What Fresh Hell (Naruto SI)

[X] No

[X] Chakra Development - Nature training
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Chakra muscle enhancement-Try to become proficient with this technique.

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[X] Ask Kagome about Monks: what they do, practices, prayers, meditation, etc.


[X] Defer for now.
[X] No

[X] Chakra Development - Nature training
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Stealth

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[X] Ask Kagome about Monks: what they do, practices, prayers, meditation, etc.


[X] Defer for now.
[X] No

[X] Chakra Development - Nature training
[X] Run - Improves Stamina
[X] Explore - Improves Perception
[X] Practice trying out random jutsu. Make hand signals, whatever.

Alter behaviour?
[x] No

[X] Ask Kagome about Monks: what they do, practices, prayers, meditation, etc.


[X] Defer for now.

Update 5: Stranger walking the night
You've taken to ranging further astray, in the fields and hills around the village, you get the most varied terrain and you can practice things with a reasonable degree of security. Being this healthy does feel pretty great, not having to worry about ending up fatigued from all this movement and the sheer joy of movement. The environment is easily worth it as well, there are wooded copses, idling streams and rolling fields of wheat that sway to the yawning wind.

Chakra muscle enhancement was largely unconscious, something that let chakra users get away with shit people who didn't never could. Sure you could set your chakra moving throughout your whole body which provided a very nice energy boost, but that's all it was. Through diligent focus over the year however you've managed to figure out how to focus the enhancement to your legs for a quick burst of speed.

Technique gained: Shitty Body Flicker. Like the body flicker technique, except slower, using a bunch of chakra, and with no real element of surprise. Probably useful for something.

Elemental training was a lot more interesting and promising at least. Lightning came easiest you started by messing around with static charge. All electricity was the movement of charged particles from areas of high charge to areas of lower charge. It might be by a minimal amount, but even rubbing two fingers together would inevitably leave a differential, or at least you could conceive of it that way. By what you understood of it half of nature manipulation worked on understanding and mimicking a concept of being. Sure enough after a few days you could get tiny bits of charge to jump between your fingers. Water wasn't as easy but it was still simple enough, you let a hand dangle in a stream and tried to get your chakra to mix with and manipulate the moving flow. The other three elements were massively more difficult to your annoyance. After months you could just about manage the most basic manipulations with them, but it was only stubbornness that meant you bothered to do that much. The rest of your time went to the markedly less aggravating lightning and water.

Lightning - C
Earth - E
Water - D
Fire - E
Air - E

Kagome was perfectly happy to talk about the practices of the monkhood. It varied depending on the temple, if they weren't wandering monks, but they ranged from community guides who did their best for the places they lived, to monks of the shrines who sought to reach enlightenment and to bring peace to the world. Some temples fed the poor, some acted to appease the spirits and bring prosperity to the areas, and some kept voracious oni confined. All in all they sought awareness and to make the world a better place. He told you a little about how they meditated but you could tell he didn't expect you to grasp it.

Mindfulness Meditation added to research paths.

It was during a late evening that something actually happened. There was a softening of your senses and a sudden wash of fatigue that swept over you. You might not know much about genjutsu but sending a chakra pulse through your system was simple enough and it sent you back to full wakefulness. Everyone else in the orphanage had fallen asleep, and cautiously looking outside you could see why. An excessively haggard looking Iwa nin was catching his breath for a moment before slowly turning away from the orphanage and further up the path to the hill overlooking the whole village where the holiday estate of the Province Head was.

Turn 5. What do you do?

[]Attack him. Details necessary.
[]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.
[]Just go to sleep.
[]Book it out of the village.
-[X] Wake the caretakers by very quietly and subtly using the chakra pulse. Cover their mouths when they wake so as to not alert the ninja by making any noise. Tell them of the situation and follow what they say. Should the ninja notice, book it the fuck out of there.
[X] Just go to sleep.

None of our business, and will attract too much attention to us. As it is, we'll probably end up getting one of our caretakers killed if we take action.
[X] Just go to sleep.

Yeah, what happens if the nin is as sensor ninja? Also if there chunin they could easily kill everyone in this village if they tried hard enough.
New [X]Write-in.
-[X] Wake the caretakers by very quietly and subtly using the chakra pulse. Cover their mouths when they wake so as to not alert the ninja by making any noise. Tell them of the situation and follow what they say. Should the ninja notice, book it the fuck out of there
[X] Just go to sleep.

while we have trained ourselves we still have no combat training and would die horribly

also waking the caretakers would only cause their possible deaths
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We have a chance at saving someone important and earning the gratitude of said important person.

This guys half dead from exhaustion already, if we manage to stall him long enough, I bet you we could win this confrontation.

We're a kid. Act like a kid and get close, then pump all our chakra into Lightning and taze the bastard.
[]Attack him. Details necessary.
[]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.

Did I miss some information, this seems premature. For all we know the village head hired him and the guy ran all day to get here.
Did I miss some information, this seems premature. For all we know the village head hired him and the guy ran all day to get here.
He put the whole orphanage to sleep.

It was during a late evening that something actually happened. There was a softening of your senses and a sudden wash of fatigue that swept over you. You might not know much about genjutsu but sending a chakra pulse through your system was simple enough and it sent you back to full wakefulness. Everyone else in the orphanage had fallen asleep, and cautiously looking outside you could see why. An excessively haggard looking Iwa nin was catching his breath for a moment before slowly turning away from the orphanage and further up the path to the hill overlooking the whole village where the holiday estate of the Province Head was.
[]Attack him. Details necessary.
[]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.

Did I miss some information, this seems premature. For all we know the village head hired him and the guy ran all day to get here.

Well he's wearing an Iwa headband and you're deep in Lightning territory during the Second Shinobi World War. There really aren't many positive implications to draw here.
[X]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.
-[X] Be cheerful and friendly at him.
-[X] Hope he's too exhausted to kill us.
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Well, he's apparently not a monster, since he doesn't want to kill an orphanage full of children. For all we know, the Province Head might be slaving or selling drugs, on the side. We don't have enough information to really make a judgement call.

EDIT: Though, being an Iwa nin in Lightning Country is making things look bad for him.
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Supposing we did try persuasion what would we could offer is a chance to hide since it looks like he's spent.
And since he's trying to be discrete, maybe we can tell him your monk caretaker can help. I think he might be willing to hear us out. Maybe.

[X]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.
-[X]Reveal yourself cautiously as a novice monk and tell him your monk caretaker can help him.
-[X]Tell him to give himself more options by not following through with what he is about to do while being so tired.
-[X]And convince him to at least accompany you to wake the monk and speak with him before deciding. He may be able to provide sanctuary.
Supposing we did try persuasion what would we could offer is a chance to hide since it looks like he's spent.
And since he's trying to be discrete, maybe we can tell him your monk caretaker can help. I think he might be willing to hear us out. Maybe.

[]Persuade him not to do whatever he's planning. Details necessary.
-[]Reveal yourself cautiously as a novice monk and tell him your monk caretaker can help him.
-[]Tell him to give himself more options by not following through with what he is about to do while being so tired.
-[]And convince him to at least accompany you to wake the monk and speak with him before deciding. He may be able to provide sanctuary.
Help him? remember, the monk guy hates ninja. Also, why would he want sanctuary?
What happens if the ninja kills us for walking up to kim? We are a possible witness of what happen today this mean we can inform kumo ninja's of what he looked like(if this is not a henge)
Help him? remember, the monk guy hates ninja. Also, why would he want sanctuary?

I figured we could take a chance since the monk taken from Kagome's story sounded like he was a former missing-nin. I'm assuming though. Won't fight it if the other players choose to go back to sleep though.

I'm also being greedy since whoever this is has to be good if they reached so far into Lightning. He could be an asset if we play our cards right.
-[X] Wake the caretakers by very quietly and subtly using the chakra pulse. Cover their mouths when they wake so as to not alert the ninja by making any noise. Tell them of the situation and follow what they say. Should the ninja notice, book it the fuck out of there
switching my vote.

-[X] Wake the caretakers by very quietly and subtly using the chakra pulse. Cover their mouths when they wake so as to not alert the ninja by making any noise. Tell them of the situation and follow what they say. Should the ninja notice, book it the fuck out of there.