What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

Update 1: Weird Awakening
Awareness seeps into your mind slowly, over the course of a week or so. Those odd moments where reality has a dream-like quality, sights overlain with memories, vision doubling and doubling and doubling again. Buildings swim in and out of focus, from wooden structures to stonework churches to concrete and steel skyscrapers, and back again. There's an echo of warmth throughout your body, edging just out of touch as a word you forgot the moment you began to say it.

It's just as well you didn't get your memories back when you were born, you'd have gone completely insane. As it was, if you had to guess, you'd began regaining yourself in parallel with the awakening of your chakra. There were still weird flashes of memory every so often, but it seemed to have stabilised largely. The memories have the strangest quality to them, they're so utterly yours whilst also being foreign and feeling like they had as much substance as smoke.

You're...maybe a year old? You never were all that good at judging ages, but a year seems about right. You're certainly weaker than you can ever remember being but you can wrench your body into doing what you want at least. Hearing is downright surreal, you certainly never learnt Japanese in your last life but you can taste the meanings in the air, the entirety of this little life spent around the language has clearly ingrained itself on you somehow. You're still at the typical level of a one-year old's understanding of the language but all the same you're grateful as anything, languages were hard as anything to learn and you'd happily take the shortcut.

You were in an orphanage, or at least you're moderately sure it was an orphanage, there were a dozen or so other kids of various ages in the place, with some adults running the place. Glancing out of the windows you could see you were on shallow hill overlooking a smallish town, with a huge mountain range visible in the distance over towards the west. The bit of land around the village seemed a bit of a mix, cliffs and fields, stairs cut into the earth between levels of the place. There were half a dozen windmills around the place, and given how strong the breeze was you could see why.

An ozone tang prickled your sense of smell, not long before a thunderstorm broke in the sky above. Your conciousness having finally collected itself you force yourself into awareness. What exactly, are you going to do here? What should you do here, if there was any such thing as should?
You won't be able to just act like an ordinary child, there's no way you'd be able to pull that off, even if you'd been willing to, which you weren't. You'd already caught a few unsettled glances aiming your way and whispers you hadn't been able to make out. You'd been spacing out all week, and even if you hadn't most one year old children didn't have a black and red sigil etched onto their skin.

What is it you want to achieve?

Quest Start: Turn 1, 17 BN - 16 BN

Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[] Chakra Development - Basics
[] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[] Run - Improves Stamina
[] Explore - Improves Perception
[] Listen/Talk - Improves language
[] Write-in

[] Inquisitive

[] Taciturn
[] Ebullient
[] Write-in

Secondary Affinity - Choose one.
(Primary affinity develops fastest, secondary slower but can still reach peak ability, no affinity develops slowest cannot utilise top tier elemental jutsu)
[] Earth
[] Water
[] Fire
[] Air

[] Write-in


[] Defer for now
[] Write-in

As always, you can ask any questions to clarify anything.
[X] Chakra Development - Basics
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language
Is there anything we can do to improve dexterity specifically?

[X] Inquisitive

[X] Water
Lightning and water, the best mix!

[X] Blend in as above average but not outstanding, try to remove people's negative opinions of us or at least make them ignore us.

[X] Defer for now
We're only one. This is what most children do at this age.

[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language

[X] Inquisitive

[X] Water
So our primary affinity is lightning?

[X] Blend in as above average but not outstanding, try to remove people's negative opinions of us or at least make them ignore us.

[X] Defer for now
We need to hide our tattoo.
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[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language

[X] Inquisitive

[X] Water

[X] To Learn Fuinjutsu .

[X] Defer for now
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[X] Chakra Development - Basics
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language
Is there anything we can do to improve dexterity specifically?

[X] Inquisitive

[X] Water
This with Lightning might get us Storm Release.

[X] To become an S-Ranked Shinobi the is invaluable to the Village and that no one wants to mess with. The kind of Shinobi that other Shinobi see and run away from.

[X] Defer for now
Changed my vote.

I deferred for now on deciding on a goal, but if we're going to do it later, I think the GM would be concerned with the root of the problem in Naruto's universe.

What I gathered from canon, tbh- is that the ninja system as it is has to go. I think that the gap in strength between ninja, especially because of the tail beasts ( which i think need more oversight and control from their respective countries and not just their villages ), should be made up on the part of the samurai or other military forces in the Narutoverse even the though that gap looks wide as hell.

Basically, the ninja have gone unchecked so we need safeguards in place against them.

And I expect tremendous push-back along the way to that goal.

Something to think about at least.
That is basically impossible with ninja's that can destroy continents, slicing the moon in half, etc. How could a civilian defend against all their regular chakra techniques?
It's best just to leave the system alone.
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You realise that any sensor is going to be looking at us with a confused expression then pull up our records and find a one year old has a tattoo? combined with Ninja paranoia and B's decent relationship with his Bjuu hiding and trying to appear average is doomed to fail.
That is basically impossible with ninja's that can destroy continents, bring down the moon, etc.
Don't remember anybody being able to destroy continents or bringing down the moon. Are you talking about Kaguya?

How could a civilian defend against all their regular chakra techniques?
It's best just to leave the system alone.

Don't know about civs, but I mentioned the military. Either way, I see us probably blunting the damage of the next two wars somehow. A stronger land of lightening might help with that if we're at the helm doing something different.

As a matter of fact, the people in the west did sound backwards according to the, GM, so maybe alternative solutions or uses for the military could be developed to use if we go west, so there's ways to change the ninja system right there.
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So our primary affinity is lightning?

Yup, primary was fixed to match the predominate nature of the country. If you'd chosen a minor nation you'd have had the freedom of choice.

We need to hide our tattoo.

Well it's not visible assuming you're wearing a shirt, it's more that the people at the orphanage know it's there.

Is there anything we can do to improve dexterity specifically?

Dexterity and Agility are the same thing in this instance.

This with Lightning might get us Storm Release.

All elemental releases utilising two elements or more require a bloodlimit. (Barring a weird corner case with ice) So no Storm Release without arranging some sort of shenanigans.

I'm just going to ask now but did the orphanage even talked to us about chakra? So would it be suspicious to everyone especially the ninja's in this village if we start learning how to manipulate it with no prior knowledge?

They did not. Children are not taught about how to utilise chakra at all, until they go to one of the ninja academies, which IIRC isn't till about age five or so. They don't learn it till late in the academy in any case. There are, naturally, some exceptions; some clans will teach chakra usage early, and some monastic groups teach chakra usage to their adherents, though granted for radicaly different purpose than ninja. In any case, you may thank paranoia but you're intelligent enough to not try and develop chakra when anyone can see you.

You realise that any sensor is going to be looking at us with a confused expression then pull up our records and find a one year old has a tattoo? combined with Ninja paranoia and B's decent relationship with his Bjuu hiding and trying to appear average is doomed to fail.

Lightning Country is not small. It would be more accurate to call it quite large. In this instance you're located in a smallish civilian village to the north-east ish of the country. Thankfully sensors types are uncommon to rare, so at the moment there are no particular reasons for any ninja to be looking your way. That can change fairly obviously. And yes, I'm avoiding the whole 'Countries are just the ninja village' thing that tends to crop up. The countries are countries.

As a matter of fact, the people in the west did sound backwards according to the, GM

Not q sure what you mean by this, I mentioned there being a mountain range to the west, but other than that?

Things to note re long term planning, no matter what aspiration you all end up choosing, 'get stronger' and 'stop the apocalypse' don't need to be a focus, they're kind of a given. You may not have a plan yet, but 'let a dead god get resurrected and eat the majority of the population of the planet' isn't making your top ten list.
Not q sure what you mean by this, I mentioned there being a mountain range to the west, but other than that?

Things to note re long term planning, no matter what aspiration you all end up choosing, 'get stronger' and 'stop the apocalypse' don't need to be a focus, they're kind of a given. You may not have a plan yet, but 'let a dead god get resurrected and eat the majority of the population of the planet' isn't making your top ten list.

When you said people outside of elemental nations had a minuscule potential for having chakra, I assumed they weren't advanced in other area as well.

My bad.
[X] Chakra Development - Basics
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language

[X] Inquisitive

[X] Water

[X] To Learn Fuinjutsu .
[j/k] To have perfect Hair.
[X] Defer for now
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if pc knows they're in narutoverse how much knowledge about chackra do they have ? i chose chackra development because of narutoverse knowledge . it would have been something i would have periodically tried on my own given ninja exist and i remember naruto i'd try to develop superpowers too especially as chackra coils grow like any other muscle. I think doing so given the nature of the pc's chackra would be pretty bad but i also think it would be a priority till it blew up in my face. im thinking a near death experiance as negative chackra poisons the pc. also alerting local nin that pc is "special" . i didn't choose it because it will be good for the pc but because i can't see anyone with naruto knowledge not trying it till it blows up on them.
if pc knows they're in narutoverse how much knowledge about chackra do they have ? i chose chackra development because of narutoverse knowledge . it would have been something i would have periodically tried on my own given ninja exist and i remember naruto i'd try to develop superpowers too especially as chackra coils grow like any other muscle. I think doing so given the nature of the pc's chackra would be pretty bad but i also think it would be a priority till it blew up in my face. im thinking a near death experiance as negative chackra poisons the pc. also alerting local nin that pc is "special" . i didn't choose it because it will be good for the pc but because i can't see anyone with naruto knowledge not trying it till it blows up on them.
Think I'll try going with your goal of learning fuinjutsu. We need that.
[X] Chakra Development - Basics
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Listen/Talk - Improves language


[X] Inquisitive

Secondary Affinity - Choose one.
(Primary affinity develops fastest, secondary slower but can still reach peak ability, no affinity develops slowest cannot utilise top tier elemental jutsu)
[X] Fire
When you said people outside of elemental nations had a minuscule potential for having chakra, I assumed they weren't advanced in other area as well.

It was potential in the more general sense. Being outside the primary scope of the conflict means no ninja shenanigans messing with your circumstances. But it also means no ninja to receive training or learn techniques from. Moot point now I guess.

[X] Finger Paint with Dirt - to further our hand eye coordination (made up is that ok?)

Covered under Agility.

Your village is in the NE of Lightning Country, putting it roughly near where that indentation is on the east coast.
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It was potential in the more general sense. Being outside the primary scope of the conflict means no ninja shenanigans messing with your circumstances. But it also means no ninja to receive training or learn techniques from. Moot point now I guess.

Your village is in the NE of Lightning Country, putting it roughly near where that indentation is on the east coast.

Thanks for clearing that up, GM.

And thanks for the map too.

Kumo's definitely in a nice position to expand and dominate economically here. Might be the best way to expand too.
Update 2: Reincarnation is broken, pls nerf
This world is amazing. The air is crisp, the food is delicious and the sky is gorgeous. Well. Okay. Basically all of that is the same as the last world, but when in a child's brain running high on more endorphins than you've had in years it seems more amazing. Child brains, a hell of a drug. Wait, no that sounds wrong, that makes it sounds like you're mainlining neural tissue like a mind flayer in an outer realm bathroom. Regardless.

You've been clambering over every raised surface you can get your tiny hands or feet on, and the view from up high, or well, higher anyway, is well worth it. You honestly don't know how children fall over all the time. Wait, yes you do, most children have yet to develop the experience necessary to judge risks properly, or to compensate for a still developing sense of balance. Gods were you just lording it over children there for a second? Yeah, no more of that, looking down on kids for not having the aptitude of a double decade of experience is absurd, elitist and petty. You are only two so your body is obviously limiting you pretty sharply, but you figure you can still work with that. Best to develop good habits, and if nothing else you can certainly get started on a good sense of proprioception and spatial relationships. For this you're trying to walk only on higher or precarious surfaces where you can, or just a narrow line if nothing else is around. Easier to build balance walking on walls where some of you is always aware there's actually a consequence for failure. It's a touch avian maybe, but birds are cool so that's fine.

Dealing with people around you is refreshingly simple. A kid who seems endlessly interested in the world, and taking joy in every experience is an easy kid to like. Well, either that or they find you insufferable and have stupendous poker faces. Gods but childhood is easier in a lot of ways as an adult, you'd recommend reincarnation to everyone. It wasn't perfect obviously, the lack of internet was killing you something fierce, but looking to the future there was so much shit you could pull just by stealing stuff from your last world. You could invent dubstep. I mean there was a lot of stuff you couldn't do fairly obviously, This wasn't whatever that book was where the person went back in time and recreated a bunch of technology. You just straight up couldn't do that. Even lack of knowledge withstanding meaning that you had no idea how processors actually worked. Every piece of tech was predicated on other tech, frequently on process improvements you knew shit all about. Ah well. Something to think about.

Chakra training is basic enough, which is just as well. If you recalled correctly the academy kids in konoha were taught to do it by trying to focus to get a leaf to stick to their forehead. There was also something about the purpose of the training being mainly to teach kids how to focus? Not really relevant to your purpose anyway. The point was to try to draw chakra out of one of the tenketsu, and hey, no reason it has to be the obvious forehead one right? Nor any reason it has to be a leaf? You could instead, remain entirely unnoticed by trying to stick your own clothing, that you were wearing to yourself. Now granted, you don't actually know where all the tenketsu are, exactly, but you've got time and there are at least two hundred of the things so there shouldn't be any problems for your purposes.

Let's see. Mental energy derived by experience, meditation and study. Well you should have a massive unfair advantage there. Seems safe to say that mental energy won't be the limiting factor of your chakra. Physical energy, derived by stamina, training exercise. Yeah that's going to take time to build up there. The whole thing does make you think that the Buddhist principle of mindfulness would be a great boon to the whole thing. Bring awareness to each action, and you'd develop both in concert.

Blinking for a moment you shake your head as you feel a piece of shirt stick to your arm. Gods reincarnation was bullshit and cheating by any account. Actually building a usable amount would take time, and chakra control was a different matter. You could probably start with that by trying to shift from tenketsu to tenketsu, and eventually multiple points simultaneously. You wonder idly how different villages teach this, doctrines differed and you can't imagine they all did leaf training, even if the only difference was cosmetic.

There were some heavy things limiting you in several ways, you had no idea how to use any jutsu which required handsigns (and you didn't know the handsigns besides), and however useful Fuinjutsu would be you had no point to start from with it. It would admittedly probably be incredibly useful, but in the absence of any way to look into it for now you may as well build up the basic skills it would eventually require.

Demeanour Shift: As you take actions, your nature shifts slowly accordingly. Habitually choose to kill those you come across and you'll value life less. Always choose a sneaky way of doing things and your facility and inclination for direct action will drop. Currently you are interacting positively with those around you, and are immersing yourself in the world.

Age limit: Your physical ability is, unsurprisingly, limited by the development of your body, you cannot reach certain limits of ability without growing older, and excessive strength training can damage your growth. Or, you know, would if not for chakra reinforcement nonsense.

Language: You have reached an largely adult level of spoken language. Any other refinements are born of experience.

Paranoia: You've taken to repeating a single word fifty times a day from now on, as defence against an item you will in all likelihood never encounter.

Atypical training: Your odd chakra training method means you are becoming used to releasing chakra from any tenketsu. This is similarly largely pointless, though it isn't particularly detrimental at present either.

Knowledge: You have a basic familiarity with the area, and rudimentary biased ideas about the general situation.

Turn 2, 16 BN - 15 BN

Self-Development Actions - Choose four.
[] Chakra Development - Control
[] Chakra Development - Nature training
[] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[] Run - Improves Stamina
[] Explore - Improves Perception
[] Read/Write - Develop written language skills
[] Write-in

Alter behaviour?

[] Write-in


[] Defer for now
[] Write-in

[x] Chakra Development - Control
[x] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[x] Explore - Improves Perception
[x] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

Alter behaviour?

[x] No

[x] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[x] Defer for now
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Run -
Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Read/Write - Develop written language skills

[X] To find some examples of fuin . like on the gates or a storage seal.


[X] Defer for now

you said were repeating a word over and over what word is it and what is it were paranoid about? is it a paranoia that people will find out were "special" and make us run off to war an get killed ?
[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Clamber -
Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[x] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[x] Defer for now

I'm just so fucking happy the SI isn't one of those pathetic, sniveling scrubs that can't reconcile reality with their new circumstances. 'Oh, it's just a dream hurr-de-durr', 'I have real parents, so these fakes can just piss off!', 'Gotta keep the timeline straight, even though I'm casually altering it with my mere existence!'

Really looking forward to how this will develop, yeah?

[X] Chakra Development - Control
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Clamber - Improves Agility
[X] Run - Improves Stamina

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[x] Remain as well-thought of as and reasonably above average as possible. Keep chakra training hidden. Make sure to sound uninterested if the subject of chakra or ninja ever comes up.


[x] Defer for now