Worm Morality Debate Thread

For the record, I was just playing devil's advocate over why I think Taylor and Tagg's actions are equally valid in their POV, even though I consider both vile for doing them.
Except they're not. The difference is that Tagg is a law enforcement officer trying to put down a criminal and Taylor isn't.

Either Tagg is worse because of that. Or Taylor is.

They're not equal either way.
The problem with Cauldron is that they have a watered down version of this

It makes it difficult to argue about them, especially since you don't know where their knowledge begins and ends.

No they don't. Contessa explicitly doesn't know how to kill Scion and is letting Doctor Mother, a random lady off the street, call the shots.

For the record, I was just playing devil's advocate over why I think Taylor and Tagg's actions are equally valid in their POV, even though I consider both vile for doing them.

Ah, fair enough.

But look at it from Taylor's perspective. Tagg is working for Alexandria, who is an accessory to mass murder and torture if not an active participant in it herself. Tagg and Alexandria threaten her family and friends, and then make Taylor think that they've killed her best friend and lover. She has no reason to doubt that they would actually do this, because she already knows that Cauldron has done much worse.

Her reaction, based on what she knew, was understandable. Its unfortunate that Tagg was manipulated into this position by his superiors who wanted Taylor to kill or maim him so they could Birdcage her. I see him as less a villain and more a useful idiot who got taken advantage of...assuming he was bluffing when he threatened her dad, of course. If he wasn't, my sympathy for him is nonexistent.
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No they don't. Contessa explicitly doesn't know how to kill Scion and is letting Doctor Mother, a random lady off the street, call the shots.
It doesn't matter to the point? They don't have to know. Contessa can also explicitly model events that she can't see.

So they're better off than just about anyone else information wise. So if Contessa says that keeping the apocalypse secret is in their interests how do you argue? Sure, she's not absolutely sure but she's more likely to be sure than anyone else alive and it is thus reasonable to follow her advice.

On top of that there's the issue of stakes. Because of the stakes it is justifiable to seize every possible advantage.

Combine these problems and you have the Cauldron Dilemma. It's veeery difficult to make an argument.

Ah, fair enough.

But look at it from Taylor's perspective. Tagg is working for Alexandria, who is an accessory to mass murder and torture if not an active participant in it herself. Tagg and Alexandria threaten her family and friends, and then make Taylor think that they've killed her best friend and lover. She has no reason to doubt that they would actually do this, because she already knows that Cauldron has done much worse.

Her reaction, based on what she knew, was understandable. Its unfortunate that Tagg was manipulated into this position by his superiors who wanted Taylor to kill or maim him so they could Birdcage her.
I thought we were talking about the threats?

Alexandria didn't threaten her father at the same time as the Undersiders because she was using her father as a psychological thorn. It seems the whole timeline is fuzzy. This must have happened after Taylor was captured. But...it would surely have been before but they didn't discuss her identity until after Tagg outed her and she surrendered.

As for the Undersiders...well, tough? She said "capture or kill". If criminals are killed resisting arrest then tough.

Taylor is of course a person. She's free to feel sad. But that's not really important since the Undersiders are not innocent.

Danny being killed would be a justification. Brian? Nah.
But look at it from Taylor's perspective. Tagg is working for Alexandria, who is an accessory to mass murder and torture if not an active participant in it herself. Tagg and Alexandria threaten her family and friends, and then make Taylor think that they've killed her best friend and lover. She has no reason to doubt that they would actually do this, because she already knows that Cauldron has done much worse.

Her reaction, based on what she knew, was understandable. Its unfortunate that Tagg was manipulated into this position by his superiors who wanted Taylor to kill or maim him so they could Birdcage her. I see him as less a villain and more a useful idiot who got taken advantage of...assuming he was bluffing when he threatened her dad, of course. If he wasn't, my sympathy for him is nonexistent.
Keeping in mind her "Friends" are also confirmed criminals.
It doesn't matter to the point? They don't have to know. Contessa can also explicitly model events that she can't see.

So they're better off than just about anyone else information wise. So if Contessa says that keeping the apocalypse secret is in their interests how do you argue? Sure, she's not absolutely sure but she's more likely to be sure than anyone else alive and it is thus reasonable to follow her advice.

On top of that there's the issue of stakes. Because of the stakes it is justifiable to seize every possible advantage.

Combine these problems and you have the Cauldron Dilemma. It's veeery difficult to make an argument.

I thought we were talking about the threats?

Alexandria didn't threaten her father at the same time as the Undersiders because she was using her father as a psychological thorn. It seems the whole timeline is fuzzy. This must have happened after Taylor was captured. But...it would surely have been before but they didn't discuss her identity until after Tagg outed her and she surrendered.

As for the Undersiders...well, tough? She said "capture or kill". If criminals are killed resisting arrest then tough.

Taylor is of course a person. She's free to feel sad. But that's not really important since the Undersiders are not innocent.

Danny being killed would be a justification. Brian? Nah.

Considering that Alexandria said in as many words that she would kill some of the Undersiders without needing to just to punish Taylor? Yes, yes it would be a fucking justification.

I also think its absolutely insane that you're demonizing Taylor while defending Cauldron.
Considering that Alexandria said in as many words that she would kill some of the Undersiders without needing to just to punish Taylor? Yes, yes it would be a fucking justification.

I also think its absolutely insane that you're demonizing Taylor while defending Cauldron.
When you get down to it, Cauldron, and Doctor Mother especially, is pretty much what Taylor would be like if she were at such a bigger scale/stakes.

So you think crimes DO change severity depending on who commits them or is affected. I see.

No. I was just making a point that they're still criminals regardless if they're also Taylor's friends.
Considering that Alexandria said in as many words that she would kill some of the Undersiders without needing to just to punish Taylor? Yes, yes it would be a fucking justification.

I also think its absolutely insane that you're demonizing Taylor while defending Cauldron.
I absolutely defend Cauldron. But not right there. What I said was that Cauldron was essentially granted authorial fiat magic powers that make discussing their actions super difficult.

What it boils down to is: Cauldron does stupid things. Either it's so stupid it's authorial fiat or some arcane message from PtV stopped it.

The discussion ends up being: why would they do something so stupid? Meh, magic powers or the author wanted a superhero setting and used magic powers to make it happen.
I don't really recall demonizing Taylor. Let's not use inflammatory language. I asked you multiple times to name the incident. In the absence of the incident I said that she's not morally right to kill a law enforcement officer for killing her criminal friends but the law enforcement officer would be wrong to kill an innocent. Where is this demonizing?

Also: not what Alexandria said.
"It's twenty minutes to six. I'm not in a particular rush, and I actually enjoy the idea of some field work. We can talk for five minutes, and then have 'Alexandria' remove one of your teammates from the field. Depending on the situation, I will either arrest them and take them to PRT offices in New York and Boston, or I'll kill them."

I could feel my blood run cold.

"After, we can talk for another five or ten minutes, and then I will, again, depart to dispatch one of your teammates. I expect that by the time the sun sets at eight thirty, the Undersiders will be either dealt with or so neutered that they aren't a consideration."

"You're talking about killing teenagers," my dad said. "Without a trial?"

"I'm talking about self-defense, if it comes down to it. Tattletale can see through weaknesses. I can't imagine that she'd be able to leverage mine in the spur of the moment, but I won't rule anything out."

"This isn't a riddle. It's quite simple: we don't want people to know. And we don't want people to know for good reason. Having Tattletale off leash with all of the information she might discover is a dangerous prospect."

"She's not that unpredictable."

"But it's not a variable we can afford to have in play. As I've said, things are fragile. Which brings me to my second point. There's no reason to leave her here if we can bring her into custody and use her freedom or probationary freedom as leverage to obtain her talents."

So even Tattletale, who is a threat, was supposed to be captured.
Then I think you've missed the entire point of the story.
I think I can decide how to feel about things. The author is dead.

Besides, there is such a thing as a limited defence. I was quite clear about what I was talking about in this thread. And it has nothing to do with this.
Don't feel like trawling through Worm right now for the specific line where Alexandria said she'd kill some of the Undersiders for the hell of it, but I read it just a few days ago. You'll have to either take my word that its in there, or not.

Or... you can take my word, considering that I actually took the time to provide quotes?

And I just finished looking through the chapter. She's literally only in that chapter so...yeah.
Why even mention the possibility of killing them unless you're using it to intimidate someone else and threaten their friends? I mean, it's a known possibility that in any cape fight there might be lethal violence done in self-defense, but she's clearly bringing it up as a threat. Plus, she doesn't sound like she's the one who feels threatened and is going to be sadly forced to kill one of them if they 'resist arrest.' She's the one turning their arrests into a pressure-game when if she really wanted to end the US criminal empire she'd just capture them all, call the PRT, round them up and call it a day.

Instead she played bullshit, quasi-legal at best games.
Why even mention the possibility of killing them unless you're using it to intimidate someone else and threaten their friends? I mean, it's a known possibility that in any cape fight there might be lethal violence done in self-defense, but she's clearly bringing it up as a threat. Plus, she doesn't sound like she's the one who feels threatened and is going to be sadly forced to kill one of them if they 'resist arrest.' She's the one turning their arrests into a pressure-game when if she really wanted to end the US criminal empire she'd just capture them all, call the PRT, round them up and call it a day.

Instead she played bullshit, quasi-legal at best games.
Of course it was supposed to get to Taylor.Who cares?

Cop: tell us where to find the drugs or we'll raid all your stash houses and, if any of your thug friends try to hurt us we'll be forced to shoot back. The consequences will be on you.

Cop2: Your husband is on the run and he's shooting cops. Tell him to come in because, if he keeps shooting cops they'll return the favor.

Clearly there's a chance that the thug friends or husband will die. That's just obvious. There's a difference between that and "I will roll a die and kill your friends".

You're absolutely right that she has her own ends. But that's kinda irrelevant to Taylor's actions or position.The claim was that Taylor was in some way justified because Alexandria threatened to kill her friends just cause. Since the evidence for that is...pending and the opposite case has some evidence behind it and her friends were actual threats...I don't really care.
I mean, I don't disagree in some sense that there was a lot of crazy shit happening around Alexandria's death. In a just world she'd have been tried for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, taken up against a wall once found guilty, and shot. That'd be the ideal end for Alexandria, with prison sentences or worse for most of Cauldron, since what they are doing is slavery, crimes against humanity, and various flavors of war-crimes, in addition to the numerous, numerous 'smaller' crimes that Alexandria has aided and abetted.

There's also the fact that as part of the threat, Alexandria isn't actually threatened. It's clear she's an arrogant SOB, considering how much she underestimated Taylor's ability to actually hurt her, so I don't buy for a moment that there is literally *any* situation she can imagine where she's genuinely threatened enough to use lethal force.

Imagine if the cops in those scenarios wore power-armor so strong that the criminals literally couldn't HURT them, would it then be justified if in "self-defense" they wound up killing some of the 'bangers?

Edit: Additional proof that she in no way felt threatened enough to justify self-defense. She's the one that turned it into a game of taking one every so often. If she really felt as if exposing herself to them was a risk that could have justified self-defense, then she has no reason to play games with their lives (and her own) when a single tactical strike would have decreased both *her* and *their* chances of deaths.
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There's also the fact that as part of the threat, Alexandria isn't actually threatened. It's clear she's an arrogant SOB, considering how much she underestimated Taylor's ability to actually hurt her, so I don't buy for a moment that there is literally *any* situation she can imagine where she's genuinely threatened enough to use lethal force.
She outright says that TT knows her weaknesses AND that she's worried about the situation (not just physical threats but the sort of thing Taylor did to Coil to get him to show her Tattletale or what people claim TT did to Amy).

But you know the funny thing? Alexandria doesn't actually kill the first person that threatens her. She says that the first Undersider she captured tried to drown her. But it didn't work yet they're not dead. So she's clearly willing to put up with people trying to kill her if they're not a big enough threat. Of course, she doesn't kill anyone at all so I'm not sure it matters, from her perspective (clearly it does from Taylor's), and that's where the cops vs. bangers analogy breaks down.

It's a possibility. And one that's there because,well, shit happens. The Undersiders especially have spent time munchkining their way to victory. It's a way to tell Taylor:"you might have a plan, but I'm not just going to sit around and take it. If you do come up with something dangerous I'll kill you. Weigh your chances of victory against your desire to see your friends die and make a choice."
I mean, I don't disagree in some sense that there was a lot of crazy shit happening around Alexandria's death. In a just world she'd have been tried for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, taken up against a wall once found guilty, and shot. That'd be the ideal end for Alexandria, with prison sentences or worse for most of Cauldron, since what they are doing is slavery, crimes against humanity, and various flavors of war-crimes, in addition to the numerous, numerous 'smaller' crimes that Alexandria has aided and abetted.

No in a JUST world Cauldron would never have needed to do those things and people would have worked with them to try and find solutions that don't involve doing all that stuff. They TRIED doing things the right way and failed (also because they were going about things the wrong way and never realized Scion's avatar wasn't his main body" so over the course of nearly 30-40 years they grew callous and detached from the suffering they had inflicted because they were too obsessed with SAVING HUMANITY! and seeing all their hopes and dreams go down the shitter thanks to the Endbringers.
No in a JUST world Cauldron would never have needed to do those things and people would have worked with them to try and find solutions that don't involve doing all that stuff. They TRIED doing things the right way and failed (also because they were going about things the wrong way and never realized Scion's avatar wasn't his main body" so over the course of nearly 30-40 years they grew callous and detached from the suffering they had inflicted because they were too obsessed with SAVING HUMANITY! and seeing all their hopes and dreams go down the shitter thanks to the Endbringers.
I'm pretty sure that they knew that the avatar wasn't his body. I'm pretty sure that they also chose not to work with people. It was because of PtV but it was their choice.

Cauldron were screwed because everyone was screwed by default. The same info that made Contessa kill Eden is what stopped her from being able to kill Scion. She saw that Eden was a monster with limited emotions.Trying to bully Eden to death would be stupid. So when she saw Scion she couldn't know that his emotions were actually a real weakness until AFTER the fight had started. So there was no way to plan for it.

Scion lost because Taylor was able to track him across realities and see his reaction to various things (and this only happened because Cauldron killed Eden) and put together a full picture. By the time that happened it was far too late to come up with new plans.
Ughh, I know I'm going to regret this, but
But you know the funny thing? Alexandria doesn't actually kill the first person that threatens her. She says that the first Undersider she captured tried to drown her. But it didn't work yet they're not dead.
Wrong on multiple counts. It was on the second sojourn to remove an Undersider from the field, and the Undersiders weren't the ones to try drowning Alexandria on that run. It was the Ambassadors.
I'm pretty sure that they knew that the avatar wasn't his body. I'm pretty sure that they also chose not to work with people. It was because of PtV but it was their choice.

Because everyone would DIE because Mass panic/idiot shortsighted politicians and yes it was "their choice" just like how if a guy is told that if he wants to escape to safety he can just run through a minefield that will will ABSOLUTELY kill him is totally a valid "choice".
Ughh, I know I'm going to regret this, but

Wrong on multiple counts. It was on the second sojourn to remove an Undersider from the field, and the Undersiders weren't the ones to try drowning Alexandria on that run. It was the Ambassadors.
The Ambassadors weren't the target were they? She likely showed up for her target and there they were.

But that said, you're right. Perhaps, in the sham scenario, she totally killed some of the Ambassadors and chose not to mention it because...lol, supporting characters. Or perhaps Taylor would think that, which is the important bit.

And no, I'm not being sarcastic. She could do that.

YMMV on if Taylor assumed that she did of course.