What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

you said were repeating a word over and over what word is it and what is it were paranoid about? is it a paranoia that people will find out were "special" and make us run off to war an get killed ?

One of the tools of the Sage of Six Paths (It actually takes three of them, but w/e) can be used to imprison someone in a Seal Jar. The trick is that you get imprisoned if you use the word you say the most, or if you say nothing at all. Thus by making sure the word you say the most will never come up in conversation in advance you can render yourself safe from it. The chosen word was wallpaper, for basically zero chance it would ever come up.

seems cool, the MC is probably to happy with reincarnation for the quest name though.

That's sort of the joke. Everyone 'knows' the Naruto world is a horrible place to live, but for most of the people in it, they just live ordinary lives. Of course there would be differences based on where you start, Land of Water is genuinely a complete hellhole. That, and, well. The Second Ninja World War is starting soon, and that's not terribly fun.

I'm just so fucking happy the SI isn't one of those pathetic, sniveling scrubs that can't reconcile reality with their new circumstances. 'Oh, it's just a dream hurr-de-durr', 'I have real parents, so these fakes can just piss off!', 'Gotta keep the timeline straight, even though I'm casually altering it with my mere existence!'

Well, I'll admit the dream one has a high tendency to be annoying, but I can see room for people being freaked by the loss of the world they knew. Granted I haven't seen many fics where the writing of that wasn't overwrought hyperangst, but they do exist. As for the timeline well, yeah. Everything changes Everything. There's no way of avoiding alteration, small events propagate into large events with time. Accept the circumstances you can't change and adapt to work with what you can.

Edit: Though, thinking about it, since temperament is influenced by the actions you take you could make the character the most angsty brooding character conceivable. If you wanted to :p
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[x] Chakra Development - Control
[x] Clamber - Improves Agility
[x] Explore - Improves Perception
[x] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?

[x] No

[x] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[x] Defer for now
Out of interest why do we not want to be a prodigy? It's not like Kumo is going to kidnap us and considering that non of the Akastuki came from Kumo they likely have the best support for them.
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Run - Improves Stamina

We are still young enough that it's okay for us to not know how to write.

Alter behaviour?
[X] No

[X] Socialize/Play with the other kids


[X] Defer for now

How old is Bee? If we graduate early could we be put on his team?
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?

[X] No

[X] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[X] Defer for now
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Run - Improves Stamina

Alter behaviour?
[X] No

[X] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[X] Defer for now

Is mindfulness meditation automatic or do we have to use a write-in?
Out of interest why do we not want to be a prodigy? It's not like Kumo is going to kidnap us and considering that non of the Akastuki came from Kumo they likely have the best support for them.
Not being a prodigy means we keep our options open. Being a prodigy means attracting attention from people wanting to use our skills, whether for civilian or ninja purposes. If we stay unnoticed until we can take care of ourselves (which may be fairly early, if our chakra training goes well), we;ll have more control over our life later on.

We may not want to be a ninja either (at least not one loyal to Lightning country), so getting ourselves handed over for ninja training may not be the best for us overall.
Not being a prodigy means we keep our options open. Being a prodigy means attracting attention from people wanting to use our skills, whether for civilian or ninja purposes. If we stay unnoticed until we can take care of ourselves (which may be fairly early, if our chakra training goes well), we;ll have more control over our life later on.

We may not want to be a ninja either (at least not one loyal to Lightning country), so getting ourselves handed over for ninja training may not be the best for us overall.

If we want to avoid the ninja system all together, we'll have to get started on a favor or barter economy. The character from the fan-fic basically taught a bunch of street urchins survival techniques that basically ballooned into a spy network over the years in order to survive hell-mean the Hidden Mist. I'm sure we could get a network of our own to rope in some bandits or seedy ninja to give something good.

So all we have to do to start out is begin manipulating other kids and look into other areas which specialize in chakra users.

As for being able to travel freely between country borders to extend our influence, maybe we could go the corporate or trade route?

We could do the less evil version of this too.
Meh, I'm voting for us to go to the ninja academy. Everyone else is weak compared to high leven ninja's.
If we want to avoid the ninja system all together, we'll have to get started on a favor or barter economy..
We're not in a Hidden Village. As long as we don't draw a nin's attention to ourself, we'll be fine. No-one will expect us to have chakra training when we're born and growing outside of Kumo.
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[x] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[x] Defer for now
We're not in a Hidden Village. As long as we don't draw a nin's attention to ourself, we'll be fine. No-one will expect us to have chakra training when we're born and growing outside of Kumo.

I meant that if we want techs or ninja training methods maybe favors through a spy ring could get us access to the info. Of course, I can agree that a lot of the simple techniques like sticking to things could be developed independently by us and we might be able to push the basics farther than most with some creativity.

I always thought that chakra control exercises had a bunch of utility and even some of the low level rank jutsu might go far with a little more imagination.

The tenketsu control might seems promising maybe we could build or get a map of it later.
We may not want to be a ninja either (at least not one loyal to Lightning country), so getting ourselves handed over for ninja training may not be the best for us overall.
A Naruto quest where SV votes to avoid high power destructive techniques?
Are you new or just kidding?

Now I need to point out we're doing everything wrong if we don't want to be a ninja. So heres my suggestion, if you don't want to be a ninja vote for something like this
[Q] Play with other kids- Write in
[Q] Explore - Improves Perception
[Q] Clamber - Improves Agility
[Q] Run- Improves Stamina

Because if we have a high chakra we will be strong armed into being a ninja. Kumo kidnaps kids from other countries for bloodlines I'm sure they aren't above bullying one of their own into the academy.
As I originally said, we don't know whether we WANT to be a ninja, and personally I haven't made up my mind yet. Deadcrystal may give us more interesting options later on, or we may end up being trained by a missing nin rather than by a village.

Kindly don't attribute words to me that I've never said.
As I originally said, we don't know whether we WANT to be a ninja, and personally I haven't made up my mind yet. Deadcrystal may give us more interesting options later on, or we may end up being trained by a missing nin rather than by a village.

Kindly don't attribute words to me that I've never said.
I didn't mean to say that you did, just that I'm dubious SV will choose differently and that if there is anyone who does want to avoid being a ninja they are voting poorly.
How old is Bee? If we graduate early could we be put on his team?

He's about a year older than you. For interest this is the timeline I'm using to try and keep track of events.

Is mindfulness meditation automatic or do we have to use a write-in?

Heh. Wondered if anyone would pick up on that. Mindfulness is something that might be able to form the basis of a Battle Art. Given its nature however it would rather depend on your demeanour and temperament. It's something you could look into, but it's only one option, and in any event however good the foundation, it does not make a whole building. Yes you will be able to develop both techniques and battle arts.

The character from the fan-fic basically taught a bunch of street urchins survival techniques that basically ballooned into a spy network over the years in order to survive hell-mean the Hidden Mist. I'm sure we could get a network of our own to rope in some bandits or seedy ninja to give something good.

In fairness the character from the fic had a much broader skillset and experience than the character here.

Deadcrystal may give us more interesting options later on, or we may end up being trained by a missing nin rather than by a village.

Rest assured, I'll make sure that options exist no matter which path you go down, for the sake of interesting narrative if nothing else.

Writing next update, should be up in some amount of time.
In fairness the character from the fic had a much broader skillset and experience than the character here.
Also worth noting is that she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. Theres an inner monologue at the eel thing where she basicaly says her plan is to approach different bands of orphans until she gets it right. She just got lucky the first time.
Update 3: Wandering the walls
You're glad the caregivers allow as much free reign as they do to those in their care. Likely because it was a small village in a calm part of the country but all the same it made things rather a lot easier. You ran wherever you could through the whole village and the surroundings. The multi-level nature of the village and fields make training your agility considerably easier as you could run along walls and jump small gaps. Perhaps not the most illustrious training method, but hey, it seems to be working alright. Training this young probably helps, you'd never been particularly physically adept in your last life, but if you ingrain the love of movement early it should make things easier. You're the youngest at the orphanage and the older ones had largely already gotten used to each other and playing games amongst themselves. If you were actually as young as your appearance indicated you'd probably feel left out, but since you aren't you're fine with the measure of leniency it buys you. As best you can figure they're just glad you're in good spirits.

Chakra manipulation is going well, to the best of your judgement. You certainly have a lot more facility in controlling exactly where you release your chakra, and in the control of how you used it. You still didn't have any jutsu you could actually use with it, but you were hardly bereft of other things to try. Case in point, Wall walking. Logically the inverse of the leaf training exercise, instead of sticking something to yourself, you stuck yourself to something. Except it wasn't that at all. If all wall walking was sticking yourself to a surface you'd rather suffer a few problems when it came to your joints and gravity. Anyone walking straight up a tree would find themselves hanging vertically downwards from their feet, ankles screaming at them. It didn't really make much sense if you thought about it for more than a few seconds but it certainly works. You sort of...permeated a narrow layer of the surface you were trying to cling to with your chakra, and then twisted it, just so, and there you were. Except, from another viewpoint it was more like reorienting yourself like one bar magnet to another, but if you pushed in too much power your pole would flip and you'd be propelled away. It was rather an intensive use of chakra, at least by your standards, and the increase in your reserves from your new habits were helping marvellously. Water-walking was more difficult, naturally, having to alter your pressure constantly and you didn't have much opportunity to practice. You'd managed quite well trying to stand on the surface of shallow puddles but anything more was difficult when you were being circumspect. Basic muscle enhancement was, rather thankfully, considerably easier by far, requiring little more than focus and experience.

Looking around the village you could see more of what a weird mix the place really was. There were more than a dozen professions represented, and what looked to be not a small number of well-off people who had retired here. Looks like maybe a third of the population where people here seeking respite from the world, or otherwise people who'd moved here to be somewhere more out of the way. Heck, even the orphanage caretakers had certainly been born elsewhere. Inoue for all that she was a endlessly cheerful and good-natured woman had rather a lot of scars for a caretaker, to say nothing of the crude wooden peg that went almost from her left knee down. Kagome had certainly been of a spiritual bent, he still seemed to habitually pray every daybreak, working through sutra after sutra as the prayer beads passed between his fingers. You managed to glean that they'd had rather eventful pasts. When one of the other kids had asked for stories about ninja you'd seen them the closest you'd ever seen them come to an argument. Inoue described ninja as great heros who smote down evil, where Kagome described them as callous mercenaries who would do anything for money.

EDIT: Knew I forgot something :p

Skills unlocked: Wall-walking, Water-Walking.
Chakra muscle enhancement - Prevents growth stunting from strength training

Chakra boost - Cold Burn - Costs ? Chakra points per hour, bonus to physical challenges
Chakra boost - Hot Burn - Costs ? Chakra points per minute, bonus to physical challenges

Turn 3, 15 BN - 14 BN

Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[] Chakra Development - Control
[] Chakra Development - Nature training
[] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[] Run - Improves Stamina
[] Explore - Improves Perception
[] Read/Write - Develop written language skills
[] Write-in

Alter behaviour?

[] Write-in


[] Defer for now
[] Write-in
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Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

If we master these basic chakra control exercises right now that means we will not have to do again for awhile so that free's up next turn choice.

Alter behaviour?


[X] Ask Inoue and Kagome separately of why do they think of ninja's that way.


[X] Defer for now

Not all ninja's do job's for money.
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so were four now right ? so are we old enough to start learning some crafts? like carving or origami. were an orphan so we wont have many resources but maybe we could learn something and try to sell them were a cute little four year old living sorta near a resort maybe we can make some money?
[] Read/Write - Develop written language skills
If we don't do this at some point will we be illiterate in the future? Or just really slow at reading?
Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?


[X] Ask Inoue and Kagome separately of why do they think of ninja's that way.


[X] Defer for now
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Chakra Development - Nature training
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?no

[X] get some stories about monks from Kagome


[X] Defer for now

Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?


[X] Ask Inoue and Kagome separately of why do they think of ninja's that way.


[X] Defer for now

I want to learn from the monk asap so we can get a good excuse to practice our mindfulness meditation.
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