Waiting on Shadows to confirm but it looks like the Minerals count might be wrong. We had 10 as of Turn 2, which should have been spent on the Mining Op, then generate 5, so we should only have 5 right now.
Begin Personal Science Journal for colonist Dr. Ulysses Lord Mizzet, citizen of Icarus colony "First Impact".
Need to come up with a shorter reference name for future entries, initial title works for introduction to entire journal but is far too wordy for regular use.
Consider this entry to be mostly a guide to this PSJ as anything - I write it as a new arrival, or rather a new awak-ee, to my new home on this Wildspace space colony. I come here as a matter of science - my work, my true ambitions, have often pushed up against a line that makes worry for those who are content to live life as it is, rather than what it could be. Here, on this world where mankind has hardly begun to set foot, I believe that the idea of collateral damage should be far less of a concern. After all, there's far less to be concerned about being on the wrong end of bad science.
The fact is, collateral damage is a natural element of science, the advancement of mankind, and solving the puzzle of the universe. Consider the Nuclear Bomb, after all - a highly destructive device, even as its creators took care to test it away from normal civilization. And yet, can one imagine where we would be today without such an advancement of science?
I write this journal for two main purposes - First as a proven element of research. To write down events and discoveries as they happen is a no brainer when it comes to advancing the cause of mankind. These notes can be referred to to help recollect what has come before in the name of advancing further, and to minimize the chance of loosing data.
Second, as an equally important measure, it provide insurance in a worst-case scenario. Should this colony fail, this journal should help provide future arrivals some measure of insight to what brought about our failure. Or should I myself fall victim to such a tragic end, in either case it will hopefully help those who find it to piece together what went wrong and avoid a similarly tragic fate, and solve whatever the problem may be should that be possibly and/or necessary. Note that I do not hope that this second measure becomes necessary, I merely take it as a means of precaution - "Fortune Favors The Prepared".
I believe the popular vernacular knows of the idea as an "Apocalyptic Log"; and while the idea may seem silly to some, I believe it has genuine merit.
Amusingly, a part of me relishes the concept of writing a log to be found by future explorers trying to find out what happened to a doomed colony and being strangely immortalized in such a fashion, I certainly hold no hope of it actually happening.
It appears that it has been...roughly two weeks since the colony arrived? Have started this journal with 'Entry W2-1' for reference, indicating first entry of Colony Week 2. Further entries should follow this model. Should continue after taking basic assessment of the colonies current situation.
Still not satisfied with the name. Must consider further.
It has, in fact, been roughly two weeks since the ship first arrived, it seems that my full involvement was not delayed too terribly long.
Initial colony status is decidedly good. The colony that has since been dubbed "First Impact" is well on its way to becoming a fully established site of human civilization.
"First Impact" is not the first name chosen, it was apparently originally called "De Novo Incipere" after one colonist merely declared it to be so. That soon changed after others actually chimed in.
Priorities have been set in order, including construction of essential buildings - notably farming for food and mining for much needed resources - and exploration has been well underway since the moment the ship touched down. If this process can continue, First Impact should be well on its way to establishing itself and allowing for less dedication to the essentials and more time to personal pursuits.
At present, there are 15 primary colonists, including myself. They run the gauntlet of backgrounds and personalities, some of which leave me with concerns regarding their personalities and histories, notably the number that are of a sketchy, seemingly ill-defined history involving combat and/or black ops in some fashion. More disturbing are the number that appear to have a rather unhealthy fixation with 'killin' Xenos'. Alas, beggars can not be choosers. Of them, I appear to be the only dedicated scientist, though there's no shortage of engineers and technical specialists, they appear to only be outnumbered by the available muscle.
Odd note, offhand I think that managers and various business-related individuals appear to make up the third primary category of colonists.
Currently, primary structures consist of a basic 'barracks'
Technically it's called a 'Shelter', which is technically an accurate term, admittedly.
, a garage
I've started spending more time in the garage than the barracks, they're far more suitable for scientific work than the shelter till we get a real lab, part of me is inclined to try to just move in there and see if anyone notices or cares.
, and a mining operation that was made possible by hard work and a near-death. We have a few drones to move heavy things, and a handful of weaponry, though not nearly enough for everyone in an emergency.
There has been some measure of scientific discovery conducted thus far, identifying a handful of native wildlife. Most of it will likely be problematic to expansion and further exploration, but I suppose that is to be expected.
I've attached a copy of data on these lifeforms from the colony codex as a secondary means of backup in case of emergency.
With myself caught up to speed and ready to fully contribute, my efforts next week will likely be dedicated to helping unlock the 'Turnkey' data package that will be necessary for genuine research to begin. While food is also an important priority, I have word that there are plenty of individuals dedicated to that effort already. Alongside, of course, additional exploration - admittedly, I find myself lured by joining them, I'll have to find an opportunity in a future exploration trip.
Though preferable after we are better prepared to handle the dangers of the wild. While science may not be well advanced by the meek, neither is it properly seen to by the foolish.
I have nothing better at this juncture, I suppose I'll stick with this till I do. May want to consider running ideas by other colonists.
A door? They found a door. The explorers found a door.
While not as outrageous as it might have been in days before space travel was a regularity and aliens were known to exist, the significance of the find should not be understated at this point in time. Word is that those who discovered it refrained from barging right in, future explorers plan a better-prepared trip to find out why there's a door on this planet that we didn't build ourselves.
The first day of the colony's third week dawns bright and cheery as yet another colonist is brought up out of cryosleep. The colony has been steadily growing, building up into something worthwhile. But something was amiss - the colony's food supplies were rapidly dwindling. First Impact would be out of food within a few very short weeks if something wasn't done, and fast. Then came the Idea. Afterwards, no one was quite sure who suggested it - or if it even mattered; it was just a matter of common sense.
The transport that had brought the colonists to Icarus was broken down, certainly, but only its engines were malfunctioning. The craft itself still worked, and provided power to the settlement.
It also had a small hydroponics bay onboard, as well as seeds.
Taking the get from the hydroponics bay, the colonists figured out that they could stretch their food supply until the crops the seeds would allow them to plant matured. So, they began to hoe and plant and water, tilling up several acres of soil nearby and plowing it under. It would take several weeks for even the fast-growing strains of wheat and corn and other vegetables they had brought with them to come to maturity - a rate made possible only through extensive genetic engineering, at that - but by stripping the hydroponics bay clean, they could make it happen.
And they did.
[New Codex Entry: Colony Asset: Basic Farm]
The farm-builders weren't the only ones busy that week. The colony's small brain trust - in the form of the ever-unlucky Ludwig, as well as Roselia DuClare and newcomer Lord Mizzet - finally managed to break the encryption on the Turnkey data package.
And it was worth it.
The colony's server storage filled with data and diagrams, with designs and concepts high and low. Everything - from weapons to farming tools - that the colony could want was in that package. It was all very basic by core-world standards - but by frontier standards, it was a step above what they had right now.
Best of all were the advanced mining and farming techniques and devices outlined in the documents. They would be immediately useful, as opposed to long-off gains... though the improved laboratory design promised things to the three scientists that simply couldn't be recreated virtually.
[New Codex Entry: Colony Asset: Turnkey]
It was that time again. Meir, Scepta and Jack (sans Victor, who volunteered to stand guard duty at the colony) went out into the wild on the rover once more, armed with rifles, binoculars and cameras, ready to see all that could be seen. They drove over the endless plains to the south, tearing across the terrain at high speed, stopping at the occasional pond to fill their fuel tanks with water for the electrolysis machine to turn into usable hydrogen. They came across a pack of small, wolflike predators, jaws filled with rows of sharklike teeth, taking down a bear-sized herbivore with a tail that dragged on the ground as it ran. They passed over a great river, nearly as wide as the Mississippi on Earth. They saw great things, wonderful things...
And then they stumbled across the first wreckage.
It was a two-meter-square panel of battle steel, six centimeters thick and harder than almost anything else man had ever made. It was typically used as starship hull plating and armor, which lead the three intrepid explorers to wonder where the rest of the ship it had come from was.
It didn't take them long to find out.
Finding and following a trail of scorch marks, they eventually came upon the wreck of the great ship itself. It was a transport like the one that had brought the Impacters to Icarus, but if looks were any indication, writ far larger. Its hull was holed and cored as if by weapons fire, and several bent and mangled pieces of alloy marked the placement of the transport's own defensive armament.
Carefully picking through the wreckage, they discovered caches of materials and weapons that hadn't been harmed in the crash landing - a testament to the transport's design team. Prefab, machinery, rifles - even a cannon, for Jeb's sake! - all of it was there. The food had all been destroyed or rendered unusable, but some of the seeds were still viable.
They also discovered that they were not alone on Icarus.
As they were about to leave, some of their bounty in hand and word of its location on their computers for the rest of the colony to see, Jack's eyes caught a pair of twin hazel orbs peering at him from over top of a piece of the hull, maybe twenty feet above the ground. When their eyes met, the hazel ones widened and vanished as quickly as they'd appeared.
Meir Lochan gains 4xp! Espionage 2 (7/13)
Nevill gains 2xp! Level up! Nevill: Operations 2! (1/13)
Scepta gains 4xp! Level up! Scepta: Combat 2!
Claire gains 2xp! Claire: Operations 2 (8/13)
Amanda Amala gains 2xp! Level up! Amanda Amala: Operations 2! (1/13)
Ludwig Cristoffen gains 2xp! Ludwig Cristoffen: R&D 2 (4/13) Steve gains 2xp! Steve: Operations 2 (8/13)
Jack Reyes gains 4xp! Combat 2 (5/13)
Roselia DuClare gains 2xp! Roselia DuClare: Combat 1, Operations 1, R&D 1 (2/7)
Lord Mizzet gains 2xp! Ulysses Lord Mizzet: R&D 2 (2/13)
Levant Von Diederitz gains 2xp! Levant Von Diederitz: Operations 1 (2/4) Michael Erickson gains 2xp! Michael Erickson: Operations 1 (2/4)
Benny gains 4xp! Benny: Combat 1 (4/7)
Bob Smith gains 2xp! Bob Smith: Operations 1 (2/7)
[] Survey the area (R&D)
[] Set up a building:
- Improved Shelter (protects 40 Settlers and Characters from low-level Disasters) (12 minerals)
- Improved Garage (provides repair capabilities for your equipment, production of vehicles with Machine Shop, can build Tracked Vehicles) (10 minerals)
- Improved Machine Shop (allows production of higher-level equipment) (4 minerals (2 after discount))
- Improved Farm (produces +8 food) (4 minerals)
- Improved Hydroponic Farm (produces +18 food) (10 minerals)
- Improved Lab (enhances research; adds +20 to any roll) (15 minerals)
- Improved Mining Operation (produces +10 minerals/turn) (15 minerals)
[] Try to repair the transport's engines (???, 5 minerals)
[] Upgrade a building
- Which one? (Cost variable)
[] Explore (Combat+Espionage)
[] Salvage the Colony Wreck (???)
[] Research technologies
- Flight Adaptation (unlocks Air production capabilities for the Machine Shop and Garage, adds Airfield)
- Munitions Adaptation (unlocks Heavy Weapons production capabilities for Machine Shop)
- Sensing (unlocks Tier I radar)
- Robotics (unlocks Robotic production capabilities for Machine Shop)
- Nuclear Power (unlocks nuclear power generation for vehicles and settlements)
[] Write-in
I don't really know that this is the best usage of minerals right now. Continuing to secure our resource base with another farm, upgrading the current on e, another mining op, or upgrading the current one would probably all serve us better.
I don't really know that this is the best usage of minerals right now. Continuing to secure our resource base with another farm, upgrading the current on e, another mining op, or upgrading the current one would probably all serve us better.
Even as someone who's character is a dedicated scientist, I have to thoroughly agree - a Lab, as nice as it would be, is a luxury that needs to wait. I put additional farming, additional mining, and a Machine Shop all at higher priority over it right now.
We have enough resources to do a second building at the same time and while we are cutting it close we have no actual resource deficits. Opening up research options strikes me as the best way to progress both because it helps R&D focused characters and because it might help us find more efficient ways to do practicle tasks like growing food or mining.