What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

Not a student or too knowledgeable of the field, but what if we took advantage of the different electrical charges and our ability to push chakra through our tenketsu to boost our overall speed and taijutsu? Was reading that the surface of the earth was negative overall due to electrical discharge from thunderstorms and storm clouds and then I started thinking about how negative the surface ground of Kumo might be as well since its so cloudy.

Then after that, I figured what would happen to us if we made a style that emphasized building static electricity then using negative charges to repel and attract our feet to the ground for running boosts or to build momentum in our kicks/jumps?

Anybody more knowledgeable of electromagnetism? Want to know if I missed anything or got it wrong.

We might also want to learn a taijutsu art that allows us to redirect force as well. It's also got to be something that teaches us fine control in order to maximize the strength, agility, and stamina we have.

I don't think going into physics is quite feasible, we are explicitly in a universe where conversion of energy is not true (since going by that lotsa things are in the "lol no." category of energy/complexity requirements).
As long as it remains somewhat internally consistent it should be ok.

So I propose the metal sheet fighting style (wires are bah)!

by lining our feets and palms with thin successive layers of round metal sheets we are capable of increasing our pushes by repelling the outermost sheet.
We can also throw rotating sheets with unpredictable flight paths due to different charges.
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Isn't chakra flow a technique you can use with any material? It's definitely better with chakra metal, but both Naruto and Asuma demonstrated Wind's sharpness increase on ordinary kunai. (Asuna's throw pierced through stone.)

It's a matter of durability and efficiency. Ordinary metal, like a kunai, disappears after a few uses and cannot channel elemental chakra well. You end up wasting chakra. Chakra metal does not disappear after just a few uses, it can last quite a while, and since it's made of chakra metal, it can channel elemental chakra easily. Also, Asuma and Naruto didn't use ordinary kunai, they used Asuma's chakra metal trench knives. See here.
Does this Trait ignore the Void Transmigrant trait? Because if not then why would we get it?

Not sure what you're referring to here, Void Transmigrant doesn't have any bearing on training actions?

Is it possible to greatly increase speed of only one part of our body? Like the hand which is going to punch opponent's face? Also - what makes Body-Flicker and Substitution predictable? Is it the fact that oponents can feel the chakra and instantly find us?

Nope. Body Flicker is kind of a staple technique, it's really good, but anyone other than a recently graduated genin will be very familiar with it. Substitution I'm toning down compared to the series, there just aren't that many conveniently massed objects in short range most of the time.

@deadcrystal So, if we get a chakra metal sword and channel lightning... we can get a vibrosword?

Heh. P much. The vibration is what gives the absurd penetrative power you can get with Lightning.

Does this work for Bukijutsu as well? Like to get skill above 4 you need to choose a particular weapon?

Will probably stretch to 5 with Bukijutsu, and not a particular weapon, but a particular style, sure. A weapon style might rely on a limited class of weaponry, but it's the style you choose, not the weapon.
Not sure what you're referring to here, Void Transmigrant doesn't have any bearing on training actions?

-Devouring Void - The void is of death and ending, nature energy is of life and beginning. You are not capable of gathering or using sage energy, at least not in any useful way. The chakra of the Bijuu, which is fundamentally the chakra of the natural world is mildly intoxicating.
-Devouring Void - The void is of death and ending, nature energy is of life and beginning. You are not capable of gathering or using sage energy, at least not in any useful way. The chakra of the Bijuu, which is fundamentally the chakra of the natural world is mildly intoxicating.

Nature Manipulation is the formation of elemental chakra, nothing to do with actual Nature energy. I realise now the confusion there, but that's what it's referred to as for some reason.
Oh hey, this quest looks interesting.

For a potential weapon for a lightning user, has anyone brought up the kusari-fundo? Since getting a weapon that can channel lighting affinity itself is probably out of our price range, a weapon that can wrap around an opponent to directly conduct electricity is our next best bet.
For a potential weapon for a lightning user, has anyone brought up the kusari-fundo? Since getting a weapon that can channel lighting affinity itself is probably out of our price range, a weapon that can wrap around an opponent to directly conduct electricity is our next best bet.

Two problems. Ninja's generally have fast paced battles and chakra gives increased strength and speed too, so it'd be easy to evade or shrug off. Plus, if we run into anyone with a sword or wind nature, they'll be able to keep it away from them. And it also requires skill that we don't have at the moment. Plus, ninja wire already fulfills that need. Or Lightning natured chakra strings.
Two problems. Ninja's generally have fast paced battles and chakra gives increased strength and speed too, so it'd be easy to evade or shrug off. Plus, if we run into anyone with a sword or wind nature, they'll be able to keep it away from them. And it also requires skill that we don't have at the moment. Plus, ninja wire already fulfills that need. Or Lightning natured chakra strings.

They're actually designed as anti-sword weapons. You wrap the chain around the sword and then use the greater leverage to yank it out of their grip.

I just thought I'd suggest it since it's a weapon that can entangle, bludgeon, and mainly relies on leverage and speed rather than strength, in addition to the usefulness of fighting with a medium that can conduct electricity.

A kunai (or other knife) with ninja wire attached could serve a similar function, a la Hei in Darker than Black.
[x] Platypus

Also, a chain weapon of any variety wouldn't really make use of Lightning's properties optimally, wires will do for the moment. The greatest strengths of lightning is its penetrative force and sheer speed combined with the debilitating nature of electric discharges; this is a bit of planning ahead, as it won't really be viable until we are older (simply a case of size matters) but I would strongly advocate the short spear ("short spear" being ~7 feet long), or perhaps if we're feeling fancy a telescoping spear. The spear confers a number of advantages that suit the general direction we seem to be taking our style, that being reach, leverage and a level of control over one's opponent(s) that few other weapons have. Pair that with the fact that thrusts are just plain faster and (usually) more lethal than cuts and you have a weapon that is well suited for an agile, stand-off fighter like Feruza is shaping up to be.

Another thing to consider is that the spear is both an unusual weapon for a ninja, and in the hands of an expert can be a very subtle weapon (in the sense of outmaneuvering an enemy, it's still a great big pole with a pointy bit on the end).
Plus, if you're going to be magnetically accelerating metal projectiles to ludicrous speeds, they might as well be already aerodynamically shaped. We could pull a Gae Bolg impression! (Err... A single use Gae Bolg impression. But hey, that's what storage seals are for!)
Canon Omake - Deflect and Redirect
Deflect and Redirect
Night had descended on Kumogakure, and under the darkness, you, known as Feruza to this still weird world, rested in your bed as your teeming mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming meeting with your genin team and what you would bring to the table. If you were being honest, it was less nerve-wracking than it was exciting. As far as you had come along, and with how much you already punched above your weight, you were confident enough that you'd be able to fit in someway, somehow.

You were pretty sure that you'd been near the top of your class in terms of taijutsu when you'd been nothing more than a trainee. Your pronounced agility, craftiness, and of course, that 's not saying much when your next accomplishment blew that out of the water. The fact that you had been able enough to take on 3 genin by yourself and won handily had been shocking even to you, but a win was a win.

Unfortunately for you, you're more than self aware enough to realize that you've gotten lucky so far all thanks to a little trump card you've been abusing without remorse. It sucks but you know that your winning streak will eventually lose effectiveness-academy taijustu can only take you so far, nature manipulation boosted or not.

On that note, you also remember some of your classmates occasionally referred to you as "Sparky" or the more spiteful "Cheater" when you used your lightning discharge, if your ears did you justice during your spars. And you couldn't really hold that against them either. Although you were wondering when- not if- but when your string of luck would finally run out even back then, you'd made sure to use your lightning affinity to end things on your terms every time you'd received an opening.

You couldn't help but smirk briefly at the thought as you prepared to turn in for the day. It was a momentary bout of pride however. It worked like a charm with trainees but how would it hold up now with your soon-to-be war-time genin team? What about on a mission in the field with upcoming war? Would your taijustu hold up enough til then?

Common sense tells you that you're probably not the first person to have supplemented your taijutsu with the manipulation of nature elements and that sooner, rather than later, your ability to even take advantage of your affinity would eventually be countered by your ability to actually hit someone in the first place.

What you needed now was a taijutsu style that would actually allow you to play more to your strengths. At your height and limited strength, you would need something more indirect than the aggressive academy style. It would need to be something that allowed you to use every advantage you had and allowed you to gain...leverage...

Your eyes widen at the thought on the tip of your tongue.

You needed a taijutsu style that gave your still tiny pre-pubescent body maximum leverage over your enemies, something like Aikido or whatever you could get your hands on that operated along similar lines.

As you shut your eyes, you make a mental note to see what your new rank would get you in terms of research at the library.

It was time for you to come up with a style that was a better force multiplier and more sustainable than relying more on your electric discharge.

NOTES: Thought something more back to basics was something we'd need since I might have been over thinking things earlier. An art like Aikido should further that battlefield path we opened up earlier. Should also suit us seeing as how small we are.
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