So I do have plans, including Homebrew Eratta for the Directional Central Contract, and more work done on the East Court, for those interested.

But in the meantime, a more pressing question:

What is Santa Clause?
So I do have plans, including Homebrew Eratta for the Directional Central Contract, and more work done on the East Court, for those interested.

But in the meantime, a more pressing question:

What is Santa Clause?

The Spirit of Christmas; an Incarna with Influences over Christianity, Capitalism and Christmas. He's a fat gluttonous spirit who rampages through towns devouring entire spirit ecosystems, a one-spirit apocalypse trailed by his mighty spirit court full of spirits of Greed, Gluttony, Family Arguments, and Being Made To Play Monopoly.
He's also an incredibly powerful set of Astral Beings, whose natures range from horrifying (horror movie santas), to commercialized, to the ones who teach you the actual meaning of Christmas as a Christian holiday, to those who hold it up as being about family, etc, etc.

You just don't know which one you're meeting, so when you see him, it's best to be cautious, or else he might enslave you in his Realm that represents cynical people's take on a monstrous Santa (Slave Labor Elves, Peeping-Tom Stalker, Santa who kills people on the naughty list... all those inventive writers have a lot to answer for in the Astral Realm).

But there are Santas that are pretty cool and nice dudes, all things considered.

And speaking of slave-labor elves, he's also a True Fae. Some Changelings become reindeer, some become elves, and some are transformed into the presents themselves, which the True Fae spreads throughout the Hedge, and sometimes earth too...

These presents include, at times, valuable Tokens, and more than one war in the Hedge has started because of the 'gifts' he so freely gives each year, without asking whether it actually helps people.
The most fitting product placement in history

Literally selling a product which drains people of things vital to life to sustain a bloated, predatory industry with pretensions of class with undead predators draining things vital to life to sustain their bloated, predatory lifespans with pretensions of class

It would be even more ironic if it was a W:TA theme slot.
The Spirit of Christmas; an Incarna with Influences over Christianity, Capitalism and Christmas. He's a fat gluttonous spirit who rampages through towns devouring entire spirit ecosystems, a one-spirit apocalypse trailed by his mighty spirit court full of spirits of Greed, Gluttony, Family Arguments, and Being Made To Play Monopoly.
Being Made To Play Monopoly.

Clearly, he's got control over time.

He accelerates time to deliver presents to the wealthy children across the world, he slows time to make every Monopoly game last an aeon and he stretches time to make Christmas infect the world earlier and earlier every year like some sort of cancerous tumour on the calendar.

What a sick fuck.
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He's also got some way of ensuring that the presents that look so appealing under the tree when you get up...look like landfill half an hour later, discarded and broken upon the floor.
What is Santa Clause?

It used to be a military order of Void Engineers led by the descendants of the St. Nicolas (himself an Enlightened mind) and a horde of fey creatures who carefully maintain the Spirit of Christmas, but after the retirement of the 20th Santa in 2011 they've been taken over by the Syndicate as a cooperation with the 21st Santa as the majority shareholder and his brother as the CEO.
By the way, would anyone with nWoD experience, and Changeling interest, be willing to help talk me through something? I'm trying to make a fifth-dot Clause for a Contract, and I have, like, the basic *idea* I want, in general?

But not how to achieve it, and not what it should do mechanically.
cant sleep

this is all @MJ12 Commando's fault

The animated web series "CBWM" (shortened form of Cyan, Black, White, Magenta) is an exercise in the insidious nature of the Nephandi and the danger of Technocratic activism; the product of a Media Control/Neutralization Specialist Corps Amalgam's attempts to incentivize the formation of the so-called "Hunter Syndrome" in the Masses from an earlier age to lessen the stress of fighting EDEs and other Reality Deviant creatures on frontline Amalgams. CBWM details the adventures of a group of all-female "Rangers" in a fictional world thematized by Chinese folk tales, primarily marketed towards American, Asian and European audiences. The world of Vestige, which the story takes place in, is one where humanity is constrained to a few, walled-off cities constantly under assault by strange creatures from beyond the walls and private-sponsored Rangers must battle both the creatures and the fumblings of the well-meaning, but ultimately incompetent government.

However, from the early release, it was clear to any Enlightened viewer that something was fundamentally off about the series; narrative flaws riddled it, plainly obvious for all to see, yet it was still hugely popular. The character designs were unmemorable and the actual content bordered on oftentimes outright offensive, when not simply boring or so deeply flawed that any attempt to save it was irrevocably flawed.

CBWM is a Nephandic grimoire and primer; a work of art, from some perspective. Although the Nephandus who originally influenced and led the development is dead, his work lives on as the horrid creation that it is. CBWM is parted into four arcs, which must all be watched by someone with understanding of narrative concepts (Academics 3 with a specialty in Narratives), knowledge of computer animation (Computer 2 with a specialty in Animation) and finally knowledge of basic budget allocation (Finance 1). Should such a character watch the full work, they may raise their Entropy from 2 to 3 and their Data from 0 to 1. Both spheres however, acquire a qliphothic paradigm and can only be used by a Nephandus.

In addition, should a Sleeper viewer watch every arc as well as the redacted author commentary (Resources 3 or Contacts 3 to gain access to), as well as possess every required Ability at a minimum rating of one dot higher than required, they may treat this like a primer that lets them raise their Arete to 1; this Awakening is tainted, however and is effectively the same as entering a Caul.
Manus, I can't bear to see you suffer like that. I will help you.

*gets the smothering pillow*

I will help you.
oblivion is perfect cornuthaum

i already have the silent help i need friend

there on the pillar of murder i have made commerce with the sad shabby things that once held mandate divine

they have told me a different story cornuthaum; i have the friends i need now
oblivion is perfect cornuthaum

i already have the silent help i need friend

there on the pillar of murder i have made commerce with the sad shabby things that once held mandate divine

they have told me a different story cornuthaum; i have the friends i need now
This is why we shoot philosophers on sight, to spare them this. Don't worry Manus, friends don't let friends philosophize. You and your friends will all be fine in just a moment. Don't worry.

Everything is fine.
...fuck, I just had a horrible thought. My Immortal is almost famous in the world for how bad it is...I wonder if there is actually some kind of realm out there in the Finite Tapestry that is basically the world of My Immortal as an entire world. Possibly might be a Nephandi plot to drive people to madness.
Currently writing outlines for a submission to the Storyteller's Vault. Still in the early draft phases, but unlike previous attempts at reforming the World of Darkness, I actually have stuff written down this time.

I am working on a First Edition book in the First Edition setting and style titled Rochester by Night set in the great state of New York during the late 1980's and early 1990's, a city wracked with paranoia, political backstabbing, and ultra-violent urban warfare between Anarch street gangs for control of the city all with a tyrant Prince trying his best to keep a lid on the tension, fueled further by the paranoia and fear over the mysterious and terrifying Sabbat.

I'm not sure how well it would turn out, but I figured it'd be something more constructive to do with my time and energy. Instead of bemoaning how much the WoD sucked after Revised Edition was released, why not instead take advantage of the new Storyteller's Vault and make my own First Edition materials and do something productive?

I'm sick of all the fighting and arguing, and I want to be productive with my ideas.
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