Worm Morality Debate Thread

Accord has almost stereotypical Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Like, the most 'TV' version of it since Monk.

I actually know someone who I could see becoming just like Accord if he had powers and no one to tell him no. High functioning autistic and OCD that combine in a really disturbing way at times, and obsessed with how smart he thinks he is (which to be fair he is).

Just because a person is a bad person doesn't make them mentally ill. There are far fewer mentally ill capes than you'd think, though far more 'asshole capes' than there should be. Like Thrice.Great's list, to start with. That doesn't mean that all of them on the list should be given positions of authority, but the idea that there are mental problems that automatically make all superpowered people unfit and insane is just wrong.
Actually had trouble thinking of the legitimately mentally ill/disabled capes:

Nilbog (Schizoid Personality Disorder?)
Labyrinth (Profound Autism?)
Shadow Stalker (maybe PTSD maybe Borderline Personality Disorder)
Jack Slash (Sociopathy/Megalomania)
Actually all of the S9 (Wide range including: Stockholme Syndrome, Algolagnia, Depersonalization Disorder, etc)
Glastig Uaine (is a Faerie Queen)

I think we'd actually need to invent a whole new range of mental illnesses to describe the varied effects that Shard symbiosis can have on the human brain.
So I have a question about grey boy loops, PSYCH! Nah I'm just kidding, bet you all were rolling your eyes now though.
No seriously though this one has to do with Simurgh isolation zones, and the hypothetical of if someone came up with a mind control device to undue the Simurgh's influence.
Ok so let's say a super tinker creates either a chair, or helmet or something that when put on someone's head can rewrite their mind it could make someone a Nazi, gay, change their religion, etc. Now how would Worm (and you if you had power in the PRT) react if one of these guys came up with the invention.

Scenario 1: A hero who is part of the PRT creates this device and wants to have permission to have it be used to help the people who are trapped there have normal lives again.
Scenario 2: A rouge is offering to sell this to the government for lots of cash so they can get filthy rich.
Scenario 3: An ex criminal/terrorist think E88/Gesselshaft or Cobra was captured after launching a full scale military assault with death bots, other members of their organization and mind controlled suicide troops on a city with thousands dead. There are even rumors though absolutely no proof that this tinker had an artificial hell going on, but it's either false or destroyed before any PRT could get there. Anyway the non mind controlled agents are saying whatever it takes to get out of punishment. This tinker is doing the same but offering this device his neural dominator to help the Simurgh contained people in exchange for full immunity and a pardon for his past crimes.

So would you accept the deal? How would you use the neural dominator I mean how would you reprogram the Simurghed citizens? You don't know what all of them are like so you can choose their political beliefs make them conservative, liberal, etc.
Scenario 1: A hero who is part of the PRT creates this device and wants to have permission to have it be used to help the people who are trapped there have normal lives again.

Give this (wo)man all the medals and begin restoring Simurgh victims at once.

Scenario 2: A rouge is offering to sell this to the government for lots of cash so they can get filthy rich.

As above, but replace "medals" with "money" and keep a close eye on them. This tech could do a LOT of damage if it falls into the wrong hands.

Scenario 3: An ex criminal/terrorist think E88/Gesselshaft or Cobra was captured after launching a full scale military assault with death bots, other members of their organization and mind controlled suicide troops on a city with thousands dead. There are even rumors though absolutely no proof that this tinker had an artificial hell going on, but it's either false or destroyed before any PRT could get there. Anyway the non mind controlled agents are saying whatever it takes to get out of punishment. This tinker is doing the same but offering this device his neural dominator to help the Simurgh contained people in exchange for full immunity and a pardon for his past crimes.

In exchange for his device, I'd be willing to give him a life sentence in a cushy (but highly secured and monitored) prison. That's the best offer he's going to get, and his only alternative is the Birdcage.

So would you accept the deal? How would you use the neural dominator I mean how would you reprogram the Simurghed citizens? You don't know what all of them are like so you can choose their political beliefs make them conservative, liberal, etc.

I'd delete everything since just before their Simurgh exposure. This will reset them to their old selves, at the cost of leaving a multi-year gap in their memories. Its the least bad option.
Didn't we already have this conversation about curing Regent's Schizophrenia?
It's not really power-enforced, it's more inhumanly shitty parents enforced.

Well, no, calling Heartbreaker a parent would be a stretch.
Ugh, I am error. I meant to say induced not enforced. It's brain damage from Heartbreakers power.
To be clear. "Sociopath" is a specific term that means a specific thing, so seeing it used where it shouldn't annoys me.

Regent has the lack of empathy and shallow higher emotions, as well as the selfishness and lack of responsibility. But he doesn't really have the emotionally manipulative, grandiosely self-centred, charming people and remorselessly using them part, which is the important part of why sociopaths are so sensationalized.
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Um, doesn't he do all those things? I mean, you know, using his powers to literally manipulate people? For sex etc?
Um, doesn't he do all those things? I mean, you know, using his powers to literally manipulate people? For sex etc?

1. His phase of doing that as a pastime was when he was with his father, which doesn't really reflect his behaviour at the time of the story.

2. That doesn't fit what I mean. The thing that scares peeps so much about sociopaths is that they tend to use superficial charm to get past people's defences, often to lure them into an abusive relationship, or some kind of criminal get quick rich scheme, generally treat people as props in their own attempts at self-gratification.

It doesn't really fit Regents actual personality or patterns of behaviour that we see. At all. When not on the job or doing something dodgy for a specific reason, he sits around playing video games and eating pizza.

Yeah, and Imp was creepily turned on by him using his powers on her.

Ah, yeeeah. If you could go ahead and provide a citation on that, that'd be greeeeeat.
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To be clear. "Sociopath" is a specific term that means a specific thing, so seeing it used where it shouldn't annoys me.

Regent has the lack of empathy and shallow higher emotions, as well as the selfishness and lack of responsibility. But he doesn't really have the emotionally manipulative, grandiosely self-centred, charming people and remorselessly using them part, which is the important part of why sociopaths are so sensationalized.

Not necessarily. There are three different personality disorders that often get lumped together under "sociopath." Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder. If I'm remembering correctly, APD means you lack empathy and higher emotions, but doesn't necessarily make you manipulative and charming.
Because TRUSTING your partner absolutely (while still having a safety net due to her power reactivating if she falls unconscious meaning if Regent abuses that trust she can defend herself) is creepy riiiiiiiight
I get they trust each other, but it still comes off a little creepy as it's like the superpower equivalent of a girl willingly taking roofies.
I get they trust each other, but it still comes off a little creepy as it's like the superpower equivalent of a girl willingly taking roofies.

Yo. Textual proof that Imp got off specifically on Regents body control. Let's go.

Or we could not speculate on the sexuality of an underage character with the implied accusation of sexual deviancy. That'd be cool too.
Everyone in Worm was doing what they thought was best

Nothing else really matters
I feel like this could very easily swing into a "which parahuman power is the best for sex" topic.
