Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic


(that or he's going to have wyvern-sized chocolates custom made . He'll add a bow tie to his standard shirtless get-up, too. Chippendale Lung. Huh. I never thought we'd see the day. )

I can see him saying something like:

Lung looked at the girl. "You are a dragon. You are Asian!"

Taylor blinked. "But I'm not Asian."

"I am a dragon. Since you are also a dragon, you are also Asian."
Oh god. Another Ack story. I have a writer friend, and he's starting to do lots of stories at the same time. I start calling him like Ack. I don't think he can compare though 0.o
The police being so certain Taylor had a bomb in her locker broke SoD, given your comments I didn't feel like trying to slog through that to see if it improves.
The police were told by the principal that someone had exploded a bomb in the school. Kind of a serious matter, so they hit that as their first lead. Yes, they were coming at Danny a bit hard, but then, they want to nip this in the bud before any other bombs go off.

As I said; all they know is what they were told. And then they investigated.

Also, yes, the effect in the locker was actually an explosion. A real explosion. Which actually exploded the locker.

Specifically, this:
Wyvern 01 said:
What came from my mouth was more in the nature of an explosion than mere flame; perhaps I was igniting something in the mess beneath me. In any case, it wrecked the locker, bending the ones on either side to hell and gone. I sprawled on the floor, struggled to my feet.
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Except that it wasn't a prank or terrorist act or even really a bomb. That bomb-tech seems to have clued into the fact that there was a parahuman inside that locker who REALLY wanted to get out.
Or rather, there was something inside that locker. More than one something. None of which had any reason to be in there.

He's got a glimmer of an idea of what actually happened, but has not yet joined the dots. (Once he hears about the dragon flying around, he might just go, "Ooooh." Or maybe not.)
Seems obvious to me. Not the police at fault, it's that damn principal again. I mean if someone calls in a bomb threat, the police have to assume it's genuine. Same thing with someone said a bomb went off. They assume there is one, and if there's one there could be more.

And after they investigate. Voila, they know something is wrong with the initial info.

Makes sense. SOD remains rock steady, and steel reinforced.
The police were told by the principal that someone had exploded a bomb in the school. Kind of a serious matter, so they hit that as their first lead. Yes, they were coming at Danny a bit hard, but then, they want to nip this in the bud before any other bombs go off.
As I noted there are any number of reasons for an explosion OTHER than a bomb, some perfectly legal, others not. The police are not going to be asking questions about bomb making materials until:
1)They know it was actually a bomb.
2)They know what kind of bomb.

As I said; all they know is what they were told. And then they investigated.
No, given that they investigated the scene they should know a lot more than what they were told, and even before they investigated they should not have automatically assumed the civilian, untrained and possibly panicking Principal is competent to evaluate the source of the damage.

Also, yes, the effect in the locker was actually an explosion. A real explosion. Which actually exploded the locker.

Specifically, this:
Okay. In that case the door could not have been embeded in the far wall(the explosion would have originated at the top of the locker), and the explosion would be too directional to be any sort of simple improvised device.
Actually the police did their jobs in this chapter. It didn't break my SOD or whatever.

Btw, bomb threats are taken seriously. So when someone in a position of authority, Blackwell, calls one in, the police are legally obligate to assume it was a bomb until they further investigate what happened.

I do not get why that breaks your SOD honestly.
As I noted there are any number of reasons for an explosion OTHER than a bomb, some perfectly legal, others not. The police are not going to be asking questions about bomb making materials until:
1)They know it was actually a bomb.
2)They know what kind of bomb.
They get there, there's obviously an explosion happened. "Okay, it was a bomb. Let's start asking questions."

No, given that they investigated the scene they should know a lot more than what they were told, and even before they investigated they should not have automatically assumed the civilian, untrained and possibly panicking Principal is competent to evaluate the source of the damage.
As I said; they were told it was a bomb, when they got there it looked like a bomb had gone off, so they assumed for the moment that it was actually a bomb, rather than (say) a water balloon prank gone badly wrong.

Okay. In that case the door could not have been embeded in the far wall(the explosion would have originated at the top of the locker), and the explosion would be too directional to be any sort of simple improvised device.
The explosion went in all fucking directions. Did you not read the bit about how the floor was damaged, the ceiling was damaged, and the lockers on either side were damaged? The explosion happened at about chest level; a foot or two below the top of the locker. Which blew the locker door across the corridor.

What part of this is hard to understand?
The explosion went in all fucking directions. Did you not read the bit about how the floor was damaged, the ceiling was damaged, and the lockers on either side were damaged? The explosion happened at about chest level; a foot or two below the top of the locker. Which blew the locker door across the corridor.

What part of this is hard to understand?

But the BACK of Taylor's locker should've been completely lacking in any sign a bomb went off, since Taylor's body was between it and the explosion