You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

[X] November 3rd, 1943, Italy: I'll never forget my First Encounter with HYDRA, no matter how the movies and the reports say how well we fought for something so unexpected, the gold and silver stars earned that day or even how much Barns and Dum Dum fought like mad bastards trying to keep "Doc" safe it was terrifying… insurmountable. Impossible, my last conscious thought before we were dragged off to that Hydra base was how cooked we were.

I want the full ride, lol.
[X] January 2000: Whelp You've done it now've finally given the top brass a reason to throw you to the wolves without a paddle, and by wolves you mean a desk. Top Brass has finally decided that they want to put your skills, training, ultraviolence and experience to make a fancy new organization.
The 2000 option has the benefit of no timeskips and will presumably still have crossover material, just introduced slower than in the 1943 option.
Asbestos Lady is a walking Health code violation.

Hellcow is going to be hard to find in the cow population of the US.

I have no idea who this is...and I'm afreid to ask.
Honestly, of those I've listed, I'd be most up to seeking Doctor Bong's help and uplifting animal species, for help in information gathering. Super intelligent animals are always useful in spy work.

Oh boy I forgot how weird Marvel Comics got for a while...

So any question on witch hero we can kidnap er recruit that are a bit more well known?
I'd probably start with one of the wealthy heroes like Iron Man, they'd be powerful backers who we'd want early, in the organization.

Similarly Domino or Mister Immortal would be useful for Suicide Missions,
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Any obscure SHIELD stuff? Like characters and Such, given the context of the quest?
I'm going to take it as a piece of advice question but...

I'd probably preface it by saying this. There's a lot of groups that S.H.I.E.L.D. should be on some level interacting with unless your retconning all of them.

While some like the Godzilla Squad are well..
Self explanatory. It's really impossible to list all of them and explain them in detail, you can also say S.W.O.R.D. or S.P.E.A.R. might become things after S.H.I.E.L.D. but keep in mind there's a lot of them, I'd try to only keep a few in mind, and try to only look into more if you feel it's needed. Comic books are crazy in terms of number of groups.

Right now, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't exist but if you want agents of shield... I'd probably just use characters in agents of Shield.
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