Eh whatever I thought extend arm meant "let's shake hands I agree with you!" Cue end of world
That's the joke actually, let me put up the scene to show what I mean (Extend arm happens at around the 2min30 mark, but what's before helps a little when it comes to giving context):
I intended to put that video in if anyone talked about it, but since no one did....
Sure we missed the magical girl moment but I don't mind not getting the perfect choices. I guess Stella may reflect more on her pride than friendship/freedom with this vote, since votes influence her.
Yeah, hmm, about that?
You know how I said *be careful what you put in your votes since they can influence Stella?*
Well, while to *she is a god* was a big problem with the subvote, it wasn't the only one... as in, the entire subvote is a problem....
All the options proposed had one thing in common:
Absolute certainty.
The subvote tries to go with using her changing nature against her, and in the game, there are two big moments that I can think of where this happen:
The first is in the adversary route, and directly lead to the *the princess can't be killed* thought.
The second is at the beginning of Apotheosis, and leads to Paranoid going *make her small, make her small... shit, what if I'm just making her bigger?*.
So that's not a great start....
Worse, it is about making Stella prideful. when she is already the Tower, her second most prideful form, the biggest one being the Apotheosis....
This isn't just *not perfect*.