[x] Plan: Numbers go up 2.0
-[x] Open Arkologies (Stage 2) - 2 Dice
-[x] Road Network (Stage 2) - 3 Free Dice
-[x] Schooling And Education (Stage 2) - 1 Dice
-[x] Voidport (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Shrines And Churches (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
-[x] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice

-[x] Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 1) - 5 Dice
-[x] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 2) - 5 Dice + 1 Morale
-[x] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2) - 5 Dice
-[x] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 2) - 4 Dice
-[x] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 1 Dice
-[x] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice

-[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 4) - 3 Dice
-[x] Adventure Packages (Stage 1)
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by Dezron on Dec 30, 2021 at 9:17 AM, finished with 42 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Numbers go up 2.0
    -[x] Open Arkologies (Stage 2) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Road Network (Stage 2) - 3 Free Dice
    -[x] Schooling And Education (Stage 2) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Voidport (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Shrines And Churches (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice
    -[x] Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 1) - 5 Dice
    -[x] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 2) - 5 Dice + 1 Morale
    -[x] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2) - 5 Dice
    -[x] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 2) - 4 Dice
    -[x] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice
    -[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 4) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Adventure Packages (Stage 1)
Dezron threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: And... Total: 417
37 37 5 5 48 48 5 5 3 3 16 16 30 30 5 5 67 67 91 91 85 85 25 25
Dezron threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: here... Total: 666
7 7 93 93 78 78 97 97 36 36 72 72 48 48 83 83 81 81 35 35 24 24 12 12
Dezron threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: we... Total: 630
7 7 87 87 19 19 94 94 41 41 66 66 10 10 54 54 94 94 65 65 30 30 63 63
Dezron threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: go !!!!!!! Total: 234
65 65 23 23 77 77 69 69
Dezron threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Internal Dice Total: 178
45 45 39 39 18 18 76 76
Dezron threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: External Dice Total: 208
83 83 76 76 49 49
Adhoc vote count started by Dezron on Dec 30, 2021 at 9:17 AM, finished with 42 posts and 5 votes.

  • [x] Plan: Numbers go up 2.0
    -[x] Open Arkologies (Stage 2) - 2 Dice
    -[x] Road Network (Stage 2) - 3 Free Dice
    -[x] Schooling And Education (Stage 2) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Voidport (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Shrines And Churches (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice
    -[x] Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 1) - 5 Dice
    -[x] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 2) - 5 Dice + 1 Morale
    -[x] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2) - 5 Dice
    -[x] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 2) - 4 Dice
    -[x] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 1 Dice
    -[x] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 2) - 2 Free Dice
    -[x] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 4) - 3 Dice
    -[x] Adventure Packages (Stage 1)
40d100 Project dice please.
4d100 Internal Dice please.
3d100 External Dice please.
Math post:

Dice Bonus: +27 (22(Bonuses)+5(Morale))

Open Arkologies (Stage 2) - 1175/1173
Road Network (Stage 2) - 221/403
Schooling And Education (Stage 2) - 462/431
Voidport (Stage 1) - 846/1725
Shrines And Churches (Stage 2) - 398/288
Administratum Headquarters (Stage 2) - 302/638
Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 1) - 782/518
Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 2) - 370/467
Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2) - 572/518
Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 2) - 442/575
Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 769/1149
Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 2) - 268/288
Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 4) - 797/834
Adventure Packages (Stage 1) - 96/86

- Done
White - Ongoing, rolls average or above average
Yellow - Ongoing, rolls bellow average

Please point out any mistakes.

Edit to avoid triple posting:

Happy New Year everyone, special thanks to @HeroCooky for creating this Quest !!!!
Last edited:
Turn 16 - Three Cards - Results
The Capital Is Nearing Its Full Completion
After several years of non-stop construction, the government has finally released a statement proudly declaring that 68.1% of the planned structure and arcology has been finished! This news was celebrated by many citizens as the dry canals built within the ground and through public spaces were finally flooded rapidly, filling with water and life, gently flowing through hundreds of kilometers. And while this milestone was celebrated with big and small parties from the citizenry and their constructors alike, foreign dignitaries reached out with congratulations for nearing the end of our colonization stage, when we will finally be officially instated as a Garden And Relaxation World. And as the people celebrate, another news has managed to come through the grapevine of rumors, as there are hints that monuments are in the talking, of the God-Emperor Himself, Lord Haku, or other important milestones within our short but turbulent history.
Source: Independent Inquirer

Read All About The New Musical World
The new opera houses have opened with cheer and overbooking for months. At the same time, bands and orchestras delight the people with venerable and time-tested music such as the March of the Tanith or the well-known pieces of the ancient Terran composer XXX. We managed to compile a list of the available musical and theatrical works on offer for the next three months for your pleasure. As well as creating a list that allows you to enjoy as much of these cultural pieces, we managed to work out a deal with various groups of musicians and actors willing to offer discounts in exchange for multi-month passes to their shows and performances. But if listening to native and Imperial music as well as ancient tales and sagas passed down the millennia doesn't sound like your thing, there are dozens of different options you may peruse to find what works best for you!
Source: Farmers Magazine

New Shrines And Churches Welcomed With Open Arms And Jubilations
After far too much time had passed where the people had to either cramp themselves into tiny churches or around open-air shrines, we finally have been granted one of the essentials of life: the space to pray. The new places of worship have already been sanctified in a giant planet-wide ceremony invoking the God-Emperors blessing and protection. The following days have seen record numbers of attendance and prayers, with donations of all kinds shooting through the roof as people finally had the time and space needed to properly practice faith. Something that was aided by the increasing amount of public transportation options in the new initiative to improve the much-neglected infrastructure of both roads and trains. At the same time, private and pooled transportation has shot through the roof, with native Cooperatives already booked years in advance, despite the high cost of those vehicles. We can only hope that this eye for improving the roads continues, as people already had to veer into walking to work, often for an hour on average.
Source: United News

School is great! No annoying parents to tell you what to do anywhere!
#Skool #ParentalTyranny
Source: Howler

God damn that new season of Little Saint hit me like a freight train! :'(
#LittleSaint #NewSeason #Tearjerker
Source: Howler

Source: Howler

Galagen had found, after several weeks of harsh fighting against the followers of the Great Enemy, that he vastly preferred the battlefield to the "peace" and "quiet" of his current ship he had been assigned onto despite his thoughts to the contrary while on deployment. This state of thought had everything to do with his "friends" currently around him, Aezozae and Maelone, who, in their infinite wisdom and foresight, had decided to bother him by gossiping about Yvraine. Because of course they did.

"I am not insinuating anything," Aezozae spoke, dangling off the tree Galagen was currently trying to meditate under, "but... have you heard about the "diplomatic meeting" coming up?" She said, giggling and waggling her eyebrows.

"You don't mean that the rumors are true?" Maelon gasped in fake shock, a grin on his face as he tried to suppress his own laughter. "But how could our glorious leader do something as forbidden and shocking as "meeting" a mon'keigh? And to divert a whole fleet to do so too! Does she know no restraint?!" He continued, losing the battle against his laughter, doubling over as Aezozae herself only held on due to her extensive training.

"I know!" She said between gasps of breath, "but not any mon'keigh, brother! It is the son of their fallen god! How could she resist the advances of such a sophisticated creature crafted by "divinity" such as he?" She mockingly spoke, taking on an air of seriousness for a mere moment.

"Could you two please stop talking about her that way?" Galagan spoke, trying to contain his rising annoyance at the two. "We are going there because of the incident with that one Kabal, not because she is doing a booty call as you insist she is!" He spoke, a bit of heat entering his voice at the end.

"Of course," Aezozae spoke, winking at him with a grin, "that is what we are doing! Plain old boring diplomatic talks. Where the two will spend days going over "battleplans" and "coordinate attacks" with each other. Nothing scandalous happening there, no sir!"

"Yeah, Maelon spoke, nodding. "Just like last time when she "made him rise" from the throne!" At which point, both laughed once more, with Aezozae falling out of the tree.

"For fucks sake! They had a normal, respectful conversation with each other; why does everyone think they have sex?!"

Meanwhile, in Yvraines private quarters:
"Do you think he'll like the red feather or the blue feathers more?"
"Of course! The orange ones!"

Infrastructure 9 Dice
[] Open Arkologies (Stage 2)

Having finished the basic layout of the Capital, work can begin on incorporating the massive surrounding region and oceanside, with towers and connected waterways above and underneath the surface planned and dug. Thousands of houses and dozens of districts will be needed to be designed, with a mindboggling amount of seeds and earth requiring transportation to their intended destinations. In addition, parks, schools, clinics, churches, sports venues, and all other civilian infrastructure needs to be constructed to allow an adequate living quality to be maintained. Additionally, hotels, casinos, entertainment districts, and every manner of sanctioned recreational activity will be required to cater to soon-to-be arriving nobility, functionaries, and other assorted VIPs.
(+4 Money per Turn, +6 Food per Turn, +5 People per Turn (1175/1173), Stage 2 Complete, Stage 3 at (2/1438))
"It is with pride," Maata spoke into the vox-amplifier transmitting her voice to the thousands of people listening with rapt attention, "that I can talk to you on this day. Despite the turbulent times our little slice of the galaxy has suffered, we have nonetheless managed to stride forward with little regard for the difficulties we encountered. Again and again, we have proven why humanity is the master of the Milkyway, both by the might of our weaponry and the ancient Godmachine recovered from our shores to the indomitable will of our brave settlers and pioneers carving out more and more space for us to live and prosper within." She paused for a moment to let the cheers die down. "An effort that has not slowed down but accelerated in leaps and bounds thanks to your work," she spoke, once more pausing for the cheering. "And thus I have the pleasure, and privilege, to open not only this park but to reveal a monument that will stand for thousands of generations after us, to remind our children and descendants from whence they came, and for what we, and they, will labor to achieve," she continued, stepping to the side gesturing behind her, where a giant piece of cloth slowly fell to reveal the monument hidden underneath. The cheering was nearly deafening.

Choose One Monument
[] Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman
[] Monument of Lord Regent Guiliman the Patrician
[] Monument of Lord Haku

Chose One Cityscape Improvement
[] Bioluminescent Abundance
[] Automatic Harvesting And Distribution Of Grown Food
[] Artificial Rivers Above And Between Houses

[] Road Network (Stage 2)

Connecting your various installations on the continent will be vital in their stable operation, supply, and moving the produced resources. Having laid the first road and track lines, it is now time to expand the overutilized sections while adding new secondary lines to allow better traffic flow in congested areas.
(-3 Metal, -2 Power, -2 Promethium per Turn (221/403))
After far too long a time, the government's attention once more returned to the slowly congesting streets and overworked public transportation issues plaguing Momi, mainly its capital. Dozens of transportation hubs were erected with all due haste, while tracks and rails for trains were lain or attached to where they could deliver both people and resources to factories and offices. Slowly and spreading like a grey spiderweb, the roads were reinforced and broadened, those showing signs of damage being repaired while new routes were beaten and paved into the planet's soil.

[] Schooling And Education (Stage 2)
A few schools do not make an educational system. Likewise, so too does having more than eighty percent of your population, which is supposed to be within these schools, outside of the same due to not enough space present. Therefore, it is time to start on the long and arduous path to change the current state of affairs. With a crash build of prepared materials, we expect to have enough capacity to fully educate half of our current population. After that, however, we will hit a soft ceiling as most of our educated educational personnel will be utilized fully at that point.
(-2 Money per Turn (462/431), Stage 2 Complete, Stage 3 at (30/575))
With a last effort, all schools we constructed have been staffed fully, with teachers both off-world and those few prodigies accelerated through their training beginning the education of our population. While children are our main target, evening and night classes for adults have enjoyed raging popularity as many see them as an easy way to gain even more leverage of control over their lives and their employers. Yet, a quiet debate has raged within the educational ministry about the exact shape of the academic plan and how long the children should be expected to attend. And if they have to wear uniforms.

[] Yes to Uniforms - (Look/Style)
[] No to Uniforms

[] Academic Focus - Autonomy
[] Academic Focus - Faith
[] Academic Focus - Excellence
[] Academic Focus - Loyalty
[] Academic Focus - (WRITE-IN)

[] School Day Length - 4 Hours
[] School Day Length - 6 Hours
[] School Day Length - 8 Hours
[] School Day Length - (WRITE-IN)

[] Voidport (Stage 1)

A voidport is a massive structure requiring Metal, Promethium, and Power in excess, while legions of workers keep everything running smoothly. Yet, without convenient access to your markets and resources, many traders will likely not visit as often as you'd wish.
(-8 Promethium per Turn (846/1725))
Another mountain of work was pushed onto the workers with the construction effort grinding ever onward, yet more needs to be done. The skeleton for the refueling pipelines has been lain, but not much more than that. Yet, such a monumental effort should not be scoffed at. We are still in the race for the fastest Voidport construction in the entire sector!

[] Shrines And Churches (Stage 2)
While small places of worship and shrines are right and proper for any Imperial World, they leave a lot to be desired for festivals and ceremonies. A general expansion to all existing places, along with the sanctification of additional churches, will allow almost all of our people to attend sermons personally.
(-7 Metal, -3 Power, -4 Promethium per Turn, +4 Morale (398/288), Stage 2 Complete, Stage 3 at (110/345))

Love the Emperor for He is the salvation of mankind
Obey His words
for He will lead you into the light of the future
Heed His wisdom
for He will protect you from evil
Whisper His prayers with devotion,
for they will save your soul
Honor His servants,
for they speak in His voice
Tremble before His majesty,
for we all walk in His immortal shadow

-Imperial hymnal

If the road is easy, the destination is worthless.
-Saint Sabbat

On the Day of Affirmation,
it is the custom to light a candle,
small and sweetly scented,
and while it burns to silently think on those days so long ago.
For a few minutes every year,
the whole universe of mankind falls silent
and bends its mind to one purpose
- billions of billions of souls drawn together in memory of the Great Confessor.

-Ministorum Libra Martyr

The path to duty is often a stony one, made smoother by thought for others.
-Saint Emelia

The Emperor of Mankind is the Light and the Way,
and all his actions are for the benefit of mankind,
which is his people.
The Emperor is God and God is the Emperor,
so it is taught in the Lectio Divinitatus,
and above all things, the Emperor will protect...


[] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 2)
Cogitators are the lifeblood of all Administratum workers. They ensure that the numbers are correct, the files sorted, and no mistake unassigned to the one that made them. Ordering and installing several thousand specialized Cogitation Towers will be very costly but needed to avoid the bloat in personnel many other worlds see.
(-20 Money, -2 Metal, -4 Advanced Machinery, -8 Power, gain Dice (302/638))
Hundreds of cogitators are currently being carefully constructed, ready and eager to be installed into the slowly rising towers of administrative might rising within the heart of our capital.

Light Industry 5 Dice
[-] Promethium Fuel-Silos (Stage 1)

The massive increase in Promethium yield is a blessing for native industry, yet a curse for all the workers working in the Promethium fields. Without any place to store the output, workers need to be fired, and production lowered to prevent any spills into the environment.
(+400 Promethium Storage, +1 Morale (64/69), Completed)
The silos have been created and are awaiting the bounty of promethium that will secure our world ever more riches and economic might.

[] Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 1)
Cars, trains, aircraft, scooters, bikes, boats, and more must be produced, marketed, and sold to the masses who need them. Renting out these spaces for companies to start providing these goods will ensure that nobody will have to walk without wanting to walk.
(+7 Money per Turn, +2 Morale (782/518), Stage 1 Complete, Stage 2 at (264/719))
The last sets of tests and inspections have been fully passed, with over a dozen lines of all kinds of vehicles beginning production in this week alone, eagerly being taken by the hands of individuals and collectives alike. And as production is spooled up even more, increasing the speed of our economic upswing, trends have started to emerge in the people's preferences of vehicles and their uses.

[] Civilian Transportation - (What type of vehicle is bought most for what reason)

Heavy Industry 5 Dice
[] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 2)

01010111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 01110011 00101100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01010011 01110000 01101001 01110010 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100001
(-12 Metal, -8 Power, -5 People, -3 Morale, -8 Metal per Turn, -6 Promethium per Turn, +2 Advanced Machinery per Turn, +6 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (370/467))
01010100 01101111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01000010 01100101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01001111 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100001 00100000 01010000 01110101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001100 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01110111 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100101 01101110 01100111 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 00100000 01010000 01101001 01110011 01110100 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01010000 01110101 01101101 01110000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 01010100 01101111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01000010 01100101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01010100 01110111 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100001 00100000 00100000 01010111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110000 01110101 01110011 01101000 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000010 01110101 01110100 01110100 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100110 01101001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000101 01101110 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100001 01110010 01101011 00100000 01010100 01110101 01110010 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 01010100 01101111 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01000010 01100101 01101100 01101100 00100000 01010100 01101000 01110010 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100001 00100000 00100000 01010011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 00100000 01000111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01000001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 01110011
-Catechism of the Autoculus of Mars

01000001 01100011 01101111 01101100 01111001 01110100 01100101 00111010 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01010011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01101001 01110100 01101111 01110010 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110100 01110100 01100101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00111111 00100000 01010100 01100101 01100011 01101000 01110000 01110010 01101001 01100101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01111010 01110010 01101111 01101110 00111010 00100000 01001010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110000 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 01110011 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101110
-A conversation overheard within the Shrine.

Military 5 Dice
[] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 2)

While bunkers and a Lance are an excellent first step, your engineers and sappers can do much more. Trench lines, proper supply lines, maintenance depots, floating reserve spots, the works.
((572/518), Stage 2 Complete, Stage 3 at (54/719))
"Mmh, yes, those are trenches, alright. Oooh! Did you link them up with an underground train? Smart!"
-The Krieger

Agriculture And Aquaculture 5 Dice
[-] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 2) - (4 AaA Dice Locked)

With the finding of the hivemind islands and the trouble in acquiring Sylvaneth for study, new approaches have been initiated in construction and trapping. The focus will be placed on investigating whether these islands present any danger to human lives and if they can be somehow used for the good of the Republic. At the same time, covert teams of specially trained soldiers will seek through the forests and jungles on the main continent in a grid search, armed to the teeth with all manner of tranquilizers to catch, subdue, and return a living Sylvaneth if possible. Of course, a corpse should be fine too, but less useful for our efforts.
Efforts continue unabated, though slight morale problems have emerged from those troops sent deep into the jungles for weeks and months on end. A cycling of our teams has been initiated to reduce fatigue and discontent.

[] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3)
Having found almost everything you can in the High Ocean, you will now descend into the deep dark below, seeking out the strange, alien, and beautiful. After that, you'll try to eat the things.
Nothing new in the underzee. Efforts continue.

[] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 2)
With the recently acquired Grox Herds, meat farming can be expanded to take advantage of the tasty, nutritious, and easy to cultivate source of protein for our people. Though facilities for the lobotimization of the Grox need to be constructed, their cost will rapidly be overshadowed by the tasty profit (Legally distinct) Grox Burgers will provide for us.
(8 Metal, -1 Advanced Machinery, -2 Power, -4 People, -4 Promethium per Turn, +10 Money per Turn, +24 Food per Turn (268/288))
An expansion to factory farming has been initiated with slight problems in the lobotimization process of the Grox, costing valuable time and money as incorrect data needed to be corrected by the native Mago Biolgis currently studying a new type of algae discovered in the underzee. The grumbling of needing to "provide servitor-brained menials with menial data" has been heard all over the recently finished factories, with only a slight tweaking of the internal machinery required to complete the effort.

Services 4 Dice
[] Mea hoʻokō Recruitment (Stage 4)

This last effort is needed to ensure that every city, town, and village is guarded against criminals and traitors by the valiant eyes and guards of the Mea hoʻokō in perpetuity. Barring large-scale deaths or population growth.
(+4 Morale (797/834))
Another batch of recruits has been dropped from the effort after failing to meet the standards, yet the rest has been fully cleared and expected to complete the courses and training, with only a dozen at most expected to flush out.

[-] Music Studio, Theater And Opera Subsidies (Stage 1)
Music is, universally, seen as a pleasant experience for many, something to soothe, calm, excite, anger, and more, depending on the artist and piece. Aiding new and eager musicians can only help with the birth of native culture while also gaining a neat profit from taxation. These musicians will also assist the theater and opera houses opening with subsidies from the government, ready to bring stories of love, hate, drama, epic, comedy, and more to the people and elite tourists alike.
(+4 Money per Turn (169/173), Completed)
The newly created infrastructure and programs offering musicians and actors a vast space and funding to follow their profession have started on a high note. The finished churches and shrines hired large swaths of the recently professional artists for ceremonies or events. Simultaneously, stories and sagas of both our initials populations past and those immigrated were played and shown everywhere, with dozens of names already gathering clout and fame. Due to the people's enthusiasm, large swaths of music genres and theatrical shows managed to attract gatherings behind them, with discussions as lively as they could get.

[] (What music genre is the most popular? (Hymnals, Grunge, etc.))
[] (What type of theatre is the most popular? (Drama, Romance, etc.))

[] Adventure Packages (Stage 1)

Why bother? Just offer them the real Momi, give them the possibility to purchase ludicrously up-charged equipment, and chuck them into the wilderness after signing off any responsibility we carry. Then we'll lift them out after an hour with a shuttle when they get stung by an insect or spooked by a friendly sharkhound. Or after they'd died because they're dumb idiots who didn't read the primer on our wildlife.
(-5 Money, +15 Money per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (96/86), Stage 1 Complete, Stage 2 at (10/144))[/SPOILER]
The bags of survival gear have been lovingly curated, with a dozen Valkyries having been taken from obsolete programs to be on stand-by for the moment the first tourist purchases an Adventure Package. The assigned personnel has been training for quick and professional rescues, but some had to be reprimanded for breaking strict no-fly areas.

Bureaucracy Dice 3

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: Nā Hoʻomaka

The First Momi Representative (39 seats, 61.6%)
- 9 Seats (14.2%) for Green Momi Party
- 8 Seats (12.7%) for Sleeping Leviathan Party
- 8 Seats (12.7%) for The Conservative Party
- 4 Seats (6.3%) for The Machine Alliance Party
- 4 Seats (6.3%) for The Health Party
- 3 Seats (4.7%) for The Equality for All Party
- 3 Seats (4.7%) for Paradise Party
Create A Commission To Manage Pollution - Green Momi Party - Fulfilled - (+1d4+1 Seats in the next election)
Formalize Harsh Punishments For Polluting The Environment - Green Momi Party - Fulfilled - (+1d4 Seats in the next election)
Implement A Universal Draft - Sleeping Leviathan Party - (+2 Seats in the next election)
Form A Competent Militia - Sleeping Leviathan Party - (+2 Seats in the next election)
Achieve Full Self-Sufficiency - Conservative Party and The Equality For All Party
Start The Tourism Industry - Paradise Party - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Initiate Military Mechanization Efforts - The Machine Alliance Party - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Finish Two Biosphere Research Initiatives - The Health Party
Commander: Hancock
Tithe: Voluntary
Recruitment: Professional Force
Training: Guard
Equipment: Guard, Auxilliary Sharkhound Rough Riders, Tauros Scout Auxilliary
Special Forces:
-Coastal Defenders - Units trained and equipped for combat in tropical environments.
-Dive Troopers - Units trained and equipped for combat deep underwater. Honorifics
Alaxa Inuras - Psyker
- Gamma
Traits - Actually Sane (Whats on the tin), My name is Alaxa Inuras. This is a lie. (???)

1st Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Megatooth Hunters
Regimental Standard: A green field semé of hurts (a background of green with blue polka-dots) charged with a stylized, black, rearing sharkhound. A white Roman numeral one (1) is in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Lamia Orca / Female
Traits: Logistics Focused (Reduced supply consumption), Vigilant (Low chance to negate surprise attacks)

2nd Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Hoplites
Regimental Standard: A green field charged with a black Cretan labyrinth in the fly and a blue Greek helm in the hoist. A white Roman numeral two (2) in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Theseus Daedalus / Male
Traits: Muscled (Increased Melee and Assassination Survival Chance), Parent To Their Soldiers (Increased regimental morale)
Accolades: 1x The Order of the Leviathan (1x Beastmen Minotauress for killing five (5) Xenos)

3rd Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Cenote Divers
Regimental Standard: A green field semé of blue spirals with black borders. A white Roman numeral three (3) is in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Ellison Kahanamoku / Male
Traits: Zero Fucks (Cannot be bribed), Good Cuppa (Increased regimental morale)
Accolades: 2x The Koa of Valor (2x Male Humans, for drawing a group of Xenos away from a village (Posthumous Award))
"The Koa of Valor" for Bravery
An inverted, five-point, bronze star with a stylized acacia koa branch set upon it. The service ribbon is green with black borders. If this award is earned more than once, a bronze pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon.

"The Marksman's Cross" for Excellent Shooting
A silver Celtic, Greek cross. The service ribbon is black with green borders. If this award is earned more than once, a silver pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon.

"The Order of the Leviathan" for Daring Action
A golden disk with a stylized leviathan skull set upon it. The service ribbon is solid black. If this award is earned more than once, a gold pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon
Harpoon Munitions
Specially developed munitions for use underwater. Currently in use by all naval forces of Momi, with no shortages or bottlenecks in their production.

Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds
Powerful armor-piercing rounds. The deuterium core is replaced by a solid adamantine core and uses a heavier main charge. [1] Upon impact, the outer casing peels away, and the high-velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super-hardened metal further into the wound. These are effective against heavily-armored infantry. Currently handed out only to trusted veteran gunners when heavy resistance is expected, or no information on enemy composition. The cost of the ammunition sees it produced with great reluctance, and only a small stockpile of 5.000 rounds is kept.

Hellfire Rounds
Replaces the core and tip of the standard bolt round with a vial of mutagenic acid and thousands of needles that fire into the target's flesh on impact, pumping the acid into the target. Developed especially to combat Tyranids, Hellfire Rounds have equally devastating results on other organic targets. Unfortunately, the cost of these rounds sees them only produced in small batches of 50 per year, at which point they are handed out in single bullet cases, requiring authorization from Major and up to be used in combat. Only veteran elite snipers may be given these rounds.
Com-Bead Proliferation
With the production of a tested and venerated Pattern of Com-Bead, the interplay and coordination of our forces have grown nearly thrice-fold.
Rationalized Tauros
Are seatbelts really needed? Didn't think so. (+Number)

Taurox with Cannon
Put a cannon on that thing. Soldiers love cannons. (+Damage)

Efficient Administrators. (+5 to all Rolls.)
Uncorrupted Government (+10 to all rolls due to the Oihana Hooia (Anti-Corruption Agency)) (Story Trait)
Righteous Mea hoʻokō (Story Trait)
Indifferent towards Psykers (Story Trait)
Dislike of Human/Beastmen Couples (Story Trait)
Attempted Beacon of Learning (Story Trait)
Bioluminescent Courting (Bioluminescent flowers are a traditional courting gift, while elaborate bioluminescent tattoos symbolically connect the two emerge as part of the wedding.)
Glowclothes (Cheongsam created using vibrant bioluminescent dyes, suitable for several decades before the glow fades and still beautiful afterward. Truly livening up the nightlife scene!)
Animation Appreciation
[Rank 5] Traditional Animation (Tom And Jerry)
[Rank 4] 2D-3D Fusion #3 (Planetes)
[Rank 3] Stop Motion (Wallace And Gromit/Fantastic Mr.Fox)
[Rank 2] 2D Animation #5 (Gravity Falls)
[Rank 1] 3D Animation #3 (Space Pirate Captain Harlock)
Cooperative And Collective Driven Economy (+1 Morale to all finished Industrial Actions, +1 People cost per Industrial Action/Stage, can expend 1 Morale for 20% progress.)
Sharkhounds (+1 due to Domestication Stage 2, Story Trait)
Massive Purge of Traitors (Story Trait)
Recovered A Titan (Story Trait)
Survived An Invasion Attempt (Story Trait)
[REDACTED] (Story Trait)
Draconian Anti-Pollution Measures (Story Trait)
Liberal Drug Legislation (Story Trait)
Progressive Taxation System (Law)
Currency Name: Mohala (Story Trait)
Emergency Powers (Law)
The Empowered And Their Duty:
The Head of State can immediately activate (or recall) all militia and reserve units to secure the planet in any strategically viable military or civilian support capacity. This could be for patrolling neighborhoods, active combat, S&R/Evacuation coordination, etc. (Normally, Militia & reserve have a delay built into possible activation and only have limited potential roles). They also can select some of these units based on location, expertise, or other relevant criteria. Efforts shall be made to distribute duties where possible to spread experience and knowledge and decrease disruption to any single unit or group of units.

The prime minister can draft/conscript any legal adult in non-military/warfare support roles (excluding Militia or reserve) to assist non-combat defense preparations (industry, infrastructure, transportation, fortification, civilian support, etc.). The elderly that are able-minded will not be excluded, although the duties assigned should consider their physical health. The prime minister can also mass quarantine and mass vaccinate in case of a plague outbreak. In the event of chaos or heretic action, a note/flag will be attached to their family's permanent records. Additional monitoring/surveillance will focus on their family and associates for one year (no judiciary review required). The prime minister will have the power to temporarily claim unoccupied housing or buildings for the government in the case of widespread civilian displacement. These shall be used for shelter, medical care, food distribution, or coordinating relief efforts until the emergency is declared over (or for 15 days afterward in case of widespread civilian displacement). Reimbursement of costs to repair damages and a base charge for the use cost shall be given to owners after the emergency has ended.

Either house can vote to enact emergency powers with 2/3rds of the living members and be confirmed with a simple majority in the other house (living members).

Any legislature or executive branches member can declare an emergency and call a vote to grant emergency powers to the head of state and prime minister.

Powers will last for 50 days, or until the prime minister, head of state, chief justice, or chancellor of the Oihana Hooia declare the emergency has ended.

What Requires Their Activation:
In case of invasion or Xeno threat existing on His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo or substantial presence in space nearby. Emergency powers are also triggered in the case of open chaos or widespread heretic presence or displacement of 30% of the populace or death/loss of 15% of the populace.

Consequences Of Abuse:
The Chief Justice or Lunakanawai Nui or the Chancellor or Kanikela of the Oihana Hooia can end the emergency. Actions taken during the crisis by those empowered can result in criminal charges after the emergency condition has lifted. A detailed review of activities and inactions leading up to the emergency will be conducted to better prepare Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo for the future.
Militia Laws (Law)
[Emergency Draft] - All those Ages 20 to 30 will be required to present themselves to their nearest Militia Barracks or Gathering Point in the event of a declared Emergency.

[Militia Use] - Only Limited Attacks will be ordered to the Militia to cut off any attacks or attempts thereof towards Civilian Infrastructure or Targets, like Housing, Hospitals, Water Treatment Plants, etc.

[Militia Organization] - All those between the ages of 20 to 30 can voluntarily join the Militia, where they will be organized in numbers equal to double the professional Military. They will be equipped and trained with common Lasguns and Flak Wests, learning their operation and maintenance under the supervision of the Adeptus Mechanicum and Military members for four Hours per Week.
Public Tax Returns (Law)
All government employees, from the lowest rung to the highest office, are hereby forced to file and make their tax forms public to place a further barrier between the nation's health and those seeking to rot its workings with corruption.
All corporations are required to file all their taxes in a publicly available manner to lay bare any loopholes, criminal activity, or avoidance of taxation.
Under the order of a court of the Republic, a citizen may be forced to publicize their Tax Returns.
All citizens have the right to publicize their tax returns.
Diverted Profit Tax (Law)
A punitive tax imposed on individuals, institutions, corporations, etc., who conduct business on Momi without filing taxes with the Momi government, including public tax returns when applicable.
Failure to pay these high tax rates can result in further legal actions depending on the circumstances.
Unexplained Wealth Order (Law)
The Republic maintains the right to freeze money suspected to have been obtained via illegal means or be used in illicit trades or for other purposes damaging the nation's well-being and security. This freeze can only last for a week without explicit court orders.


(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate about what it means.)

Doom Clocks:
9/100 Mundane Corruption - (No effect yet)
0/100 Chaos Corruption - (No effect yet)
1/100 Sylvaneth Anger - (No effect)

Demands: Shrines And Churches Stage 3
Demographic: 9.24% Total Population
-Right To Own Land
-Right To Fair Trial By Their Peers
-Right To Inheritance
-Punishment Of Intentional Discrimination
-Right To Open A Bank Account

Money: 154 (+21 Per Turn)
Metal: 23/150 (+19 Per Turn)
Alloys: 17/20 (+16 Per Turn)
Advanced Machinery: 0/25 (+1 Per Turn)
Promethium: 65/550 (+27 Per Turn)
Food: 60/400 (+20 Per Turn)
Power: 58
People: 1 (+13 Per Turn)(Beastmen Citizens, +6 to all rolls)
Morale: 10/10 (+25 to all rolls)
Dice Bonus: +47 (22(Bonuses)+25(Morale))
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[x] Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman

[x] Artificial Rivers Above And Between Houses

[x] No to Uniforms

[x] Academic Focus - Loyalty

[x] School Day Length - 6 Hours

[x] Civilian Transportation - Amphibious Car

00100000 01010100 01100101 01100011 01101000 01110000 01110010 01101001 01100101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01111010 01110010 01101111 01101110

Thanks for cameo.

edit: added vehicle vote.
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[] Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman

Because really this is what it all comes down to... please don't let them eat my soul...

Chose One Cityscape Improvement
[] Bioluminescent Abundance
[] Automatic Harvesting And Distribution Of Grown Food
[] Artificial Rivers Above And Between Houses

I am ambivalent towards all three of these... they all are cool in their own ways.

[] Yes to Uniforms - (Different depending on school, but all related to military of some type. Navel, Army, Etc...)

Uniforms in school can be a really good thing. Even if it is just a gym uniform. I think that here the uniforms should aim to be both 'cute' and 'military' to both remember that this is a garden world and that the students might one day be called on to fight for it.

[] Academic Focus - Faith

I think that emphasizing excellence and loyalty in Faith is where it should be. Not just blind dogma. Blind Faith leads to curruption.

[] School Day Length - (An hour longer than the typical Work Day)

School should be a form of baby sitting for most parents. At least for younger children. There should be schooling options that occupy the kids while their parents are at work.

[] Civilian Transportation - (Scooters/Bikes for land and Gondolas for water)

Keep our cities clean and our citizens healthy. Also safer for everyone. For babies there are carriers that can be attached behind most two wheel vehicles (I have one for my bike)

[] (What music genre is the most popular? (Country)
[] (What type of theatre is the most popular? (Rom-Com or Hallmark)

Country can be a lot of different things and a healthy outlet for many... and in Grim-Dark healthy outlets are needed. Also... Rom-Coms and Hallmark movies are eternally bad and watchable.
[X] Lights and Trees
-[X] Monument of Lord Haku
-[X] Bioluminescent Abundance
-[X] Yes to Uniforms - (Different depending on the school, but all related to military of some type. Navel, Army, Etc...)
-[X] School Day Length - (An hour longer than the typical Work Day)
-[X] Academic Focus - Faith (With a traditional emphasis of binding a community together.)
-[X] Civilian Transportation - (Scooters/Bikes for land and Gondolas for water)
-[X] (What music genre is the most popular? (Folk music)
-[X] (What type of theatre is the most popular? (Greek Chorus)

Biolumiescents just to keep the cost of electricity down is a good thing I would say.
I liked what @bobboky has though I just prefer Folk over Country music. Just thought it would be somewhat interesting to see this kind of theater make a comeback.
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[x] Monument of Lord Haku
[x] Yes to Uniforms - (Different depending on school, but all related to military of some type. Navel, Army, Etc...)
[x] Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman
[x] School Day Length - 6 Hours
I think that here the uniforms should aim to be both 'cute' and 'military'
You should add that to the vote then, otherwise it won't be counted, or people will be angry when I add that and they didn't vote for that.
I think that emphasizing excellence and loyalty in Faith is where it should be.
Another write-in.
School should be a form of baby sitting for most parents. At least for younger children. There should be schooling options that occupy the kids while their parents are at work.
Then please add that such options will be added to the school system.
[] Academic Focus - Faith

I think that emphasizing excellence and loyalty in Faith is where it should be. Not just blind dogma. Blind Faith leads to curruption.
We already have churches for the faith and one of the main reasons we are focusing on schools is to avoid things like blind faith. Honestly I think we have done more than enough or at the least the churches are enough. It seems like it makes sense to focus on other stuff that aren't automatic. I'd suggest loyalty to encourage people to have real loyalty to the people and community around them instead of just the Imperium.
[x] Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman

[x] Artificial Rivers Above And Between Houses

[x] Yes to Uniforms

[x] Academic Focus - Excellence

[x] School Day Length - 6 Hours
The Emperor of Mankind is the Light and the Way,
and all his actions are for the benefit of mankind,
which is his people.
The Emperor is God and God is the Emperor,
so it is taught in the Lectio Divinitatus,
and above all things, the Emperor will protect...

Huh, I thought that was Lorgar, but I was wrong. It was actually Euphrati Keeler. Neat.
[X] Monument of Lord Haku
[X] Bioluminescent Abundance
[X] Yes to Uniforms - military design with some extra effects of plant on momi
[X] Academic Focus - Excellence

[x] School Day Length - 8 Hours
[X] Civilian Transportation - (Scooters/Bikes for land and Gondolas for water)
[X] (What type of theatre is the most popular?(Epics)
[X] (What music genre is the most popular? (Gospel)

I hope people like this one I was just using things we have culturally to improve where I thought.
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[X]Practical Free thinking
[X] Monument of Lord Regent Guiliman the Patrician
The guy actually working on the thankless tasks to make the imperium a better place to live deserves some recognition
[X] Automatic Harvesting And Distribution Of Grown Food
One of the biggest issues for major hive cities in 40k is food with with even the slightest delay for interplanetary food shipments risking a foot riot within days at most since its impossible for those massive cities to store enough food to last more than a few days delay , this fixes that problem
[X] No to Uniforms
I hate uniforms , they force children to learn conformity ,undermine free thinking and teach them that standing out is a bad thing , plus it seems like a logistics problem we are making for ourselves as economic power is going to be wasted making all those uniforms
[X] Academic Focus - Excellence
we already have police force to deal with corruption , so their is no risk and plenty to gain form encouraging excellence , after all what is the point of an education if its to make you the best you you can be
[X] School Day Length - 6 Hours plus a bunch of state funded after school activities parents can sign their kids up for that stretch the school day up to an hour longer than the average work day , as one of schooling more practical uses is to get kids out from underfoot in a safe and supervised way
[x] Monument of Lord Haku
[X] Automatic Harvesting And Distribution Of Grown Food
[x] Yes to Uniforms

[x] Academic Focus - Excellence

[x] School Day Length - 8 Hours