You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Can we use the huge money chest and actually build a building for our HQ so that we don't have to keep using NASA buildings, and have our own HQ that was build to our specs and security.
unfortunately because of the recession I doubt anything will happen construction wise as our contractors don't have medical insurance.

So gang any questions on stuff like some Fury or sheild stuff or just some more world building
Yeah I 'd like to hear some more world building stuff in general, but if you wanted a specific topic what was the soviet union cooking, since there seems to be alot of organizations with very advanced tech so were any projects like that uncovered from the collapse of the soviet union?
what was the soviet union cooking, since there seems to be alot of organizations with very advanced tech so were any projects like that uncovered from the collapse of the soviet union?
If you want the simple answer.

"All things go back to Super Soldier Project" :V

Not really just understand that the World Wars were wild, Science is at least a decade ahead, but nothings Public about it and Operation Paperclip was just the first time weird stuff became policy.

As for what the USSR made….

Guys, Stalin killed a couple million people just to increase production of economy and grain,

Now consider that magic and bizarre science actually is real and has benefits.

You did not want to be "special" in the time between 1920 to 1963.

You'd just be black bagged to a research lab in Siberia at best.

as our contractors don't have medical insurance.
Don't worry their getting a bail out…policy spending wise.
If you want the simple answer.

"All things go back to Super Soldier Project" :V

Not really just understand that the World Wars were wild, Science is at least a decade ahead, but nothings Public about it and Operation Paperclip was just the first time weird stuff became policy.

As for what the USSR made….

Guys, Stalin killed a couple million people just to increase production of economy and grain,

Now consider that magic and bizarre science actually is real and has benefits.

You did not want to be "special" in the time between 1920 to 1963.

You'd just be black bagged to a research lab in Siberia at best.
....Is it too early to note how in OTL, USA got the people behind the Nazi discoveries while Russia got the stuff from said discoveries? 😅
...So, in hindsight, Russia has got an old Warchest of Nazi Wunderwaffe and other stuff which they could pull out if desperate enough, considering they probably at least tried to reverse engineer it, while the USA had jump started their secret project type stuff with the aid of the minds behind those works...

Which I am guessing, like the OTL space race, Russia got better short-term, but USA got better long-term gains from that.
Turn 7 Prologue: A Moment of Regal Rapprochement
Turn 7 Prologue: A Moment of Regal Rapprochement

'Takes place after this omake'

Days later, the Queen and her bodyguard, Bond, had arrived at Dallas in the Queen's private jet without any fanfare.

The two then drove, using a rented car; to where Betsy's apartment was. Both were dressed inconspicuously, specially the Queen.

To anyone that saw them, they would appear to be an innocent-looking grandmother and her handsome grandson.

A quick walk from the parking lot and a trip through the elevator, the two were in front of Betsy's apartment. Bond knocked on the door, making small talk with the Queen.

"I must say, Your Majesty, it's quite daring for a visit." Bond remarked with a smile.

The Queen chuckled softly. "Yes, indeed. But some matters require a personal touch."

After the third knock, the door opened to reveal Betsy, wearing her Sonya Blade military cosplay. She didn't recognize the Queen, assuming she was a nice old lady.

"Hello." Betsy greeted, looking curiously at the visitors.

The Queen smiled warmly. "Good afternoon, dear. We were hoping to speak with Lara. Is she here?"

Betsy's demeanor shifted to one of cautious defensiveness. "Why do you want to see her?"

The Queen's expression remained gentle. "I assure you, we're here just to talk. I know that she is innocent of the lies that were spread about her."

Betsy studied the Queen's face and, seeing her sincerity, decided to believe her. "Alright, give me a moment." She turned and called out, "Lara, there's someone here to see you."

Lara appeared behind Betsy, wearing a scandalous metal bikini and a leather skirt, cosplaying as Rynn from the Drakan: Order of the Flame game. Bond couldn't help but comment.

"Well, this is certainly an interesting choice of attire." Bond said with a smirk.

The Queen promptly silenced him by stabbing her left heel into his foot. He winced but stayed quiet.

"So, Betsy whose at the door? Come on, I just finished putting on my stuff." Lara asked cheerfully as she looked toward the two people outside.

Lara's initial cheerfulness faded as she quickly recognized who the old lady was. Her face went pale, and she became deadly quiet. She looked down at herself and blushed, trying to cover herself with her hands while bowing forward.

"Lara, what are you doing?" Betsy hissed.

"Dammit Betsy, bow now." Lara instructed. "The woman in front of us is the Queen."

"Queen of what?" Betsy asked, perplexed.

"The Queen of England, you stupid idiot," Lara whispered urgently.

Betsy's eyes widened as she looked at the Queen and realized it was true. She glanced down at her own attire and blushed, trying to cover herself while bowing forward.

"Your Majesty, we are so sorry." Lara stammered.

"We didn't know." Betsy added, her face flushed with embarrassment.

The Queen let out a small giggle at their actions. "It's quite alright, my dears. Please, rise. We have much to discuss."

Lara and Betsy straightened up, still flustered but relieved at the Queen's understanding demeanor. Bond stood by, silently watching the interaction with a mixture of amusement and respect. The Queen had a way of handling situations with grace, no matter how unexpected.

"Shall we go inside?" the Queen suggested kindly.

"Yes, of course," Lara replied, stepping aside to let the Queen and Bond enter.

As they walked into the apartment, the Queen turned to Lara and gently tapped her right shoulder. "I'm here to right a wrong, my dear. Let's sit and talk."

Lara nodded, feeling a mixture of apprehension and hope.

Sometime later....

The soft clinking of china cups filled the cozy living room, a delicate counterpoint to the tension that had ebbed away over the past half hour. Lara sat on the edge of the couch, still trying to process everything the Queen had told her.

Across from her, the Queen herself sipped her tea with practiced grace, her posture regal yet somehow comforting in its simplicity. Bond lounged nearby, his expression a careful mix of professional detachment and curiosity, while Betsy, sitting beside Lara, fidgeted slightly, still not entirely accustomed to the surreal turn of events.

As the conversation lulled, the Queen set her cup down on the saucer with a decisive clink, signaling that something more serious was about to be discussed. She turned her gaze to Lara, her eyes soft but resolute.

"Lara." The Queen began, her voice low and measured. "I understand that what has happened to you is beyond unjust. It has shaken my confidence in those who should have been protecting the very fabric of our society. To see someone of your character treated so appallingly is unacceptable, and I intend to correct that."

Lara's cheeks flushed slightly as she nodded, the weight of the Queen's words pressing on her.

"I have explained my plan to clear your name and restore your place in society." The Queen continued. "But there is one aspect I believe should be left entirely to your discretion."

Lara looked up, curiosity and a hint of apprehension in her eyes.

The Queen leaned forward slightly, her gaze unwavering. "I believe that those who have wronged you—your family, those who betrayed you so utterly—must face consequences. However, I want to offer you the choice of how justice will be served. You know them better than anyone. You know what would truly serve as a fitting response to their actions."

Lara swallowed hard, her mind racing. The idea of deciding the fate of her own family, even after all they had done to her, was almost too much to bear. Her heart ached with conflicting emotions like anger, sorrow, and a deep, lingering sense of betrayal.

Seeing Lara's hesitation, the Queen spoke again, her voice gentler now. "You may also choose to do nothing, if that is your wish. This is your life, Lara, and I do not wish to impose any further burden on you. Additionally, you have the option to restore your original last name or to continue with your mother's maiden name. The choice, in every sense, is yours."

The room fell silent as the gravity of the Queen's words settled over them. Lara looked down at her cup, her reflection distorted in the dark liquid.

Betsy, sensing Lara's turmoil, gently placed a hand on her friend's arm, offering silent support. Lara looked up, meeting the Queen's steady gaze. She took a deep breath, her decision forming in the quiet moments that followed.

"I—" Lara started, her voice trembling slightly before she steadied it. "I think... I need more time to decide about my family. It's not something I can rush into. The same for my last name. If you had told me this a month ago, I would have taken my original name back. But now, I already gotten used to being called by my mother's last name."

The Queen smiled warmly, nodding in understanding. "Of course, my dear. Take all the time you need. I will ensure that no action is taken without your consent."

Lara felt a rush of relief at the Queen's words, the burden on her shoulders lightening just a little. She wasn't alone in this—not anymore. She glanced at Betsy, who gave her an encouraging smile, and then back at the Queen.

"Thank you," Lara said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for giving me this choice. It means more to me than I can say."

The Queen nodded, her expression one of deep respect. "You are stronger than you know, Lara. Whatever you decide, you have my full support."


Betsy gets new trait:
Poisoned Tea- Betsy cannot make any form of edible tea. Though she can make it into a deadly poison. (Automatic failure in making edible tea; +15 to making poison tea)

Queen's arrival:
+25 (Guarded by Bond)
+15 (Surprise visit)
= 91
+25 (Surprise visit, no prior recon)
= 73

Where was Lara:
1-Betsy's apartment
Roll- 1

Anybody in the apartment besides Lara:
1-3 Just Lara
4-6 Betsy
7-9 Some of the group
10-11 All of F138
12 All of SHIELD
Roll- 6
Lara and Betsy

Caught at a bad time:
+25 (Sudden surprise)
= 69
Queen caught Lara and Betsy dressed up in their cosplay.
Betsy in her Sonya clothes while Lara is dressed like Rynn from Drakan game.

Did Betsy recognize the Queen:
+10 (English Noble)
= 67
+25 (Odds that the Queen would just come on her own)
= 80

Did Lara recognize the Queen:
+10 (English Noble)
= 123
+25 (Odds that the Queen would just come on her own)
= 94

Betsy making tea:
1+10 (English Noble)= 11, NAT 1 CRIT FAIL
Yeah, no. Turns out that Betsy is forbidden from making tea.
Her last attempt was considered a bioweapon.

Lara making tea:
70+10 (English Noble)= 80
What happens to Lara's family:
[][FAMILY] Do nothing to them.
[][FAMILY] Arrest them and throw the book at them.
[][FAMILY] Write In

Lara's last name:
[][NAME] DeMornay
[][NAME] Croft

AN: Well Ed and I are trying to hammer up Turn 7, but, that's taking a long time, so we decided to give you another Prologue with actions.


Plan Format and please have fun.
Time to make the entire family noble status non existent and restore it to the rightful owner leave Lara the only noble and rightful heir to the Croft family
Personaly i think that hanged, drawn, and quartered would be fitting for the the situation and location (tough they conspired aginst another nobility and not the crown) but i doubt lara want that to them (or that it would be allowed).

So i have a few questions,how many people are in that fammily,where there all involved and are they all adults ?
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What happens to Lara's family:
[][FAMILY] Do nothing to them.
[][FAMILY] Arrest them and throw the book at them.
[][FAMILY] Write In
Well for this, i wouldnt be shocked that lara's uncle would try to get back at lara and in turn find some way to harm shield, given he will be suspicious how he got caught, and will be a bit delusional and angry that he lost his fortune that he ripped from lara so automatic blame on lara so this is a suggestion we could do

[][FAMILY] for everyone in the family that was in with the plot with lara's uncle(aka who knew and plotted to frame lara) have them life imprisonment, lara's uncle exile him, revoke his UK citizenship and blacklist him on any flight list, everyone left who didnt knew and just gotten fooled by the rumor, just have them be trialed regularly.

I wanna say i am being paranoid, but given the odebius automatically blamed stark, despite him not being the reason his comapany fell and it was the goverment pulling an al capone, better safe than sorry

Lara's last name:
[][NAME] DeMornay
[][NAME] Croft
On one hand, i want lara to be regain the signature croft name, to show that lara wants to redeem the name of the croft and show that despite everything she still believed in the name and wants to fix the image and it is iconic to her character

on the other letting her use her mother last name would distance her from the current shitstorm that is happening with the croft family after what lara's uncle did with the fortune and company
Throw the book at 'em, I say! Let justice be done!

I have no opinion on the name thing.

Ooh! We can use this to get some ties to MI6, and Interpol, and all that! That'll be helpful for when we eventually start working overseas.
[x][FAMILY] Arrest them and throw the book at them.

(Assuming that it includes "loss of surname", loss of titles, for dramatic irony)

[X][FAMILY] Write In ... DeMornay & Croft...

As in keep BOTH names (like the spanish), your mothers for personal use, and the croft name for the estate. Might use deMornay for a while or make it "DeMornay-Croft" but that is for later, heck most people will call her ms. Croft until they know her as DeMornay (a nice way to differentiate informal/friends from formal/unknowns)
For Lara's name I'd say either go for Croft or DeMornay-Croft. At least if "DeMornay-Croft" was a legitimate option. I like that as an act of protest after Lara's uncle got the clan to back his betrayal. Reclaiming the name while showing that she hasn't forgotten what they did to her.

[X][FAMILY] Arrest them and throw the book at them.

Lara's last name:
[][NAME] DeMornay-Croft
[X][NAME] Croft
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I know ya'll want revenge, and fair enough, but keep in mind that most of Lara's Family was not in on the plot.

Yes, they should have trusted her over her Uncle's word, but that's not grounds to arrest someone.
Lara can absolutely cut them out of her life if she chooses to, though. And her Uncle and everyone who helped him should go all the way down, of course.
Hm, let's see here...

These really are hard options, but if the DeMornay-Croft option becomes available then I'll vote for it.

As for punishment? Life imprisonment for her uncle should be a given. But of course, maybe we want him to be secretly assassinated, I don't know.

Other than than those options, there are plenty of things a creative write-in can do.

P.S. Thank you, @Cyberphilosipher, for taking an omake that I decided to do for fun and make such a lovely update with it. Now we have Betsy's new secret weapon on speed dial.