You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Dora and a tech hero would get us a Jarvis and if we had 2-3 admin heroes we'd be in business.

Non-crazy AI has to be in the tech tree someplace. Just gotta keep it away from the advanced sentinels until they're thoroughly mature and also protected from magic.
You know some Halo comics were published my Marvel, just saying
At this point, it increasingly looks like we might as well go full SPARTAN program nonsense. With all these bio experts, it increasingly looks like we should start taking inspiration from stuff like XCOM gene mods…
….If any spooks in quest tells us we should 'aquire children' for maximum effectiveness of body modification….

No. We REALLY don't want to do that comic book level stuff. Better leave it to some idiot villain that will eventually do it.
Does that means making our version of Perfect Cell is out of the question? I mean It would be possible for us to get all that bio-data with our network...

I mean I think we have everything to make one to be honest. We just put into bake for while, We got the best biologist in the world and I mean it just a thought. We could make bullshit op bio-android. I mean we have more resources than Doctor Gero has and whole bunch of world class biologist.

I mean it would nice to have our Superhuman Nuke Button just saying. I mean we already have good framework to base it on
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Does that means making our version of Perfect Cell is out of the question? I mean It would be possible for us to get all that bio-data with our network...

I mean I think we have everything to make one to be honest. We just put into bake for while, We got the best biologist in the world and I mean it just a thought. We could make bullshit op bio-android. I mean we have more resources than Doctor Gero has and whole bunch of world class biologist.

I mean it would nice to have our Superhuman Nuke Button just saying. I mean we already have good framework to base it on
I hope not. Because honestly, fuck that Idea. I don't want to create any sort of biological android or some other abomination. I'd rather go with the Spartan Program than to try to create life from scratch. And I especially don't want SHIELD to end up with either a Homelander situation or a Cell situation.
We don't have the Tecnology...its only 2000.

Why are people forgetting that! I know we're in a comic world but that stuff takes time and stuff.

Edit: We still use Dial UP INTERNET as this point!
Yet. We don't have the technology yet. And I want to keep it that way. SHIELD is not in the Frankenstein business of creating biological life. It's in the business of destroying biological abominations with napalm and acid.

Then again, this might probably just be me being extremely aggressive at the idea of introducing any type of idea or concept from Dragon Ball Z into this quest. Not to say that I hate Dragon Ball Zbut....ok that's a straight up lie, I fucking hate Dragon Ball Z.
people about the whole "marvel´s cell equivalent"
2° that is how you make avenger levels treats DO NOT DO IT.
3° pretty sure making "hybrid metahumans" count as "metahuman-eugenics"
4° we get the SAME RESULT by hiring an ETHICs PROFFESOR and PSYCOLOGIST with pediatry specialty. and "saving/adopting/operation papercliping" the "rebelious creations of OTHER BAD-GUYS".

seriously get a military psycologist or 3 and "suddently bucky stop being brainwashed, and want to murder hydra agents so bad he joins us so he can hang out with cap whiloe kicking "neo-nazi asses".

seriously like 30% of mad scientist are " smart people that never got agnoloment for their feat due nepotism/being "minority/lgtb/autistic in the 20th century", just giving them a therapist and a "book club of people that can empatise with them" will "murder non-corporate/magic/cosmic problems by 50%"

seriously "never create your own villain" that superhero 201
people about the whole "marvel´s cell equivalent"
Especially not the Red Ribbon Army. I'd like to emphasize that specifically. Because this is a marvel quest, and the aesthetics in Dragon Ball look fucking stupid. I'm sure some people like the appeal, but when I look at it, I always have the urge to throw up.

Seriously, who the fuck thought this was badass or menacing? It's neither of those things. Cell is supposed to be this really big threat, a biological abomination set to destroy the planet, and this is his design? At least with Umbrella, the bioweapons actually look threatening and badass. Like the Nemesis who just lands on the ground and just drops a box it's carrying which turns out to be a fucking Rocket Launcher. At which point you proceed to shit your pants and start running like crazy. But with Cell, every time he says something remotely intimidating, I'm constantly distracted by the fact that His design choice looks worst the further he evolves. If anything, I actually tolerated him more in his first form, because it at least looked like he was an abomination. And the more human he looks the more I want to just throw up.
Especially not the Red Ribbon Army. I'd like to emphasize that specifically. Because this is a marvel quest, and the aesthetics in Dragon Ball look fucking stupid. I'm sure some people like the appeal, but when I look at it, I always have the urge to throw up.

Seriously, who the fuck thought this was badass or menacing? It's neither of those things. Cell is supposed to be this really big threat, a biological abomination set to destroy the planet, and this is his design? At least with Umbrella, the bioweapons actually look threatening and badass. Like the Nemesis who just lands on the ground and just drops a box it's carrying which turns out to be a fucking Rocket Launcher. At which point you proceed to shit your pants and start running like crazy. But with Cell, every time he says something remotely intimidating, I'm constantly distracted by the fact that His design choice looks worst the further he evolves. If anything, I actually tolerated him more in his first form, because it at least looked like he was an abomination. And the more human he looks the more I want to just throw up.
Dude, stop. This is not the Thread to bitch about Dragonball, especially since the QM has already said that it won't be in the Quest.

Just drop it.
Lee, Alex asked you to stop…

Thank you Alex but I've got a handle on it.
Sorry, my bad. I forgot that one of the rules is not to derail. Just need to focus on more happy thoughts.

Here's another question I have. Considering that we are a paramilitary organization first and foremost, I'm guessing we don't have the authorization to negotiate deals or engage in diplomatic ties with foreign powers, both alien or otherwise. Is it possible for us to back the formation of a type of Global planetary type state department whose job is to engage with spatial entities? Cuz I'd feel much more comfortable if we had more direct lines of communication with factions like Asgard.
I'm not saying that you DON'T have the power to negotiate and make binding treaties with Aliens.

But you'd have to be clever about how you word it to your boss.
Which in this case is the Council. The same Council that tried to short us on cash before Sr. called in a favor. So that means we need to make sure we are indispensable to the Law enforcement/intelligence/military community. Make sure that we have the support of the other agencies and organizations, along with the correct politicians and peoples in power.

We also need to also get intel on the various factions and civilizations in space. Whether they are invaders, or are they refugees seeking asylum. For example, are you using only the comics version for the Skrull, or are you using the mcu verse where a considerable chunk of the skrulls where refugees running from the Kree.
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Aiming for a United Earth Space Intelligence Directorate would be cool especially once we get advanced power sources and better launch capacity. That said we likely need to build up some institutional credibility. We were founded super recently and because we're a secret agency we don't have (or usually want) a ton of visibility. Until we've coordinated with our counterparts overseas, more with other law enforcement and alphabet agencies, and the military all our credibility is based off personal relationships. After we've got a track record for success (or some more developed tech) we'd be in a place to have and use influence.

Too much cool superscience and with our budget the current limit is researcher's time and how quickly we can patent safe civilian versions of the tech.
Canon Omake: London is Very Upset by Qudrim8054
Okay, so I wanted to come up with a short yet slightly fun side-story (hopefully canon, but I'll deal with it if it isn't) before the continuation of the turn results. Here goes:


London is Very Upset

M had done plenty in the service of Queen and country, even at the time when there was still a king and she was fighting the Nazis alongside Steve and the Howling Commandos... despite not always being on the front lines.

Oh, how she missed those days. Everything was so simple. Good was good (and Steve was the absolute pinnacle of goodness), evil was evil and she didn't have to worry about a daily headache over the escapades of young, rash men.

However, in the last month, she had been made a fool out of. The entire empire was made a fool out of by the Croft family as they took possession of the woman formerly named Dame Lara Croft's fortune and ruined her reputation in one fell swoop. Even she believed their lies, if only briefly.

Now it seemed that somehow evidence had reached her hands about all the crimes and wrong-doings that actually happened and the injustice done to the young woman. She had everything in her hands to ruin that family. Especially the newly bankrupt Lord Croft. She all but confirmed in her mind that Fury Jr. was the one who made sure that she would have all of this, but she couldn't act on it at this moment.

...Because she now had a meeting with the queen. It was always bad news when the head of MI6 had an appointment with the queen.

"...Now that I have been debriefed about the situation, I must say that I am most displeased. For such a blunder of intelligence to happen on your watch is something that must be atoned for, M." the queen said, staying composed and regal on the outside, but M knew that internally she was infuriated. No one makes the queen angry.

"I assure you, we have managed to obtain all the information required to put the entire Croft family in prison for life." the old spy assured.

The queen nodded. "Then be sure that they shall be exposed for the world to see. I will use my connections with the Prime Minister and the media, they will be sure to make it a spectacle. The knowledge we have now shames me for our government's actions and my own against Lara Croft. The price for such betrayel must be known far and wide." she explained as she got up from her comfy couch, with M soon doing the same.

"What will you do now, your highness?"

"I shall make haste to meet Lara Croft face-to-face, where I shall humbly request her forgiveness and reinstate her title, family name and remove her exile from Great Britain. Then I shall return and release an official statement in the newspapers and on live television, where I shall publically do the same. I shall admit my mistake in order to build rapport with the people and restore their faith in the crown."

M was alert now. "I shall sent Agent Bond with your entourage. You'll need to be discreet and well protected and he is one of the best men I have, despite not gaining the '00' status." she stated with firmness in her voice.

The old monarch smiled. "That would be lovely of you. Agent Bond's humour is always brings a bit of a laugh out of me, and his skill are unquestionable." she said, only for her smile to disappear. "Now, I trust you to deal with the Crofts' trial. They must be made as an example. Am I clear?"

M nodded, which satisfied the queen.

"Wonderful. I shall now start preparing for my trip. You are dismissed." she told her as she left the room.

It had been almost an hour since she had left Buckingham Palace and she was sitting in her office, going over everything. All the numbers, all the files and every correspondence documented on paper and computer. She then heard as the phone started to ring and quickly picked it up.

"Bond's here, marm." her personal secretary, Eve Moneypenny's voice came from the phone.

"Good, send him in." M said, having very little patience today.

It didn't even take 10 seconds before the door opened and a well dressed young man in his 30s that most women would fawn over in just a glance came in. He was a professional, carrying himself with the utmost refinement that would be required of a man who was trained to potentially become one of England's finest agents. Despite his skills, he had the tendancy to let slip an insufferable youthful smirk from time to time.

"Good afternoon, M. I assume you sent for me not because of my charming wit."

The old spy simply glared at him. "I have no patience to your jokes today, Bond. I have a most urgent mission." she told him.

The man kept smiling, but she could tell that she had his attention. "And what is it today? Stopping one of Ulysses Klaue's Vibranium shipments? Stopping a strange new terrorist cell in Far-East Asia? Maybe sniffing a few skeletons out of Latveria's new ruler? Or is the last one only a mission a '00' would be trusted with?" he questioned.

"You are to accompany her majesty herself on a secret trip to Dallas in the United States. You shall hide her identity and protect her at all cost, even your life. You will be temporarily be assigned the '007' status, given a license to kill and every other benefit it includes. However, this is only temporary and will be revoked the moment the queen's feet land on British soil. Am I understood, Bond?" she told him the basic summary of his mission, her tone harsh and cold.

"Yes, marm. I understand." he said as the smirk finally went away and he appeared to take things completely seriously. "May I ask her majesty's intetions for the trip?" he inquired.

"She intends to meet Laura Croft personally as the the girl is living with Elizabeth Brant in Dallas. There, her majesty will reinstate her status as a dame and retract all of the actions done against her, all thanks to new evidence that exonerate her of any wrongdoings and prove without a shadow of a doubt that her uncle was responsible for all of this."

The agent hummed. "That's awfully convinient that evidence that we didn't find in our investigation croped out of nowhere to exonerate a shamed and disowned formerly illustrious adventurer." he spoke with a bit of sarcasm to his voice. "But I think we can let such a god given coincidence be for such a young women with such a plentyful-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll have you shot." M threatened. She did not care at all for the agent's comments on women. That brat was too much like Howard Stark and his son. She wouldn't be surprised if he had come to this meeting after some one-night stand. Where have the men like Steve gone? Not that there were that many like him to begin with.

"There is also a second part to your mission, Bond." she informed him.

The commander perked up upon hearing this. "After the queen and her entourage shall safely land on British soil, you shall secretly return to the America and investigate whether or not S.H.I.E.L.D. are in fact the ones who had discovered these evidence against the Croft family and sent it to me."

Bond tilted his head, perplexed. "That new American agency that's run by Fury Jr.? I thought you already had it confirmed?" he inquired.

"I know that it was him, but I still haven't fully confirmed it yet. I want you to find evidence that comfirm that it was him. Afterwards, I shall make an appointment with him to talk about inteferring with intelligence in my home country without my permission." she said.

Bond nodded. "Understood, marm. By the way, do you ever wonder how both father and son lost the same eye? I guess the universe has a sense of humour after all."

M sighed. "You will go to Q and get equipped for your mission, 007. You're dismissed." she told him.

"Of course. Have a pleasent day, M." he said as he walked towards the door, before stopping and turning back. "I have heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. has quite a small staff. Many of whom are some of the most brillaint women in the world. And I heard they are quite a lovely sight as well." he said as he once more smirked.

M's glare got fixated on the man. "Bond, if I have to hear about you misbehaving around any of Fury's employees, I will-"

"Have me shot. Thank you for the warning. I'll be sure to remember it." he retorted cheekily as he left her office.

M felt herself slumping back into her chair, holding her head. This was not a good day for her.


So that was my omake. I wanted to find something that was enjoyable to read. Hope you all liked it.
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"Of course. Have a pleasent day, M." he said as he walked towards the door, before stopping and turning back. "I have heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. has quite a small staff. Many of whom are some of the most brillaint women in the world. And I heard they are quite a lovely sight as well." he said as he once more smirked.
I swear if another one of our team falls pregnant.........