Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

I would argue that with Lung in town, a Pyro kinetic with a Changer power shouldn't be something that he wouldn't at least consider.
Armsmaster acting like a idiot seems too cliché for this. There was no reason to have him act like an idiot here. It kinda pisses me off. This happens too much in fics. I mean New Wave is right there.
Okay. He's seen one member of New Wave, who (as far as he knows) is ignorant of what's going on.
Taylor Hebert, the girl he is looking for, is right there. She admits to a crime. To his face. Then, she turns into a dragon. At which point, he can be excused for thinking that his life is in danger, given that she's using a threat display. So he pulls out his primary weapon and verbally warns her to stand down.

Whereupon she warns him right back :p
They've already ID'd her as a Blaster/Changer. There are two capes with both blow-shit-up powers and mind control: Eidolon and the Fairy Queen. Saying "But she might have the same range of powers as Eidolon and GU" doesn't justify it because then Armsy's a moron for going in solo. And no, Grab Bag Cape isn't an explanation, because they have weaksauce powers, but a range thereof.
Which he will find out just as soon as he has his suspect in custody.
Armsmaster =/= Mr Subtle.
She's in a room with multiple other heroes. That's close enough to custody that the sane response is have a fucking conversation.
Why not? She admitted to a crime.
Sarah was right there. She should have absorbed enough of her sister's work to tell Taylor to STFU while she calls Carol and waits for her to arrive. This would change the conflict from "Taylor admitted to a crime; testosterone ensues" to "Armsmaster tries to rush things before Taylor's new lawyer arrives"
Why not? She admitted to a crime.

Oh, I don't know, he can always start off with questioning her to find out WHY before hauling off, especially in a world where he knows trigger events exist, not knowing the full extent of her powers or what she might do, how they might activate, and otherwise antagonizing someone who was being entirely cooperative.
Armsmaster is not known for subtlety. he was looking for the 'big red bird' that had apparently accompanied Glory Girl home. What he found was Taylor Hebert, arson suspect. Who admitted to it right in front of him. And then, when he tried to arrest her, changed into a dragon.

A lack of subtlety does not mean Armsmaster is a fool. Or completely lacks any observational skills.

He tracked the 'big red bird' to a New Wave home.
'BRB' happened to be an arson suspect with evidence that pointed to powers of some sort.
Mrs. Pelham, Photon Mom, was the first person he met, and she was calm and collected, with nary a singe.

So this leads him to the logical conclusion of dragging her out of the house and placing her under arrest regardless of what she or they were going to say. The logic chain to that decision is perfectly clear. Oh wait.....
It looks like it is gonna turn out to be Armsy being an idiot and or overstressed. Ack just said on SB that Lady Photon is going to be administering a forcefield interrupt as soon as she stops WTFing over Armsy threatening her guest and her guest melting his halberd.
Kinda agree that the attempted arrest without asking what the hell is going on when it's clear that there is something more going on there, seems to be forced.

But I'm ok with it.
It looks like it is gonna turn out to be Armsy being an idiot and or overstressed. Ack just said on SB that Lady Photon is going to be administering a forcefield interrupt as soon as she stops WTFing over Armsy threatening her guest and her guest melting his halberd.

Yeah, but being overstressed and tired would be plenty of reason for scaring Taylor into changing from just generally being really pissed off and growly, not 'You did it? INSTANT ARREST!' There is something to be said for stressing her by being relatively hostile in questioning (making sure that we see it from his POV), resulting in her freaking out and changing.
A lack of subtlety does not mean Armsmaster is a fool. Or completely lacks any observational skills.

He tracked the 'big red bird' to a New Wave home.
'BRB' happened to be an arson suspect with evidence that pointed to powers of some sort.
No. He was introduced to someone who was a suspect in a crime. For all he knew, 'BRB' went elsewhere, and Taylor was a friend of Vicky's.
Mrs. Pelham, Photon Mom, was the first person he met, and she was calm and collected, with nary a singe.
True. because she was Vicky's aunt, and knew nothing of any wrongdoing.

So this leads him to the logical conclusion of dragging her out of the house and placing her under arrest regardless of what she or they were going to say. The logic chain to that decision is perfectly clear. Oh wait.....
No, that results in him first identifying her. She agrees to the identification. Then he posits that she blew up her locker. She agrees that she did so. So then he - because she admitted to a crime in front of him - proceeds to take hold of her while he arrests her (because standing back and letting your suspect run away while you're arresting them is a stupid fucking idea) whereupon she turns into a dragon. And threatens him. So he feels threatened. So he produces his halberd and verbally warns her.

Yeah, it's actually logical.

We as readers see how stupid it was, but he was actually working from logical premises.
Okay, look; if you're gonna keep bitching about this, offer an alternative solution. I've said the same thing five times now, and nobody seems to be paying attention.
Armsmaster is heavily autistic, in a sense that he follows the train made of logic and procedures.

I don't think you should change anything.
No, it's really not. Again. She's having a civil conversation with new wave. That raises the odds that something more is going on to roughly 100%, because people don't set off a bomb in a school and then leave to go hang out with cops. Also, the protectorate's canon RoE on use of lethal force is not NEARLY loose enough to go straight to lethal at the beginning of combat against anyone without a kill order, much less when you haven't even confirmed you're dealing with a villain.

You want alternates?
Lady Photon drops a forcefield before shit starts.
Armsmaster asks questions about what went on.
Armsmaster assumes that if someone blew up a locker then went to New Wave's place it probably means they think they had a valid reason, so talking is the right way to bring them in if needed.
Armsmaster interrupts less and Taylor is able to say that yes, she blew up her locker after being locked inside with a bunch of rotted tampons and triggering.

Taylor only admitted to a crime in the sense that someone who said that "yes, I shot the guy hosing down that apartment building with a grenade machine gun" (when the hosing down with a GnMG is real) admitted to a crime. IE it's only a crime stripped of context, and since you don't go straight to weapons and arrests when someone is having a civil conversation with other cops, his interruption does not excuse it, because if he'd followed procedure he'd have that info.
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I actually have one question concerning Armsmaster's logic. What's his reasoning for assuming that Vicky and Sarah don't know what's going on? It seems like something he arbitrarily decided.
No, that results in him first identifying her. She agrees to the identification. Then he posits that she blew up her locker. She agrees that she did so. So then he - because she admitted to a crime in front of him - proceeds to take hold of her while he arrests her (because standing back and letting your suspect run away while you're arresting them is a stupid fucking idea) whereupon she turns into a dragon. And threatens him. So he feels threatened. So he produces his halberd and verbally warns her.

Yeah, it's actually logical.

We as readers see how stupid it was, but he was actually working from logical premises.
Armsmaster does not have high functioning autism like half of the fanbase seems to believe. The man is intelligent and has a good sense of intuition. The entire setup for this fight comes down to Armsmaster being handed the idiot ball. Frankly, if you wanted a fight scene you should not have surrounded Taylor by reasonable, sympathetic people with enough influence to see this issue resolved without the situation degenerating. The decision to pick a fight comes completely out of left field.
Attempted arrest changed out. Okay?
Better. But he's still got the idiot ball. If your suspect is hanging out with other cops hours after the event it probably means they think they had a good reason and/or are innocent. You let those types talk (unless the talking is somehow a threat), because they tend to be the easiest to get to come in willingly. You don't interrupt them the minute they start on the WHY.