nation): It is time to at the very least, prepare SHIELD for time in the public spotlight, that being said, letting them know ahead of time will help soften the blow of any...insanity that comes from well, your work. Cost: 20,000 DC: 65 Reward: SHIELD enters the public consciousness. And maybe you even think of a cool acronym.

[]Introduce SHIELD (To Our Allies): SHIELD may be as American as the Red White and Blue, but that doesn't mean we should leave them high and dry, especially since it makes working through paperwork with them...easier. Cost: 50,000 DC: Variable Reward: You make SHEILD known to US allies at home and abroad.
-[]Choose one.

[]Meet the Neighbors: Your small HQ is located inside the NASA campus. Maybe it would be nice to get to know the people. You never know when being friends with the guys responsible for launching satellites into orbit and monitoring them might be useful. Cost: 1,000 DC: 40/100 Reward: Made known to NASA campus

[]Attend a Congressional Hearing: Now normally Congress rarely does anything right with American tax dollars, but even so, they let important things slip from time to time and its important that you pick up those little breadcrumbs before someone picks up something important. Cost: 0 DC: 40 Reward: Look at Congress talk and try to find out if something important is coming up.

[]Talk to fellow a fellow Agency: Communication is key in your line of work, and that is important even if you don't have the care to admit it, talking gets results half the time. Cost: 10,000
DC: Variable, Reward: Talk to one of your fellow US Agencies and get some intelligence.
-[]Write in the group

[]Engross Yourself into the Mercenary World: Now that we've got something of a Profile, we can work on the real deal and see who we can hire for wet works. Cost:60,000, DC:45/65, Reward: You meet and see what Mercenaries exist in the world.

[]Operation= Clean up and You: DC's gone to absolute hell lately, especially given that the Executive Office is shitting the bed more than usual due to their moves to rein in big businesses. You've been asked to help smooth things over as it were. Cost- ???, DC: ???; Reward- Situation in DC resolved.

[]Hire Lara: Betsy's friend Lara lost everything due to her traitorous uncle and has no job, money or credentials. Betsy asks if it was possible to hire her into SHIELD. At least her records state she can handle herself if the things she has done overseas are real.
Cost- 1 million; DC- 100; Reward- Lara hired, new hero unit
-Must have Betsy to take.

[]Covering all the legal bases: Now that all of SHIELD is now Enhanced; it occurred to you an old talk you had with your dad that sometime in the past he talked to you about an attempt by some politicians; when the dream of creating super soldiers was still high; that any person who became one would be declared government property and no longer a citizen of the US. While your dad and Stark Sr. were able to squash this in its cradle; you are worried that it might pop up once more if SHIELD's true status becomes public. So maybe it would a good idea to head to DC and prepare some sort of law or bill to prevent you and your group from losing your rights.
Cost- ???; DC- ???; Reward= Legal status of Enhanced secured

[]Betsy Braddock, and her No Good, Very Strange Day Part 1: It all started with a Headache in bed…and was only going downhill from there. She really hoped that some Tylenol would fix her right up. Cost: 0, DC:??? Reward: Ahh, the strange and unusual life of PR Representative Braddock.
-Can only be taken if Betsy is assigned to it

[]Talk to Mason Weaver: For some reason, the tribal knife that Mason sent to Maddie somehow was able to pierce right Steve's Vibranium shield, something that should not be possible. Maddie said Mason got the knife from Vietnam. It was time to see from where exactly she got it from.
Cost-None; DC:???; Reward- Talked to Mason
-Can only be taken if Maddie is assigned to it

[]Talk to Tony Stark: Maria has gotten the contact information for Tony Stark after negotiating with him in Vegas. Maybe it would be best to see if she could expand upon it. And the fact that Maria and Maya are both pregnant with his kid. Cost: 0; DC: ???, Reward: Increased talks with Tony Stark
-Can only be taken if Maria is assigned to it. (If Maya is assigned to this; it means telling Tony the truth about both pregnancies)

[]Write in.

Choose 2 actions.

[] Random Invest: Even with Maria's power play getting SHIELD so capital, we still don't have a way for income. Let her invest in some random companies to get some income. Cost- 500,000 DC: ??? Reward- Random Company invested, income unlocked.

[] Direct Investment: Even with Maria's power play getting SHIELD so capital, we still don't have a way for income. Let her invest in a direct company to get some income. Cost- 500,000 DC: ??? Reward- Chosen Company invested, income unlocked.
-[] Write In (Which company)

[]Finding Financial Backers: Let us be fair, Federal Agencies Outsource to Private Corporations all the time now, now getting them to invest or at least back you… that's another story…hopefully, this is legal. Cost: 1,000 DC: 50 Reward: Find a Private Financial Backer to at least give you a windfall, and owe them a favor.

[]Upgrade HQ: Your HQ is working as intended, specially with the security system that Ray installed in it. But it could be better. Cost: 10 million, DC: 50, Reward: SHIELD HQ upgraded

[]Upgrade Lab, Industrial Elevator: The Lab was upgraded but it is missing the industrial elevator for large objects. Cost: 10 million; DC: 110, Reward: SHIELD Lab gains large industrial elevator

[]Unlock Marvel's Secret Mode: It turns out that SHIELD's plane has a third mode besides it's VTOL and Plane mode. It has a fighter jet mode that can reach Mach 5 and sustain it without any problems to the infrastructure. The reason this third mode is locked is because no humans can withstand the G-forces, as the records state what happened to the test monkeys. But that is for NORMAL humans. For those that are Enhanced, they can withstand it without any problems.
Cost- 40 million; DC: 110; Reward: Marvel's Third Mode unlocked

[]Look into Steve's finances: So with Steve actually being alive, you wonder if this means that during all the time he was in the ice, it meant that is entailed to get payment. You wonder how much of backpay he is owed. Not to mention all the royalties from all the stuff that had his name.
Cost- 2 million; DC: ???; Reward- Steve's financial situation discovered

[]Fix the economy: The economy is currently in a great recession and Maria could easily see that all it would take is one more disaster and it would be the Great Depression all over again. Maria has a possible way to fix it, but it's risk as hell.
Cost- 4 billion; DC: ???/???; Reward- US economy downward spiral stopped/Improved

[]Write in.

Choose 3 actions.

[]Hire an RnD Specialist/Scientist: You have a head Scientist working for you. Now it's time to get more to help out the R&D Department. Cost: 150,000 DC:????, Reward: Hire a Scientist!

[]Fix the Shield: Steve's shield has been damaged due to the strange knife in Maddie's possession. It would be best to fix his signature weapon as quick as possible. Thank God that we have a large amount of Vibranium to use.
Cost- 50 million, ??? Vibranium; DC:???; Reward: Shield fixed
(Must have take or have taken 'Vibranium Tests' to do this action)

[]Examine the tribal knife: Maddie's new knife somehow managed to damage Steve's shield, despite being made out of the strongest metal in the planet. It would be good to see what exactly is the knife is made of.
Cost- 1 million; DC: ???; Reward- Knife examined

[]Attend a Lecture: You aren't a man of Science, but you are well-read enough to understand the importance of lectures from specialists, maybe you can see what can be considered more possible and what is more left to the realm of the theoretical. Cost: 1,000 DC:??? Reward: Get an Idea from the best and brightest.

[]Project Long Lenses: Out of curiosity, you talked with Dora about why she was fired from her last job and you found out that the reason was that she simply proposed a project, that was expensive; to modify and sent out a satellite into orbit to monitor a strange cosmic storm that will hit Earth in the coming months. Normally you would not consider using SHIELD resources for this but Dora has been helpful and bonded with the rest of the group. Would be a nice gesture to her.
Cost: 350 million; DC: 1000, Reward: Modified Satellite built

[]Checking and Modifying Cars: Last month you got a fleet of 6 used Force Police Interceptors for the group. Now Phil wants to not only give them a thorough check up but also see if he can modify them to be better. Cost:200,000; DC:60/110, Reward: SHIELD Cars checked out/upgraded

[]Uniforms, Fittings, and Other Signs of Competence: "So Phil wants us to have weird silly uniforms that are somehow incredibly durable, increase our chance of survival and look good, and I took that as a challenge." Cost: 40,000. DC:??? Reward: SHIELD UNIFORMS! Don't worry you can change it up if need be later.

[]Examine Arc Reactor Data: You left the Arc Reactor data in Dora's possession. Maybe will find this stuff interesting and could make something out of it. DC: 200, Reward- Arc Reactor Data Examined
(Must have Dora to take)

[]Key to the Future: You left that strange atomic drawing in Dora's possession. Maybe she can figure out what is supposed to be. DC:150, Reward- Unknown Element uncovered
(Must have Dora to take)

[] EXTREMIS: Maya's personal project, with the potential to change the world. Right now the best she can do is plants that may or may not explode. But you have a feeling that this could be a good thing.
Cost- 10,000,000 DC:150/300/600/1000* Reward- EXTREMIS perfected
(*Plants stable/Plants with fruits stable/EXTREMIS usable like in film but with required treatment to keep stable/EXTREMIS without drawbacks)
(Must have Maya to take)

[]Forge Vibranium Weapons: Thanks to the Director's tourist trip to DC, SHIELD now has Howard Stark's notes on how to create basic shape objects with Vibranium. It would be interesting if every SHIELD member had a simple weapon for their personal protection. Not like we have a problem with the amount of Vibranium in our vault.
Cost- 10 million, ??? Vibranium; DC: 100; Reward- Vibranium weapons forged
(Must have take or have taken 'Vibranium Tests' to do this action)

[] Vibranium Tests: You acquired the motherload of the rarest metal on the planet and Maya wants to do tests on it to see if she can do something with it. Cost- 500,000 DC:??? Reward- Vibranium examined

[]Examine the Robotic Being: In your mission to recover Captain America, you found what could only be described as a giant robot. What is it, who made it and how it got into the ice is something that needs to be determined. Cost= 5 million; DC:???, Reward: Giant robot examined
(Note- due to Optimus size, it cannot be moved to the lab. So it's currently either inside the Marvel or in the Marvel's hanger. So the Lab reroll is not valid with this action)

[]Examine the Tesseract Bombs: In your mission to recover Captain America, you recovered two still functional Tesseract Bombs from the wreckage. While a part of you wants to just hand them over to Sr. so he can deal with them, another part of you wants to see what your scientists could learn from them, specially it's unique energy source.
Cost= 10 million, DC: 100/700, Reward: Bombs examined/???

[]Downgrade SSG: Maya; having seen and experienced the effects of the SSG; wonders if there is a chance to downgrade the effects of it to only cure direct illnesses or defects instead of turning a person into a supersoldier. Having seen the list of illness Captain Rogers had before he took the serum, and all of them being cured, makes this idea worth the effort. For example, just take a pill or whiff of gas and your asthma is fully gone.
Cost- 100 million; DC: 1000; Reward- SSG downgraded

[]Build the Sentinel: With the uncovered data from Trask on how to built a biomechanical robot. You don't know how Trask was able to come up with this robot that is directly something out of a sci-fi series; but maybe building one would be a game changer. That and Dora thinks that she could use one for her personal project.
Cost- 150 million, ??? Vibranium; DC: 1000; Reward- Sentinel Mk. X built
(Must have take or have taken 'Vibranium Tests' to do this action)

[]Examine unknown drug: Duke's uncovered a strange new pill from that DEA raid. While not exactly a priority, maybe examining what this new drug is made off would help for future encounters with it, specially in the case of ODs.
Cost- 1 million; DC: 150; Reward- Drug examined

[]Build the Cradle: Helen has in her head the idea to create a machine that can heal wounds by grafting a simulacrum of organic tissue to the patient and having it bond to the patient's cells, all in the form of a sci-fi pod. While expensive and a bit of a gamble, the idea sounds good.
Cost- 450 million; DC: 1000; Reward- Cradle built

[]Ask Tony For help: You think that it's a good idea to get one of the foremost minds in engineering involved in a project, maybe you can entice him with a challenge.
Cost: ???; DC:50/?? Reward: You get a bonus of Tony Stark's Learning added to one action this turn if successful.
-[]Write in Witch Action.

[]Can I have help with Homework?: "Reed its Dora, I know that I'm supposed to be letting you be but I got something that's kind of stumping me...wanna compare notes...and Sue can come if you think its okay?" Cost: 50,000; DC: 150/200; Reward: You have Reed help you with a project for this turn.
-[]Write in witch action.

[]Write in.

Choose 2 action.

[]Dedicate your time to SHIELD: Boost Fury's number of actions from 2 to 3 for this turn.

[]Phil's Lola: Help Phil restore a cherry-red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette he found in a junkyard. DC: 45 Reward: You and Phil Bond over fixing his Car.

[]Hang around Steve: Despite the SHIELD crew helping Steve, you feel that the man is still feeling not connecting with the new time he awoke. It would be best to help him out by just being with the man.
DC:???, Reward: Steve feels at ease

[]Flagg's Final Will: Dad just told you that Flagg and Hawk are dead, as due to the email he got with the specific code stating he was dead. The email he sent dad during Black Week, thus the reason he has not read it; is supposed to include his final 'will'. You would be best to stay next to your dad when he opens it, cause you know that Flagg was one of the few people he called friend.
DC:???, Reward- Flagg's final contingency revealed

[]Ask Brother for a loan: Bite the bullet and ask your brother for a loan, despite the insanity that might occur from this. DC: 90, Reward: Hope that your extended Family is...willing to help out.

[]Ask Dad for Help: You have a huge amount of Vibranium and you know that even attempting to sell or announce its existence will bring you nothing but trouble. But your agency could use the money. Which is why the best idea you can come up with in selling the metal to your government is to have your father act as the middleman. Nick Fury Sr. appearing with Vibranium to sell, no one will dare ask where he got it, only question if he takes cash or a check.
DC: 70, Cost- 500 lbs of Vibranium; Reward- $4,536,000,000

[]Reconnect with Old Friends from the Unit: Even if you're out of the Rangers they still remember you, and your rank is real, even if your now...out of uniform. DC:60, Reward- Reconnected with old Unit.

[]Help out at a Veteran's Center: You sighed. They just needed someone to talk to that wouldn't judge them. DC 30, Cost-10,000 Reward- Helped out a Veteran Center

[]Start Recording Your Thoughts: Dad always carried a tape diary, to record his thoughts, his regrets, maybe even his hopes, maybe you should start talking or writing things down. DC 10, Reward: Personal Diary Started

[][FREE] Play the Lottery: SHIELD needs money, might as well try this out. DC:??? Reward: Gamble and Play the Lottery.

[]Write In

AN: Plan format please
[]Project Long Lenses: Out of curiosity, you talked with Dora about why she was fired from her last job and you found out that the reason was that she simply proposed a project, that was expensive; to modify and sent out a satellite into orbit to monitor a strange cosmic storm that will hit Earth in the coming months. Normally you would not consider using SHIELD resources for this but Dora has been helpful and bonded with the rest of the group. Would be a nice gesture to her.
Cost: 350 million; DC: 1000, Reward: Modified Satellite built
Let's do this one this turn, get ourselves a sweet satellite, and get a head start on Fantastic Four powers! And after we can use the satellite for spy stuff!
[X] Plan: Strengthening the SHIELD
[][FURY] Give Sr. the SSG Treatment.
[][TRASK] No, lie about there being nothing.

Martial- 3
[]Acquire more Specialists
[]Going Hunting
[]Hire Agents

Intrigue- 2
[]Investigate the Croft Family
-Fury and Phil
[]Investigate Linda's case

Diplomacy- 2
[]Talk to Mason Weaver
[]Hire Lara

Stewardship- 2
[]Look into Steve's finances
[]Upgrade Lab, Industrial Elevator

Learning- 3
[]Fix the Shield
-Dora and Maya
[]Vibranium Tests
[]Hire an RnD Specialist/Scientist

Personal- 2
[]Hang around Steve
[]Flagg's Final Will

Edited the plan and switched out Guard with Hiring Agents.
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[X][FURY] Don't give Sr. the treatment.
[X][TRASK] No, lie about there being nothing.

Feel free to modify this as needed.

[X]Plan: Fix This Mess
[X]Help Find Missing Persons: You are a LEO and looking for missing people is in your purview. Maybe lending your help to the local police forces would be a good idea to earn some reputation.
[X]Hire Agents: It's time to fill the ranks of SHEILD, fill the offices and have them begin making this organization less of a theory and more of a reality. You're still going to put them through hell to be the best. Cost:20,000 DC:??? Reward: You hire Agents from across America!
[X]Acquire more Specialists: You need a field agent worth a scratch that you need someone built for the hardest tasks, the most dangerous missions, and the most difficult operations. Someone you send for when the shit hits the fan. Cost:400,000; DC: ???; Reward: You hired more Specialist for your agency
[X]Investigate the Croft Family: Betsy has come to you to look into the situation that left Lara without anything, even her own last name. While this is technically speaking something from outside the US, Betsy is asking for this favor. That and a guy who goes his way to ruin his niece's life, even taking her name; does not sound like a good guy to you.
[X]Investigate the Crash: Maria has looked into at best as she could and she thinks she can discover where exactly did those fake tech companies that started the crash went to. And maybe see if Pym was really involved or was just an unfortunate patsy.
[X]Operation= Clean up and You: DC's gone to absolute hell lately, especially given that the Executive Office is shitting the bed more than usual due to their moves to rein in big businesses. You've been asked to help smooth things over as it were.
[X]Hire Lara: Betsy's friend Lara lost everything due to her traitorous uncle and has no job, money or credentials. Betsy asks if it was possible to hire her into SHIELD. At least her records state she can handle herself if the things she has done overseas are real.
[X]Look into Steve's finances: So with Steve actually being alive, you wonder if this means that during all the time he was in the ice, it meant that is entailed to get payment. You wonder how much of backpay he is owed. Not to mention all the royalties from all the stuff that had his name.
[X]Fix the economy: The economy is currently in a great recession and Maria could easily see that all it would take is one more disaster and it would be the Great Depression all over again. Maria has a possible way to fix it, but it's risk as hell.
[X]Examine the Robotic Being: In your mission to recover Captain America, you found what could only be described as a giant robot. What is it, who made it and how it got into the ice is something that needs to be determined. Cost= 5 million; DC:???, Reward: Giant robot examined
[X]Project Long Lenses: Out of curiosity, you talked with Dora about why she was fired from her last job and you found out that the reason was that she simply proposed a project, that was expensive; to modify and sent out a satellite into orbit to monitor a strange cosmic storm that will hit Earth in the coming months. Normally you would not consider using SHIELD resources for this but Dora has been helpful and bonded with the rest of the group. Would be a nice gesture to her.
[X] Vibranium Tests: You acquired the motherload of the rarest metal on the planet and Maya wants to do tests on it to see if she can do something with it. Cost- 500,000 DC:??? Reward- Vibranium examined
[X]Hang around Steve: Despite the SHIELD crew helping Steve, you feel that the man is still feeling not connecting with the new time he awoke. It would be best to help him out by just being with the man.
[X]Flagg's Final Will: Dad just told you that Flagg and Hawk are dead, as due to the email he got with the specific code stating he was dead. The email he sent dad during Black Week, thus the reason he has not read it; is supposed to include his final 'will'. You would be best to stay next to your dad when he opens it, cause you know that Flagg was one of the few people he called friend.
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[X][FURY] Don't give Sr. the treatment.
[X][TRASK] No, lie about there being nothing.

[X]Plan: Fix This Mess