Wyvern - Worm AU fanfic

Well if you have enough FIREpower you dont care about distance and possible electricity vulnerabilities )
Just wondering, how big can Taylor grow when meeting Siberian or Crawler? Big enough to kick them into tomorow or straight full Neltarion on bad day?
Well, there is the Wyvern versus the Slaughterhouse Nine Omake in the Apocrypha tab...hopefully something kind of like that.

Well, except for the "ten billion dollars in property damage" part...
Well, if you ask anyone in EB, I think they prefer to pay the property damage than to deal with the Murderhobos any longer

That actually makes for a wonderful image. Can't get it out of my head now.
tell me I'm wrong though? The director is going to do her best Pissed off Becca impression and rip it off.

1:20, just like that but the full beard
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And the Assmaster jumps to another self serving conclusion again.......foiled by that pesky teenager.:lol:
Carol's smile has to be as large as the Grinch by now.🤣😂

Sophia you can run but you'll just die/get captured tired.:whistle2::whistle2::ninja2::ninja2::ninja2::ninja2::ninja2:
Heal Sophia, don't grow her hair back, I'm petty like that.
They really need a Thor's Hammer icon.:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::lol:

NOOOOOOOOOOO Bonesaw! Taylor's lucky she's not a unicorn this time or she'd have two tweens on her case.
just like that but the full beard
The scene I had playing in my head involved her giving him a tinkertech hair growth compound, saying it was on orders from the image department (it is, but she ordered them to do it). He comes in with a wonderful growth of facial hair, and then she steps up, unlimbers a knife, and then yanks him down by the beard to shear it off with the knife. Not quite a scalping, but I'm sure it's gonna hurt almost as much.
The scene I had playing in my head involved her giving him a tinkertech hair growth compound, saying it was on orders from the image department (it is, but she ordered them to do it). He comes in with a wonderful growth of facial hair, and then she steps up, unlimbers a knife, and then yanks him down by the beard to shear it off with the knife. Not quite a scalping, but I'm sure it's gonna hurt almost as much.
....Nice, very nice.....so anyone up for omakes? Because I would love a series of omakes in which Piggot has to keep Armsmaster from doing stupid things 24/7 and that is the reason things are so bad in BB, it's either the gangs or Armsmaster building a doohikey that would crater 75% of the city, all because efficiency and riding the city of the gangs
He'd have to check on that, but a rampaging Wyvern was still a high priority, if only because of the potential harm to innocents in the line of fire.

Another student caught his attention, most of the way across the playing field, and he sighed in exasperation. Did they honestly not understand that getting into the habit of ditching school would lead to a lack of motivation and advancement in later life?

How could even he simultaneously be aware that there was a rampaging cape (wrong cape, but still) and a school on fire, and also think that the kids should be staying in class?

Using a stunt he'd practised ever since he saw it in a movie, he stepped off the bike while it was still sliding to a halt.

He watches movies?

"Nope. I sniped her with an explosive fireball at three hundred yards. Turned every blade of grass in a fifteen-foot radius to ash, blew her twenty feet in the air, broke half her ribs plus one collarbone and her right arm, and gave her a concussion. Also, first and second degree burns over forty percent of her body, and she's got no hair at the moment. None."

How is Shadow Puppet still alive? And how did Wyvern know that she'd survive?

"Absolutely. Can't touch brains, remember?"

Can't heal stupid.
"Explosive fireball." Vicky enunciated the words with great enjoyment. "From three hundred yards out. Booom. Broken bones all over, first and second degree burns, a concussion and no hair left."
Three hundred yards translates to 900 feet, or just over a sixth of a mile.

What a goddamn perfect snipe of a loogie.

Piggot has to keep Armsmaster from doing stupid things 24/7 and that is the reason things are so bad in BB, it's either the gangs or Armsmaster building a doohikey that would crater 75% of the city, all because efficiency and riding the city of the gangs
List of Things that Armsmaster is No Longer Allowed to Do when?
So, Sophia is even more dilusional then usual, Armsmaster proves he actually can get a clue when the Clue-by-four smacks him in the face while also proving how oblivious he is. Oh, and...

Dad also looked sceptical. "I'm not sure that's how you said your power worked."

Amy smirked at him. "Hey, Mr. Hebert, it's my power. It works like I say it works."

The penny dropped and he shrugged. "Good point. I'm no expert in these things."

Dayam, look at that crater! That must have been a seriously heavy penny.
On first- and second-degree burns, no less! Can you say "ouch?"

I get the feeling that they've yet to actually beard the Beardmaster. For once, he got away without being totally poleaxed, and with how easily he was turned away, I can't help but think he's still plotting something. They really need to lance the boil that is his ego. At the very least, they need to try denting it good and hard.

We get to find out if the third word of her first Thu'um is "jerk" or "dick." :rofl:
Now that Dragon has found out about what Colin's been up to, she's currently yelling in his ear.

Piggot is also going to be unthrilled with him (not totally, because him showing up saved Miss Militia's life, but some).

How could even he simultaneously be aware that there was a rampaging cape (wrong cape, but still) and a school on fire, and also think that the kids should be staying in class?

He watches movies?

How is Shadow Puppet still alive? And how did Wyvern know that she'd survive?

Can't heal stupid.
1) Not in class. But they're leaving school grounds where they should be waiting in the evacuation area.

2) For inspiration.

3) It was mainly concussion damage, little bit of fire (okay, a lot of fire). And Taylor figured she'd probably survive. Wasn't overly worried, one way or the other. It wasn't a direct attempt at killing her, which was why the fireball detonated about three feet in front of her, at ground level.

4) Well, true.
Armsmaster is going to be able to point out that he'd gotten a tip, then when he showed up:
  1. The school was on fire.
  2. Taylor was in Wyvern form.
  3. Miss Militia was no longer responding to calls.
  4. Wyvern was right next to Miss Militia.
Given those data points, without the context that we the readers are aware of, no one can disagree that it looks like Wyvern had gone on a rampage and put down the Protectorate 2iC.

Armsy noted the arrow gut-shot and realized things weren't as they seemed PDQ, switching to 'render aid' mode immediately after receiving evidence that Wyvern wasn't rampaging like he'd been told.

He's not stupid. He's very good at combat/crisis response. And he just found out that a Thinker was trying to exploit him. Are we about to see Dragon and her robotic in fanon husbando start hunting for what'll end up being Coil?
So what if they had a whole lot of rules designed to trip her up and make her look bad? It wasn't like she'd meant it when she signed on the dotted line, promising to follow all those stupid regulations. Emma had once told her anything signed under duress was legally null and void, and what was the threat of being thrown into juvey if not a whole shitload of duress?
One thing is what happened in Implacable, sign this or else, with no true charges, no extenuating circumstances, misinterpreting the case to the parent, no court involved and just being an attempt to press gang a victim.
You, on the other hand, Miss Edgy got caught after almost killing one gang member, a grunt, via blood loss. They gave you an out of Juvie, sign here and try being a decent human being and you dont go to a correctional. Those rules were never meant to trip you up, you simply had to be a decent human being.

Still, being able to bluff the PRT into thinking she was pulling her weight and toeing the line and all the rest of that kumbayah teamwork bullshit had been … useful. All she'd had to do was bite her tongue and think happy thoughts about reaching the end of her probation when she was around Gallant, and she'd been golden. They needed her a lot more than she needed them, that was for damn sure.
I mean, if the city and Piggot weren't in such a desperate situation, your ass would be Juvie grass. Honey they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with you, its not something to be proud of. Besides the moment you trip up and anyone learns your weakness, every villain engaged with you will know how to deal with you.

And so what if she felt the need to blow off a little steam when she was at school, and Hebert was the perfect target? If the wimpy little queef wanted it to stop, all she had to do was stay away from Sophia. Leave Winslow. Leave Brockton Bay. Fuckin' just take a running jump off a nice tall building; whatever it took for Emma to get over her once and for all. Sophia couldn't believe Ems had ever actually been friends with that dweeb, not for real. It must've been some sort of phase or something
Wow, ok, Sophie? You blow off steam in a gym or sparring with the Prt Agents. Not mentally and physically torturing a girl! That makes you no better than someone from the gangs, you gigantic, one eyed monster!

Meanwhile, in Sophia's opinion, Militia had seriously overstepped her authority when it came to the way she dealt with the Hebert thing. Shadow Stalker had never punched or kicked Hebert, or shoved her in her locker, or done a damn thing to her. That had all been Sophia, acting as a civilian.
Oh please, you stupid, braindead, moron. You and your alter ego are the same damm person, anything you do in your civilian identity will be judged as something done by SS. You think the PRT will make a distinction?

Militia should've done her duty as a kiss-ass Protectorate member and protected Sophia's secret identity first and foremost. Sweep the whole fucking thing under the rug, give Sophia a rap over the knuckles and maybe a few weeks on monitor duty, they get to keep her as Shadow Stalker, nobody important gets hurt. But no, she had to let the lines get blurry and step in on the civilian side where she had no business interfering, backing up the stupid damn cops and letting everyone know that Sophia Hess was Shadow Stalker.
Yeah, but you see? You have a criminal record, and there was no proof of parahuman involvement, meaning MM or the PRT couldn't use their influence to save you from your own stupid mistakes.

worst part. Wimpy, weakling Hebert, along with her stupid scrawny father (who actually cared enough to show up and support his daughter—shut up!) knew it was Shadow Stalker, a Ward, who had been tuning her up on the regular. In an ideal world, nobody would give a good goddamn about this, but in the last hour it had been made astonishingly clear to her that the world was anything other than ideal. Especially since they'd actually called the damn cops on her, and Blackwell now knew the extent of what she'd been doing
Since when is the world ideal or fair? Besides, your ideal world is nothing like someone else's. And an ideal world doesnt exists. The closest thing would be a world were everyone tries to not be shitty to one another, something you definitely are not capable of.

Colin angled the bike to cut around a car, then accelerated just enough to get through the lights before they turned red. He was in the zone. Things were going exactly the way he wanted. Once he had the chance to speak with Wyvern and explain to her that she would be far better off in the Wards under his tutelage, she would understand
Ugh, i know Armsmaster has social ineptitud, even though he tries, but this is delusional levels of ineptitude.

Shadow Stalker did all this. That one phrase wrecked all of his future plans for the teen hero. He stared at her, then at Miss Militia and the incriminating arrow. Well, fuck.
Yeah, i just love how her consent is not truly a factor here. All his plans and she will obey or else go to juvie......Piggot, please be a decent, firm, human being and remind Armsmaster that, while he is the Leader of the Protectorate ENE, he is still your damm underling.

The spark vanished, more or less at the running figure's feet. There was a sudden burst of fire, a crack of detonation, and a concussion that he felt even where he was. The fireball dissipated, to show the figure rag-dolling through the air. She landed hard, and didn't move.
MMMMMMMMMM......Gotta love that karma.
Ok, just one nitpick here, the term is Broadheads.

Amy smirked at him. "Hey, Mr. Hebert, it's my power. It works like I say it works."
Good Amy, its your power, no one else's, you tell them. And you didnt swear a Hippocratic Oath, that we know of, so you are golden
"I understand that you don't want to be in the Wards," he said carefully. "But I did not initiate the situation. Heroes get anonymous tips all the time."

"You just decided to capitalise on it, and not tell anyone else." I raised my eyebrows. "I'm not exactly seeing you as the good guy, here."
The ass didnt even inform Piggot about a possible rampage, Piggot is going to cram Armsmaster's halberd up his own ass.

Sarah Pelham stepped up. "I think it would be best if you went, Armsmaster." She shook her head. "And maybe think about where you went wrong."
Sarah, as we have seen he is as stubborn as a mule, he will not really think of the important things, only how he didnt get Taylor to be his possible EB Weapon experiment/pet.

The one called Callan looked at me and frowned. "So, where did you get to when it all started happening, kid? I don't recall seeing you."

"I got her free first," Dad said. "Sent her to call for help. Why?"

Gainsford caught her subordinate's eye, and made a subtle slicing motion with her hand. "No reason," she said airily. "I'm just glad we got out alive, and that little psycho went down hard. I have to say, if it wasn't for Wyvern, I don't think we would've survived. Isn't that right, Callan?"
The Sergeant is a good man.

"Really?" Well, it was a good idea to keep his poppet happy. "I'll think about it."
So......the Slaughter House 9 is going to rebrand to Ash House 9...nice.

Armsy noted the arrow gut-shot and realized things weren't as they seemed PDQ, switching to 'render aid' mode immediately after receiving evidence that Wyvern wasn't rampaging like he'd been told.
But he had the gall of saying he still wants her on the wards, how much potential Taylor has, and when rendering aid, it feels like he has an air of disappointment, but not on himself or stalker, disappointed because he didnt get Wyvern...Nice of Vicky to shut him down.

I finally had time to react to all. Gotta say, I adore the way you portray how delusional Sophia is. Also how Emma betrayed a true friend, her sister in all but blood, for someone who would ditch her if she had no more use for her.
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One thing is what happened in Implacable, sign this or else, with no true charges, no extenuating circumstances, misinterpreting the case to the parent, no court involved and just being an attempt to press gang a victim.
You, on the other hand, Miss Edgy got caught after almost killing one gang member, a grunt, via blood loss. They gave you an out of Juvie, sign here and try being a decent human being and you dont go to a correctional. Those rules were never meant to trip you up, you simply had to be a decent human being.

I mean, if the city and Piggot weren't in such a desperate situation, your ass would be Juvie grass. Honey they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with you, its not something to be proud of. Besides the moment you trip up and anyone learns your weakness, every villain engaged with you will know how to deal with you.

Wow, ok, Sophie? You blow off steam in a gym or sparring with the Prt Agents. Not mentally and physically torturing a girl! That makes you no better than someone from the gangs, you gigantic, one eyed monster!

Oh please, you stupid, braindead, moron. You and your alter ego are the same damm person, anything you do in your civilian identity will be judged as something done by SS. You think the PRT will make a distinction?

Yeah, but you see? You have a criminal record, and there was no proof of parahuman involvement, meaning MM or the PRT couldn't use their influence to save you from your own stupid mistakes.

Since when is the world ideal or fair? Besides, your ideal world is nothing like someone else's. And an ideal world doesnt exists. The closest thing would be a world were everyone tries to not be shitty to one another, something you definitely are not capable of.

Ugh, i know Armsmaster has social ineptitud, even though he tries, but this is delusional levels of ineptitude.

Yeah, i just love how her consent is not truly a factor here. All his plans and she will obey or else go to juvie......Piggot, please be a decent, firm, human being and remind Armsmaster that, while he is the Leader of the Protectorate ENE, he is still your damm underling.

MMMMMMMMMM......Gotta love that karma.

Ok, just one nitpick here, the term is Broadheads.

Good Amy, its your power, no one else's, you tell them. And you didnt swear a Hippocratic Oath, that we know of, so you are golden

The ass didnt even inform Piggot about a possible rampage, Piggot is going to cram Armsmaster's halberd up his own ass.

Sarah, as we have seen he is as stubborn as a mule, he will not really think of the important things, only how he didnt get Taylor to be his possible EB Weapon experiment/pet.

The Sergeant is a good man.

So......the Slaughter House 9 is going to rebrand to Ash House 9...nice.

But he had the gall of saying he still wants her on the wards, how much potential Taylor has, and when rendering aid, it feels like he has an air of disappointment, but not on himself or stalker, disappointed because he didnt get Wyvern...Nice of Vicky to shut him down.

I finally had time to react to all. Gotta say, I adore the way you portray how delusional Sophia is. Also how Emma betrayed a true friend, her sister in all but blood, for someone who would ditch her if she had no more use for her.
It would be easy to write Sophia as "rawr I is evil becuz I is evil". But delving into her motivations is so much more fun.

Armsmaster will definitely be raked over the coals by Piggot. He might even be required to attend a seminar on "proper communication with your superior officers". Dragon is yelling at him too. He's not having a great day.

Sergeant Gainsford is definitely a good woman.

The Nine has no idea what they're getting into.
Armsmaster will definitely be raked over the coals by Piggot. He might even be required to attend a seminar on "proper communication with your superior officers". Dragon is yelling at him too. He's not having a great day
Cant wait for this, oh i really want to read it. Also, Dragon reading the riot act would be one of the few things that makes him listen....but i really want Piggot to lose her cool with him.
Now that Dragon has found out about what Colin's been up to, she's currently yelling in his ear.

That's what I rather thought might be the case, given that he actually apologized - I wouldn't put odds on this Colin doing so entirely of his own volition, but Dragon yelling at him in his helmet? Yeah, he screwed up and he's being told why.

And I would wager a reasonable sum (say, the reward for killing the Nine that Taylor will likely earn?) that Dragon is likely to feel some extra empathy for a teenage girl who happens to be rather draconic in her own right... especially when her closest friend is the person trying to railroad that girl against her will into servitude. This scenario hits pretty close to home for Dragon, who is going to have to grapple with this. It's hard out there for a gangsta an AI.
I find myself wondering what Lung must be thinking of all this. He strikes me as the kind of guy that would decide "I'm the only dragon in this town," and go fight Wyvern, but who knows? Maybe he's got the sense to keep his eyes on his business.
I find myself wondering what Lung must be thinking of all this. He strikes me as the kind of guy that would decide "I'm the only dragon in this town," and go fight Wyvern, but who knows? Maybe he's got the sense to keep his eyes on his business.

Lung isn't a dragon ITTL

Lung in this story instead became a Fly shapeshifter, and was Taylor's first opponent again, as far as I recall.

Oh? I totally forgot that.
Remember Inago? The one she bit the arm off of, shortly before she told Armsmaster to FUCK OFF?

That was the Lung variant for this AU.