A piece of alt history I find cringey is, The American Dream: An American Officer ISOTed to the Revolutionary War.
It just seems a bit too wankish and a bit too progressive for me. I mean, the main character is of, East Asian descent, and besides the rather uncomfortable fact they call him yellow, everyone just listens to him, no matter if he just appears out of nowhere, has no connections, and claims to be from the future. I also felt myself groan as Napoleon and his family immigrate to America, and Lafayette becomes the leader of France? That just seems a bit much, while Robespierre gets thrown in prison for apparently radicalizing due to the war, which is very bare bones and ignores the multitude of factors that led to all of that chaos.
Another I find kinda cringey is the depiction of all moderates as sensible, kind angels while the more radical people are depicted as bloodthirsty psychopaths. I mean, this is leaving aside the fact that radicals like Robespierre and Marat were pushing for universal sufferage for all the men, and for freeing slaves, while the moderates made voting require property requirements and divided the citizens to passive and active.