WildSpace - A Riot! Quest

Scepta: "Cool! I've got a wolf named after me!"

[X] Salvage the Wreck

Edit: Fine. Who knows, we may get to kill some XENOS SCUM!
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We have enough shelter for everyone. We have enough mining capacity to build every turn. Our only deficit is in food. We can build both a farm and the research building simultainously. There is no problem here. (unless no other character decides to build anything for mulitple turns)
We have enough resources to do a second building at the same time and while we are cutting it close we have no actual resource deficits. Opening up research options strikes me as the best way to progress both because it helps R&D focused characters and because it might help us find more efficient ways to do practicle tasks like growing food or mining.
Because the system requires massed effort from people, we currently have a fair failure chance if we had to split Operations effort between multiple buildings. Beyond that, we are in a food deficit and we don't generate many minerals/turn, so burning 15 and using effort on something not strictly necessary isn't that attractive.

Even if Research succeeds, we don't really have either the personnel or the minerals to do anything with it, so it's not particularly pressing.
Right, I'm joining in.
Name: Benny
Appearance: A slightly taller than average guy with pale skin and black hair. After a single tour of duty in the marines where he failed to see any real action, he signed up for the colonial effort to try and do something useful that didn't involve farting around in a transport to show off.
Job: Soldier

[X] Explore
-[X] The cave from before
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Beyond that, we are in a food deficit and we don't generate many minerals/turn, so burning 15 and using effort on something not strictly necessary isn't that attractive.
Building a farm and a mine should suffice. Mine takes priority, I believe, since minerals can be converted to food via farm construction, but not vice versa.

[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2
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@drasky @Troglodyte @LinkOnScepter @Strunkriidiisk @EvilPorygon @PhantomReaper @Rungni Khazadson : Our Combat and Espionage people may want to investigate the fact that we are not alone on Icarus. Apparently we ran into a human, or at least a sapient, during the last turn. Salvaging the wreck is always good. If you don't mind doing some Ops tasks for a turn, we really need all hands on deck below.

@Nevill @FatedBread @Optimist Prone @Zaratustra @Night_stalker @Spectrum @Space Jawa I need all hands on deck for building 2 Improved Mining facilities. That would give us a total income of 35 Minerals, which will allow us to build a Hydroponics Farm (saves actions). We have 15 food at present. We have 15 people to feed (7.5 food a turn). That means we'll be in the red 2.5 food, which isn't much. We can afford to build mining facilities this turn and upgrade the farm next turn, and we need minerals more than food at the moment.

We have enough resources to do a second building at the same time and while we are cutting it close we have no actual resource deficits. Opening up research options strikes me as the best way to progress both because it helps R&D focused characters and because it might help us find more efficient ways to do practicle tasks like growing food or mining.

We need to secure our food and mineral needs before we start working on R&D. Right now, we're in the negative for food and we barely have enough mineral production to start up the colony. Kickstarting our mineral income so that we can get more food next turn means that in the following turns, we can get the labs up and running.

[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2
I need all hands on deck for building 2 Improved Mining facilities.
Wait, we can do that? What happens to the DC? I mean, a failure on something that costs 30 minerals would be most unfortunate.

If we pass the DC to build 1 mine but not 2, what happens to the resourses?
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[X] Research technologies
-[X] Robotics (unlocks Robotic production capabilities for Machine Shop)

While I would like to help build things I would also like to keep ny R&D XP , so I will look to the best of bot worlds an research robots to help people build.
[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2

On the one hand, I really want to join in on one of the exploration missions, on the other hand, my more intelligent nature tells me it would be stupid to not help out with making sure we get the absolute essentials in place and that there will be plenty of time to do the fun stuff later once we've got our colony firmly established.
The DC for building the improved building is 5 higher than the basic version; so, the diff on a Farm or MO would be 55.

I tweaked the gains on both the upgrade and the from-scratch versions of the IMO. Both give +10.

The transport is clearly of human origin.

Wait, we can do that? What happens to the DC? I mean, a failure on something that costs 30 minerals would be most unfortunate.

If we pass the DC to build 1 mine but not 2, what happens to the resourses?

If you fail the DC for the second it's just assumed that it's not finished this week.

Unless you critfail.

In which case, everything explodes.
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Edit: [X] Salvage the Wreck

Fine. Who knows, we may get to kill some XENOS SCUM!
FYI @LinkOnScepter if you're making a vote, make sure the [X] is at the start of a line, otherwise the standard vote program won't catch it.

While I would like to help build things I would also like to keep ny R&D XP , so I will look to the best of bot worlds an research robots to help people build.
I have not yet seen that you lose XP in another category by helping somewhere else.

[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2
The week seems to be progressing as well as could be hoped. Colonists broke up into three teams; one conducting additional exploration and another seeing to the much needed construction of a farm to ensure that we don't starve.

It appears as though some have begun to refer to me as "Lord Mizzet". I'm unsure as to the origin of this, even if my middle name is, in fact, 'Lord'. I'm split between amusement towards the rather 'regal' implications of this and annoyance stemming from the fact that we have no need for nobility or royalty at a colony such as this and the fact that I worked quite hard to earn my title of 'Dr.', thank you very much.

My own efforts of unlocking the Turnkey have proven trivial, especially with the help of a Sgt. Roselia DuClare and the infamous Ludwig Cristoffen.
It may be worth noting that Mr. Cristoffen is the same man who previously suffered a near-death in the process of allowing First Impact to establish a mining operation (See Entry W2-2). It could potentially be said that his near-death while operating in the wild alone - and the fact that he is, in fact, still alive and undergoing a full recovery - is a blessing in disguise, a sign (potentially even from above) that for this colony to not work as a team but to go our own ways is to invite death.
It has been a great pleasure to work with both of them both. I believe that in spite of his poor luck, Mr. Cristoffen's insights to be particularly useful and interesting, and that in spite of his history he's man with much to offer. I am unaware how many others are familiar with who he is - or rather, use to be - but in respect for his intelligence and potential I shall make a point of refraining from educating others on the matter so long as it remains unnecessary.

Sergeant DuClare is herself a a highly talented and intelligent woman herself.
I wonder if she's single. She probably is; I'm assuming as much for most the people on a Wildspace colony such as this, but it would be silly to act on such an assumption. And besides, at this juncture asking the question or pursuing it further is a distraction that's not needed if this colony's survival and expansion is to be assured.
She is apparently blessed with a great deal of skills she has picked up from her life experiences, and has shown herself to be quite level-headed. I would dare say that if First Impact finds itself in need of singular leadership at any point in the near future, I would certainly put Sgt. DuClare forward as a strong primary candidate to fill such a position.

With the Turnkey information available, an entire suite of technological paths have been opened for the colony. This is perhaps more relevant and important for the colony itself than it is for me - I am certain that if needed I could research most of what it has opened up on my own. Yet, the importance of the Turnkey should not be understated - the information it provides makes things much faster and efficient than if I had to go it alone. But more importantly, I am but one man, I can not by any means research everything by myself, as much as I would love it if that were possible.
Even with the wild possibilities of science, I'm hard pressed to imagine how that would even be possible. I'm sure there are those that would throw out wild ideas such as cloning, but believe me, such ideas have crossed my mind and I am fully aware that all 'realistic' ideas - for a certain definition of 'realistic' - are not without their drawbacks, none of which can be discounted by any means.

Another week of exploration, another fascinating find. This time, in the form of a ship. Despite initial confusions on my own part, it is in fact another human colony ship, though larger than the one that First Impact originated from. Already, the looting has begun and provided a treasure trove of useful items.

While I am happy at the rewards gained, I weep on the inside a little at the failure to first investigate and explore the ship more thoroughly and see if anything can be learned about it. As far as I can tell, we have nothing by which to ascertain the origin of the ship and there are no records available to us about what it is or its history. That said, it is not an inconceivable situation - this is Wild Space, after all, and we do not have the greatest of records as it is. The ship could hold an important mystery in need of discovery, or the truth could be that it is as mundane as having merely gone off course and crashed here long ago with the survivors escaping nearly as long ago.

A far greater mystery, however
and the item that led to my confusion about the ships origins
is the discovery of a life form by the exploration team. They reported an encounter, one that I do not believe to be of human nature. Very likely a Xeno. As the report goes, "[Jack Reyes] eyes caught a pair of twin hazel orbs peering at him from over top of a piece of the hull, maybe twenty feet above the ground. When their eyes met, the hazel ones widened and vanished as quickly as they'd appeared."

This will undoubtedly require further exploration. The question is if it was merely an usual encounter with a wild animal, or if we are not alone here.

I'm concerned about potential signs of division within the colony, we're already seeing some who are looking to break off on their own and see to tasks that they deem important that realistically should wait. One of them, a Ms. Amanda Amala, is insistent on building a lab, bless her heart. Being a scientist myself, I can understand the desire to get a laboratory up and operational, but I do not believe it to be a priority at this stage. Another seems intent on beginning research into robotics for some reason, while exploration teams are breaking up between plans to re-visit the door and going to salvage the colony wreck found earlier (See Entry W3-2).

Admittedly, I'm tempted by the idea of going to explore the mystery door myself, my sense of discovery longs to investigate and not be left out even with the known danger.

I should take a moment to make note of a Michael Erickson, who has recently stepped up to try to get the colony into order this week, helping to see to it that we have focus. Thanks to his efforst, the door research team has mostly shifted over to recovering the wreck, and most others - myself included - seem to be directing their focus towards expanding our mining operations to ensure we can expand the colony as needed in the future.

Also worth noting is his contributions last week to helping get a farm operational to ensure the colony doesn't starve right away. Alongside Sgt. DuClare, I believe he would be an ideal primary candidate for leadership should our colony need to rally around a singular leader or leadership council in the near future.

<=Week 2
Week 4=>​
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If someone could remind me how double-building works, do we need to worry about building two mining operations and a research lab requiring more resources than we have available, and if so how does it work if we have more people trying to build things than we have things to build them with?
Amanda Amala decides to:

[X] Set up a building:
- Improved Lab (enhances research; adds +20 to any roll) (15 minerals)

Since we have multiple people wanting x2 Mining Facilities, and just you voting for an improved lab, can you agree to work with us on building the mining facilities this turn so there's no competition for resources (I would imagine that it will work out in the matter that the action with more votes will get resource priority, and I wouldn't want you to waste your action)? Next turn, we're going to have an income of 35, so we can more easily afford building labs and such.
@Shadows do we lose XP toward levels if we do something in a different specialization?

You're supposed to, but since I haven't enforced that thus far, I'm not going to now.

Note: Multiple-building adds DC equal to half of the singular project's DC to the DC required for the overall project, and halves again for each successive building. I.e., a Basic MO has a DC of 50. Building two BMOs has a DC of 75. Building three would have a DC of 88.

I could make it more difficult, but if this runs long enough you're going to need the capacity. And have it, for that matter.
Well, if everyone's cast their votes, can I get someone to run a tally for me, please?
I'd get it, but since I don't have the vote counter program I'd have to do it by hand, normally I might be good for that but since this is a Riot(!) Quest I'd feel better off just trusting someone who can do it in a more official and reliable manner.
Vote Tally : Original - WildSpace - A Riot! Quest | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2
No. of Votes: 7

[X] Salvage the Colony Wreck (???)
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Explore
-[X] The cave from before
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Explore (Combat+Espionage)
-[X] The cave from before.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Set up a building:
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Salvage the Wreck
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Research technologies
-[X] Robotics (unlocks Robotic production capabilities for Machine Shop)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 16
Voting closed!

[X] Set up a building:
-[X] Improved Mining Operation x2
No. of Votes: 7
Space Jawa

[X] Salvage the Colony Wreck (???)
No. of Votes: 3

[X] Explore
-[X] The cave from before
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Explore (Combat+Espionage)
-[X] The cave from before.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Set up a building:
No. of Votes: 1
Optimist Prone

[X] Salvage the Wreck
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Research technologies
-[X] Robotics (unlocks Robotic production capabilities for Machine Shop)


Edit: Good grief. The high rolls are strong with this one.
Shadows threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Rollses Total: 317
70 70 97 97 79 79 71 71
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